Palworld - Starter Guide: How to Optimize Your Base Early!

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what is happening guys Cowboy here and welcome to my starter guide for POW world now I have started over initially I was playing solo and then ended up hopping to a dedicated server with my friends and was able to ramp all the way up to what are we at now we are Level 23 and this is probably under 10 hours uh probably closer to like 7 or eight uh and once you really know what you're doing obviously things can flow quite quickly in this game the whole point of this video is really just sharing that info with you giving you some lessons that I learned to help ramp things up faster and help you on your journey and the first thing I want to talk about is base locations because base location is fairly important uh early on you're only going to have access to one base after you get the base up to level 10 which you do via the base upgrade thing you'll be able to get access to a second base but so your initial base placement is going to be quite important and there are a couple areas that are really really good that I'd like to talk about uh the first we're actually going to travel right over here near the rain Tower Syndicate entrance I'm going to talk about a starting area over there as well as a second potential and then we'll talk about my current base location pull on out our van worm and ride on over now what I really like about this base location right here is it's relatively close to the start this area right here if you take the plateau of Beginnings you can see you just follow the road and you have a very nice open area here you can see we have some or deposits over there there are some uh or deposits that tend to spawn over there along that area plenty of access to trees nearby plenty of access to Stone this is a very very beginner friendly location the only real downside of this is you're open on multiple angles so there's multiple areas that raids could potentially come from though in general your pals are going to handle that well now probably one of the most important things when it comes to making a base is ensuring that you're going to have access to ore ore is one of the resources that as far as I know you can't just passively generate it in base and so making sure you have easy access to ore is going to be very important Aura is used to make the ingots which is going to be used to make the Steel weapons it's going to be used to uh help craft the guns the crossbow all that stuff it's it's a big Tech increase and so having easy access to that is quite important and from this bace there's actually a pretty close spot right here you can see we have a very nice or deposit that's on the map showing where that's at just Northeast of Chile so from the rain Syndicate Tower we would just follow this path cut East and we get over here uh there's a large open plane right there that is where chillet spawn so I wouldn't recommend making your base there but there are a couple areas near here that you could consider making a base to have easy access to all this ore now besides that there is an area you can make a base that has lots and lots of access to ore and that is where we're going to go right now that's actually where I have my current base where I decided to uh to remake it when starting over on the dedicated server with the gang I'm going to I'm going to share this spot it's my honestly I think it's one of the best spots in the game to make a base at least from from an early base perspective given I'm not up to the the late game type stuff yet but hopping on over to the base location pull out our Mount and talk about why this area is so fantastic now to get over here from the plateau Beginnings she would just follow the path you would get over to the bridge of twin Knights you'd go up and then you would make a left and that's going to bring you right up here to this nice Plateau what's nice here is it's very flat we're on a cliff so if we're going to get raided at all it's going to come from One Direction and just look at all the ore this is more ore than you're ever going to have to worry about you can run out mine it all deposit in a box your base is going to use that stuff very very nice spot uh if this is taken there's a couple nice flat areas there's one that's right over there that's very nice uh this one right here is very nice if you come over here early keep in mind that some of the stuff around here is higher level there are some 20s there are some 25s uh but I ran over here when I was like level six and got the base up and running so it is possible you just got to be careful the robin quills in particular if you're cutting trees around them they tend to get a little aggressive so do be cautious around them but you know otherwise this is this is a fantastic area I cannot recommend this enough uh so on that note the next thing I want to talk about is actual Base building and some things to keep in mind when building your base now I've seen a lot of people talk about uh you know farming up certain things and and how to farm it and the thing is once your base is operational almost everything is going to be completely automated within the base and what I mean by this is you're not going to really have to worry about anything except for starting things saying Hey I want to make ingots once you say I want to make ingots everyone else is going to go to work and those ingots are going to get created so you know for example over here they have a bunch of wood that's being created I just got back on after waking up so we're up to 2300 wood right now but when it comes to getting base automation uh really what this is going to come down to just picking up some stuff that they're getting done that's good that's good uh is going to be work suitability now the work suitability menu is going to be one of the most important things this determines what your specific pals are good at kindling is going to be necessary for things that involve finer uh excuse me fire like the the furnace or the heater planting is going to be your pals that are going to be planting seeds handiwork is anything that involves building around the base lumbering is cutting down trees medicine production is producing medicine at the table transporting is moving stuff that is full into boxes for you watering very similar to kindling is going to be for a lot of things that involve water like the grinder for example generating electricity you're not going to need to worry about too early I'm up to 21 22 and I still don't have anything that requires electricity so don't worry about that initially Gathering is very important uh in conjunction with planting this is going to make sure they are gathering the things that you have planted uh the things you you the harvesting if you will and then uh making sure that those get used mining is going to be for the people that are going to work the mine cooling is going to be for things like the cooling block and the fridge and then farming these guys just basically sit passively at the farm and they're going to pump items out for you depending on what they are and so an easy way to do this is if you go to your pow boox management menu and we look at Pals at base what I want you to do is just scroll over them and just go down the list you see here so I can see fire check that's done water check okay seed check we're not worried about electricity he has the next three handycraft uh he has planting he also has rocks over here we have mining covered uh for medicine we have medicine covered from a couple people we have somebody that's doing Frost we have a couple different people that are doing boxes and then of course I have one person at the farm that is doing grazing and and that's what we want to look for to to determine if our base is doing healthy we have all of our work suitability categories on uh covered another thing with work suitability is certain things are better at others for example this guy has two with logging uh this guy has two with handycraft and two with transporting that just means they're going to be more efficient at those tasks compared to other Pals so if I want something built this guy uh right here with two handycraft is going to be better than this guy with one handycraft but so first thing is making sure all those areas are covered if those areas are covered your base is doing great next let's talk about base layout a little bit uh and some of the most important things where kind of how I've laid them out and why uh house doesn't need to be too big right now I have my house using as just a quick bed and then an egg incubation station inside so first thing is chests uh I like to lay out a bunch of chests near the start of the base this being that I can open them I can hit R and it's going to vacuum stuff out of my chest so I can go by each Quest all right each chest here FR FR FR and then anything that I have in my inventory is going to go into its respective chest which is really nice just from a a you know quick organizational perspective as long as you don't have a partner who's putting things in the wrong chests next pal beds uh our pal beds up here in the corner you can see we have 12 Pals right now beds this means we have 16 beds for 12 Pals I've seen a lot of people they look at this and they're like whoa we're down beds no the beds number comes first I I have more than I need just cuz beds are easy to make and I want to make sure I have the space for them um next let's talk about keeping the palace happy in the base the two most important things are going to be food and of course access to the hot spring now there are a couple components to getting the food up and running you're going to need to have plots so I have two Berry plots over here a little bit later you're going to have access to wheat plots which we have over here and then as long as those are being worked on you can put some food pales and you can see we have lots of Wheat and milk going into that one over into this one we have lots of berries and this is where this is we're having access to to all those skills come in cuz somebody is going to plant those seeds somebody is going to gather those seeds and then somebody is going to transport those seeds and it's going to put them in these feed boxes to make sure everyone's Fed so this is on a dedicated server I went to bed I woke up you can see looking at the base everyone's in good condition you know people were working all night if I go to my menu and I scroll through uh sanity is looking pretty good for the most part you're getting a little low uh if somebody starts getting low that guy's down to to 68 on sanity I'll probably grab him swap him out with somebody else let him take a break pull another one on out and let them get to work and do some stuff uh Hot Springs of course these are great for sanity but those are the two big things make sure you have areas that they can deposit food to eat make sure they have hot springs that's generally going to keep them happy and then as long as you have those work suitability categor is fulfilled they're going to take care of all the automation for you moving on from there some important things in terms of progression uh of course over here this is going to be passive wood production now it's not going to be as fast as you just going down and cutting trees but it is really nice in the sense that you know I went to bed woke up and then I have 2400 wood available ready to go these guys are just going to keep cutting down the wood they're going to keep working in a similar fashion over here we have the stone now in terms of I would only do one of each and one thing that's really nice is I put them very close to the chest and the reason for this is that way I can look if there's a th000 wood I can hit a chire on it I can look right back to the chest and I can deposit it it's very easy to overburden yourself pulling resources from these so it's recommended that you have a chest that is really close to them just to make that depositing process easier over here in your water wheel this is where we're going to get all of our Palladium from uh early on your main sources of Palladium is going to be finding the little nodes but as you find dungeons dungeons have very very large uh nodes of Palladium that you can mine but besides that going here turning your stone into padium is going to be one of the main ways that it gets created so always have this going just make sure you have that padium cooking so you can have plenty of pow balls ready to go as for the furnaces I recommend having two furnaces generally I have one pumping ingots full time but since I just woke up I got to do a fresh ore run and then I have one pumping charcoal early on charcoal isn't used all that much but once you get into the 20s you'll Discover it is a component of gunpowder which is obviously quite important want to make sure we have plenty of that because the last thing you want is running out of guns so going to deposit that U moving on to the farm the farm is rather interesting the way the farm works is you just pick something that has the the ability to to graze something that can go in the farm and then it is going to pop out a specific resource now some of these are quite basic looking at our pal boox menu if I put this one it's going to drop wool when it's assigned to the range if I put this one it's going to drop wool when it's assigned to the ranch um let me see who else has farming that we can look at I know the cats they're going to do gold coins when they are sitting at the ranch uh these guys are going to drop berries the cows are going to do milk but there are some really interesting ones when I was playing solo I got a thing that uh I posited at the ranch and it would continually produce flame organs there's one that will continually produce uh the the ice organs for you or the electric organs so Farm don't sleep on the farm there's some very useful stuff you can get at the farm your wheat you're eventually going to get to that's going to be in the same category as berries but wheat is important to have access to flour which flour is going to be relevant when it comes to the breeding facility now the two things you're going to need for the breeding facility are obviously one monster of male and female and then you're also going to need to make a cake to make a cake we get that over here at the cooking station uh right here you can see we need flowers eggs milk berries and honey uh the rarest ingredient of that I've seen is the honey and there's a couple enemies there's actually some right around here called Cinder moths that I see that drop the honey you can also get the honey from the B enemies but the idea is you put one of each male and female both in there you're going to slap a cake in there and they're going to make a baby maybe you get a cross breed maybe not uh but that is the main way to work that and the one thing I want to point out with the the facilties it's quite big so when you're planting your base you're going to need a pretty large area to throw this on down so just keep that in mind it takes up a lot more space than you would anticipate uh so that is all we really need to know in terms of optimizing the base the last thing I want to talk about is the fence you'll notice I have a very large circular fence that goes around the entire base with a singular opening here the main reason for this being that if there's an opening if a raid does occur enemies are going to come straight through here and that's what I want I want enemies to come through a choke point I want them to go through this area especially with this little hump they might stumble a little bit uh but the idea is enemies just by default and how AI Works they're not going to attack the wall they're going to go oh charge in through this area and then that gives me a choke point where everything is going to Chuck its skills and blow them up and on top of that having this entire thing walled in ensures that you don't have a cow that like wanders outside the base onto a cliff and then ends up getting itself killed uh so now that we have covered base automation we've talked a little bit about starting areas the next thing I want to talk about is the tech tree and some key areas in the tech tree that I would really recommend you keep your eye on now initially you're going to want to just kind of go down the list and grab almost everything you see repair kit this is going to be useful for repairing structures but alternatively you could always just run up to a structure hit build hit disassemble disassemble it and just rebuild it uh you know that that's that's equally as fast so that is generally what I do as opposed to to doing the the repair kits uh but some big things to look out for your Shields as well as parachutes these are of course always going to be fantastic upgrades to get and later on we're going to get upgrades to both of those with the mega Shield as well as the mega glider uh this is just going to give us 260 compared to 100 and this one's going to allow us to fly faster in terms of Weaponry your ranged weapons are always going to be the strongest thing available by far the spear doesn't come remotely close to the potency of the bow so in general you're going to get your old bow after that if you're going progression the three shot bow is nice but if you're moving fast and you get up to the crossbow the crossbow is a significant upgrade over the three shot bow uh I was very hesitant about that at first myself and then once I got it I was like this is you know this is this no contest uh so yeah you can see that thing walked in the base and they're like no no you don't belong here you're going to die uh so yeah getting access to your crossbow very very useful um moving on from there obviously we start getting stuff like the meas sphere the sphere workbench in general for the stuff like poison and fire I avoided those in both playthroughs so far just because these are going to require the specific fire as well as the poison arrows which means you're using up your flame organs as well as your poison to craft keep in mind if a pal is poisoned or on fire they're going to take more damage but that's a level of Min maxing I haven't found necessary you know just using regular arrows considering we can Tech from the old bow up to the three shot up to the crossbow and still just use regular old arrows I found that to be the best bang for the buck uh in terms of of your progression and obviously from there the next step is getting into guns things like the musket into the stun baton but some some really important things you can kind of see I've already picked up some of the most important things as we gone through the crusher uh the hotring I haven't found a need for the tropical outfits yet I haven't gone to those region regions and on top of that there are more advanced tropical outfits like the cold resistant pellet and the flame resistant pellet a little bit later on so keep that in mind uh flame cauldron and toolbox these are fantastic they are a one time place them in the base upgrade really nice to get access to that unknown stuff this is typically going to be saddles that you need to unlock but until you have captured that pal you're not going to see that accessible um which I teched up so it looks like we're going to be making the metal gear soon and we're of course going to need a water fountain to improve that and go ahead and unlock that I've been taking all of our team's ancient Tech points but for good reason I'm doing all the crafting you know uh some other stuff the coolers as well as the heaters these are great for helping your eggs cooking pot very useful obviously we need to make cakes from that um wooden defensive wall to completely go around our base um as for your your skills now the skills are very very useful but my thing is I tend to just rely more on the raw skills that are available to my pal um if you want to do stuff like jolt Hogs gloves or the necklace or Fox Sparks harness this stuff is super cool it is super effective uh just keep in mind it means like hey you're keeping this fox Sparks in your party for a long time you know you want to you want to get value out of that uh crafting and whatnot but they're they're very low Point Investments so don't feel like you know I'm not saying you shouldn't avoid avoid them or anything uh it's just you know if you really like Daydream get that necklace and it's going to stay by side and attack enemies and tandem with you you know get this and you get your harness uh moving away from Tech last thing I want to talk about is flying now the Nightwing saddle as far as I know I think this is the first flying harness we get but if we go down a little bit we get a vam worm saddle at 21 and that is what I would recommend working your way up to uh these guys are significantly faster than the the Nightwing in being able to ride we can get them quite easily from the Ravine entrance just right over here but once you get access to a flying Mount this is where you're really going to see a big jump up in your capturing efficiency and you can see it right now all of those green orbs these are the Effigies that I turn in to increase my capturing efficiency and having access to Flying and the game being nighttime they they just pop up like little dots on the map and so that is why if before you you worry too much about like trying to to complete the whole pal deck and capture everything which by the way that is the fastest way to level up by far uh if you're trying to to grind levels out go through capture all 10 go through capture all 10 go through oh that one I don't have 10 on yet I think the chicken I'm down to like three or something where we go yeah three uh but just burning through and hitting those 10 capture bonuses just until you hit 10 capture it when you see it CU an important thing to keep in mind is let's say you need flame organs yeah you could kill the fire Pals but if you capture them you also get the flame organ so always capture up to 10 get that XP bonus that is the fastest way to ramp up your experience by far as you play the game uh and that's why I'm up to to you know what is it 23 while my partner is still at 14 cuz he sits here and he thinks he has to craft stuff even though the entire base is automated and he doesn't go out capturing anything uh but yeah getting up to Flying that is is going to be huge for you cuz because once you you get up to Flying night time you can go out and hunt those stuff and then of course we just go to our statue of power and spend them uh while we're here talking about enhancing Pals so we can put pal Souls into Pals to enhance their attack Mage HP Defense work speed honestly I'm not too worried about this early on I think late game this is going to be a lot more useful especially since pels are semi-limited for the time being uh and that's also kind of where the PO condenser comes in this is something I wouldn't worry too much about early on but the basic idea is you take a pal you like let's say I take this lamb ball level four and then I take other lamb balls I crush them into paste they get get pumped into this one uh I get increased HP attack defense and most importantly my primary skill also levels up so that is how extraction Works which also more reason to capture all the pals as opposed to killing them but if you have something you really like this is going to be how you're going to pump up the stats that or of course using the pal souls to get the stats even higher uh so I think that covers everything I wanted to last thing I'll talk about I guess is the the eggs once you get eggs going so uh eggs are a pain you can see this one says it seems just a little cold despite the fact that it's surrounded by four fires uh I've had very very mixed luck with the eggs uh I've had heaters that I put next to them or I have had uh wherever just went coolers that I've put next to them if they're too hot and I found it's it's very iffy getting the eggs going sometimes they sometimes they work sometimes they don't work uh I've seen a lot of people very cautious about you know don't put fire near the house bro you're going to burn down the house no we're you know this thing is this thing is you know right there right next to the egg and and it's you know house isn't burning down everything's going fine uh for your house to burn down you need to see either an enemy with fire is hitting your house or friendly fire is hitting your house and what I mean by that is something comes into attack your house and then my my van worm is over here and he Chucks a fireball at the enemy who's right here that fireball hits the house the house is going to go down but if I were to take the vanw worm and I were to put him in here he can't be a sign right now but if I had a heater he is just going to breathe fire on that heater and even though that is inside the house the house isn't going to catch on fire from that from from Pals doing tasks your house will not get damaged it's strictly a combat thing which is all the more reason that we got the wall around the base to ensure that uh combat with lots of fireballs isn't happening next to the house but either way we're going to wrap things up here that about covers uh what I wanted to discuss in terms of base layout automation finding a good spot for your base uh oh let's talk about stat points real fast before we wrap up so I would highly recommend you get your weight up uh getting weight up to a th000 means that you be able to fully mine Two or nodes before you're going to need to deposit which is just super convenient uh you know you find you find o nodes of Palladium or nodes of ore or for whatever the case is and you get through one and immediately you're full on weight that's super annoying so highly recommend getting weight up thousand is a very nice threshold I would I'll probably go higher as I go higher in player level but this was the first thing I did was I got that up to a th000 work speed I initially overlooked and then I ended up finding it very useful down the line just because if I'm out in the wild for example and I'm like man I really need you know things things aren't good out here I need I need some balls I needed to do something uh even out on the Wild I could make a primitive workbench and then I could pump out 10 of my spheres real fast that work speed that's you know literally triple the work speed so getting that up to at least 200 maybe 300 definitely going to be worthwhile defense you don't actually level this is just going to be based on the uh potency of your gear HP very important uh the way I focused I went weight up to 1,000 work speed up to 300 and now I'm work on getting my HP up to 1,000 especially once once you're around the the 20 area I think 1,000 is appropriate by 30 I think you should probably be around 1,500 plus HP just because some attacks do a lot of damage and then stamina is very useful even if you're not that worried about running or climbing stamina is also used in gathering so getting your stamina to at least 150 can ensure that you can typically take out an entire or node uh in just two instances of your stamina so you know if you're if you're hitting an or node you know you're you're going to get through your entire bar let it ref fill get through the bar notice done so stamina is very useful even if you're not worried about climbing and whatnot later on uh but attack is honestly I tried leveling attack on my last character and I don't really think it's worth it uh I went from you get two points of attack per leveling and you're going to see such a insane jump moving up in weapon tiers that I really don't think the benefits from Attack are that tangible compared to the benefits you're getting in weight work speed HP stamina stuff like that uh but we're going to wrap things up there that about covers I think everything I wanted to um kind of some closing thoughts go around the map grab fast travels as much as you can that way you know if if I'm out here and I die I can respawn at my base fast travel go pick up my stuff very easily um obviously as I mentioned keep in mind the work efficiency and the base will just run smooth and yeah that about covers it once once you get all the work efficiency going things things really do flow uh quite well for the base but either way I'm going to wrap things up here for now thanks for coming on by if you're enjoying po World good because there will be plenty of streams to come and I'll catch youall then
Channel: FightinCowboy
Views: 212,616
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld gameplay, palworld game, palworld episode 1, pokemon with guns, palworld early access, pokemon like games, palworld pokemon, ark survival evolved, steam games, palworld pvp, palworld review, palworld multiplayer, palworld pals, palworld ep 1, palworld trailer gameplay, palworld livestream, palworld guide, palworld playthrough, palworld character creation, palworld gameplay trailer, palworld reaction, palworld fightincowboy
Id: _8tDt65xVhQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 6sec (1566 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2024
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