Palworld HOW TO MAKE UNLIMITED CAKES - Ultimate Guide - Best Pals for Farming Cakes

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one of the most important things in power world if not the most important is being able to make cakes today I'm going to show you guys how to get unlimited amount of cakes I'm going to give you two viable options but I'm going to give you my preferred method that you should be striving to to get to make a base like this this pretty much automates cake making really fast really easy the great thing about this is once you have it set up all you got to do is sit back relax and just bake as many cakes as you Poss possibly want making cakes are really important guys because that's going to enhance your ability of being able to breathe different Pals to make really powerful Pals in addition to that to make this setup now there is a bit of misinformation on how this setup works so I want to clear that out and I'm pretty sure by the time you get done watching this video you're going to definitely have learned something new so with that being said guys let's take a look at how the base works and what you're going to need to do in order to get this set up all right guys so let's let's talk what we're going to need to do to automate this so the first thing I want to point out is the things that we have going for us we have almost all of these guys at 100% sanity and as you guys notice them none of them are actually going to the pool to take a bath and that is extremely important because this is what's going to make this automation a lot faster now we also have a farm set up here which is for our breathing uh this is going to be extremely important later on but the main thing we want to automate here is the cake Farm now there are two methods of actually doing this I'm going to give you the method the uh the alternative method and I'm going to explain this method in general the alternative method is instead of you guys having a cow right and having a chicken to create eggs and to create uh the milk you could theoretically buy this off the vendor basically you just go capture a vendor and then you're just going to use my money method which is selling the nails or selling the clock that I have here on the channel you're more than welcome to check out the video whenever you get a chance and sell the nails and for coins or for gold coins and then use the gold coins to buy them off the merchant that method's pretty good but I believe this method is way way better because this is more like you can literally just sit back relax and make yourself a bunch of cakes if I show you guys exactly how many cakes I already have going here it's 471 that's pretty good 51 sorry and as you guys here there's still a lot of milk there's still a lot of honey uh a lot of eggs going on so let's explain the process of what's going on so to explain the process just for those of you guys who are currently new to the channel or currently new to the stream the first thing you guys need to do is you're going to need to know what you need to make cake so you're going to need flour red berries milk eggs and honey now to make the flour that's pretty easy you basically just need to make uh the patches that create the uh that create the planting of the wheat and once that wheat is made and harvested it's converted into flour once you come to this meal so you're going to need this meal in order to make the flour happen but the first things you're going to need guys is you're going to need this you're going to need that you're going to need this and you're also going to need I'll show you guys what those are real quick and you're also going to need need the flower Plantation which is back here to speed up the process okay basically what those do if we go to the technology tree all right so once we get to level 25 you guys are going to be able to get the silo structure basically this is just going to improve the planting efficiency that's going to make your uh Pals plant more and what this allows you to do it allows you to not use too many Pals in planting and still get the same benefit you're also going to use the flower bed which is going to increase the Gathering speed of the pals you're also going to use the water fountain which is going to increase the watering of the pals and you are also going to use the flame calron which is going to increase the kindling of your pals and I also use a large tool to the handiwork this I mostly use because when you start building the base you want to make sure that things get built really fast and that is basically what you're using now let me show you how quick this goes so you guys can get an idea of how fast we're actually able to automate this once you have the materials and once you have the stuff in your inventory you're going to see how fast this goes so we're going to create 58 flowers so in order to click the eight flowers German tit's going to come over here and he's going to come and do his thing he's actually watering over there but once he gets to this part come on buddy once he gets to this part you'll see how fast this goes check this out look at this it is just crazy crazy fast because what we're doing here is we're using the right build and the right stats to be able to enhance it and I'm going to explain that a little bit further right now in the video and that's where there's a little bit of misconception uh when it comes to this cuz some people use the wrong stats and those stats are not beneficial for what we're trying to do here which is just pretty much farming so we're going to let this complete here this a 58 flour we're going to take it and then what we're going to do is we're going to come here and now we're going to Bake Some Cake now this cake extremely important we're going to be able to do that so we have 54 cakes that we're able to do now Jan TI's over there and hopefully he's not stuck if you do happen to get him stuck like that all you got to do is come to your PO box and get them unstuck okay so we're going to go come here and we're going to grab him right here and get him unstuck and now he's going to go do the cakes so let's go ger and Tide let's do the cakes buddy so he's going come here and do the cakes and look how fast he's doing the cakes guys it's just really really fast uh you know automation here that we got going here another thing that's going to be crucial that you guys are going to need is this right here which you are going to need salad now salad's extremely important because what you're going to need to do with salad is you're going to need to be able to use this to increase the workflow of your pals and as you see here one of the great things the reason why you want two kitchens is because as he's creating the cakes he's also creating the salad as well it's not going as fast but some of the um the smoke he's blowing or some of the fire he's blowing is transitioning over to this uh you know uh this kitchen and that's making the cakes basically what I like to do is I like to make some cakes here some cakes here and some cakes here or some salad all of them start working at the same time and when he gets done with this one he moves to this one and so forth and so forth it just beats the process just a little bit I mean three of these are a little bit Overkill I think two are should be perfectly fine now the reason why we're doing this is because what we're doing to increment the speed and workflow is we're using the salads and basically what the salads do is that when someone eats the salad it improves the work speed for a period of time basically every single time someone comes and eats from the salad bowl they're going to be able to increase the speed of their workflow now what we did is we also piled cotton candy at the end of this one the reason we did this is because the the way this works is whatever is in the first slot of the of the eating portion here that is what's going to be eaten now the reason we put these here is so nothing else gets placed in here and nothing else gets eaten the only thing we want to be eaten are the salad and this is extremely important whenever you do this to be able to get this done now we have two sets of them exactly set up the same way to be able to do this all right so we got the salad here we got the Canon candy now I went ahead and added a fridge here you do not need a fridge it could actually be anything else this is just to make sure things stay a little bit cooler we also went ahead and added in electricity here now you don't need that because you could theoretically do this setup without electrical equipment so instead of having those electrical kitchens you could just have a little uh Fire camp and those don't need electricity so you can just set up three of them and you don't need electricity at all so that's going to save you a ton now let's talk about the stuff that we need to do in order to expedite this really fast so we're going to go to our pal box and within our pal box we're going to see the characters we have so the characters we have right here let me move these out of the way the characters we have here guys is we have Anubis now the reason we have the Anubis is because all his main job here is is gathering now the great thing about the Anubis is that a lot of people tend to put the wrong stats when it comes to Anubis remember this is a farm method to make a lot of cakes and the passive skills that people put on here are really bad you want to use these passive skills because these passive skills are going to allow you to increment the speed that he gathers and increment the speed of him making cake so we have Swift here which is going to increase the movement speed we have dimble once again moving fast we have Runner which is increasing the movement speed and we have a legendary which is increasing the movement speed what that does it allows him to do what he's doing right here look how fast he's moving and how fast he's Gathering the stuff because basically what you want to do is you want to make sure that all that stuff is in your inventory so when you need to go cook those cakes it's already available for you guys all right that's one important thing that I see a lot of people make mistakes they put workaholic on him and stuff like that remember he's not here to work he's just here to gather and if you guys have one set up like this you only need one so that's what makes this really effective it's it's not too taxing as far as characters are concerned it's only taxing on being able to you know kind of roll the right stats on him so we have Swift We have Runner we have Legend we have Nimble on him which gave us the ability to be able to get those done now of course granted this takes a little bit of grinding to get those passive skills but I have a video on how to make sure you guys are passing the right skills which I'll link Down Below in this description here so you guys can know exactly how we do it the next thing we have which is another misconception is the way this works okay so the way this works is for this one we have a passive skills which is workaholic which is going to drop the sanity drop rate of the cow what this allows you to do it allows you to work without eating and without having to take a break and sitting on the Hut tub because it's just going to constantly have less sanity drop right we also have Diet lover which is going to decrease the hunger by 15% this is going to reduce the amount that the cow needs to go or masarina to go and eat so that means she's what does that do she's producing more milk we also have Artis which is going to increase the work speed and we have positive Sinker which is going to drop the 10% lower the sanity drop now one misconception people have on here is they go into the condenser and they go and spend points on work speed and they cap it out you know to the work speed at 10 unfortunately guys one thing I want to let you guys know even if you cap the work speed for the cow or for the chicken it's not going to increase the speed that it's actually doing the only thing that increases the amount of items you get are the four level stars and that's why my stuff is all Ford level now this requires a lot of grinding because you're going to need to get a lot of cows you're going to need to get a lot of chickens what I personally recommended the way I did this because I brought this one from my other base is you want to constantly be doing this as you go so you get a cow you make sure you get the passive skills you want once you have the passive skills that you want you then start incrementing one star and then you go to another star and then you go to another start you know you just want to slowly progress CU you don't want to have like a tedious grind where you're like oh my goodness I have to go get over 200k cows to be able to get one good cow uh you basically just want to make sure you know you're slowly taking your time uh because this is a process and once you have the right amount of characters then you're going to need less characters to do the work which makes it really good so for example if you have a cow that doesn't have this then you just add more cows to your farm to kind of make the same process but once you have the right setup like I do here you just need less cows I only have two cows doing the work now theoretically if I want to do more I could add an additional cow but I think two cows makes it optimal basically what you want to do once you have it set up uh get yourself three cows and then once you have these stats perfectly rolled onto them just reduce the cows and it's still going to produce the same amount of stuff now for the chickets we have the same thing as well we have Diet lover workaholic positive thinker and Artisan what that does as you guys see right there they don't go and take a break they just keep producing eggs producing milk producing eggs producing milk now the other thing that we have is we have have a lyin now the great thing about Lyin is all she's here to do is to plant that's all she's here to do is to plant and to gather uh basically what you want to do with her is you want to put the same skills once again Artisan work speed uh sanity drops so she doesn't take a break uh you know once again sanity drop as well here and less eating so she's just constantly working at the base a lot of people want to put speed on her or and that just doesn't work out guys you just want to make sure that she's constantly working okay and that makes it really important because you want to make sure that she's producing the amount of work that she needs to do now once again the main thing here is you want to level the stars because the stars are going to increase her planting which is what we really really want now on her you could actually upgrade the work speed I haven't updated The Works speed yet but The Works speed should help her uh plant a little bit faster which makes it extremely extremely important it's not going to help her gather but it's going to help her plant a little bit bit faster and this I still got to go ahead and take her back to my other base and pass those skills onto her now with that being said let's talk about what we have as far as the water now this is what I'm sh you guys right here this is the top of the top I'm going to tell you guys after this what I recommend if you don't have these characters okay so we have German tide now the great thing of German tide the only reason we have them here is for watering okay watering is the only reason we have them here once again with the same active skills here and like I said if you guys want to know how I'm able to pass these skills onto the characters you're going to want to make sure you check out that video guys tell me trust me it's going to save you a ton of time um uh next thing we have is the four stars as well this just going to increase his water from four to five and this just makes it go faster as you guys saw how fast I was able to do the flower there it's extremely important okay uh you don't need it but it's a bit of Overkill but it's just to that's this is kind of the end goal you want to shoot for uh next up guys we have German tide again Eng this German tide which is the fire one with the same skills and we have the four stars as well and this one does have workaholic this just increases kindling to five so it makes it go really really fast and we only have two of these which we only have one character for water one character for kindling it reduces the amount of bets you need to make uh and just makes it go faster now theoretically you don't need these guys so you don't need the rhound or and electricity character and you don't need the uh jol hog for the for the fridge you could actually do without these and maybe add more bees or add more cows or out more chickens uh the only reason I have this is because mine's is running off of electricity but like I said you could run yours that without electricity and you guys will be perfectly fine all right guys so for kindling the ones I would recommend is anything that's three or higher so you have blasim myth or you have feris and then German Tite those are the ones I would recommend if you're trying to do the kindling that should get the job done without a problem all right for watering the ones I recommend is as robob this is definitely an easy find in the game you could also breathe them if you want to uh jman tight is definitely the one that I I preferably prefer he's a level four uh but these are Level threes that should be able to do the their job done sasaku Aqua is actually pretty good as well so these are the ones you could actually go ahead and get if you don't have yourselves a German tide now as far as planting is concerned the ones I recommend is Bron Cherry uh ptia and Lyin these are the top notch that you want to get basically these are level three and higher and those are the ones you want to roll with if you're trying to go ahead and get to the planting now that you know how to make cake now it's time for you to make the most powerful Pals in the game so check out this video that's popping up right now on the screen that goes into detail and tells you what breathing options you have and who you need to make to get the best Pals in a game I hope you guys are enjoying our content here with the channel if you are doing me the huge favorite guys drop a comment drop a like but most importantly subscribe turn those notifications so you guys won't miss when our videos go live thank you guys for watching and I'll catch you guys on the next one
Channel: LaserBolt
Views: 55,623
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld unlimited cakes, palworld cakes, palworld ultimate guide, palworld cake farm, palworld cake recipe, palworld how to make cake, palworld how to make cake fast, palworld how to make cake farm, palworld guide, palworld tips and tricks, palword tips, palworld strongest pals, palworld pals for farming, palworld unlimited cake, palworld infinite cake, palworld glitch, palword exploit, best pals for base, best pals for cake, palworld best base, laserbolt
Id: 9cdTEnSrgGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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