Palworld - THE ULTIMATE Breeding Guide! DONT WASTE YOUR TIME - Palworld Breeding Guide Tips

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this is going to be the end all Beall breeding guide for power world today we're going to be going over every single thing you could possibly need to know about breeding in power world to create the strongest Pals and how to efficiently do it we're going to be going over a ton of different things from basic breeding mechanics how to properly pass down passive skills from any pal in the game onto any pal that you might be trying to create with this you'll be able to create the most powerful Pals in the game with all of the passive skills that you want and it'll be a much easier process to understand after watching this video we'll also be going over how to properly Farm up all of your cake ingredients and how to get yman tied ignis at the beginning of your playthrough so that way you don't have to sit there waiting all the time for cake and you'll be able to cook it up incredibly fast so you can have all of your breeding needs fulfilled now before we get into more of the advanced breeding mechanics we need to go over some pal Basics now there are a ton of different ways to be able to get Pals in the game whether you catch them in the wild like I caught these two bristles or you can crossbreed to be able to create any pal in the game like I took this deer and and this Fang Lop that had Swift and runner on it and I created a loop moon with Runner and Swift on it this Loop moon is eventually going to be bred back into a Fang lope for Speed and we're going to be doing that all through this video but before you really start breeding there's some really important things all Pals have stats allocated into attack and defense when you catch them and when you hatch them out of eggs now the wild stats can be pretty different we caught these two level 16 bristles one has no passive skills and this level 16 one has insulated body which is a 10% decrease to coming lightning damage but you'll notice that even though both of these are level 16 they have different attack and defense statistics one has 159 defense and 258 attack and the other has 147 defense and 266 attack so depending on what we're breeding for if we want either higher attack or higher defense or a balance of both it's really important that you pay attention to what stats your pals have before you really start the breeding process you can liken this to IVs from Pokémon although we don't have all the information yet now these weights into attack and defense are passed down onto babies now we bred up a bunch of frost alien babies and you'll notice they all pretty much have the same stats here aside from the passive skills on a level one Frost allien we have 112 attack and 53 defense and we have 112 attack and 54 defense and we also have another Frost Allen with 111 attack and 59 defense and if we bred these two Pals together their babies would always have the exact same attack and defense stats unless we get different passive skills on them which could enhance their attack and defense statistics but you can always go in and see what the base attack power and the base defense is by going into the view details tab of the PALS like once we have Legend on here we have these little blue arrows so we can see here that we have a base attack of 113 and a base defense of 59 but we have that 20% increase to both so the first thing you need to pay attention to when breeding is the stat allocations that your pals have because that's what your babies are going to inherit when you hatch the eggs for instance I just caught these two alpha Verdes one has 452 attack and 350 defense at level 35 and the other 35 has 452 attack but only 335 defense neither have passive skills that affect their attack and defense but one is drastically better so this one is a prime candidate for actually breeding with my Loop Moon because it doesn't have any great passive skills on here but it's got a high defensive stat allocation without sacrificing on any attack and this will actually create my Fang Lou now we'll get into a little bit more detail of why I'm crossbreeding these right now we got that Fang l with runner on it and I'm hoping to get a Fang L with Runner and Swift and we actually got the runner and Swift Fang Lop with heated body and S so we did get some random passives actually handed down to the baby which isn't a huge deal but you can see the process that we're going for now we got two babies here one with Runner one with Runner Swift heated body and sadist now sist increases our attack by 15% but reduces our defense by 16% and you can get random passive skills when you're breeding you'll notice that we got the Swift and Runner which we got from the parents which there is a high chance to inherit passive skills from the parents but you do still have a chance to not inherit the skills from the parents and still inherit random ones from the universe now since we're talking about stats right now let's look at our base stat values we got a base stat value of 125 attack and a base defense of 74 if we look at our other Fang L where we only got runner we have a base attack of 134 and a base defense of 74 so both Fang Lop inherited that increased defense but this one actually has a higher attack stat value so if we were breeding specifically for attack rather than what I'm actually breeding for which is speed this is one of the Fang Lopes that we would want to continue breeding for higher attack values now I've leveled both of these to level 10 they both still have 130 defense we can see how the Gap in other stats are widening we now have 207 attack versus 195 attack and 1142 Health vers 1213 so you can see as these two level up one is going to be drastically better than the other so it is incredibly important if you're trying to minmax to make sure that you're paying attention to your Pal's base stat values before you're breeding or while you're breeding now before we get deeper into this you're going to need a lot of cake so we're going to show you how to get an infinite amount of cake because you're going to need it but first we're going to show you how to get a yman tide ignis with level four kindling because this bad boy is going to be your cake cooker and it's quite honestly a lifesaver for the breeding process and yeah you can get it early now before we head out you're going to need any kind of heat resistant armor the tropical outfit at the beginning of the game has Heat resistance level two and the heat resistant Pelt armor has heat resistance level two as long as you have heat resistance level two from any Source you'll be able to do this if you have acquired any heat resistant underwear from anything you can also use these instead of armor which is what I do more often than not other than heat resistance you're going to need access to any flyer in the game with a little bit of patience any flyer will allow you to be able to do this it might just take a little bit longer with lower movement Speed The One you'll gain access to First is Nightwing but as I mentioned any flyer will do there's one specific area you can find your MTI ignis inside of these huge dragon eggs and it is in the volcano biome on the southwest corner of the map you can find it anywhere on this island as long as it is inside of a huge dragon egg now I do have a few locations on this map where I have found the huge dragon eggs and they do seem to respawn in these locations but you can find them anywhere within this biome as long as you have any type of flyer and heat resistance you can come here at any level just take your time avoid higher level Pals don't go anywhere near them and just search for your dragon eggs now as I mentioned they can spawn anywhere but this is exactly what you're going to be looking for these are the purple and black eggs they spawn all over the volcano biome and it is a huge dragon egg now this one I found right here they can spawn anywhere but I have had the most luck around this kind of loop right here so I usually fast travel to the Eternal pirate Tower entrance and I fly around this Loop of the volcano and more often than not within 10 to 15 minutes minutes I will be able to find a huge dragon egg and you can literally do this the very second you get your first flyer and have one of the best Pals in the game not only is the best for kindling but is one of the most powerful Pals in the game hands down now as I mentioned they can spawn anywhere but this is exactly what you're going to be looking for these are the purple and black eggs they spawn all over the volcano biome and it is a huge dragon egg now this one I found right here they can spawn anywhere but I have had the most luck around this kind of loop right here so I usually fast travel to the Eternal pirate Tower entrance and I fly around this Loop of the volcano and more often than not within 10 to 15 minutes I will be able to find a huge dragon egg and you can literally do this the very second you get your first flyer and have one of the best Pals in the game not only is the best for kindling but is one of the most powerful Pals in the game hands down now most of you I'm sure already know how to get all of the ingredients for cake but there's some information you might actually not know for instance how to get more cake resources from your Ranch Pals I've done a lot of testing with this before everything was day to mind you're going to need chiap to be able to lay eggs now your passive skills like Artisan Sirius anything that increases work speed actually doesn't increase the amount of eggs a Chickapee will a or any other Ranch pal for that matter the only thing that helps improve how many items you can get from any of your Ranch Pals is going to be their partner skill which means to be able to get egg layer level five I have captured 120ish chickpeas and used the PO condenser to put them all into one now this chickpea will lay about 3 to five eggs every minute which means I only really need one of them to maintain the amount of cakes that I need for breeding but you can also get a whole bunch of them and just smash them into your Ranch to be able to get a ton of eggs incredibly quickly quite frankly I feel like it's better to just slap eight chickens into a ranch and get a ton of eggs in a few minutes then spend a whole bunch of time catching a bunch of chickpeas for one Godly one next you're going to want to get a whole bunch of Mo Arenas to do exactly the same thing now you can either breed for M Arenas or you can capture them on this area of the map and then you'll also need to get your hand on some beards these are going to drop all of the honey that you're going to need at your Ranch these can be quite a bit of a pain to be able to get because they do explode on your face before so you can catch them sometimes so you can breed for them through crossbreeding as well I'll leave a link in the description for the crossbreeding website it's be able to make any pal your hard desires one of the easiest and earliest ways you can get a bard through breeding is by taking a tomat and breeding it with a hookes which you can find at night throughout any of these early game zones the same thing goes for the tomat spawns it's probably going to be easier to breed a tomat and a hookes together for a whole bunch of bards than going out and getting your face exploded now if you're rolling dirty in cash maybe from watching one of my other videos on how to make all the money in palor then you don't need to farm up these cake resources at all you can head to any of the merchant locations there is one right here at the the beginning of the game just east of the marsh Islands church ruins there is a Wandering Merchant right here which you can actually tame and keep at your base if you so desire you don't have to come here all the time you can buy eggs for 50 gold a piece you can buy milk you can even buy wheat wool and a bunch of other things as well aside from that the only other thing you're going to need is wheat I recommend having two of the wheat plantations and get yourself a lilene you can get these at the beginning of the game by breeding various Pals I would recommend checking out the cross breeding website cuz there are a ton of different ways to be able to make it this will handle all of your planting needs a yman tide would be great as well or any water pal and I also recommend having a Verdes as your Harvester but my perfect setup is one to two lilin one Verdes and one yman tide and that takes care of business pretty good if you want an even better Harvester Frost Ali and knocked is the best one in the game and but that is an endgame legendary pal now that we've got that out of the way let's get into breeding the perfect Fang Lou the reason we're doing this is because they are incredibly fast but they're also small enough to get through caves so this is going to be the pal that we use for getting through caves extremely quickly or really anywhere else in the game I just think they're kind of cool now we're going to be doing a lot of different things and we're also going to be showing how to transfer the legend passive skill onto a much lower level pal we have three different ways of acquiring Fang Lopes and we're going to start from the basic version right here without actually transferring down the legendary stat now we're going to be utilizing crossbreeding with the crossbreeding website that I have Linked In the description and we're going to be breeding Fang Lop to Fang lope as well this is going to be a in-depth process but it's going to teach you every single thing you could possibly need to know to do this for yourself now the first thing we're going to do is I got lucky and I got a Fang Lou with just the runner skill but I also got an ichy deer I'm just going to call it deer boy with Swift now since these are two passive skills that I absolutely want on a mount that I'm going to be riding because they are the two of the best ones I've decided to breed these together to get a pal to hatch an egg with just these two skills available these two did lay a dark egg and out of this dark egg I was able to hatch a loop moon with just Runner and Swift as its passive skills this is perfect now you're probably wondering okay you've got a loop moon but you're looking for a Fang Lop well now what we need to do is we need to check the breeding website and figure out what a loot Moon can breed with to be able to create a Fang Lou now this is the website that I have been using this is the original website that came out from the person that actually discovered this entire breeding process there's a bunch of other websites you can use but I like this one a lot maybe it's cuz I've been using it for so long now there's a couple different ways you can use this you can go from parent to parent and you can see what you can make or you can go by desired child now what I've done is I know that I want to make a Fang Lou so what I've done is I've selected Fang Lou under my desired child and I make sure that the must have parent is none this gives me a list of everything in the game that can make a Fang Lo by breeding together and from this I can look inside of this list and see what Pals I have good stats on or passive skills to be able to create a Fang Lou now since I did create Loop moon with the skills that I wanted these are the options that I have I could do a robin quill Robin quill Terra ver Das or felbat I've gone down the verd Das route and lo and behold it's the Verdes that we were talking about earlier so now I'm currently breeding a verd Das that currently has heated body on it now in a perfect world this Verdes would have no passive skills cuz I really don't want to transfer anything but Swift or runner at this point in time but unfortunately we do have heated body on here now I have already gone through the process of hatching a bunch of these Fang Lop from this breeding combination we've got Swift and runner on a few of them we got heated body and dainty eater we got runner on one but I haven't hatched one with specifically just Runner and Swift on one now this process can take a little bit of time and I highly recommend win crossbreeding if you're wanting to carry over specific passive skills like just Runner and Swift and you have that on one pal like this then you definitely want to breed it with a pal that has no passive skills what I'm doing is making my life harder right now but it is still possible so many of you out there probably think that having a pal with no passive skills is actually bad but it can be extremely beneficial for crossbreeding so I definitely recommend saving them I also recommend saving any particular Pals that have golden skills even if they're lower level they could come in handy for crossbreeding in the future now while I'm doing this I also want to make sure that I'm trying to pass down that Legend skill so I'm breeding a frost stallion with a nox right now which is going to be hatching these scorching eggs these are going to get me a van Wim my goal right now is to breed at the end of the day a loop moon with a Verdes and I need a van Wim to be able to make a verd Das so you can see how complicated this gets I've already got the loot Moon that I want so now I'm trying to get a verd Das that has the legend stat so I need to hatch these van Wims and see what I get I've got a van Wim with swift Runner Legend and sadist on there that's actually pretty freaking great I got another one with Swift and artisan and I got to wait for these two to hatch now there is a couple different things you can do to actually spr up the process of them laying eggs and also we got the uh breeding is kind of ticking up slowly but surely here but what I like doing is I like making sure that I have a really good food in here and this is honestly just a great tip for any base when you can upgrade to salads do it as quick as possible so it slightly improves the work speed for a period of time but it also recovers 11 sanity every single time that they eat it so you'll never have a problem with sanity but you also get a work speed increase every single time they eat it so what you can do is you can actually feed your pals before putting them in the breeding pen because now the pals actually won't leave the pens while they're breeding to eat out of the feed bin this used to work really well before that but now you have to manually feed them before you put them in there but you can still use this monitoring stand to put them to Super hardworking now what this will do is change their work speed so now instead of 70 we have a 105 this isn't going to reduce their sanity but what it will do is increase the speed at which they will lay eggs so if you're looking to get the eggs as quick as possible this is going to to be the best way to do it now the downside of this is while it won't reduce the sanity of the pals you have in the breeding pen it will reduce the sanity rather quickly on every pal you have in your base other than the ones that are in the breeding pen since the pals and the breeding pens no longer eat I'm assuming they actually eliminated the sanity reduction which isn't a bad thing but do keep in mind the sanity of your other Pals is going to drop very very quickly if you use this process now I took that van warm we got with the Swift Runner and Legend and sadist and I BR it with the Flack with no passive skills whatsoever and I was able to get a Verdes with just the legend passive skill this would certainly be my preferred option but unfortunately this vdash is a female and the loop Moon that I have is a female as well so in a perfect world I would breed this Verdes with this Loop moon but instead what I'm doing right now is taking a Verdes that I have Legend and Runner as well as destructive and masochist which I don't recommend because now I'm would to be struggling with those other passive skills and trying to create one Fang Lou with Legend Runner and Swift on it and let's see what our first egg is it's got Legend and Swift but it's also got destructive and bottomless stomach now that's not actually as bad as you think it might be cuz I got a female Fang Lou with Legend and Swift on it but I also have a male Fang Lou with Swift and runner on it as well now as I've mentioned a few times the less passive skills you have on your pals when you're trying to transfer passive skills the better it is but also stacking like two things with swift means you're going to have a better chance of getting Swift we've got runner on here and we've got Legend so I might as well try and breed these together I actually have a better option where I have Runner and Swift and just heated body so we're going to do that one instead but you can see the idea you don't have to be super duper aggressive with the lack of passive skills cuz anything you do decide to combine will work eventually there's just more optimal ways to do it than others but quite frankly the universe sometimes give you lemons and sometimes you just got to smack those lemons together until they make a baby lemon that has all the stuff you want on it so the process that I end end up going for is making sure that as I hatch new eggs I'm paying attention to anything that has better stuff so I just hatched a male Verdes with Legend Swift and Runner only which means I can replace this one that has sadist now we have a male Verdes with only the three skills that we want and a female loton with Runner and Swift which means we have a much higher chance of hatching a Fang L with the three skills that we do desire so essentially it is a process of elimination removing the passive skills you don't want and favoring the ones that you do want while also paying attention to the actual stats of the pal meaning the attack defense and HP to make sure you are breeding the most powerful Pals with the perfect passive skills and we finally got our Fang lope with swift Legend Runner and Zen mind now Zen Mind Is Not Great it does increase the neutral attack damage by 10% we could put Nimble on here or any other attack or defense focused skill but since this is specifically an only4 movement speed through dungeons I'm actually really happy with this now while the process of breeding really powerful Pals may seem daunting at first once you start really understanding it it's really not that bad and it's really really worth it you can make any pal in the game extremely powerful with this process and look how unbelievably fast this Fang L is right now we can make it even faster though if we add Nimble to it it's pretty ridiculous pal and we're not even using its speed boost this is going to be great for getting to different areas extremely quickly and you don't have to use crossbreeding for this whole process either what I recommend is utilizing crossbreeding to get all the specific stats that you want while also capturing the specific pal you're trying to get out in the wild for better stats in attack HP and defense and possibly even really great passive skills as well and slowly but surely combining all of those different mechanics into one ultimate pal but thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you all in the next one
Channel: TagBackTV
Views: 446,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld breeding, palworld guide, palworld tips, palworld breeding guide, palworld ultimate breeding guide, palworld tagbacktv, palworld crossbreeding, palworld powerful pals, palworld best guide, palworld best tips, tagbacktv
Id: ppgfjMm4XyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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