OVER 100 HOURS TO DISCOVER THIS! 10 Hidden Mechanics in Palworld // Palworld Tips, Tricks & Secrets

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yo guys what is up Max our power video and today we're going over 10 things that you probably don't know about power world these are going to be things that the game just doesn't tell you uh this isn't going to be like a tips or tricks video These are going to be things legitimately that after over a 100 hours of playing the game I still didn't know a lot of these things on this list a lot of them have been told to me by viewers and I wanted to share them with you I hope you guys enjoyed the video let's get right into it before we dive into the list I do have a bit of an announcement I just launched a Moxy plush uh this is a limited edition plushy it's basically going to be live for 13 days and then it goes away forever I've been working on this plushy with you's who just launched it uh this is what it looks like it's a bit bigger than my head it's got a little hoodie on that says damage Nation uh and it's pretty awesome if you want to check it out I leave a link in the description and the pin comment where you can go pick one up for yourself so the first thing that you probably didn't know is how to Quick Revive Pals now I've currently got an Anubis in my party that has fainted you can see that he's incapacitated in his status um and if I wanted to revive him I could either get into bed if it's night time and fall asleep with that pal he'll revive I could also put this pal in the pal box uh and he will revive but if you have so I put him here he's got basically 10 minutes to revive that I would have to wait however if you put your pal in your pal base or if he dies in your base if you put him in the pal box and then take him back out and put him back in the base you can revive him now what's going to happen here um is uh he's going to spawn dead in the base basically now if you have a pal that has trans in uh basically my War sect here he's going to whatever he's doing he's transporting here uh and then as soon as he is able to uh oh someone already moved the Anubis basically the Anubis just gets rescued uh A text will will pop up that says rescuing and now that Anubis is already alive uh basically they're just going to bring them over put them in bed and then if we go to My Pal box uh that Anubis is back alive so if you ever need to Quick Revive a pal that has died all you need to do is just put them down in your base if they're already dead in your base put them in the pow box then put them down in the base and a pal that has the ability to carry them will just bring them to a bed and they will be instantly revived you do not need to wait for night time you do not need to wait 10 minutes uh and that is how you can revive Pals the fastest the next thing you might not have known I've been playing for over 100 hours and I didn't know this until today uh is the quick move now I've been basically going to my ore uh and clicking move on it which will automatically just move it into this back that it's on however if you just open up a chest or an inventory it's right bumper on Xbox controller it is r on keyboard and mouse you just click that button so I'm just going to hit the right bumper um and I've got some ore here that's just going to get automatically transferred I also had flame organ that gets automatically transferred uh so you can pretty easily set up boxes with certain things in them you just go up to them hit right bumper or R and you will immediately move everything that has something else in the Box into those stacks uh I really wish I had known that uh a while ago but yeah quick little tip there the next thing that you might not have known is how to build structures uh basically up high or tall I was getting a ton of questions on how I built the stairs in my base uh and that answer is that anything that you want to build uh that you're stacking multiple layers on uh you need support systems so if you're going to build a stack of two stairs you need a wall underneath between the stairs to basically connect them um and that also goes for the same for building up crazy high on different structures uh you're going to need a support system So currently um this is my like kind of Cliff toop base that I've got uh that is above my entire base it allows me to build a ton of extra space in an area that isn't the most spacious because I can start building vertically um and I wouldn't have been able to do this if I didn't build a support system underneath it so basically what I did did is I built a foundation so these two foundations became um just putting it into the Rock as long as they're touching something solid you can build foundation on top of uh and then I build walls uh you can build walls on top of foundation which can go up and then as long as these walls are on below other Foundation uh once you're on top of foundation it seems like you can usually build about um like uh square away so two away two away so as you can see the wall is here and I was able to build this far out and then that far out two and two uh so as long as you're building structures to support your base um you're able to build vertically uh which can help you expand and make the most I know this area looks a bit scuffed when you look at like the support system here um but obviously uh I haven't done like too much with this space but it's helped me build workbenches that I normally wouldn't be able to fit I've got some storage crates here uh that I didn't have a lot of space for now that I've like built out a ton in my base uh and so that is something that I wish I had known earlier cuz I could have made a lot more uh with the spaces that I had when I started and not had to move as much the next thing I wish I knew has to do with breeding combos now this is personally the best site that I've found uh that has a simple layout to follow that's got great uh information and that's poor. breeding calculator I will have this Linked In the description uh but one of the things that I've been working on for the past like 10 plus hours now uh is building a perfect Anubis Anubis is the best crafting pal in the game it's got four handiwork um and in order to build Anubis uh there are so many combos I was being told oh you build like uh pen King and Bushi but the reality is that it's not about grabbing certain monsters to build it it's about grabbing what you already have and expanding on it so for example I was lucky enough um when I was scrolling through this to notice that there there was Pals that I already had good passives on just randomly that I could work on to grab Anubis and then I don't have to farm a bazillion other Pals hoping for a good combo um so for example um I if we keep scrolling here I already had a verd Das that had artisen which gives 50% increased work speed and I didn't have an eston that had a good working passive so then I could just go out and farm aagon uh it goes for any of these Pals if you find one that has a good passive on it um you can find a way to build the pals that you want a lot of the time not every pal is as easy to build as Anubis uh but you don't need to go and find specifically like a Bushi and a pen King uh you can find PALS in your pal box that already have good passes and build a lot of other Pals on top of that uh so I wish I had known that earlier rather than just trying to catch the boss Anubis a bunch trying to get a good passive on it the next thing I wish I had known has to do with the grapple reset now you probably know that being over encumbered in this game is one of the most annoying anything's possible uh I've currently got uh 9,000 lb of ore on me uh and when you're incumbered you can use a grappling hook to get around which is really really nice um but you can also reset that grappling hook so right now I'd have to wait a like 8C cool down basically uh to be able to use that again but I can just equip it and unequip it uh and then I have no more cool down uh which is really really nice because obviously you don't want to wait for the cool down and then now I can use the grappling hook again and then I can unequip it and re-equip it and grappling hook around again and this is the best way to move around encumbered uh yes you can build Pals that will increase your carrying capacity but there comes a point where you just need to move so much material that there's no chance that you would have uh enough like pal capacity to legit carry it uh and that is where using the grappling gun comes in and using the reset trick will make your life a bazillion times easier cuz you know it's just going to take you a lot less time um to get to where you need to go then the next little trick that I wish I knew because I spent about 3 hours trying to connect my Airborne base with uh a set of stairs is how to build a spiral staircase um you can use benches um if you go into your technology screen and then you're going to want to come down to the level five wooden living room furniture set uh you can actually build benches now the uh benefit of building a bench staircase while it does look a bit scuffed I'm sure that if you guys took the time you could make a better one than I've done um but the reason it's so nice is because you don't need to connect them to anything besides themselves you can just basically build a staircase straight up with have without having to build foundations and walls and mess around with that uh it'll save you so much time uh it is nice to have like a little uh thing basically next to them that you can kind of like build somewhere that's a little bit higher that you can uh build them up from but being able to basically build a staircase that's straight up without needing to connect it to anything uh help helps a ton in building bases especially if you're going to do kind of what I did which is expand upwards on your base so that you can have more space the next trick that I wish I'd known and this has the potential to get patched out by the way just an FYI uh but is how to equip multiple body armors uh I'm sure you're probably sick of going to a cold place and then needing to have your cold armor when you had your heat armor on uh or vice versa when you can actually equip a heat resistant armor and a cold resistant armor at the same time um and then you never have to change your armor ever this allows you to have perfect heat and cold resistance uh so that you can go into a cold area and be fine and go into a hot area and not have to swap your armor around not have to carry armor around with you now the way that you do this is a bit weird um so what you need to do is you need to have a glider in your glider slot once your glider is in your glider slot you want to click on it um so if you right click it um you're going to move it instantly out you don't want to do that what you want to do is have armor in your inventory then you you left click it um so this will select it and then you want to click on your armor what this will do is it will swap the armor with the glider and you get the full defensive benefit of doing this so you're going to stack even more armor on your character and you get the full benefits of having dual resistances uh this is amazing and it'll also like for example I've been using thermal undershirts uh it'll free up an accessory slot where you can put more attack or more life uh into your trinkets uh so this is very very cool obviously the big downside of this is no glider but you do get to do this which is uh it's something you you still get a little bit of the Glide action um so you you can still stop yourself from falling to your Des you just you know you're going to end up deposing so yeah this is definitely not something that's intentional it will probably get removed uh but if you're trying to have a little bit of fun on the game and also quality of life uh this is a pretty crazy trick if you want to get extra crazy with that last one uh your like head piece you can do this with as well uh so if I click on the head piece and then click on my armor that's in my inventory now I can get another armor I'm assuming this works for the shield as well yep so you can just stack up as much armor as you want uh that's pretty crazy you might even be able to get it to do it in the accessory slots uh obviously I just lost my hair uh so that's a bit unfortunate but technically if you wanted to be as tanky as possible uh you could wear a just a bunch of armor sets uh and never really have many issues with dying especially if you're crafting the highest end gear uh armor sets that's pretty wild uh I found out that today so pretty cool the next thing you probably didn't know has to do with some movement Tech now you probably knew that you could slide down Hills and get a massive speed boost uh by doing that and like basically pulling out your glider uh however what you might not have known is that you can pair that with the grapple gun for some crazy movement if you're looking to get around really quickly now I'm going to see if I can do this uh on our first try if not it'll probably be edited out so uh what you want to do is you want to Grapple to a surface uh if you're on controller uh or or PC what you want to do is grapple and then while you're flying towards the grapple you're going to cancel the grapple for me that's the B button uh and then you're going to want to jump and glide kind of at the same time uh so it should look like this get pulled get your momentum um didn't look as great cuz it's not as far of a distance let's see if we can do that again we're going to try off this tree uh see if it looks works better I don't have like the fully upgraded grapple but there we go and then we can glide and uh we basically just gave ourselves this much distance uh in an instant so uh if you can't have ground like obviously if you have ground to just slide down you you can just do that but if you're on like more of a flat surface you can grapple to a tree uh and kind of just springboard yourself off uh and cover a lot of distance very quickly the next thing that you might not have known uh as you can see I clearly did not know this uh is that stacking the same heat Source doesn't actually add any heat uh so maybe you had an egg that needed to be warmer and you built like seven fires around it and the Egg still said that it wasn't warm enough uh that is because same sources of heat do not stack heat uh what you want is different sources of heat if something really needs to be hot uh you want multiple sources of different sources of heat um so for example you could build a campfire and then if you need even more heat uh you could build something like the heater and then you'd have even additional heat um and uh that's kind of I mean those are the two big main ones uh but if something is cold building a bajillion campfires next to it isn't going to increase the heating in or the incubation times of the egg if you're looking for efficient egg incubating uh you're going to want to have the eggs inside have a heat Source near them and if you're going to have uh something that needs even more heat than a single campfire you're going to want to build the heater or other sources of fire or warmth uh to keep them hot because uh more campfires or more heaters does not actually add anything the next thing that I wish I knew has to do with efficient farming of pal materials uh for breeding now now one of my big frustrations when I was starting to get into breeding uh you need to build cakes to be able to breed uh and that requires perishable ingredients you need milk eggs honey berry uh and wheat and of which milk and eggs expire very very quickly um and so right now I've got chickens on my Farms I've got bees on my Farms I've got cows on my farm I've got everything that I need to be able to make a ton of cakes the issue that I was having is when these cows these chickens these be these uh where then when they were making their ingredients they were actually putting all of the milk and the eggs and stuff in their feed boxes feed boxes where where food gets stored um however I wanted them to go into the fridge uh I wanted the things to go into the fridge because obviously in the fridge they would expire less and if you're constantly getting the eggs and stuff thrown into food back baskets they're going to expire really quickly so the trick that I've done uh uh someone in chat told me about this is that you can put a bunch of non perishable things I've got cotton candy here cotton candy never expires and it's also really great because it's not used in any crafting recipes for example honey doesn't expire either but if you put honey in the feed box and then you're making cakes then that honey can get used and then all of a sudden now you've got open slots and you don't want open slots because if there's no open slots to put them and there's a cooler nearby then they can put them in the cooler U or you can just put them in the cooler uh it's just helps you keep things uh stacking and not losing a ton of ingredients uh during so you as you can see I put berries in the first slot that way the pals still have food to eat they still won't like go hungry and stop producing things but they also aren't going to be putting uh ingredients in the feed box where they're just going to expire uh and that is how I've done some efficient breeding I will have a full like in-depth guide on breeding uh hopefully tomorrow uh because I've been working on a ton of it myself but that was one of the big things that helped me the next thing I wish I knew has to do with expanding the size of your base now one of the most asked questions I get uh on my YouTube videos are hey when you level up your your PO Box does your base get bigger does the radius increase the answer to that is no however there is a way to actually increase the radius uh kind of now the way to do that if you're playing on a custom server is turn off degradation uh of your things as you can see uh basically everything's got a uh basically like a health bar every item's got a health bar and when you build things outside of your base that health bar is going to deplete pretty quickly uh which means that items that you build structures that you build will go away uh eventually it's just going to happen uh and they will go away Way slower in your actual base now if you turn off degradation you can actually expand your base a ton um let's say I wanted to build a watchtower uh or a um uh a space for me to sleep or anything that you wanted this is outside uh of my base so obviously I don't get the materials but I could for example like start building a watchtower or something outside of my base which is going to make it feel bigger uh and then I could build things outside the base and expand on it and just keep crafting to make my base feel a lot larger now the one thing that I do want to point out is because you're not in the radius of your base you do not have access to the resources of the base so if you're going to build uh something outside your base you're not going to want to build a bunch of workbenches because when you go to craft those things they're not going to pull from all the resources being stored in your base what you could do this for is if you wanted to build some houses or a village around the side of your base if you wanted to build uh watchtowers if you just wanted to build more walls or more structures uh you can do that and make your base feel a lot bigger if you've got a house inside of your circle that's taking up a lot of space you could build it outside the circle it won't degrade and then you could have all of your working stuff happening within your base uh you need to turn off item degradation uh for that to happen uh if you want to do that and that's really only something that you can do in custom servers uh but if you are in a like nonpublic dedicated server uh you can do that and it'll make uh for some pretty cool Base building options another thing I wish I knew is how to farm P fluids efficiently there's a lot of resources in this game that you need to farm um and power fluids are one of them that uh you could basically only get from water type Pals now if you come over to the pen King base uh this is at coordinates 114 - 352 uh pen King spawns and so does a bunch of the little pen gullets now these guys drop power fluids and you can actually come and kill them uh they are always going to be here they're always going to be in a high concentration we can kill these pullets um you can bring a pal like ozerk which makes water types drop more you leave the dungeon do not kill the Big Penguin enter the dungeon and voila if once he spawns there's the Peng goet I can go hit them I can get tons of ice organs tons of pal fluids and this is simply the most efficient Farm uh for tons and tons of pal fluids uh if you need them just a little simple trick guys that is going to do it for the video I hope you enjoyed I'm very curious uh how many of these you actually did not know if you would do me a favor and just let me know down in the comments how many out of the head/ 111 I might have done 11 uh you did not know I hope you guys enjoyed the video and I will catch youall in the next one take care peace
Channel: Moxsy
Views: 388,266
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: palworld, palworld gameplay, palworld guide, palworld tips, palworld pokemon, palworld early access, palworld review, palworld tips and tricks, palworld best pals, palworld game, palworld trailer, jev palworld, palworld news, palworld base, palworld how to, palworld best base, palworld boss, palworld rage, palworld release date, palworld glitch, palworld secrets, faze jev palworld, palworld pc, palworld beginners guide, palworld dungeons, palworld tutorial
Id: gIA2Fh_JZZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 6sec (1206 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 29 2024
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