Palworld - Ultimate Tips For The Perfect Start: Insane Starter Base, Infinite Resources & Best Pals

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so if you're like me you probably enjoy just starting power world all over again just because the first part of the game is so absolutely amazing but I also learned so many things in the past couple of weeks playing the heck out of this game that I really want to make a stepbystep ultimate perfect playthrough that's why in this video I'm going to go over a fullon breakdown of the first 10 to 15 levels that I usually spend in power world and some of the best practices that I also do to achieve some crazy starting BAS say amazing pal teams and a whole bunch of resources that will set you up perfectly for the middle and then end game so the first thing I'm going to do right here is to try and be as efficient as possible there are quite a few resources so I'm just going to activate this fast travel point and immediately talk to this NPC so if you talk to them they will give you about 10 starting wood and I will also grab every single other Rock and branch in the area as there are enough here to afford all of the Star Tools Plus we gain a bunch of levels here so I'm going to grab that and every single berry bush I can see for some of the Farms later on now if you do so like in the way I am you're going to have just enough to craft all of those so I will just grab these really quickly and then this rock I will place down this very interesting workbench of course we're going to go ahead and try to build everything starting with the wooden club now you can go with some of the others too but this is going to be helpful for the fight ahead that is why I suggest it so that's done and then we're going to go for the pickaxe typically these are the two things that you can do but in our case we can also afford the final one to chop some wood you can also do this a bit later but that's how I like doing it to um just focus on the things ahead now from now on I'm going to jump down this hill there is going to be a chest here that we can grab and hopefully there's going to be some good loot inside so I'm going to go ahead and grab it and yeah we were lucky and got about three of these pal spheres now what I recommend doing is to immediately mine this palum you will need it anyway plus it will give us a level if you break it at this point so I'm going to go ahead do it and just like that we just gained a level now from this point on I will want to fight a bunch of civas we need them for the extra carry weight for the base Mining and all so I will make my way down this waterfall plus there 's an apigy here that we can gain and like three or four more on the way to the base now typically you would have set up your starting base right here on the starting platform or one of these starting platforms you can still go ahead and do so but in about 15 levels which pretty much flies by really quickly you're going to have to move that to an ore destination so basically I'm going to skip this part and just go straight to an ore deposit base now in the meantime I will Farm a bit of wool I'm not going going to capture any of these I do want to keep my pal speres for some important base Pals for now I do need a bit of wool as some of the starring items like the armor and the glider will require a bit of that but not that much eventually we can of course get a lot more now in the middle of this platform you can also find some additional spheres but of course it's going to depend on luck it can be that it can be palum fragments like in my case but along the way as you can see I'm pretty much grabbing as much as I can berries and especially wood and the stone I don't want to waste any time mining for now and here is where civas will spawn so I'm going to try my best to hit it and we're going to try to capture a couple of them two should be enough because it gives us about 100 extra carry weight which is going to help us quite a bit on our path over there so um quickly going over the upgrades I'm also going to of course increase my weight this will be um the first stat that I will focus on at this point trying to get to about 700 with the kativa included so going so getting this guy which is actually pretty easy also another level so that's pretty nice now from this point on down this hill we're going to have two or three more Pals that are going to be very useful plus as you can see quite a few of these pal fears to help us out so the next I'm looking for is a pulet we need somebody who Waters our Plantation plus um a fox spark wouldn't hurt good for damage early on and I'm also going to grab this chest by the way there's going to be one more in just a bit which also gave us a mega sphere so that can be quite helpful now these pulet can be quite dangerous at this point which is why I recommend trying to only get them one by one um this guy in particular seems to be slightly higher level than me but I'm still going to try do my best and take this one down I'm not sure exactly why he moved so fast he's probably going to be a pretty strong variant but but um yeah you do have to Club him in the head until he's down okay so that's going to be one it seems that his friend also joined the fight so I do have to be careful and I also don't want to waste my civas and there's the second one I think we're pretty much ready to go we also have a bunch of gumos spawning around so if you see them grab them because they will just handle the starting planting stuff however if you don't find them it's not an issue because in the AA we're going to be in there are a bunch of tanes and they can do that just as well if not even better I'm just going to capture him because I don't want to risk it quick tip over here you can Sprint and then Crouch to essentially slide down this slope which is going to give you a ton of speed so you can use this to gain a quick Advantage as we make our way towards this fast travel point and unlock it right away now our destination is going to be up here after the chillet boss fight we're not going to fight the boss but behind it there's an amazing base spot location with a crazy good view and also with a ton of starting ore and also by the way try to grab one of these chests right here on the side of this Cliff it usually spawns here and you can have some extra chances for some more pal spheres and small pal Souls but of course it's all RNG now we will make our way down this path we're going to follow this in the canyon just ahead and also talk this NPC in just a bit to gain some extra of those pelium fragments so if I go ahead and talk with this cook guy or girl yeah they give us five extra pum plus another LIF Monk figy on our way so we already have enough for one levels and from this point on it's just following this Canyon until we reach that Tower with the first boss fight but we're going to obviously only go for the Waypoint nearby and from that point on it's going to all be very close to us but um there are some other creatures in here you can also Farm you can further find extra pengu anglets here and of course a lot more pal Spears plus quite a few of these Fox Sparks so obviously if you do need them go ahead and grab one if you did not find one previously I recommend with the Panget to fight them as this is going to counter them and give some nice extra bit of damage early on so now that this is over we're going to make our way towards the first Tower boss of course without interacting with it but it's going to be a slight pilgrimage that we have to make towards uh the starting base however it's going to be absolutely worth it so once you reach here you're going to be able to activate the rain Syndicate Tower plus of course the Waypoint nearby and as you can see we're going to make our way this road further east from this location you can see the chillet boss fight just yet but it's going to be there and the bridge is going to be right here across that Gap SL Valley so this is going to be the bridge I'm talking about that one right there as you can see it in the distance that's going to be the bridge we're going to be aiming for and I'm just going to progress over there until we reach it now on the way here you're going to notice quite a few of these extra Pals you can grab and I recommend a couple of tanzi's and of course any pal speres you find along the way but tzes are amazing early on CU they can help you a lot with the lumbering they also have some other attributes there that can help with the base management early on so I recommend grabbing one if you can if not you can just go to the base and eventually come back they spawn quite often now yeah this is going to be the chillet arena we're going to completely ignore it and not try to get in a fight because obviously it's too difficult now instead I'm going to make my way around it right behind the arena do keep in mind however that there's going to be another chest here that you can take slightly to the right so if you want to go ahead and take it it's going to be right here at the end of this um sort of enclosed platform however making our way back this is is going to be the bridge I talked about and on the other side we're going to reach our final destination so this is our destination ladies and gents it looks rough for now but you can make it absolutely crazy so there are about seven or eight of these or sitting about and you can just go ahead and grab them they are also very close to one another so you can just set up a box in the middle of them and have all of your Palace bring all of that ore to your deposit box which is going to be enough so this is the location by the way if you want to see it on the map so we will want to be very close to the center and make the starting P deck also Encompass the entire area without leaving any of the elements outside especially the ores they have to be inside of the base limits otherwise they get ignored so I'm going to go ahead and unlock some of the starting items from the technology stab we're going to go ahead and get the pal box we're going to get um the pal speres campfire wooden chest we all need these also the wooden structure set of of course the two beds for our character and our Pals and I'm going to get some of the old bow plus the arrows then eventually we're going to jump over to the shield and the cloth outfit we're going to need all of these as you can see me unlocking them both for our base but also for our character as we're going to do a bit of fighting in just a bit and don't forget about the Barry farm and that parachute you're going to need that in just a little bit so to start things off the pal box is going to be right around the middle of these two larger ores at the beginning of the platform which should in theory let us have a whole base surrounding most of these resources including these two trees right here in the back plus that small hill over there so we can build our house/ structure and many others right here which is plenty enough space and like I said I'm going to go ahead and place this box right here in the middle which is going to make it a lot easier for our Pals to bring our resources in one specific centered spot quick little tip by the way in the starting stages when you only have one pal boox slot you can put one of the civas in it and dedicate to the base and then throw one from your um of course team outside and then you're going to have two workers helping me at the same time with you it's going to be three this will help Aon to speed up that um building a time process now from this point on is going to be all about placing down some of these structures so I want to create a bridge right here which is why I'm going to try to align it very well with the platform on the other side plus to avoid just generally Pals not um hitting ground and clipping through it it can get very annoying so this will fix a lot of that but for that we're going to need some of these base structures which is why I'm going to temporarily set them up until the other side and then I'm going to just try to build some of these other platforms around it as this is going to be the spot dedicated to our Pals and of course their place to sleep to eat and a bunch of some of the ranches that we will craft early on now since I also want that bridge and I don't want it to collapse the moment I destroyed these I'm going to set up a bunch of these reinforced walls at the um base of the stairs so that I can continue building the bridge above it plus it's going to take advantage of um all of this structure below it however eventually we do want to delete that so we have to build these extra walls as a means to just protect the bridge not collapsing so once that is done we can go ahead scrap these and as you can see the bridge just stays there perfectly it has a good Gap so even bigger Pals can cross through it and it's overall very nice to look at and from this point on I'm going to try to build a starting Barracks you're not going to have to do anything but place up some of these um ceilings you don't even have to create an entire enclosure you can still sleep in a bed even if it's only covered by one of these up your head as long as you have one of those it's going to be planty enough to um sleep at night so you don't have to worry about creating a whole house and wasting wood just yet I will of course repeat the process for my companions and build a bunch of beds for them as well now my goal right here at the beginning is to level up my base really quickly so I'm going to try to complete these projects and increase the number of Pals I can hold in my base the starting objectives are actually rather easy so you're going to build most of this stuff anyway plus it also retroactively applies to it if you build something that's um required in the next steps that's why I also went ahead and buil some Berry plantations over here and I just got a ton of things going in the starting stages now you might have noticed that we lack some of the starting Stone and the wood in this area that's not going to be a problem because at level seven we can unlock the stone Pit and the loging site both of which are actually a requirement for one of the starting levels for your base level so you can basically like just shoot two birds with one stone if if you both build those and also gain that extra level so our starting theme for now includes a pulet a kativa and that gumos which is going to handle most of the stuff for now and especially so the berry Plantation we do need the food right away so I'm going to place down the food box so that all of those berries get transported inside plus eventually we can even craft a campfire nearby and cook some of those berries and save a ton of the sanity so that we can upkeep them and make them work for a lot longer but for now it's getting late so I'm going to go ahead go to sleep and as I've said sleeping absolutely Works despite the house not being finished now my first objective once I get this workbench going is going to be to craft that normal parachute it's going to help us Aon with traversal so I'm going to use some of the starting wool to turn it into a couple of cloth which is then going to be funneled into creating that starting parachute which is going to absolutely change things for us now from this point on I'm going to go outside of the base a little bit and there are two objectives I want to complete here one of them is that there's this LIF monk Effigy to the right side of the bridge which is going to give us the third one in total and there are going to be two more in the area we're going to go in just a little bit which is going to give us two levels to upgrade our um catching rate now on your way here you will also find a lot of tzes which is why I recommend trying to grab them as much as you can um they will have Fon as I've said with logging but they can also do a bit of Transportation they can also unplant stuff and also Harvest so they are one of the best at this stage in the game until you get the better ones now after doing a bit of tree farming SL cutting down I did get a bunch of wood needed to craft the bow you will want to get that right away you could of course go with the others two but essentially we want the whole gear early on so that plus the arrows we also got got the cloth armor which is actually prettyy easy to get just two of those cloth items but I recommend going immediately for the common Shield get some palum fragments and all the other stuff in here like very easy from the starting resources but this is going to give you a whole HP bar basically it will tank about one major hit which is very helpful early on now my plan from this point on is to essentially capture two important Pals one of them is going to be the elk creature which is an amazing damage dealer early on and one that will help us just deal with a lot of these Pals we're going to fight in just a bit and second is going to be the tomat this is going to help us to just mine or resources in our base civas unfortunately won't do because their mining level is only one so that means they can't even mine anything beyond just regular stone for anything beyond that like ore coal and everything else you will need higher and higher mining level Pals in this case which which is why we're going to be using the starting tomats and tomats are actually quite abundant in the area at night they are only level 11 so really easy to capture so now that we're ready we can go ahead out in the wild and I'm going to start and actually scratch that there's one right below so I'm going to use the height advantage to get a hold of it obviously um I'm going to have to get closer because it seems that the damage is a little bit too low now fortunately enough these creatures are not too smart so as long as you stay on an elevated Terrain or just stay behind cover they should in theory not deal much damage but obviously still be careful because they can absolutely wreck you now they deal a ton of damage but for some reason this bugged out so like I said if you just stay behind cover you can typically just um get the AI to go Haywire so you can eventually capture it so now that it's done throwing a quick ball and yes it absolutely works so now that we have the elk we can go ahead and grab the tomat I'm going to try try to make my way around this entire Valley and back to my base obviously since I don't have another choice but since it's night time already combat should spawn really soon however I'm only like super low level for now so I'm going to try to do a couple of things to level up really quickly one is to go very close to the tower boss and there's a camp nearby that we can use to fight a bunch of enemies now these enemies are actually pretty easy to get they are low level you can just use the arrows for the head shot Plus in this case our ALK absolutely obliterates them all right so this guy got absolutely destroyed I just love that charge attack and how it just throws everything away also worth freeing all of those spells inside usually you'll find the cage unfortunately this time around it's only a pulet but it is a free one that you don't have to waste a sphere on they could definitely be much better but even the pulet can help a bit back at the base and of course we leveled up as a result so this is actually a win-win now now we are level seven so we can go ahead and gain a bunch of other upgrades like I said the stone pit as well as um that logging site are now finally available so we're going to go ahead CR them and get some extra resources along the way now there's one quick stop I want to make on the way which is going to be that desolate church this is the former base area I used before on the way there you will find quite a bit of stone and quite a bit of extra pum resource so you can definitely go ahead and grab some I mean there are so many in the area but you can also come back later and farm for them there are two creatures in here that I want but also two LIF monk Effigies to increase our capture chance uh and one of them is going to be right here at the church so inside we are going to go past this Waypoint and inside we can find both another LIF monk Effigy as well as one of these statues to gain one of the starting levels plus it doesn't hurt we gain some extra arrows from that chest now we do need one more of these fgs to gain another level which coincidentally can be found right up the hill to our right side next to the church so this is exactly where we want to go in because there are two more Pals we need for our team a Vixie and the rash B both of which should spawn relatively easy in this area Okay so it seems that I'm interrupting some kind of party over here but it does seem that only some Rush BS have spawned I do want to be careful and not kill them outright because I really really need one okay so see that's what I'm talking about you have to be extra careful about these so I'm going to try to at least get the second one Vixie did not spawn just yet but of course we can always make our way back and I mean this guy is just going to destroy everything in its path and with that this should be a successful capture now the only thing we need is of course that LIF monk apigy so I think I saw it right around here um yeah it's going to be right here at the end of The Edge and pretty much in a very opened position but this is going to let us go right next to the church it's going to be here by the way if you want to check it so now that we have the parachute and all of that we can just jump down and make our way over there and with that we're ready for the second level of capture power I'm going to go ahead and upgrade this however keep in mind that at the time of filming this video there's a pretty nasty bug that in fact reduces your capture power when you use these LIF monk upgrades so until it get fixes maybe avoid using it however if you're watching this video like in the future 1 2 3 months it should already be fixed so you can go ahead and freely upgrade these so now that we got the rush board the only thing we need is it saddle which you can unlock at level seven and this is going to be a game Cher for you for the next couple of levels so definitely worth doing so which is why you're going to want to grab a bit of palum in case you don't have enough also around this time I'm going to go ahead and build this Stone pit plus we're going to build that um of course wood one one as well but we do need this to upgrade our base so I'm going to place them down anyway for now this should be enough for the kativa to work and gain some extra stone for the base now since our base is a bit larger now and we gained a few Levels by just crafting the stuff that we needed you can now cook some of the berries I recommend doing so early on because this can help a ton with your Pal's sanity until you gain some other sources of doing so so this can help quite a bit to keep everybody in check in good condition so that they can work around the clock and give you everything that you need also another plan is to create the fox Park saddle this will give us a very strong flamethrower early on which is going to help us Aton with some of the boss fights ahead plus we might be able to use a bit of breeding for that now I went back to the cursed church and finally we do have some vies over here there are a couple of them that are really trying to escape but I'm not going to let them we do need them to gain infinite b speres as we are going to funnel that into leveling up very fast and luckily two of them is going to be enough in two days you should get like dozens of pal Spears and dozens of extra arrows for absolutely free but I will also use the rush board obviously to break down some of these palum fragments as you can see it's instant and it just gives us the whole thing right away this also works of course as a very good way to cover distance as you can obviously see it can just travel for so long that's why you want to also be careful and not jump straight into hell like I just did right here but now that we're done with that I'm now going to place down a wrench and get a bunch of Vixie already going yes it absolutely works even if you place it on some of these wooden floors it doesn't really matter you can just throw the vies inside and they will dig through anything I even let these for a few days and they absolutely work without any problem I don't really like its positioning just yet but eventually I might move the wrench a little bit further back also I'm going to try to build a proper house for the pals so that they can sleep in eventually we will take some bigger Pals that might need a bit more room to fit so I'm going to try to create this bigger sort of barn area in which I'm going to just place a bunch of beds for them to sleep so this is kind of like their spot mine is going to be on the opposite side of the bridge so now that this is done we also gained another level so we can upgrade our base to level six and and this is going to as you can see also now required to build a Crusher that stone Pit and the logging s so all part of the process but I can also Place Another Vixie in this case I'm probably going to do so because I really need those SP speres and just throw her in her own ranch and nighttime is also really really close which means it's finally time to move on to the Tom bats they should spawn pretty much close to our base and luckily we have everything to do so um I I think that we just have to be careful not to die now I do recommend crafting a torch just in case because it's going to be Pitch Black in this area you can do so at the workbench but um I'm already seeing a tomat right there behind the chillet so luckily enough um well actually I think two of them should spawn in this area but I'm just going to try to deal as much damage as possible really quickly and obviously use the elk thingy on it um two should be enough for our starting Farm they have rank two but they can be quite dangerous as they do deal toxic damage or poison damage plus some of these um Darkness attacks however they are no competition for the Elk which still somehow gets ton of damage but that's because it's a normal type enemy so it's actually weak to the combat that's why I suggest being careful about it and the second one should not be too far off now my elk did die from the poison damage and because it's weak to this kind of damage but um I can probably just throw the mega sphere and yeah we do have a good chance to catch it so that's two tomats for a night not bad so once you go ahead and place them inside as you can see they will actually start mining those resources so civas are no longer useful at this point just going to throw them away you can still of course use them to you know just help you with stuff but um for now these are going to be my go to miners they can also work for regular Stone but also for these ore elements we have in the base and as you can see our Vixie are already productive we do have quite a few of these spheres going around so they are starting to become quite noticeable with the thing that they are doing so for now the base looks pretty nice we do have things going we have those two pits in the background being built I did have to make some readjustments but overall I'm very pleased that we got some very good um specimens actually of combat they do have some very good stats over here to work with with so now what I'm going to do next is essentially try to build some extra wood floors around this you can of course go ahead and use the camera like how I am right here to essentially clip a wooden structure to a wooden in this case platform which is going to help you connect everything without having to worry about much this is going to give me the possibility to build a bunch of stairs down the line right here and perfectly align everything with how I want to set up the whole base this will be the transition to my my own house in just a bit since our vix were very hard at work and got us a bunch of those fears my next recommendation while they are doing all of the resource extractions and what not is to go ahead and gain a bit of levels since we have quite a few of these Spears in the starting zone we have a ton of bonus extra XP to catch all of these creatures so I'm going to try to gain as many of them as possible plus we also need some of the tanes to further help us with the logging and general base managing that's why the rush Bo is amazing over here it just completely Stomps on anything so that is actually not too bad I was aiming for at least level 10 for this video but it seems that we can greatly exceed that we might even be able to do the first boss but probably not in this video I think that that exceeds a bit um The Beginner's Guide sort of walk through so for now I'm just going to focus on just getting the base going and getting everything over there to funnel into the next stage so from this point on just setting up a bunch of these a little bit better some of the starting workbenches may be put in a better position because previously they were kind of occupying a space and causing a lot of glitches with the AI when the pathing wasn't really working well now we do need some of these Hot Springs because it seems our pals are rapidly becoming depressed if we continue this way things become a little bit more well difficult with the mining and whatnot so we do need some pal fluids luckily we have the starting pulet in the starring area plus all around our base on the shorelines we can see quite a ton of them plus the fo ARS which are also a very good source of those spell fluids essentially any creature that is in the aqua category and that's another base level plus I'm going to set another tanzi in the remaining spot I will have three tanes for the wood chipping and then two tbats for the stone for now which are going to then transition to the ores in just a little bit but um I do have plenty of stone though not enough wood that's why I'm placing it this way and from this point on as I've said I'm going to start doing the outskirts these are going to be all the locations in which I'm going to place other farming elements maybe breathing pans maybe some other structures all around this entire area until I reach back to the main hill quick tip by the way if you want to align all of these wooden foundations from different levels what we can do is on the level below is to start with a set of stairs and in its end to put one of these wooden platforms SL ceilings and once you do that you can just go a bit further back select the wooden foundation and then try to align it perfectly with the previous um slate that you just appli to the end of those stairs this is going to then let you pretty much gain this kind of look which is perfect you can then align it perfectly with the wooden stairs and just like have everything going on from this point on without having any gaps or any issues with alignment if you want extra tips like these let me know Down Below in the comments I can totally make some Base building tips for some really amazing structures and from this point on I just placed a bunch of these all around that platform slill because this is where I want to build my main base so this is how it's going to look like absolutely incredible cabin yes it is made out of wood but eventually we will replace this with stone and create an amazing Castle on this very Hill plus look at these views they are absolutely amazing you can see everything 360 you can see behind in the front everything around here is revealed and guess what nobody will be able to attack us I've seen a number of raids coming and going but they usually just spawn below and they just end without ever even reaching this upper platform now they might have a chance sometimes to spawn at the end of well the chillet boss fight so for example at the end of that bridge you might see them appearing and making their way to your base but they are usually going to just cross the bridge in a straight line which makes them very easy target so this is the final base well not really final but for now this is how it looks like I'm absolutely in love with this entire location but let me know down below what you think about it and now that everything is set up properly there's one more thing that I want to do which is to lure in the chillet boss fight why you might ask because why deal with it solo when I can have an entire base taking care of it and dealing way way more damage so I'm going to go ahead and try to pull it over the bridge and see what happens yes it is making its way over here it can actually even Patrol through the bridge all the way to your base though I'm not sure if it's going to ever reach like in the center of your base it can still happen and I've seen it but as you can see everybody just does quick work of it they all deal damage you don't have to fight with just one single pal at your side when you have an entire base helping you with it and by the way you can rinse and repeat this because the chillet boss fight drops an early on legendary schematic which can help you quite a ton if you want to farm for that but yeah that's pretty much it with the starting guide and the first few levels let me know down below if I missed anything and as always if you enjoyed this video a thumbs up and a subscribe would definitely be appreciated if you didn't enjoy it then just leave a dislike and comment below that you didn't like it thanks so much for watching and I'll see you in the next video
Channel: KhrazeGaming
Views: 203,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: khrazegaming, palworld guide, palworld tips and tricks, palworld pokemon, palworld tips, palworld review, palworld early access, palworld gameplay, palworld best pals, palworld pals, palworld xbox, pal world, palworld tutorial, palworld ultimate guide, palworld ultimate breeding guide, palworld ultimate base guide, palworld ultimate beginners guide, palworld ultimate starter guide, palworld ultimate breeding, palworld ultimate guide 10 things
Id: v10JdL3eDPs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 12sec (1992 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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