Overnight Winter Camping in a Quinzee

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] man is it gorgeous out let me tell you sometimes when you're out winter camping pulling a sled through the snow it is hard to beat a pack trail and a beautiful blue sky and sunshine it is just so gorgeous all right now it's like perfect out what you say Monty Monty Monty he's just giving me the butt over there he's interested in smells [Applause] hello there ladies and gentlemen I am out with the cool the hip mr. cache Monty and we are gonna spend a couple nights out here we're looking to make a Quincy today if everything goes correct and it is just a gorgeous beautiful sunny blue sky day in the winter the temperatures are about 15 20 and that's because mostly because the sun's out and it's actually theirs they're pretty chilly at night it's about 0 to 5 somewhere in there above you know Fahrenheit above zero so it'll be nice to sleep in a Quincy tonight but right now we're just hiking down a pack trail which is a rare treat for us usually we're just breaking trail and whatnot and if I do go down a pack trail juicy because I invite Jake ski guy and he packs it for me and I just let him tread you long but anyways we've got a ways more to go and then we're gonna veer off the trail and try to find a nice spot to start setting up our camp ready so let's get to it come on T let's go ahead go ahead go ahead oh oh don't trip on my snowshoes [Music] we are faced with our greatest challenge yet today I wish to potentially put my Quincy up there but to get there we must hike up this very small hill challenge accepted oh gee [Applause] I know it don't look like much but climbing up these pills in like three four foot of powder that'll get you working I feel like we just accomplished something what do you think Monty this is spot yeah I'm not sure exactly how much snow is here I'm saying at least three feet could be four I won't know until I start digging but cameras don't pick up angles very well business it's a steep little a little bitty hill we're not even quite at the top for ours pointing but yeah going on that pack trails nothing compared to going on this ha I need a breather but this does look like a decent spot we kiss up right here what I'm gonna do right now is probably hike up there we're gonna walk around I'll leave all my gear right here go find a nice open spot best spot good sunlight and no dead trees like this big one right here that's yeah Oh sunglasses anyways I'm gonna walk around find a spot whoo okay Buie warm so this looks like it's gonna be her spot we're up on top of that little hill little Bluff it's gonna be a little bit windier but the winds aren't supposed to be bad but we're gonna have a nice sunny spot what I try to do here is since the winds are supposed to come from this way or I think this way so no this way itself we're gonna face the quinsy opening this way I'm gonna build it right here into this hill we're gonna dig out this whole area maybe set up some walls who knows that's the plan anyways we'll get digging and we'll see now the deep deep snow is a blessing and a curse at the same time it's a blessing because I don't have to go as far to get as much snow but it's cursed because I don't know if there's a how many logs are down there stumps you name it there could be all sorts of stuff and when I set my camera in the ground it seems like it's at least four feet of snow so there's a good bit of snow but we're gonna start out by just outlining where we where I want the quinsy this will be our little fire spot and we're just gonna get diggin cuz the first step to making it Quincy is piling up a bunch of snow so let's get do it let's get to it Monte we got to give mine see a little spot [Music] okie-dokie [Music] let's see we just do our pile right here okay let's just start digging looks like I'm gonna have to shut off the old jacket Monti right now at least ooh that feels better how much time do we got all right we've got three and a half hours of daylight I've never finished a Quincy in the daily before I don't think today's gonna be the first time hey Monty what you doing [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah oh that one get ya sorry buddy oh so it's looking like the snow is about I want to say four feet deep right here there's a layer of ice like a crusty layer and there's another foot under that so I'm digging down all the way to the crusty layer and I'm about to chop it up because I want my fire spot my chill spot for Monty and me to be down to the ground and if there happens to be logs when I'm digging out the quincy and whatnot I mean I'll just have the pile of snow up higher and just kind of go up on top of them we'll see but I'm definitely not gonna have time to shovel as much snow because it's already so deep but still give me a good bit of shoveling this whole thing out and collecting the powder all the way around it so back - a line [Music] well the quincies taller than I am I think that's enough snow I'm there I've only been shoveling snow for 45 minutes or so well so if this gives you any perspective let's see okay this right here is ground level the snow is up to here on me and I'm a six five person so let's just do some estimation that two and a half feet maybe it's four feet is deep it feels like more than if you count up there it's like five feet deep the best thing about a Quincy like this when you pile with this much snow is that you got to shovel it all out right Monty you guys shovel it all out you can shovel almost you can help out who ya working hard I'm gonna take a little break here drink some water I've got a lot of snow to clear out a lot of snow oh it is just a beautiful day out you hear that [Music] me neither nothing sometimes that's the best sound I could go for some birds chirpin well that's okay five so one thing I just want to say quick is if you're building a Quincy if you're gonna make one for your first time and you plan on using it for more than one night like I am going to one thing you need to account for is the shrinkage they will shrink a lot overnight each night each night you sleep in it your breath kind of melts the snow and the whole thing just kind of shrinks in and freezes up so now if you're gonna make one for overnight survival purposes I guess you'd make it a little bit more snug not super snug because you'll be stuck in there but the more room you create inside of them the less insulation they provide and heat retention so I'm gonna have a nice roomy Quincy and you'll see on the first night today when I'm done making it it'll be super roomy and then by the day I leave I'll definitely be scrunched up a little bit because it's gonna shrink a bunch but another thing oh I just noticed that's been a first for me I've never made one on top of such deep snow is uh I just about finished up piling and we're on winter on the back adding more snow and just kind of made it made sure those gonna be nice and big and I heard uh like it all just settled in so basically all the weight I just added crunch the snow done there's these fluffy layers and probably broke through that icy layer so it definitely so that's good but it did that now you don't want to be doing that while you're digging it out and you also just want to make sure now that I've got enough snow on there I want to give it at least two hours especially cuz it's fluffy your snow and I got that icy layer I want to make sure it's nice and settled I mean I've done it in one hour before that's a little bit risky I would say suggest at minimum two hours the longer the better you let this compact and the weight just kind of compress the better so let's see we've got two hours and then it's going to be roughly around sunset so I'll be digging around sunset but I've got a whole bunch more snow to clear still and then when I'm done clearing this out we are going to get some firewood which is gonna be a little bit tougher up here there's not a lot of dead standing there's there's none that I can see really just small branches here and there but mr. Monty is tuckered out from the hike in so I'm gonna give him a spot to lay down here [Applause] yeah normally I'd pull him out one right away but part of me thinks he's not gonna want to land this he just want to lay in the snow because he's sitting in the Sun he's nice and toasty so maybe he's named will want this crunchy thing we'll see we think Monty please think [Applause] I'm sorry Monty either alright go ahead good boy us better eat yeah there you go Prince Monty her King Monty on his throne next to his castle not inside of it yet throne needs time let's roll need the time and I need keep this from freezing tip to keep your bottles from freezing put it upside down to some snow it'll insulate just don't put it to a deep and forget where they are or bury it there's about a 25% chance that I won't bury it it's not very high one more thing I just thought about that I'm gonna do really quick before I and let this settle for the two hours it since there's a lot of icy chunks because I've broken through some layers of ice I'm gonna go around the whole Quincy and kind of just powder eyes those chunks as best I can with my shovel that's kind of kind of do a little bit of this over the chunky spots just go that a little left 80 watt trip it out of the way and pass it down this work a little bit better than chopping it [Music] Oh oh yeah oh yeah working heard see we've been shoveling snow for almost two hours now taking little breaks here and there we've got quite the pile of snow here as you can see I'm standing this is the ground here you can see all my shows or snow shoes er that is untouched so I haven't piled much over here a pile a majority of it right over here I'm realizing now one very fun aspect of building this Quincy is when I show all the snow out to right here I'm gonna have to resell it build my walls even higher and have to just keep going higher and further out so you've got a fun evening ahead of us here mud is chilling oh I like I'm at a nice spot right now I'm not sweating early anymore I'm just like perfectly like toasty like I'm not like hot not cold just a right nice level for working and I'm not going to crazy hard right now I'm just taking my time so we're gonna have our fire right here and it's kind of a hill right here so when I start building this this Quincy here I'm gonna dig in actually firm higher and kind of dig my way down and I'm assuming I'm gonna have to leave snow in the front spot because I am on a hill and the back I'll dig to the ground we'll see as we go in there I'll just use snow I'll bring it in to level it out but yeah I'm about done setting up this area as I start chilling I will get a little bit colder but oh I'm just gonna give it another minute of just clearing this out making it a little pretty here and then we're gonna get some firewood start processing up some firewood at least bringing it back here if I have plenty of time so yeah we want to start digging out our Quincy in about an hour roughly an hour so yeah I'll clean this up we'll get some firewood by the time we're done collecting firewood and processing it up it'll be time to dig out our shelter and that's gonna be a whole lot of work that's probably to be the most work of the day pulling it out shoving back up here but there's gotta be done right man is it nice out that Sun the Sun helps so much keep me warm in all black I'm just absorbing sunlight so it's just it's just nice so yeah I'm gonna clean up and let's get some firewood back here Mattie what karati come here oh this way go ahead go go go no this way go ahead go go go go go all right you can see there let's see let's see all right we got a nice dead maple here you're probably just push it over almost a month you I need you further away go ahead come on over here this way what let's go go go go this one's got a good bit of firewood there's actually a lot I climbed up the hill it keeps going it looks like we've got a nice Bluff over there we'll definitely be checking out the area a lot more tomorrow but this will definitely go with some good firewood for the evening I'm gonna cut everything into bigger chunks this time around not do as much saw work just burn them in half so one little trick I've learned since I've been you know fun crafting I mean you got a nice dead tree let's give it a whack or two see if you can get any fallen branches you can at least see them coming right now it's just a lot of schmutz no let's just see if she yeah nevermind it's four feet of snow here it's gonna it's not gonna push over Monte you're good okay okay oh no that'll work okay all right now we just saw this in a couple of pieces here take her back to camp [Music] oh yeah solid hooey okay well I know what you're thinking mr. Monty will get a stick going later thrown jewelry don't jewelry well Christy critter I love to throw them a stick right now but we've got to keep working so I'm just gonna cut up things like I said I'm not gonna go crazy and since this is all maple all super-dense maple I'm not gonna stop a bunch of little logs I'm gonna leave everything kind of long and burn it while we shop plenty of firewood here for tonight and breakfast tomorrow dangit Monty how can you say no to this I can't alright fine fine you want the stick do you want the stick is that what you want you want the stick are you sure do you want it we're okay okay pull Monty wait Monty gotta see where I throw it where's our path okay good well as a bad throw bring in here Monty we're in here come on bring it here come bring in your watches bring me that stick bring here Monty once you bring me that stick hey you don't stop taunting me Marty okay mighty bring me that stick he's like he's shaking his head no I don't I don't think the camera can get them right now he reminds me bring it here come on Monty bring that stick mighty bring it here Monty bring it here bring here whitey breathe here that's it I'm gonna bring it to me fine fine fine fine [Applause] why do you bring it here bunch of bring that stick come on T Monty come on this is what he's doing he's just taunting me with it Monty bring it here come on be reasonable Monty Monty bring me that stick you bring it right here right now mr. Monty bring me that stick you know what forget about it forget about it little turd nugget no no no you already got one stick you wouldn't bring me that one back I'm not throwing you another one no way uh-uh ain't falling for your trickery bring me that stick bring it here Monty you are oh you're being unreasonable Monty right here right here I swear he's just asking me just wants to take my six we can throw them and Tommy with them no shame on you fool me twice shame on me we're here we're here come on breathe here Monty breathe here bring your Auntie breed here bring it here give it to me give it to me give it to me come on Jack right just give me that stick no turd go get her Monty go get it okay Oh Monty hey how's it going okay let's see what time we got Sun is getting lower all right it's gonna start setting here soon in about 15 minutes a little bit of solid two hours after all the messing around with the Quincy it's been so you gonna start digging out so what I'm gonna do now the next step for building in Quincy after your snow is settled and before you want to start digging it out you need to collect some like foot long two foot and a half sticks about twenty thirty of them so that you can poke them all around your Quincy and have it all sticking out all over so that when you're digging on the inside you hit the sticks and you notice stop digging so you don't bust a hole in it so now I'm going to round up about twenty thirty sticks and then we're gonna start place them all around the Quincy and get dig it out okay got Paulo sticks here got all thirty of them as you can see there's you know some skinnier ones some thicker ones and they're more so a foot and a half at minimum that seemed more appropriate than a foot I wouldn't make them a foot it you know after after getting into it this you know nice longer almost two feet that's not that's not quite two feet you know footing to recorders around there that's good but there's just a bunch of dead sticks and I'd prefer to be skinnier like this one here versus you know thicker ones but this is just what there's a dead pine over there that I just grabbed them off of so yeah I like I prefer skinny runs but doesn't matter just a bunch of dead six now it's time to start placing around I always make sure to put some extra ones on the back end ever since one time I went out with Jake I pop the hole in the back of my Quincy so I always put some extras in the back now the last one huh yeah okay [Applause] let's get ready to Quincy funk got Monty a little ol vest here let's see if he'll deal with it since I know he'll deal with anything it won't be a problem extra-large Monty for you it's called the subwoofer get it the subwoofer or Monty and then we got to get that tail through here there you look so handsome auntie Oh nobody's gonna appreciate that okay snowshoes ah here we go ladies and gentlemen let's check the time 6:30 Sun is just about to set see how long it takes me to get this done I'm gonna get two hours so we're just gonna dig in straight this way it's a little bit above the ground so I'm gonna pile up my snow here and shovel it off after Oh actually before I start doing this one thing you got to do when you're in the quinsy is dig with your hands a lot well you don't have to if you have a mini shovel I guess you don't have to use your hands at all but I have to use my hands because this shovel is a little long until I get start getting room in there so I'm gonna use my waterproof arrow stitches over my gloves here so that even though they're a little bit wet already they won't be sopping wet so I'm gonna be rubbing and touching a lot of snow I do I don't really want soaking wet gloves right now my gloves aren't in the best shape either so let's get these puppy dogs on I got these originally for cold weather you know fall camping and stuff well they all work perfectly fine for this - I just hope I don't rip on a little bit tight a little bit tight done the old hands there got it okay back to where you are one smart thing to do when you're thinking of Lindsay and you're by yourself like I am is to go up as you go and don't just dig straight in and let there be like two three feet of snow above your head because if you just keep digging up and then all you got is that layer of about that much snow if it does cave-in on you it's about less than a foot of snow or a foot you know like I can break out a foot of snow falling on me but to three feet might not be able to do it then so just got to be safe especially when you're by yourself even when your friends are out here with you unless they're helping you do it they're not gonna hear ya this snow falls on you it'll be silent they'll just hear nothing see you working so just be smart when you're by yourself okay so I was just in there and I kind of just went in a little bit start digging in a little bit more and the whole thing kind of went just a just a bit and settled a little bit more so I'm thinking because I just built on top of four feet of snow I'm gonna have to wait a lot longer for this thing to settle then I thought I'm not gonna be messing around taking a chance of this thing collapsing on me so I'm gonna wait it out longer and I'm just gonna sit here and kind of just dig what I can from the outside and dig up and like I said I'm not gonna go anywhere inside this thing where snow could collapse on me I just think it's it's most likely because there is that layer of ice and you know a lot of fluffy snow and then I put a whole bunch of heavy icy chunks and stuff on top so that's a lot of weight and it's just it's just gonna take longer to settle than I thought and you know it's been two hours at least two and a half so I'm thinking it needs three and a half for maybe for it to be nice and settled but definitely have never had that happen before where it's I've been inside of it I heard a go cool so just gonna take it slow and safe it's gonna be a while till this Quincy is done but you got to do what you gotta do you know another thing I'm thinking right now is there is the isolator that's about right here maybe it's really not settling through that and as I chip away at it it could be just the whole weight of this thing could be sitting on that icy layer wouldn't that be a bummer because then as I chip it and dig in it's gonna weaken it who will if that's the case if that's the case then I don't think it's safe to be doing this hmm now I'm in a pickle well regardless of what I do let this be a lesson to me and you probably not good to start your quincy on top of snow that you don't really know what's underneath it's better to start fresh pack it down and pile on top lesson learned well I'm just going to keep plucking away when I can we'll see what happens well [Music] that ice that big ice layer is really messing with the whole thing poop poop poop poop poop well at least a bigger opening is safer for me - I got more room to dig it around it's gonna be a little bit more drafty in this Quincy here yeah this ain't working out so good dig Navigon steer ight now I did bring out a tarp so worst-case scenario we'll sleep under the stars tonight it'll be a little bit chillier so we'll definitely have to help to shovel out some more snow here and we might want to burn some firewood all night long but I was really looking forward to spending two nights in a Quincy because it's nice and toasty once you get in there this is gonna be a little drafty so I think I'm gonna have to just relax for a bit and let it settle more gosh darn you Quincy why why well I'm just going to keep safely digging what I can and see what happens you know if it keeps breaking up and collapsing we're just gonna sleep under a tarp tonight if I do not get to sleep in my Quincy I'm not sure if I'm gonna spend two nights out here because I think tomorrow's supposed to colder yeah I'm just I'm just not sure so I was really looking forward to getting this Quincy we'll see let's hope for the best let's hope that as I go in it stops doing this yeah never had this one happened before luckily this is a big pile of snow and I got I got anyway back here see it keeps doing it it just keeps settling as I'm digging I'm convinced that's that ice layer I'm very convinced I'm convinced it's just a pocket of snow underneath and as I chipped away at it man that sunset is beautiful on a better note I'm gonna make this a very thin Quincy the walls are gonna be very thin on this one so when I find the sticks I'm gonna go a little bit past the sticks just because with this thing being semi unstable yeah I know I keep repeating myself but I'm not going under this thing with a bunch of snow on top that it'll just that will be the end of the old dome at here and if I go down I don't know about Monty here funk knows where I met I always tell her where I met in case of disaster does strike but I don't know if all Monty would know how to get his food er what he would do probably just hang out here and I'm sure you could last a few days just hanging out which would let's not think about that it's terrible [Applause] all right we need to get a shot of the sunset though this thing is beautiful this guy okay so I've dug about as far as I can in without having to crawl underneath really and it did sink one more time so right now what I'm going to do is put on my snowshoes and I'm going to go on top of this thing and jump up and down and stuff and if it like sinks in or something I'll know it's not gonna work out so let's just do that to start you're right that'll help pack it down too but I'm not really in the mood for messing around snow collapsed on me oh pretty solid I'll give it that maybe it's a solid amount of solid mount of snow these things solidify is you after you sleep it up that was so stupid oh man that was so dumb regardless of him it was in a cave in or not beating on the park that's not solidified with so we're gonna have a super open Quincy now oh my gosh okay so what I'm gonna do now the genius plan now is that I'm just creating this like destroyed terrible Quincy this is not a good how to Quincy video don't followed my advice right now give up if you've been paying attention so far know that this is a failure this is a failure Quincy this is my fourth no wait one yeah this is the force quit forth Quincy I've ever made by far the worst so far I will never be starting on top of four feet of snow I'm gonna chop through all the snow pack it down start fresh that's that's what I think is better so what I'm gonna do what I'm thinking I'm gonna do is now that this is so open that I can just dig straight in without any worries I can pretty much stand up and dig it in I'm just gonna dig this out see you know we may be screwing up we may have had a boo-boo but we're gonna fix it make it okay we're still gonna have a good time in camp out here slight bummer but that's okay I'm not reap I'll in my snow I'm not doing any of that let's keep let's keep keeping on well some good news I've just been well first off I don't even need to really go inside of it I can pretty much stand up and just the opening so big that I could just do everything from right here but I've just been hacking off chunks on the roof and I haven't heard it settle once so either hey it's finally settled enough or beep it was just a sprint part that was acting weird if you look at this kind of a odd shape a little steeper here and shallower here and I'm thinking I just didn't pile the snow up maybe enough right here I don't know I'm not a Quincy expert I don't I don't claim to be a really an expert at bushcrafting or shelter-building you know I just come out here experiment I make mistakes and I learn from them but I do think that we're gonna get to sleep in our Quincy just gonna be a little less warm and reflect less heat back maybe a big all opening maybe we'll cover this with the tarp but let this be a lesson to any of you guys out there that it's okay to fail it's okay to screw up just go with the flow I make mistakes all the time I ain't afraid to admit and also depending on how I feel about it if I'm at all concerned with the integrity of the Quincy what I will do is start a little stick fire inside of it and let it kind of just melt the inside a little bit and then put it out and as I sit here and cook up dinner it'll freeze solid and there's no way it'll collapse I know you can also do that with tea candles so you just light some tea candles just let them burn in there that works as well [Applause] Monte's just snuggle up like a little creature doesn't he look so cozy Monty Monty are you good boy do you want tree dog park or just pure coziness he ain't movin cooped we're too comfortable dad I don't want to miss room with any of this stuff very comfy in here not getting too worried about it anymore that noise in a while and to be honest once it's only happening when I'm like chipping away at ice and hitting chunks and stuff once you're done building it it's you know it's it's not gonna keep sinking it's gonna be settled for hours it's just yeah when you're working on it I'm gonna kept nailing that ice and hitting the side there's a getting weaker but it's starting to work out more no I've almost we're not quite we're not--we're not 'super far back but we've got a ways to go with it some good progress digging a lot of snow it's getting a lot of work chucking it over this pile now it's pretty high so what I've just been doing is I haven't really been sitting this is the first time I've sat under this but like I said it's fine now I'm just chipping away sitting at the back dragging it forward making a big pile here shoveling about how long are we into this endeavor this catastrophe Oh about two hours almost not way not quite hour and a half roughly somewhere in there yeah let's get back to it probably don't need these anymore it's sick of these things just taking a little stick throwing break don't ever deny the work that goes into building a Quincy oh mighty Oh like I was saying yeah don't ever deny of the work that goes in these Quincy's working hard working hard I'm getting there pretty much I'm pretty much as far back as I need to be bringing here mighty the grounds on by tomorrow this will be a nice living frozen pathways all over still a little soft when you're tramping through you know but yeah that's getting pulled up is a nice clear night it's gonna be a bitterly cold night so we're gonna like having this Quincy even though it's even though it's still huge it open it'll be better than sleep under a tarp that's for sure it's just not gonna be quite as warm that's okay but yeah the stars are out into the clear sky probably be a little colder if I wasn't working so hard but he's gonna relax when there's a blanket there's a little vest on it is getting a lot of work this this snow pile is as tall as I am and I'm just trying to a lot of its fall back in here so I have to clear this all out oh geez Mikey bring me that stick bring me that stick tell you what though I'm getting hungry okay uh plans ahead I knew tonight today I'd be doing a lot of work hiking and building everything so we're just gonna have a nice classic steak potatoes and vegetable meal that's gonna be good I'm getting hungry I sure I'm getting hungry so yeah I'm just gonna keep throwing the stick for mr. cash Monte here let them get warmed up you know get a little excitement he took good nap you came creeping around Quincy but I'm pretty I'm pretty pleased everything is working out it's turning out okay yeah we've got a huge opening it's more of a cave bears den than it is a Quincy but I'm I'm cool with it I'm happy it's gonna be all right don't worry I'll get a fire started [Music] beside to move Monte's spot because this snows as tall as I am knob made another super high snow pile like I've got I'm getting a real tuckered-out trying to keep it over that so switch to this side and now I'm just kind of clear it out well getting there ladies and gentlemen there's one song I got stuck in my head right now towards us Quincy never gonna give you up never gonna let you down you just got rickrolled it's done buddy come here karate we did it together as a team hey Monty well it may be the biggest opening largest spacious Quincy ever made by me but it's it's it's done it's working we've got it Monty I need a drink of water and then I am going to start a fire that's what we're gonna do next my gloves are frozen I didn't the waterproof things didn't work out I work my little butt off got a little cramp in my arm yeah Monty all right let's get a fire going and then we're gonna make Monty a nice spot so he can get all roasted up by the fire we'll have a roasted Monty what do you think about that huh anyways guys persistence paid off positive outlook not giving up and we still got a Quincy for a minute there I thought I was gonna be a complete failure and I was gonna have to just sleep under a tarp and just fail to Quincy but hey it worked out okay since we dug down right to the dirt we're just gonna start it on the ground today Oh heaven Tibet say I'm ready for a fire let's just you know it's Creek I live up a little freely so it takes a spark for that one spark for you that we're about to get you know what I'm saying you know I'm saying nope three sparker a trace Parker trace strike whatever you want to call it put away super fine twigs just a few are nothing crazy [Applause] bigger wants to bring a happier go let the fire do the work mr. Monty needs a nice spot like right here what do you think Monty Monty where you going I'd like to lay him sideways but it's just not the right not the right spot for that hey go Monty there you go might be a little warm for him I'll just watch him that's warm II will turn his butt towards it here soon yeah boy all right I'm gonna get my chair up as the fire is burning down what not I'll probably get my sleep stuff set up in the Quincy and we'll show you how we're fitting in there we got a few logs and uneven ground but it's gonna work this is gonna work this fire sure feels nice my gloves are a little frosty I need to dry them out normal twinsies get to crawl in this one you can just you know stand up walk right in stand up oh so it's a bit uneven in here I used to know to level it out a bit and we'll see how I sleep tonight I might need more snow but I'm gonna be sleeping right here Monty's up on a little there's a big log right here and he only needs a small spot so his sleeping pad will kind of be sticking up funny but it won't really matter when you roll in here to lay I'm still under the edge it'd be a lot a lot cozier if it wasn't so open but it is what it is we're gonna be all right we're gonna be just fine we've got warming up sleep sleep stuff Monty what are you doing get out of here go dang it yeah try to free up the strike it still find some way to creep on my sleeping pad yeah you stick to yours mister no booty lay down he's trying to dig away and he's gonna pull the blanket off and then there's a nice ember oldest pop a hole in that sinker what a day tell you what I'm gonna sleep like a rock tonight see if I got baby whatever you want to whatever you want to say you wish to call it I'm gonna sleep late see my sleep system is this is an military surplus extreme cold back I use two sleeping bag liners I used by two pillows one for my knees one for my head I use two layers of smart walls and then I take my crappy old jacket thingy and I kind of stuff it up near my face so I sleep pretty dang toasty at night I like to be I'd rather be to warm than to cold I don't know if you've ever had a cold night's sleep but it's not the most fun thing so I like to become sweaty and then just bigger I need to you know open up my sleeping bag and just kind of air out I'd much prefer doing that then wishing I had brought more layers or more warmth that's just a personal preference okay so I'm just gonna lay Monty's sleeping bag over the top of mine just in case that little creature comes creeping in here and tries to lay on this stuff and then I'm gonna layer up get my chair out and we're gonna get to relaxed I'm sitting near that fire I've earned it I've earned it today hi Monty that's a little too close I should be good okay yeah okay Monty I'm gonna sit down oh that feels good Monty how are you doing all your toasty oh you're warm yeah what's wrong shaking your head yeah move Monty's spot because noise got an itch see he's on a I'm not sure what kind of shot is it it's it's an allergy shot but like I said before and I'll keep saying it until it's we figure it out Kara Monty come here come here come lay down right here okay like I was saying yeah anyways so Monty will only be getting pureed pumpkin and his food again like he has been the last few times we've been out in the woods and that is because we are searching for what he's allergic to and we are very we're very certain that it's a food allergy and so we're sticking to his dog food and just pumpkin to see to try to eliminate to try to hone in on what's causing his allergic reaction and when we started this with the vet he wasn't itching and he had been off his allergy shot for quite a while to wear us out of a system but now he's starting to itch again he's scratching his face a little bit and stuff so he's gonna need the shot again and we're gonna have to keep we might have to switch his food again so we'll figure it out Monty eventually but yeah he's just getting pumpkin again but yeah like I was saying he's oh no no Monty up up up up Monty come on up up over here over here go ahead go ahead well ladies and gentlemen add to the list of failures and I just ruined this sleeping pad well there it is yep I just got this thing to warm and I melted it great oh no Monty no why no no no no this is going to be fun great job it just got too hot come here okay okay well joyous day so that just happened yep you know yeah we mess up our Quincy I just ruined the sleeping pad and that whole there is no way a patch kit is gonna work on that it's the whole side I just got it that fire is too hot and the blanket wasn't really covering that little spy I don't think very well and now we are down one sleeping pad that is less insulation from the ground for one of us I'll give you a big guess who's gonna be sleeping on the sleeping pad and who's gonna be sleeping on the ground Monty is going to get the sleeping pad because I can't do that to him I can't I you know I can't rate how warming is during the night so if he doesn't have that sleeping pad I can't tell if he's you know freezing cold I on the other hand will get a cold bottom and understand so what I'm gonna have to do now yes Monty what I'm gonna have to do now is I'm gonna have to go and collect some pine boughs and use that for insulation from the ground that's what I'm gonna have to do I cannot sleep on the ground and stay warm so depending on how I sleep tonight will depend on if we stay out for one or two nights yeah Monty I screwed up again this trip is just going tremendously guys it's just going so slow Oh Monty Monty I'm screwing up so much okay okay okay so we can't have a sleeping pad that close to the fire that really sucks that's a bum dinger I was feeling it all actually yeah now that I feel this that is super hot right there and that's yep yep that's a problem right there melt of the old sleeping pad oh god I'm a cluster brain now I'm just screwing up left and right okay okay I'm gonna go collect some pine boughs let's do it honey mouse okay soul collected some pine boughs and we're gonna let Monte use them right now we're sitting by the fire will you see to that Monte I don't want to burn these two what Roger needs to be comfortable okay come here yeah I know it's a scope fuses in the past but right now later Marty come on wait up good boy Oh Monte things just aren't going my way oh he'll be warm like that I got a key I want to keep him warm you know by the fire but I ain't bribed not bring it out the other sleeping pad good boy there's no way he just kind of said tote that you have he's gonna have to stay toasty like that but it is a cold night tonight it is March it's a very cold March night I'm gonna be honest guys I am not sure if I'll be spending two nights out here because a I think I'm going to be a little chilly tonight with no insulation from the ground but we'll see but most importantly I'm gonna be a little uncomfortable I already have the not the best back and I'm already uncomfortable you know sleeping on a sleeping pad sometimes so sleeping on uneven ground yeah we'll see oh yeah he's a good boy Monte's nestled up but yeah so probably gonna head home tomorrow we'll see maybe I'll make a fire and chill out for a while we'll see how I feel depends how much sleep I get if I if I get up and I have a it's really funny how I was just talking about how toasty I like to sleep at night oh no I'm gonna potentially have a nice cold night I've never never had to sleep on the ground like this in wintertime I've always had a nice sleeping pad but you know happens happens so we're just gonna you know gonna take what we get and try to deal with it my lips are getting chapped I mean it is super late I have had such a long day now oh man the best thing would be lack of sleep today oh geez so what we're gonna do is I'm gonna put on some chapstick I browned a couple of beers for each night but I'm just gonna I brought two for each night and they're warming up by the fire I am going to like I said brother chapstick when I can find it it's in here somewhere and then I am gonna get cooking I am hungry it is late it's later than it needs to be and um you know I have a little patch yet I could fix it up if it was a hole but I did not anticipate me being a dingleberry and sticking it so close to the fire and melting it like that I I didn't I don't realize how hot it was it was super hot for a minute there it's not as hot now maybe when you get a little little closer he's like but like I said you know one more time listen say it again I can't tell how cold he could you know if if he gets cold at night from no insulation from the ground I can't you know he can't portray that unless he's like shivering or something so I'm gonna have to bite the bullet and sleep on the ground just cuz I I don't want to make him be cold or uncomfortable for my mistakes I'm not gonna make him yeah Monte's not suffering for my mistakes that's for sure it's time to get food prepared I'm getting hungry it's time walking food I'm getting hungry I've been hungry for a while actually so I'm gonna have a nice big old fat meal because I won't be sleeping on the ground and I want to burn calories all night or a starchy fish I'm gonna have my old classic diced potatoes onions and garlic get a pan and butter this is not the best see I'm using a different cutting board than I normally do because those other cutting boards they don't make them anymore and every time it's cold weather I crack them in half this one's a little bit more flimsy but it's not as plasticky or I don't know it doesn't seem like it's in a crack as easy oh my potato pieces are just a little big just slaughtering them well use a little too big to use half so we use like 1/3 almost a half but it's not there I'm just going to add a nice healthy chunk of butter bourbon lots of butter tonight too the fat will help keep me warm a couple big old pieces of garlic I'm going to use the round squish this I'm not gonna get too fancy we're a big ol bytes of garlic flavors is the flavor yeah Wow the flavors will stir around in there it'll be okay I'm gonna get a nice bite of garlic here and they're gonna have some big chunks of garlic salt not too much salt not too little salt just the right amount of salt black pepper going there I like pepper all right there we go we're also gonna be having nice t-bone steak and some asparagus asparagus I just recently learned from a vegetarian friend how to cook it perfectly oh this is not gonna fit very well they'll cook down but you don't want to cook them very long and you go by feel by Bend they just slightly start to bend and wiggle they're done you take them off the heat out of the pan these are gonna get cooked until towards the end you go with a nice another nice chunk of butter that was planning on making a nice really nice meal tomorrow but you know we've got a split in my finger and the garlic and the salt it all feels really good going into it all right that one's ready then one final spice in here and that is for a beautiful beautiful steak okay stop fighting dagnabbit a little bit frozen a little bit more on there a little bit more of that Montreal here we go Oh put that pros on the steak a little more this side too why not why not why not right okay all right let's get cooking I'm hungry I want food now check this out guys a brand-new never before use great great oh yeah my last one wasn't doing so good oh yeah nice and stable look at that brand-new well that's christen her Krishna right in yes what else is new a new spatula yay oh oh it's hot fire is hot okay let that butter get melted no way that's our cooking this snake then we'll get the asparagus going towards the end towards the end of it all okay snow okay let's relax ooh hot just bring some coals there we go fry up everything nice okay okay okay where were we Mike you were looking for a treat weren't you see I brought them on a big ol little bag a pumpkin let's get a little wolf frosty we're gonna just give them a nice big chunk of it for a treat Monte if you're just gonna lick it you're gonna make a mess here you go he loves that pumpkin a little bit of a cold treat Monte I know oh what a long long day let's see what time we're at well guys it's midnight all right I'm gonna treat myself to a beer yeah I'm gonna we'll see how I sleep today I was gonna sleep like a baby maybe I still will I don't know [Music] tell you what I'm gonna be doing those getting nice and full before bedtime that's for sure that's all crispy well I do they cook real quick oh all the smoke you have to be a little done it's a hot player now we think I'm gonna overcook my steak on top of messing up the Quincy and melting the sleep back come on now what am i doing out here what am i doing normally me and Monty would be eating together but since it's so late and he's been such a good boy I am just gonna give him his now because his waters already boiled I'm gonna give him a big old that's a little too much pumpkin okay a little too much add just a little bit more it's a little bit more okay one team I think is gonna burn but I want to make sure you get yours okay sure he gets okay Monty now let's put this right here stay there get some water in there okay all right we got a mix that potato and a sweet potato or pumpkin not a sweet potato you can smell it just make sure it's nice and warm perfect for you okay go ahead go ahead go ahead yes I'll you that's all you okay gonna make sure mine get my leave yours too much water for them oh this smells so good oh it's gonna be so good look at my asparagus going here the fire here Oh a snake is probably done oh yeah it's done yes that looks better Monty do you want my steak do you want to eat my steak what was that yes that looked like it yes well no that's not fair no you're not getting any more don't even think about it okay guys this is not going to be the most glamorous meal you've ever seen me prepared there's a reason for that and that is is that I am very tired and very hungry Monty sit down lay down you're not getting this okay you just mouthed down oh man they're very hot my fingers but I don't care it's so good oh it's a little bit overdone but I am so hungry I just don't care mmm normally I have patience for food but not today I haven't eaten since 10 or 11 10 11 I don't know it's been a while see it was longer than expected hunt you got pumped you got pumpkin all over your nose [Applause] maybe you got something in his ear he's been itching his ear just take a bite of potato here oh that was hot I still got a little ways to go tails are not done yet oops good yeah there you go no Monty oh no I can't Monty you can't have that again gosh it's not that I don't want to share with them man you really got an itchy ear musta got something in his ear that left years been bugging them but uh yeah guys I'm not gonna deny how tired I am I am exhausted right now ma'am you know normally you always see me Mao down pretty much every bite of my food but I think I'm just gonna sit here and just oh they're still called definitely not not done see how it's not flexing my own hair well you poor guy with your itchy here where's my fork anyways what was I saying say I'm getting all sidetracked oh is that right love sticks Monty I know you think you're getting some but you're not okay you go ready go hmm Mandy you're not getting any anyways guys I'm sorry but I'm so tired that I'm just gonna turn off the camera eat this food in a way that shouldn't be watched and then I'm gonna clean up lay out my boughs and get ready for bed because I am so tired I just that is the last time gonna say it so I will check back in with you guys in a bit when I'm ready for bed oh it takes an extreme amount of tiredness for me to want to show off the Cameron just me bug me eat food all caveman come here buddy right up here nope up here up here [Applause] later he's got a pine bow in his tail [Applause] very much it's not gonna work up up come here okay okay turn you around get this crap on your tail I can tell Monty is ready for bed [Applause] I can tell mr. Monty was ready for bed he was creeping in here so I wanted to get him situated first okay okay that's what that noise was it's my camera falling backwards is smack in the ground I thought I heard a noise anyways so what I was saying before the camera fell or while it fell actually is that I've used these for installation before but I've never relied on them for installation so I've got a nice thick layer here thank you sir balsam pine boughs whatever you want to call them I'm not a tree expert but yeah it'll be interesting to see how well they do yeah you know I like I said like I was saying as though you know normally I would not be using these but I have no choice tonight unless I want to freeze or stay up all night I need insulation from the ground this is not because I need to I've got a nice thick layer and I know you can barely see me because my batteries are dying it's much colder than I thought I was gonna be out tonight so luckily I've got a warm Sleep System you know eat some good food there stuff that all in I'm full I'm so tired I'm just like so guys yeah I'm gonna just give you up my bed or figure it out crawl my sleeping bag and hope of that stuff keeps me insulated and I stay warm tonight and have a good night's sleep probably not gonna be as comfortable as usual but who knows I got the GoPro in there it's gonna be a clear sky out tonight so I'm not going to bring this inside the quinsy because my breath will create you know it'll get humid and get the lens all fogged up so I'll leave the GoPro in there so if it at all throughout the night I'll check in with updates if I'm not sleeping so good or if I sleep until the Sun comes up that'd be great otherwise if I'm having a very uncomfortable cold night I'm definitely gonna be getting a pulse probably still dark and starting to fire so guys I will catch you in the morning good night everybody [Music] [Music] morning Marty Marty Marty how'd you sleep so um as far as being cold goes who is it - cool oh I was really surprised when I was sleeping on my left side hmm um my my arm got cold and my side of my butt got called when I slept on my right side I was pretty toasty not even really cold at all but my arm got sorcs I'm usually a side sleeper but I sleep with my left side more so yeah the cold wasn't so bad I was really surprised I'm not sure if it was you know these insulated so well that it didn't do that it wasn't that bad but um or if it was just my sleep and stuff is so warm but kind of leading towards my at least my sleeping stuff is just very warm in it just help spread and radiate heat and just kind of keep me warm but this definitely helped for insulation but with that being said it was very uncomfortable I did not sleep much last night it was a long night tossing and turning a lot and I just it's been a long time since I've slept on the ground or on a floor and yeah you know I mean until a daytime daytime out there but but I'm kinda tired but I can't sleep like this anymore I stayed true to my word but I won't lie there was a point at first it took a while to fall asleep definitely the longest is like hour and a half two hours and it was cold right away but he got better with the throughout the night hey Monty he's so good this look boy this new beauty but I thought about sharing the sleeping pad with Monty putting just curling up in a ball and kind of putting my feet off to the side and letting him at the one end but like yeah I definitely thought about it Monty Monty you little stinker anyways guys it's time to get up and put some layers on yeah yeah I'll show you what out for the years see it now probably in focus but it's split open right there melted at the seam yeah and I don't think putting your seat pad too close to the fire melting it it's covered under the warranty so I'll have to buy a new one oh but I do think a certain someone is gonna appreciate a nice thick you want to stick now stick Marty was a bad throw oh yeah little sleepy groggy oh so what I think this is gonna mean is uh I'm gonna probably head home today I'm not gonna dink around too much see the originally I'd planned to do two nights and let me get this yeah I plan on doing two nights tomorrow's Saturday so it got home at a drive all the way home unpack unload shower take care of all my gear dishes everything immediately upload by foot or uh a little bunch on my computer start editing straight until the night produce that video probably wouldn't get done till midnight and then watch it probably would even get none till past midnight to be honest it'll take me a good eight hours to edit a two nighter watch it fixed if there's any mistakes immediately start uploading it tilted to get it up for 10:00 a.m. so it was gonna be a long long Saturday so no forehead room today mm-hmm who's making each I get a whole other day but um it's not that I didn't want to spend two nights out of here I just don't want to spend two nights sleep you got pine box I have no desire to have another sleepless night I was so tired last night and I still struggle to sleep I was exhausted you know I'm still tired I'm a Laura fresh you know I can't complain but yeah you know sometimes you change your plants this is one of those times okay and usually when I head home Oh let's fix my head your pie looks real silly one thing you'll notice guys on the days that I had home I usually never make breakfast and the reason is for that is that I am just not a huge breakfast person I'm just not I'm just I don't know where it is I like coffee but I just I don't know you know so the day I had home just like re you know get warmed up add mountain did so last week my giveaway video I had said that there is no way I'm making a Quincy for one night well oh so much for that I did a Quincy for one night and not to mention it was a big Quincy that thing is we'll get you some more shots than that that's like a big ol igloo you could easily fit two people comfortably in there the groans a little uneven but I'd not debate you know the school hmm okay I can't stop you out and I'm sleepy I'm probably gonna get home unpack take a nap in a nice soft bed oh yeah what hey everything everything everything turned out you know everything worked out that was my first time sleeping on the ground like that pine boughs especially in winter I've always had a sleeping pad nice insulation but maybe I'm gonna take this as a sign to get myself one of those X therm ones the ones that are made for winter camping because these ones are not made for winter camping they have a low r-value and doesn't provide much heat so maybe I'll just take it to the sign and you gotta get a nice insulated one it's made for winter camping this thing this guy is always happy to be alive throw him a stick in the morning that's all he's worried about he loves he loves fetching I feel like I'm just like it's like Slap happier just drunk or something just like I'm so tired I think I babysit for an hour altogether Oh baby last night a little lot I'd lay awake Frank an hour and doze off for 20 maybe at a time yeah not to mention I didn't get to bed till like 1:00 1:30 so I think I'm just like tired rambling now yeah so I'm gonna keep throwing the stick from here then we're probably just gonna get cleaned up and pack up you know okay okay all right oh yeah let me check this thing out I'm six five and it's about right here it's about six foot tall here so I can I'm kneeling standing straight up yeah I'm on my knees standing straight up in here it's a little little roomier than you'd want if you're going for a warmth this is technically still my first sleeping pad ever got because I got when me and funk we're building our gear Arsenal back in the day we were both working at Subway building it piece by piece paycheck to paycheck we both want a nice sleeping pads and I found these therm-a-rest NeoAir trekker z' for like 60% off or something crazy because they were labeled as irregular and all that meant is that they had ink stains all over him and I was just like who cares so we both got those bunks still has hers and mine lasted me up until one trip we're pretty sure was my fault but they don't need to know but I like set like crazy creek and it started to like pop from the inside and yeah it was covered under warranty so I got this in return and then I melted it by a fire my bad okay time to get packed up here oh oh come on full force now so nice [Applause] [Music] let see I've got to shed a couple layers here where I'm gonna be sweating real bad okey-dokey all righty ladies and gentlemen we're all packed up and ready to head out of here so then get to spend two nights but you know what that's okay if anything you take from this if you take anything from this video today take that it's if you know it's okay to fail it's okay to screw up it's okay to change your plans and everything's gonna be all right you know I still had a good time little rough sleep last night but I think once I get moving I'll start you know I'll feel good on the hike out but you know it is what it is I'm still sleepy I'm like slap-happy all right Monty should we get out of here all right all right all right all right let's let's do it Monty so as always ladies and gentlemen if you liked the video hit the like button you're gonna see more stuff like this hit the subscribe button and I'll catch you guys the next video everybody I'll take the high road you take the low road let's go let's go let's go [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 696,578
Rating: 4.8519578 out of 5
Keywords: winter camping, winter camping in a quinzee, camping, camp, backpacking, snowshoeing, backcountry, backcountry camping, shelter, quinzee, winter shelter, building a shelter, bushcraft, bushcrafting, bushcrafter, bushcraft shelter, campfire, campfire cooking, fire, fire cooking, dog, dogs, dog training, camping dog, asmr, winter, snow, canada, adventure, adventurer, survival, survival shelter, funny, hilarious, nature, outdoors, outdoorsman, camping education, how to camp
Id: 46doRkppOnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 28sec (7348 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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