Winter Camping with My Dog

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[Music] so [Music] meat you got a big old region stop that you creepy tongue stop that oh okay here you go [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] well hello ladies and gentlemen i am out with old man stinky and uh we're gonna spend another night out here in the woods we're gonna be cooking up a delicious meal over a campfire and hanging out and having a good time okay so it looks like this is gonna be our spot going between these two trees with a line for the tarp got a pretty decent flat spot here and uh yeah got to bust out the fully loaded sled for the first time of the year monty's got his bluetooth on oh monty oh watch out monty stop i caught a monty in my snare trap come here buddy come on no no don't you that stick come here come here monty come here come here come here hi hi okay all right he's super excited he is just so happy to be out right now he's been a bit of a cooped-up mess but anyways he's got the snow shoes on even though i don't really need them they're still nice for packing things down so yeah let's start getting set up because as usual we got a little bit of a late start no no big deal just another average day i brought out the shovel but i don't think we're gonna need it we've got a little bit of a lumpy ground we're just gonna no no hey come here no no no no don't you bounce okay so one thing i need to mention really quick because we cannot have bouncy bunny monty and i will explain why in a minute but we gotta find a way to make bouncy bunny monty not bounce like a bunny and i've got that way right here let me just get something out of the ye old sled here hunty i got something that's going to keep you from wanting to do anything energetic anything crazy he's like what do you got there what is it whatever could it be the one thing you can keep your monty occupied for quite a while what is it what is it what i've got here monty is a raw venison bone oh yeah monty's favorite treat there you go you want it you're gonna have to chew it at some point there you go go ahead go ahead monty get it good boy good boy get your treat all right monty go monty get your treat [Applause] okay so now that monty's good to go and he ain't gonna be moving a whole lot i think he's just gonna sit right there for quite a while um we're gonna we're gonna discuss a little monty as we're setting up so what i'm gonna do is just we're gonna tie up the tarp between these two trees here set it back i've already i don't even need my snowshoes anymore i'm just kind of uh flattening the ground it's a little bit lumpy so we'll we'll need to flatten it out later but anyways while i'm setting up we're gonna discuss the monty and what's going on with the monty situation so i'm going to be referencing this video for for the next month or so as to if anybody asks how's monty's doing i'm going to reference right here we're going to get it all out on the ground not the table the ground okay because we're out in the woods we're not we're not in the house right now so the monty situation so you guys will recall that mr montiti here a while back had a limp and it's been going on for a while and he was found out he had limes lyme's disease so with that being said we've put him on the antibiotics and we're pretty sure the limes has been defeated and he's all okay from that but he was still limping so then we got x-rays in the front and back got everything checked out didn't seem like he had anything serious no fractures no cancers from what they could see and everything seemed pretty good but he was still limping so we're assuming it was a flesh soft tissue wound some kind of soft tissue injury so what the doctor prescribed was some pain meds for the old monty and then um what else some pain meds and rest he had to be a couch potato for 10 days so we did that and we thought the old mont stinky was getting better and he was fine so we kind of were just like letting him go on slight walks and he seemed okay and then you know he still had slight just like you couldn't tell if he was limping if he just woke up he was like sleepy leg or something like that so fast forward to recently we had frodo over and uh they were roughhousing pretty hard it's so hard to watch them especially with this three dogs frodo by the way is the black lab which is funk's mom's dog he comes over sometimes just to hang out with the boys so he came over they were all roughhousing and monty was limping pretty bad afterwards so what i'm saying now is that mr monty has to we we talked to the vet again about what to do next and now monty's got to do a 30 day whole month no exercise nothing rest and we found out that news today we found out that news a couple hours ago so i was i was like already packed up ready to take monty overnighting we were gonna do a little bit more of like a we're gonna do a little more building stuff maybe do a little like uh uh framed tarp set up and then we found out the news he's not supposed to be doing anything so i was like well i still want to go and he was looking at me just like we're going i'm not not going so what i'm actually trying to say is that we are right near the car and if monty's gonna go camping at all in the next month it's gotta be no different than if he was at the house sitting around the couch or going to the bathroom outside no running no bouncing no jumping around craziness monty's like he likes to do none of that so we are near the car and we did not go very far even though that those intro clips made it look maybe like we're a little further than we are we're not we're we're near the car i can i can see it from here i wanted to go further today but it is what it is so with that all being said i'm i really shouldn't be having monty out but i figure if i can give him a venison bone like this every time we're out if we do we might he only might come out another camping or two before the whole month is up probably will just bring ruge so probably the one and only time i bring him out he's going to rest up and then i'll bring rugs out and then near the end of the month um i'd like to bring him out again maybe go on the hot tub with rogues or something something you know celebrate that he's healed up well that the month has passed hopefully he's healed off he better be healed up or i'll be not super happy but anyways i'm just going to keep him calm we're going to give him that venison bone if he he won't he's not going to move with that he's just going to sit there so i got to get him a sleeping pad we're just going to make him a couch potato for now that's what we're doing but yeah it is what it is you know i want him to be healed and back to 100 as much as anybody else more than it just as much as me me and funk want it more than anything okay but at the same time if he sits inside and doesn't do anything he just the second we turn our backs he starts rough housing with ruger so i've got to get him outside and get him mentally wind down and the other thing is he's on doggy pain meds so he's even more just energized and just rambunctious because he can't i think he don't feel any pain right now probably feels like a million bucks and is just wondering why you can't just go crazy stinking rat's nest you know i appreciate all the helpful tips you guys have given me about dealing with the rat's nest but uh i uh just i just you know i just keep uh keep uh what's the word it's a word i keep uh not taking advice if there's a word for that gotta be careful let's step on your little ferocious i probably should take off his bloodies oh yeah they're just getting nice and uh let's see there don't move no don't lick my hands no don't let your hands stay gross oh they're disgusting oh gross well covered in raw meat definitely going to have to wash those now well i guess i don't need the snow shoes on let's just take these puppies off there's not even enough snow to make these stand up well that's the other thing i wanted to bring up i don't normally car camp in winter i normally hike in a way it's at least like a mile but uh this year there's like barely any snow like i said these aren't even sticking into the snow these are kind of just pressed into the ground um it's very why we got six inches of floof six inches of fluffy snow so uh it's kind of working out that i can drive in on these two tracks and get into the woods a little ways because normally what i have to do is park along a more main road shovel out a spot and then hiking on like a two track and then veer off into the woods now i can just drive down and veer off into the woods to go car camping with monty here if it was a normal winter we had about two feet of snow already i would not be able to do this so luckily for monty i can just bring him out and park his booty down next to the car give him a nice venison bone he ain't gonna be moving okay shelter is set up we will be able to sleep just fine here we'll have our campfire right there oh yeah it's gonna be good so let's see hour and a half ish maybe more than that of sunlight left so i suppose let's give monty a proper spot rather than just laying in the snow even though he just doesn't care it's funny he sits at home he just goes out in the back deck lays in the snow and just for hours he'll just look out so he's fine laying like that but he can be even finer if we give him a nice comfy spot and since he never likes to stay on this one we're gonna have to double down and give him both no way it's snow right now we got we got blue skies oh oh i just noticed how did i just notice i don't know i saw him but it didn't register until just now blue skies we got blue skies man it's just gorgeous out right now it's so still there's like zero wind i don't know if you can hear it but there is you the camera probably won't be able to pick it up it's so far away there's the sound of a mine that's like 20 miles away i can just barely hear something up from it yeah it's a ways away might not be 20 miles it's pretty close though it's a way no it's 20 miles it's somewhere in that direction i can hear something but anyways yeah it's super still i mean the tops of the trees are like frosted they got frosted tips and they just look beautiful with the blue supplies backdrop well we'll answer a few clips of that beauty right here some of that beauty looks like we got some nice firewood right next to camp here hey there we go oh i was just about to ask the time roll question does monty prefer play or treats and that okay okay he's like leave me alone leave me alone all right monty you got to get a proper spot now let's let's get you right here all right help you puppy dog all right monty bring your treat here bring it here bring it here monty great get it get it bring it here bring it here monty bring it here monty bring here bring it i'll do it for you come here lay down lay down okay go ahead and i'm just going to sleep stay there there you go good boy go ahead [Music] there we go so when i uh when i do this car camping stuff it's so weird how fast i get set up and just everything's done like you know if you have to hike in i'd be still searching for a spot still moving um but i'm already at the tarp set up i've got firewood right next to camp we still got like an hour and a half of sunlight it took me like 15 minutes to set up it's just it's weird it's definitely different but either way it's fun i still love being out here it actually feels like winter finally it's slightly chilly you just got a little bit of snow it's it's fluffy frosty snow you know you know i got to use the snowshoes even though i didn't need them monty's got his bluetooth we got the sled got the shovel all that good stuff all that good stuff okay i suppose we can get some firewood get a fire we could get a fire going oh you know it's not more treats no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you got your treat it's like the meat's mostly go no no no no you stay you stay you lay down don't you dare there's there's nothing for you over here i mean there's a little something but that's not till later it's just this monty it's just this i don't think this is a toy either you just keep eating your treat you just mind your own business enjoy yourself each treat it's just like the meat's mostly gone somehow it's it's just not as good as when it started okay so what i've got here is a new saw that i'm trying for the first time this is the uh agua canyon boreal 24 um i was contacted by someone from the company and they asked if i want to try it out so they sent it to me for free and since i love the other saw the borel 21. heck yeah i want to try the new big saw so i was like sure let's go so we're going to try it today and i'm thinking this is going to be the new side bring out for winter camping at least i've got a different blade on there it's got the aggressive blade the sydney ranch style but uh yeah i'm gonna go see how it tears through this wood i'm not sure about this blade i haven't tried it yet but we'll see a little bit bigger than the last one got some more room to sauce so yeah i'm gonna go grab this piece over here and then we will prime up some firewood i got a monkey on a sleeping pad he's [Music] oh yeah i've got a monty on a sleeping pad yeah he's a good boy but he stinks so bad i got a monkey on a sleeping pad he's so stinky oh [Laughter] you oh yeah oh yeah she cuts she sure cuts you betcha got you a stick monty but i can't throw it for you sorry sorry sorry oh sorry sorry here's your girl ooh gross okay so you can see this what i just picked up is perfectly dense and seasoned there's no punkiness to it whatsoever so we're going to get to test this saw out quite well was that a plane that plane's flying low where is it i hear it i don't see it it's getting closer where is it it sounds so low i feel like i'm going crazy is it right above us oh it is right above us it's right up there i couldn't see it must have came from over there or something anyways sorry sorry anyways oh monty's gonna go lay away somewhere else because he knows i'm song and he doesn't like it anyways what i was gonna say is since i got this new saw here and i've got two blades i got the blade that i normally use in this new aggressive style blade i'm gonna try them both out right now and see which one i prefer since we've got some nice solid dense wood here brand new blades on both this is the first time i cut with this blade and the first time i cut with that blade so i'm gonna try to do the same type of thickness on both these logs here and make about five cuts switch the blades and just see what i prefer for the dense wood because this is the most i'm concerned with cutting with these saws is dense solid seasoned firewood because that's always the toughest to cut through so let's go ahead and see what happens here oh yeah i mean that's that's tearing through the log [Laughter] [Music] oh yeah i think i like this one i'm cutting through it like it's pine all right now let's try we're going to take the big end the biggest part see how that feels through we'll do we'll do a little logs that we can cut with the other blade too let's see how this one goes oh yeah that is some seasoned firewood so far i like it so i'm gonna switch blades here and then we'll try cutting this again seeing how it feels seals any better whatever you know i'm just curious for myself here monty's we're about to set monty up he's pouting he doesn't like me sawing okie dokes this is exciting now i've got the normal blade that i normally cut with on there brand new just like the other one let's see how it cuts and which i actually prefer huh okay i need to i'm gonna need to switch back and forth a couple more times let's try this again huh okay okay i'm not gonna spoil what i'm thinking yet i'm not gonna spoil it let's go cut some smaller stuff just so we can get a full a full tester okay we'll do what we'll do one more we'll do one more all right so let's quickly show you what the blades look like before i say what i prefer for the dense hardwoods okay this is the first blade i used this is the uh i think it's the sydney ranch more aggressive style one you can see there's a good amount of space in between the teeth and they're all like pointed okay and then this one that's the that's the this is this is the normal one that i use you can see the teeth are closer together and it's got that little fork blade okay so that's the first that that's the second one and this was the first here we'll just i'll do one of these a little comparison there we go that's that's what they look like you see those little gaps all right so so i've been curious for quite a while about trying out this this blade here to see if i liked it better than this one and it turns out for dense hardwoods it's perfectly seasoned [Music] i think i like the new one i think i like the more aggressive one the this blade here it just seemed a little stickier this one glided and cut much faster and it seemed like less work but i need to uh pop the blade back off and switch them to test it out for sure because like i said it's hard to when you're just doing it real quick it's hard to say but i'll just switch them out got my little multi-tool don't want to be losing these but yeah i am i'm actually kind of surprised i wasn't sure which one i was gonna like and we're just gonna confirm this right now and see now i don't know which one's supposed to be better for what i didn't look into that at all i am purely going on how it felt to me so this is just my opinion i suppose of how i like it so let's put away the old teeny little multi-tool put this blade off to the side and cut some more wood okay oh yeah i i just think yeah i think it's not sticking as much so it makes it more feel more effortless and i can just cut way faster and it feels like it's just tearing right through it so i am a fan of the new blade awesome okay that makes me happy one thing that i noticed was with the other blade on this saw when i was doing softer woods like pine like a punky pine it stuck a lot more so i am excited to test this out again next time i'm in a spot where i have to burn pine i've got hardwoods here so i'm not gonna go get some pine right now we'll save it for another day so i'm gonna finish cutting this up i'm gonna get a couple more pieces around monte's mr monty back there's pass on his pad and uh yeah i'll get some more wood now we're gonna get a fire going what are you doing what do you think you're doing mister hey hey hey [Music] monty those are my sticks what do you think you're doing your name's not rogues what did we do what are you doing [Applause] so [Applause] um so i didn't see any birch bark around here so i just got to quickly check my packets oh we got a little bit well oh a dollar i don't know if i should use it as a little pocket lint okay i've got minimal birch bark so we're gonna need to have our little sticks to the ready and hope they light otherwise we're gonna have to go another route we got my little minuscule amount of birch bark here there's a little bit of pocket fuzz mixed in okay are we in frame oh we're in frame let's go okay take your teeny little sticks here not too teeny oh this is already off to a bad start i just i just smothered it there's still hope where there is a flame there is hope we just must be careful so oh i think i think we got it all right all right monty let's get you proper spots okay [Applause] watch out [Applause] all right pal come on good boy all right let me get your booties off your back oh what oh what what here you go let me just oh oh calm down give me that buddy give me that buddy just call monty oh monty oh my you can't be pulling the blanket off your sleeping pad monty it'll uh that's how that's how we burn holes no pop sleeping pads 20 21 okay monty that's what we're going for okay come here come here i've got a nice warm spot for you oh yeah okay lay down go ahead get it covered in snow first quick yeah just make sure there you go oh yeah go ahead lay down yeah oh dear that's nice that's real nice isn't it we'll cover that booty it's gonna be a beautiful sunset we're gonna just there's a few clouds and i've got the frosted tips of the trees i'm gonna just get to see the glow off of those so it's still gonna look great it's funny there's a little spurts of snow and i don't see any up in these trees i think it's just it might be coming off oh i see some up there i just can't tell if it's just like starting up a little bit oh man there's i'm seeing so many dead standing maples and yeah just beautiful firewood and there's deer tracks everywhere in here because there's these maple trees all right what are these is that oak oh that's not maple that's an oh yeah this is this is oak what am i talking about there's these oak trees and uh there's acorns everywhere and uh yeah the deer eat those that's one of their sources of food so near these oak trees there's just the ground just all torn up but that's that's this firewood is super dense and solid it's oak one of my favorite firewoods oak and maple i'm used to i usually get a little more maple mapley but oak's just as good oak oak oak oak oak echo you know the more you say a word just keep repeating the word it just starts to sound real funny oak oak oak oak it's like okay but it's just oak oak me caveman firewood oak right monty might as well what the heck you're talking about freaking me out man stop it stop it so yeah we got a beautiful evening i'm just letting the we're just gonna let the night settle in here a little bit it just it feels like the first winter camp of the season i know i did that early winter one and then i did the the christmas one oh yeah and by the way from the christmas video we're starting to get our facial hair back [Laughter] uh i don't know if you guys watched that christmas special or not where i well not me santa claus you know santa was out pulling montop the bdi deer dog in a sled and then there was a certain salesman selling a certain dvd and that salesman had a bare face i did it all i did all for that so we're getting it back we're getting it back yeah that was a fun one to make oh but regardless there was snow it just didn't feel as wintery as it does now it's just a little warm and then obviously woke i woke up and it was raining which was fun i don't think rain is in the forecast for the rest of the winter so you know while we're sitting here chilling um i had mentioned a couple weeks ago maybe or a week ago that uh i was potentially doing a week-long winter wilderness trip with mr jake ski guy and it looks like that has gone from a 75 chance of happening to a 95 chance of happening and it's going to be happening at the end of the month so what that means what i'm trying to say is is that i don't think mr monty here is going to be joining me and i know that's going to make a lot of you sad but there's a couple reasons first and foremost the most winter camping the most nights i've gone out for is two two nights i've never gone longer have i gone to three wait let me see if you're not including hot tenting hot tenting doesn't count i i don't i don't count that as is because i've gone for a week in a hot tent i guess i'm gonna be going in a hot tent i've never gone i've never gone longer than two nights i would say two or three nights far away out in the woods deep so that's that's the that's the new experience it's gonna be a week i think we're doing seven nights exactly um maybe six nights we haven't decided all the way yet we're gonna hike in at least five miles to the first spot the first day we're probably gonna keep going further we're gonna set up a base camp with hot tents we're going to do ice fishing going for lake trout we are going to we even got plants to maybe go even further with the fishing gear build a quincy or something as a day camp and then come back to base camp and lots of moving around lots of hiking lots of work and where we're going is potentially going to be a lot colder so i don't know if it's going to be the right temperatures yet for monty because if it's in the single digits during the day which i fully expect it to be we're going to be out on lakes we're going to be crossing big old lakes whipping winds i don't want to you know if i if if it was just for a night or two i'm totally cool with him coming and trying that out but we're going to be going far we might even go more than five miles we might go 10 miles the first day i don't know and he's got that limp so i can't i can't bring him it just would not be smart or safe and ruger is not built for winter like monty monty's got the thick old winter coat so ruger i i've never other than a couple nights in the hot tent two times two or three times he hasn't done much winter camping at all so that would not be smart to go test out the waters with ruger for the first time in frigid temperatures hiking i know he'd do fine with the hiking and all that but it's just there's too much unknown it's a new experience for me i've never you know like i said more than two or three nights so we're going seven nights gonna have to go without the boys here and on top of that that's gonna mean i get to bring less gear so it'll be i think it's it's a smart decision and i know obviously jake would love to have monty out there i love to have monty out there um he loves jake just loves when monty steals his food go ahead monty go ahead get yours no money [Laughter] no jake loves monty but anyways and we're also jake's friend is going to come along and he has never gone winter camping apparently so jake's gonna take him on a test run up in the mountains and make sure he's good to go before we go on a week-long wilderness adventure it'll be a good first experience for winter camping just go out for seven nights you know see what happens anyways no he's gonna he's gonna check it out and you know more so on the topic i guess i should bring up that i might be making a big old gear change here that's right what gear change do you ask well for those of you that have watched me for the past few years of winter camping my trusty old sled here 15 at the local hardware store is what it costs 15 bucks i've beat the crap out of it i've dragged it through wet sticky snow where the bottom was all caved in and it was hard to drag and i mean the bottom is not smooth and it's not really the slickest sled it does the job and it's worked for years but i think it's time to upgrade to uh like a toboggan you know one of those flat plastic you know that just glide right over the snow uh you can take it it'll it'll save me on work i think it's time now they're a little pricey they're like 200 and up you can build your own but um i'm just gonna buy one pre-built i think just because uh i'm going on this trip in a month and i'd like it to get here so i think i just gotta get it test it out get it here as fast as possible give it a shot but i definitely think i want to upgrade finally to a toboggan i don't know why i didn't do it sooner but i think this is the winter i think that's what we're gonna do we're gonna get a nice toboggan and then i just i'm not sure what size to get i i think i should get this thing is five and a five and a half feet and i got the choice from the ones i looked at were five foot or seven foot and i don't want to get smaller than this so i think i'm gonna go with the seven foot and we're just gonna see how it goes i'm kind of excited you know i don't change gear that often really i don't swap around here i like what i got you know i tested out these snowshoes last year because my other ones broke and these i love so suggestion i say you know since this is the first real winter camp of the the year let's just talk about a whole bunch of crap okay okay so snowshoes if you're getting snowshoes you're in the market for some snowshoes i'd highly suggest a snowshoe with the the twisty lock-on cables that secures your foot to the snowshoe they have the ones with the plastic clips that just clip in i despise those i despise them if you maybe if you got like a rope that goes through and then you can clamp it down but if it's just the the plastic clip that snaps in and it's just that i've had that ice up and my snowshoe come off so many times it's dr it's driven me it's just drove me nuts out on long hikes and it comes off like 10 times it's just it's just infuriating it's just like i didn't just step in a deep snow this thing has not come off once i mean i am fully happy with these snowshoes uh i mean they're a little pricier don't get me wrong but they are just i just get the ones that just tightened your foot and it just secures it in that's recommendation on that what else we got oh we'll bring up why some a lot of people have asked why i sleep in a tarp and i don't want to just bring a tent especially in a snowstorm i like to see the woods when i'm out here if i if i got a tent you know you crawl into it at night when you're all tucked in and then you know you don't get to see you know the the thing so i could set up a tarp and then a tent and then go go to the tent at night but then when i'm sleeping and i wake up all night i like to wake up in the middle of the night and like tonight it's clear clear skies i'm gonna see the moon glowing through the trees and you'd be so surprised how much you can see with the white snow on the ground and the moon lit up it's just like you can just see just clear as day and i roll around a lot i'm switching monty i like to see the sunrise glowing through the trees in the morning i peek my head out and look around i'm like okay that's cool go back to bed wake up a little bit more you know i like to be able to see the woods the whole time i guess that's enough blabbing maybe we should just simmer down and let the nights settle in maybe we should do that final thing i'll bring up before i stop blabbing let the night settle in and we just relax is this uh this case here for my saw i love it one thing i just realized though is that the blades in here and i got to be really careful not to just fold this up i like i went to set it down like ooh because i definitely do not want to kink that blade so i got to keep that in mind the whole time while i'm moving this stuff around that this has got a blade in here just that's just for me that's that's not for you guys that's just for me okay i'm just gonna i'm gonna set up all my sleep stuff and uh just let the night settle in so i will just we're just gonna do a little bit of relaxing here and i will check back in with you guys in an hour or so yeah hour or so you know every month oh what does the monty see something in the tree [Laughter] what do you see monty what do you see up there you see something i don't see it you see something up in the tree i don't see anything there's one thing there's one thing i can see though you can see that massive overbite can't you close your mouth monty come on close your mouth we're gonna teach you we have to teach that trick one day see i can't close my mouth am i crazy couldn't close my mouth since i was born i'm getting a stick monty is that the most delicious stick ever monty you're onto something monty nope nope so hey monty oh hey my stinky how you doing there pal you toasty monty's all nestled up right monday oh here that's feeling the fire that's a good boy sorry monty ah so we've been chilling for a good two hours i put on some more layers two hours since the sunset we've been relaxing burning some wood fire's kind of it's a nice hot coal bed but it's not it's not insanely hot so i'm just huddled up next to it um it is crystal clear out and it said it was only supposed to get in the upper teens fahrenheit tonight but it just feels colder than that already it's just gotta chill about me a chill in my bones what do you think monty it's just chilly yeah so i don't know i i can't be sure i can't be certain if it's just you know the first you know colder winter camp out with uh no hot tent or anything or it's just kind of getting bitterly cold tonight but everything's got a layer of frost out of the camera's all frosted up uh the poles the whole underside of the tarp for me breathing even just that me breathing it's all iced up and crystally so i i don't know i think it's i think it's a little chillier you know go get a little chill a little chill about me so yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna let this burn down a little bit more but uh i guess we can start cooking dinner okay i'm gonna have a good dinner tonight we're gonna have something delicious um what we are having for dinner today is a good old-fashioned gourmet ramen bowl oh yeah so what we're going to do is we're going to take a pork loin pork tenderloin we're gonna put it on this here stick that i carved up it's uh there's like a dead tree that was kind of like had droopy leaves so i took a stick off of there it broke in half because it's not green when i was carving it up but we're gonna put the meat on a stick roast it over the fire and then we are going to make up some broth with some noodles we're gonna put some goodies all inside the bowl and try to make it pretty and eat it we don't got a ton of stuff to prepare but we're going to prepare everything up right now um i don't want my ingredients to freeze if they do it's okay i mean it's cold so we got to be a little careful but we're going to prepare everything we need to the biggest thing is the piece of meat on the stick and then we're going to get monty's all prepared and then we're going to start cooking okay what do you say monty let's prepare some stuff okay let us start with let's we'll start with monty's today hey what do you think about that monty got a little sweet potato for him what do you think it's not cooked enough right yeah you want it cooked don't you think monkey one stinky okay so we'll put that monty's little dish here and then what we're gonna do i didn't bring him out venison but what we're going to do is take monty's venison bone and that's got some bone marrow in it and we're going to boil out that bone marrow into the water so like i'm gonna fill the water to here it'll boil one side i'll flip it we'll boil out the bone marrow we'll discard the bone yeah he smells it and then he'll get that and then i've got some other goodies for him and the next remind we've got some onion close up of the white onion green onion frozen green onion okay i'll put that off to the side and the last thing we got to prepare for mine is none other than the hard-boiled eggs we've just got to peel a couple hard-boiled eggs well i tried to do soft boil but uh they got a little overcooked because i wasn't paying attention and we might share one with a certain somebody just saying we might do that so i'm going to set these down peel these and that's pretty much all the preparing we've got to do now we just got to get our meat on a stick and get to roasting one trick i do with hard-boiled eggs i know there's a lot of ways people know to boil them and whatnot but what i like to do to get hard-boiled eggs that peel this easily is i take and i slightly crack them just just a bit before i put them in the the water and then bring it up to a boil i just give a little crack on the outside and then i instantly cool them off and you saw how easy that was so put these off to the side and now let's get the meat going all right now we're gonna get this thing where's a good spot i feel like it'll cook really well right about there so let's well the ground's a little frozen imagine that got our two little y sticks there i've got to be careful i've got the pork in here and i packaged it so that i wouldn't have to touch raw pork so let's just feed this through the stick here all right not too bad okay let's just see well that's gonna that's just gonna work okay now of course we need to sprinkle on a little bit of montreal steak seasoning or just a little oh yeah okay perfect all right and now it just needs to roast for a bit let's get the rest of the stuff on there oh yeah this is gonna be good i hope these this one might need to go a little bit more it's a little not super stable but you know the worst case scenario the meat just falls over into the dirt i ain't afraid of that i mean i can still eat it if it's all covered in dirt i don't care so i was thinking you know what kind of grate are we gonna go with today to cook this food over this hot fire hot fire and uh you know make a delicious meal and i was like obviously the great great the greatest great in all the lands but what's better than the great great any guesses well if you guessed two great greats you're right double great greats the greatest greats of greatness that's right just when you thought it couldn't get any greater it just did i want to scrape some coals okay this is a real hot fire so we'll put one grape right there then we've got a brand new ready to be christened great great we'll put this over here a little stability issues there they're kind of like perfectly good spots okay all right okay and we've got montes here this is gonna need to boil my noodles i'm going to need to boil some water but i don't need it to boil right away so we're just going to keep an eye on it and keep it warmed up so it's it's ready to boil at a moment's notice okay we're going to let this meat continue to roast get that boiling and uh yeah we'll do the next steps after that we are cooking now so i've got a freaky fish double ipa that was sent to me by a subscriber in my recent unboxing let's crack our open and give her a taste oh yeah i can tell that's beer oh yeah wait um yeah that tastes like beer okay oh that's a good one that's all i can say you know i've got reviews for days that one is 10 out of 10 beer i know it's hard to believe but there's a live animal right there um one thing i wanted to say you know when i normally take monty winter camping if i i tend to have like a a sixth sense for his comfort level i'm pretty good at it we've been winter camping for a few years now well for four years i mean he's been out in cold temperatures he did his first uh he was in freezing temperatures when he was a pup when he's like eight months old we did that big old 12-nighter so he's been he's been camping in the cold temps for quite a long time so yeah i've got a pretty good senses to his comfort level and when i'm out winter camping i just throw the stick for him if i think oh maybe he's getting a little cold it's been like an hour or two just sitting around not doing much i'll throw the stick for him get him all warmed up by him running around that's what i always do that's my go-to but he can't run around right now he's got to be a little potato i mean he's toasty he's chilling in there you wanna smell here yeah this one's yours monty it's just gotta cook okay [Laughter] yeah so he's comfortable in there i mean he'll he will be really movie and not want to sit around if he's uncomfortable so the main important thing for me is the meat i need to get that meat cooked all the way through and uh yeah that's where we're at for me once that once that meat's pretty much done then we can do the rest of it but it's mostly that meat's gotta get cooked first we'll rotate oh oh yeah it's cooking oh it's getting nice and cold on the outside you just gotta make sure that inside gets cooked before it's too brown on the outside oh yeah oh yeah that oh that's cooking good oh this is only gonna need like another 15 20 minutes it's gonna start to need to be rotated a little faster now because it's it's it's got a nice crust on the outside so we're gonna rotate it more often you know we should uh yeah i mean we should do one of these flip it around yeah let's do that uh one other thing i wanted to mention about the old monty here is so today is the last day for him to do anything it is january 2nd then we will not be he will not be doing anything period until i take him in the hot tent around january 28th i'd like to right around january 28th to the 30th somewhere in there right before my week-long trip i would like to take him and ruger in the hot tent for mont stinky's birthday will probably still car camp will be safe um but yeah look at he's got a little drool you got a little drool monty i've decided as sitting here over the campfire that today was gonna be the last time monty goes camping until he gets this full rest yes we've been fine we've been very good he hasn't bounced around he might have done like one or two steps but that was more than i'm willing to take and you know sitting here for the past couple hours as we're cooking and sitting here i've been just he needs to just be a potato and get back to a hundred percent probably shouldn't even have taken you out today monty but we're right next to the car it's like 50 feet away 100 feet away it's right over there i could i could see it but i can't now he's been sitting on the pad for the most part just chilling about the same thing he'd do at home um hasn't done anything he hasn't run around he's just done mild walking but still probably should just let him rest and heal up which is what we're going to do i think i'm going to bring rooks out and rogues will get to do his first time winter camping with me not in a hot tent we will try it out i'm going to go on a mild temperature day i'm not going to go if it's going to be in the teens throughout the day or if it gets you know in the lower teens at night because he's he doesn't get the thick coat like old mon stinky here he's he's not as hardened to the cold but he can do fine when he's running around which i'll just keep him running around because he loves fetching the stick we'll just do that a lot so um with all that being said the whole 30-day rest this is monty's last outdoor activity besides going to the bathroom probably on a leash and we're yes we're gonna block off that doggy door because him and ruger slip out for five seconds we'll look out the window we'll see him just attacking each other it's mostly this guy he likes to he likes to pester ruger anyways besides all that if there is still a limp after the 30 days and we ease him back into the outdoors we are going to take him our vet recommended taking him to a specialist where it's going to cost a pretty penny but we will spare no expense to find out exactly what the heck is going on if it's not just a soft tissue injury like we think it is which is what what i really think it is if i have to really dig down deep into what i believe is going on i think it's a stupid injury something stupid is going on because he is a hundred percent besides the limping he is rambunctious he's energetic he's hungry he's eating he wants to play he wants to do everything a normal monty would want to do except he limps after doing so so i think it's just some kind of dumb injury that he just doesn't even care about when he's playing that's what i really think it is we're definitely not causing damage to whatever is going on right now because he is just wrapped up like a potato and tin foil just sitting there when he sees something he's looking over again monty okay our pork loin has been roasting and that is looking pretty good on the outside and i can see from the sides i don't know if that's picking that up on the camera but it's looking pretty cooked through so we're gonna slide it away on our loose sticks just a little bit kind of move it out keep it hot and slowly roasting but not too hot like it's been and we're gonna get the next steps going okay the next step we've got to do as we're waiting for our water to boil for our noodles is to make our broth so what we've got here is some chicken broth we're going to start with that if you if you're like me and you've liked those those cheaper you know top ramens and stuff and you've eaten them over during this whole thing you might want to give this this recipe a try this tastes just like it that's enough broth right there and then i've got a little bit of soy sauce we're going to add that in just a little soy right there next we've got onion powder add that in just like that and then we've got some ginger powder just add a little sprinkle of that okay and then garlic powder it's a little sprinkle of that now that is going to taste just like um what flavor is it i think it's maybe the oriental flavor of the marshwand it tastes pretty good this is gonna be a good ramen broth right here we're just waiting for our noodles all right that is boiling all right we're ready to get our noodles in there things are happening things are happening okay monty's here we're gonna flip the bone again to get the mirror on that side cooking in but his is almost ready to come off the heat but our water over here is boiling so we're gonna add our ramen noodles so what we've got here is some authentic japanese ramen noodles i have no clue what the brand is called um i just checked these out on amazon and checked out ones for authentic ramen that were good reviews what i'm going to do is link these down in the description now you may be thinking hey just add them to your broth and cook them up that way and i tried that when i just made some just the broth and the noodles and not the whole thing and these are so salty so you have to boil them in water first and then drain the water and add it after because i don't know why but these are very salty so i will link these down in the description if you want to try these exact same ones uh but you have to make sure to boil them and and just drain the water off i don't know if i got too much too many noodles but we'll still just we're just gonna go for it we're gonna go for it and see what happens i'm not afraid of too big of a portion get that in there now these don't take long to cook so we need to make sure to get our broth up to temperature and get that closer okay what's that okay the double the double great grade is working great i just stuck the stick in here and look at that we've got some nice bone marrow oh there we go look at that chunk that is monty is going to just absolutely love that that is going to be pretty good for them oh yeah there we go now as far as cooked bones for the dogs i never give them any sort of bone cooked because they splinter when they're raw they just break apart and they can chew them up but when they're cooked i don't ever give them any sort of cooked bones but yeah monty is going to love that we're just going to add in some amante's food here and just because i am who i am i know it's not traditional but because i love it with some super broth i brought a nice chunk of french baguette that's right i did it you know what hey i don't care if it doesn't go with ramen or if it does it's what i'm doing for my dinner it just sounded good to me oh these are getting close these really don't take long to cook let's see just another minute okay let's test the flavor of our broth oh yeah oh that's good it's just not hot enough yet so this is gonna go over here to get nice and hot okay and then this we're just going to toast this we're going to finish boiling this and this is definitely going to be done oh it's coming together okay few more steps that's got to get hot this got to get toasted these just need another minute and we are ready to cook wait we are ready to eat not cook we're gonna eat monty okay we're gonna let it all finish we'll let it all finish and then we're gonna get it prepared and plated up oh yeah monty it's happening first things first oh my god oh what's up hot let's slice this bad boy up oh man that looks amazing it's so hot okay hot hot hot all right i'm gonna let's let's let's finalize this baby all right first things first stir up that broth okay now we add in the noodles way too many noodles it's okay this is why we're here we're gonna have leftovers it's okay [Music] then we're gonna take our meat pile just like that oh i have to drink some broth right now all right i have to dump out a little broth it's okay it's for the good of the meal little broth had to go it just it just had to happen that way okay we're gonna add in our green onions oh yeah and then to that some fresh cilantro oh man this is way too much i i have out i've outdone myself fresh half frozen cilantro i should say okay and then lastly well not lastly i should say some frozen fresh basil oh let's just okay and of course some shredded carrots and last but not least our almost frozen hard-boiled egg and with the fork of approval that is a delicious gourmet ramen bowl that we are about to feast oh but a little help from the old french baguette here oh it's so hot ah wait there we go it is ready and yes monty is gonna get half of a heart or a hard-boiled egg i'm gonna add this to montes and then let's feast oh yeah and i can't make you wait any longer go ahead go boy go ahead yeah oh let's just there you go okay you don't need to be waiting for me oh we got a full bowl here oh this is this is ridiculous right now i do not think that i can eat all this but we are sure gonna try what is a big okay i just need to drink a little broth here oh take a little dip of bread soak up some of that juice um okay i need to buy this pork i need to know i need to know now um so i don't even know if you can see me right now um the fire is just cold so i put out a bunch of wood oh let's try a hard boiled egg this hmm where am i doing our mountain needs some help oh that is so heavy to hold okay go ahead go ahead there you go pal oh this is definitely a challenge to just hold it's just a full pot of liquid may have outdone myself this time now i know it may look like it's burning hot but it's cold enough out to where the the hard-boiled eggs froze all the the carrots and all that froze the noodles after i drained them and i was still messing with the meat they got a little cold so when i dump that all into the boiling hot liquid i've got a perfectly temperature meal where it's not it's like just hot enough to where you can't just drink the broth down but it's not hot enough to where i'm spitting it out slapping my leg like i usually do it's the perfect temperature fire's going now one of our monty's a little too hot that's a hot monty whoa whoa whoa all right monty come back here you gotta get away from this fire come over here over here my d how was that i got brewski number two ski over here i didn't even open it i got another one of these ones these uh what are they again freaky fish double ap it's got a looks to be a brook trout on there okay the only thing that's weird for this with with me is you know do i grab a piece of meat do i bite the hard-boiled egg do i just go for noodles do i sip some broth do i dip my bread in here and just eat the bread with the broth there's so many choices it's confusing me normally i just stuff it in i have to think about it so what i'm gonna do here is continue to feast on this deliciousness i let this fire burn down and uh just relax i'm gonna shut off that light shut off that camera we're gonna watch the glow of the fire and we are going to gaze at the stars because they are out it is crystal clear the stars are out i would show you on the camera if i could but i can't and uh yeah i'm gonna just eat as much of this as i can what i'm guessing i'm gonna do is i'm gonna get most of the broth down because the broth is delicious i just keep drinking it i can't stop um i'm gonna eat about half the noodles and two-thirds maybe all of the pork i already ate the hard-boiled egg at this point it's just noodles broth and pork and then i want to drink all the broth because i will save the extra for tomorrow and just add some more hot broth at home if i don't finish it all that's what we're going to do so uh excuse me i will check back in with you guys in a bit when i'm done feasting hey monty what'd you think about that i just had the uh most questionable fart of the year leak out yeah years only two days old so i guess it's not saying too much but i was definitely the most questionable so far we're two days in day two questionable so we've got many more days and farts ahead of us monty i hope we don't make it back into uncharted territories not this year the wonderful thing is that it's gonna freeze tonight freeze solid so to today is saturday so when i'm at home editing tomorrow for the video which is tomorrow's sunday video which we're probably gonna get a little late start of an upload let's be honest i'm gonna have a little snack to eat while i'm editing which is the food i cook tonight so it's like i'm gonna get to be be like looking at it being all hot made and then like eating it and like yeah yeah but i'm pretty full we're gonna check out some stars burn some firewood and wind down and then we're gonna get ready for bed so monty wants to continue searching for scrap so go ahead go ahead you can walk around searching for whatever i can't tell you know come here come on monty come come on come on oh there you go all right let me get some of this snow okay come on come on all right lay down it's bedtime come on oh my gosh that was actually perfect except for a little bit a little bit just a little bit let me just turn it just a little bit i just just it's okay there you go oh that's that's perfect zippy up okay mr man stinky was this on here oh it is on monty why did you tell me my headlamp was on huh all right sorry i just need to okay let's just make sure that booties aren't all the way oh yeah okay come here [Music] hi know okay buddy there you go i won't fully tuck in we'll get you almost all the way there there's a nice hot potato and his own sleeping pad or your own sleeping bag on his old sleeping pad and he's got double sleeping pads so if you look under here i bring out two therm-a-rests now of these clothes cell because we've had at least one or two issues with pop sleeping pads oh no and i just want to make sure in case we both got secondary backups and it kind of provides an extra layer of insulation and protection from sticks who are you who are who are you oh okay well the moon is out in full force it's not full moon it's it's like um two-thirds two-thirds three-quarters of a full moon maybe a little bit more oh it is chilly um i'm kind of excited to take off on my well not you know when you take them all off all your layers it's a little chilly at first but then when you get the sleeping bag and you sit for a minute it gets nice and warm monty's at that point where he's a little bit chilly i bet you know the cold sleeping bag getting everything in there but that's how sleeping bags work that you start getting toasty i'm satisfied a little chilly nice little first winter this is the real first winter camp okay so i will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody who worry oh hey oh hi okay come here it's a new day buddy it is your blue design it's cold out there oh it's very still out the sun has just risen it's a little chilly out there um yeah it's chilly i slept pretty good last night um i only had to rotate my monty like i don't know five times four times not too bad yeah yeah pretty good you know you just he's like a piece of meat you know he lays on one side that side gets pretty well done so you flip them this side and that's like it's pretty well done you flipping this side and that's he keeps going monty you need some bluetooth on wait monty what's that oh oh no oh hi anyways who oh you always forget about how fun it is to wake up in the morning and have to crawl into your toasty little hot pocket and uh put on some layers it's always a brisk little moment i'm gonna zip myself back up in here and just never leave oh monty you don't wanna you don't wanna go back to bed for a little bit are you forcing my hand okay i need to get him his bloodies on he's gonna have that paw protection [Applause] no bouncing no bouncing no bouncing we're coming we celebrate in close hugging friendship okay search for treats just no bouncing oh it is chilly this morning i don't know what the mercury's reading but i bet it's a little low it was crystal clear it seemed a little like foggy last night or something there is definitely like fresh frost on all the trees the frosted tips are even frostier i mean check some of this stuff out let's let's get some let's get some beautiful frost action uh you just can't go crazy and bouncy you can't go crazy and bouncy because that's bad for you okay we have to pretend we're we're sloths now we're saucing okay come here we're sloths now yeah i know you're excited i share your excitement but i want you to heal okay well it is brisk you can always tell how cold it is by the crunch of the no no no bouncy jeez he is it's so hard to keep him from bouncing he's just too excitable hey hey he's just happy to be alive right now monty i can't throw it the most i can do is hold it here all right monty dang it see how high his spirits are dang nabot yeah so what we're gonna oh man it's just i can't really capture it as well on the camera it's like i can just see the frostiness with my eyes everything's crossed it up it just looks beautiful the camera i was i was looking through the camera just you can see it when i zoom in but like oh the whole woods are frosting and it just looks great it just looks really great wow yeah let's just try one more shot one more real quick pan shot of this [Music] oh there's a frosty tarp on both sides yeah there must have been some moisture in the air last night that that could explain why it felt so cold because you know when there's humidity and uh a little bit of wind there was a slight wind last night it it felt so cold last night it felt like it was single digits easily it felt with like whatever chill slight humidity it felt cold last night hey monty don't be playing around with that ash get out of there get out of there yeah yeah it felt really cold last night and uh you know i see this extra layer there's there's just frost all over the top of the tarp from the underside there's definitely some kind of moisture in the air making it so it was probably not like realistically the temperature was probably still in the upper teens probably like 18 19 17 whatever but it felt like it was single digits because just like that little bit of moisture in the air when it hits my face i don't know i think one thing i want to bring up is i've had some questions as to why i don't make coffee or breakfast uh in the morning on like an overnighter and that's just it's just it's just not my style i guess i'm not a huge breakfast person all the time now if i'm out here for two nights you bet your a dollar i'll be making breakfast that first morning but when i'm just going home i just i don't have any more firewood and i just i just don't always make breakfast a lot of times i don't eat till midday normally i don't ever really eat breakfast i'm just not huge on breakfast but when i'm out like for multiple nights i'm a breakfast person so i will let's just say i'm a weird breakfast person because i like it sometimes and sometimes i don't okay so that's that this puppy just wants to play and i i feel bad mate i hope you had a good overnighter i hope you had a good overnighter because it's going to be a little bit before you get to go again yeah i hope you enjoyed yourself seeing he's not limping right now which is good that means i've taken it easy enough on him to where he's okay and he's not in pain he's not limping so we did a good job and we just need to get him back to the car transport that booty to the house and then get his butt laying down and just super resting i i might be holding you don't don't even stop me jeez it just bounced at everything you're just a little bouncy bunny gosh i know you're crazy you want to play the stick i want i want to play how do i how do i how do i portray you that i want to play too but i just can't no good anyways let's pack some stuff up i'll mention it right now but normally on the way home first thing i do when i get home is unload all my stuff and uh you know i don't need to really pack it back in there too crazy right now you know i just have super bulk sled we're just gonna see how bulky we can make this sled let's go maximum bulkage today more curious at this point to see if i don't let's just let's just do it today let's see what how the sled looks if i don't tighten down anything like i just stuffed my bag in there let's see what happens that definitely already looks bulkier just the one thing oh my gosh would you just look at the process tips now the sun has risen and they're just so glistening in the sun it's just beautiful just look at him wow wow there's the sun oh it's risen oh my gosh and then if you look over there there's the moon m-o-o-n that spells monty stinky so so monty frostbite the great frostiest beard in all the land well sure is bulky [Music] let's see that's pretty bulky i don't really need these but i think carrying them on my feet is going to be easier than carrying them in my hands all right there we go okeydokes folks it is a beautiful blue skies day once again it was a nice beautiful crispy winter evening this this did like i said multiple times now this felt like the first real winter camp of the season uh it was crispy cold this morning it's definitely i don't know i mean i got i think it was it was at least mid teens probably lower but who knows you know that humidity it's not the heat or should i say it's not the frigid cold it's the humidity yeah it was a delicious meal last night definitely enjoyed that was like noodles meat soup that's what that that's why that one's so good so you know if you've always been sticking the same old ramen get try try some of that or link down in the description i'm gonna put those noodles you know try some gourmet ramen or just take one of those packets and add like a hardboiled egg and some fresh herbs that'd be good enough maybe some meat whatever you don't have to do you you do you ignore me anyways we're gonna get monty home and he's gonna start 30 days of laziness and it's for his own good so so we just need you to be healed up so we can bring you back out more monty okay so we're gonna get heading back to the car which is right over there which is not very far of a hike so as always guys if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button and i will catch you guys in the next video let's go boutique i want stinky butt [Music] [Music] well it says 12 fahrenheit in the car and the sun or the truck is in full direct sunlight so i'm assuming it really was single digits last night it was chilly as i thought and maybe the humidity made it even colder if there's even a thing is humidity in winter i don't know i might be just making stuff up anyways yeah it's cold okay it's cold well after i got the car moving it uh dropped down to five degrees fahrenheit so that that's more what it felt like last night this morning that seems a little bit more realistic to me so i was gonna say i don't i don't know if i've lost my touch with cold temperatures or what's going on but i don't i don't know i don't know this this feels more like what it should have been yeah okay all right who's hungry oh don't spill don't spill what's going on here what i mean what the heck is going on it's dropped another two degrees what does this even mean does this mean my thing's broken or it's just it's that cold let's just take it oh oh okay okay all right okay that's enough enough of this [Music] you
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 238,412
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winter camping, winter, snow, bushcraft, bushcrafting, bushcrafter, winter camp, asmr, camping, camp, wild camp, wilderness, snowshoe, snowshoeing, backpacking, backpacker, backcountry, backcountry camping, fire, campfire, campfire cooking, campfire food, food, gourmet, gourmet cooking, dog, dogs, dog training, camping dog, wilderness area, meditation, steak, nature, nature sounds, winter backpacking, pulk, how to camp, how to winter camp, outdoorsman, snowing, trees, survival, survival skills
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 12sec (6732 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 03 2021
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