Winter Camping in a Snowstorm with My Dog

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Matthew's great I've been following his adventures for the past couple of years. Monty is a good boy.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gmikoner πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

β€œI farted in fear”

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/joeyluvsunicorns πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Omg, that was the best thing I've seen all day. The part where Monty kisses his face after dinner is hilarious

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Disk0sisk0 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

Monty has his own sleeping bag :) This is the best.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

A lot of whacking off in this vid

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Lauantaina πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/NewHandiCraft24 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have a question about the word snowstorm, I have seen this word refer to light to strong snowfall with little to no wind at all multiple times. Is this correct usage? Wouldn't the "storm" part in the word imply strong wind?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Tompazi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is great but I don't think I've eaten that much Paprika throughout my entire life.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/chefbsba πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have been watch camping/bushcraft videos for a while, generally to help me go to sleep (they are very relaxing). Just saw this guy come up on suggested videos and he has great content. I would also recommend Joe Robinet.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TNBL_Commisioner πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 09 2019 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh hello lazy gentlemen I am out the woods with Monty frost beard the great and we're gonna spend another night out here and it is snowstorm and it is a winter storm right now the snow is coming down it's supposed to continue all night until I think 9:00 in the morning the next day so I've got to set up my shelter so that my tarp is protected from the blowing wind blowing snow and the heavy snowfall so I can just keep knocking it off thinking maybe I'll just like snow walls around I'm not really sure we're gonna set up the big tarp we're gonna hunker down it's gonna be nice so we're gonna cook up some delicious food over a campfire and just enjoy this beautiful wintry scene out here so let's get to it Monty don't stand on my snowshoes come on let's go you know the drill lead the way leave the way snow beard come here buddy good boy alrighty so this is where we're gonna set up for the night you should be able to notice a severe contrast to right out there 20 feet that way versus right here that's because this is the edge of a nice cedar swamp and it's nice and thick all through here and we've got kind of a hill right here going this way so this is a really nice protective spot and that's what I like to set up in for an winter storm like this when the winds are kind of high now you might you might not notice as much snow I'm not sure how well the camera picks it up but it is snow and let me tell ya not always the best at picking up the snow but it's definitely snow a little bit less here because I've got thick coverage or the trees and another way you can tell us is a nice spot nice and sheltered is that there is deer tracks everywhere all over here so this is definitely where they go to hunker down in these storms so we're gonna set up the date is I'm gonna make some snow walls around here flatten it out and because this is nicely protected there's not as much snow here to dig out so yeah let's make up some walls here and then I will throw the tarp over it maybe put a center pole we'll see we're gonna make it nice and protected not exactly sure which way I'm going to set it up the wind says it's supposed to come from this way which is north but this is so protected then the wind only might be coming from here but maybe I'll just bill it up with snow who knows but I'm gonna get flatten this out look the walls let's see here [Music] you always find problems when you're digging deeper in the snow there's a nice log with a stump on the end right in the center here now I could cut out the log part but that's not really the bigger issue it's the stump which is probably pretty frozen in the ground and that would be a really fun to get that thing out so I think I'm just going to push it back just a little bit further paddle to still get back as far as I can and yeah that'll work you want this you want this GoGet okay so I got a decently cleared out now I'm just gonna set the tarp first and then we'll pile snow afterwards we'll start to get a better feel of how this is gonna go they've got a nice spot cleared step to tarp mine is real winter you out there bring a stick okay why do you show frosty put all the snow accumulation on this dog yeah a nice thick coat though he's fine so a little change of plans originally I plan on using my Noah's tarp and kind of doing a ridge line and having the the things kind of go over the edges you know put a pole in the middle seeing as how I somehow forgot to pack that tarp I only brought my square tarp I usually always bring the Noah's tarp for a shelter down mode I've never camped in super stormy weather with just a square tarp so we're gonna see how it goes well yeah I plan on bringing both of them and I'd I had I saw it today I don't know how I forgot it um so we have to improvise we're gonna go with the square tarp and what I'm gonna do is tie it to this tree here and I'm gonna kind of try to do it as shallow as possible it's gonna require a lot more of me tapping the snow up but that way we can get you know more lengthwise and then I'm just gonna pile snow up on both sides as much as I need you to have nice side walls so it should be pretty good still and I'm just gonna have to tie it really tight so I can tap it off really good so let's tie this thing up start getting the walls formed yeah you know Matthew posed adventures come prepared and if you don't come prepared just figure it out right Monty all right so for right now just take a couple of nice sticks here pound them in the back and hold this thing down a little just as we need this radio you know tea [Music] all right Kiribati hi Monty come here come here hey Monty he is just collecting this snow right now look at this frosty bunny look at him Monty snow beard so we got the tarp setup it's nice and tight so I can keep hitting it all day all night it's definitely gonna need to be the snow's need to be whacked off all night because this coming down I don't know if that camera is picking it up very well let's you never see it on camera as good as you do in person but it's coming down and the wind isn't blowing crazy but when it does blow it does kind of come from this way so this is set up really nice so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to just spend my time now building up some snow walls flattening this area out nice and good and then I'm gonna okay the only gust of wind I feel right now from that gust is right there so the winds going to be blowing from that way so I need to make this wall really nice we're gonna make this one nice and high so that's what we're gonna do once I get that taken care of we'll give Monte a spot to plop his fluff but but for now I'm just gonna sporadically fill the stick he's lost every stick so far he hasn't brought me one back all right we'll give Monte a spot even though I got a search trouble and so but anyways yeah we'll give them ideas spot and I'm gonna start just shoveling and then we'll tighten things up we'll just as need be but this is so gorgeous out right now I'm just having fun it's and it's not too cold despite what you may think it is not frigid with the windchill it gets pretty nippy but we're not getting crazy amounts of wind here all right Monte I should be keeping my hood up the whole time because I'm gonna get I got my other my big warm hat that I'm gonna wear it later but I should keep this thing from getting wet place oh I don't like working around with my hood up I'd rather have a little wet head Monte the one thing you're allowed to hit your dog with a sleeping pad okay okay all right come here so why [Music] [Music] Montee country dart park mighty so we've got going on right now as I'm still shuffling away so it's hard to tell but this is a nice high wall here and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna continue to pile snow all the way around like I'm doing I've already had a good start and right there's about three feet high already I'm gonna pile all the way around and then right here I'm going to dig a little pathway cut a pathway and cut this all straight and then we're gonna pile this on top and just make a nice high wall all the way around and a little entryway so it'll be nice and bunkered in then these tarps this tarp here it's sagging a little so I'm going to take some line right here tie it off to a tree santhi on the other side tighten it up get it all good to go so I'm going to keep shoveling snow here [Laughter] [Music] whoo-ha hooey I am having a blast right now it is just gorgeous for those of you that watched last Sunday's video you'll know that I felt sick and couldn't get out for a winter storm and it was a big one and I'm so thankful right now that this one seems even bigger but this is great I'm just having a blast I'm not like I'm getting a little I'm warm but I'm not sweaty I'm like on that it's like it's perfect out to where I'm just I might be getting a little wet because my body heat and this is a this is a waterproof layer it'll freeze tonight but either way I'm just like perfect I'm having a blast and I'm really thankful that I you know another big storm came through because I love camping in these these are when the snows fallen like this the woods are never prettier or more beautiful that one this we got heavy snowfall and in this thick spot it's not like there's blowing gusts around like when I was on the road is blowing it's hard to see but in this in the thick of it here this is pretty beautiful and I'm just I'm in my Zen right now not working too hard too fast I had a good start today so I'm taking my time you know my keys just relax and you can't even see them anymore because that's how high I've got the well if I put my foot down right there and you know that's that's a good three feet easy and that's almost all the way around a little bit more right there and it'll get even higher when I start digging in a dollar but my 10 my tarp is sagging a lot in the back because there's so much snow falling on it so I'm definitely putting up some more ropes on the side and I'm kind of gonna have it level on the top and then kink right down but these walls are so high here that we're not going to get Gus on we might get a little snow on us throughout the night but it's not a big deal as long as we're not just getting snowed on you know like a foot of snow overnight that's all so just going to keep plucking away taking my time and really enjoying this comedy what do me what do you help come on T good boy [Music] well now that I got Monte uh out he doesn't know how to get back in we got to cut him a path go boy yeah all right Monty's gonna need to be a frosty bunny for a second what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna pull the stuff out I'm gonna dig down here pile up these walls higher cut everything out in here and this needs fixin it's sagging real low I think I'm gonna need some ropes up here too there's so much weight the snow is falling so hard right now my setup isn't perfect yet it's got a ways to go see if I just do this yeah opens up a lot when you take all the snow off but I got to prevent it from sagging so much so we got to go with a steeper back and just tidy up the ropes tighten this up so I'm gonna pull stuff out clean this here camp up all right come on T never mind Monty's in the state he doesn't feel like moving whoo brand new thing a paracord let's see how fast I can turn this into a tangled mess pretty quick it seems it's not so bad okay so I want to show you guys the knot that I'm using the tie my tarp off okay so you're just going to have your line around the tree or whatever it's already attached to my tarp I'm going to go from the underside go over once go over once again and then I'm going to go up here and go over on the inside of this rope and then I'm gonna pull this through here tighten this down and now I've got a nice little cinch not it's not the prettiest but as you can see here I'll pull that tag in but I can put tension on here and if I want to loosen it I've pulled that way I want to tighten it I just break I just pull on this loosen it here and I can tighten it up and I like that because as the night goes on you know I'm gonna need to tighten these or they'll loosen up a little bit or the weight of the snow I'll tighten it so it's nice and then all you got to do when you're all done and ready to go home as I just pull on this and it just comes apart and for when you're using this knot it doesn't matter if you take this rope and go over or under and come this way as long as when you wrap it you keep it on the same side every time so I'm going over here or under and I'm gonna continue doing that on both sides but it doesn't really matter as long as you do it the same way see all right it's all tight tighten this one up okay so it's pretty good this is going to be I'm just gonna need to hit on that every hour or so throughout the night and I'm going to pull back this right here I'm going to go do a spike in the back and then we're going to carve this out [Music] all right I don't know where Monty went Monty Monty Oh their yard you're just so covered in snow I couldn't see yeah okay so shoulders all set up we've got some nice high walls on both the sides it's gonna sag a little bit here that's fine it's it's not it's not a hundred percent perfect but it's gonna do there's barely any snow getting on just the last six seven eight inches on the end of that tarp so as long as we keep but up put our feet on this end we'll be totally fine maybe get a little bit snow on our feet but as you can see the walls are all gone around got a nice fire reflector we'll have a fire right here and these walls are super high shelf a lots not gonna stay at home my driveway and shovel this much snow but it's more fun out here so now it is time to leave some firewood and then we're going to spark up a fire where it's gonna kind of relax enjoy the storm and burn some firewood for a while before it gets dark let's go Mon - what do you say why don't you look really frosty right now got a nice dud piece of maple here this will give me all the firewood I need for the whole night this one tree here you can just fall over it's already I think it's already fall bail free it monkey let's do the old pick and drag pick up and drag I don't need this alright we'll just chop this enough to pieces here drag them back to camp the get stuck okay maybe I'll just carry him back one at a time a little more reasonable [Music] [Music] so just that amount of time to go out and get firewood you can see the snow is about to there so that's a little portion of the thing or of the sleeping pad so as long as our feet are down on this end we'll just be getting a little bit of snow but it's pretty good we can expect that to continue through the rest of the night to have the snow coming about that much so it's not bad and then we've got some accumulation on the tarp I'm at the knock off this is gonna be an ongoing concert thing all night long not going to snow off so it doesn't sag down my tarp too much this this is one of the reasons why I would have liked to have the other tarp I don't normally go in snow storms in the square tarp here because I like to have a pole a piece of wood in the middle and kind of an odd leash it's just I like to have the bunker down mode where I can kind of go on all four sides rather than just kind of have to do a lean-to style but this will work will be just fine we're just going to keep knocking off the snow oh let's cut up some logs here no I'm sure a good bit of this she'll be a little punky me especially the ends here but that's okay once we got a nice coal bed and get it ripping I'll just I'll burn up punky wood it's alright it's alright it's gonna have some moisture in it because we did have a big ice storm a couple weeks ago so there's probably you know gonna be ice it's frozen to it pretty good on there but that's okay oh wow I was not expecting that it is barely punky at all one little spot that's solid all right so we've got some nice wood here solid [Laughter] [Laughter] mati why so snow yes Randy help Marty TV fell in the world Marty favorite about that's okay just gonna split up a few here just for some nice dry wood that's not a little wolf [Music] well we'll punky on the center it's okay letting a few pieces see you're here oops okay let's get a fire going little bass my hands are a little wet that's not good so I've got some birch bark that has been in my pocket for some quite some time I got this last time about the woods and I like to keep birch bark in my pocket all the time now as you guys know that have been following a channel we've been on the quest for a one strike fire without free warming up our fire steel and I don't know if it's gonna be today because it's snowing hard and this is gonna get a little damp I'll try we'll try our best get nice and flaky some of this couple that in there okay oh no this got wet Oh game over game over everything is just damp because of the snow melting off my hands will try nope nope Oh there it goes now my sticks all the sticks are kind of covered in snow and wetness and a little bit of dampness because of all the icy snow we've been having so I'm gonna have to I've got a bunch of birch bark cuz like four dead trees right over there next to camp oh there's some wind and I'm just gonna have to keep feeding this thing with birch bark until I get a nice a nice fire going it's gonna be a minute here I've just being delicate with this thing well the witness wind and snow is picking up I can barely see now Wow holy crap it's already starting to die down a little bit we got feeding some more birch bark here [Music] all right now that I've got the fire going good it ain't going out even with all this snow on this lot this wood and everything I'm just going to keep kind of piling on we're going to develop a nice coal bed then we can burn anything it won't go out but in the meantime I'm going to set up the rest of my stuff [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] here buddy here runty alright well the night's creepin in we've got a fire that ain't gonna die on us got a nice cold with a care my teeth Carlina good boy yeah so I was sittin up the chair I'm probably not gonna set up any of my sleeping stuff till before I go to bed I'm not I'm gonna blow up my air pad because it's just snow and of lon I can't tell if the snows getting lighter or it's just getting harder to see well that's still snowing yeah it's still snowing on my face it might have lightened up a little bit I'm not sure but I know it's gonna at least be a light snow all night long all night long so definitely gonna be whacking off of a tarp a lot okay relaxation time oh yeah it's still snowing now I can see it must have just been blown or something I don't know it's still snowing good we had some serious snow on the tarp it's gonna be fun throughout the night I'm probably gonna have to get up put my snow boots and put my boots on and whack off this here snow off this here tarp plenty of times Monty has got just the thickest coat right now he's just a fluff ball so um tonight I want to address something really quick Monty is not going to get his normal sweet potatoes and venison and there's a reason for that we went to the vet because Monty does this thing where he likes to poop like five times I always like to joke and say you know you know how dogs like to mark their territory with pee well Monty goes straight up for a stronger scent and goes with poo it's not true but we were brought up to the vet and the vet thought it might he has serious allergies and that's why he licks his paws he doesn't like snow in there so that's why he's on a special diet and he doesn't get many treats or anything usually upset his stomach and right now the vet suggested that we try because we've got him on a grain free food with salmon and pork he thought it was chicken the vet said let's try adding some pumpkin to his food and just do his food and pumpkin and see how his pups are and we'll go from there and see if the fiber from the pumpkin you know helps them not poop so many times or have a little gooey poop at the end so we've been doing that so that's what he's gonna get tonight he is not gonna the vet said no sweet potatoes no medicine just the dog food and potato or pumpkin did I say potato pureed pumpkin if I said potato I mean pumpkin but he loves that pumpkin he goes nuts at home we get the pumpkin oh he starts like today funk got it out for breakfast and he turned into the couch so hard he slammed his head in the couch who's pretty funny it looks so Blizzard you out there the camera does not do it justice it looks like there's a fog off in the woods and it's just snowfall it's gonna be crazy well now that I'm not moving around and I'm sitting kind of I'm sitting under the tarp because I don't want to get snowed on a whole bunch but I'll move the fire towards me as it goes on but I can feel the heat but it's I'm still getting a little nippy now that I'm done working and I've only got one layer of thermals on so Marty how you doing buddy we're just gonna relax I'm going to get all my layers on is the as it gets completely dark here and yeah I'll put my layers on and then we're going to throw the light on there and we'll get to cook it [Music] [Music] I get some cents on there what sent it sent it you get don't lose the stick no okay you promise you promise you promise do you promise okay that's he well I saw where it went at least we're gonna might be off to a bad start Oh heaven to Betsy hey yeah oh yeah so I've got all my layers on I am toasty my outside is wet because I was producing a lot of heat and just do the shell with this snowfall that's the one thing that'll happen in heavy snowfall unless it's really really cold you'll just it'll melt the snow on the outside and when I take this off it's gonna freeze solid tonight so I got to make sure lay it out straight and just not bunch it up cuz I did that oh man I did that I'd my first snowstorm Mike Hampton I think first video I have of it and it was just hard to get my arms into my gloves these things are soaked my hands are still warm and fine they're not like toasty they're a little wet and damp and I've got dry gloves that I'll use when I'm sitting at camp I think that stick getting mighty but yeah these were these will freeze solid if I leave them out tonight so I'm probably gonna just man up and put these sopping wet gloves first of all near the fire I'll try and dry them out a little bit and then I'll put them in my sleeping bag so that there at least at least I can put them on you know and they'll warm up that way rather than having ice block that you can't put on I left my gloves out oh man there's hard as a rock right now I don't even know this is Oh No all right I need some help lefty you're supposed to have a scent for a sense of smell it's like a thousand ten thousand times better than mine or something a thousand or ten thousand you should be able to smell your own slobber because you got stinky breath get her Monty get him I see come on bring here bring here so I'm really surprised he lost his booties right off the bat but he has not gotten snowpack in the Senators paws at all and I'm thinking it's because we like I said earlier we're talking to the vet oh yeah must've got a sidetrack and didn't finish that conversation I have a scatterbrain sometimes but anyways we were talking to the vet and we were talking like he he runs sled dogs and we were like hey is you knows how is his feet gonna be out in the cold he go I tell him he goes winter camping all the time Howard his feet gonna be how is he gonna be laying on the ground sitting around and he's just like he's totally fine his thick he's his coat is so thick he's not getting cold like he might get cold after many many hours just laying on the ground but he's totally fine and he said just cut the feet flush so you don't shave the palm but you don't want long hair sticking out maybe put some wax or booties on there and I mean so far even with just no booties and the hair being flush on his feet he's not getting snowpack I keep checking well he's fine I'm not sure if the camera is picking up this snow right now but it's still just coming down just as hard as it was earlier Monty bring me that stick Monty Monty bring here Marty why do you bring it here you're bringing here right now you bring it here right now mister mister I will Groucho go to your room mighty [Music] [Applause] good boy it's alright imma throw this right go get it buddy yeah we'll get it right again oh you got me so anywho I'm just gonna keep throwing the stick form like I always do this is my way of just keeping them active keeping him warm you know he loves being out here he loves just chillin he loves just enjoying the nature but he does love playing with six so you know given Bo Kevin ball I'm going to keep doing this for a while and then we'll get to cookin [Music] all righty [Music] Monty do you wanna treat do you want to go fur to the dog park do you want a treat you want to go for a dog park dog park treat good boy hey dude do you do you what of you do you as a matter of fact mr. Monty I do want my beer oh yeah is nice being out here this is great as snow is just coming down this is the blast snow just sounds like it picked up pretty pretty hard so what I'm making for dinner tonight is a classic one of my favorite meals it's not the most gourmet version it's just my very easy quick version and that is chicken paprikash I love that dish it's a Hungarian pay tribute to my Hungarian ancestors represent this was gonna be a very simple easy to do anybody could do this no problem so you at home if you want something delicious you like paprika you like chicken you like onions make this dish you also gotta like sour cream but I've made this one before quite a few times I have made this many times we don't got much to prepare well we'll get cooking in a minute here I'm not I'm not on a crazy rush let's see what time we got oh yeah the night is young the night is young so I'm gonna do is I'm a relaxed bass player let that coalbed continue to roast finish this beer I've got two beers with me I'm gonna finish this one and then we are going to get cooking get preparing I'm just gonna enjoy this pitter-patter of the snow when I yeah when I when I hid the tarp get the snow off you can really hear it coming down but it gets such a layer built up in there that you don't hear it anymore your say is it snowing but it's not okey-dokey let's prepare some food here what do you think Monty huh I wrapped them his blanket there because it's not that I thought he was told everything it just it just sounded more comfy you know he's hearing all sorts of wrappers crinkle and my cooking dish for my pop of cash you watch yourself mister okay so we're gonna start with some onion I got a chunk of butter here and I normally I would cook up my onions sautΓ©ing then a little bit of olive oil just to get them translucent but out here I prefer butter chunk of butter these onions cut up love me some white onion with the butter yep you got some garlic here now this is uh not gonna work I'm just gonna crush it with my thumb a big thick thumbs oops oh I pulverized that one okay not gonna cut this up too crazy fine just nice chunks I like garlic I always add extra garlic I rarely measure everything only if it's like the specific recipe you need to be precise on otherwise I just kind of it's different every time you know then it's you know it's like it's like a spice of life thing it's different every time it tastes different every time just a little bit it's all back okay we're also gonna add our garlic in here now we're gonna get this on the fire and get the searing up quick I don't have anything else that needs preparing so let's get this cook in this fire is going nowhere there's some snow constantly getting on it got some nice it's got a nice coal bed it really helps to put those logs on the bottom when you start your fire and snow so that it burns down into a coal bed we got to get this thing stabilized got the great great I love this thing I do not love smoking my eyes ha ha ha burns but I love this great I've learned the power of packing it down with a stick this see we can always scrape coals under here well we don't want this loosey-goosey to start pretty good okay there we go all right just getting them heat it up a little bit onions and garlic oops we lost an onion [Applause] okay so the first thing we were going to add is some chicken broth I'm not gonna try to add too much and I brought our extra just in case make sure you're pretty good and then we're gonna add a little pepper black pepper I never measure I just kind of that much is how much I put in at this time around then we've got some salt not too much salt not too little salt just the right amount of salt that should be good well little touch where we go and then we've got sweet Hungarian paprika now I tend to add lots of paprika probably more than your average person would but I love the flavor of paprika so it's at a ton of it I want this just just scream paprika all right I'm just gonna stir this in a little bit all right now we're pretty much going to simmer this down until these onions are translucent and cooked and then we will add in the rest of the chicken paprikash and we will thicken it up so I'm going to add the lid here I'm gonna have to constantly stir this bottom over the spire because these coals are hot I don't want it to burn good boy he knows he's getting something tasty if there's the one if there's one thing he can associate with being out in the woods winter camping is that he gets a tasty dinner and though it won't be you know sweet potato and venison it is going to be pumpkin mix him with this food maybe I'll put some hot water in there we'll see it is still snowing snowing hard hasn't led up a wink the whole time it's been going steady the whole time which is which is awesome it's so beautiful looking in the light it actually makes it look even more intense but I've been knocking off the tarp the whole time every every 45 to an hour whack off the tarp so yeah our setups working pretty good pretty good I mean it's not it's not a hundred percent perfect but it's never perfect when you're out here you know you can say it's perfect but it doesn't matter as long as you're comfortable as long as you're not getting snowed on like right now I can see it just hitting my feet my toes and definitely not getting Monti right now but uh it's getting to like right right there so if we get some crazy win throughout the night maybe we'll get a little snow on us but we'll be fine but a one thing I will say is my camera there this thing is gonna be the most just battle-hardened DSLR there is that thing is it's uh let's just say it's pretty icy from my hand touching the buttons and it's getting snowed on it that thing is it's the the lens is like caked with ice I don't take the best care of my camera but that thing has done me justice it has lasted a year now and I have I have just you'd probably cringe at how I take care of that thing but I like to say you know you get a piece of gear like a camera like that you put it through thick and thin and it it still comes through that's just a quality item and the line of you know the mass production thousands millions made this one has somehow been great but it's definitely coverings on that mic to the mic the light it's nice when you're out here it's a it stays frozen but when I get a home and it gets melty that's the danger zone and I don't hear the pitter-patter on the of the snow on the tarp anymore so that means there's a nice layer but I need to whack out I'll do that Monte let's do that [Music] alright we got a check on our paprikash see on Simran oh let's fire that ripping all its simmer and strong simmer and real strong I could smell that paprika already off it's gonna be so good this is just one of my favorite comfort foods I don't know how well the GoPro picks this sort of stuff up but as you can see this is what I was talking about on my DSLR that's ice I don't know I don't know if it's picking it up very well but that's all just a layer of ice on my lens you can see there's snow and wetness all over the camera the mic is completely coated go ahead about deep it back here and this is I just brush this off so I've been having to brush off the snow and just every every every time I make a clip every single time I'm doing a clip in this video I am brushing off the snow so yeah I'm gonna be using it a little bit but you know what it's okay that's why I got this GoPro backup if things go crazy then we just switch to this Danner here Oh [Music] oh man that smells amazing Oh oh yeah now the onions are see how that one still got a little bit of whiteness left to it not quite translucent yet so we're gonna keep simmering until these onions are translucent oh but it smells so good right now okay we're almost getting ready for the next step I've got a pot of snow here to melt for boiling my noodles gotta have those noodles now if you've never boiled snow before or melted snow for drinking water or whatever it takes a lot more than you think so my recommendation is to pack it as much as you can until it's like a block of ice melt it down and then add more snow to the water and it kind of melts instantly and that's that's usually how I do it but it takes so much more snow than you think to get a nice pot full of water or to melt your analogy and especially if it's fluffy if you got straight-up ice it's not so bad it's you know as much ice as you got but snow is fluffy pack it down as much as you can [Music] okay have some more of our wood okay let's see where Rhett does this water gets going oh yeah okay onions translucent oh that smells so amazing oh yeah okay so now what we're gonna do is add our next ingredients okay so as this water melts and we're gonna once we start boiling our noodles we'll start thinking this up up for now we're going to add our chicken I've already pre-cut it is like a rest and a half we're gonna add that right into the pot now essentially if I was at home and I had a stove and I could just boil this instantly I would add it towards the end more when the water the it's it's a hard simmer so it just kind of poaches the chicken out here I'm just gonna kind of add it now and it'll cook for a while it might be a little overdone but essentially you just want to throw the chicken in cook up for a maximum of 10 minutes more like five minutes have it simmer and get it in there you know it'll cook pretty quick when it's not a simmer and then it's a nice tender soft chicken oh here things are a little different so it's going to you know be a little overdone so I'm waiting for this water all right so really quick I just want to show you what I was talking about with that snow melting so I packed this thing I stuffed it completely full and as it melts that's as much as I got there is barely any water on the bottom it's melting this is just a little slush pocket now so I'm off to do that I'm probably have to pack it at least two more times and melt it down before I have enough water to boil my noodles so it's with this light when you have icy snow or ice chunks it's much quicker but when you have light fluffy snow that's fresh foam like this it yeah it takes a minute takes a little bit so pretty much in between cooking I've been throwing the stick Vermont so constantly and he keeps looking over here I'm not sure what it is but we definitely got a little critter that's running around on top of the snow is probably a mole maybe I don't know definite little creature not sure what it is maybe a mouse mole I don't think as a squirrel I don't know but Monty he were been throwing the stick over here and Monty was just like acting nuts so he musta spotted it or smelled it whatever it was Monty right Monty Monty this is still snowing it's definitely still sewing okay so our pot of water here is full enough and it's right on the verge of boiling so we're gonna do the final steps to this meal oh yeah this is looking good guarantee that chickens cooked so this is pretty much the only technical thing you've got to do for this whole meal and that is strut and cornstarch and at it so what you want to do when you want to stir up cornstarch as you want cold water you cannot have lukewarm or warm you want cold water you'll need a little bit don't need a ton and you add your cornstarch for that cold water well you will use the fork side you just watch it stirs right in we'll catch the rest of that now I can't it gets a little like gummy in spots you just stir through it and it it'll all turn to a liquid it there's no clumps whatsoever when you use cold water and cornstarch you just capture it all make sure you just long as you stir the chunks break them up look at that it's like it's like it's like milk no clumps of whatsoever and now I would like this to be boiling but like I said before we're cooking over a fire and it will be perfect but it'll do we're gonna add this in and get this heated up sorry to say I'm just gonna rinse Monty's food dish out here at water you got a little schmutz in there all right we'll continue cooking that deliciousness oh yeah let it get hot [Music] have this back to it we've got to add noodles to this here oh yeah it's boiling it is the boiling for noodles for the chicken paprikash we are going with pick wide egg noodles these are like these are not the no egg egg noodles they're the very thick you can see our very thick noodle thick egg noodles oops it's always a hard thing to gauge how many noodles you're going to use if I could eat a ton out here as soon as these noodles are boiled we are eaten oh there's only one final thing left to add to this masterpiece here but we're gonna we're gonna save that you probably already know what it is but we're still gonna wait until it's the time you know let's take a look at these noodles oh yeah boiling away alright okay his Simran oh it's not Simran hard but it's getting heating it up enough it's it's thickened a little it's it's not crazy thick which it's just how I like it hmm oh that flavor I love this flavor it's a very unique dish it's not like I'll punch you in the face flavor hmm well but it's so good let's see where we're at oh okay we've lost a lot of moisture there I'm gonna take off my glove here oh yeah I just farted in fear okay let me taste one here they look done oh yeah okay okay all right all right okay all right okay all right we're done so I'm gonna do is because Monte is such a good boy and I just cannot help myself we're gonna drain a little bit of this hot water into his food here now I know that's not perfectly you know stick into the pumpkin I just he deserves a hot meal and I'm not waiting to uh you know heat up some more water so let's drain this here I seem a little little hot water he's got a nice hot meal there's barely any water left we boiled it all out okay so he's not getting a ton all right set that there now we've got to add Monty's pumpkin he's only supposed to get three tablespoons but we're gonna give him a little bit extra just because he's out in the woods he's getting about four or five see he's still getting spoiled I'm still not following all the rules 100% oh yeah that's that's about perfect he's just a little bit of hot water in there it'll be a nice tasty meal he's gonna love that he is gonna love that you guys have given me the suggestion to put my noodles in into my sauce bowl and that is a very smart idea so that's what we're gonna do oh man oh man all right there we go now I know what you're thinking this looks really delicious and I'm thinking the same thing it looks amazing it smells amazing and it's gonna taste amazing but there is one final step to make this go from here to here yeah yeah you know we could be here oh we're gonna go here and that is a very hefty portion of sour cream yes yes yes yes oh the sour cream makes it like a chicken paprikash stroganoff just you need the sour cream do not forget the healthy portion of sour cream Oh mad I love this dish so much all it's just we could we should take a picture because it looks pretty but we're just gonna mix in that now this is a little bit liquidy but that's okay I am going to just inhale this okay all right it's time to feast oh yeah I'm so excited for this stay there stay there I know how you like to move things around okay oh no no no that was such a big mistake you know I've got oh good thing these are waterproof pants good thing a Bears are in hibernation right now because I just spilt a little chicken paprikash all over this here knee dingleberry just getting too excited okay all right I finished my two beers it is still snowing like crazy outside we've got camp set up we've got a hot coal bed we've got delicious gourmet food cooked up it's all ready I've been playing fetch with him the whole time so don't you think he's just been sitting here because I've had to get up so much and check on the camera and do check out the food and stuff I've just been throwing the stick form constantly you ready Monte okay go ahead all right as always gotta crack my neck get a little prepared for this delicious meal oh man nice piece of chicken [Music] it's so good it's very hot but it is so delicious oh now I know some of you guys had mentioned that when I'm eating it seems like I'm eating um it seems like I haven't eaten for thirty days every time I eat and the reason is is that I just love food I love food cooked over a camp fire I love delicious food when I'm out in the woods camping and yeah I'm a food monster I love food I'm struggling right now because it's kind of hot that's my problem once it cools down I'll be able to shovel this into my face very fast be very satisfied then very full and uncomfortable Monty was it not enough I feel that way too sometimes oh he's nosing around his bowl how rude that's rude that's rude I know that was enough lay down lay down lay down my geez brought tea enough of that you ate plenty lay down you don't need to be eating snow looking for scraps have I I provide plenty for you yeah I sure do little stinker so I'm gonna I don't need you guys don't need to watch any more than me slurping this up so I'm gonna finish up here and I'll check back in we through them all done and we're gonna be getting ready for bed I still gonna set up all my stuff get out Monty's sleeping bag everything so I'm gonna put the rest of the wood on the fire and we'll check back in with you in a bit [Music] you go ahead Monty you beg like a dog boy I am full well you know what Monty Monty you know what you look like you need my mirror I'm everybody oh yeah I'm gonna getcha I'm gonna getcha that's what you look like you need oh oh oh man out of all the decisions I've made I just put my lips up and you just tongued my lips that was gross it was really gross yeah it was really gross [Music] probably the worst thing I could have tasted after all that delicious food oh you're okay yeah he just wants to search for treats this is not good enough for him yeah do you just need a nice cuddling okay ladies and gentlemen I just mowed down Monte Mount down he really wants to get up and scrounge around for scraps solo let him I can't take that away from him but now that I'm very full a little slushy I'm gonna set up everything I need for bed get all set up I'm gonna dig out some snow behind the tarp here at the back edges so that when I'm whacking it off throughout the night it's not piling up because we've already got a foot of snow built up from the tarps whacking off and it's happened twice and I've had to dig it out so I'm gonna dig it out nice and so that what I don't have to get out I'm out of the tarp unless it gets really crazy so I'll check back with you guys when I'm ready for bed grande Monte all right you can get down freedom so I just wanted to take a second as I'm getting ready for bed to let everybody know what kind of creature we're dealing with here now this dog mr. Monty here Monty snow beard the grade when I was cooking moving things around he was following me around he was up and down didn't want to sleep lay on the sleeping pad I wanted me to throw the stake energetic doing whatever ray Monte Monte but yeah you mister but as soon as we ate our meals he knew what that meant and he crawled over on the sleeping pad and has just been sitting there licking himself getting ready for bed because he knows that all the food is gone all the stick throwing is done and we're going to bed his little creature has got me figured out to a science he knows that there's only one big meal one tasty delicious treat and then it's just bedtime so he's given up [Music] [Music] okay mr. Monty come on over come here here Rosie hey you gotta lay down here come on come on lay down no no no go get it you you you get it just right come on that was pretty much perfect other than the fact you're facing the wrong way there you go you whippersnapper okay just tuck your boo you know he's got some ice chunks in there but he will be toasty that's all gonna dry out throughout the night from his body heat there you go buddy let's get him nice and tucked away you know he gets pretty upset when I whack off the snow throughout the night but it is what it is hell up a deal with our Monty it's time and I'm just gonna lay on here for a second so that was a fun fun day this is a good shelter Raimondi it's working so far I dug out the snow pretty deep back here so when I'm whacking it off all night for the most part it's gonna go down the divet because we've already collected feet of snow from the snow coming off this tarp it's already got snow again it is coming down still oh yeah I was just gonna say that it's not coming down as heavy as it was before but I think it's still coming down pretty good and like I said the weather so doesn't continue late until the morning so anyways I'm gonna have to strip off all this rain gear here and I'm gonna have to make sure to straighten it out because it's gonna freeze tonight and I don't want it to freeze all crinkled up so that it's hard to put on in the morning and I think I'm just going to bite the bullet and put these sopping wet gloves in my sleeping bag and use my body heat to dry them out or at least keep them warm I'm not gonna be cold at all it's not that cold tonight and I am just well equipped for heat so the moisture it'll be okay but anywho I'm gonna get snuggled in here and pass out so I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody [Applause] hey Monty I was gonna play a scare prank on him but he got up oh I was too late you stinker Oh little turd and I get he's ready to greet the day oh it's nippy out here oh ok last night oh yeah I was I was pretty Restless at one point between like midnight and 3:00 or something oh no I was just like you know when your mind's racing and I just couldn't sleep very well at that point but then you know dark enough whacking off the snow all night and as you don't know if you can see there's a big pile it's coming down both sides a lot of snow last night a lot of snow and then it felt like you know by 3:00 the snow had pretty much stopped like heightened couldn't hear it so I was like alright you know I'm just gonna kind of just check on Monty now not worry about the snow and then I woke up at 6:00 and this tarp was laying on both me and Monty's heads and it was so saggy from so much snow that is pulling it in we're getting snow you could see there's snow on Monty's like back end and there's some of my feet because yeah we got it so much snow on the tarp it was falling off the trees all night for a while was scaring Monte every time I fell off the trees and like LAN little tarp was like he jump up but they whacked it up again we're asleep overseas hmm I guess it's time to get up we're great today it looks like it's sunny outside light amount of snow looks like a beautiful wintry scene Monty's roaming around so let's go check it out let's get up I'm gonna put some layers I want to get moving here let's do it my jacket it's frozen look at it that's my jacket oh no oh that's the arm oh this is gonna be so much fun to put on dang it all right let's get it on and get let's see if we can get this thing on easily you might be I might deep ah raw my fingers nothing like a frozen solid Jack in the morning [Applause] it's so crunchy there you go now I just need a few minutes to be able to move around move it up I'm really happy that I put these gloves in my sleeping bag jacket is officially odd hi mighty hi hi buddy today it's a new day you got the stick I saved it just for you this was his favorite stick last night he retrieved this one many a times don't got all my movement yet Oh beautiful out here here we go okay now it's only a matter of time you give me that stick mister no morning puppy the Sun is out it's just a beautiful beautiful wintry scene right now oh yeah are you Monty what do you think Monty got a good amount of snowy last night yesterday but uh oh as my jacket Falls up I think it's time we get packed up and get heading back to the car whoo little nip to the air Monty what do you say before we get packed up you wanna me throw the stick for a few more times where you say you want the stick no the stick okay you do let's go throw a stick a stick go ahead go get your stick did you stick your stick mighty oh yeah we're mighty come on come on mighty very nice look boobies are sook good boy yeah [Music] everything's all frosty this morning so I'm not other than the sleeping bags I'm not putting anything back into stuff sacks I'm just going to stuff at this big ol 55-gallon bag here and sit it down that's one of the nice things about the day you go home and then I've got to worry about as long as it cinches down I'm gonna let pack it all soon as I get home [Music] [Music] [Music] well you know like usual I'll just take this paracord here deal with it later maybe I'll just like that yeah yeah we'll just we'll just turn it all right don't worry about Thule that's how we'll do it make it a problem for later [Music] we gonna deal a or Monty yeah yeah I know it is jacket [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay okie dokie ladies and gentlemen that was a fun night last night I'm all packed up get all my stuff leave nothing behind a little snow pile oh it's beautiful out there I turn off my layers so I'm getting a little chilly ready to get moving start getting warm but I'm surprised and happy with how the square tarp learned or turned out last night you know wasn't ideal for me I prefer that Noah star if it's a diagonal I can just do better configurations for hunkering down but you know it was a little loose in some spots but it did the trick did pretty good we didn't get snow on us all night until that one point where I let too much snow build up so that was that was Matthew error so that's gonna wrap it up for this one we're gonna be heading back to the car guys so as always if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button I'll catch you guys at the next video come on let's go nope [Music] I know don't look like much but I climbed from down there up this hill and pull this new fresh snow let me tell you ain't cold no mo I'm sweating like a pig oh I feel like I just accomplished something [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 12,231,441
Rating: 4.8734317 out of 5
Keywords: snowstorm, snow storm, blizzard, winter camping, winter, camping, camp, bushcraft, bushcrafter, canada, asmr, snow, survival, storm, winter storm, winter weather, backpacking, backpack camping, dog, adventure, wilderness, wilderness area, bushcrafting, how to camp, wild camp, backcountry, backcountry camping, snowstorm camping, camping in a snowstorm, shelter, bushcraft shelter, campfire cooking, campfire, cooking, food, camping in a blizzard, snowshoeing, overnight, camping dog, survival shelter
Id: dTfYEwjdmZE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 100min 43sec (6043 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 17 2019
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