Spring Snowstorm Overnight Camping

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hey guys Monty here I'm just out here camping in a blizzard and I have no idea why dad seems to think I'm a wolf or something but I'm just a normal dog I do normal stuff anywho hope you guys enjoy the video [Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys I'm out the woods again come on - here we're gonna spend the night out in this craziness it's spring happy spring can you tell spring over there it's spring there yeah it's really spring-like as they say April snow showers hopefully by the end of June there's a couple flowers yeah it's nasty out I don't know you can hear that wind howling is windy so we're we're gonna be spending light out here and I've got a few shelter types in mind I know it sounds like I'm yelling because I feel like I need to yell with how loud windy it is I don't know how much that's gonna pick up I don't even have an umbrella over my camera I'm really risking it right now but I figure it's cold enough it's colder than it's been but I've got three different shelter types in mind I brought a tarp so it might just hunker down in the tarp which is probably the most logical solution or I'm gonna find a big uprooted tree rut mass and pile logs or the tarp over it or I'm gonna find two downed trees side-by-side if they're tall enough and put the tarp or lay logs across and pile snow and make it bunker mode but either way I'm gonna need wind protection tonight and the main thing I need to watch out for when you're camping and winds like this in the woods is dead trees and stuff that will fall on you while you're sleeping or sitting around cuz though the winds are crazy right now so I gotta make sure that I'm sitting in a safe spot so anyways we got to get to it I forgot my watch so I have no idea what time it is but we got to get to camp set up get firewood get these going cuz Monte can't be sitting out on this so let's get to it come on Monte let's break through this come on let's go we're going deeper in okay I think this is gonna be your spot it's a little breezy a little bit breezy but I got this tree and this tree and I'm gonna I'm gonna dig out the snow and put the tarp over it and yeah we're gonna make a little den right here so I want to get my tarp set up right away so that I can get Monty a spot to stay out of the snow and the wind so we gotta get right into it Monty yeah I'm gonna get right into it and hopefully we don't fry our camera let's stick go get em aunty go get em aunty it's a pretty thick lock I hope I can move this hey you know what so it's too thick too thick to cut through that with a saw so we're going to have to get up the good old-fashioned axe and do some okay I'm gonna finish the rest of this with you saw hopefully the other side was sawed through enough okay it does know I need to take these off it's deep snow here so soon as I move this I guess our digging Monte's just back there relax under a tree I got the camera kind under a tree right now hoo-wee that may be a complication but we will see how you do Monte you go boy all right he's good all right so I've got a nice square here I'm just gonna dig out the snow and pile it up under these logs here and I'm going to kind of have walls hey there mati oh yeah there's no big dead trees around just these Cedars open over here that's good good for the trees bad for the win and that trees leaning that way we're not a bad spot so firepits gonna be right here okay all right so guys I go pretty good some will lay the tarp over up here and we're gonna hunker down and I'll lock all the window we're gonna have our little fire pit right there kind of nestled in this little area so I'll put the camera put the camera back over there and get the tarp out [Music] [Music] hey it's my good old rat's nest of cords I know you guys would give me suggestions on how to deal with this but uh I don't know if I'm ready for that yet see it's okay oh mercy but you know party but enough let's go for that no no go go there go Oh Marty okay I need to tie on that end and go back there tie that on all right man come here everybody all right now I'm gonna tie this onto something yeah oh great good deal the rest that's quick all right come summertime I'll get better and fix my rat's nest what's your Monty show big butt yeah I know I know Monte every time I get a cord I have to take it out of this ball of paracord oh all right that log that I cut and moved I'm going to tie this to that and then I'm gonna roll it tight and then on the other side there I'll probably use the same log the other end of it the tie it over there and then we'll see how to hunker down we are oh okay whitey once I done Monte Marty what are we doing huh what are we doing Monte huh why'd you why'd you want to go camping today Monte huh I just don't see the appeal I'm just kidding yeah just one more second 1t once I deal with this rat's nest one more time let me just take care of this and then you're gonna have a little spot mister you have a nice little spot okay alrighty now that I've got a small shelter started we got some protection for the Monti I'm gonna blow off his air pad and get him a spot in here and then after that after I get Monty set up I'm going to tie stuff down and make it so see right now if the snow were too I love this all night it would just sink in the middle so I need to get either a stick a big stick which there's one right there it's actually perfect so I'll probably do I'm gonna get a big stick and just prop it up and then I'm gonna tie stuff down around so it's nice and hunkered down but Monty here's a stick that's just standing here I'll use that to prop up the tarp but uh let's go in here and just give you an idea what we're dealing with watch our Monty go ahead go go go into the day this is the den so far you can see it's kinda got walls all around pretty protected in here there's not really any wind Monty is hungry starting to eat grass Monty stop Monty I'll give you some food okay Monty stop it Monty you snowy doggy my camera is getting full of snow this is not very good we'll see but I need to get that stick and a proper I'm gonna set the camera up in here what's aunty all right got her saw and I got a sock here that's gonna go on top of the stick doesn't poke through my tarp so we're gonna do that's definitely too long you don't want it too short too long little trash chop enough nothing work it's got a little bit of a poker with this big old thick Carhartt sock on here any Monty will that work I think it just might all right that definitely open it up nice nicely in here all right there we go so one thing I learned last time there was a snowstorm I had my sled posted up near the fire and with all the well of a snowfall my sled got warm and it melted the snow and when I woke up it was frozen all over in little beads and I tried scraping it off but it didn't help it didn't work there was just frozen water beads all along the bottom of it and it just created so much drag it was so hard to pull that was a rough walk out of there it was definitely not fun I couldn't I couldn't really pull it with my backpack I had to just like use my hands and pull along with it and just yank it in heave yeah lots of fun lots and lots of fun one thing I definitely did better than trip though was take care of my camera I mean I've just let it sit the snow I'm I'm going with the assumption that it was cold and it's not really melting it's just covered in snow but as long as I keep it cold and dry it off and everything as soon as I get home I just air it out and just make sure to not turn it on until it's completely dry it out and everything that it should be fine but we'll see I am definitely risking it probably pretty dumb to be doing that that's okay so yeah I'm just gonna get my fee some food out and then once he eats I'm gonna probably set him up with some warmer stuff cuz he's just sitting there I bet it's me it's cold today it's colder than it's been for a while definitely cold as it has been for a while machi hungry got some food there you go buddy good boy yeah there's there's trea tes TR e ATS tes yeah I'm really good smelling anyways there are those TR e TR e 80s man what a winner yeah I've got some but I'm not getting until he eats so I think I might switch to GoPro for a while you know I want to be safe with my camera I've already risked a live a little right let's just live let's just let's just throw it in the snow yeah this is working out pretty good to be honest there's not much wind I feel like there's a little there's a little snow now there will be some snow blowing around tonight but uh yeah I might as well I'm gonna wanna let Monte finish up here I'm not gonna bring the camera out but I'm gonna tie up some of these strings to uh these logs and stuff some of these loose ends I got just to keep it taut everything taut so that's something to do quick while he's eating the good old GoPro I'm gonna I did decide to bust this out while I'm doing all this sort of around and close-quarters stuff because it's so much easier to use I mean I love this thing just take this branch here for example just put it right on there [Music] I'm just continuing to secure the lines all over this thing just because I'm gonna be hitting it wack and snore knocking snow off it's hard to not say whacking it off but when you say it it sounds bad knocking snow off hold it tight like that alright my hands are getting nippy everything's wet snowy she's getting weighed down a little bit see where else we can go around here let's just take a peek at our humble abode so far in our Monte Oh Oscar you cozy in here huh huh Monte hey kids see my camera getting all covered in snow that's probably not good for it I might use some sticks here to block this up a little bit and maybe tie that rope down but that's not really that big of a deal this is all secured that's a little loose but there's a super tight one there and a super tight one there I'll probably take this here and pull it pull that one right there that's what we should do next tie that one this one doesn't really need it I will see what pull on this one we'll see what happens yeah that's a good boy Monte you look a little snow and wet to get out your blankie not yet all right you just keep chilling protection on the back there maybe you'll see let's see let's go look at it that's a good boy Monty all right we've got to go tie down one last side and the shelter here let's see here this right here needs to be tied down like that all right alright this is gonna be the final tie-down for this thing we're just gonna call it good never to focus on getting firewood and fun stuff like that get a fire going this tree over here okay we're finished officially hunkered down huh so this is the official shelter for this trip all done so we're gonna get or hunker down now and judging by the Sun there's still daylight left so I need to get some firewood now I'm gonna warm up for a second get my hands where my hands are pretty cold so I'm put on the gloves to sit for a minute then we're gonna get some firewood I'm gonna send up there's a bunch of sticks right there that I can just break off this is just a winter wonderland right now yay spring yay spring hurry up auntie are you coming out of hibernation Monty I got to make sure to not break off the stick you can do it go ahead you can do it can you do all right well well well well it'll stick start it here everybody I got your stick yeah I got your stick Oh all right ready get it mighty it's not really the most exciting fetch area get it Mikey you can't do this I'm gonna need some more layers soon I didn't wear too many on though I just wore the thin layer on the way out I'm get a little nippy [Music] I can just my gloves are one thing I've learned that that's snowstorm camping last time that's actually my biggest video to it there's one thing you taught me it's that when snowing like this you're working see how all this is melty it's a little bit wet come tomorrow it's gonna be frozen solid my jacket here will all be frozen and that's you know it is what it is it's not the most fun thing in the world my gloves these are definitely way these will be frozen solid too so I'm probably gonna stick them in my sleeping bag with me even though they're wet just so they're not frozen in the morning about to give me your stick give me your stick oh yeah there's some there's some firewood right there just sitting right there oh we're gonna saw this that thing up that should give us plenty yeah we're gonna have tons of firewood [Laughter] [Laughter] why'd you get a stick throw it when we throw a stick [Laughter] oh this what do you interesting good boy what you doing Monty is just Monty is just over there looking at the forest that's pretty snowy pretty crazy out here we'll see how well the camera picks up the snowfall but it is coming down it's coming down about as much as you can come down snow all night tomorrow so we're gonna wake up the snow and then snow on the way out right Monty I thought oh boy Monty on this little little nature dance yeah I might just cut enough wood it's windy windy Monte it's a windy Monti a wanti wanti wanti wanti watch out Monti you little turd watch out windy watch out watch out Monty Monty all right this should do it tonight hey buddy what do we got today extra tender Jack Link's meat snacks which is seventy by the same person four little Monty treats I won't make you do anything embarrassing today I want it that means Joe all right you have the bigger chunk cuz they're there for you can you speak speak all right all right just cozy in here listening to the wind blow around out there definitely feels good to be hunkered down in here this was a definitely better setup than my last there's definitely better setup than my last time in the snowstorm that one was a little bit more open and vulnerable to the wind this one was definitely solid it was gonna be tons of snow piling up on well this is sturdy and that's gonna fill up with snow so I'm probably I'm gonna have to dig out right here put my head up here but I don't think any snow is gonna really come through there you know I didn't want it I know I didn't want to kill this tree right here this little guy it's actually helping with a little bit of wind block but yeah this is pretty nice got all my wood is definitely beautiful and it it feels nice sitting underneath the tarp and just listening to the pitter-patter of the snow and the wind blowing around it's not so cold out there I got this shelter set up a lot faster than I thought I was going to because this is like a ideal spot just like two logs exactly like I was planning but I got the bonus so having the the rut mass like right here I wasn't really planning on having a rut mass so perfectly to where it makes a back wall this is just a nice little spot it's a neat little spot he's not shivering he just looks cold to me please a dog I don't know what temperature's they can handle not a clue I just go off as shivers if he's shivering that means he's cold but he's not really shivering right now he's just chilling Oh sleepy all right let's get some sticks you can stay here Monty I'll get some sticks since you seem so tuckered out silly dog got all my important stuff in a big garbage bag like my sleeping bag snowy snowy snowy snowy so what's this oh that's true a rope on the top side this stuff will oh the snow so doesn't get buried half my stuff here that is on this edge and I keep knocking it off right on the edge here it's all buried under the snow ready stuff all right layers layers time for body yeah the reason I want to put on layers so bad this is this wind is just ripping right through me and sitting around a lot I don't really have a seat but it is getting me know that that classic thing where your girls your girls cold your jacket well the same thing applies to your Monty if your Monty looks cold you give me your jacket you cozy him up very Monty are you just embarrassed now my call cuz I'm calling you a pretty girl just looked cold with your frozen frozen fur I think this is the earliest I've ever layered up guys earliest I've ever layered up that's okay you know some days you get chilled more than others I just got chilled today I haven't been doing a ton of work and all really you know just the hike in I was sweating and then I get here and it's just been you know setting up the target and cold hands that stuff you gotta have balance when you're layering your layering you don't want to sit your butt down bounce on one leg I know guys getting personal we're getting up close and personal what could happen if I fall over hit the ridgepole you're not the ridgepole what kind of pole is is called a pole it holds up your tarp we're just gonna say support beam so we're gonna say see I don't consider long underwear real underwear you know what I mean like you see a guy or girl and like whitey tighties or boxers or you know there's lots of skin but long underwear it's just like think of it as leggings you know covers your whole body nothing you can see that's very special or interesting just my skinny frog legs from my frog but funk says I got a frog but I got a small button it looks like a frog that's standing up when she sees my but it can't be a compliment it's just probably just truth I'll take it I don't mind all right we're layer it up get you wrapped up in your wool blanket all right and you know what I'm gonna do I'm even gonna hang out in here with you this time so you don't feel the need to come out look at that precious Monty that's a good boy that's better yeah just get warmed up oh just letting the team play by hunkered down in a spring storm there we go I'll just sit like that that way mr. Monty can't mess with it there's a winter storm right now I can take a nap right now there's just peaceful I'm a guy that likes I like sound when I sleep I like rain wind fans radiators kicking on the fridge kicking on whatever the trees blowing doesn't matter animals anything just noise not silence sounds drives me nuts but this right here the snow keeps pitter pattering on that and it's just Dusty Baker be tired relax sleep is peaceful out here oh man the drive here that was probably the most dangerous part of this trip driving here that was the roads were not friendly at all very sketchy roads like you could not see you visibility was terrible everyone was going slow there's hazard lights on it was it was rough roads are rough but we got here we got here safely hopefully we get home safely I'm just going to sit back and just you know relax and kind of just enjoy the moment enjoy this beautiful nature I'm gonna kick back here just like this I think I'm gonna take a little little power nap until the Sun sets oh it so I will catch you guys in like 20-30 minutes when I'm ready spark up a fire but I'm just gonna sit here and enjoy this didn't do any napping I just kind of sat and chilled and reflected on life you know you know how it goes let's get some twigs Monty let's go come on tea drinks all right you just stay there I'm gonna use birch bark once again I promise you guys one one of these days I'm gonna start a fight without birch bark I know it'll blow your minds you'll be like wow that poser lit a fire without birch bark I didn't know he could do it I'll prove it to you guys one song it's so everywhere let's just hopefuls lights easy that's very snowy do it do it do it do it well I put it out there we go there we go Oh Oh I almost messed up there I almost messed up majorly it's pretty wet stuff all the snow let's hope it lights kind of Monty back up Monty what are you doing but you trying to get in here there's no treats going on I swear it's just a fire that's barely hanging on nothing special Monty just a barely surviving fire she made it we are victorious [Music] okay let's when you say we cut some stuff up Monty hey we got a few veggies up and stuff let's do it sous chef Monty so for dinner today I decided to go with the simple yet still delicious meal we're gonna I'm gonna be having potatoes onions peppers garlic and chicken with butter salt and pepper grilled up in a pan so it's pretty similar to that pasty I recently had just cooked in a pan and no crust I don't bring honey Bannock it was gonna be I know it's gonna be pretty wet out so without it and then monty is going to have sweet potato because I've learned that sweet potato is great for dogs over normal potato so you're going to easy to get sweet potato and chicken so we both get delicious food I know Monty is super down with the sweet potato all right so let's start with cutting some stuff it up now the smartest thing you could ever do is cut your stuff up over your sleeping mat so that in case you miss give the most uncomfortable sleep you've ever had you know it's just logic you know I'm smart I'm super smart I think about everything before I do it and even though I think about it I even do the wrong thing just for funsies just for fun you're gonna see me cut up potatoes like this so many times throughout the course of time oops those are thin then go a hearty meal today we're gonna do two potatoes potatoes potatoes potatoes so it's getting dark and that is why I want to prepare dinner I am a little worried the the heat from the fire is going under the tarp and it's making a little warm in here I'm just worried that my camera's gonna get a little little in the warmer side that's not good when it's all frozen like this and covered in snow but we'll see we shall see potato potato potato potato potato yeah I decided not to do anything like crazy because I knew I was gonna be snowy and I wasn't you know with Bannock you know it might get a little wet with all the snow on it and I just you know sometimes I like to keep it simple this is still gonna be delicious don't get me wrong especially Monty's here oh this look at that look at how big this sweet potato is I probably shouldn't feed on this whole sweet potato you got to stay there Monty yeah we're gonna save them this half a sweet potato for home that's just too much Monty I'm sure you can eat it all I don't doubt that I do not doubt that for a second but will it give you a loose poops I think there's a chance I think there's a little bit of a chance so Monty you're gonna get your own dish mine's mine's gonna be the one with the garlic and salt and pepper and onions and his is just gonna be sweet potatoes and chicken all right here we go that's some serious sweet potato right there serious sweet potato for mr. Malti will do big old chunks of pepper I should put in the peppers a little laughs you know I'm gonna because I don't want to turn to mush I like my peppers to have a little bit of a bite so we're gonna keep these off to the side here while everything else cooks I don't like mushy veggies unless they're onions those can be the softer mushy as possible I don't mind that but peppers and other things I like it to be delectable Victor booth difficult chunks of onion and today we're going with the course they're gonna stay in because why not I know got all that now we need to add the chicken i pre cut off the chicken because I did not feeling feel like getting it all over my hands alright so there we go there's our chicken to both of ours no both of us need big old chunks of butter we'll keep someone's back up I'm gonna get the big old chunk of butter Matthew gets a big old chunk of butter there we go keep some butter for reserves when this all this cooks out I gotta add garlic to mine I need the garlic outside that's not gonna work not right there we're gonna take our hand here in our pan with my thumb yeah crushed it Oh smushed again you don't need a knife smushed okay a little pepper a little more pepper yeah some salt not too much salt not too little salt yeah that's the right amount of salt that's good that's good right there all right we are ready to get cooking sinking down a little bit there well that heat up for a minute let that butter melt before we start mixing they're good look at Monte pout out there mati Monty come join my shelter please it is less windy and dry and warm in here there's cushions come please Monty come please come come enjoy yes I have treats I have treats come on I got treats right here yeah that's all Oh pal Dora I can see you buddy this is your treat that's your treat you just got to be patient wait for dad to cook it Oh a little charity on the bottom [Music] all we lost the sweet potato firm auntie got all these gonna be yellow later that's a hot fire got a little charge the data is on the bottom Oh I sleep so light at night soon as Monty moves at all I'm just like oh it doesn't matter he moves them up you move them up the codes in here I like it I like it this has definitely been one of my most fun shelters even though it's not like a crazy built one it's just the tarp it's just worked out so good I can't get over it just like these walls of snow and logs around me but I didn't happen to do much work at all I just had to dig it out and put the tarp over something great I know I'm gonna wake up and have barely any snow I mean maybe a little bit by my feet just a little bit here cuz it'll be blown in if it does but hey Monty are we gonna party Monty gonna party Monty's been indecisive about life right now I think it's time to add some peppers add some peppers to dance and I guess we're gonna add some snow and ice chunks and some Monty hair lord knows they are so Monty here and there no he's gonna take care of your Monty you know because your Monty can't he can express how he's feeling but he can't tell you exactly how he's feeling so he's make sure to spoil him wrap him up give him shelter dry him off feed him treats throw a stick you do all those things just in case he wants them because he can't say hey dad you know I'm like cold right an hour hey Dad I would like to go home you know he doesn't say that he just looks at you and you just gotta guess what he's thinking I'm pretty good at telling what Vermont he's thinking but I think sometimes I could still there's room for improvement Oh what's looking good Monti who just looking good oh that's looking good it's looking tasty Monti when a Monti knows that he's going to get a treat that his fire-roasted Amati does not leave the fireside he will patiently wait next to his meal the Monty is a peculiar creature the Monty will wait next to the fire for hours and hours if he knows that one of the meals being cooked on the fire is his and since it is he just has that scent he has a third eye when it comes to a treat that is his being cooked over a fire Monty do you think you would could eat your treat now do you want it now do you want to know Monty Monty do you want your treat right now he says yes dad please give me that treat let's check here Oh Oh Monty Oh Oh Monty Oh I think yours is done I might think yours is done yours is done we let your school down because you can't eat as hot as I can mine looks done too exciting oh that was mmm that was the onion core completely cooked it's done who's ready food's ready coming off the fire that is some delicious food ready to be devoured ready to be inhaled yes okay enough tantalizing enough taunting you guys with this deliciousness time to eat Monty you ready for your treat let's devour some food go ahead Monty Oh dad to the rescue the forces of Monty are too strong he's too intense with his eating hmm Monty you make me not be able to join my head ha ha hi Monty you're embarrassing yourself this is delicious I mean it's so good so let's get into some lighting there No put it so much better when you're camping I can put down twice as much food out in the woods as I can at home two potatoes two potatoes whole red pepper half white onion and a half powder chicken no problem destroyed probably at home might be a little more work I don't even need to look we're gonna pull out some dog food just to give him a chance I know yeah you're gonna have nothing to do with that well I got this I destroyed that all gone Oh God Almighty you can eat your food now well get your tail I'm sitting go ahead good boy Oh God there's no more it's all gone Monty sure tell you what it's all gone it's all gone he never believes me never believes me when the food's all gone what we're gonna do is now that I'm all full fires burning down we're gonna get ready for bed I am full and ready to relax what do you say about tea you want to relax one go to bed huh he's supposed to eat oh well all right out of all the times Monty's went to bed this has been the most difficult come on tea lay down oh there he goes lay down you can do it I believe in you Mitch come on lay down come here lay down stay stay stay stay very good boy dad is ready for you to be ready for bed okay mr. Monty maybe he's just look too little playing snowstorm or that's a good boy there we go the Monty has settled he's accepted his fate is being put to bed good boy all right all right it is time to pass out we've made all our food our fire is dead our Montee settled in and I'm tired so I'm gonna crawl on my sleeping bag get all cozy and pass out so I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody oh yeah with your good breath your breath is so gross morning you stinker you stinker I don't want you don't make out with me gross Monty I know you want to kiss me and stuff but your breath stinks really bad you went out of your sleeping bag oh you're stretching not snowing snow it's still boy I had to knock off a bunch of snow throughout the night for some reason I really like it it's cold all right I'm getting up putting on layers it's cold what a psycho fool Monty alright beautiful wintry morning out here [Music] yes note all night it's not someone very heavy right now it's very light wouldn't still howling around a word you know we're gonna think of it so it's not as bad but think Monty wants to play with the stick here however real stick a little real stick this what about this stick there's nowhere for you to go he'll try anyhow we are going to get packed up now yeah my - we're gonna get packed out we're gonna get Joan yeah so as something to do right now come to tear down the shelter and get all packed up let's do it Monty Marty [Music] like I was saying I need to get better at taking care of my rat's nest we'll do it next time like oh we're all packed up that shelter worked out great that was very comfy and cozy and we didn't feel any wouldn't even get any snow on us inside it was pretty pretty good shelter I was I like this one this is a perfect little spot it's still nice even it's just got all the walls were on everything anyways as always if you liked the video hit the like button you want to see more stuff like this hit the subscribe button and I will catch you guys at the next video [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 2,024,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snowstorm, snowstorm camping, winter camping, camping, camping in a storm, camping in a snowstorm, spring, spring camping, overnight, overnight camping, survival, bushcraft, bushcrafting, bushcrafter, bushcraft shelter, shelter, wilderness, wilderness area, backpacking, backpack camping, snowshoeing, adventure, adventurer, campfire, campfire cooking, cooking, food, camping dog, spring storm, blizzard, camping in a blizzard, snow, fun, wild camping, winter camping in a snowstorm, survival shelter
Id: OHFB3RmaUc0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 87min 19sec (5239 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 22 2018
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