Overnight Wild River Adventure with My Dog

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[Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] you got a big old legion [Music] so [Music] so [Music] i packed some extra stuff hey monty don't forget the snowshoes [Music] okay buddy you ready you're ready mindy let me get some get those dirty feet there you go all right all right let's do it monty just make sure to forget anything okay looks like we have all your stuff monty all right back on the water monty oh monty you're turning us [Music] wide load on the back right monty well hello ladies and gentlemen i am back in the boat with mr monty here mr monty phelps and we're doing a little river trip today it's gonna spend the night down here on the river um i had to drag my boat down a road that was not plowed for a little ways it was not nothing crazy about a half mile but uh i'm gonna try to do some fishing today i know i'm not a trout fisherman as far as like fishing rivers and stuff i'm not a very uh seasoned trout fisherman and i'm not afraid to to deny that at all and this is definitely the earliest i've been on a river like this um and paddled this is definitely the earliest i've paddled you know usually the lakes are still frozen so i was just getting over blocked i was just getting an inch really bad to get in my boat i've packed way too much stuff because i don't got a porridge we're gonna just camp on the river and uh my car is parked at the end and uh got my snowshoes i've got a shovel because there's still snow on the ground i'm not exactly sure how much we'll find out when we find a place to camp but uh anywho we're gonna go for some trout we're gonna try for a fish dinner maybe a little surf and turf i got a backup in case and i've got my saw and my axe handy because i don't want to you know i can't say for sure but i'm pretty sure i'm the first person to be doing this paddle for the year because the ice just recently got off of it or melted and it's uncovered and there's no uh there's no other canoe tracks so we're gonna get doing some fishing here now i'm i'm just gonna be casting a spinner i'm not gonna be using any worms or anything like that and i'm just gonna try casting under sunken logs sunken trees on these slow-moving banks you know where you think fish would be and we'll see if we catch anything i my prediction is my prediction is that we will get one bite of a fish probably not catch any but get a bite and we're gonna lose about four lures that's my prediction monty what do you think first the first fish we'll catch we'll go to mods we'll feed it to him if we get more than one i'll have some because i brought i brought myself out of safety net monty we don't catch any fish we're going to be sharing we're going to be sharing let's just leave it at that so anywho let's do some fishing okay right up ahead we've got a nice little log jam see i'm what i'm thinking i'm gonna have to do to be successful here is to uh probably get out because the water is a little high right now uh you know what this is a little tangly we'll hit the next one we'll fish this bend first oh will we catch anything i don't know here we go i'll just one thing that's working against me is i have a eight foot ultra light reel a rod and then that's that's not ideal for this this is not like a i mean there's big open spots but for the most part this is a windy logging river but you never know [Music] and like i said it's moving kind of quick so it's going to be tough it's going to be tough to do this while moving and then not running into stuff like right here i also don't really know what colors to use when i'm fishing like a trout lake or something like that i'll use you know bright that's what i'm going to stick to for right now and that's usually more of when the bugs are out but not 100 100 sure if you know i should use a silver silver and gold or that sort of color we'll see who knows like i said this is this is experimentation time we don't know what we're doing but i do know there's lots of logs yeah yeah yeah i stuck myself on shore here just just slightly wedged there's like a nice couple of down logs up ahead oh it feels so good being back in the canoe right now right monty did you upset those geese my tea did you do it did you do it monty are we at the dog park do you want to go for the dog park do you want a treat we're at the dog park monty and ahmati has settled in he realized we're at the dog park and the treats to be had at some point and he's a good boy right hunty [Music] we've got another nice big downtree there's gonna be a lot of fish and territory along this like i said i don't do the whole river fishing thing so i know if this was like um early may bug spawn time i'm sure i could catch trout no problem but this is way earlier than that this is still lots of snow lakes are covered in ice sort of that i have no clue on i don't know the best approach we're learning [Music] i'm going to assume the trout are going to be in the holes this and more towards the bottom of the water that's my assumption it's just a matter of finding good spots [Music] every time i get a cast off hard to fish look at this yeah oh [Music] sorry monty oh there's gotta be a fish under there there's so gotta be a fish under there okay so i've been taking my time i've been doing lots of casts and no luck so far now i haven't had many quality casts um because i'm just in the boat the the current's moving pretty quick here so every time i see a good spot like kind of like up ahead i cast there and then i'm already you know blowing past it or shooting into a corner so i'm thinking the best bet is to uh you know get up on the shore somewhere where there's some good spots and take a few minutes to cast you know and i'm not seeing i'm trying to like creep along some spots and just like look for fish and i haven't seen any trout and hey you know that just that's just is what it is you know maybe they're just it's where i can't see him or whatever oh maybe there's just no fish in the whole dang river that that's probably the most logical answer oh on our big old underpass here everything about that monty anywho um you know it also could be my lure i could yeah i think i'm gonna switch to a spoon here because this thing's pretty light this little spinner and it's colorful you know no hits not a bunch of casts and no hits but like i said not many quality casts but i'm just taking my time and you know as as you can guess got a late start today we'll call this the late start river that's that's its new name i've had later starts here that's for sure but uh yeah we only got three hours of daylight so i'm gonna fish for another hour and a half is what we're gonna shoot for and then after about an hour and a half i'm just gonna find a spot to set up camp or if i find a good spot earlier uh we'll set up and i'll just paddle upstream you know it's not moving so fast that i can't uh paddle up it but it's not you know i could i could definitely paddle up this uh it's not moving that crazy fast but it's faster than normal now it's not insane right now because uh like i said this if you've been watching the snow has just not been melting off fast it's just a really slow melt so it's not like the river's out of control yet but we need to change something up we need to change our lure up it'll at least make me feel better about situation what do you think monty will make you feel better we just you know i'm just chilling [Music] yeah he's got some sand on your nose monty monty got fresh grooming he's so handsome right now he's so suave you suave yeah yeah [Music] it's so still out [Music] it's so quiet it's creepy it's creepy all right let's change the lure [Music] oh i've seen so many good spots set up camp but we've got a ways to go i'd like to give myself at least an hour of light wherever i decide to post up you know get some firewood set up the tarp we're just gonna be sleeping under a tarp tonight um oh oh my shipped oh [Music] settling monty not gonna lie well first right when we got in the boat monty stood up and kind of plopped on one end right away i was not ready for it it's been a few months since i uh you know done dealt with the whole monty shift but right now here's what we're trying we've got a little blue and silver eighth ounce cleo well we've got a nice downed log it's like the thousandth thousandth one [Music] i'm just scared off any fish in it within a half mile let's try anyways [Music] we're going to bump into this structure but maybe if i if there's a fish i can catch it before we hit it [Music] that was probably that was probably the best cast so far [Music] that was definitely the best cast i've done my the whole day i was about to say my whole life but that was that's not true i'm not d is not true [Music] that was a pretty good cast though i barely just hooked a little little log right at the end that's why i gave up oh oh no we've got a our first downed tree this is gonna be tricky where can we go where can we go from here all right we're just gonna we're gonna go through like this ready to limbo dude [Music] where we get on the back end monty [Music] oh man something is in the way [Music] [Music] good you good monkey [Music] okay and we are home free of that first one you good monkey okay good boy oh okay yeah the water right now is cold it would not be fun to flip the boat there's bugs in the water look at those bugs monty some kind of a bug it may fly or something ooh that would have been a good stump oh i bet there's a fish under there dang it monty why don't you tell me why don't you tell me to cast there huh huh you got you got schmutz all over your face monty you just got it all over you little stinker yellow stanker we've got some fish habitat straight ahead fish habitat straw ahead all right we're gonna try to creep in nice and quiet oh oh well that wasn't bad not too shabby come on fish where are you at oh no stupid eight foot rod no no dang it that was another great spot [Music] this is why you don't fish with an eight foot ultra light rod in a little river might as well be using a fly fishing rod caught that tree [Music] oh just hooked a tree branch [Music] i'm done this year i'm definitely like i'm willing winter away i'm willing it away like winter you're not stopping me from going in my boat and fishing no sir or no ma'am mother nature i guess i guess winter has to be a ma'am because of mother nature it's not father nature look at this just how do i how do i fish near this without getting out of my boat that's the main thing you know like just a huge dead down tree it's probably a 25 foot trout under there world record but i'm just not stopping i'm gonna wait until there's a really nice spot to get out i'm only gonna get out like maybe once or twice because i just don't you know everything looks so good for fishing um you know what we're gonna get out right here we're gonna fish this spot look at that a spring spider [Music] look at that spring spider oh monty watch out oh monty does it freak you guys out monty's no so close to the spider just a wolf spider how many of you are getting the heebie-jeebies right now you want to bite my finger guy go ahead bite it bite it he's not gonna bite we're just parked up on shore here there is one thing i do know about trout it's that they're very sound sensitive and vibration they can see you so you gotta creep up i'm getting up to the edge of the water so i'm gonna turn off the camera and i'm not gonna talk unless i catch one and i'm just gonna be sneaky and cast along all this nice territory all in here oh okay dang it i thought that was a bite we're all excited for a second there just a log all right monty all right monty nothing nothing nothing whoa carefully set the monty [Music] hold on my foot's sinking my teeth can you get on my seat okay this soft riverbed almost uh i almost got my foot soaked gotta be careful man it's so soft i won't deny it i just got extremely lucky on the whole wet foot thing a wet foot right now would not be that fun but i just took a step on some really soft ground in the riverbed and luckily there was a log down there where i would have had a soaked foot cold soaked foot getting more careful but yeah no no luck fishing there's some good territory we'll try the next one we'll keep trying i'm not gonna stop casting even if i don't catch anything i don't get any bites don't lose any lures you know i'm still having fun it's still just the feeling of it's making me feel like it's spring it doesn't look like it not yet it doesn't feel like spring it's like what's the temperature i think it's like 40 maybe maybe low 40s somewhere in there fairly late i was casting under this log right here i let the lure sink down under i thought that might give it a i thought there might be something sitting there i don't know i don't know what i'm doing monty you're gonna be eating some of my steak i'm gonna have less steak tonight can't let the boys starve you know what i mean and by starve i mean can't let the monty go without half the steak so the steak sweet and some pumpkin puree [Music] [Music] so [Music] so oh we got our second downed tree i think we're just gonna have to uh pull the boat over this one i ain't cutting this one up no sure no sure all right how are we gonna do this monty oh it doesn't look so bad it's not so bad careful [Music] it's sturdy okay do not want to slip it's like three feet it would be cold [Music] oh no i fishing ball the eight foot ultra light highly recommended for this [Music] [Music] okay [Music] that's fun okay monty now i need to get back in the boat [Music] okay not so bad monty hey scoop let's go [Music] oh no i think we've got another obstacle right ahead i want to just say i don't know about all this crap hey monty you're doing great pal this one oh how are we getting through here what's the best what's the best way well not that way i have to break down my fishing pole here we're going through too too much stuff here we'll be dealing with this eight foot ultra light oh man this is this is gonna be thick i'm sorry about you for all the stuff that's about to hit you in the face [Music] they want to sit down [Music] you okay monty all right monty's looking good i'm doing good this branch has got to go see this is some of them are easy to break but this is why i brought the axe and left it up front so i can just give her one of those now we're on our way close the sacks back up keep on trucking you guys are good boy so i haven't uh haven't been doing as much fishing i'm just kind of cruising along because you know i've been going pretty slow been taking my time just been soaking it in enjoying it it's very silent out and there's some birds chirping we have not gone very far and i want to make up a little distance because i'm definitely going to have another bunch of bunch more trees falling down um and just like the one up ahead or nope nope oh it's not that's not one down i can get around it but yeah and uh tomorrow's gonna be a somewhat longer day so i want to get some distance made up this is a little bit of a longer stretch river so i'll pick up the pace just a little bit i'm not gonna rush but you know we've only got another half hour until i want to pick a campsite and you know there's a lot of good spots to be honest like right here all in here nice and open and flat looks like there's nice firewood we'll keep trucking we'll keep trucking but yeah i don't think we're going to catch many fish any i don't think we're going to catch any fish i'm going to wait till there's a couple spots i've passed where um it's like there's a big tree and it kind of back eddies and there's a nice deep hole i think that's that's where i want to be fishing so if i see another one of those i'm going to wait till one of those and then i'll give it a shot but for now we're just going to enjoy the paddle soak it in you know oh monkey monty's just enjoying it oh here we go [Music] got to be careful i want to hit monty in the face like last time [Music] [Music] i feel so guilty [Music] what what is it who's it monty what what what is it monty what is it boy oh oh monty it's just foam he's just pulling my teeth there's foam over there on the log and he just does not like it but it's just full chill out stop it monty okay monty duly noted you don't like foam team oh man that's mud just just want to leave it alone you'll be okay you'll be okay you'll be okay big guy yeah you tough guy you tell him tell that phone tell that phone who's boss stay there [Music] auntie all right monty i believe the foam's evil it's evil foam [Music] oh it's cracking me up monty look at what is that what is that did you see that phone buddy do you see that phone you bark at it it'll do something [Music] mind you're so silly monty you're so silly oh come on now all right all right monty's in the past we're moving forward now okay deal just one more all we got we got the mildest rapids in the world up ahead hey anybody remember what happened the last time i went down rapids was like [Music] this is class five rapids right here five you gotta you gotta be careful oh jeez it's foam there's a full 20 oh that's a big rock i don't want to run into any that's the one one thing i don't like about these shallow rapids it's not that i'm worried about tipping in this slow this stuff running into a big old rock which you can't see that's the worry that's the worry hunty this is looking like some nice territory up on this ridge i don't know do i want to be up on a ridge or do i want to be right next i want to be right next to the water yeah hopefully it's not all it's not like this yeah wherever we where we end up in the next 25 minutes no no 20 20-ish somewhere in there wherever we end up i hope it's not like that i guess we ever got the other side too though [Music] i think we'll try to come back here when it's the bugs are real bad it's real nasty we're just getting eaten alive by mayflies and mosquitoes then you know the fishing's gonna be good then you can throw anything at those darn trout there's darn trout and they'll uh they'll bite i'm sure i could catch him if i knew what i was doing i was new i knew what to use but like i said this is not my expertise area more of a pike and bass guy you know springtime you know middle heart of springtime i can catch them you know but i don't fly fish something i'm interested in learning but i don't do it don't know how i mean i'm sure i could learn but i'm just not a fly fisherman i'm a spinning spinning reel kind of guy but we'll give it a shot i think i'm gonna do a lot of exploring um lakes i've never tried this this year this summer right when spring starts or once when the when the ice off is you know end of may when the bass and pike is all open and they're legal to keep then we'll do a lot of exploring when the bugs are real nasty what do we got here is there hope is there a way through oh it's a little bit it's not so bad oh this one's easy one [Music] oh [Music] my bad monty that's how you flip yourself right there as i was when i was going under that i grabbed my right hand a branch to try to pull myself through in the back end kept swinging so it was kind of like pulling me pulling me down like that so if i didn't grab the branch with my left hand there's a chance we could have filled up with a little water there but i grabbed a branch and then just straightened ourselves out oh monty we got a little limbo watch your head there bud how low can you go monty oh you're fine camera's not fine we're going back we're going back [Music] [Music] [Music] hey a teeny little paddle look at it all right hey i'll take a paddle [Music] oh it's got are those leeches no way what is that well i don't know if the camera can pick that up those might be baby leeches uh yeah can you see that all those creepy crawlies on there oh they're oh whatever they are they're slimin [Music] what do we got here oh hey we're going into shore i don't know what those are might be leeches no they don't look like leeches they look like some kind of larvae whatever they are they're getting all over my hands [Music] they look nasty [Music] [Music] oh they're getting on my hands whatever they are they're not staying on very well [Music] well they kind of came right off there we go okay store that for later big old downed tree this is the sort of thing that if i can't get around right up here we have to portage around this that's too there ain't no way i'm cutting through that so let's see what we got [Music] i don't want to get sucked under it that's for sure [Music] oh looks like oh we can do it [Music] well this tree's so wet we almost lost our our new paddle our new little little paddle oh there goes the trout oh i just saw my first fish [Music] oh my hat well okay it's official the trout do exist in this river which i knew they did but it was under this tree i don't know how i'm going to cast over there and catch one but now i know the sort of habitat they like at least that one did big old fresh tree so that's good to know we learned something so i'm gonna try the next big tree i see like that i'm gonna try to cast near the edge of that [Music] so we want to find camp in the next 20 minutes here and the sun let's see what do we got here what do we got here for compass what's this way i'm pretty sure yeah okay this is north so the sun's going to be setting around that side even though it's cloudy probably won't matter too much but i prefer to camp on this side so the next big open spot we see um it's got a nice view of the river here we're gonna camp it so we're on the lookout now for camp we're gonna get some firewood get it get the tarp set up get a nice stick for the the old monster the monster monster monster i'm having so much trouble right now settling in a spot so i want to be perfect you know there's a pretty good spot right there it's pretty open but there's a little too many sticks right on the edge of the water and all this there's a little there's just gonna be a nice spot maybe even on like a little little bluffy ridge sort of thing we're gonna we'll get a spot there's somebody that looks so promising though we must find the perfect whatever one we find will be the perfect one but we're gonna we're not gonna just settle down we're not gonna settle here oh these are this is a good spot that's not bad right there nope no no no no no no no no no [Music] no [Music] [Music] go a little later than i'd like to but it's hard to pick a spot oh oh oh monty yeah it's hard to pick a spot i'm having campsite spot indecisiveness the thing it's a real thing it's definitely a real thing if you've been camping before i mean you know it's real like how low can you go mine i saw a couple of spots that were pretty good but it was a little dark i want a little bit more open but we're going another 15 minutes max and if i go another seven minutes without finding a suitable spot we're just gonna settle we're just gonna settle it'll still be the perfect spot but you know yeah i know y'all know [Music] it's really killing me right now the indecisiveness it's getting me monty we're about to have oh what are you doing watch yourself watch yourself there probably this isn't a bad spot it's just a little hilly oh see that's not oh that's pretty open over there i just want to be on the water side oh [Music] okay we'll just we'll just go a little another five minutes [Music] yeah that's a good boy he's a good you're so vicious good monkey that's a good monkey just found a great spot but there's a little baby deer over there it's not a super fun but it's you could probably not pick it up maybe i'll zoom in but it's right there i don't want to disturb it is that a button buck oh it is a button buck find my dslr i could zoom button um it's in my bag i did just find a great spot though but i just i can't it's my spot look at that it's perfect and open [Music] but i don't want to disturb that little guy he looks like he's hunkered down for the night [Music] oh this is a pretty good spot though dang it dang it well we'll leave him be we'll even be we'll go up a little bit more we'll keep going wouldn't be such a problem just you know i try to get out as early as i can sometimes and it just it doesn't matter how many times i go camping sometimes packing is still it just takes me a while i don't know what it is i'm very methodical about it i put everything out and i just get everything all stuffed and ready and then slowly to start packing it and well this is pretty good okay not the worst thing [Music] oh no we've got some we've got some tanglage right here oh my camera's gonna get knocked around okay all right monty we've got to find a spot asap hey this is a little swampy looking oh there's tracks or something so we haven't cracked on there looks like beavers dragging trees we could probably make this work it's a little a little swampy looking i think we're just gonna get out here monty we're gonna make this work yeah we can set up camp right in here this will be our spot we'll walk around find a nice spot to set up okay hold on auntie stay there don't you dare get wet now [Music] oh no that didn't work out i got pushed back that would have been fun i can't tell if it's solid okay it is [Music] let's get our monkey out all right ready monty okay there you go okay so we're set up right here along the edge of the river so you can see something was dragging looks like sticks or something or i don't know what that what that's from probably a beaver dragon his tail but anyways um let's see where we're gonna set up i don't know if i want to sleep right here on the edge or go in a little bit but um yeah i'm gonna get my boat unpacked get my dslr out and we're gonna find i'm gonna walk around a little bit and find a nice flattest spot i did bring the shovel so i can what what i might do actually is just you know flatten this out we can sleep right on the edge of the water which is which was the plan but i'll walk around a little bit after we get the boat unpacked and uh we'll see if we can find a really cool spot [Music] all right dude we got some crap to get okay [Music] okay okey dokey this is going to be the spot we choose whoa stick it through a little bit let's see maybe we'll stop the tarp right here i'm gonna have to flatten this out a little bit but uh let's see you want to sleep right here martha what do you think if we go to that tree that tree i think right here this is gonna be a cool spot to sleep very cool he's already terrorizing sticks so we just needed to tarp it okay we're just going to set up i'm going to set up a line from right here to right here and we're just going to sleep this way underneath it should do the trick should do the trick it's really not windy at all there is a chance for rain i think there was a chance for rain is was either way we're gonna need a little something something going it doesn't have to we don't have to get crazy let's see what we got for pieces of paracord here do i have one little work for a ridgeline the good old rats nest never fails hey monty you getting that stick i bet you are let's see we'll go this high that's pretty even there pretty good okay now i'm just gonna clear some crap out of the boat here and uh i'm probably gonna do a spike we're just gonna have like a high angle tarp i'm not gonna i don't think i'm gonna do a lean to style we'll see how it looks when uh the stuff's folded over or it's gonna go for a big coverage and i have it nice and open tonight nice and open let's see how this looks first off [Applause] [Applause] oh no the epitome of rat's nest oh gosh what's gonna happen here with this rat's nest is monty is going to trip on this get himself tangled up and take the whole thing down that's what i'm seeing home oh man this is a this is quite the rat's nest right here there's one quart out let's see if we can get some more out you know it's always fun when you're you're pressed for time just a little bit and you've got a big tangler to deal with and the thing about it is you know i could totally could totally figure something out to where i don't have to deal with this oh where's the fun in that you mean no rats nests no fun see right now i'm challenging myself how fast can i detangle this mess of paracord and there's i've got black paracord in there i've got orange i've got green all sorts of colors hey that wasn't so bad take this chunk here i think i detangled the whole thing it's all gonna work out yeah there we go okay let's see how that looks i'm not looking for anything crazy tonight just looking for coverage you know just slight coverage okay yeah that'll do that will do you know what like though i'd like if this wasn't so oh i got it i got what we're gonna do i'm gonna empty out the canoe we're gonna flip it over and i'll tie it to the canoe and i'm gonna pull this one back just a little bit so that we have a little bit more opening over here okay let's do that quickly just like that here we go now do we got room oh yeah perfect monty no will this work for a torrential downpour absolutely not well i mean it could it would keep us dry but if there was wind in a torrential downpour probably not but for sprinkling rain that's predicted tonight or light flurries of snow this is perfectly fine we're sleeping on the edge of the river this is a great monty's chewing on a stick so awesome so what i'm going to do now is uh we're going to go round up some firewood and bring it back here bring a bunch of big pieces i don't think i'm gonna process it up with a little stuff we're just gonna get it big we'll have our fire pit right there and as soon as i get enough wood back here because it is gonna get dark in 20 minutes the sun will be set and it'll start to get dark very quick especially because it's cloudy tonight so i'm just gonna bring the firewood back here we shouldn't need to go anywhere he's gonna have to come with me he's gonna tear the whole camp down i bet if i threw the stick in the water he'd go fetch it all right monty anyways um yeah like i was saying i'm gonna go get some firewood and then we'll get the rest of camp set up let's do it monty get some firewood that was easy well it's a good thing i brought my axe well maybe maybe go like this yeah it's a really good thing i brought my axe you know for that one branch so we had to hit along the river [Applause] okay so i have our fire right here like i was saying okay so this should be plenty of logs some nice see seems decently solid this decent oh yeah that should be enough logs i'll maybe grab like one more piece like this and then uh yeah let's go get some sticks i'm gonna go yeah i'll get another piece like this get some sticks bring them back here then we're gonna stop a few pieces get a fire going i'm going to need to uh dig it down it's a little bit swampy here which worries me a little bit but i'm kind of up in a little bit of a higher spot so we'll see how it goes but we'll get a fire we'll dig down we'll get some sticks we'll dig down a little bit then we'll get a fire going clear out the snow even this all out and relax all right let's do it monty let's do it man is it still out tonight we can hear owls they're setting monty off a little bit but that'd be sweet to hear some owls going crazy tonight now we've gotta see what we're dealing with here i don't really you know i could build a fire on top of the snow it'll just melt itself down maybe i'll do that huh let's just dig that i don't even know how much snow we really got foot in the hat two feet almost still okay so the ground pretty soft it's not swamp thankfully so this will be a fine spot that will fire so i'll just dig this out a little bit more we'll go right down to the garage and like i said it's not very cold out tonight so we're not going to need this fire for warmth it's going to be a cooking fire and a relaxation fire okie dokes so before we spark this up i'm going to cut a few logs here to make a base for our fire and then we'll start it up because it's a little bit soppy of ground marty where'd you go there pal monty there he is he's creeping he's creeping around uh that's nice and solid i know i'm it may seem like i'm uh you know cruising a little bit today i'm just not dilly dallying because uh i didn't you know i got got here a little bit later got a late start so i'm moving i'm moving relatively fast today faster than usual getting camp set up and fire started and whatnot all right i've got some nice nice birch bark that i just had in my pocket i'm just i like to carry birch bark around and pocket all right let's just i'm just gonna lightly scrape today just lightly it's not cheating i'm not i'm not going to i'm just you know just maybe just a little bit like that let's get that one straight come on come on get that bite [Music] we did it guys i didn't think tonight was gonna be the night i did not think it i did not thought it but there it is we did it one strike a little bit of pre-scraping oh let's let's not die fire so everything's wet right now so i gotta be careful i keep feeding this thing with lots of sticks don't go out on me there fire there it goes so [Applause] [Applause] so so monty you know this is looking like one of the coolest campsites i've ever had it's pretty sweet this is probably the coolest spring campsite i've ever had just because no bugs open water still snow on the ground it's not very cold i can hear just the trickle of the water in the stream it's kind of hard to pick up with the crackle of the campfire and me blabbing but this is pretty cool pretty sweet spot just got to keep the fire going now okay going on here so [Applause] ah let's just open this up a little bit so look like a guy that needs a spot huh oh there we go that's exactly what i didn't need to do just stepped right in my flat spot that i just created see monty's he's sleeping right now he always gets see i'm pretty sure he just gets mentally satisfied being out here come here hunty don't worry he's gonna be growing all night i need to fill this i'll sleep right here monty will sleep right there right on top of the snow just like that we've got it's a little bit raised so we don't we're not scooting towards the water since monty won't drink the water i provide for him from the bottle let's see what do you want some ripper water come on t there you go you have some of this what god drink that water go ahead monty go ahead drink the water he doesn't want it anyways maybe he'll drink it if i walk away don't look at him oh shoot you want this don't you don't you so alright oh i got you right on the sniffer okay okay i'm sorry i'm sorry oh sorry monty there you go you want to land that come here you want to lay this monkey come here that's for you yeah it's for you good boy know what no animals are going to come near us after that nonsense they're just like what was that keep these ends burning we've got a nice coal bed building okay now we need i need to make a nice level uh chill spot soft this big boy into a couple more pieces and then it's that is complete chillax time and cook time eventually it would have been nice to be able to do a little more fishing but hey i got out when i got out let's blow up my sleeping pad i'm going to get all the sleep and stuff stop the logs get camp 100 mr monty look oh hey there monty all right oh so i've got good and bad news hey monty good news is camp's all set up it is beautiful outside it is calm no wind still night and i'm going to have the sound of that creek so it's not going to be completely dead silent sign which i hate but uh it's gonna be a good night and i've got a nice bell's oarsmen ale it's for paddlers i'm about to crack it open and take a sip i got a few of them and the fire's going good got a nice hot coal bed i'm probably gonna get nice and toasty okay let's i'm gonna get too hot sitting like that let's sit like this monty yeah then i can sit next to you so for the bad news the bad news monty's sleeping pad is not holding air it uh it's got a hole in it somewhere what could have caused a hole i don't know i don't know what could have caused a whole butt it's not holding there i've blown it up twice now and poor monty here just wants to lay on it but he's gonna have to settle for this thing so what we're to do tonight is he is going to use this he's going to sleep on this pad tonight which it's it's not very cold if it was cold just like the quincy night when i ruined that sleeping pad but yeah like i was saying he's oh no what has it been it's been a month and i've ruined two sleeping pads already anyways if it was cold he'd get the good sleeping pad and i'd sleep on the ground but it's not cold tonight so he's gonna get this one and i'm gonna have a good night's sleep anywho what i think happened um i don't actually think it was monty's teeth popping it um when i was at home and every time i go camping i go home the second i get home i take out all my stuff hang it to dry air it out and that wool blanket that he's got that thing has been getting wet the past few times and i didn't realize it until this morning when that thing drips the water that comes off of it crystallizes it's like a salt it's crystally and it's crusty and it makes a big crust and um the sleeping pads i lay out just in the room on the floor and they because usually just one side's wet so i just lay them out on the ground and that sleeping pad was underneath that blanket and that blanket was soaked last time and when i went down to start packing this morning it was completely covered in that crystallized crusty stuff just caked all over the side and i rinsed it off right away but what i think happened is when i moved it it was really like a crust it's really weird um maybe it punctured a hole in it i don't know i mean it could have been monty biting it i don't think so or could have been a rogue ember but i think it was uh that uh crusty stuff and i just made a small hole or something but there's no way for me to find the leak i tried to sit there and listen with my ear the only other way the only way to find the leak where it's at and patch it up i do have a patch kit and i would mess around with that is getting it wet if i was going to spend more than one night out here i would totally submerge it in that water find where the leaks coming from dry it out and uh yeah fix it and everything but i'm only spending the one out here it's not very cold tonight you know what speaking of that let's let's check the old temperature just to see where we're at okay let's just let that watch set up for a half hour but yeah i guess uh guys i've ruined another sleeping pad oh man but i'll i'll send it into the company and they uh thermarest is really good about fixing the sleeping pads i don't know what happened to it but i've sent in two three sleeping pads and every single one has been covered under warranty brand new sleeping pads sent out to me they haven't even messed around with fixing it normally they say if if it's your cause like there's a rip or something they'll patch it and send it back to you and charge you 20 bucks and they'll fix it really really nice i guess but uh i've always gotten brand new ones i've never i've bought i bought the x therm that i'm using now and uh that's because i ruined that last one that was totally my bad that one's not covered under warranty this one i'll send in um they'll either charge me 20 bucks or it'll be you know it'll be free and i'll get a brand new one either way um they're pretty good about it funk still got her original so these things hold up nice i don't know what happened to it but i'm thinking it's that weird i don't even know what it is it's like a salt definitely weird it's coming off that blanket that it's a military surplus synthetic wool mixture blankets kind of like fire retardant so it's got to have some kind of nasty chemical in there whatever it is it must have made the sleeping pad get all weird i definitely as soon as i saw that like i said i washed it off but that's a bummer i hate when gear breaks i've had probably out of all the years i've been camping this is the biggest year for uh things breaking and going wrong which is funny because last year last season the whole last year whole 2018 i really didn't have to buy any gear didn't buy a single piece of gear i don't think maybe a couple things nothing major um and no breakage this year snow shoes crapped out that's why i got no new snowshoes the sleeping pad i ruined that this one's going oh yeah my winter gloves uh those got destroyed this year i got new winter gloves which i haven't got to try because it hasn't been cold enough yet but those got destroyed so it's been a good good year that'll happen though that'll happen that's okay that's all right i'm not too worried about it stuff breaks stuff happens and i'm i'm not uh i'm not a uh i don't i i treat my gear with respect i love my gear i take care of it when it's at home but i use and abuse my gear i sleep with my sleeping pads out on just ice and sticks and whatever and just there's bound to get holes but you know it is what it is let's just you know let's crack open this uh what is this it's a tart wheat ale it said sour i love sours i'm a sucker for sours let's see let's see if it lives up to it a monty oh he's got a bug on him what is that there's a little bug on here monty that's good that's really good oh heaven to betsy i'm sorry monty i can't give you the sleeping pad again not tonight it's too warm he's gonna be just fine it's like that's not fair i can't believe that you broke you were the one that beats me with the sleeping pad you expect me not to bite it huh of course i'm gonna put a hole in it no if monty bet it would be a big ol hole come here come on up he's like no not this dad not this no please come on dad don't embarrass me no it's okay monty you're just as snuggly as fluffy as puppy oh no don't don't no don't kiss me okay you can kiss me it's okay i forgive you go ahead he's like i don't want to he doesn't want to anymore right he got a fresh grooming and a bath he's all you're so sleek but you know we need to give monty he's been a good boy sitting in the boat chillaxing he's a fluffy little bunny i ruined his sleeping pass was gonna be a little bit less comfy tonight so we need to throw the stick for ya you want a stick you want a stick how about a treat dog park or a stick throw you want me to throw a stick yeah he wants to torture me with the stick okay monty oh your butt is so fluffy monty look at his little feet can you touch your feet monty this is so embarrassing this is so degrading okay monty let's throw the stick for your okay you want this get some get some scent on there get some scent there you go yeah get that get that little scent on there a little monty saliva scent there's no mistake in that scent do you want this stick is this what you want oh let me let me go over here let's see if he brings it back someone suggested to me that uh if he doesn't bring it back i should walk away and pretend like i don't care which i've done before bring in here monty bring it here good boy see sometimes he's just in the mood for messing with me and other times he wants to play right now he wants to play which is good good boy yeah i'm surprised i don't need the snowshoes at all it's nice and packed i mean i'm stepping through a little bit still got two feet of snow but it's so packed and dense that yeah don't even really need snow shoes if i had a big pack on when i was walking around like if i was doing a portage with my backpack or whatever definitely wouldn't need it but not right now not just walking around getting firewood and stuff right definitely think i'm gonna try a few casts on the way home tomorrow i would like to catch a fish i'd say i've got a a five percent chance especially now that i've popped another sleeping pad bring your money bring it here come on come on monty bring it here go get your stick go get your stick monkey look at the stick it's like that looks way more fun you're run running in circles and stuff but it's right there you just had it i i can see it monty and it's in my shadow monty it's right there come on come here come here monty no no no monty you just had the stick that's a short-term memory it's right there mike get it no no no right there go get it go get it monty there you go no no no no no yep right there good boy good one don't don't turn around no no mighty no no right there my teeth get it oh oh you can smell it monty you're failing as a dog right now you're like two feet away from it oh my gosh monty no this isn't i'm embarrassed for you get it monty get the stick it's right there oh my gosh there you go monty oh man man monty i'm embarrassed for you that was that was not good that was not good i know you got a good sniffer we play a lot to find the treats and i know your saliva pungent well stinker yeah he's definitely he's a frisky little critter tonight he was super excited to get in the boat today yeah monty definitely loves his canoe time i'll just keep throwing the stick for monty for a bit here and then we'll get to the cooking eventually okay all right let's just keep doing it okay just check the old watch it's 33 out 33 fahrenheit so not even freezing yet alright monday it's not even freezing cold it's still warm there's a slight breeze picking up just a slight one could mean rain could mean just slight breeze who knows but i have brought my maps out or my one map all right monty so it is time to start looking into a little bit where i'm gonna go this spring for my i'd like to do a seven-nighter that's the plan right now i just gotta figure out where i wanna go i think i'm going to do a nice relaxing fishing trip not too relaxing but still relaxing i'm going to focus more on fishing it's just how far am i gonna go in what you doing there dog i think he wants to drink some water but he won't this is the same water he just won't drink it all righty oh well we're almost ready to get cooking ladies and gentlemen i'm starting to get hungry just gonna look over these maps for another minute probably throwing my last log that coal bed's not nothing's gonna happen to that coal bed we're definitely gonna able to cook up dinner just fine over that so it seems i forgot to pack a cutting board hey monty so we don't got a cutting board what do we do monty what do we do we don't got a cutting board but we do have a shovel hey that'll do the trick right there all right let's go like this well it's a raised cutting board look at that that's fancy oh yeah that'll do the trick look at that monty that's pretty that's pretty nifty if you ask me got two pans okay we don't got much to prepare today so we've got just a little bit of asparagus this is already cut up throw that right in that pan just a few pieces there monty then we're gonna make our my classic one my classic one of my favorites potatoes garlic and onions our cutting board here is a little bit flimsy but it's still doing the trick good there we go next we've got some white onion i'm going to save half of it for home i don't need to eat a whole white onion right now monty are raised cutting boards not doing so good monitor there it goes add that right on in the pot you know some treats you're not going to like this treat this is not a treat for you to eat this is not a treat for monty to eat this is not a monty treat eat treat you definitely don't like garlic i'm just gonna oh look at that didn't even need to smush it with uh with the knife just use my thumbs we're gonna leave this in nice big pieces i always like a nice bite of garlic the flavors will swirl around in there anyways anything monty want some garlic he's intrigued but he's just like i just don't think that's what you're gonna give me right monty all right scoop that right on in this is probably the most sanitary cutting board i've ever used just saying got a nice chunk of butter there chunk of butter there you know healthy portions of butter a little bit into that one a little a little healthy portion of butter into that one oh yeah stick that back in the snow so we've got to add some salt to these not too much salt not too little salt just the right amount of salt that was a little that one's close to being salty monty too salty danger zone black pepper and you may be wondering why i don't add montreal to these it's because i like different flavors you know when i get just salt and pepper with these two this one's got garlic this one's got onions that's just the veggies with butter salt and pepper and then you know you add your piece of meat with the montreal it's just a whole nother level you know you gotta have different spices for different things all right so now we've got the final thing now i will i will not lie guys i was gonna go with a monster monster ribeye but i decided against it because hopes of catching a fish so with just a little little little teeny tiny one pound oh don't you lick your lips little teeny tiny one pound rib eye a little teeny tiny oh wait we got a monty's gonna get from here and he's gonna get this fat so we'll give him like this chunk so we're gonna make a firm line here see there's no seasoning there so that's what he's gonna get he'll get that and he'll get this fat so we're gonna keep this seasoning off this fat here just a little bit more there we go okay season the other side a little bit more oh this is gonna be a good rib eye [Applause] okay let's cook monty let's do it all right let's move this this pupper around i need to scrape some of this this way okie dokie we're going to start with the potatoes and onions oh that's uh you think that'll stay just like that will that make any of you guys nervous that'll make me nervous you know what we need to do gotta stabilize that great grate there we go that should do the trick that's much better look at that look at that don't you worry monty okay let that start to get heated after this gets cooking a little bit we'll add on our steak and then we'll cook up the asparagus and life will be great monty are you upset that there's a steak just sitting there all right back it up back it up back it up all right sit see it okay don't worry you're gonna get to taste this meat yeah he just likes he likes a taste of raw meat he's a weirdo playing for brewski number fewski there you go monty so i know a lot of you guys have been asking when are we gonna get funk out camping and i think the first time she's going to be available to go camping for a good she'll be able to go camping i think a few times this summer but a good long wilderness trip will be in the fall that's the plan right now she normally um you know how you guys know how i'd like to do a fall trip every year no matter what um she was doing that with me we were doing a fall trip together but after the video that you guys saw four nights on the wilderness with my dogs and my woman that video i'll link it up here whatever i'll link it up here after that video ruger got diagnosed with blastomycosis that was an ordeal until when did we figure that out when was he blasto free i don't even remember was it october was it a year i don't know it was it was a while but anywho he's cured of that now but he couldn't go camping really i took him a couple times you know last summer you guys saw which those were risky it was a risk taking him out but i did it anyways he loved it and he had a good time and he made it through he's just fine so that's good but yeah like i said uh once he got cured of that blasto he's been a normal dog ever since and that should allow funk to come out and do a fall trip this year we're getting the butter stirring ooh these there we go butter's melted now yeah i've been bringing out pumpkin for every time you guys have noticed that uh i haven't been doing the sweet potatoes anymore because sweet potatoes are still good for dogs when they're cooked but the pumpkin puree is better and on top of that monty loves the pureed pumpkin way more than sweet potatoes and i don't have to cook it up so it's kind of like a win-win you know i like giving him a hot meal so i'm probably gonna boil him up some river water here just to give him a nice hot meal with his pumpkin and steak but uh yeah he loves that pumpkin he goes crazy it's really funny at home when uh you know we'll we'll give him his food we're doing that food trial we're giving him pumpkin every meal so now we we don't give them pumpkin we always uh when we give them their food we like to hold it in our hands and then they sit down and pretty much ask for us to set the food down so once they sit we monty and ruger we set their bowls down and then they have to make eye contact with us to ask permission to eat and that's what they do every time and if i if we give that pump ruger will do it every time but uh if if we don't have that pumpkin monty will not ask for his food he just was just like this is not good enough he just won't ask but if you have that pumpkin he'll sit right down he'll look right at you and be like could i have it please but you don't got that pumpkin in there he just like stares at the bowl and he's just like come on let's get it over with we'll eat this crap he's a stinker he's a stinker yeah yes you are okay [Music] oh no we lost another potato dang nabbit things are sticking we don't want an old burnt potatoes give these a little oh yeah all right we'll move this off to the side and now it's time to add the glorious glorious piece of meat ah there we go let's scrape a little collage underneath our steak and whatnot oh it's gonna be good this is looking this needs a flip oh yeah look at that oh perfect now we've got to add some monty water it doesn't have to be boiling as long as it's heated up it'll be fine oh that's hot hot water it'll be good we're gonna add this asparagus i'm gonna add it right here on top of this water that'll work asparagus does not need long to cook and now the smoke has shifted blow it all over the steak is um oh oh it tastes that much y'all so good it's getting serious now these potatoes are getting very close to done let's we need to flip oh that's hot oh it's so hot all right this just needs that's almost done that's pretty much done um okay i do not want an overdone steak so what we're gonna do um we're gonna put this great grate off to the side here and we're gonna actually rest our steaks for the first time because i think this thing is done so i'm gonna be careful kinda careful okay steak off to the side i'm gonna flip the steak around okay potatoes can go right on these coals okay we're resting our steak for the first time ever this asparagus won't need much longer to cook me the little potatoes oh it's coming together so perfectly i know normally he always gets it like right as my food's ready but i thought about it and i kind of want a nice hot meal so i don't want to you know have my all be ready so we're just going to go a little bit of water and montes oh that's hot add a little bit of water to this pumpkin warm this up a little bit okay i have a pumpkin into here might he just loves his pumpkin he sure does oh yeah monty's going to be happy he's getting a pumpkin and a rib eye all right he's gonna be licking that snow later okay perfectly pan seared asparagus with a delicious ribeye steak and pan fried potatoes onions and garlic and monty gets pumpkin slop but he doesn't mind he's excited he wants it real bad monty you ready to eat do you want to treat monty do you want a treat oh that's that's looking beautiful okay that's a nice chunk for monty let's get a little bit of this fat here okay i'm gonna i'm gonna kind of chop it up i do not want to give them big pieces okay all right that's all you yummy pumpkin steak monty happiness that's what that is that's called monty happiness okay it's time to eat the saudis stay there look at him he's so attentive right now no not yet you'll know when don't worry we always eat together don't we monty always well sometimes we don't want let me let me make a little divot for you that'll make a divot he's going to push us all over the place stay there let me see if i can do this up burning my hands oh okay oh my steak looks rare oh yeah oh my potatoes [Applause] oh yeah got a little bit of beer left i put it in that hole because monty is running around it's got a little sip left it's gonna be good monty he's got a feast he's ready to just destroy that look at him he's just waiting for the go-ahead because he's a good boy no hey hey when i say he's a good boy and i pet you does that mean go all right go ahead go ahead i can't do that anymore oh we've got a oh i need to i need to show you a close-up of this steak before i start diving into it let's just i'm not going to zoom in but look at how rare that is medium rare perfect nice and red pink just vivid oh okay okay all right monty i'm gonna join ya um so [Applause] so oh this is the first time i've done this i definitely added too much salt oh wait not that one oh yeah no i'm pretty careful about the salt usually but i over salted asparagus i'm kind of sensitive when it comes to salt hmm these are perfect i don't even know if i would have needed the fish probably done if i did catch a couple fish make a small portion for me but give monty a big old fish dinner and i just eat more ribeye are you begging right now are you begging that that's the appropriate response for if you're begging all right now time to eat my salty asparagus mm-hmm very salty about cook some more potatoes you're not getting any more steak because it's all covered in montreal so monty i can't it's like it's like i can't give it to you so i don't have to feel bad right well um well i did chew off all the montreal but it's a little chewy piece of fat which i don't care for but he loves oh he didn't even chew it dude you just swallowed it anyways guys i'm gonna finish eating up my meal here i just got a little bit of steak and some potatoes left and then we're ready for bed so i'll check back with you guys and i'm ready for bed i know it's not going to be your usual super comf super comfyness but you're going to be just fine hold on stay there back back back back back back i know i know i know you're ready you're ready for bed the monty is ready to be tucked in don't worry we're getting you there okay monty now's the time come here oh boy um that was pretty perfect no it was i i agree it was it was a little not perfect i know it's not an air cushion and it's weird but come on lay down come on that was pretty good we're gonna just do one of these 180 180 oh there you go almost there we go okay burn good boy there's a good boy okay i'll just wrap you up in that okay i'll cover your face okay let me get that on here hold on hold on get a little eye boogie hold on monty let me get that there you go there you go damn goodbye all right ladies and gentlemen nice paddling day you know didn't catch my fish that's okay that's okay i will accept it but maybe we'll try a couple casts tomorrow i'm not sure if i will i've definitely got a ways to go tomorrow and tomorrow's gonna be a long day gotta drive home gotta edit take care of all my gear yeah look at me a long day tomorrow so we'll see we'll see how much i fish i'm definitely going to get up and get moving pretty early try not to sleep in too much if i can help it but i usually sleep in no matter what i do out here because it's just so peaceful in the morning i don't like to get up at dark when it's just you can hear that river creek just trickling anywho guys i'm gonna pass so out catch you in the morning good night everybody yes good morning so oh oh oh it's a snuggly bunny fluffy doggy oh i slept great last night everybody oh ducks are going crazy over there they've been doing that for like 45 minutes i don't know if that's like a mating call or a distress call or a territory call or i don't really know i don't know ducks very well oh but this is a beautiful spot to wake up to that's for sure i just had my head sticking out of the sleeping bag all day it was pretty warm last night it was very warm i didn't check my watch but it couldn't have been much it had to be upper 20s it was pretty warm but i can hear just the trick all that water i don't know that duck sounds upset monty anyways i think monty slept good and he's creeping around for food well i guess it's time to get up put some layers on let's do it hi hi puffers what are you doing what are you doing you think you can little bits of potato you're not potato sweet pumpkin that's what i mean pumpkin it's a peaceful one out today this morning top of the morning yeah so it didn't really there was like last night i said the breeze was picking up it did for about three minutes there was a breeze three to five minutes there's a little breeze going back and forth and it just kind of disappeared no precipitation last night we got angry ducks this morning who's this tarp we didn't even need it but you know it's better to be safe than sorry i didn't say something about precipitation i do know that uh rain is coming i think i think rain will be here in four hours so i'm i'm definitely i'm gonna take a few casts if there's a really nice tree but i'm definitely gonna we're gonna get packed up pretty quick here get moving got a long day today anyway so it's like a double double reason to get moving my dude what are you doing are you sniffing for food what do you think what are you doing huh oh uh you want a stick okay oh my does this thing where uh if you throw the stick down a hill like a steep hill or something and he's running too fast he barks every time he touches the guy bring here monty that's a good boy i'm scared yeah he's trying to trying to hit my hand trying to hit my hand huh oops that was weird oh well i guess what we're going to do is throw the stick for monty here for a minute then i'm gonna get packed up and we will get moving we've got a two three hour paddle ahead of us somewhere in there i don't really know how far we made it i do not know how far we are we gotta be somewhere around the middle somewhere in there it's maybe halfway done with the paddle i don't know who knows we're in the woods we're in the woods all right monty bring here monty bring me that stick you're doing great come on bring here yeah see how much fun it is when you bring it back to me and i throw it and then you bring it back to me come on come on come on monty come on take my starbucks i guess i'll come to you okay okay let's keep throwing it here and then we'll pack her up do do do [Music] do do do do [Music] is [Music] me what a lady ah good old you know ultra light ultra compact sleeping bag you always got to have one of those and you know we've got another ultralight ultra compact sleeping bag for mati here ultra compact there and now there's no more room left in the bag oh right monty isn't that how it goes 10 bucks says i pack it way more efficiently today than i did yesterday that wasn't somewhat of a mad dad we'll see maybe i'll pack it worse today who knows all right who knows now i've got to take out take out the dslr and pack that in here so i'm just gonna finish packing up the rest of this crap and then get in the boat get to paddling all of all the ss good times [Music] i could have just had you hop in [Music] there you go there you go one last double check do a little [Music] hippity hop okay all right and we're off okie dokie we're back in the bolt all right first big tree that i see a nice little hole under it's got like a big fresh tree where we saw that trout yesterday we're in a cast there you know i'm sure there's other places we could catch them yeah i'm sure i'm sure they're just all in here under every tree all over the place just tons of them but we're not going to dink around too much because like i bet see right there there's a big deep hole i bet there's seven tron under there [Music] like there's gotta be but see that's that that's the type of person i am when i'm fishing like every time i see an ice cream like oh yeah there's a fish oh yeah but you know it probably is [Music] from what i've seen in my day there usually is fish under those oh now we've got a nice oh this is gonna be fun [Music] what the heck do we do here [Music] there's no other way around it we have to go this way we've got some more fun maneuvering this is a nice little jam the water's going right here oh there we go monty sorry there's any hit sticks hitting in the face i apologize monty there's not a ton i can do [Music] i can't help myself no matter what [Music] i need to take a few casts [Applause] [Music] see this little spot here to the left looks like a great spot nice little there had to be a fish down there there had to be there's no way at this there's another creek coming in there's a big log it's a big deep hole on a corner [Music] maybe this spoon isn't where it's at the little blue and silver teeny spoon [Music] who's getting excited for like real spring this is fake spring this is i wish it was spring but it's not quite spring but it's technically spring but yeah it's not spring spring thing fake spring so i'm calling it but the sounds of spring when the birds are chirping and like the frogs are going crazy at night and the bugs oh oh it's just getting me amped right now even though i i do feel [Music] personally that my spinner would probably do better let's still try the spoon it's easier to fish this spoon got a nice downed green tree it's nice and fresh let's give it a shot let's give it a shot come on baby i know i should be using my spinner [Music] oh that was a good cast inches away from the edge of it come on nothing no we're scooting into it no oh there's a deep hole here there has to be a fish oh i had a bite no no no dang okay so they bite the spoon this is a perfect little spot here let me grab the camera this definitely looks like okay look right here super deep hole you can't even see the bottom fresh green tree a bunch of logs that was definitely a bite auntie they bit the spoon okay so we saw a fish at a green fresh green tree and this is this is a nice hole but there's no way he's gonna bite now sitting on top of it making all sorts of noise dang all right okay the only thing is it's so hard to fish when you're moving towards it you only get a cast or two you have to park that's probably another big problem i'm having is i need to park more on the side when i see something like that creep you know back paddle creek through the woods and find a nice spot and sit there and cast a few times that's what i need to do okay we're learning we're learning it's fun to learn on your own sometimes you know just go out and try this is something i've never tried before i've never fished just near a paddle stream like i said this early never fished nothing and i don't trump fish rivers ever i've never i don't think i've ever successfully caught a trout from a river oh gosh oh my pole's gonna get tangled how low can you go monty how long can you go oh don't get tangled no okay yeah as i was saying never successfully caught a trout i don't think let me let me think here for a second oh wait no in montana yeah that was probably the first river trout i've caught but yeah i'm not a river trout fisherman something that's new to me but i will come back out and i'm gonna try i'm thinking this spring is gonna be the first thing i'd really try uh going for some trout in these rivers and streams but i'm gonna wait till the bugs are real nasty maybe we'll do like some maybe we'll do like an overnighter where i just hike along the river and cast and then we'll just set up camp somewhere are we kind of fun i feel like it's better it almost seems better to be walking you know it's real thick but walking along a river like this and casting when you see the holes it'd be a lot stealthier and you get more time but who knows oh i'm just talking i'm just yip yapping and you know you know you have to be hopping [Music] in that was so bad where my teeth [Music] okey dokey guys we've been paddling for a solid hour and 20 minutes and i can't imagine there's much further to go so i'm not gonna be taking any more cast unless there's an epic little hole with a nice uh you know tree overhanging it but had a beautiful little campsite on the river i wish we would have got to spend a little bit more time there but you know it is what it is we do we we gave our spot we we could have had another spot with that baby deer there but we had the perfect spot you know still was perfect spot but well you know we'll get here again we'll get to the camp again everything will be fine it was a good little fun evening monty had some fun anyways we're just gonna paddle back to the car and that's that so as always guys if you like the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit the subscribe button and i'll catch you guys at the next video [Music] [Music] so the tree i just have to try last cast one final cast ooh it wasn't bad nothing i thought we're gonna get that last cast lock oh well oh well [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 713,649
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winter camping, camping, bushcraft, bushcrafting, bushcraft camp, camp, overnight, asmr, wilderness, wilderness area, wild, wild camping, adventure, adventurer, bushcraft skills, canoe, canoeing, paddling, backpack, backpacking, backcountry, backcountry camping, snow, winter, spring, outdoors, nature, forest, river, campfire, campfire cooking, cooking, food, fire skills, gourmet, shelter, dog training, backpack camping, how to camp, cold camping, dog, doggy, camping dog, fun, epic, gopro, canoe trip, river trip
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 151min 6sec (9066 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2019
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