Winter Camping Overnight with My Dog

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hey guys what you hear there's three things that I enjoy when I'm all winter camping it's comfy this coziness and stick juicy delicious wonderful steak just eating it and thinking about it then smelling it and what are we talking about who are you guys well my steak I think we see some steak only get the stick [Music] [Music] all right Monty you ready you ready Monty [Music] well hello ladies and gentlemen I am out with a professional stank and we're gonna spend another night out here in the woods right now we're going down a snowy two-track there's a lot more snow than this average this time of year so basically the order I'm looking for is everything's super thick that's no fun to go through the sled as you can see behind me so I'm looking forwards gonna keep going on this to track until I can see a nice spot with like some open big red Pines or a hardwood forest or somewhere I was kind of planning on being able to go further but with all the snow this time of year you have no idea what's plowed or you have to park your car I ended up having the park closer to a main road and walk from there so unless I want to be camping right next to a main road I gotta walk Tubman's to track aways and find a spot so we're gonna keep on truckin oh one more thing I got a little bit of a late start yeah so let's go about to eat okay this is going to be our spot for the evening so a couple things I want to say right off the bat is this winter as you can see it's winter snows on the ground like I said more than normal so winter camping in full force now what we're gonna be sleeping on tonight is just a tarp nothing crazy no shelter building um I'm gonna try I have a couple ideas for shelters this winter but I just wanted to get out you know while there's snow get used to it secondly you'll notice we're both wearing orange that's because it is still hunting season and Monte kinda looks like a nice juicy plump deer and I don't want him getting shot I don't want to get shot and I've heard some horror stories you know you'd think any normal sane person would never shoot at a talking person or a short little dog but I'm sure those people are out here I think he's a nice puppy deer hey Monty would you get your booties on and I would also say on the safe oh because of our late start today we didn't go in very far I'm about a mile maybe three-quarters of a mile away from the truck without the two-track found this first big open red pine stand walked in a ways and this is where we're heading up so we're not crazy far deep in the woods today but I think what I'm gonna do is set up between these two trees here pull my tarp back like this and yeah we'll be sleeping our tarp have a fire pit right there so first things first let's clear some of the snow and see what we got on the ground what do you think Monty you ready for this winter camp another season tis the season great Monty huh we're gonna have to get him a spot to throw the stick or maybe go back to the to track Pat it down because I think a snow bill went down it has a little bit more pack country through here but since there's such thick coverage with these trees and whatnot it's actually less snow actually so does it make sense maybe better in here well I already see scoping out and I see a nice dead pine that's laying down between some trees over there some big ol branches over there you know you got a scoop out your favorite great let me go he's gonna get our priorities straight we're doing this priority one get the snow clear spot fire you get your top priority three comfort rise and lofty you gots to come too tight for Monty right buddy yeah that's definitely not very deep luckily the grounds not frozen yet so well it's not super frozen that means any logs I find I can move they won't be the nightmare you always forget you know when I was loading up and get my stuff ready I just have one layer of thermals I'm what I'm wearing what I always wear for winter gear it doesn't matter the temperature when I'm hiking in I've got my shoreline car hearts which are not made for winter and then one layer of smart walls and you know I kind of get a little chilly in the beginning right when I'm at the car so does you start moving though I start building up a sweat right away but always wear the same stuff I also think we need you sign one other quick mention you remember at the end of last year I got some new snow shoes these are some tubs my old ones used to just have the plastic clip and these ones have like a little tightening thing with wires it tightens your foot in these are so much better than the old ones the old ones whoo they would come off all the time so annoying these ones stay pretty well I think this year I might get to do an early Quincy cuz there is definitely enough snow last year it was a pretty rough winter and we got four feet of snow if you remember had Jake's ski guy all on his face and needing help and built that big ol deep snow shelter we're about a third of the way there well I guess once a pack style be a lot less bite last year kind of did something similar not quite as much but it melted this year there you go there's a big wet frozen live not frozen to the ground though okay that's good enough to start let's get the turbo [Applause] Oh rat's nest its back yeah oh man I know you guys have give me wonderful suggestions on how to destroy the redness but I feel like the rat's nest has become a part of this channel and to remove it would take away something from the channel so rather than learn and evolve and become a better outdoorsman we're gonna be stubborn stick it out on our old bad ways bad habits and just never learn I think I think that's the right way to go about it you know just I can feel it we're gonna tie up our tarp a little bit differently than I normally do because we're evolving in some ways normally you know I'll take the two corners and time to a tree today we're actually gonna do like a Ridgeline and use that that's how you're supposed to do it that's better better than the way I normally just throw up the tarp real quick and maybe we'll teach a couple knots here if you don't know already this tree tie it on here we're gonna tie up the one end that this this is the end that's not gonna move so we're gonna put take your water and you put it on the tree now what I used to do is I used to just do an over double overhand knot what did you cross like that and then you cross again like that and you tighten it down and that knot doesn't hold very well so you don't want to be doing that knot well we're gonna do what's called the double double half hitch or two half inches and it's very similar it's you just got it just it's very similar I'll show ya okay so for the double double half hitch here you're gonna take your end you're gonna go through and you wrap it around and then you're gonna come back down and you're gonna go under and back through again and just tighten it up and it looks like that they're very then it it'll just tighten all the way that's probably a pretty poor explanation but this is the double half-hitch and I always use it to secure because you can put tension it just tightens more let's just show you that again it's gonna be a little bit more difficult to coax it and make it a quick slip we'll just show you one more time just because so I'm gonna go over you the key is to stay on the same side so if you go on do you want to go under again so we're going under going down wrap it around then we're gonna go under pull it through and there it is poor explanation alright so for the other side we're gonna do what's called the taut line hitch I showed this one before we're gonna go around our tree again you just want to stay on the same side when you're doing this so we're gonna go on the inside twice so go over once and they're gonna go over again and we've got the two things right there wraps and then we're gonna come over to this side and then we're going to go over on this side and then we're gonna come back through this loop we just made and then pull it tight so that's a quick release what we just did so I can just pull this tag end and it'll come right on done but this this knots really nice because you can pull your rope along and it tightens the whole thing up and keeps it really tight there we go I hope that looked good I hope you learn something here okay what do you think stinker vicious geez right okay start all right all right all right all right let's clear this out a little bit make it even [Applause] we don't want your booty sliding around you know how much you can sleep over here or vice versa yadda yadda pretty good pretty good okay soldier shelter set up now let's get mum Monty a comfy spot lay down hey Monty watch one we got yours oh yeah we got yours for you doing what a Halleck of looser-fitting hi all right Monty you don't have to just go do something that normal dogs do majesty [Music] what are you doing you stuck you got stuck Monty come here Oh oh I see I see yes sir game on okay okay okay [Applause] where oh there get going that's it those evil booties are great take your vest off here I know you want this vest off so you can laid out all right come on okay okay a vicious critter well you're a feisty one you're feisty well lay down right here karate that's a good boy all right my G's got a spot shelter set up now we need to get a firewood going we have got Oh about 15 minutes maybe even 10 till the Sun sets so like I said lanes dark you're on time so we'll get this rest of camp set up in a minute here I would like to get a little bit of firewood and get started I can bring back what I need process it up there's actually a nice leaner right there that I am going to grab so let's grab a tool I choose the axe today and let's get that tree oh yeah that's perfect we're gonna set this axe down just to be safe safety first oh this thing's wedged I don't even need to accident all this looks like some nice solid pine we're gonna bring us back to camp which is about five feet that way let's do it Oh got a holler all right this is a nice solid piece well it kind of a little bit longer than say we can just burn them we'll process up a little bit of this but first I'm gonna grab a few more chunks of stuff I saw some stuff on the way back a little bit and just big ol branches like great oh my feet are tough now but those like branches that are stuck with falling off trees all over the place so we'll grab some of that bring it back then we're gonna get fire started [Music] okay this should be plenty this is more than enough how about you gonna process us all up like crazy was gonna break off some sticks cut a few and then we'll get the fire going and process as the fire starts getting burned up oh yeah that's a perfect firewood right there so they cut another little section and then we're gonna split some and then we'll get the fire going and then we'll cut bigger piece and just let the fire do all the work burn it in half oh yeah delicious firewood perfectly seasoned just like a steak with Montreal foreshadowing it's a thing [Applause] oops Oh we were doing so good this one might be a little long here okay that's gonna be enough for right this minute so we're gonna get the fire started and then we can cut up more logs as we go log base here to build our fire on now normally I start my fires with birch bark as many of you know but I didn't see any birch bark trees around here it's Alda spines as I'm sure they're out here if I search far enough but I haven't come across any say you're like oh what you gonna do now you always use birch bark well I'll tell you what I'm gonna do I'm going to reach into my pocket and grab my reserve of birch bark that I just carry all the time because I always just have birch bark on me I've been known to go into a restaurant and when I go to pay the bill I pull out birch bark out of my pockets so we're gonna crumple this up here oops ah you know the whole one-strike thing we've already done that so now I know I'm not too worried about it anymore that's an in the past sort of thing [Music] let's burn all that in half I'll press this up some more no I think Monty doesn't want to lay down yet has his spots not cozy enough so what if I get out ye olde wool blanket and make it a nice cushy cushy comfy super cozy spot hmm waiting all that wow that's real nice huh oh yeah that's what Monty is talking about you're gonna lick that snorter your paws got some ice chunks in there cuz you're not wearing your beliefs okay let's see where is it winters here winter woods are beautiful the temperature tonight is what is it where are we at tonight I think we're getting in the teens tonight probably to be right around low of like 15 17 average winter average winter maybe maybe a little above average think right now it's like probably 22 out maybe less now that we're getting tonight but there's no wind we're really protected so it actually might be warmer than that it's around there somewhere what you know despite what you think about the cold and you know how mole I'm only wearing bibs which are not insulated and one layer of smart wool base layers that's it just one layer pants top and the jacket and you might think hey that's cold but it's not because one key thing you do or I like to do in winter camp and that is keep moving I'm hiking in I'm setting up I'm getting wood I'm cutting up wood and then when I'm all done at the end of the day and I'm done moving around I'm ready to just chill I've got a nice big fire that I can sit next to so I'm never usually cold and if I start to get a chill once I sit around that's what I try more layers so let's just come almost cut these big and then we can just let the fire do all the work we have to process anymore here that plane one peak here that plane do you hear the plane are you a good boy be feeling you know oh yeah you can feel the warmth of the fire from back here it's not like insanely hot like it is right here but definitely warmer than being 30 feet that way that's for sure well yes as we let this burn down I'm going to get let's put that light on there let's brighten it up a little bit let's do that first Oh almost forgot I've run a couple bears as well have one now Cheers first night of the winter my teachers put that in a safe spot okay so for tonight for dinner I'm gonna need a nice little coal bed we won't give any spoilers yet even though we've already foreshadowed a little bit maybe maybe not maybe you have an idea maybe you have no clue I'm sure you'll have some kind of a knife but either way for my own sake we're not gonna spoil anything Teddy we're gonna get while we're waiting we need a nice coal bed we're gonna wait a little bit for that to burn down some things to burn in half have a nice nice nice hot coal bed because you know sometimes I cook impatiently sometimes I'm impatient and we're gonna be patient today we're gonna be patient I am going to get a nice coal bed like I said we're gonna have the fire going behind it and we'll set up our cooking spot off to the side and scrape coals oh right so Monty's got a nice spot maybe we'll throw you the stick some more you look pretty cozy there pup you know sometimes I always wonder if Monty is like ready for the season you know if he's gonna be cold if he's ready for winter he's got his winter coat in the lake the first winter camp like he's he warm enough cuz you know over the course of doing it a few times he definitely his coats built up and he is totally prepared but for the past like week now we've gotten so we've had a bunch of snow and it's been pretty cold it's been well below freezing every day he's got a doggie door that he can go outside whatever he wants and every morning I've waked up like the past week he's out there laying in the snow got a little bit of snow covered on him and just he's definitely got his coat too warm in the house for him so you just hope they're killing the old stinker oh oh there we go there we go Monte yeah you're ready to homework aren't you Berkshire that's so cool boy are you gonna get treats for dinner we're gonna get treats yeah you are yes you are you're gonna get some treats you get the best treats all right so we're just gonna relax for a bit I am going to set up my sleep stuff hopefully Monty doesn't crawl over it and let the fire burn down for a bit and then I will check back in with you guys in a creative event so as some of you may know and if you're new to the channel you may not know it yet but last winter wasn't a good winter or sleeping paths he's oh no Monty's sleeping pad is not holding air it it's got a hole in it somewhere what could have caused a hole hey I don't know yeah you know had some issues there so we're gonna try to make this the winter of sleeping pads don't pop we don't pop you so I'm gonna take a little extra precautions here this is a this Z rest therm-a-rest thingy I've used before this is what Monty lays on in the back of the boat to help him keep all the water but I'm gonna lay this down first so not only is it extra insulation from the ground and it'll help me not slip but and he sticks that poke through you know we'll have to go through this first protection for my sleeping pad I'll probably get a second one of these for all Monty's sleeping pad these he doesn't got one today but it'd be alright he'll be alright but yeah extra for cast protection we're gonna try to make our sleeping pads last us through the winter without any papi but if I do have to end up buying a new sleeping pad for ol Monty here I'm gonna get him this one is gray one that you see that's a thermal that's made for winter camping I don't know it's called it X therm you Eric something like that I don't know I got it linked out of my affiliate links down in the old affiliate links it's one of them I got both of them up there but it's made for winter camping I think they make like a mummy tight but I like that I always like to swear I like this way use the old military surplus extreme cold bag great Monty we're just getting into it okay right can't forget the cool pillows because I like it comfy I've got to have a pillow for my head and a nanny pillow I have to have a knee pillow okay I will I won't have it without my knee pillow we ain't no ultralight campers out here oh and as far as the affiliate links go I just want to mention this there's two free ways to support the channel one is watching the videos which is the best way always do that you know watch your share and the other free way doesn't cost anything to you is if you shop on Amazon which I'm sure there's a couple Audi B couple you out there that shop on Amazon from time to time you can click on one of my links in the description below every video that you'll see I list my gear you can click on one of those links and you can buy anything you want on Amazon and I get it I get like a commission or something like that for anything you buy on Amazon after you click on one of those links so if you're feeling up to it go ahead and click on one of those and buy you know like a pair of socks or something I'll get a couple cents he'll help support the channel but if you don't do that at least watch the videos that's always the best part Oh monkeys secondary sleeping bag this is also mine this was mine first before it was Monty's so in spring late fall it's my bag and then when winter creeps around it's Monty's bag hey Monty so I stink it up first and you stink it up second right we stink back and forth fire is burning nice nice and hot once all these ends are in we'll throw a couple more pieces on and that should be plenty good of a fire bed or coal bed to start cooking on it just can't have all these big pieces everywhere would you look like you need Monty a nice stick you want to fetch a nice stick do you want to fetch a nice stick do you want to go for the dog park do you want a tree or a stick all right yeah bet you could use a nice stick happens to just be some perfect sticks right here oh yeah you like this you like to smell that stick you like so cool you're getting serious later you too through it what do you owe you throw that go chase after it but I might not bring it back the 50 chance 50/50 chance what I'll get it you frosty bunny I always wonder how he can see if he brings that stick back I'll be surprised I I guess with the light shining in my face I can't see anything over there you gonna walk over there maybe I could if I walk pass a light buddy martini bring it here bring you the stick boy bring me the stick Monty Monty bring me the stick Pierce animate break me the stick all right Yara bring me to stick yaar me Omar to bring me that stick now boy I tell you show my how you mind me come on come on come on come on come come come bring me that stick come on oh come on oh you're so close come on come on ah Monty they're so close I don't want to have to get up bring it Monty Monty Monty Monty Monty you're so rude you're so rude I know how you like to chase it you bring it back to me and you can continue to chase it ha ha ha [Music] bring me the stick Monty Monty you don't bring me that stick I ain't gonna throw it and that's that come on oh yeah there you go smack the camera there you go please please please Monty please please bring just pray right now what's this bring you the stick get the stick what's this what's this bring the stick what's this what's this rear we get the stick good stay good see now what's this Curt ray what's your 20 they'll bring me the stick though have the stick in your mouth and come check out what this is it's super cool it's right here it's this come on what is this R on TV you just don't care this is a sick game Monty you bring it just enough so I have to get up again alright I provide you this comfy spot where you can lay as often as you want and I come to you and you you're just you just I can't even get it with my feet bring it here come on right here come on just Eva what a stinker I think it's about time to put on some layers we're gonna layer up a little bit keep throwing the sick Vermont a little bit here sip on our beer let this burn down and then we're gonna get to cooking so I'm gonna check back in with you guys when is it is this fires burned down cuz I want to show off that light I kind of want to just see the moonlight coming through the forest on the trees because they don't I'll be able to see what this lights not here just the fire you know clawing around so we're just gonna relax for a bit let the fire continued to burn down and yeah there's all that good stuff Yatta Yatta Yatta okay oh yeah we got a nice pile of coals here and keep the fire going holy cook all right it's almost cook time I moved Monty here because um you know ever since Monty is still a pup he's that he's younger he's what what are you Monty now three and a half three and three-quarters he's almost four he's almost like full-blown dog dog stuck in his ways dog but he's not there quite yet I would say once he hits four he's dog complete dog not not on the pup side like he's still like or what would he be in dog years 7 14 21 so he's in his he didn't his mid-20s right now mid 20s so he's still got a couple things to learn once he hits 4 we're gonna be on like the same page where we're at the exact same page so he's a little bit more catching up anyways on our week-long one that I released into one chunk Monty finally was seeking out the fire for warmth he never really did that like I'd have to you know coerce him into it and like show him like hey this is warmth he would never like go seek out the fire he'd go wander off and be all dramatic and whatever but anyways he was just coming over near the fire cuz it's nice and toasty and he was laying right here so I decided to move his stuff so he's closer and yeah he is just sleeping you can feel the warmth of a fire in his fur he doesn't want to be too close because you gotta remember he's a dog he's got the big thick fur coat and he's had an undercoat so he doesn't want to be right next to so this is perfect I can just feel a little bit of warmth so our Monty is toasty and he is just sleeping yeah he learned you learned to sit near the fire if you want to be warm took him long enough but anyways let's talk about dinner it's time to get cooking preparing dinner this is way too hot for me I'm gonna have to figure this out cuz I'm a little too close to the fire and yeah this is really hot I came in to have this at my hand this how that burns anyways so what we are having for dinner tonight is it a big chunk of meat is it a nice creamy pasta dish is it some kind of seafood dish well we're gonna combine all three there and we are going to have a big chunk of meat with a creamy sauce with some seafood yeah so we are going to have a pound and a half New York Strip with a creamy Parmesan sauce drizzled over it with some fresh herbs and then we're gonna also put some prawns in that sauce and serve it with freshly grilled asparagus and sauteed potatoes and onions yeah we're starting the season off right this time Oh Key dokie there we go this pot three different pots for three different jobs and the reason I use these is actually all nestled together in my little I don't even know what where the heck this came from this stuff sack I did I don't know I have no clue couldn't tell you in a million years where this thing came from but everything Nestle's together three different types of hands three different companies it all works it's all great okay so first we're gonna start with is red potatoes oops now probably got too many potatoes but that's okay I think we'll find a way to move all these potatoes cooked into my belly not a problem pretty good about that I'm like a magician the food up here I make it disappear abracadabra right Monty well that one's gonna be a little thick well thick on that side he's enough yeah let's slice a little thinner this way oh yeah I think three red potatoes is enough and then of course we've got our white on yon I think we can set too much onion of course not of course not all right we've got a spare guess I cut off the ends at home and rinsed it but it's all gonna just fit in that pan we'll do half of it this way now as far as these plastic baggies go and like these rubber bands I'm doing my best to not use as many plastic bags so these are what you get the grocery store to put your food in I try to just use these what I'm doing now is I've got Tupperware so I'm putting all this is my butter my herbs and I've got the other stuff I'm using tough words and stuff now reusable trying to be reusable you know help the environment out what are we doing what are we what do we got going next let's see oh yeah I know what's next garlic well garlic well garlic who doesn't like garlic won't use these big fat thumbs of mine crushed a little bit that's a trick I learned from you guys my subscribers to crush the garlic clove just a little bit usually use a knife but once you crush it yeah look at how easy that comes off it just peels right off boom it's just coming right off like nothing look at all husks PLA and we'll just do keep two over there I'm not gonna die to dice this up insanely fine cuz it'll all get cooked in eventually I like my chunks and bites of garlic so it doesn't matter to me if it's a little big so I put these in with the potatoes and onions Monte you're gonna get food just simmer down these pieces of garlic are gonna go in with our sauce [Music] I'll put these in the pan so what we're gonna do is you're gonna take a chunk of butter so just a little teeny chunk of butter here with the onions they're just little teeny chunk of butter here with the asparagus just a wee little TV chunk of butter here with the sauce and then we're going to leave this tiny portion of butter to add to all three of these when they need a little unsticking so you know we're only using let's see if a hole sticks this much we're using about let me see if I portion out one not a whole stick of butter yeah yeah actually you know what we're gonna do one more thing that's a pound and a half bounine New York Strip and what are we gonna season it up with the only thing you'd ever want to season up a snake and that's Montreal steak seasoning oh yeah except we're gonna stop right here I want you to see see that that is one third of the entire steak the bones right where is the bone where is the bone all the bones over on this side there's no bone here so Monty's gonna get all this fat or me there's a chunk of bone here oh yeah there's a little chunk of bone here that's only this big yeah a tivo both anyways we're gonna stop the spices there that's because Monty's gonna get that third of steak I'm gonna leave yeah he didn't get a third of the steak you heard me Monty a 1/3 because I did the math he's 70 pounds I'm uh you know to ten that means I'm three times his size so I should get three times the food but since I'm gonna be generous with the guy I'm only gonna take double what he's getting what do you think Monty is that thick enough is that a nice yeah I think do you think Monty you want that you want that raw meat if I just give it to you would you would you promise to save some for me or would you eat it all now how about I cook it for you I think I should cook it for you yeah I think uh yeah let's okay let's get it on the fire let's get cooking normally I'm bringing out the great great greatest of all greats in the land but we've got a few extra things to cook we've got a few extra things to cook today so we're gonna bring out what is known as the lesser great great its lesser because it's not the great great because the greatest the great great is the greatest great you can't you can't beat the great great it just it's just not possible it doesn't work out like that but this has got more surface area a hot fire oh man so the great gray is just the best this is this this will do it's got more surface area but as I've seen it's more prone to breaking but the great gray has never failed not once I've never spilled food in the fire never accidentally tip things or I've never I'm usually perfect when I'm cooking always like 100% and never mess up so that's why that great is so great that is why okay get that on there I'll get this going on there and do this up to the side I'm gonna add a little spice these potatoes here a little salt not too much not too little salt just ready myself but I just had a too much salt that was my bad I was about to say my thing that's a lot of salt who's gonna be full salty oops that black pepper Oh hot it's a hot fire oh man if you just add more wood to that just so it's even hotter I burn my face oh no the butter needs to melt let that butter melt down because I want to jump on these potatoes and onions so that's gonna take longer than our thick steak the butter and garlic over here we're gonna try to simmer this slow move this over here keep this on the other oh that burns the face oh we've got our we're gonna do the next steps in the cream sauce here we got our garlic roasted up a little bit of butter now we're gonna add a little cream sauce or start to make the cream sauce better that is some heavy whipping cream right there well so we got yeah we've got some thyme fresh thyme Oh where's the ha ha ha I can't get my hands over it let's get a little cold ashes in there all right fresh thyme fresh thyme we've got fresh rosemary come and sit hello oh one more time in here ah so warm hahaha this is a hot fire hot fire which I guess is the best type of fire you don't want a cold fire I'm going to add a little bit of salt get in my hand first I don't want too much salt there we go little black pepper and there's one more key ingredient we got add in there and that key ingredient is a fresh freshly harvested Monty turd they want to make sure with your Monty turds you got to check them out for freshness yeah just get you got even the old taste test mmm aerate it in your mouth a little bit get all your taste buds working mmm robust enough they are the freshness mm-hmm the flavor that's a 10 when taste your own home cook in there Monte yeah he likes his own home cooking of course he does of course a little splash of water I'll be good perfect all right we are cooking whoo that's a hot fire the face all right our cream sauce is over here just simmering away it's time to get the main course cooking get that right on there okay now we're doing it now we're doing it right Monte oh yeah these are cooking away oh it's gonna be good you need to get some fresh coals let's just give the steak a little flip here oh yeah oh that's so good oh yeah oh she's cooking oh we're getting a perfect little crust on there cream sauce is simmering just fine looking delicious I can't even tell you what I'm smelling right now because there's just three glorious things cooking oh that is a hot fire you know some people say fire is hot I can agree with it because it is it's burning my freaking hands face Oh time to add a few more goodies unless your fire we've got some big old prawns we're gonna add right about here there we go they're a little frozen so they'll cook just fine and then to our cream sauce we've got some cream cheese cream cheese going in we're gonna need another little chunk of butter here with these potatoes just running you're real sticky that butter in there get these over here asparagus we're just gonna well cook over there for now right now right this second there's too much going on here these are getting a little chaotic add a little bit of salt and pepper the old spare guess the reason I go with salt and pepper and everything but the steak is like I like the Montreal to be on the steak you know salt and pepper these add garlic here garlic and butter here or no garlic here and then we got the fresh herbs here so we got different flavors all across the board and then we'll start stuffing it in our face and it won't matter but it's the thought that counts okay time to flip these oh oh ah oh that's a steak okay that steak is about done um no let's get all crazy now okay let's just flip this around oh yeah okay oh it's Fergus we're gonna bite you we've got one final step the cream sauce here and that's going in hot Parmesan cheese creamy cheese sauce oh yeah oh yeah okay all right yes it's getting a little chaotic because you know huggers a hugger is a huge factor my poor cutting board well you lost another one dang it thing that the cheese sauce is complete the shrimp are done let's let's plate this bad boy together okay you're definitely done potatoes over on the side here water I already hit monte enough fluid more than enough little powder pumpkin which we know you're not going to really care about Monte but you got to have your options okay now let's cut into this thing that's about Monte share right there it's you all right whew it's a little bit on the rare side but that's okay oh yeah Monty's going to love that Monty this is way too much steak for a dog [Music] some people like it rare some people like a medium rare this is a little on the rare side but that you know what it's gonna be okay add that over Monty's food here that is so much look at that it's a bowl of steak for Monty Monty you want this piece of steak this juicy piece of steak yes Monty you are being had Oh Monty Monty I'm gonna hand feed you a little more steak okay no we're gonna take a few minutes to hem Piedmont if you piece of his steak but let's add in our glorious piece of steak here cut off this bone okay our steak mm-hmm now let's add peel them out of the shell oh they're very hot oh I ripped out his hell no oh no a shell what does will move that around while that Oh asparagus I guess we'll give Monte a few pieces of asparagus because I've got a whole bunch and now for the grand finale the creamy cheese sauce over the shrimp and steak we're just gonna smother it on there oh yeah just let's just lather it on all of it why not potatoes asparagus everything creamy cheese sauce oh man oh oh wait we're not done we're not done of course we're not done wait Monte before we eat sprinkle on some fresh parsley just just just just it's gotta have that garnish Monte there we go you've got even see the steak under all the cheesy deliciousness okay okay it is time to eat it is time to feast Monte it's his time oh man I was so excited right now okay my boy Monte here has already been hand fed some New York strip steak you got a big portion his he's still got asparagus more steak he's got dog food mixed with pumpkin and water ready to go I have a New York strip steak big chunk of it cooked very rare with some prawns on top creamy cheese Parmesan sauce with some auntie turns with a little asparagus potatoes onions with fresh parsley I am ready to feast Monte are we starting the year right with winter camping I think so let's do this go ahead I'm gonna eat some asparagus first mm-hmm very well let's dive right into a big old prawn mouthful of seafood what just happen the weight from the food bent my little handle here drop very dangerous none do you have another asparagus mm-hmm let's go for a real deal a cheesy encrusted rare New York strip steak Oh no there is not much that I care about right now eat your asparagus yeah eat your asparagus you little turd nugget did you just burp up me how dare you no one can deny this little turd got enough he got over a cup of food with water and pumpkin on top of that you got 1/3 of a pound and a half steak so let's see how I'm gonna have us at least 1/3 of a pound more like let's say point four of a pound all right if we're if we're if we're toning it down take out point four pounds of a steak on top of his normal meal asparagus yeah you're fine don't you even I don't feel bad that one bit it's so bad I'm slowing down I'm on my second beer hmm it's like slush I threw all the rest of the wood on the fire I am going to I can't believe I bent this pan I will fix that I'm gonna keep just trucking away at this gentle with this guy shooting daggers [Applause] I'll check on you guys hello bet when I'm done with this here that was very filling that was insanely filling the the cheese sauce was way more rich and just filling than I thought it would be so instead of saving Monte like cheesy potatoes or something I did him a solid there's even a giant chunk of fat off the steak you want this you want this don't you you know he's had a lot of steak this evening he said more than most dogs get in a lifetime so I'm gonna make you work for it twirl sit sit pretty sit prettier sit prettier again so prettier come on want to sit pretty so pretty used my hands for support speak speak speak speak speak okay you're gonna pop the sleeping pad while you're stepping in your watercolor here over here oh yeah okay speak speak it's your last task all you got to do is speak and then you get this this whole chunk speak here it's gotta be a real speak though that was a happy spirit okay that was a real speak good point coming careful careful okay there you go you worked for it you done good Monty you worked for that one come back over here and sit down come over here Monty come here come on no no there's no war listen you're gonna puke if you eat anymore stop it Monty over here geez you're literally gonna puke your stomach cannot fit any more food in it they can't he he will vomit if he eats more putting this little scavenger turd nugget okay I'm stuffed I am Barry stuff that was delicious I'm borderline uncomfortable right now I am it's true hot fire I've got nasty pans mind his nasty dish he didn't want any other water I gave him so I'm gonna clean up here put Monty's bed in the right spot he is gonna continue looking for scraps trying to make himself puke I guess because what do you want he did his brain doesn't he they must not he must not get like me cuz like I can tell like if I eat more I'm gonna puke I can tell what I'm gonna puke he can't I've seen him do it I've seen him puke from eating too much is look at my knee I almost got a cheese sauce or something just anyways yeah we're gonna figure it out and then we'll check back in with you and ready for bed pair Monty are Monty it's time for bed there buddy come on I'm right lay down let's go to bed you know the drill now don't do that or do that if you want okay okay here you okay if I scoot your butt is that okay do you accept okay I just needed to do that okay everything's fine let's just accept where we are we're in a sleeping bag now okay give me some extra warmth they think I think that should do well I'm Paul our Monty is settled and zipped into a sleeping bag I ain't gonna take off this outer shell leave my thermals on crawl on this here sleeping bag on earth here tarp with Nexus here crackling fire with this here full stomach and pass it was a good first night of winter camping that was a good meal so anyways guys me and hamburger and catch you guys in the morning good night everybody always got to do your nightly monty check oh hold that right there that's a good sign he's still on there yeah you still in there hey you look a little cozy in there you sleepy Monty yeah all right Wendy why not you want an option to flip sides let's see if you wants to flip sides [Music] I'll figure it out but that's our lately ritual I was able to make sure he's happy his water and he'll eventually lay it back down oh oh look at you you crawled halfway on your sleeping bag didn't you huh oh-ho you frisky critter yes you're dead well gives you a morning Monte's rubdown how about that yeah yeah see this is better than just getting up right yeah oh yes just sticky sticky dough Oh are you rubbing your face on my booty drums oh sorry mind you you go greet the day you go ahead you go read today little chilly out even though it's just gonna like do this for just a minute here so I slip for a third good last night Oh hmm you wrote a little bit last night not crazy much just a little tea bit so I knocked off the turf a little bit and montanita did a few adjustments wait for that last night that's our our nightly drill you know I get up open up the bag little switch sides hmm offer some water I don't offer him water every time but I can tell if he's thirsty if he wants to get up and let go eat some snow but yeah I'm as much as I can I sleep well out here but when I'm with Monty and just in general what about camping I wake up at the slightest noise any noise and that's like I think that it's important you know to wake up for Monty but also in cases of crazy weird a noise totally creepy mmm but anyways it is a bright beautiful blue skies day I don't see any clouds up there I just see you know a blue slice it's chilly so we're gonna get up and get skedaddle in here cuz yeah I've got to go home and edit up this here video yet hope they get it ready for tomorrow hmm gonna take the whole day okay let's get up let's do a mighty but let's do it [Music] Budi Garcia Marty's best trick look at him he's clapping his legs that's a nice trick Monti clap your legs good boy there's a good trick that's a good trick that's a good trick gimme you want to stick your stick yeah we gotta stick boy oh that's how you get warmed up in the word still running around get a mighty I can see it from here you get that stick go get a Monty and you go fetch you play fetch why does no Monty is but come on dude go get it I could see it again get your head in the game come on go get it there you go good boy daddy oh yeah it's right over there go get right to get it mighty but all right playing fetch with myself and you do this are you capable that's a yes okay oh good get that stick mighty you picked that stick go to the same spot I just showed him twice where it was get a mighty good one get it come on get it use your brain there's the powers of dog to sniff it out why why I'll taught this thing is from the taut line hitch all right well I guess I guess I'm gonna go fetch my own stick again yeah the final try please please you don't get this one I'm done I'm done good boy get in my tea straight there get good yes we didn't eat yet you didn't oh I'm so proud yeah I only had to fetch it like 18 times Kanimozhi that's right the exact same my accuracy has been so good and you keep going to different spots I've abandoned all hope with my tea and fetch right now so like I said we're not doing any coffee and he oatmeal anything fancy no breakfast today I've got some stuff to do for you guys gotta get this here video all it's a beautiful day so all he brought it back you brought it back but any youth it is time to pack up our camp and get on our way yes yes all right well I clean up today which you can save a retinas for tomorrow as I always say [Applause] your booties get a whole pocketful your booties Monty djibouti's one more thing Monti safety first you look like a reindeer so we don't want you getting shot it because you'd be a nice puppy uranium plumpie juicy okay there you go ma now your how good to go now you're all good to go go ahead go ahead Monty you got your vests in your booties on good boy yeah yeah put the pick always got a stripped down for the hike out I don't want to sweat I don't want to sweat so Monty yeah we got all your big butt [Applause] okie Dokes that was just a successful personal winter camping overnight for the first time of the year sure we will be doing this again soon hey Monty get some shelter building in soon some kind of shelters got a couple ideas anyways that was a delicious feast last night I made some rancid Parton's have my sleeping bag I had to like zip it out and escape for air it was pretty rough but uh yeah we're gonna get cruising back to the car heading out home and getting this video ready for tomorrow so it was always if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button and I will catch you guys at the next video come on Dee let's go [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 443,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winter camping, winter, snow, bushcraft, bushcrafting, bushcrafter, winter camp, asmr, camping, camp, wild camp, wilderness, snowshoe, snowshoeing, backpacking, backpacker, backcountry, backcountry camping, fire, campfire, campfire cooking, campfire food, food, gourmet, gourmet cooking, dog, dogs, dog training, camping dog, wilderness area, meditation, steak, nature, nature sounds, winter backpacking, pulk, how to camp, how to winter camp, outdoorsman, snowing, trees, survival, survival skills
Id: VM-Iv8RgLlo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 41sec (6221 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 08 2019
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