Winter Camping Overnight - 500$ Gear Load-Out Challenge

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hey guys Monty here I'm just sitting on my sleeping pad next this warm campfire and enjoying his beautiful wintry weather my dad said there's something special about today's video but I don't know what he's talking about because he blabs a lot not just tune him out anyways hope you guys enjoy today's video [Music] [Music] hello ladies and gentlemen I am out with das roofing stinks and we're gonna spend another night on your winter camping this is going to be our spot for the evening we've got a couple of trees tight tarps - not big trees they're gonna pull a little bit but that's okay I'm actually struggling to find a couple of trees that are bigger in diameter than like set up perfectly it's all kind of like open and then bunches of trees so we finally just using these little ones but anyways as you can tell from the title of the video this is the $500 winter camping gear loadout challenge so for those of you who have been following the channel watching the past few videos I limited myself to spending five hundred dollars to get a full winter camping loadout all the gear you need except for clothing gloves hat the stuff that I wear on my person and snowshoes now the first thing I want to say about this is that this is not a survival challenge okay survival you could go out here with just your there's a guy that did a video on just camping out in a loincloth in winter you can go as long as you got the knowledge and the skill you don't need to spend any money and get out here really but you're gonna be in a survival situation and you're gonna be survival camping which is not fun I like to have fun I like to be comfortable so for 500 dollars I got everything to have a nice comfortable winter camp to be able to cook up a delicious meal like we're going to do tonight and just enjoy yourself and have fun so if you want to see all the gear that I am using this pack in the sled here and the backpack you can check out this video which I will link up here let's see if you're looking at me up here right it'll be up here I'll link the video where I go over all the gear that I bought with this five hundred dollars I'm gonna be using it this one time and then I'm giving it away to one lucky winner and I've already decided who's in winning everything so yada yada yada I want to start off by saying the one thing that I did not fit into the budget that I really wish I would have that I always bring is a shovel I couldn't fit it because I only like the one shovel that I use and I always use a shovel too dig out a nice spot but we're gonna do it without a shovel today you can use your snowshoes as a secondary shovel I'm gonna go without that yeah I really like to shovel what we're gonna do is just pack out the ground and make a nice flat spot so I'll be kind of reviewing this stuff as I go and we'll just talk about things but let's start getting camp set up because we got quite the late start we've got like two and a half hours of light left so we got to get crews in here [Applause] you'll notice in here that's because there's a nice layer and where was it before I got rudely interrupted brother Monty there at least there's at least two feet of snow I think more like three feet we'll find out tonight actually because since we're not going to be digging out a fire pit or any area we're gonna be setting our fire on top of the snow and it's just gonna burn down so I guess I can't really do this without him yelling at me right now he just likes what I March found this out the last time I go up a hot Ted so the date is what what oh yet March 20 March 20th or later I don't I don't know the day exactly end end of March and as you can see it's still wintry we slept high I have had it to here mister I will ground you it take you home you don't stop see you didn't like that feeling like Brittany's going home being grounded home I'm not gonna take you home but please please please please please please please please please please please please please okay he's he's crazy he's been wound up anyways yeah and a March it's still winter here it's technically spring but we still got two three feet of snow we've had a lot of melting days it's been a really weird winter that's why it's so tacky so I think with all this pack eNOS we're not gonna be getting to a Quincy this winter I don't think guys I know I said I was gonna do it I've been doing one every winter but it's just been it was raining the other day so that's why there's just so much it's just perfect I see layer yeah okay I'm gonna show up the cabin here we're just gonna pack out fly this down down this area a little bit more with my snowshoes just so that we're not slipping around and then we're gonna set up the tarp [Music] it's the only way it's the only way to keep them from barking just just carrying while I do no no more please it's so minor right Monty oh did I mention that it's warm today then I'm sweating all the way in oh yeah I'm toasty so um yeah besides a shovel normally I have a separate tarp that I wrap the sleddin but I just wrap this in the tarp that I'm using right now so normally what I do is I'll set up my tarp and then I'll keep my sled off to the side and cover it with this tarp that I the secondary tarp I just leave all my stuff under but today luckily it's you know it's beautiful out today there's no snow falling right now there's not any wind to blow this stuff off I have it under these trees all melty so I'm just gonna have to you know keep an eye out keep it off to the side and then we're gonna put it under the tarp later tonight so like I said I don't remember the names and most of most of this gear and stuff that I don't normally use I don't know the names of like this tarp for example I have no idea what this tarp is I can't remember it have to watch the video again to find out but we'll see how she holds up should be fine it feels nice a little bit heavier than my normal tarp but I don't think for the price it is I don't think the weights much at all let's look at some stuff we got here okay so before I start doing anything else I'd like to mention the gear that I brought out that's not part of this challenge so my layering system obviously my jacket my gloves my hat my sunglasses my boots my snowshoes that's just I'm not including that in this challenge because it's impossible to get under 500 bucks if you want to include all that layering and stuff what I wear for layering out in winter is some smart wool merino wool layers I wear only one only one upper one legs and this Carhartt shore line bibs and jacket which is not insulated at all it's just waterproof that's all I wear no matter how cold the temperature is when I'm just walking in and I'm doing all the work I don't usually ever wear any other layers while I'm working this is plenty I'm pretty good at maintaining my temperature I'm not sweating too much I take my time but yeah this is all I wear when I'm working that's it every video it doesn't matter how cold doesn't matter how warm it's always the same when I get when it comes to night I get a little chillier I've got insulated flannel a sweatshirt and multiple like two I've got I bring two tops and two bottoms I usually put on one more top of this one more bottom and my flannel and that's usually all I wear but I have extra on top of that if it gets colder so that's my layering system other than that I want to show the stuff that is not included this is Monty stuff so this is Monty's sleeping pad this is Monty's sleeping bag Monty's wool blanket and Monty's other secondary packs he gets to just for usually I'd give it to him right now but he's just chilling so yeah that stuff is just his normal stuff he's not a part of the challenge in any way he's just doing his thing so he's just gonna get his normal stuff now in the challenge I included a Nalgene a military surplus used sleeping bag and a spork those three things I am NOT bringing out the ones that I'm going to be giving away because this is my sleeping bag this is not the one that I showcased last week because if I slept in that sleeping bag it'd have a little bit of a stink to it so I'm not gonna do that to the purse that I'm giving it away to I'm just gonna use my because it's the exact same bag that will probably warmer and nicer and I'll let you Chris than that because yeah you don't want me uh you know playing the butt trumpet and all night and yeah so we'll just avoid that and Nalgene it's a Nalgene you'll just get a brand new one I'm just using my old used one because it's the same thing and my spork the thing I'm gonna eat with yeah it could be clean whatever it's the exact same spork so I'll just use mine it's fine everything's fine but I'm gonna be christening your pans that's for sure so I just want to mention that quick and also I've got my own toiletry bag that I usually bring which is just my toothbrush and toothpaste and some chapstick and my first-aid kit that stuff's not included that's just stuff you want to bring and I'm just it's not part of the challenge it's your toiletry so I don't need to brush my teeth or put chapstick on my lips if I really wanted to but I'm just I just brought that stuff in case you know so those things are not included everything else is part of the challenge and one other thing actually is I got this chair that I mentioned this cheapo chair I brought out my Helio Knox ground sheet because otherwise I'll sink right into the snow this is from my chair so this is not included I didn't check to see if it fits on here I am just simply curious to see if you can buy this Helio Knox sheet for a chair and use it with any other camping chair so we will find that out tonight I have no idea I didn't want to check I wanted to be surprised or excited it'd be pretty cool if you could just buy this sheet because the healing axe chairs are kind of expensive and mostly there's it there's other chairs that are the exact same that are a lot cheaper so we'll find that out tonight other than that I'm gonna put this stuff back so now you know what's not included in the challenge that I brought with me bla bla bla but like I said this these two and spork are being given away and I did buy those as part of the thing but yeah okay enough Glavine let's get to do it but I like to do this thing called multitasking so we're set up I'm gonna be blowing up this sleeping pad sleeping pad that I'm giving away we'll see how it is what Monty lay on it first I'm see if he likes it but yeah as I mentioned I'm giving this stuff away so I'm gonna try to be as gentle as possible and not get my mouth all over this [Applause] well that blows up quick mm-hmm sure does watch what you think all right I know it's not normal one hey joko boy what do you think all right okay now we need some rope and we'll let Monty test out that one but we're gonna be sleep on that one tonight so first thing we need to do is set up a ridge line see I've got a brand new 100 feet of paracord yep insta rats nestled congratulations to every passes rats dust - yep like I couldn't take apart a bundle of paracord neatly for the life of me I don't think it's in my blood there we go there's the end we're gonna be careful we gotta conserve our paracord just in case so yeah I think the temperatures are in right now the 20s and they were earlier in the 30s maybe like low 30s and they're supposed to be getting the single digits tonight it's supposed to actually get decently cold today so we'll get to uh you know well it's not gonna be much different than my normal winter gear loadout other than that sleeping pad asleep at insa isn't made for winter so that's the one thing that might be a little chillier but I think it'll be it'll be fine because I used to use the other pad that Monty's gonna be sleeping on and that's not made for winter I used to use that when I started winter camping so I'm thinking it's gonna be fine what are we going to hear that tree okay Monty seems to think it's okay Monty alright actually he's he's licking his paws all over I don't want to have Monty slobber all over I'm gonna blow his up mighty Richie I don't want you getting that all full of your slobber [Applause] I'm sorry about tea [Music] [Applause] it was a shield Bundy from you that's your normal one you can get this one all slobbery courier for you there you go slipping around okay okay see if we got enough clearance over here oh yeah oh yeah that's just fine okay it's definitely ten by twelve I wasn't sure if it was 12 by 12 or 10 by tall I couldn't remember but it's definitely 10 by 12 and we've got the 10-foot section going this way that's gonna be 12 foot long so we're gonna we're gonna have some quite some room under there make your 2 feet than normal when I'm gonna tie a line in the center here to go to a tree back there and then we're gonna take some sticks and stake down the back two corners and probably put one in the center and then I'm gonna take some ropes and pull these corners to these trees just to get it nice and taut we need some more paracord a little extra length just to be safe that one's going to need to be longer I should be all the Perico we need for right now or should I check it over there for me this end for both knots for the ridgeline and these knots I tied double half-hitch secured to the tree and I've got a taut line hitch for both ropes on this end now we're going to pull this out here [Applause] now yeah we've already we've already got to adjust these ropes yep I just love it it's on this end I'm just gonna loosen them up give myself a foot of slack and with these taut line hitch is all you got to do is tighten it up so it's not gonna take it's not like it's a big deal actually I don't need to adjust the the hitch at all or the ridge line remaining we even talking about yeah the ridge line can stay I didn't mean that wonder if I went too far probably oh no that's about reverb picked it okay just gonna grab myself a couple of sticks just stake up the back stick you're nothing nothing fancy hole - these are my I need these Monte buddy I need these okay for the shelter for your shelter okay well okay well do a little bit I'm sorry to fake you out okay I'm sorry okay so the compared to my normal tarp the loops right here are very tiny I can't even fit my thumb through these loops so I need to use paracord to tie a little loop to so I can put on the stick and pull out I can't actually put the stick through the loop so first I guess thing about the pump that I've noticed not really a big deal not a not a deal-breaker by any means it is convenient being able to put the stick right through the tarp but that's okay tomorrow you know it's a little bit loosey goosey because I got this and wedged up into the tree Ponty there's a sleeping pad here I'm gonna loosen up this stuff retighten over here we need to move it over just a little bit more I'm gonna make it nice yeah I'm not perfect much better plenty of room under the old turf here okay so turf setup we've got our spot flattened out we're gonna have our fire definitely yeah like I said we're not gonna really need a fire for tonight it's just gonna be a cooking fire and we're gonna want to burn enough wood to where it gets down to the ground so we can actually cook on it actually you know what we might end up digging out a fire pit with the snowshoes here because it's gonna be tough to cook without having the grate on ground so let's let's do that really quick actually yeah we had an hour and a half on the Sun sets so you know we're doing we're doing all right yeah you can use a this is a snowshoes as a shovel here you always think this is how much paracord we got left out of a hundred feet yeah you always think Oh 100 feet that's not that much but I want to have the fire far away so that we don't burn any holes in it basically what I'm gonna do is just dig a tiny like two feet diameter hole down to the the ground here and then the fire will burn as it gets warm it'll make a room it'll become a pinch oh it's deeper than I thought Oh No oh jeez it might be more like four feet deep almost half the monty laughs the watch out oh man how deep is it well there's the ground it's gonna be fun sir this fire oh man this is gonna be funny we're gonna want some extra firewood okay yeah we need to get some firewood this is going to be quite the pit here so the snow I'm on ground so that goes up to here right at the edge of my balls okay so that's about still got three feet of snow oh boy okay so we've got a tiny little hole um so now we need a bunch of firewood and we need to get a hot rip and fire for quite a while here and we've only got pine I don't see any hardwoods so we're going to burn a lot of pine nice big logs and we'll get this thing open because I want to be able to sit and step inside of it and cook dinner so yeah we're gonna need some firewood put these snowshoes back on get out the axe let's collect a bunch of firewood and get a fire started clear down our fire pit and like I said if I had a shovel I would do it I could use the snowshoes you know they work as a shovel but you know why do a bunch of extra work if I can just have this fire do the work for me clear out the pit all nice we won't feel the heat of the fire right away it'll eventually come oh don't fall in that pit Monty that wood mutti I'm sorry oh I'm sorry that's what happened you fell on that pit you'd be stuck I'm sorry I'm sorry I didn't mean to push you in the pit I mean I did mean to but I'm sorry okay I'm sorry all right let's grab the X find some firewood and I don't think I have any birch bark either well that's a dollar I guess I can start a fire with that I don't know why that's my pocket well so I got in here dead batteries well there's a little piece of birch bark chapstick it's some kind of permit well multi-tool a wristband of some sort for something yeah okay firewood time hey Monty Oh so we just climb that hill looking around for some hardwoods or something a little better and all the trees are healthy I'm not seeing much as dead that's super huge in diameter there's nothing like good size huh and all we've got down there is a bunch of little skinny dead pints nothing with crazy substance to burn a long hot fire so we're gonna keep surgery for a minute otherwise we're gonna resort to those little pines beautiful we're gonna have a sunset we could come watch up here I don't know if I'll feel like it where are you Monty now let's go back down let's see we can find some another come on biggest piece I found big dead right here let's give her a little chop see if it's rotten she's pretty soft nice to have a little wet in the center maybe a resume nice to have a fresh C sharp axe [Applause] this guy in half right here yet [Music] okay definitely definitely little solid more solid and seasoned up here at the top so that'll do so other than that I just found a bunch of things like this oh yes you can't see me over there there we go create another leaner right here smaller please all sortsa he's light pants they don't burn it laughs it's not gonna break and that's a chop that one so I'll chop that guy bring these all back to camp here and I'm just gonna keep gonna keep grabbing whatever I can knock over other than that swing you a little bit larger diameter stuff and then yeah we'll start process it there's a lot just like that [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] hi Monty Monty your stick do you wanna go for the dog this is chilling I think I've got plenty enough away there's some funkier stuff some rotten stuff that smells pretty seasoned over there as you can see yeah it's nice and good what Suns piercing out beautiful out there I'm gonna back up on the hill I bet I can see a nice sunset that Hills back that way but yeah that's a beautiful little spot nice and tucked away in here gorgeous nice and quiet too I heard a couple of birds earlier but anyways now I am going to go collect a few little sticks besides these III can use most of these actually but I'm gonna get some bigger sticks just a few branches for firewood just some extra just because I like to get it ripping so I can burn these logs we'll get some sticks and then we're going to just press bus process up a couple pieces start the fire and then keep processing and feeding it as we go ah I am warm though very warm but yes I'm gonna get some sticks no no I'll get this thing going get out the old Spencer haven't used one of these in a minute this is the first foldable saw Banta I used I like the boreal 21 better whoa because it has no moving parts like this yeah if you lost this little wingnut somehow you'd be pretty upset [Music] I still prefer I do prefer my other saw but I would definitely take this one over you know those silkies and those hand folders I don't like those as much I like the band saws better personal those are my personal favorites you always got to make sure with this one when you're tightening this that the blade goes into this little divot here and the blades straight you don't want to have the blade be twisted that will not be good for it okay I'm just going to start my sign up a couple of dry pieces here nothing too crazy as you can see I've got a monster pile of sticks and then we're gonna spark up a fire and start making this pit here a little bigger okay now I'm gonna break up must these little sticks here a little bit some of them and let's spark up this fire I did find some birch bark as you can see our fire pits down there you know it's down here a little bit so uh I'm gonna spark up the birch bark I got up here and then we'll set it down in there I collected a little extra birch bark and then we'll just keep this thing from going so I definitely want going out once all the way down there but I've got this little Swiss safe fire starter that I'm testing out I don't know if it works very well but we'll find out I think it'll be all right so I'll take our bundle of birch bark here plant around there got the old more knife what works dang it Oh make me look bad Swiss safe there it goes it's hot extroverts burger got drop around there drop my sticks down there well that's a fire pit an actual pit this is not the most efficient way to start a fire by just dropping throwing sticks at it but you know what it's gonna work I think I hope because I don't want to have to crawl down there and deal with it you just remember the size of this here fire pit as it is now because it's going to grow it sure is going to grow [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] Oh [Applause] no I put another hole on a sleeping pad it's the time you can't even see it but and Everland it on it yep 100% made a whole sting Monty there's 100% dad's fault I put kid dick fire was ripped into hot for the thumbnail picture and just bein a bit thumbnail Oh luckily and I've got a patch kit and I'm gonna use for the first time ever I've never had a hole that I can actually patch but this one's patch of wool so Monty I'll fill the stick for you in a second dang it one enough we're gonna patch this up let's let's get the camera over here ding nabbit there it is yep dad was the ding dong got a too close to the fire and amber rested on it and you know I thought I saw one on there but I was just like busy taking a picture oh what a dingleberry so much for no pops sleeping pads 20:22 pop sleeping pads and a pandemic wait here off to a great start ok we gotta open up the valve here watch out Monty looks like it's supposed to be dry well we got an alcohol wipe watch out Monty you get back okay so press this into these holes as firmly as I can [Music] clear patch to seal the deal it's kind of cold so it's not working as well oh man so it's not ideal I've got the little glue thing and none of it nothing is sticking because it's so cold this sleeping pad so cold I should have warmed this up first but I can't part of the fire my hands but I always had this flex tape I don't know my duct tape tie my normal little baggy but hopefully this holds air I'm just gonna let this sit off to the side and yeah if it was warmer out this would stick really well but it's just so cold nothing wants to stick so we'll see what happens hope for the best here we're on this fire the whole is growing the pit is growing we got some holes down there pit money yes it's a big pit it's a big pit down King dong for you do what are you gonna do oh oh well at least it's not that not the new stuff that's failing you know so unfortunately for Monty if that thing doesn't hold air and I can't get it to hold air he doesn't have to use the Z rest tonight just as his backup one because I got to test out that other one for winter normally you know I'd uh you know if we're girl my sleeping pad I give it to all Monty but I want to test it out see how warm it keeps me hopefully it just holds there I mean I pressed that glue thing into the holes pretty good but it's just so cold maybe I should take my lighter to it and kind of just s what I might do I might take my lighter put it next to that metal and just kind of warm it up see if I can get it to stick a little better but I want to process up some of the spire wood we'll deal with that and we're chilling for now we've got to get this thing going here I say watch out for that fire pit it's a big pit where's your stick [Applause] [Applause] we [Music] [Applause] you're not bringing it back hey so let's get out let's comfort eyes are Monty here now we're not gonna you can still feel the warmth of a fire it's nothing crazy just to build [Applause] whoops oops cut a little snow on the fire nobody can sit here I'll definitely feel some of that fire now I don't need it I got all my layers on all right we're gonna give Monte my sleeping pad over blanket on both of them you at all but I do want to get warm while he's warm it's not it's chilly kind of stole him to get cold I like to pamper my Monte you know nobody's gonna pamper your Monty Monty here Monty yeah look at this comfy spot for ya let me take off those booties hold on give me them feet here you go that's not too bad is it alright no I'm gonna try out this chair let's see if the ground sheet works if it doesn't then I'm gonna sink into the ground a bit that'll be okay let's just it'd be nice if it does work these foot pegs are a little Oh actually I don't think it's gonna work with these foot pegs see these got the big old these big old foot pegs I'm gonna try it anyways hopefully I don't break it the question is oh let's see Hey hey works huh sweet alright so everybody at home if you've got any sort of camping chair well I guess I shouldn't speak for them all but this one is just a random generic cheap old camping chair and it works with the Hylian ox brown sheet they're all they all are about the same size so that is good to know that it's nice because these ground sheets are there they're pretty much necessary in winter and the Hylian ox is a nice chair but I think it's the best feature about that thing is the ground sheet which works with this one whatever this one is recover what I did with this here the snow I knocked in our boots next up there fire I'll crack a cold one sitting on my new camp chair alright now we are all set up and relaxed so it is just clear skies I can see the stars the stars are out is beautiful there's a beautiful evening it is been the weirdest winter I've ever experienced it it was just so warm so many days it did not get cold this winter at all I think we only had one week but it was really cold but it wasn't really that cold I think it only got I can't even remember it's a weird winter and I mean what the heck's going on squeeze everything else well we're not here to bring that up it we're here to escape all that but yeah it's been a warm winter and it's looking like it's gonna be 40s all next week and there's a bunch of rain in the forecast and yeah it rained the other day for all day just wet rain and you know I don't mind camping and rain I like having rain just not this time of year rain like when it's like 35 degrees raining hard all day and with snow on the ground that is just not enjoyable I mean when it's like if it's 50 out or warmer and it's raining I love the sound of rain I love thunderstorms I don't mind camping then but if it's like right above freezing and it's just you're gonna get soaked and yeah that's no good that's no fun I don't mind old wet Soaker but if it's too cold and it's right on the verge of freezing that's just it doesn't sound fun especially for this guy he's a frosty bunny you're like in that sigmap yeah what do you tink you gonna have some delicious food tonight we're gonna have a good one tonight so yeah this we need to let this fire burn down I'll show a comparison of the pit size to when it started to what it is now it's definitely a lot bigger but once this gets cleared out in this little area melts right back here and I can just kind of put migrate down there that's when we're going to start cooking so it's definitely gonna need to burn for another hour here and it'll grow in size a little bit definitely keep growing but as far as that sleeping pad goes man what am I gonna do with myself I think I remember I do remember seeing it I can't remember if it was wood Monti was talking about me I think I do remember seeing a glow of an ember on the sleeping pad and I just like thought it went out and it must not of winter camp it's getting expensive dangnabbit hey Monty yeah are you little big bunny he didn't bring me the stick one time he did not bring the stick back once little stinker so far everything is working out great tarp looks nice I like that it's night it's extra-long I should have done it the other way so we have more width either way it doesn't matter it wouldn't really fit actually the other way but that'll do its job it I don't know so I won't be able to test this thing as far as rain goes I did get my Boundary Waters trip that I went on with Jake and Dan and we went for a week I didn't bring we had a bunch of tarps but I wanted my extra big tarp for at camp so we had another tarp we just wanted to be like that one day when it's super rainy want to make tarp city and I forgot a tarp so I bought one up there and the dang tarp it's like how to explain it it looks like the roof of a house so it's you know it's leaned and it's got the flat ends and that's how it's comes and it sucked it literally leaked water like all on every seam and it was brand-new straight out of the just brand-new and it was just junk it was leaking that's all the seams so this I mean this one doesn't have any seams really there's some Steven to there but you know now I'm just blabbing the sludd worked out great the axe is great I do got a split something later didn't really split anything up the saw is good also we got the backpack actually worked out pretty good I don't think it would be as comfortable with a heavy heavy load but with just like I said I only put my layers in it and stuff it's fine it's not heavy it it didn't really need any uh you don't really need a nicer backpack certain things add up quick you know sleeping sleeping Baggins backpack alone you can easily drop a thousand dollars on a nice winter sleeping bag and a high end backpack but first let's see one hundred and fifty-nine bucks combined for the sleeping bag I got in that backpack that's like a steal that's a good deal so all I really got to do for tonight is uh so you know this thing is see how comfy this sleeping pad is here and I think it'll be fine my sleeping bag that sleeping bags quite warm I was really excited to sleep in a brand new one but like I said you probably wouldn't want to sleep in a Friday oh I like to bring this up but it's one thing you don't get the catch when you're watching this video is the smells the food smells good the campfire is great the trees the outdoors with my feet and my parks and the other stinks of me yeah be happy you can't smell Oh but as far as Monte sleeping bad I that glue the little glue piece I pressed in the other pieces didn't really stick with that glue dead so I think what I'm gonna do is it'll probably work as is if there's not a ton of moving around but Monte sometimes gets up moves around steps on this stuff I think what I'm gonna do is take this slide and any weighted stuff I'm gonna set that over the patch kit just to be sure that it'll least last for tonight and then I'm just gonna send it in to the company and for think it's ten bucks they'll put like a permanent seal on there that one's already had a hole that's been patched so 10 bucks ship it in they'll put like a permanent they'll take the material of the sleeping pad itself and they'll fix it up like really good so yep another pop pad to the the book why why why why this one doesn't even glorious you know like the first pop POW was with the Quincy God saying he's oh no then the second one was the River Camp what could have caused a hole I don't know and then we had the old got Ruger - excited and now thumbnail like Monty is a we you know he's fine he's done winter camping all it does it all the time this needs cold temperatures but when I got him sitting here next to fire I just want to snuggle him up as much as possible and just make him just like toasty comfy just maximum comfort and I don't know why I'm sure he's just fine but I want to grab a sleeping bag and it's kind of like nephilim into it and just I don't know doesn't that sound cozy it's like a blanket do you want that Monty do you want to be extra comfy goin treat you're gonna get a treat I should've brought that up yet but you look like you're sliding off that you are sliding on that okay folks well I'm gonna shut off that light in that camera and just watch the glow of the fire for a while here and just you know think about light and uh yeah look for shooting stars we just got to let this fire burn down get a nice coal bed and just clear out this fire pit a little bit more maybe I'll dig out some more but like I said it's it's get we're getting quite to pit here I just got a neat I just need to have enough room on ground for me to uh set up the grate and be able to access it and we're getting there once this little spot that I just messed with over here melts away we should be good to go so I'll give it an hour well yeah I'm gonna shut off the camera tip on that beer enjoy myself it's hot extra Burch burger got drop around there well as you can see our pits throw a little bit so I'm gonna do [Music] [Music] little scrape out coals as need be plenty of room for cooking now it's big you know I did end up deciding that I wanted to nestle them on T that's where he is look at them all nestled up so for we prepare our dinner we need to make a cutting board because the budget so I'm going to split this log here and this will be our cutting board hopefully it splits straight on use the light there we go that'll do it's not it's not perfect this ends a little better you know what that's gonna be pretty good with this this will actually work a little bit better let's just shave it down all this if we can pack okay that is gonna be our cutting board nice little cutting board perfect let's just let's sit the pit for a minute how's that so before we prepare dinner we must talk about it for a minute first I want to say is it's colder than I think it was forecasted because my lips are freezing to the beer can so it's definitely it's chilly out so as many you know there's some crazy things happen into the world right now and you know some things are missing from the stores namely TP [Music] but there's also other things missing from the stores but on the side note you know there's plenty of things to wipe your butt with if you know we're on a teepee you got snow I've used snow the way my butt before it works birchbark you can just shower you could use a sock you could use your dog if you're really needed to if you're that desperate a rag bleach the rag afterwards you got a little spray hose on your kitchen sink get spray up in there you know you can use a nice smooth stick leaves grass there are so many options I don't know why the TP that the new currency of if there's ever an apocalypse apparently it's TP anyways beyond that I went to the store today and was I was like oh you don't have a stake there's no stakes I was like alright maybe I'll have some chicken there's no chicken okay maybe some pork loins or pork chops there's no pork butt lowered the whole there was something that was there for some reason this was the only thing that wasn't really bought out like crazy lobster people didn't just go and buy all the lobsters so we're having lobster tonight the answer is yes monty is also getting lobster warrior making for dinner is a creamy lobster linguine and is gonna be good mmm and I did get a baguette there wasn't any loaves of bread not much bread but there was baguettes luckily we still had her baguettes but yeah stores are looking a little scarce what's going on anyways so let's prepare our lobster linguine it's there's there's quite a few ingredients to it so we need to get we need to get ready we need to get cooking lucky ones a mobster us a mobster first things first we've got to get our cutting board over here for extra stuff that needs to come from the side maybe I'll just keep this want to give you my used one I'm just kidding oh no no but I am gonna christen it mm-hmm and it's gonna be christened with a good old meal brand-new look at that brand-new pan whoo just remember I'm really sorry whoever gets this I I almost feel bad but then again I don't because look at how shiny and new it looks ain't gonna look like this ever again there's only one time when you cook something over a campfire both these pots unless you really scrub it good with some steel wool or something which I don't ever do but never gonna look shiny and new like this again won't be covered black campfire char all right okay so we don't got our cutting knife or our I don't have my normal filet knives for cutting up veggies so we're going to use this and you know I've been using reusable Ziploc bags but since those were included in the budget we had to go with the old zip locks okay we've got garlic to start the potty always love garlic I think I put garlic in every single meal I create we're gonna chop it up coarsely big old chunks of garlic okay that can go right into the pan a little bit of wooden there that's okay that's okay all right next we've got some green onions not white onions we've got green onions we're gonna chop these up these are gonna go right into the pan as well all it's gonna we're gonna we're gonna lose a little bit let's just add these in as we go otherwise we're gonna lose a whole bunch we're gonna lose a few but we've got so many that it's okay now I used to think with green onions you can only use the dark green portion of it but you can use the whole dang thing the whole dang thing is good all the way down to the white end and it actually gets more flavorful but when you get to the whiter and that's the more oniony part so if you're using these green onions or whatever you want to call I think some people call them scallions maybe or I don't know I call those red onions use the whole thing we're gonna have a whole lot in there I'm chopping right down to the ends okay he's you're going in I'm just gonna take this lemon cut this in half get that ready what else what else what else what else what else we're gonna add in lemon zest to this right here as I said that lemon that's why it looks all weird and white zested it at home because I ain't bringing out the crater but that's going in there so we got the garlic white onions or green onions and lemon zest and then we're gonna add a big old chunk of butter to that let's get that out all chunk about ah oh yeah going right into the pot yeah and now I think that's it for preparing yep that's it for preparing so what we're gonna do is basically we're gonna cook this up like this get this the flavors and aromas going and the garlic just a little top and then we'll add the other stuff but there is one more thing that we need to prepare and that my friends is the lobster tail the bagel hongcun lobster tail I already look at this thing woohoo yeah that is that is the payday right there I do shelled it took it out so what we're gonna do is I'm gonna butterfly this open so it cooks a little better and more evenly over the fire I'm just going to slice this and lay it out a little bit there we go so then it'll you know it'll cook more like a thick steak because if it's too round it'll still be raw okay there we go yeah okay so let's just do that now I was wondering what should i season the lobster that I'm gonna fire roast I'm gonna cook it over the fire on the great what should i season it with and that my friends is Montreal Montreal steak seasoning the only spice ever need it's good with pork it's good with chicken it's good with steak it's good with fish and yes it's going to be good with lobster now I'm making sure to not this section right here this is gonna be Monte so we don't want to get any Montreal over there he's gonna get some good old meaty parts we're gonna we're he's gonna get lobster but he's not you can't give too much lobster might need a lot of it for myself oh yeah so we're gonna season this guy with Montreal here yep okay now I need to rinse my hands from this lobster juice let's get cooking oh yeah welcome to the pit cooking show I'm your host Matt Kozar okay no it's just it's great great sometimes you got you got a pounder down make sure she's stable especially if you're gonna be cooking up Lobster okay all right you know anything really you called the Gregory credit doesn't ever spill precautions because I'm definitely not taking precautions and it's been a mess okay let's get this on the heat get that butter melted all right I'm gonna quickly grab the other pot and fill with snow start melting that put this over here now like I've said this this video is all about the Challenger I spent $500 so normally I'd have my little spatula but that's why I got this spoon okay this is gonna be your spatula for this here this here cooking this year episode so like I said we're just gonna cook this up for a minute here in the butter get this little aromatic cook down just the hair nothing crazy and then we'll add some other goodies smell the green onions and garlic they're really smell you know my face is just honking somebody take actually well I wasn't recording but this pot was sitting up on this log and the snow did melt log burned in half spilled all the water down below where I'm cooking this and this is full of ash now so uh I need you to get more snow okay this has been cooking down for a few minutes a few extra minutes to be honest because whole mishap with the water so now let's add some other goodies that is here deliciousness in the works the first thing we're going to start off with and some heavy whipping cream all right it was a whole paint a little paint of it the next thing we're going to add is some fresh rosemary oh yeah let that fresh rosemary in there there we go and we've got some fresh thyme I want to get all the sticks in there peel off that time there we go oh yeah it's time to add the thyme oh that's a hot fire always helps if you peel it backwards from the top to the bottom slides right off we're had lots of time I like time okay next we've got some fresh basil I'm just gonna rip it up with my hands and add it on in ah next we've got some black pepper love me some black pepper black pepper and for some added kick we've got white pepper ground white pepper oh yeah that's a whole bunch of that little extra kick in there yeah you know I love it spicy yep just because it might not be spicy enough with all that white pepper we're gonna add in some crushed red pepper I love the flavor of spice hey you know I can't handle the heat too well we'll see how it goes you know and of course we've got some salt not too much salt not too little salt just the right amount of salt a little bit more little little right there let's go and now that is our sauce so we just need to simmer this we're gonna simmer this until this is it's a lot cream you can see it's really runny right now so basically with the heavy whipping cream yeah it's gonna be very runny and this is gonna taste kind of bland and just creamy but as it cooks down the longer you cook this it's gonna start to get thick everything's gonna cook down the flavors are gonna come out and everything will just yeah the more moisture gets cooked out it's just gonna get more delicious more delicious you cook it down too much you know you won't have any liquid left but we're gonna Street just need to simmer this now and then we had another thing to add later but for now we're sand December this down and then we'll add the lobster in a bit all right its water I'm gonna add some more snow to this one less here I step into our pit here [Applause] yeah I just don't have the heart to take money out of this compass you know like I was saying before I just I just like to get them as comfy as possible and I'm always it's a word I'm looking for I'm always rewarded I guess by Monty just loving it and just being all nestled up and enjoying it so Monty right now it's just a warm toasty little bun in the oven that's where he wants to be he likes comfort you know Monty's not a normal dog Monty enjoys things like being out winter camping laying on a sleeping pad being wrapped in a blanket and only being woken up for being hand fed lobster what can I say sorry Monty I'm gonna be careful there's a tree right here and the Arpit here is it's taking out the snow on the bottom layer before the top because the top is all I see because it rained like I said within the last week it was raining so there's a good couple you know inches of ice well she's simmering slowly but surely you know I'm surprised at how slow the simmer is going because it is very hot down here very hot so let's just add some more coals more coals make it simple fast that it should be a bubbling all around I'm just I don't know why it's not so hot huh let's see we have oh whoops whoops is good keep that to the side oh it's hot the hot coal bed okay now now that is bubbling up oh yeah baby let's do where the flavors at let's see what the flavor is that mmm starting to get pretty good okay we've got our lobster keeping it from freezing our lemons boiling oh this is about ready I can just oh yeah it's starting to get real creamy so now this just needs to simmer for a little bit more this water needs to get boil we need to boil our noodles so we need to get the next steps going stick of butter here boys hot and then throw it on there oh yeah okay hmm so that stick here sure this is okay it's not sticking this is boiling oh yeah okay time to add the pasta in linguine noodles going in the pot we need to get this bread starting to get warmed up so we're gonna get that right there flip back on here it's one of this fire okay oh that's a beautifully charred oh boy your roasted laughs right there we add in the final step the cream sauce that is freshly grated Parmesan cheese oh yeah what's that right in there oh yeah there goes okay over here right lobster still kid I'm gonna get this bread toasted this lobster cream sauce up here oh yeah well that's all coming together okay everything is done okay we're gonna drain these noodles and prepare the dinner it's time to eat okay three a little pasta water your Jumanji food no they're mixed bodies with a stick okay we'll take that we're gonna add in our linguini right sauce okay oh there's an extra there's extra sauce that's what I'm talking about oh I limited myself on pasta so it'd be extra okay I'm gonna take the lobster love these pieces chunks of lobster Vermont ste Mon stinky okay that's that's enough lobster her Monte I'm taking the rest oh yeah just just slam on that lobster oh yeah you know Monte look like you got some extra lobster there well that's what he means to us oh okay okay and then I'm sorry I'm just getting so excited Oh fresh parmesan just to garnish it add on our crispy hot bread and that right there is a lobster creamy lobster linguine oh yeah let's be smart one final thing I forgot to do with my linguine lettuce fresh lemon juice drizzled over the top oh yeah okay we're finished kind of slushy before we start I did have one thing I wanted to do and then as hand-feed Monty a piece of lobster so Monty are you a dog that's winter camping being head pit lobster yes I just haven't fed my dog lobster it's official Monty got hand-fed Lobster alright Monty here you go boy do you want that treat okay go ahead go boy all right let's get into this mix it right in there on a nice bite a lobster and pasta right off the bat here we go oh just so bad it's starting to get spicy on my lips you know the lobsters the hair overdone I won't lie but I don't care one bit but what's killing me and it is the spiciness you know I knew it going in crush red in the white pepper all the black pepper it's not worth it there's no worth okay so this is spicy there's a lot of extra sauce I'm probably gonna eat out most of the bits a lobster won't lie and all the bread dip it in sauce but I might leave some the sauce and pasta and take it home it's gonna freeze tonight it'll be delicious tomorrow funk will probably want to try some so ah yeah I'm gonna eat until I'm full leave a little bit here probably so wha I will check back in with you guys when I'm done stuffing my face we're getting ready for bed oh yeah this is goodbye all right Monty come here come here a little critter come on come on no no come here Monty over this all this stuff come on settle in my so good that was so perfect I'm just gonna scoot your butt oh yeah was so good there were so good Monty good so then so as far as Monty's sleeping pad goes from what I can tell Oh Monty now settle in a minute anyways from what I can tell as I piled on the Monte's uh or my backpack the sled with all the excess stuff right on the spot where the seal is from what I could tell it's not leaking what only time will tell with that all the needs are really do is make it through tonight and then we'll get it you know professionally patched up it's chilly though so I'm sure he'd appreciate the insulation from the ground but he's got that extra Z rests under there so it'll be he'll be good either way even if it goes down to the Z rest only but I'm sure he'd appreciate the come FINA soon as he settles will cover his face he's he's he's gonna settle so as far as me goes the other thing I forgot to mention is I normally always have two pillows a head pillow and a knee pillow and I couldn't fit it in the budget so I'm gonna have to use my flannel fer my knees or my head and my sweatshirt as the pillow so I'm not gonna be as comfy but when it's a cold night like tonight I usually take my sweatshirt and I'll kind of put it around my face and make it so like the only thing exposes my face to the whole out of the sleeping bag so I can breathe fresh air cuz I cannot I cannot put my face in my sleeping bag and breathe the warm humid air I can't do it so I always have to breathe the cold crisp air so I usually take my sweatshirt so what I'm gonna have to do is I'm gonna probably since as a colder night is take my other layers my thermals I've got an extra top and bottom and I'll put that around my neck because I'll be using my switchers my pillow and my other one as my knee pillow so we'll be good we'll be good but you know I'm assuming I'll be a little chillier than normal with the non insulated pad because well unless it does a really good job I don't really know I have no idea this is a review reviewing it in winter by testing it out on a really cold night not sure what the temperature is but it's definitely chilly my beer was freezing and it was slushy my lips were freezing to the can everything there's all sorts of frost eNOS underneath here so it was like warm and humid and yeah now it's alternative frost and crisp eNOS so we'll see how the night goes I'm gonna have to check on Monty here I really hope that the air holds on the sleeping pad because that's just extra insulation and just come feed us all around and we'll get it repaired yeah spring Oh anyways that was a delicious meal i I didn't stuff my face to where I'm just like uncomfortable I ate a good amount and I wanted to have like a nice snack tomorrow and I wanted to share some of the funk's so there's a good bit of pasta ate all the lobster obviously no Lobster but Monty's settling and we're gonna pass out wake up in the morning so yeah I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody oh hey my G hey my G good morning hey are you doing well you look a little you look a little disheveled yeah Oh get a good boy oh you sleepyhead what kinda yarn is that my team I know he slept good I slept okay oh hi you're gonna give me a morning coat no never mind he slept good um his sleeping pad didn't hold air for very long at all so he just used his little the little Z rest is back up sleeping card right yeah so he uh just had his little ground pad and it was really cold last night the reason I didn't get much sleep last night and didn't sleep very well it's first stuff because I was worried about him being too high hi Monty I was worried about him being too cold so I kept just checking to see if he was shivering anything and he was fine all night I settled it after like four or five hours of just checking on him constantly just to make sure and he was snoring he is just fine no shivers whatsoever secondly for some reason it's never really happened to me before but it took I was cold for like an hour and a half to two hours for some reason I wasn't called getting into my sleeping bag but it took me like two hours and I was just like cold thick yeah and I thought it was gonna last all night but after like two hours I got toasty in that I was fine I was nice and toasty then you can get up Monty squat you can get up if you want stayed here or you can stay but anyways yeah it took me a while they get toasty I thought I was gonna be cold all night I was like dang this sleeping pad doesn't work but it does it worked you took the soup no I'm insulated enough it was a clear sky last night all night everything was frosting up freezing it was definitely in the teens last night or it's single digits I think it was single digits like it said it was gonna be but uh yeah it's blue skies out there um soul sleep is pretty good not the most companies nuts comfy as my other pad but for the price it did its job is pretty good and it blows up really easily so other than that we're gonna be getting up here no usually it was sucked in a little more but today today is Sunday today I want to release this video so right now it's about 8:30 a.m. I'm about to get out of the sleeping bag I'm gonna pack away camp real quick cuz I got a drive home unload the footage get all my gear out edit the footage produce the video skim through our really quick to see if there's any mistakes and then I gotta upload all today I've got a long day ahead of me so it's 8:30 now let's see what time I get it uploaded by but we had a boom buggy soaked over here oh I see I'm gonna please don't work we're gonna we're gonna get woman because we got a stinky breath yeah oh you got a frosty beard you want a stick we're just hope it's pretty cold before I see good boy I'm another reason I didn't sleep so guys i had oniy pillow I had to use my flannel here I always left my knees mmm but I had to put on crispy Christmas morning I think you got a full night's rest because you seem full of energy okay so weird he's really into the fetch this morning bringing you my tea so we're going to be packing up camp in record time here going sonic holidays by how the snow is crunchy Komachi yeah you can hear the crunchiness that's that's a good injure Canada's cold yeah sounds all I see monkey noise you don't like me being it's all a big mess it's all a big mess pretty much be just shoving things into my bag here because wasn't very bulky anyways so as far as gear goes for the challenge of what I used hi you just okay you're just all about it hey yeah let me get away with for a second i keeping you busy mister I think I used everything that I brought out with me except for the compass I don't really need the compass I just kind of wandered off went down a trail and worn off in the woods and didn't need it so I don't like there's a icy path on the way home not going to move on the way out yeah I used everything else had lamb knife everything so all of it did great I will use this gear again not a problem no problem whatsoever I was worried about the backpack but the material feels actually pretty good the sleeping pad I prefer mine but I could definitely use this one again mine's a little comfy but then again mine just like Monte's there and uh well you don't want these sleeping pads these air pads near a hot fire you know I knew that I did it anyways and when I got me another another pop pad total of four pop pads in the channel sure if we keep doing this for quite some time we're gonna have a couple more pop pad the future oh boy oh oh I forgot to mention when I did the whole blown up the pentose gonna be yeah um I wasn't doing that on this sleeping pad I did that on that one I just you know editing I'm just making a silly that's all [Music] so he's brisk you take off those layers so first gear I use goes you're interested in looking at this stuff I use including some of the stuff I used here not all if you want to see all the more discount cheaper stuff that I got you also check out that last video I linked earlier in this video but if you want to see all the gear and normally you normally use you can check the description of the video and I've got a link to my Amazon page and all the gear that I use down there so you can check it out there on the description of the video and I wanted to say um for those of you that have watched the earlier videos last year at the end of winter I broke my old snowshoes my old tough snowshoes and I got these and I said I would be telling you how they work for a whole winter well it's been a whole winter we're almost done with winter and so far these snowshoes have not come off once these are the tubs panoramic I think or something like that I don't know their link down in the description or on my Amazon page they've not come off once they got the twisty buy anything I was worried about ice building up and them not really working but the ice breaks free and it works just fine the old thing that I don't like about the only complaint I have is when I kneel down and my foot goes like that and it like it goes the snowshoe goes too far back the little binding here gets caught underneath this and then it kind of just gets stuck in it undoes the binding but that's not really big did just walk alright folks so it's a beautiful blue skies day yeah everything worked out bureaus all great used every bit of it would use it again happy with the choices I made so so far it seems to hold up everything feels pretty durable and pretty good so you want to get any of that stuff that I linked the last video so far is good to go at least for one night um my old sleeping pad didn't do so good I still prefer that sleeping pad even though I'm not too good at taking care of home but yeah I'd say as a success so I'll be making a video announcement about who won all this stuff soon here in the next week or two and uh it's time to get home and get this video going it's currently 9 a.m. right now so from here on it's walking back to the car driving I'm packing my stuff loading up editing and then producing uploading and then we'll surrogate I'm predicting I'm gonna say I'll say 12 hours from now I think it'll be live around 9 p.m. Eastern 9:00 to 10:00 p.m. unless I can work faster we'll see but we're gonna get heading back to the car guys so as always if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button I'll catch you guys in the next video let's go [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 318,487
Rating: 4.8960218 out of 5
Keywords: snowstorm, snow storm, blizzard, winter camping, winter, camping, camp, bushcraft, bushcrafter, canada, asmr, snow, survival, storm, winter storm, winter weather, backpacking, backpack camping, dog, adventure, wilderness, wilderness area, bushcrafting, how to camp, wild camp, backcountry, backcountry camping, snowstorm camping, camping in a snowstorm, shelter, bushcraft shelter, campfire cooking, campfire, cooking, food, camping in a blizzard, snowshoeing, overnight, camping dog, survival shelter
Id: i6zTvVY9Zxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 132min 7sec (7927 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 22 2020
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