2 Night Winter Bushcraft Camp With My Dog

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[Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello ladies and gentlemen I am out with mr. Bluff but McGee and we're in the woods looking to spend the night out here well two nights and build up a nice shelter now it's a nice beautiful forest on a beautiful day it's about the perfect temperature out it's just it's cold it's not too cold but it's cold where you can hike and not get too sweaty and that's gonna be a we're gonna have a fun time hopefully this is kind of a more pine forest and there's some cedar there's a cedar swamp hopefully this way a ways that we'll have some nice lighter wood to work with so we can build a ladies shelter as you can see I've got this big bag with me now there's a reason for that and mostly that mainly the reason is one time I brought out a couple beers and I popped them and leaked them all in my bag and I just wanted to be safe this time so I was like all right I'm gonna put him in a bag then I was like all right I'll put my food in there you know put this in there blah blah and I'm just having a whole bag and this thing's not packed super heavy or tight this has got all my weights right here with the food bag and everything now I could have brought out a sled which is what I normally do but this is a really thick as you can see there's crap everywhere and the snows not super deep yet so I didn't want to bring it on a sled and just have to deal with pull on it left and right so I just carry the food in it's fine it'll be this thing will weigh nothing on the way out it's got all of my water and everything Monty's got his orange vest and as you can see he's got some booties now they're guaranteed not to fall off but they've already fallen off once so we'll see we'll see how they go right buddy right Monty so we've got a hiker weighs more in we got to look for a nice spot this is a pretty nice spot here but I'd like to go in a little further you know get a little bit further in so we will see but let's get to it Monte come on let's go Hui I'm sweating this thing is heavy so um I want to find a really nice spot today this is actually a really good spot right here it's pretty open and flat well there's not the best trees and stuff a nice shelter right here so what I'm gonna do is take off my pack here and we're gonna walk around probably 20 minutes cuz I got like a good good early start today and I've been I've been go-go-go since it was dark like a 5 5 3 this morning hey I just got up finish packing up got ready got on the road as soon as I could got out here start hiking in so well plenty we should have plenty of time to get what I want accomplished today and if we don't you know finish everything up today we'll finish up tomorrow so we're gonna take a minute here and find a nice spot he's kinda hilly here oh yeah there's a dead tree I don't want that near me nope not gonna work but yeah I want a nice spot so we're gonna do much let's find the perfect spot come on this thing is the definition of a Widowmaker oh man look at that thing it's just dead it's all rotted out I don't even feel comfortable standing next to see let's get out here my D oh well that was a lot of fun oh man am i sweating I am sweating I am warm warm warm warm needless to say that took a little bit longer than 20 minutes oh I need to take this off for a minute we had drink some water so I ended up you know I said 20 minutes ended up hiking around for hour and a half here oh yeah okay so these are our trees this is the Spy's it's just some dead lower branches so I found like four or five spots but I was doing this thing that I like to do sometimes where I just have an spot indecisiveness then I find a decent spot I'd find a little flaw with it and I'd move on then I keep going and I go further then I go farther find another spot and yeah just a couple of them had a bunch of these little trees I didn't want to kill a bunch of trees one was down on the cedar swamp and then I just saw this spot and I was like alright perfect it's got flat over here just got some dead logs flat over here there's just this pine tree here with some branches that's nothing to worry about there's no dead big trees that are gonna fall on me so this is the spot we're gonna make up a sweet camp here there's a cedar swamp down this hill over here it's a pretty steep hill but there's tons of dead stuff down there and there's dead pine and everything so I'm gonna take a drink of water here where you get some water for Monty first off those booties suck they did not work they stayed on for a while but they kept coming off and then I was tightening it up really good and then I noticed him walking funny and I walked over in the his he's got front du Claus and his dewclaws pulled out and pushed back in so he was walking yanking on that Duke I set it back up again it did it again so I am not putting those boots on why's walking around if it rips out its due car something that'd be a serious injury and that's not good so no booties for Monty that still work these are expensive they are being returned as soon as we get home maybe I'll put them back out on what he's just chilling around it might help keep his feet dry or warm whatever it'll make them sweat a little bit but either way we're gonna sip on some water and then the first thing we're going to do is get a ridgepole and then we're gonna collect a ton of dead straight stuff and start building so let's get to it Monty okay Monty you thirsty thirsty buddy ya hungry you want some food you like it hey Monty has food and beverage offered to him see us take off some of these so the first thing we've got to do is find a ridgepole so let's get a nice solid ridgepole we don't need anything too insane though because I'm gonna pretty much be using all cedar and pine for my logs laying on top because they're very light and easy to cut through and it won't it won't make a lot of weight and crack the ridgepoles easily if I use all maple like I did in my first lien to might have more of an issue but we'll find something nice let's do it Monty come on all right we've got a wonderful specimen of a dead tree make a perfect ridgepole here nice and solid let me get this guy [Applause] got hit with a little branch a little turd nuggets solid there we go now I just need to cut off a nice section now we just need to ensure that this is long enough or else I will be in trouble and have to buy another nice Ridge Pole that looks pretty good to be on the safe side let's go right here just to be safe oh man that is solid that there is no checkmark there's no funkiness to it and solid wood right there I'm going to take back both pieces here have some perfect firewood for later Oh No No now oh we got so lucky the tree slanted a little bit it's perfect so much for taking the cautious side Hey oh I got lucky there it's gonna soften we'll just chop off this end piece here yeah Mon see don't you worry good enough the or yourself of things like this [Applause] you just eat your food relax chase squirrels you know stewed dog things okay let's tie this bad boy up okay so what I'm gonna be using to tile this Ridge pole today is what someone pointed out is actually called the arbor knot or commonly referred to in the bushcraft community as the Canadian Jam nut so what you do you take your rope here and you just tie a little little knot at the end just like that tighten it up then you do the exact same thing just a four or five inches up but you don't tighten this one just like that leave it loose and then you're just gonna wrap this all around the log here feed it back through and it's gonna act like a cinch or a slip knot and you're just gonna tighten it and then it'll it'll tighten like that and it'll slip all the way down to that end not but it is it's called the arbor knot that's the I think that's the actual name but most people refer to as a Canadian Jam not when you're referring to bushcraft what that I think that's what I hear a lot you know that's the scuttlebutt just tie this thing up Montee really wants me to throw the stick for him that's what he's he's looking at me like so I'm not sure I'm pretty sure it matters but I'm not 100% sure but the way I normally just guess it and I like to I tie the strings around this way downwards or upwards and it seems the best seems to be when you tie them like this you go from like underneath the inside and I'm pretty sure it matters I'm not 100% sure but it seems to slip a whole bunch more if I do it the opposite way let's do it that way just go hole with my body for that bad boy very huh we're gonna secure this side here tighten more there we go tie this one off shouldn't really go anywhere I'm gonna put two more in but it should hold just fine with these two strings but we're gonna do our good old-fashioned pull-up test if I can do pull-ups like this should be able to hold up some cedar logs all right I'm gonna add in two more just to be extra safe and make sure it's not really going anywhere [Applause] okay okie dokie we've got ourselves a nice solid Ridge pull here eh so this this pole right here it's solid maple pole and like I said I'm gonna use all cedar so you saw me doing pull-ups I'm not gonna need to put a support beam on this now if I was using maple like I did on my first big ol lean-to I'd want to definitely put a support beam right in the middle here but I'm gonna be using cedar and that's gonna be light so is pine if I get any pine so I'm gonna try to stick to those types of woods to make it nice and not be putting much weight on here now I wouldn't hurt to put a support pole under here we'll see what maybe we'll do that tomorrow but for today I think we're gonna it's gonna be just fine got super solid dense wood so what I'm gonna be doing now is I'm going to spend an hour to an hour and a half just rounding up taking down dead standing Cedars and what I find on the ground I'm just gonna bring back a ton of dead straight stuff just tons of it so that I don't have to keep going out and getting another piece another to you so let's round up a bunch of dead wood let's do it you ready Monty you get an energy now you can energy buddy that kind of went bad I could have pierced my nutsack oh it would have been so bad oh man who's spikes not here to you living your learn this things later than it looks [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] Monty if you're not gonna help off the least you can do is come with me and give me some support or something go man the heck dude come on T let's go come on help me out come on why'd you come come on Monty yeah get off that big booty ears and help me out support me at least little turd nugget little turd inator yeah you mister you stinker do you want to go to the dog park you want a treat okay well as you can see I've got a whole pile of stuff month you havin trouble getting through my pile there come on you can do it go Monty come here come on come on T go Marty come here Monty come on Monty you can do it Monty come on come on t multi you couldn't do it you had to go around alright so I'm going to take a little breather here I have an oh hey buddy Oh back it up back a good boy you look he's extra fuzzy bunny today he's an extra fluffy bunny right you get your winter coat you gettin your winter coat his winter coat is coming in thick anyways like I was saying I have been working my little butt off my little frog but collecting up all this dead stuff I wanted at least 20 long straight pieces of dead stuff start with what I'm hoping which never has been the case ever but what I'm hoping is that this will be enough to at least do the top part and do a good chunk of the sides and if it's not I got some extra I got most of this is extra long so I will be able to at least build my fire if like there's something I should have this is definitely gonna cover the top it's better but I mean there's there's so much dead stuff all everywhere it's I've gotten it on the ground of dead standing it's been pushed over there's all sorts of stuff here but you could see me carrying three of those at a time up here sometimes it's because it's dead pie it's very light so this is gonna do just fine like I said like I said I'll say it again it's dead it's all dead pine for the most part of some balsam in there I think no maple no hardwoods nothing heavy and dense it's all light fluffy stuff so what I'm gonna do is I want to take a little breather here I'm gonna drink some water catch my breath a little bit because I have been go-go-go since I've got here and then we're gonna probably throw the stick for Monty he he caught his vest coming across this pile and following me and stuff he kept getting caught and I like dragon logs and he's I look back and he's stuck on a log so I took it off how many the boots aren't working for him so Monty get a little fuzzy bunny you just okay you're still fluffy montz you're extra fluffy in winter right now okay so breather and then what we're gonna do is I'm gonna I'm gonna get out my ground tarp my ground sheet and I actually use that tonight we're gonna flatten this out I'm gonna lay that down use that as a measuring device for how big I want my shelter because I want it to be long back I want us to both sit long ways and have some decent room in there so yeah relax catch my breath maybe I can catch our breath faster if I stop talking so much throw the stick for a little Monty here and then we'll get to prettying up these logs here you want this stick put this stick you want this sticky bouncy bunny come on come on Jordan give auntie bunny your bouncy bunny key bouncy bunny all right let's go here here come here come here come here dig get under your armpits we're trying to get some scent we're trying to get some scent Monty get on that pot get on that bucket get on that pot all right okay you know it's looking it's looking like it's getting dark I better have at least I should have it at minimum two hours a day light how much you bring me that stick right here three here Monty but it looks kind of glowy maybe a storm's rolling in or something definitely cloudier than it was earlier that might be why it seems so dark but I definitely need to see for a little bit more thought I got an early start today maybe not come on to bring here green here Monty bring that stick bring me here my mighty bring it here Monty bring me those two boy bring me those bring your ID come on you can do it bring your ID speak turn and turn it'll stinker okay do you want this are you gonna bring it back this time you bouncing turn the stick calm down bring your Monty breathe here Monty come on come on T breathe here breathe here Monty were you gonna grab it Monty grab a stick breathe here come on give me that stick he's trying bring me that tree I mean bring me that stick Monty don't you fail me now come on bring me that stick Monty you bring me that stick okey-dokey first thing we got to do is clear this up a little bit let's hope that that's this is firewood pretty good alright next I'm going to take this turf here thrown sheet that we're going to use this to measure what we need so it pretty much needs that wide and that walk that's not so bad I might I'll make it a little extra wide that's pretty good that'll put us and we'll be just underneath I'll be pretty good all right now I need the perfect log for measuring I can even the ground out afterwards it's a little bit higher on that side let's take my axe kind of even it out afterwards but that's just a start so now I need a nice straight measuring stick this will be good this is a nice little light little one so this will be a good measure make a little extra deep just so we can put our feet up feet back their heads up there let me just double check here before we do anything drastic I'm sleeping like that my head's got at least a foot under here and I'll let it overhang so it's like at least a foot and a half and the winds tomorrow are gonna come from this way and it's yeah so that'll be pretty good I'll just make a little extra wall why we'll make the nice tall thing so we'll do it like that we'll make them all about yay long okay so now what I'm going to do is clean up all these logs measure them to this thing I'm going to clean this one up first and then we're going to get a big pile of ready to stack logs stack them up and see where we're at [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] [Laughter] well mister creature here has been relaxing for a while so it's time to bring him out maximum comfort I'm gonna continue sawing logs and blow it up my sleeping pad do my little multitasking you ready for in Franchi you want it do you want it you want it because they feel a little entitled little turd nugget look at him look at him he's addicted he's addicted to these sleeping pads Oh sleeping pad entitlement turn I'll get it I'll give it to you a second not ready yet good boy [Applause] [Laughter] [Laughter] okay I didn't do all of them I got most of the straight as long as best pieces but that should be plenty I think and so so now I'm going to knock off all the pokies and then once they're all smooth [Applause] okay there we go nice smooth logs here let the stacking begin okay very close very close I'm like this Monte's right here oh yeah we're good love to be right here perfect all right under here all right so we cut enough logs for the top I don't think we have enough for the sides right now it is getting dark it's getting late we got about a half-hour 45 minutes left of light so I'm have to move kind of quick here I'm definitely gonna put a support beam here while this is this is plenty fine to hold this because I don't think there's as much weight as when I'm doing pull ups I'll still put a support but I don't know if I'll get to it tonight but I'll definitely get one on there it's definitely gonna hold these are not heavy logs by any means but I'll get one under there cuz I think over time I think tomorrow I'm gonna pile up tons of stuff and try to make it just like snow proof I'll put some stuff on it tonight it'll be pretty good but as you get swayed throughout the winter from all the snow it'll definitely add on a lot of weight so I'll need some support there the bottom doesn't need to be that long [Laughter] [Music] oh this sleepy turd and I get alright well so I didn't get as far as I wanted to today as you can see it is not a complete shelter I do I will try to return here you know until the snow gets too deep because then I won't be able to go down the two track to get here once it gets too deep but um I don't think I'm gonna get too much further tonight because we've got like I said half hour of light left and it's already starting to get kind of dark there must be some good cloud coverage but fortunately tonight is not supposed to be crazy windy or snowy you know there might be some snow flurries so what I'm gonna do is I am going to kinda level this out you know put a little snow Mound I'm gonna go get a bunch of brush and stuff just like sticks and random stuff like that we're gonna pile it on top to fill in some of the gaps we're not gonna get to elaborate and then we didn't get to a fire reflector but I don't need it tonight tonight is not the cold night tomorrow is a very cold night tomorrow is gonna be down think it's almost going to get down to single digits definitely single digits with wind chill tomorrow's gonna be cold so we're just gonna tidy it up here before it gets too dark I'm gonna go collect some stuff pile it on top I'm gonna do a quick walk around I didn't see any down dead fresh pine or anything like that so I'm up to collect that stuff for now but uh we're gonna just tidy it up here and then we're gonna start processing some firewood and I have been going since I Chi said since 5:30 is when I got up 5:30 6:00 right around there jumped in the shower got ready so I have been go-go-go all day and I'm gonna get ready to relax here I don't need to do too much more as long as there you know we've got pine trees above us as well as long as we're not getting snowed on we're fine there's no wind you can hear it's very still in calm it's nice and thick in here that's pretty much the only open spot is over there we're pretty protected right here so yeah didn't get as far as I wanted to today moved a little slower than I thought but I was moving I was working anywho well we'll make your wool maker look pretty tomorrow we'll make go pretty and I would like to return here so we might leave her standing but it's a nice deep lean-to and it's got perfect room for me and Monty this is scoot in there all right Monty you can just stay here I'm gonna go get some stuff okay I'm gonna go out into the woods and I'm gonna get some branches and stuff you just relax okay don't strain yourself don't strain yourself too much Monty Doakes I've got I got I found some green pine branches there's one tiny dead tree that was smushed by a big ol maple but that is every branch off that little tree and then I got some little sticks here and then I found a pretty really dead pine with the dead pine needles and sometimes these are preferred because if you don't like your shelter if the wrong ember catches these it'll just engulfed in flames you know so you have to look at it anymore but I'm just gonna tag Ridley stick these around for tonight I'm gonna put in since I don't have sidewalls I'm just gonna kind of put some of these on the sides here just for a tiny tiny bit of protection it's nothing crazy and then we're gonna fill gaps because you know if I was building the shelter well to try to be quick for like a survival purpose I would not be taking my time like this it's this thing I'm trying to make this pretty and I'm trying to make this something I can come back to this is not a survival shelter there's more of like a long-term setup for me hopefully we'll see how the how the snow is goes we'll decide how much I get to come back here well like I said I've been working on this thing for the C it's 5 the Sun setting feel like I started around 1:30 I'm not exactly sure maybe four hours three and a half three three hours I've been just cutting logs and moving moving moving so I don't have a ton of time sometime to get out here but it is what it is I'm having fun that's all that matters I'm having fun building the shelter I know she ain't pretty but you could still take her to the ball and dance with her you know you know she's a she's a date to the ball she's she might not be the best date but she's a date okay all right so I'm just gonna kinda just even this out clear out some stuff in here get my sleeping stuff set up give Monty a little spot to chill and then we're gonna cut up some firewood prepare some firewood get a fire going then we're gonna relax sip on a beer and cook up some pork chops that's what we're gonna do is what we're gonna do and that sounds amazing right now let's see I'm gonna sleep on this side because if our heads are up here Monty I always sleep on my left side more yep see that's that's how we arrange our sleeping is I have to sleep on my left side that's pretty much how I sleep I switch sides for a little bit and I go back to my left side so Monty's got to be whatever way my left side is facing because I don't want to have to flip over you know how much of a bother that is have to flip over 180 all the worst sure we can even put our heads on that way shoot Monty okay let me just sit down for once oh yeah feels good Monty come here come here buddy come here come here come on come on fuzzy bunny or come here give me that booty give me that booty oh yeah I gotcha okay what you're so fluffy Monty you're so fluffy why it's so fluffy all right so we're all set up we've got our you know half shelter for today so it is time to chop up some of this wood and spark of a fire what do you say Monty he said I don't want to be creative like this any more stupid stupid okay all right where would time that is some very dense wood right Monty whoo-whee I'm gonna cut them a little bit longer now all right let's split some of this stuff up oh yeah retry retry that's some solid stuff right there oh yeah it's so naughty let's try this well yeah I'm just not gonna split that one I don't think would work it's I mean look at that Center there is no Punky that is some dense dense dense denty dense dense wood let's just use choose this this thing that wasn't gonna split anyways oh yeah that's what I'm talking about there you go Matthew you're learning look at me and learn guys right in front of you keep dokie let's just get this bad boy in here nice little base now we're still on the quest for a one strike by your steel start up a one striker now someone had mentioned that it doesn't really work because there's the oxides on the fire steel you know what that's not gonna stop me from trying I'm gonna get it no practice runs no bullcrap one strike of a Fire's - I think it's possible this birch bark fairy dust on there oh yeah okay okay this just it's picking nice that looks like a good spot right there this is the one I can feel it here we go one strike five two three four that was that was bad we just we just went back in progress real far it's okay it's okay Montee snuggle up here I'll probably put him in the sleeping bag in a minute here just because if he's just chillin away from the flame might as well I am gonna throw on some layers oh you know what I want to sit my butt down for just a sec it fall Oh feels nice deep you should take a minute and sit down I know you haven't you've been on your feet all day you haven't even had a moment to sit down do anything oh so I'm gonna have tonight I'm having breaded pork chops pan-seared with some green beans and butter this is pretty much the exact meal I had the first time ever built a lean-to and I knew I was gonna be building a bigger lean-to and working hard so I wanted something that's easy and delicious at the same time but it's really easy prep the green beans are I'm just gonna throw them in the pan and pork chops I just scoop some of the writing into the Ziploc and throw in the pan with butter easy prep and I'm gonna cook a potato and I'm gonna do my best not to forget about it and let it burn to the flames like all right yeah I'm just letting this this burn down a little bit I'm not gonna burn a fire all night tonight it's not gonna be particularly cold I don't got a fire reflector up anyways the fire reflector is nice though it's nice to have even right now a you know setting stuff like my water bottles I'm gonna set them near here they're gonna lay see but being able to set them in between the fire reflector and the fire helps them heat up nice okay but I need to put on some layers I'm getting chilly look at that steam alright laters time oh I love having all my layers on when you're not gonna move around much nice and toasty come on do you look nice and toasty oh the fighters burning down okay I think it is time to get cooking the monkey is intrigued okay we need her spices these are just your crappy booties Monty we're gonna need a beer that's gonna be essential we're gonna need ooh forgot about these little snack sticks Monty I think this is what you were turning your whole body for we can eat one will save the rest for tomorrow mmm yeah okay - mmm all right and because I'm bigger than you I get an extra one I'm bigger than you those are some big spuds I promise we're not gonna forget about the potato today it's not gonna happen there's zero percent chance that potato we forgot about [Applause] gotta get the the great-great to the ready this is great great it's so great never fails until it does but until then it never does that make sense they don't know it's hot it's hot okay let's prepare some food okay let's just throw in green beans now I could cut off these ends here and stuff but you know what I don't care I'll eat at all I don't mind all this you know bite it off it's okay it's not gonna kill me it's just more you know these little stalks just more protein that's all it is all right get a nice chunk of butter in here there we go also we're gonna throw in a smidge of salt and pepper not too much salt not too little salt just the right amount of salt you know we get you know we got to be careful too because mr. Monty is gonna eat these so I can't spice them up too crazy just just a little light flavoring light dusting of the salt and pepper we're gonna throw this on them get this on the fire get this heated up get these going our great grades not doing so great couple of pork chops national what kind these aren't they were enough butterfly tops what are they I don't know New York style or something like that I'm just going to take and dump some breading in here and we're gonna just attempt to shake them up like this see how this works all works pretty good a little bit wasteful on the the breading but it does the trick I'm gonna just do a little extra I think they're pretty coated but yes just just because I got it out here is all right all right let's get this let's get this cooking on the fire Here I am pretty hungry right now I'm not gonna lie though chunk of frozen butter in here yeah yeah oh yeah money you're gonna stay right there mister you're a good boy alright throw on some breaded pork chops to get these fry it up all right a little bit hot but hey you know what it's gonna taste good the smoking buys and records oh I think we're having stabilization issues why what this great is so good it's not tipping I don't understand but you know I've had people tell me they get nervous when I'm cooking with this great and I just I don't see why it's just a it's a great great nothing wrong with it you know nothing like turning your bushcraft video into a suspense thriller you know it's like this is gonna fall on the player did you get to spill everything yeah I do I spill I'm surprised I haven't dropped too much food in the fire lately what is this is it starting to snow Bunty you don't want to see this just good food oh we can't we can't have Monty's space we cover it up we're gonna need these er this fire is too hot whereas flip these Porky's pork jumps ooh they're they're a little dark that's okay hopefully they don't cook too fast on the outside either way though I'm gonna eat them no matter what one of these is gonna have to be for Monty these are cooking super fast these are enough to go off to this side here potato is gonna take so long I'm gonna forget about it dang it take a peek here that's looking good oh yeah and where did you see the first pork chops are looking like take it Oh all beautiful perfect done okay let's see some of these and get some more on the fire here lunch you're getting half a pork chop now we'll see how much more you get later I just need a little mmm oh look see Monty this is for you it's hot it's very hot on my fingers oh yeah that burns oh I'm so hungry see I don't cook pork chops a lot so this might be overdone I don't really care because they taste delicious oh it's very hot cheers party all right get bunting some green beans here all right that's a montee ball I'm gonna put my new of my green beans and we're gonna get the next batch going we're actually one more bite I can't wait mmm oh yeah mmm fitting impatient Monty I need my pork chops in there these puppies on the fire and then let's eat what does this loves Oh Monty all right stay there no no no you wait you'd be a patient good boy ten bucks says he stands as soon as I give them the go-ahead he's up eating he can't just sit like that but we'll see maybe he'll change my mind okay it's all ready to taste so good so ready go ahead go ahead get it Monty I win ten bucks you owe me ten bucks mmm there we go yeah just get it all over that sleeping bag Monty oh yeah this is so good right now I was so hungry I ate one little bite of cheese with Monty back there but other than that this morning early no hmm the shelter I was seen a little bit of snow come through so I took the side thingy since there's no wind tonight it's coming straight down I put it up on top there's still a little bit of snow coming through but it's okay it's not the best thing in the world but we're Monte's guys blanket on and I've got my thick bag we're so insulated that usually when I get snow on my back on the outside it doesn't wet it doesn't get wet it doesn't melt curves very well insulated this is so good I'm gonna sleep like a baby tonight hmm let's see your time we go oh yeah there's so earlier that's a problem with wintertime is it gets dark so early if it were you know I oh man I could've got so much more done if it was light longer that sucks I'm gonna sleep good but I'm not I'm not even though I'm you know I'm tired I'm just not ready for bed it's just too early hard to go to bed at like 8 o'clock for me you stop that you stay back you get out of here we've got a lot to do tomorrow Monte you sure do I might not have enough looting over my dinner to satisfy me fully that'd be a tragedy for me and you Monty because I'm less likely to share with you and I'm really hungry still seeing as how he ate dog food and everything so I got this potato haven't forgot about it yet it's roasting these ones don't need to cook his long Monty you know he doesn't really need any more but I'd probably be lying to you if I told him told you guys that he wasn't gonna get any more I feel I am okay we got a mess here Monty what what the deal is what the deal is mmm-ma I'm still hungry I'm very oh when that fire is not repping it gets a little chilly you don't seem to be cold at all you seem to be in a pork trance a pork trance yeah we're getting a little snow definitely coming through the shelter here she ain't perfect shame perfect by any means she is incomplete it'll provide us with some protection though we won't get like if you look at my bag right here this right here you're getting a lot more snow on it I think pretty soon here probably probably today right around today is the year marker for me bushcrafting I first did that solo bushcraft camp in the rain and I just went out use the tarp build a raised bed the raised bed was awesome my tarp held up like crap this thing is uh yeah it's just not done I wish I would have gotten earlier start today but there's nothing I can do about that I wish I would have got to I wasn't sure I would have found this spot earlier that would have helped it if I had another hour I could have got a lot more done I could have got some side walls up I could have got more stuff on top that's okay that's okay need to stop and you stop worrying about it we're gonna be fine now like it's a snowstorm it's just gonna be light snow but potato C elite I still I haven't forgot about it yet starting to get soft [Music] I'm thinking that these are done I'm thinking I'm thinking this is probably done and my potato is gonna be close this thing has just been cooking in the coals we're just gonna scrape off the chart outside and we're gonna eat it I'm not gonna forget it's sitting right there it's staring at me I can't forget about it today all right we need to give mr. Monty some more pieces of pork some more what do you think do you want pork do you want that's a pork roast pork pork that's hot it's so hot Monte you're not getting too much stop it stop asking for more stop it right now I command you to stop asking he asks in silence don't question me he asked me in silence spill my other beer no all right I've got two beers per night I think I I almost spilled my first one all right all right Monty you don't get as much as me because you're smaller he's got like almost the whole pork chop and he's gonna get more go ahead what what glad go ahead glad good what go ahead I don't know I need to say it like ten times oh man does it feel good to be out in the woods right now this is a really nice forest I really like this I'm for those of you that watched my the winter camping in November 1 you'll remember me saying that that forest had like no dead trees which is healthy for the forest not is nice for bushcrafting and stuff like that but this forest there is tons of dead stuff everywhere so it's probably a less healthy forest but it's better for bushcraft a way better there is dead standing timber all over if I wanted to use maples and hardwoods oh man I'd have a field day I've just been trying to avoid them for the most part just for wait and it takes a lot more to cut through them and then me over here I can't stop giving them pieces because he's too damn precious right right right right maybe if I do this they're so good [Applause] mm oh you're this you're this stupid no monster okay let's check out the potato it's probably super hot let's uh yeah let's take this [Music] all right it's definitely done oh it's over done the smoke I don't know if any of you guys have watched my bushcraft camp in the rain the first bushcraft video I did but I just bit into the charred potato oh man never again I ate so much just char wow this is hot now I'm gonna peel it off well the inner potato is just so hot right now I was like touching lava I'm just gonna put it on all that pork grease it's gonna taste so good all right the rest of this is charred there is not much potato there I lost a lot I overlooked the potato I'll admit it or hey no Monty has disappeared into the woods in search of pork more pork he hasn't had enough okay there he is oh he heard me scrape my dish hmm all right okay hmm a little bit uh porkchop Murray's in there oh so good hmm even though it's only a few bites of potato it's delicious it was just the right amount you know I lost a bit as a big potato we'll get more of it during breakfast tomorrow I'm satisfied I'm not too full you know and I'm not like hungry I'm like I'm at a good level I'm at a good level right now but I've got a whole bunch of mess it's not too crazy it's just these two pans they're just gonna sit off to the side everything else is just baggies and stuff I gotta put away but we're gonna clean this up clean all this mess up tidy up under here and get ready for bed come here come here lay down I'll lay down good boy did you taste the pork [Music] and this rap again right mati he might be a little restless he still got the eye of the pork I don't know why I don't know why Monty why okay okay he might need me to crawl into my bag before he gets comfortable to know that we're for sure going to bed because it is early like I said oh okay ladies and gentlemen we're gonna crawl under our little meager lean-to is what we're calling it right now a little meager lean-to and I'm going to zip myself up and not come out until it is light outside I may not sleep right away but I will just listen to the sound of still woods there's a little air will win over there but I'm not burning if I were to anything so I'm gonna go to bed right now so I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody [Music] Hey hey Marty Marty Marty Oh Oh silly doggy Oh almost either stay there okay just right there for a minute weird indeed crawl in for a warm cocoon yet he's always dish of old looking in the morning you look so bad right now oh it's okay it's okay oh did you - oh she went up Oh Oh get that bad breath out of my way nope I got more snow from this side over here see is there any uh there's a little bit on me I woke up at one point there was a decent amount on my sleeping bag I'm the one half so bad mmm starting of last night I was way too warm I always forget how long this sleeping bag is and I put both my thermal layers I left them on and then I used one sleeping bag like her and I was just sweltering I just I think I slept half the night I took off the liner and I slept half the night with my sleeping bag open my Monty that bad huh anyways it's a brand new day so we still do pretty good I definitely laid on my sleeping bag for at least an hour without being able to fall asleep right away so let's get up what do you say Monty you ready ready ready big guy yo you're Matty but [Music] every time I put those on for the first time of the day um he looks funny so I put the booties back on him because we're not gonna be running around too crazy at least early on so maybe they'll keep us here a little bit warmer keep some snow snow balls from Foreman hey Monty so anyways I'm gonna go collect a few sticks and a piece of birch bark and then we're gonna spark up a firing get cookin some breakfast who'da bitsy Monty heavenly bitsy okey-dokey I doubt this will be the time that it just goes in one will try but I'm not thinking of this I'm not feeling it right now it could be it could be it could come out of nowhere ooh I had a nice I had a spark on the first one but it didn't get it took three [Applause] hey you want some bacon we have some bacon eggs oh oh oh no no no no no no no no no better the camera was a little tilted a little bit there all right we're gonna have some bacon and eggs for breakfast get some stuff out here Bacon's ate bacon eggs and potatoes I was gonna cook my bacon up over some sticks or something but I think I'm just gonna cook it in the pan alongside the potatoes and then cook my eggs and some of the leftover bacon grease and okay says some pine needles in there that I didn't want hey Monty you maybe want some potatoes for breakfast that's a thick spud it's a thick frosty spud okay adding a good old chunk of butter here there we go probably give Monte a little bit of potatoes here of his breakfast so I won't season too heavy a little bit of pepper and some salt not too much salt much too little folk this right amount of salt okay let's get cooking get out ye olde great great guaranteed to never fail [Applause] some bacon think we got a pound here we're going for our heart attack Oh it'll it'll cook down it'll look good suck out right there [Applause] [Applause] click already for a cup of tea brought to Tyson brought a sleepytime tea which I didn't use and I got some green tea now normally I'm a coffee man but you know I just probably bring out some tea I'm definitely more of a coffee guy but I do like tea if you like a nice cup of tea we're gonna go with a strong cup of tea this one we're gonna go to packed we're gonna get crazy order need a little water that wasn't enough nope that's okay let's add more it's not a ton of snow yet it's not you know deep winter yet when we get feet of snow if all the snow would have stayed it melted off a little bit then we'd have some serious snow but we definitely a bunch melted off now we got some fresh snow last night a little bit definitely winter you're looking out this is how you dirty a pan right here [Music] there we go come petite a lot of schmutz it's okay he's the caterer was that I gave one a test her and pretty close mmm-hmm oh it's beautiful char on there Monty doesn't like those booties at all his do clock came out again I had to refit it out already they're definitely gonna be returned what I just I just don't know they keep his paws warmer or not they can put it in this I'm gonna put these in the pan here pieces of bacon [Music] I'm going to dump out a little bit of this grease here I don't want all this let's see if our eggs are frozen it's a farm-fresh eggs here hey they're not frozen look at that probably just going to scramble them because my pan is a little little rough looking so we'll just grand one Monte's gonna get an egg as well all right Oh buddy yeah you heard your name huh let's give Monte some bacon here oh yeah are you going on to you you want some bacon pal all right that's enough bacon for Monty you're gonna get eggs too buddy let's put this healthy get dog [Music] we're taking our time go ahead Monty bacon is so good hmm [Music] oh yeah green tea is not so bad these eggs help clean the pan all the bacon chunks stuck to it you ready for round two round two of them on to stay there Monty get back get back back up back up I don't I don't want your nose getting in that's plenty for you let's put my eggs in there start we need to get some water in here be little to stay I had to put a little snow in his so he could eat him right away okay go ahead go ahead eat your snowy it eggs all right you here we go it's a beautiful campfire breakfast got a full course breakfast right there see you he tries to be like me I'm this regard will I go camping with funk sometimes we'll share a meal and usually it's cool spitting food out sorry I can usually eat food hotter than she can so I'll eat more faster like in a bigger portion it's the food monster in me and now it's infected him so he thinks he can just eat fast and he'll get more which is usually true because I ended up I end up giving him scraps hit little turd he's just so persistent with his eyes no no okay so I'm gonna finish our breakfast here tidy up just a hair I got this blanket covering our sleeping bags and then we are gonna get right into it I [Music] will definitely have an earlier start than yesterday it's almost noon already I slept him pretty good I slept until like 10:00 so I stayed in that sleeping bag for over 12 hours but you know what I'm entitled to sleep in what I want to so yeah we'll get right into it we got to chop up a bunch of trees bring some back probably got to get out at least as much as we did yesterday I've still got a bunch of pieces but the thing is there's not a ton of long straight pieces which is what I used up here but that'll be great for the fire reflector and some of the side stuff so and I got stuff for steaks for the fire reflector whatnot so we should be able to do pretty good but we're gonna start by getting a bunch more dead straight stuff bring it back and then we'll start chopping it up just like yesterday but we should we'll have it at least an extra hour hour and a half today which is good over here [Applause] stay stay there stay there Bronte I was eyeballing this one yes Shay oh so close - get stuck in that no money come back here come back here sure that'd just be the best way to and everything is just have them running around getting smushed by a tree alright good Mikey stay Hey yeah I was a long one it was wedged up in this tree right here he's caught in the top or I'm just gonna pull it forward get it down when I saw it up into sections oh this is a good this is a good tree right here nice and solid baby back to camp okay so now I'm going to just go out and round up a whole bunch more I'm not gonna do a ton of recording we're just gonna be grabbing a bunch of stuff like that knocking stuff down by the X Monty stop eating Monty you little porcupine he's a porcupine it's not like the little critter with quills it's like a a chubby rough Collies with that is the porcupine it's just food crazy alright we're gonna do some more stuff yeah I had to shed a few layers and change my hat cuz I was getting to where I'm probably enough to take off another little thermal layer as I get moving more but we're gonna round a bunch of logs that we're gonna get messing around with this [Laughter] [Music] [Music] okay hey Monty okey-dokey well it's getting blue skies and sunny out keeps going cloudy and then sunny Monty here's uh he's been running around with me for the most part collecting them then I made a big old pile and just drag them all back here but we've got a lot of logs a lot of logs this should be enough to finish this thing up here hopefully anything I'll just need a few more they should there's definitely enough to make a nice fire reflector and hopefully get the sidewalls up and put another couple long pieces in the Sun probably put one more log on each side so say it a breather in the water break oh let me tell you winter bushcraft camp Beldon some work ha so what are we going for time here it's almost 1:30 that means we've got three and a half hours of good daylight until starts to get dark this is about when I arrive to camp yesterday so we're in good shape we're in good shape to get this thing finished up nice and pretty so what I'm gonna do is we're gonna measure these logs get about five high on each side so it's about right here that'd be good Oh Monty yeah we'll get about five honey - side add another log up here clean everything up then I'm gonna pull off all this pine and stuff what we're gonna do is I'm actually just it's at the grounds not too frozen yet so I can get to the duffed and the leaves and stuff underneath so what I'm gonna do is scrape off all that pine needle I'm gonna use a little bits of pine to fill the big gaps and then we're going to take duct and snow and stuff we're just going to make it completely covered and maybe I'll put some on the sides too and it would be nice covered thing so we'll get this thing nice and pretty and I'm gonna need to level out the ground so I'm gonna pull everything out here once we get the logs all chopped up instead of I want to pull everything out makes the monty a nice comfortable spot over there that we're gonna finalize this thing because I do want to return here like I've said I'd really like to come back here and I also I'm gonna try to find a nice maple branch to stick right here make a support beam so let's measure up some lines and get to work [Laughter] Wow [Music] alright that'll do the trick okay so what I'm gonna do actually now is I'm gonna go find this pole before I start messing with this too much I'm gonna go get a we're gonna take a nice mate ball they're ever around here so we'll be to our two final moment get a nice straight section I'm gonna put a little small shallow V in the top will chip at it a little bit just so it stays and I'll pound it up here make you so this is nice and sturdy Monty alright you stay there this will do nice right here that's a good section tall well let's just set this down over here under the camera take this bad boy down punky Dowler [Applause] okay we need two hands for this here I'd like it to fall this way because it won't get stuck by much but we'll see perfect there we go now does it get my saw and cut off this bottom section and the rest of it is gonna be all the firewood we will ever need tonight even though I have so much firewood up there it's ridiculous oh yeah here we go much longer than I need okay so we're gonna measure this thing up here I'm gonna first flatten out the bottom by cutting off the bottom piece and then we're gonna dig down into the ground a little bit just a just a little hole just so that when I put the weight on here it doesn't smush into the ground too much so I'm going to dig down a bit and then we're going to chop or cut a little V in the top so it kind of just rests on this log pretty nice [Music] looks pretty good [Music] I made the whole go a long ways same depth as back there so that it to the right desk here we're going to try to make it so it pushes it up just a hair don't want to go too shallow and mess up the log here but I'm also going to make a shallow V so I'm going to come in at the side so I'll try to dig it down to the shape of the log you start a little high here alright let's cut this up see what happens now I've never made one of these before so I'm not sure if you need to do the little shallow V it just makes sense to me flat for the most part but we'll see we're experimenting okay I'm just gonna take my ax here and we're gonna attempt to chop a shallow be here oh that that there we go that's exactly what you want hmm you know what we're just gonna saw it instead I would have surely screwed it up I kept acting [Laughter] see as you can see I got a little little V it's more like a u or a shallow dip but I should hold on the log a little bit better so let's stick her up there Silver Arrow no I'm gonna we're gonna make Monty a nice warm spot over there I'm gonna start I'm gonna probably put some duct right now we'll fill in some of the gaps just the stuff in the center that's gonna be harder to reach when it's all set up but we'll do that we'll set up the poles and then we'll get set up the side so Monty come on let's go come on let's go come on let's go we gotta go get out of here I need to pull this stuff out so I don't make a mess on all of it Wow it's looking better definitely flattered that it was still a little bit right here Monti was just snuggling me hard it's not that I don't mind them snuggling me it's just that when he sleeps right next to me it's hard for me to roll around and not make him upset let's start by just taking this all off making a pile will do it a lot nicer we're gonna we're gonna redo redo here get a little bit of a redo okay I'm gonna first start by going over big gaps like this one here and I'm just gonna kind of wedge some of this stuff here so when I put the duck on top just the major gaps nothing nothing crazy small or anything just major ones you wanna start putting that stuff on top it doesn't just fall through really easily and the wind blowing doesn't knock it through there's not too many big gaps I got pretty good logs here but there's you know there's gaps okay now I'm gonna start just taking this stuff and packing it all the gaps we're gonna seal all the holes dirt I've never done this before this is my first time putting this sort of stuff on here I've always come out when it's like really frozen and this doesn't really work as good but I can I can get it pretty easily right now c-can I reach yeah I can reach pretty easier we're gonna put the other two logs quick [Music] so you got some big ones to add to hear that a lot widens it a good bit just two bigger logs [Music] there you go okay let me get the center here first [Music] okay looks pretty good there we go okay as you can see you can't see through there's no gaps there might be a small one here there but there's no way snows getting through there I've got it all seal up this is the first time I've done it with this duffed it actually went way better than the pine needles as far as speed goes it's all right here I don't got to move around now I like the pine needles definitely looks pretty but they worked good if you have tons of them and if you have a big dead tree right nearby or if you're doing it quick like last night I guess I could have done this last night but I just wasn't I've never tried it before this is my first time but this works really well and it's perfectly sealed but I did not want to put this on here without the support beam because this adds a lot of weight and now any snow that happens is gonna pile up on here and it's gonna add to the protection and the insulation of the shelter but it's gonna put a lot more weight on that pole so now we got to work on sidewalls I had buy one from yesterday but that wasn't it's not quite thick enough I want them all the same width so they stack really well so I'm gonna redo it to be the first one here have it come - right here that should be good right there okay let's saw it off and then we're gonna try to get five on each side okay there we go I got five for each side this side is gonna have a little bit thicker ones I wanted to kind of stay the same width so that when you're stacking them they don't do the thing where your sticks you know your gap the stakes that hold them if you have a big log that a small log it rolls off to one side then your next law goes up and goes to the other side so you want to keep them relatively the same length so that's why students a wins come from this way I'm gonna put all the thick logs on this side but now we're going to knock off all the pokies then we're going to craft them some stakes and get these things set up [Music] okay just coming together it's coming together those are all done now I just need some steaks now we're gonna tie these in here [Music] there [Music] all right that one will go right there perfect and this will go right here well that's cool I wasn't recording the whole time it's good to know a little when I do this so I'm basically just making steaks I've already got like four of them done this one's already got a split I don't really need to do much just chop it and kind of make it a point on one end this is one of the bit I got two long ones four shorter ones I only need the two long ones for the insides of the front part this one I'm actually just gonna cut off this part here then I'm just gonna I'm doing a slight taper on this side just barely at all just so it helps prevent splitting so I'm just going to do this on the last one here and let's start piling them in there we go [Music] I'm doing the top one the this one on the insides going to be angled slightly just so that when I do the next stake as the logs get longer they'll get shorter as they go in and I want to make sure to tie it to this and I didn't quite make them long enough to go under here so I have to be able to tie it to here and slip them in between so they're kind of a slight angle [Music] [Music] [Music] all right let's stack them up see how it looks there we go now I'll just take a rope tire there that would be good this side see what we're gonna do is instead of this snake is just gonna hold them here I'm gonna take and tie this top one to the this here because the stake is kind of a little bent out not not working so well [Music] [Music] okay there we go I'm just gonna tie it down and this parts done just gonna actually take a few logs and just stop them in between here well do the I'll keep it thick just fine as long as it keeps it pressed up the stake is keeping it all pressed so you can see it's not going anywhere now okay that's it for this I might you know scoop some stuff up and put it underneath there but for the most part it's good to go I want to get crazy elaborate I'll you know fill those gaps on the sides but for now I am content with that and we need to get Monty back into his cozy dead because he's just sitting out here like a just uh you know like a nobody like a slave dog he needs to be in his coziness alright let's do this wait wait wait wait wait later go ahead go boy lay down oh yeah oh yeah it's cozy under here that's a good boy okay here she is for right now we still we still got to make a fire reflector and I would like to hang a few pieces of stuff if I can if I can find a spot to do do so to block from some snow but for the most part it's solid it's a solid little cozy dead no snows getting through there on the backside and we got some wind protection from the sides hmm what do you think Monty it's a good boy just like that I'm just kind of wedging this into the ground here like so and I'm basically just doing this to have a very very slight head of protection it's not gonna do a whole lot but it's better than nothing you know I'm just kind of setting things here and I don't need to do it to the other side I'm pretty much just doing it to this side here I'm just kind of piling things on it's just for snow snow fall through I want to catch on here first okay that's pretty good now let's build the fire reflector quick and yeah let's do that all right so to craft up four more stakes here quick [Music] whoops that's wrong end this is what happens when you don't taper it and it's punky it just destroys Oh that was out of place out of place there it goes beautiful let's tire off whoo okay there it is so you can see the smoke it's it was blown more than to see how it's blowing to the left there so I will only have to really worry about snow coming from over here but there's I got a lot of straight logs and I got off all the pokies so they're probably called knobs or something but I call them PO keys so that that's that's a wrap on this shelter here but there's not many gaps in between the log and stuff even the fire reflector is substantially better than normal I could've gone with a little bit longer logs and it probably needs to be closer it's not as cold as I thought it was gonna be today anyways so I don't know if I'll keep a fire going all night or not we'll see but we've got 45 minutes till the Sun sets another good day I took it a lot easier today than I did yesterday yesterday I worked a lot you know hard or hiking and everything but I had fun this is a lot of fun this is a nice little nice little camp I'd say this is my best one yet my best little shelter but yeah I'm gonna get the fire going tidy up and we will probably get into cutting some firewood and getting ready to make some dinner hey Monty so what I'm making for dinner today is some homemade chicken noodle soup I'm gonna take some chicken drumsticks I'm gonna boil and they're simmer them in some water till the meat falls off and the skin pretty much dissolves and we'll make some homemade soup it's gonna be delicious and I brought some noodles and I'd like to make some Bannock to go with it come on to you stay over here he keeps creeping over to the bacon grease it's trying Monte no no no no no no yeah you go lay down these are good tuna really want that bacon grease to so goo but and then Monty's gonna have some sweet potato and venison so we're gonna both be good tonight so I guess we'll cut up some firewood then we'll just relax by a hot fire for a while sort of simmering up the chicken so let's get some firewood prepared and then start cooking it I'm gonna let it simmer for a good hour at least so that meat is just falling off that bone it's dissolved and then we'll add them the other goodies and cook it up for another half hour he's so weird sometimes half the time he wants to sit on the sleeping pad and another half of the time he wants to go lay in the snow but this fire is really hot and I felt him he is pretty warm sitting by it it's a hot fire it's been going all day I haven't been putting wood on it all day but anywho let's get firewood prepared [Music] [Music] [Music] but it you want the stick good boy you step away from that fire it's a little nibbly oh man you guys know I have psoriasis on my knees so this constant kneeling and frozen ground and stuff it gets a little raw doesn't feel the best a few days after after this Oh solid Monty it's solid where am I gonna chop this up Priory right here probably [Music] monkey figure that's stochastic debris here we're messy you're here about 200 who's here Monty who's here who's here oh I see yeah who's here who's here on Z who's here there's nobody here Monty there's nobody so at some point here I was taking evening pictures and I saw how unplugged the microphone to my camera and there's no audio for the next four hours so I'm just going to give you a little voiceover and tell you what was going on here I am once again splitting some firewood wasn't going so good my battery kept dying and I finally got a shot of me splitting sapphire when I was super happy too bad there's no audio setting down all my chops split firewood next to the seat and the fire so I don't have to move much I can be a little lazy here's me blabbing away to the camera have no idea what I'm saying if it's important uh but Monty sure is paying attention to what I'm saying this is me boiling up some snow or melted some snow because we were running low on water and I needed some to cook with here's me running around with Monty carrying him making airplane noises completely embarrassing him yeah he wasn't too thrilled about that Monty bouncing like a frosty little bunny I've decided to warm up by throwing the stick for him and he decided not to fetch it because probably because I carried him around making airplane noises just tending my little fire had to get out the old great great stable it's great and all the lands never fails wanting to make sure is extra stable though because I don't want that soup spill into that fire I'd be a double-whammy finally got enough snow melted I don't know if you've ever melted snow but it takes a while and there is definitely some schmutz in there Adnan that juicy raw chicken to that water all that it's just so appetizing mmm setting around the fire getting her cooking Here I am cracking a beard blabbing again Monte's just relaxing and his nice cozy little den and licking some snow out of his paws just checking on my pot of boiling raw chicken mm-hmm scooted my tea a little bit closer put the blanket over the sleeping pad so didn't burn holes in it check on that chicken once again the meat was starting to fall off the bone and it was it was starting to actually smell a little decent cup of some sweet potatoes for Monty to throw in his little pan put some snow in there because we didn't have a ton of water right now also threw in a whole brick of raw ground venison which is way too much by the way started dicing up one half of a large white onion for my chicken noodle soup diced up one large carrot and two stalks of celery Oh frosty it is frost just breaking off of there there's my boiling chicken just have already thrown in all these delicious ingredients now it's got a simmer for about a half-hour something in there I don't even think it actually had December that long but it was it was looking pretty good I was definitely starting to get really excited to eat at this point now I had to start adding some extra flavor in there I threw in two bouillon cubes because I had about two cups of water in there with all the other stuff then some fresh parsley which was frozen and looked just like mouse turds maybe not mouse turrets something else a little bit of pepper and I started without adding the salt because I completely forgot about it till I watch this footage and here's me attempting to make some bannocks so I was thinking I'll put it in the pan this time and add water and just do it right in the pan and I decided that this big stick was gonna work and I just started mangling it and it just was just not working out very well I think Monty was pretty embarrassed with me just mashing this panic just terribly and wouldn't even look at me just Mainland it thought it'd be a good idea just to cook it right in the pan just press it into the bottom maybe sneak some butter under it the soups looking good on the other hand it was starting to smell amazing and I was just going nuts decided to go for a little taste tester and everything was pretty much cooked and it was delicious I just threw in the noodles here in the pot and then I was going to put the lid off to the side and just since the the soup was so hot it would just cook the noodles by the time everything else was ready throw the Bannock on there to start the burning process put a little chunk of butter on the side and try to put it underneath so when I try to flip it it just kind of flopped everywhere and yeah it wasn't looking so appetizing the soup was delicious looking and I was just ready to devour the meat was falling off the bones took the bones out I was ready to just inhale this whole bowl of goodness I was thinking the bank didn't burn too bad but then I flipped it I burnt the crap out of it but hey this is my first time cooking bad I hit a pan like this you know what I was ready to eat and I didn't care well well well ladies and gentlemen I just did a pretty big fail oh no I just was trying to do a zoom of of Monty's face and I realized that it wasn't picking up audio and I was like what the heck and the mic was just slightly unplugged I must have don't want to change batteries I don't even know how long it's been like that it's got to be I checked a few clips back and they all didn't have audio so it's a ways back and you know what that sucks that really sucks so I think the whole cooking process all that it's not gonna have any audio I don't really know so what I'm gonna do is because you can't just watch a video for like 20 minutes of just no audio I'm gonna have to kind of make it go kind of quick and I'm gonna do a voiceover I'm gonna do a voiceover that is what we will do our breath our band is looking pretty dumb I don't know how many times I've said that this soup tastes good oh this tastes so good too everything is complete it is time to eat at least I caught it before we ate dinner this might be a little gooey in the center but I won't mind let's get this off of here here I can't believe that though I don't know how I unplugged the mic I wasn't messing around with the mic oh well oh well Monty that's gonna happen that's gonna happen get some wood on this fire but this soup oh let's just really quickly before we get it all together let's get a little close-up of dinner you've got mr. Monty Phelps sweet potatoes venison the slightly burned buttery Bannock and the delicious chicken noodle soup let's just yeah oh yeah mmm okay it's time to eat okay let's get Monty's he needs a little dog food in there get my tea is for you got too much dog food cuz he's got a lot of food here oh we got a sound we've got sound we've got audio uh-oh all ladies and gentlemen we've got a full bowl of sweet potatoes and venison for mr. Monty that's a dangerous thing oh we can't forget any scraps Edison it'll be upset okay that ladies and gentlemen is a full bowl can you see it piling over the edges that's a little too much for Monty it's not hot it's nice and warm see if these extra scraps okay my daddy stay there stay there where's my spoon my soup is done oh I'm so excited to eat this you ready Monty you ready well actually you know wait wait I just had to finish off my beer quick go ahead go ahead all right let's taste this chicken noodle soup ooh we got a little bone OOP I'm probably gonna have one more of those that I missed a teeny little bow hmm oh yeah mmm this is so good oh my gosh I don't know if it's just because it's over a fire or what but it is some of the best chicken noodle soup I've ever had oh no panic it's not gooey in the center oh it's nice and soft oh let's just dip this in here whoo oh yeah I don't think I'm gonna be able to even get close to finishing this there's so much here lay it down come here twirl twirl twirl art lay down lay down there you go go ahead little turd nugget ooh oh man I might be able to finish this off I've done some damage to this bowl and there is fight left in the stomach there's fight left in here Monty I'm taking one out of your book today just keep eating just keep eating there's a bone I ate every scrap every drop of soup in that container that was good I did not eat all my Banach ate maybe 2/3 of that Banach that stuff is so much more filling than the soup is that Banach is just straight to your gut I can eat another little chunk that was so good mmm there you go Monty that was worth the way that was good Nullah Banach when it's got that those burnt spots you can really taste those so I'd like to do it I'd not burn at one time but that soup was so on point there's a little frustrating that I lost the audio that could be even before man that could be when it was still light out I did that who knows how far that went back Oh we'll see only time will tell that's the one thing that's rough about recording out in the woods like when I missed the little baby moose swimmin in front of me there's no going back there is absolutely no going back but anywho I'm stuffed what about you Monty Monty's he'd I don't even think he ate did you eat Monty because you seemed like you didn't eat today even though I fed you three times he ate three fat meals today this little porcupine so we are going to get ready for bed I'm gonna clean up tidy up get ready to crawl in my sleeping bag and go to bed because I'm full it is 9:40 it was 9:00 yeah it was 938 when I last check it's actually 9:40 right now so I think by the time I'm ready for bed it's gonna be 10 o'clock just like we were hoping for so let's get to a Monty let's get ready for bed good job good job Mandy oh look at you that was pretty much perfect just scoot your booty all right let's tuck in Monte oh okay keep your face out here so you can see a little bit or it's too dark for the evening so I was just I had to know when I stopped reporting audio so I went back and checked my camera and it was a little far back um it was right when it got dark so there's about four hours of no audio so that'll be fun that's you know the best way to make a quality video is to just make sure there's no audio so we'll see how I tackle that I'm not sure I've never I had the one time where Ruger knocked my camera into the water and it was you know for maybe 20 minutes this is four hours of no audio so we'll see what happens little little disappointed needless to say but what can you do what can you do why did you do Monte we can just snuggle you up and make you happy how about that how about that there we go we've got a snuggly Monty Hall here you're gonna yeah you're gonna you're gonna settle in I don't care what you think you're doing mister he might think he's gonna be wrestling around but he's not okay ladies and gentlemen that was a delicious dinner the food prep got a little mucked with the audio thing but we'll survive we'll make it pass it there will be more videos right Monty so I'm gonna pass out and get up on this layout so I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody [Music] [Music] good morning bunty's ready to get up I think he's got a poop you woke me up panting he's ready to get out I think he ate too much goodness it did sleep potatoes oh yeah he was he was a whole minute turd it's like dude I gotta poop jelly gonna poop love you out of here oh it's a cold one this morning hmm you like it upside down he's hid behind uptight huh I slept okay last night I sleep the best a lot of tossing and turning last night lots of it I don't think it's known at all well if it did it didn't get on either of us it's chilly if I come back out here I should probably build this wall the way up or a lot higher to up there maybe another five logs on each side let it be really protected in here oh yeah well not gonna dilly-dally too much today gotta get back to civilization okay I am gonna I'm gonna put on my layers and get out of my sleeping bag here right a little cozy debt it's always the hardest part of any day crawl on this warm cozy coldness I don't know my cold huh anyways let's get up let's do it it's a crisp brisk morning want to actually we gotta do a butt check stay there stay there oh no oh no 90 you got a dirty butt oh no great now I gotta clean that off before we get the truck Monty stop scavenging you ate yourself to the poops dang it he got one too many treats yesterday too much of a Mississippi Tennessee we're learning they can't have you know bacon and eggs for breakfast venison sweet potatoes for dinner sausage and cheese mixture for lunch oh that was too much we overdid it Monty I spoiled you too much okay he doesn't think so but he doesn't know any better stop stop it stop it you already got the poops what the heck okay well there's only one thing left to do now we got to tear this thing down I'm just kidding not this time oh I want to come back here I love tearing it down yeah it's pretty solid yeah that definitely makes it nice makes you be able to relax that that pole is pretty sturdy too of use it for support a couple times so anyways the sun's peaking up looks like it's gonna be a nice cold bright sunny day Monty finally brought me the stick just gonna throw it for a few more times and then we're gonna get packing up and get heading back to the car breakfast no coffee I'll probably get coffee at a gas station on the way home so anywho what do you say Monty let's start getting packed up okay all right okay all right okay that was all right that's the way things have full those two bags right there take up so much [Music] javi why's that okay I've gotta take off a couple layers and get brisk for a minute in anticipation of the hike in sweats you know what I'm saying you know what I'm saying oh yeah this sure is later alrighty well that was a nice couple days building the shelter I definitely needed the protection more on the first day but you know it is what it is I didn't quite get as far as I wanted to the first day but it got done and I'm hoping that the snow doesn't pile on too high and I can return here so we will be heading back to the car now and I'm going to edit myself up a video for you guys what do you think my tea should we get going so as always ladies and gentlemen if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button and I will catch you guys at the next video come on T let's go [Music] but don't treat my do entreat Monty won't treat Monty won't treat Monty you want a treat Oh bunch of you paralyzed Monty What's Wrong Monty what are you doing ok ok ok I did not think you were gonna move [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 2,047,849
Rating: 4.76267 out of 5
Keywords: camping, bushcraft, winter camping, bushcrafting, survival, shelter, shelter building, adventure, adventurer, backpacking, backcountry, backcountry camping, wilderness, wilderness area, wilderness camping, wild camp, bushcraft shelter, survival shelter, campfire, campfire cooking, dog, dog training, outdoor education, outdoor recreation, wilderness living, nikon, canada, nature, bushcraft skills, nature skills, outdoorsman, survivor man, camping dog, extreme weather, cold weather, cold camp
Id: 546aln9r_z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 170min 32sec (10232 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 09 2018
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