Bushcraft Camp in the Snow - Winter in November

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[Applause] hello ladies and gentlemen I'm currently out with Monty and we are hiking to a pristine wintry forest looking for a spot to set up a camp spin them night out here and cook up some delicious food over fire so stick around and I hope you guys enjoy the video [Music] [Music] is just beautiful all right now anything mighty all right well this is a a pretty darn good spot nice open maple stand so not this exact spot here so I'm gonna take off my pack and we're gonna do a little walking around and find a good set of trees because right now my plan is to just set up a ridge Pole and put a couple logs down and lay my tarp over because it's gonna be heavy snowfall throughout the day and so I said be heavy to be light but it's still gonna be super snowing all day so we're gonna shop the camera here walk around and find a nice little open spot in this section here let's get to it man - come on [Music] okay so this looks like it's going to be the spot I'm either gonna set up the rich hole here between these two trees or between these two trees here that really depends on while I'm sitting here seeing how much the snow comes from one way or the other right now the plan is to set up a ridge Pole we're gonna get two or three logs and lay them up throw the tarp over that maybe build up some side walls and then a fire reflector out front and then we're gonna collect some firewood spark will fire and cook up some food looks like the wind's coming from this way a little bit so I might want to set it up right here between these two trees put the tarp and sleeping area there set up my fire reflector here either way we've got some work to do so you may be wondering why I am not wearing snowshoes and that's a good question to be honest with you I did not think the snow was going to be this deep at all it's not even close to this deep where I live and I had to travel I didn't anticipate so much snow but either way I don't think they would do much anyways it's so fluffy when I'm walking through it it's not I can't even feel that I'm so I'm not postholing or anything it's a light fluffy snow and if I had snowshoes they'd just sink anyways so there's really no need so the first thing we got to do is bust out the axe and we got to find a dead standing tree or something laying down that's nice and solid to make a ridgepole so let's get to that party [Music] seems a little punky yeah I don't think this will do it yep to punky this looks pretty darn good there we go we're gonna chop off this end down here and then that I can make two logs out of that maybe a ridgepole one of the side poles one thing I've learned over the past year winter camping don't set your ACT sheet down on the snow sometimes it takes a minute to find put in your pocket [Music] okay I'm gonna drag I've actually done dropped both these pieces back to camp because that's gonna be some nice firewood for later and then before we set anything up we're going to collect a few more of these [Applause] [Music] what is it Monty are we winter camping in November Monty what you think he's just like I don't know whether it kind of changed really quick what's going on [Music] hey that's pretty easy hi Monty [Music] [Music] okay that might be enough to get our frame up which would be nice bunnies get a little snow in his paws who Monty what do you think gonna stick Monty what's this you want this know this yeah okay okay okay all right yeah little bouncy bunny okay so right now we are gonna cut our ridgepole it looks like the wind is mostly coming from this direction so uh we're gonna set it up like this that hopefully I can get one of the logs for the sides for this out of this let's see if this is small that's all right here sighs baby yep [Music] swap hats here he's a little nippy when you you're not moving around so much I don't got all my layers on from hiking in but when I'm moving around and I got my tea with me I don't worry about him getting cold at all but as soon as I start sitting around and start setting up camp I like to give him a spot to lay down some of wall up his own sleeping pad and if you lay on it maybe I'll cover them up in his little wool blanket right muddy it's all about how comfortable your Monty is if your Monty is having a good time you're having a good time [Music] [Music] a mighty be comfortable good boy [Music] okay so for tying up the ridgepole I'm going to use what's commonly referred to as the Canadian jam nut so what you do is you just take a small piece of string I'm gonna use a larger string because I always end up making them too small the first time so I'm not not today not today so you start with the one end and you just put a normal knot right through it just like that and tighten it up that's that's that's one step one and then like about that far roughly and you know I haven't done this a ton of times you do the same thing but you don't make this one tight you keep it loose like that and then all you do is you wrap it around your tree and your log and you feed it through this end just like that and you pull it as tight as you can and your ream on it and it tightens up and it doesn't loosen very much and it kind of like a slipknot and then you just secure it with other knots so what I'm going to do is I'm going to do two on each side I'm going to start by just hanging it up then do another one on each side and then secure it up that's all there is to that okey-dokey so take off my I'm not gonna take this globe off yet that one off like here I'm just going to pin my body up against this push it against a tree [Music] we're just going to go around like that yay tighten it much like in here and then I'm just gonna secure it [Music] okay now the same thing on the other side [Music] there go all out here just use my shoulder this time [Music] I still mess up sometimes when I go inside or outside like see how I'm going from the inside I'm going out and down around the tree I'm pretty sure that matters I always I always do it the wrong way the first time except for this time this time I'm doing it correctly the first try usually I'm just like oh that's the wrong way [Music] all right tighten that [Music] and secure this guy let's do a small ridge pole strength test I might only use two ropes today I think it'll be enough oh yeah if I can do pull-ups off of it then it's strong enough it's definitely strong enough to be able to hold some logs it's a now Ridge Ridge pole setup so let's quickly see this guy's long enough this might be a little short so I'm going to do next is I'm going to pull out my tarp and we're gonna measure how long of logs I want because I'm gonna want essentially I'm gonna want logs just as long as my tarp so it goes all the way back so we have some nice room [Music] okay this is about how long the tarp is we'll make a little marker here okay you know it's the it's not even November 15th yet and it's cold it's I think the hyper today was maybe 16 degrees Fahrenheit and that's what that's a negative negative seven Celsius somewhere in there negative 80 Celsius something like that that's the high but it's more so like what is it negative 12 Celsius which is 12 Fahrenheit something like that that's pretty much where it's at for today and there's windchill so it's it's right down around 4 degrees 5 degrees 6 degrees with wind chill it's chilly maybe 9 degrees it's nippy out so we've got the 1 log set up here I'm gonna tie this off I don't think this other piece just long enough no this isn't long enough so what we're gonna do is we're going to need another log before I tie these off but luckily we're building up walls later I've already got trees here so I can just make a small gap and leave it like that I don't even know if we're gonna make side walls we'll see we'll see we get to but we need another long piece so let's get another log [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] okay sugar moisturiz lay down later now let's see where this thing's at for the weight pretty good good we will just this [Music] now we're just going to use the same knot as before to hold these to the ridgepole without moving lunch now these don't need to be secured down really they just need to be tightened now what the heck what the heck [Music] look a pretty good pretty good okay now we're gonna throw on the tarp here and get that set up we'll see what what instead of putting another stick in the middle I'm just gonna tie a line there's a what there's a knot that goes to the middle here matee are you go boy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so with this corner right here the string it's not going to work so I that's I wrapped it around but this side I'm going to put a snake so it drapes over the log here so I'm gonna craft up a stake here quick turn that one in okay let's see if we can turn this here into a steak we'll give that a try just stick her in like that counter down should do the trick nope didn't do the trick grows a little too frozen right now and this thing's a little too dead yep f didn't work okay so we're just going to get a better stick here and we're gonna stake it like that [Music] there we go now that will catch the they'll catch the rope there okay now I'll just put a small taper on this side there we go I should do the trick right there let's give her a shot there we go good catch like that [Music] here we go we got a big stump here oh no it's a rock oh no this is a big rock here well at least we can fit back in here so yeah I'm gonna take and tie up a couple ropes here just to get this over the bar here and then instead of putting up walls what I'm gonna do is just pile up snow since there's so much snow I'm just gonna kind of use my foot and kind of make little snow walls and we'll have a nice cozy little bed back here and see this gap I'm gonna do the same thing with snow and just put snow over the back side of it but I've never set up a tarp before with logs like this and I was just the reason I wanted to do this is because the first time I ever used a tarp and there was some winds I didn't I just used tie-downs and stuff and it was kind of blowing around a little bit I wanted to have the logs here so it was suck tight to the logs and there's you know it's not really gonna flap and go anywhere it's pretty solid being a tied tight to the logs here so I'm just just messing around with tarps so it's fun so let's get these tied up and then we're gonna clear this out and give Monte's a little spot okay Monte's Monte's alive Monty I almost got your dumb sub okay buddy hey Monty yeah you want to help we're gonna help Monty [Music] [Music] [Music] so all the way here Montillo lay right next to me that's a work this will do I don't really think I needed sidewalls it's not really crazy windy even if it is a little windy it's blowing from right behind me from what I've seen so [Music] although it would definitely add protection it's not really necessary so I'm not gonna do that so this is all set to go now we are going to work on a fire reflector and then we are going to collect some firewood later oh yeah good boy yeah it's it's chilly the longer I sit around a camp and I'm not doing crazy amounts of like chopping down or hiking and I don't have all the layers I'm getting a little nipply it is it's a cold one I've I've winter camped many a times where it's warmer than this this isn't technically winter I mean it's snowing there's a foot of snow on the ground it's cold but it's it's not even mid-november yet so technically it's not winter but it's winter this is gonna be a long cold winter if if this is gonna this snow stays it's gonna be a long cold winter I don't even know why I'm wrapping Monty up I'm just giving him a second because as soon as I go to start getting more stuff to build this fire reflector he's gonna be getting up and moving around he's not having it when I leave I leave camp but the only reason this is sagging a little bit is because I've got snow right here and I've got this tie it off kind of to the side it's not pulling straight back the paracord I got didn't quite reach the tree back there so I just tie it off to the side it's fine it'll do but there's no breeze here okay let's get to the fire reflector a Monti a mentee [Music] let's don't worry Monty I got it I'll take care of it all you just you just stay here good boy sit up doesn't that look comfortable comfortable good boy Monty figure since I'm not gonna go off too far for right now might as well get them nice and cozy okay so surprisingly I am really struggling to find dead standing timber around here like I'm there's no this is like the healthiest forest I've ever seen I've never been to this exact spot I've been definitely around the forest and everything I've never bushcraft stood here before but there is no dead standing timber they're all if it's if it's dead you know it's on the ground or it's leaning but nothing there are no dead standing trees so I'm struggling them with grabbin you know four stakes I'd like a nice little like one of these maples right here those would be the perfect size but there are no dead ones I've walked all over nothing they're all alive they're young must be a young forest but anyways I'm gonna I'm gonna give these a shot there's a big dead maple over there and it had a bunch of branches so we're gonna this is pretty solid so I should do the trick so we're gonna turn these into steaks and it should do the trick if I'm if I'm careful and I'm not riemann on it too hard or anything we're gonna have one big one [Music] [Music] there's the dog in there believe it or not okay let's see her fire right there this will make the fire reflector right here that's a little close yeah I'll be good okay let's pound some steaks in here that is on a rock Oh Rock all right that'll be good once I tie it together that won't work okay so it's not the best steaks in the world namely this one is kinda crooked but once I tie them together in a hole the logs in there so now we just got to collect a bunch of dead crap like this and pile it up I'm gonna go out and saw up a bunch of pieces and drag them over here and stack them up well that log ain't gon work that one that will work we're gonna move this crappy stay here just thing I do it's not my best fire reflector but it's not my worst yeah it's uh it definitely makes things easier if you got a lot of dead standing timber to choose from that's something I am going to take into consideration next time I'm setting up a camp because yeah there is slim pickins very slim pickins makes it a little tougher to get two nice straight logs and stuff so yeah you live in you're learning all right started to get that pretty sky over we're entering evening mode I'm gonna need some firewood now okay now that Monte's came out and I could see the fire reflector I guess these little feet through it it's not the best monty it's cold [Applause] now it's uh a little chilly so we are going to get a fire going I'm gonna get up some firewood what I'm gonna do today is pretty much just cut up logs and there's a bunch of sticks here and I'm gonna go gather some birch bark because there's birch bark birch trees now birch bark trees birch trees all around so I'm going to gather some birch spark it up with six there and then we'll just burn logs and have a nice warm fire tonight because it's gonna be a chilly night tonight and we got a good meal plan so let's get to it snuggling okay so I gathered a whole bunch of here's logs everywhere sticks saw bunch of it up I'm not gonna split a whole lot I'm gonna split some of it just to make some nice coals and some Kinlan but for the most part of burn sticks and logs yeah that's a nice firewood I wish I could find I didn't I never had a whole bunch of this it's really dense seasoned maple Wow my G doesn't like the splitting he is uh he's out and about I guess we'll use his bed as the place to set it whoops now we're just going to quarter up some stuff I'm not gonna do anything crazy tonight just quartering up a few of these to get a nice coal bed okay set up a base we got one nice stick and then we'll put down some punky stuff that's okay we got a whole bunch of birch bark I'm getting a little nippy I am excited for a fire so let's get this thing going buoy and then we're gonna set up Monte a little spot so I'm gonna scrap the top here get those little birch bark plate oops get a nice little pile here it should help it spark right up [Applause] we're going to scrape some more I may get some little pieces of birch bark in there on top of that it's pretty thick birch brush right here right again try it again okay this will do the trick I can feel it I can feel it there we go oh yeah oh yeah we're gonna risk it a little bit to get Monte a nice warm spot here deserves to have the warmth of a fighter so we need him to sit right here cover this thing up we'll play get some fire protection for ember particular should city right to come here No hey Monty that's just that's just not gonna do is not going to do it okay that feels good haha well oh yeah well I know you guys know I check the temperature and stuff with my watch well it doesn't work so good when it's freezing outside because it's just reading three lines it's it's saying there's no temperature it's that cold guys so don't get the Casio protrek if you want to use it for telling you really cold temperatures because apparently it doesn't want to do it it feels cold out I'll tell you that much for sure Almighty is just collecting warmth from the fire oh yeah you feel toasty oh yeah he is just a good boy he doesn't like smoke oh it's okay it's okay it's just a little smoke Monty don't worry about it slave act oh don't worry about me so I have to prepare a little something for Denman this so for dinner today we are having a fire roasted pork tenderloin on a stick with some asparagus and a potato mm-hmm so I need a stick cirrhosis thing on I get that prepared I haven't put on my layers yet I'm still wearing what I walked in with so I'm getting a little chilly and I'm waiting to get this food this roast cooking oh okay as I was saying for Monty so rudely interrupted he does not like smoke he does not like smoke at all but I'm making him stay near the fire cuz I don't want them to go off and get cold and snowy and wet again mangy little turd nugget keeps making it so have to get up this stick might be a little large for this but that's okay it'll do sorry Monty so winter camp in a what do you think Monty you ready for this ready for a whole bunch of this so funk off before I left this morning I left pretty early and I was getting ready I asked funk I was like oh man I only have pork tenderloin and asparagus and for Monty do you think that's okay and she's just like poza you just asked if pork tenderloin and asparagus was was enough for your dog you know when you think about it she's right I shouldn't be questioning if that's okay for Monty very Monty that's a good boy so I was gonna crack open a beer whoops I get that but I grabbed one and it you know what I don't know if you've ever had a beer freeze but it gets very squishy super squishy and both of them were squishy so I'm gonna wait because if you open them when they're very squishy as soon as you open them it just turns to slush and it's not like a drinkable slush when it's that as squishy as they worse they got a warm up for a bit so it's cold blue oh man you so toasty so it's time to get cookin first though we got a treat for Monty the only the only thing is I'm gonna make him eat right here though [Music] see if we can get it says den t treats these things are great that's not gonna warm up here you go good boy you get a stay right there go ahead go ahead eat it make a mess there okay we've got to get our pork tenderloin on our stick this is gonna be a little bit messy it's okay Monty go ahead and eat that now you're staying there good boy he's like you know I like this but I'd rather have a piece of meat to be perfectly honest Oh Monty he's just using the sleeping bag to hold it he's just like that's a good boy he likes those things okay pork tenderloin time I think this is two pieces I wish it was one big fat piece has it cooked better but I think it's - you know it's - so we're gonna just stick this on here just like that there we go I'm gonna kind of leave it bunched up like that cause then it'll it'll cook a little bit better I think at least oh it's just so cold this is getting frozen oh man it's cold I wonder how much this is this looks like two and a half pounds we're gonna struggle oh yeah yes hahaha look at that glory Monty we're gonna feast these PO and you know I was thinking of doing some kind of like porchetta spice like I did in my Quincy with the dog video or something fancy and then I thought you know there's this really this is one spice that I just really like that just always works Montreal let's go let's do some Montreal hey get dark treat on here I'm not gonna spice the whole thing because Monty's gonna be eating a healthy portion here so he's gonna get that end there I'm gonna have to eat more than him though because he will get sick if he eats like a pound of this so we'll see should have really thought about how much I was eating here that's okay okay let's see will this work no that will not work so we need well that'll work just like that then I can turn it right here kind of need it to be all right let me turn this around we're gonna figure this out kind of why stick right here I don't want to maybe too tall okay let's just get my nasty hand all right let's gotta turn it from over there that'll start cooking it's gonna take a little bit but now I've got pork hands oh yes what do you think Monty boys oh look at that Monty doesn't even care about the smoke cause he's got a treat in his mouth interesting so I did it I brought out some wet ones compliments of Alice G so yeah we didn't do a whole lot of crazy bushcraft and you know I'm just it's it's cold uh-huh I still got my my summer body hi my early fall body it's just not it's not prepared for the cold yet this was this is a cold a cold cold cold November camp this is the coldest I've ever been out in November I mean it's cold do you need me to say that one more time it's cold it's cold Monty's not quite ready either Oh lay down lay down let out stay there mister no no you rolled off Oh Monty how could you do a little bit more hand sanitizer okay so now that this is cooking and I've dealt with only wearing one thin layer of thermals underneath my non-insulated ball spring rain gear I am going to put on some more layers because I'm a little chilly someone and this can go over the fire is what we can do all right there we go now it'll be roasting whoo yeah all right I'm putting on layers I'm chilly Monte I'm gonna join you in warmth because you look very comfortable and I want to be in your level except you're sliding up that sleeping pad all right layers time it's time to hop up here let's let's spin oh look at that beauty she's she's roasted now jeez Rolston Monty he was using it a little too warm I think sorry buddy he kept trying to get up and I wasn't letting them and then I felt his body he's pretty hot so this thing is hot now as a hot fire it feels good I got all my layers on Oh better turn this off let me just get back down here yeah that's gonna be it's gonna be a good hour at least till we're eating this pork tenderloin here I'm thinking maybe an hour and a half I'm roasting it right above the fire now okay let's see it doesn't it it's nice and firm again so that that lets me think that it's just a nice cold beer see there's an ice-cold beer and there's a nice cold beer I like the nice cold beers oh oh oh it's foaming little schmutz on there oh man winter camping huh you know it's just getting to that point in my life where I mean I know I'm not the only one I know everyone experiences this but the years are going by and each year goes by faster than the one before yep this summer just where'd the summer go was there a summer and now it's this feel like Paul was just here I thought it was fault but I guess Falls it's not fall it's winter but you know I think I'm gonna be a little bit upset that I didn't put up a wall here I might stack some more snow on this side before bed because now the wind is shifting a little bit to come through this way so I'll probably just build up some snow before I sleep that's Monty's side and he needs to be nice and cozy oh yeah it's it's getting a little chilly now No yeah the wind's coming from that way dang [Music] I'm definitely gonna have to build this up with some snow before bed look at Monty's but just smoke look at that booty the smokey booty and he did you do it did you tell Matty did you do it boy what did you do we're going to slowly start cooking some other things too because our roast is doing well I haven't been to recording a whole lot look like these right in front of Monty because he's gonna get some so it's not torture very Monty get this potato over here he's gonna need a bit ya roast is coming along what's looking good Monty oh yeah he is going to have a feast with me tonight oh it's frozen like that chunk of butter I'm gonna cook me slowly because it's you know what actually it's hard to say you don't want to cook these yet and potatoes gonna get burnt on the outside yeah me am on ticket snack on asparagus obviously the cooking a whole Oh smoke about 100 this thing might be done sooner than I think I'm cooking it oh it's a hot hot fire right now I don't even care if it's overdone oh my gosh raw Oh well these are these are a bit too big that's a nice thing about cold weather if they're frozen you can just crack them in half just like that Monty we're into three we're I mean the three quart well you're even three course - let's take a gander at this pork tenderloin here oops no hostess Burgas Oh playing fetch some of the snow is always good when he fetches I'm excited right now happy good boy because it gets it moving keep them warm and happy little puppy to play [Music] oh man dinner is coming along I think we're gonna be eating that pork roast within a half-hour you know mine get a mighty so that is exciting I am ready to eat I am so hungry right now I one little meal today and that's and then just I brought some cheese with me any month you think a little cheese but that's it oh I got it's a nice day misty oh yeah yeah we're still got a little bit though but that's not why I'm getting excited why I'm thinking that the pork tenderloin is being closed and we need Monty to taste test oh no why is a wind coming no okay Monty I need you to tell me this is done we need to do a little doneness check oh that looks pretty good he can eat raw meat so we're gonna give him first taste Monty say stay you've been a good boy all day you've been a great boy you haven't been just a good boy even a great boy okay so you get the first piece of pork tenderloin congratulations do you like that you another piece Monty as we get closer to the center to see how done it is really I'm getting impatient but I'm using Monty's side as a done this check it it's looking pretty good it's pink in the middle oh it's looking so good Monty yeah there you go good boy you want some more he's really digging this this is he's really loving this right now how good of a boy are you how great of a boy are you he's breathing really heavy I don't know if you gonna pick that up but he is breathing heavy okay Wow don't climax on me whoa oh that's terrible no but Monty's Monty side is looking pretty good this is a little this chunk is a little rare now dogs can eat raw meat so it's okay see we're gonna give Monty his a lot of his now and then I can feast later all right I need a peace of mind take Joe outside okay oh yeah and bam all that's so good Monty I know why you're breathing heavy now I totally understand i 100% understand oh my gosh Oh would you look at that glory Oh Oh ma'am no you stay there Monty don't get close I'll get you more I have to I have to eat something between two you know mr. da is so good well it is so good it's very good still not done a little crunchy but I don't mind a crunchy pork tenderloin though whoo I'm gonna cut off this little tip here oh so hot [Music] hmm [Music] oh man Monte I'll get you another piece in a minute this is amazing right now we'll get two guys from close up it's so good and you know what else this was on sale for like $2.99 a pound yeah so this right here I'm pretty sure actually yeah it was like seven bucks so it had to be two and a half pounds right around there [Music] hahahahaha settle down there mister hey don't try to steal it from me good boy oh look at that beautiful piece this hot player look at that beautiful piece of meat I have a fart burn my hands ow oh you know what Monty I think all we needed was pork tenderloin what do you think what do you think is all we needed was pork tenderloin we didn't need the other stuff you should just eat meat when you're out here right uh-huh eat that hand-fed slices the meat I'm gonna crack open my second beer here all right Monty what do you say to asparagus oh he likes it okay so since he likes his asparagus I'll put the knife on the snow I'm gonna slice them up a good portion of meat here and put some asparagus in his bowl I'll put it all into little bits and we're having a little feast what do you say Monti okay one sec let's just get you some asparagus okay and with your asparagus you need some pork tenderloin [Music] yeah sure [Applause] all right Monty I don't think much you need much more I mean he could anymore but he'll be sick you got a little bit of dog food some pork tenderloin buttered asparagus pan-roasted that's what we call dog food around these parts stay no no ate no no no wait yeah that's a good boy I need to get my Monty stick that right there so everything until right now has been taste testing we've just been testing that the food is good edible what was that the tree dropping I don't know what that noise was I'll hear it later [Music] okay Monty you look like you gonna get a nice bowl of food there isn't he's such a good boy like that food is between his legs right now right above his nose so the sensor just he's drooling into his own bowl that's how close it is okay go ahead Monty go ahead go ahead get it Monty you don't do that all right let's eat some asparagus mmm oh yeah that's done oh yeah oh look at that chunk this is so good right now Monty you shouldn't have finished up all right well ladies and gentlemen I'm gonna keep scrapping away at this stick with meat on it Monty isn't to keep begging because apparently that full bowl plus all the taste testing before wasn't enough I'm gonna finish my last beer get this fire tidied up I'm not gonna put it out tonight we're just gonna let the small amount to heat reflect back in there but I'm gonna finish eating and then we're gonna get ready for bed here I still got to set up my sleeping pad my my sleeping bag and everything but yeah we'll check back in with you a little bit when I am done eating oh you stepped on my bag Monty dang nabbit this little creature over here stepped across all my sleeping bag when I had a coke head to the inside to get to his sleeping bag you little turd nugget dang it Monte know there's snow in my sleeping bag this is supposed to be a dry zone you little turd we're figuring out your sleeping situation without getting yawn more snow okay okay okay all right No boy come here right here bye see you later let's go to bed good job water bottle put it in Monty's sleeping bag okay my Monty is tucked in this is his first real winter camping in a long time so I'm sure he will be moving around tonight and it'll take a few few tries before we get him fully settled in oh I am full satisfied and I'm not chilly and he marks it all by layers on I put some wood on the fire you can see the glow of that but hey Maddie oh boy yeah we're going to bed Monty oh yeah yeah yeah I'm not gonna lick your tongue Monty that's gross I'll let you get close so anyways guys we did a little fun crafting today made some delicious food yeah it is let's see what what time is it oh man it's late it's 9 o'clock oh let me tell ya when I spend hours preparing dinner and everything 9 o'clock is Late Late Late so it's a chilly one tonight so what I'm gonna do is take off my layers crawl into bed and zip myself up and pass out till it is light outside so on that note I will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody Jin ug it's in you David hi fine Monty slipped so good last night I know this because he only got my boys is froggy oh it's okay just wait there just wait there no he only got up and moved one time last night other than that he just laid on the side and slept the entire night what's a good boy sure was chilly out last night but I was super warm in my sleeping bag I was to war hmm all my layers it was just a little too warm but uh was that my tea oh hi my legs my stinking morning breath he always tries to capture it so it looks like a nice still morning little cloudy Sun just rose but we can't Philly tell you our tears except my do you want to get out so it's time to get up put some players on and greet the day Chameli out Matty all right time to get it put layers on oh let's do it hi mighty oh it's still beautiful out there wintery and beautiful okay so okay so we can't dilly-dally too long today no breakfast like they have any coffee or anything we're just gonna get packed up and head on out we've got some things to take care of today so it is time to get packed up yeah let's do it hey what's he know man that food was so good last night had dreams about pork tenderloin all night [Music] hi Monty you ready well let's stir the steak you know hey Monty you know sometimes I don't feel like untying knots so we're just going to cut these ropes they're kind of frozen there goes [Applause] I already cut that one it was just frozen here my D oh that was a fun little overnighter cookin up some delicious food over a fire did a little bit of bushcraft then first little taste a winter camping for the season it's nice and wintery out it's just gorgeous out right now well we've got some stuff to take care of today so we're gonna get heading back to the car and get moving same idea so as always ladies and gentlemen if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit the subscribe button and I will catch you guys at the next video let's go on to come on [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 300,747
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, bushcraft, bushcraft camp, winter camping, camp, bushcrafting, bushcrafter, survival, winter survival, survival skills, campfire, campfire cooking, dog, camping dog, dog training, adventure, adventurer, backpacking, backcountry, backcountry camping, blizzard, snow, snowstorm, bushcraft skills, gourmet cooking, campfire food, bushcraft cooking, fire skills, cold weather, suvivor, outdoorsman, snowshoe, snowshoeing, snowing, winter time, funny, wild camp, extreme weather
Id: Sn3uC2rle1Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 94min 21sec (5661 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 18 2018
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