Camping With My Dog in the Snow

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ah hello ladies and gentlemen I know the world is a bit of an uproar at the moment so I'd like to invite you to sit back relax and join me on another overnighted night like any good April campout we've got all the ingredients about good time that is of course snow a big sticky fluffy doggy delicious campfire cooking and last but not least a late start so I hope you all enjoyed [Music] [Music] I think this is gonna be our spot for the evening hi Monty are we are we camping are we supposed to be social distancing you and I I dropped down on purpose okay you didn't knock me over not at all all right so I think yeah like I said it's gonna be your spot for the evening for this night here we're gonna use these two trees right here to tie up our Terp okey great so yeah the temperature is about 32 fahrenheit or zero degrees Celsius so not too cold and warm nice April day as you can see we've clearly got snow on the ground it's been melting a lot so y-yeah there I'm not sinking it at all I don't know how much snow is on the ground it looks like foot and a half of two feet this file looks like a little bit more we're gonna be up an amount here so I'm just gonna flatten this out from the trouble and yeah so I am kind of sweating a little wet and the inside have been taking my time so yeah I'm not too sweaty but yeah sweaty but not too sweaty so looks like there's plenty of fire we're all around which is great dude 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 birch bark trees they are called birch bark trees because their purpose is to provide birch bark for lighting campfires all right let's shovel some snow [Laughter] okay simmer down simmer down so let's take a look at the time here we've got about two hours till the Sun sets ish maybe a little bit more maybe like two hours and twenty yeah so little on the late start scale we're more towards like eight or nine out of ten and late start today so with that being said we didn't go in crazy [Music] that's enough I'm not going to do too much digging today the Sun was not out at all until right when we got here to light the camp it's been too long feel like I haven't shoveled snow in a month oh forget how fun it is I haven't even shoveled anything realistically do I need here that's Tara yeah how do you bounce a pony all day come here Who am I to you I what is well pet you as our pet you okay ya know nice isn't that nice no nice Oh jumping like that and snowshoes take each other breath quick rat's nest [Music] just dead okay oh we've got a ma to guard the camp huh please we'll even but this will do for the night I don't I think it's supposed to snow a little bit tonight but nothing crazy so we've just got to do a little evening here choose where our fire pits gonna be which is going to be right there and then collect some firewood and relax oh it's beautiful ahh now Oh fresh air love it or bleeding injury at banging my finger on a stick might as well get a little multitasking in the bulb month you sleeping pad give him a nice spot which I don't know if he's looks like there might be a tree right here yeah I think there's a tree right here so we'll have to will make his spot will flatten out this spot for him but we got a we got flat not under here first [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what are you doing what what No there you go go ahead go ahead and do it yeah go ahead there you go yeah what watch you little peppercorn a little feisty critter I think that's where my logo needs to even it out a little bit more okay okay even it out Monty you shall not bark this'll be good okay oh we're cruising along all right where's the fire gonna be right here Monte smile we'll be there since we've been having some mishaps with sleeping pads you know last time I came out we popped one um we're probably not gonna be letting him use this pad near the fire because there's not gonna be many more so no camp outs this year and I don't want to pop any more pads till next winter I've what do we do this year - two pop pads this winter it's a lot well to last winter so we're on par for the same up for two per winter either way I don't want to pop anymore so we'll see how deep it is right here I'm gonna dig this out this seems to be well however far right here is that how about this okay that's not so bad groans right there so that's like foot and a half fish either way we'll do our usual thing I'm gonna dig it out a little bit here and then we'll let the fire do the work for the most part okay good enough good enough we need to do huh I think we need to get this little critter a stick right Monty yeah oh that's a yes Oh watch out there all right so we need to get him a stick we need to get some firewood and start up a fire we definitely got plenty of sunlight definitely cruising them quite along quickly today which is totally fine that means we're gonna get a little bit more chilling by the fire with the Sun out normally with the fire starts right at dark but today I think we're gonna get a little sunlight in because the days are getting longer and yeah believe it or not it's spring it is spring well yeah let's get a couple things we're gonna process up a firewood a little bit smaller today just for fun sometimes you know I've been lately I've been having fun with all big old trees burn them in half but let's let's get a little nice firewood Thanks just for the heck of it why not buy that alright get the old axe let's go we got a nice dead standard right here well excuse a little Oh well well bird it'll burn and we've got one right here well that's not supposed to happen I think this should do for now you know we'll see how much I process wait where's my sheath go [Music] [Applause] this stuff's a little stuff who's just gonna burn it up this is not gonna be one across quite a nice sticker process I will bring this back anyways a little more solid where's head chopper oh that's solid [Music] [Music] oh yeah oh yeah that'll make some nice firewood perfect perfect [Music] I'm steering deep into your soul I see you yes you good boy what could he be thinking right now what is on his mind I never know what he's thinking did you hear that beautiful bird that was wonderful [Laughter] hey Monty oh so I suppose let's saw some of this up look at your stick Monty go get it ah so I'm slowing down here a little bit just not because I'm tired or anything but I'm not tired at all I'm just uh just embracing how nice it is you know we're we're almost getting to mid-april not quite there yet and it's looking pretty warm in the forecast but for the past two years at least we've got a mid-april snowstorm pretty much right on April 15 each year for the past two years you know the first one was two years ago that's the one where I scared the crap out of Monty hit in the middle of the night [Music] then last year was the one last year last year spring snowstorm was probably the windiest craziest snowstorm it was just so windy and gusty and my shelter wasn't the best but you know that was a good one I like the shelter that I made this year for the snowstorm we had that was the craziest snowstorm this year but maybe we'll get another one only time will tell it's gonna saw this up here where am I gonna sit I'm probably gonna sit right there yeah I'm gonna saw this down a little bit we'll probably wait till we've got like 45 minutes of light left to start the fire well that's probably gonna end up being about the time yeah it's about gonna be right around the same time I finish as somebody's take my time but yeah as far as the snowstorms go the spring snowstorm usually the past two years the snowstorm will happen we'll get about a foot of snow and a week a week or two later all the snow is gone pretty much it's pretty much just melts it's like the snowstorm is just like winters never gonna end and then it's like okay that's all we had and then it turns the spring but you never know what the weather brings nice and smooth we don't cut his mouth Oh Monty check this out Monty Monty I've got a nice smooth stick it's like perfect throwin size Monty got a nice smooth stick here you want this stick hey check this out yeah that's a nice one get your scent on it there you go get that bit let me let's rub it under your armpits here yeah there we go this is a nice stick you bring this one back okay yeah yeah bring it back now you can tell the difference this is you know this is dead pine right here it's really lighting this gonna burn up quick and I'll show ya you can tell the difference really easily when you look just just keep it just remember what this looks like right there this is very light this will burn up quick I'll show you the nice solid piece I got for comparison if your way in case you're wondering why Monty looks extra handsome today it's because he was freshly groomed by funk got a lot of his winter coat out and he's just a big poof ball Monty are you handsome you got a fresh coat on right now look at you as you get fresh haircut if you feel pretty handsome don't you think so my booty so fluffy another quick way to tell the difference between uh you know some over dead very light pine that's gonna burn up quick it's not the best firewood and some quality seasoned pine is the sound listen to the sound when I hit it with max this the dead fluffy stuff now this is the dense seasoned good firewood see how this one kind of is just like soft and kind of absorbs noise and this one kind of reverberates a little bit yeah just another way oh yeah oh that's some nice firewood right there yeah up close comparison so you can see this is the soft stuff this is the nice season stuff you know it looks kind of just looks foamy almost very soft you can almost you know bet push it in this that's solid stuff yeah that's some good firewood right there so I'm gonna I'm gonna cut this up so we can make nice little piece of firewood just for fun [Music] [Laughter] oh yeah that's some beautiful firewood I will sleep like that and this actually I need a cutting board that's my cutting board perfect listen to the sound of the birds [Music] once a nice warm fire Sun slowly starting set looks like we've got 15 to a half hour until the Sun sets roughly guys starting to turn slightly golden very slow there was wind earlier saying they're supposed to be wind i5 but there's no in now why don't you normally doesn't like to sit on this pad but he didn't bring me back to stick once so yeah that edit quick sleepy boy Monte can just relax and sleep in any situation it doesn't matter if he just went outside and took a poop or he walked for 20 miles to get just as tired and relaxed oh yeah so I suppose we can we can chat about a little something here for a minute no I'm not sure what everyone thinks of me as far as eating goes I know when you're watching my videos you're only seeing me cook delicious meals out over a campfire you know we did that pantry dinner that one day and sometimes I'll show a couple things took the home but for the most part you see me cook my favorite most delicious meals all the time now I'm not sure if you think that I'm cooking that every day all the time that's not quite the case at home you know I'm a normal person in that regard I'll eat fast food sometimes I'll get takeout sometimes I'll just have some frozen stuff I've got tons of canned goods and frozen meat and others you know I'll you know I like to cook I love to cook don't always like to clean up my messes but anyways I'm not cooking seven days a week breakfast and dinner you know if there's for those of you out there that cook breakfast and dinner seven days a week props to you I'm not there yet that's a lot it's a lot a lot of work cleaning up all those dishes and stuff but anyways so I'm a normal person like I said I eat out eat fast food and I'll cook and stuff too but you know with everything that's been going on lately that's affecting the whole world I haven't done any fast food eating I haven't done any eating out and I've been eating a lot more you know I've been cooking at home but I've been to the grocery store in almost two weeks I've got a freezer full of meat I've got frozen chicken pork venison really stock up the freezer with all that stuff we've got frozen veggies you know little frozen meals I got frozen prohees just normal stuff I just like to have a freezer full of food so you know and I've done this before this whole situation happened where you're not supposed to be going out all the time I always have all this stuff just because if I don't feel like going grocery shopping I like to have all you know canned corn and canned green beans all that stuff so anyways lately hemin go to the grocery store haven't been out there in two weeks and that's pretty much where I'm doing my part is guess he's sick in a conversation but yeah I have been going to the grocery store so tonight our meals gonna reflect that you know I don't I don't desire to really go around anyone right now with everything that's going on I'm coming out to the woods for as far as coming out here today I went to a pay at the pump and just took what I had at home and came out here straight to the woods didn't contact people I haven't been around another person other than Punk face-to-face maybe the last time was at the grocery store or went to the bank the other day without but that wasn't face to face ID there through the thing but anyways yeah so with that there's also another side of eating that I do I'll eat some junk you know like what ramen been eaten quite a few ramen lately had a we had a bunch of those and I normally don't eat tons of ramen all the time but when I get bored and you know stuck at home not seeing friends and family and just you know I'll go and walk to the docks but kind of have some bad ramen binges lately but anyways what I'm trying to say is I've been eating a lot more junk and frozen stuff and less meals since it's all been going on because I'm not going the grocery store getting fresh produce and stuff you know we've got like tonight I've got some I've got one orange bell pepper that's like wilted and it needs to be eaten or it's gonna go bad and the last of our potatoes and some venison I mean it still gonna be delicious tonight but it's not crazy but yeah but you know we've been just eating up all the frozen stuff and eating ramen it oh I could just feel the heartburn and just not good eating so what basically what I'm saying is is I'm gonna go on like a two-week guns here where I'm not I am NOT putting any more Rama any crap like that in in my body um just like Venice and it's gonna be like only things that are good for my body I don't know I think I'm gonna stop even drinking coffee for the two weeks just gonna do like a cleanse even coming out here I'll probably just have veggies and you know venison or something like that but uh yeah but he's asleep but yeah enough so that means tonight there's no nut I didn't bring out any beer tonight because I just didn't I I don't have a desire to go to a grocery store you know I'm pretty much we're pretty much me and FUNKER going like every two weeks we'll go stock up on fresh produce and stuff and then we'll eat that up in pretty much a few days except first like today we had a random pepper is just wilted but it's still good so I'm gonna I'll eat it up tonight yeah I've just been doing my part by not being around people so like I said I I do follow the rules so until I'm told that I cannot go out in the woods by myself I will continue to do so so far that's not the case and I'm very fortunate for that but yeah following the rules I'm doing my part I don't wanna I got my parents to worry about I haven't I haven't visited my parents I think three weeks to a month I haven't seen them I'm just like you know they're more susceptible to the whole thing so I'm trying to you know stay stay away even though I know you can visit family and friends and stuff that's just I go to the grocery store and I just being safe I'm just you know that's enough about that but anyways I'm doing the cleanse because putting our ramen like a creature over the sink not not quite just not quite like that you know I usually microwave it but it's a good boy Monty see Monty does I don't know if you can notice it but he does little like little slight shivers when he's falling asleep outside and it's not that he's cold at all he is not cold there's no way it's warm out today we're next to a fire he goes I shown it on my Instagram but he's sleeping in the yard and he's out in the middle of the night laying in the yard but he just like like Ruger when he falls asleep ever since that medicine he does little jitters Monty when he's like sleeping when we're outside in the woods and like snow and stuff see there's that little little shimmer in his butt but he's not cold he's just a sleepy puppy [Laughter] [Music] Ponty this taxation puntastic why did you have to stick it Monty stick [Music] you couldn't run any slower Monte right good boy bring it here come on come on you did it come on yeah well you lost a booty you lost a booty Monty you doctor booty get it down get it Oh found his booty he doesn't need it funny when he's with Ruger funke's taught Ruger to let Monty have a turn because if if Ruger is fetching we're always will win he's faster he's the agility dog he's quick and Monty likes to chase but when Ruger's around if we make Ruger wait and give Monty turn she always rushes for the stick and brings it right back always but when he's out here with me he thinks it's some sick game to not bring me the stick back and just cruise on it and taunts me funny there's nothing there's nothing there's nothing all right anyways we're gonna relax looks like the actually I'm kind of see a glimpse of the sunset if I go up this hill here there's a little hill here let's go look at the sunset we're up there see if we get a glimpse of the sunset that's as good as it gets I didn't kind of see it those little hill here camps back down that way somewhere I can see it's you they're in there it's a nice little spot this has been cool shoot we could've just camped right here Monty what do you think about this huh you frisky little buddy what are you doing anyways yes hon sudden beautiful view up here in the first Oh anywho I guess we're gonna go back to camp and just I'll throw the stick for Monty a couple more times if he doesn't bring it back one time it's over we're done we're just gonna wait for night to creep in just kind of listen for birds and whatnot so Monte's sleeping pad has a small leak same funny at this point okay so little funny had to be that bite I mean I'm pretty sure it's got a small leak because I've blown it up blew it up and it's just gotten really soft I blew it up again it got really soft again and mine oh well I mean we'll see I'm fairly certain it's got a small leak we'll find out tonight because I poked my ear up to it I cannot hear any air coming out or feeling it so it's got to be the tiniest little leak if anything if it is a leak we'll find out when we go to bed tonight because when he's got his big old dense monty booty laying on there any air that's any leak there is will definitely push the air out with this guy on there not been a good year for it it's just been downhill for sleeping pads I mean it's like every time I go on camping I'm popping the sleeping pad oh and it's not like there's anything wrong with these sleeping pads don't don't take me popping these as these being bad Sigma's these are great sleeping pads top-of-the-line love them I'm just not too careful with them let's be honest you just take a look at some of the things I've done Monty's biting them and getting river riled up on them and you know just yeah yeah I I just I'm not proud of it okay I mean it's not like I'm trying to put these holes and sleeping pads trust me I don't want him I don't want the send them in a repairman buy new sleeping pads it unfortunately it takes a really long time for those sleep has to come back fixed so if I want to get out camping soon with mud he's gonna want what I'm down to like one or two sleep pads left that you know I've got like three we're getting down there okay we're going through the reserves we got to get these sent in Oh what are we gonna do with myself Monty I'm just oh okay anyways let's talk about food I'm getting hungry my stomach is grumbling so like I said nothing too crazy glamorous it'd still be delicious and I'm gonna devour every morsel and just enjoy just like it would be just anything but what we're having for dinner tonight is a grilled piece of venison with one small potato and one whole orange bell pepper the reason is I had planned like I said we haven't been shopping a lot so no white onion we used to farm one onions I had a bag of potatoes funk decided to make red red skin potatoes pan-seared up for breakfast this morning and well we didn't have any eggs we were out of eggs so she just made more potatoes and sausage links and I didn't warn her that I was taking out potatoes so there was only one little potato left which that's what I got and the peppers were going bad so I took out the pepper I think she's making something tonight with peppers too but yeah using of our peppers no onions yeah that's just how it's gonna go I will be making you know more delicious meals here but it's just gonna be every so often cuz we're just like I said we're staying away from the store so I sort of make it tonight I did have plans I was really craving a certain something and we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna sidecar this one for another day but what about what I wanted to make when I was just when I'm sitting there you know and just sitting at home doing nothing and thinking about food I was thinking about homemade gourmet mac and cheese with brats I just I just wanted brats and just cheesy gooey gooey homemade mac and cheese and I wanted that real bad but this is where we're at were still having delicious steak it's gonna be good so let's prepare some food whole firstly even pads holding there and start cooking good luck hurry Mundi are you hungry oh stick it in the snow here alright there's our cutting board no oh no oh no I don't know how but I guess the handle to my perma span is left in the drawer it's normally stays attached but it couldn't come undone I don't know I must have just taken it off or something oops didn't notice that one oh well what you gonna do this alright let's first start by slicing up our orange bell pepper mm-hmm see it's a little wrinkly but it's fine well dinky cutting board but that's okay add that all to the pot there and since we got no white onion we're doing a whole pepper okay in the house and we've got our cute little red skin potatoes just one could totally eat too but one's all we get I'm gonna dice it up kind of smaller that'll cook a little quicker I want to kind of blend with the sweetness of this pepper a little bit more will be pretty tasty well that's it for some reason I was I would say I was just reaching back to get the second potato but I just realize that's the whole thing that's all take it I want more than mati he is going to get a whole little sweet potato I've been saving this for him yeah my diesel he loves the sweet potato these things are so hard we're gonna boil his up so turn into that sweet potato slurred I've even got some power pumpkin mm-hmm I'm just getting more potato than meat it's okay he's a good boy he deserves it we're a teeny little chunk of butter to that we need to get this here gonna be a little flatter you get something else that needs to come out here to play that ladies and gentlemen is a delicious venison flat steak oh yeah now we are going to season it with the one the only Montreal steak seasoning oh yeah we're gonna make sure to leave two right there for my tea my coat mine oh yeah okay oh yeah oh it's gonna be good never can complain about I sneak and I'm gonna put some Montreal in here because yep that's why okay now we just need a little water and Monty's old stuff here then boil those up alright and let's get this on the fire and get cookin oh wait let's get this bad boy pushed over all the smoke advice Oh you got the one the only great great great is great in all the lands never fails that does that look like it's gonna tip yeah it would never attempt on me all right it's begins oh it burns the hands and the face why okay we're in let that cook down a little bit more and then we'll throw in the state lucky teddy bear hi we're gonna give venison steak we're gonna get some venison steak tonight and some I was sorry Monty it's just so snuggly Monty's always trusted me picking him up when we did our I've always picked him up as a little puppy all through his life you know put him in the canoe and everything and he's always been so trusting and he was a nine month old puppy we took him on a 12 night wilderness trip it's one of my like first few videos on this channel with funk and murder wasn't even born yet we were climbing like a nice big old rock Bluff to watch a sunset and there was a part where Monty couldn't climb and he uh what did he do he like he just like walked up to it looked back at me and like lifted his paw like he wanted me to pick him up he just knew and I did and he's just always been like that just like trusts me and knows like if there's some obstacle I'm gonna pick him up you know right and then he's just like and then there's this this is just a very smooth stinky mangy kisses okay I guess I give you kisses you give me kisses right fair's fair okay buddy okay it's time to get the steak on there oh yeah nicely all right we check this oh that's simmering away or boiling we're gonna put this over in these culture because that's just gonna continue a simmer just fine first off I'm gonna take this off make room for the steak okay there we go how are you gonna cook this what's the plan here we need to get more coals is the plan here that's gonna go on like that now we have a nervous be careful playing a dangerous game I have let the state get a little too charred on the one side we'll see oh that's good that's about a char okay we're gonna let this just cook for another minute here get a nice crust on it and then that'll be done we're going to put this pull the steak off the heat because that's it's just I'm searing on one side in the other and then I'm gonna let it rest kind of near that warmth Monte's slurry this nicely Oh player okay we're a cooker we got to check these see down closer to town mm-hmm mm-hmm well I taste so good Oh slightly worried that I have cooked it a little too much on the one side mistake here definitely I just don't want to overcook it you know I mean I'll eat it either way even if it's overcooked undercooked Wow now two undercooked but still I just mmm I think if I take it off now and let it rest near the heat kinda let's just let's just do that let's just take it off rested on this log here and let us continue to cook but we need that we're gonna go prepare Monty's slurry here okay oh yeah nice and soft the pumpkin powder look at that it's nice and all slurry and mixed in yeah but this isn't this isn't done yet let's see how warm it is okay it's still pretty good still a little warm we're gonna keep this off to the side and we're gonna add in final touches here soon let's did that right there [Music] you'll see how undercooked or overcooked this is not going to mine either way but we're gonna just slice it up and lay it on top of our plates I think it's a little gonna be a little overcooked which it's okay if it's overcooked it's overcooked you know I was handy oh she's gonna be a little overcooked it's okay yep we overcooked it okay oh it's still gonna be red it's all red we'll just add these slices on top of Monty's there's a nice crust on the one side oh that's not too bad it's still pink this is the skinny side too oh yeah let's chop like this so if you were almost oh it's still good I'm gonna wait I'm gonna wait oh yeah I'm gonna I'm slicing it up like this because I want the the juices right now they're kind of losing some to this wood here but I want them to go down under those potatoes and peppers and just mmm little sponges come on use one more I just get razzle one piece mm-hmm okay food time oh yeah there we go Monte's looking good too [Laughter] do you want to treat do you want to treat all right let's eat I think this is the first time ladies and gentlemen that monkeys weighs more than mine he's got more food than me I'm going on a diet I'm just kidding this is like this is the last of the fresh produce so I was gonna bring out a can of green beans but anyways what do you think Monty do you want that tree he's such a good boy he always knows to wait okay knock it into the fire okay going right in I'm grabbing a pepper and I see the venison steak I think it's off once our Monty it's like sticking in there he needs it loosened up mark the day in your calendar first time I finish my food before this guy that never happens yep mm-hmm now he's much more in like 20 minutes I'll be satisfied but I could definitely eat the potato another snake another pepper Oh heaven to Betsy you need some help there Mundy please feel free nothing else in there okay well I've still got plenty of firewood not really that sleepy didn't eat myself until I'm gonna pass out so I guess all the stars are out would you look at well I guess I'm gonna shut off that their camera in that light I on some more firewood clean up a little bit and then yeah just relax enjoy the evening oh yeah that's how Big Dipper right there right up there so yeah I'm gonna shut that up and then I will check back in with you guys when I'm getting ready for bed and we get this check actually just really quick feel saw and mines holding more error dang it all right let me contemplate life in this sleeping pads typically I never have fires like this in summertime oh I just tried to run mess with Monty [Music] I'm just gonna have to go ahead and admit defeat on that one that what happened you know you know just you know you know dang it come on Monty Monty come here come here let's if you already water it that's a rarity come on all right I know you're gonna lay down the right way like always the right way with just a little spinner Monty is getting tucked into a sleeping bag I just farted I just farted again get that on there okay our Monte's put away for the evening oh he's a little York I had to pull your mind here you would have slipped off in the middle of the night no to be no good no no good I've disturbed him a little bit but he's gonna be okay anyways this is gonna be I'm gonna time it it's midnight oh he burped anyways we'll see how long I have to keep blowing it up I wake up every hour and a half usually to check on him normally if he's snoring I just keep sleeping but I do keep waking up just to just checking threes or fours just ipalo all the sticks and little ends burned all the firewood as a good food coulda ate more but I'm satisfied I'm not like starving or hungry or anything I'm good definitely will like more steak but you know it is what it is anyways I think we're gonna pass Oh Monty I'm off he's gonna oh he lost another sleeping pad sorry oh I'm gonna take off some layers oh yeah my jackets off because that fire was way too warm I couldn't stand it I had to move my chair back head take my jacket off pass out so I'll catch you guys in the morning goodnight beautiful hot there this is the best part of every warning hey there is the good little bunny ears hey it's a new day buddy oh hi critter the birds are chirping the Sun is out hey Monty my first eat bunny two beautiful worded maybe that overbite just away that overbite so sleepy yeah it didn't oh they're so officially we had another pop sleep bed to the book so we've got the old too close to the fire God is saying he's oh no some then the river one what could have caused a whole I don't know and then got a roofs too excited to close the fire and then this one I'm gonna blame on Monte getting a grip with his teeth yeah you you mr. so I think what we're gonna do with light of this is we're gonna take a break from attacking but you with superhead because we've got to go a couple camping trips without pop another dank sleeping pad this is getting expensive it's getting real expensive real expensive 1t fine it's just that it's not fun pop of sleeping pads so we got blue skies blue skies that's a pretty good last night Oh chin wrap chin wrap okay so now I put on his booties yeah yeah I opposed layers a little chilly oh sorry buddy a goose where's your stick Montego your bouncy bunny oh yeah fetching this bull he tripped in a hole he had the stick is bringing it back and then he fell on one of my post holes come on T breed here who want that the screw you got my cue my god I know it's like a dangerous minefield out here the beautiful waters boarded perfectly blue skies you gotta take a peek at these blue skies I can't just see them all for myself blue skies it's too peaceful out this morning for your bark eNOS mister please we'll pack away a few things here and now you know just get pack it up I am really excited for actual spring you know I don't really you know this is spring okay like I said we're in April or what April what are we now it's the least after the first week April not quite mid April somewhere in between but uh so technically a spring but I mean this is does it look like spring still pretty much winter I mean it's chilly it's just as cold as any winter day well not any winter day on the warmer side of winter days but still it ain't no spring but it is I mean we've only got a foot and a half of snow now so yeah I guess I guess that means spring foot-and-a-half once once the snows gone it's gonna be summer we're gonna be mid-july oh no but it should melt away in the next two three weeks I'd say I'm gonna say 20 days it'll be gone 20 days from now well maybe less know 20 days will be gone in most parts 20 day it's still hell there got you a small real small leak somewhere [Applause] boss [Music] [Music] [Music] but well that was cool I don't know if I care 'epic tit up at all but there was definitely a pack of wolves over there that way you hear him if I did hear him on the camera I'll amplify it probably I'm taking up very well but you could definitely I could definitely hear them it didn't they didn't go on very long either way that was a cool morning treat well t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t [Music] and if you're thinking why don't I go walk that way and try to see the wolves well that ain't gonna happen those things hear me crunching from a mile away they'd be gone you probably hear me right now talking like this [Applause] alright well that was a nice little overnighter um for those of you that watched my last week's little update video I did say I was in a bushcraft and I fully planned on to doing a bush for our shelf but I still think I'm gonna get to it this spring but the day that I had planned and thought I was gonna get up I wasn't actually getting an early start I'm not even joking but the weather said it was just gonna lightly rain for a couple hours and ended up turning into all-day rain heavy at times and I just did not feel you know me I don't really I love the rain but not when there's snow on the ground not when it's cold temperatures and not what I'm gonna be working hard all day just getting soaking wet and then being coldness yeah if I'm just gonna set up a tarp and just relax under the rain that's like 50-plus that's cool otherwise no so I had to cancel and that's why we're just came out today daga camp so that's what that is but anyways pop another sleeping pad hurt some wolves in the morning the birds are out blue supplies beautiful day we are gonna get heading back to the car now so as always if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this subscribe and I will catch you guys [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 132,696
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winter camping, winter, snow, bushcraft, bushcrafting, bushcrafter, winter camp, asmr, camping, camp, wild camp, wilderness, snowshoe, snowshoeing, backpacking, backpacker, backcountry, backcountry camping, fire, campfire, campfire cooking, campfire food, food, gourmet, gourmet cooking, dog, dogs, dog training, camping dog, wilderness area, meditation, steak, nature, nature sounds, winter backpacking, pulk, how to camp, how to winter camp, outdoorsman, snowing, trees, survival, survival skills
Id: J1gD8Pvfa1w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 102min 57sec (6177 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 12 2020
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