Winter Hot Tent Camping with My Dogs

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Oh [Music] [Music] Holy's gentlemen I am out with the dynamic duo of stinkles and stinkles and we're doing some winter hot tent camping I'm in the same forest I was last time is it to nighter it's a great area and it had a lot of nice open spot so it's not the same exact spot but it's gonna be the same type of forest a little beech trees as you can see open spots and echo and echoes a very echoey so we're gonna cook up some delicious food temperatures are a little bit warmer than I'd like for a hot tent but this has been the warmest winter I've ever camped in and I can't be too picky or else winter is just gonna be done with so we're gonna have temperatures in the teens at night which will be good but right now as you can see I don't got my jacket on I'm sweating and this is a very heavy sled it's very heavy I got a new hot tent I'm trying out haven't set it up before it's bigger than the last time she was so we should have some more space but anyways where you keep going and first a nice open spot I find is where we're gonna set up I want to be a little bit flat like this would almost be a good spot it's a little bit lumpy so we'll try to find a nice flat or divot or something and then we'll set up there so you're right you boys wanna keep going you guys know this is destroyed little beech trees what are you doing yes do let's go come on so much let's tickle [Music] we got a late start host range oh so I'm gonna turn it down right back here and rather than just keep trudging around looking for a spot we're gonna set it down and we're gonna pick out a nice spot this is all pretty open you know so it's all woods so that's the wood and uh you know there's woods over there we don't have a good wood spot so we're gonna go I'm gonna hike down over to there it looks like it goes down a hill and we're gonna scour this whole area and pick the most flat spot so yeah I like this spot wherever montes tan nice and open good will spot there but I've got this huge dead the maple and I'd be fine because it seems pretty solid but except for down here you can see it's super punky looks like it's rotted through and that's like super soft wood so for mouse fart so it'll blow this one over so not going to be setting up next to that okay this is gonna be your spot it's uh yeah I was pretty it's open enough for our tent setup I like the love of pine trees I can't write to the edge of that hill I love having a dark green background I'd like to be tucked away in the pine trees some sometimes pine trees sometimes I like being out with super open sometimes I like being tucked in and just feeling like you're just like a deep winter forest I kind of wanted to go more plain but you know what we're gonna take nice and open because I ain't gonna be going up this hill with the sled no I it'll be easy to go down but come back up Abbi and they we do got a big dead tree here but this thing is solid very saw it ain't going anywhere no way we're gonna cut down for firewood though nah thing we've got to do just take down our stuff and we've got to flatten off the snow I was debating if I wanted to dig out to the ground or just flatten it like I did last time I just sign it after shuffling my spot out again which was a lot of fun too there's even more snow the last time then I'm just gonna pack it down so this time last time I set the hot tent it was a little uneven and I am encouraging that to not packing it down up with my feet so I am gonna make this a flat hard surface this time around I'm going to go over multiple times - hey baby this is for you this is for you okay let's calm down I'm gonna mess up the ground guys mine is a fan of stop it on the ground Brewers bored by it destroying look at that burger oh one of many trees that we're gonna probably end up destroying what you please one the other gets upset Seeger would be much bigger fan of snow or shoveling the snow doesn't he likes bunnies enjoying this pack it down though I'm enjoying this one better too I'm gonna spend a good another 15 minutes doing this I want this ground is solid note the day the one time burgers being chill Nazis being crazy when are you the crazy one huh she's good boy just chewing sticks all by themselves like adult dogs like dog dogs so I'm just marching with purpose here stomping and I haven't really felt much sinking in I've been doing this for a solid 20 minutes just maybe longer I don't know it's not a lot of work doing this dog yeah we've got a nice flat square so far I spent way more time this time around stopping down the ground which i think is gonna pay off hopefully this leads to uh less sinky and warping when I'm walking around inside but inevitably once I think these snowshoes off I'm still gonna probably punch through I'll just make sure to not walk where I'm gonna set up air mattresses I think that's that's the biggest thing but I don't I mentioned this we're spending two nights out here Ruger makes me feel what I leave without him he makes me feel like the most evil person in the world he just like looks at me with his ears Donnelly you leaving again or qu you don't go take your tea but this time we're not really sinking just feeling pretty good feel pretty good huh hold for another 45 minutes hold on okay we're calling it good about 20-25 minutes I've just stopped it so what we need next is to grab the axe and we're gonna need some steaks we're going to need two three four five six seven eight ground stakes or pegs maybe this long and like inch to two inches in diameter and then we're gonna need we'll be able to have on some of these trees but if you remember Ruger he likes to steal 10 pegs and sticks and yeah you can already tell you the stick monster so I'm anticipating he's gonna steal some pegs or something I have to really watch out so I'm gonna try to do this time maybe nuts a tie off the trees because he's just gonna Ram another the little ropes I might just use long sticks to put it put away from the tent and then he'll be less likely to run into it by anyway the axe nut chitter-chatter chitter-chatter is a tree top this it's snapped off so it could still be green it's gonna it's probably gonna be solid at least but this right here this is what we're looking for this is like the perfect diameter for some pegs in here okay that is nice and saw that looks like it's seasoned but just barely so this will be see it's gonna be one two three see how this see that's not very alright so this will be three leave that roof how many more we get up big yeah we'll use these ah okay bring these back to our spot and make some steaks get back rooms watch out two three four five six seven eight like that can be nine ish ten okay that should be plenty for what we need to do and then we'll use these big ones I'll kind of just put the rope around them and then pull them in stick them into the ground okay let's try setting this thing up we've got the big one this time the ten by ten last time we were a little cramped I don't like to be cramped in a tent I like to have space so I'm excited to try this one this one should be the one that I need all right so just like you're supposed to do never unwrapped it never you know take it apart and we're not going to follow the instructions because we never want to follow the instructions how would you follow the instructions you just come on here and you figure it out that's how how you're supposed to do it Ruger that's what my steaks Hey [Applause] ten feet so much smaller than you think it is alright fine you say so ten feet all right we're gonna just we're gonna start by pegging down the front hey what are you guys doing okay what's wrong what happened okay Monty what did he do what did he do did you yeah get him yeah you tell hey no not that was no no no all right so we need a super super stable peg for the front here because this is this is gonna get a lot of hole squares will be so much easier to set up in the Pentagon [Applause] okay now we're gonna fold under all these white pegs and put the last three pegs in on the sides burger please give me a solid don't cut these up do that for me bud would you be so kind druggist Jurgis Brutus - Gestapo Dugas I see you so last time I uh I actually I bought this I just decided not to use it and then I used it when I went out hunting with Jake for a little scouting camp and it's really convenient just have the perfect size put together pull a little bottom put a little sink [Applause] [Applause] okay now don't know if that's the right height guess the only way to really tell is this we start picking it out and it tightens up I think when you raise it up too high it makes it so that you can't because these are supposed to come out at 90-degree angles like this looks pretty good I think we're just going to go ahead and try it out and then we'll raise it if need be I want this thing to be set up perfectly this time I don't want to mess around with loosey-goosey tent this time you want it good I like to play this game called you know brand new pair roll paracord cutting it up you some pieces bring it home throw them in a box Freddie roll camera cut off some pieces use and bring them home throw in a box and keep repeating this process until you put them on a box and then you've got this just rat's nest of three different for different types of paracord and it's just the most fun thing to uh well see perfectly untangled that was easy I have to just shake it we'll start with the we'll use the orange one first off these two camo and green ones at the side so first I'm gonna start by tying just the four corners here let's see I'll put a loop of this far out I'm just gonna tie a loop kind of tie it through itself make sure it's big enough to put a speck here okay and then we're just gonna do this on all four corners okay so we're just coming through once and then we're going to go over and through so it almost looks like an overhand and then we're gonna come like this and go over and through once again like that tighten it up there you go and that I'll stay and then on the other end what I'm doing here to put my steak stir I'm just taking a big old loop yeah well we'll make it a little bit bigger and you basically just take take your string here pinch it and then you're gonna go just back through like an overhand knot with both ends and what we're down here and pull it tight there we go and then this this loop right here is gonna put our stick through it and pull it tight and it'll be that's how we're holding the tent of this type so we're just going to put rope over our sticks here get that to about ninety and just see that that's 90 right here all right the incident is gonna need to come up a little bit the ridgepole we'll see if river runs into that but maybe you know it'll tighten up [Applause] so what we need to do here this one is the some needs to come out so far these are pretty good I think all we need to do now is just bring these out this one's going to come in a little bit we're do the same thing except we're to come down this time with the rope I think this one needs to go in but yeah we're gonna go straight to the ground let's just tie the rest of everything and see how it goes we need one two three four so it'd probably be better if I did all big stakes that are standing up like those ones but I'm gonna try ground ones for most of them except for this one by the door here we're gonna do this one a big stake so if I made this all a little too big for tight still loosey-goosey over here down G is perfect separately this corner let's see if we got enough room oh yeah it's pretty dang roomy in here I think it's good uh it is a little loose right there but that's the only spot the rest that's got all the Headroom we need I don't I don't really know why it's not let's see if I plant this corner oh maybe maybe just resisting this one in general I got a zipper back up before I do this [Music] now I'll do all right no I'm gonna set up the stove and then no please don't don't be like rube see who's truing on my tent peg Monty don't do that okay I'm gonna quickly go grab a couple of vlogs like this oh no these guys are gonna rip out my 10 pegs I don't make them come with anyways I'm gonna get a couple logs like this just to set the stove on so that when the snow melts it doesn't go down and then we're gonna stop the stove gonna get some firewood and start getting dark quick I got my stove loves but it should bring I should bring these every time I go camping I just don't because when you're I grabbed this door here a couple times the handle with bare hands it gets really hot now I'm not going to use the I think this is the damper I'm not gonna use the denver because it doesn't work and i haven't ordered a new one and it works just fine without it i just have less control and it kind of burned through a little bit more wood but it's gonna be re facing this corner so we're not going to use a spark arrestor this time because it clogged up but that's a wrap we're all set up in here hot tents ready to go that should be sturdy so we are all set up now we just need firewood luckily there's a there's a dead one perfect dead one right there looks like a solid season wood perfect trying to scope out on the other ones like yeah I mean I got the the chokes off of that tree I can still take my stomach is grumbling we are gonna make some delicious food tonight let's just scope out some more wood we need enough wood we just need to bring it all back here I can process it up in the dark we are running low on time it's nothing all right we're gonna save we're gonna save that easy one for last because it's right there and I could get that in the dark let's go find we're gonna go find a non easy one guys yeah that nice right here this is like the perfect sizes what I need this one is just going to be able to yeah this one's just this one's not even book pervs okay so I'm having a little bit of trouble finding them this exact diameter because for the wood-burning stove any bigger diameter than that and I pretty much can't burn them it'll just won't work very well so this one's perfect I need probably three more just like it to be safer tonight I probably won't need that much wood and we're probably not gonna have it burning super hot but I always like to have more and use less just in case so I'm going to take down a couple more we're gonna search for a couple more and then we'll drag them all back to you and everything is pretty monstrous this is doing the other one I found everything else there's lots of dead standing and fallen over whatnot it's just so big around and it would just it'll take a ton of processing first of all just to you know okay you got it's more song then you guys split it tonight I'm not looking to do that much so we'll do it we'll look for tomorrow I'm gonna take this one the other one I got and then we've got that one right here Campbell drab and then we'll lop off of that that dead hanging that we had and should be good so let's take this back to camp a root [Applause] hi Monty hi Reuben you know what the whole time hi Jessie Monday just likes to chill rugs will come help me do the work this will probably be enough for tonight I just like to be safe that can be enough I'm gonna go grab some branches off of this Dokes so I've got three maples here and some Pines that should be good for the night so also I got a new song I've heard so much about the silkie big boy that I just had to get it and I got a brand new blade am i a gawah yeah I'll go I'll go wah canyon boreal 21 so brand-new blaze on both and we're gonna have a battle of the saws tomorrow tonight I'm just gonna use this thing give it a shot Ruger is going to cut up all my break up all my six so the difference between this side and that side is this one cuts only on the pole not the push and I have a small one ever in canoe camping and I always just reaming both ways you snap the tip off you got to be careful so far I like it that's pretty smooth now hot tenting always means cutting lots of log so we can test out both see which one I like better over the next couple days this one for tonight so first off um the first thing I'm noticing is this the bandsaw you kind of you know you hold it like this and you go you push this one you have to put your hand like this and I think it's just cuz I'm not used to it but I don't like I can already feel my hand like kind of cramping up when I use this one though I can go much longer it just makes my arm more tired so this seems to cut much faster but that on my hand I just I think I just got used to that because I just don't saw a lot of dense wood with those little hand saws [Music] this is some very solid wood you know I've been asked a lot why sometimes I'll cut on the side and why sometimes I'll cut with it standing up it's always preferable to cut like this as long as you got a solid bottom see this it's kind of not too solid but on top of that see that there's a check mark here and natural crack so I can just like tap my blade right into that and look at that that didn't even take any effort and it splits in half and you know you can split just fine like this and then I always have these two you know dense pieces here that's kind of why I like to chop on the side sometimes but you know if you got a nice log where you can stand them up it's very fun to chop from the top let's see if we can we can get this to stand up you can get it to stand up well it's fun you know it's chopped like that oops be careful rooks you watch yourself mister we're losing daylight now alright I'm just gonna continue split this up what I got chopped up here I'm gonna miss sometimes like that and then we're gonna fire sparked up get ourselves building the coal bed oh no no don't even I wasn't recording the whole time I'm so disappointed oh sure and then my battery dies immediately Rooker you didn't know you're not taking that fire would you look at that it's all falling apart fire I started the fire so gracefully - beautiful I'm so sad after it take it all we're going to put this big old roaster in here if we can fit it oh yeah we fit it all right that doesn't seem like it's going anywhere so I'm gonna close that up get back to processing let it get warm in here okay so what fires going getting dark now I'm just gonna cut up some firewood and blow up some sleeping pads and don't worry you won't miss anything because I am NOT going to be battling with Monty with a sleeping pad we're gonna stole another piece of firewood out of the tent he's gonna keep doing that the rest of the trip but the reason being is because Ruger will pop the sleeping pad once if he sees me attacking and sees it's a game he likes to destroy toys and he will destroy a sleeping pad so I'm gonna use the boreal 21 try it out for a bit see if I like that Monty's got a big ol dog but yeah we're gonna keep processing til this is all done [Laughter] go ahead do you want yes see you setting a free but check it out [Music] this this logs pine-sol to the last one just parents wreckage push the place is this okay oh that's gonna do earth tonight I think that should be enough firewood so now we're just gonna pile us up in the tent tidy this all around tied it all up on you and then I'm gonna relax in the tent for the evening okay that should I think that'll be good for tonight I hope okay before we settle in and we're all done we have one final step that everyone is required to do when they are hot tenting and I've even heard of some people you know forgetting this item and going home because of it and the most important thing too hot tenting is hot Ted crocs it's like Cinderella slip behind her slippers Oh oh that's a good boy whoops hey bud here Monty come on for you way down oh look at these good boys look at these good boys oh they're just champions this time around look at that we figured some stuff out didn't we and so far this tent is amazing I love it I have so much more room this is the tent I've wanted I can easily fit another person with the two dogs and some gear I feel like if you are a person that's on the fence okay hold on roots let me rude you're not I know you want the water okay all right drink as much as you want let me sidetrack really quick Monty never drinks the water I provide Ruger is the exact opposite he will drink every bit of water I provide drink it down until it's gone anyways as I was saying the other hot tent the nine by nine is it pentagonal shaped go ahead rooks drink that water pentagonal shaped that one was cramped with these two guys and I think this one's only seven pounds more and this 10 by 10 square perfect and it is toasty in here I've got the door we've got a it's that big at the bottom and it's angled like that because Ruger drinks so much water and heat so much snow that if he wants to go to the bathroom I want to give him the option to be able to just go outside and not have to worry about it so they had they have a freedom to go outside if they sit outside too long I'll call them back in but I think they're gonna want to stand here what do you think rooks you haven't been winter camping in a year yeah well he wanted to play with a stick yeah yeah yeah he's just gonna want to play river has no off switch so that's the thing all right so you got water you guys got water I've got this turn I got this cracked as low as it can go and I'm sitting right next to it I'm warm these guys are fine they've got water we're good let's have a chunk of cheese to celebrate how cheese in a beef stick she's in a beef stick she's in a beef stick she's in the beef stick she's in a beef stick Jesus a bee sting okay she's in the beef stick agreed Oh another thing you'll notice river destroying little trees and stuff just chewing them up I've always asked myself does he actually eat the trees or does he just chew them up turns out he eats up cuz he pile and he puked up a pile of sticks so yeah he just chews up those little trees and eats them and that's probably terrible something to watch him not let them do that so much mmm-hmm go boys yeah you little critters we can split one more beef stick then we've got to save the rest of them for tomorrow I'm Clara little live tomorrow mmm-hmm foreshadowing okay there we go my head's hitting the pushing on the tent a little bit but that's okay I'm fully sitting back this is this is the life huh guys yeah get you two so now we're just gonna relax for a bit I am very hungry but maybe I should start preparing dinner yeah now that I'm thinking about it here's all I want a big feast we're all gonna treat tonight everybody have treats tonight so I guess I actually you know what no I wanna I want to relax for a minute I just did all that sawing we got out here you know I got up early so it's been go go go we're just gonna relax for a little half hour here okay but yeah we're gonna relax a little bit here but let's talk about dinner anyways I just can't help myself so my biggest winter camping video the snowstorm one I did chicken paprikash and I had a bunch of people from Hungary Hungarians be all be very excited that I was cooking that dish and I do have Hungarian ancestors I'm like 25% Hungarian but anyways I got a few recipes from some people that they gave me their versions of chicken paprikash and what what told from a couple of people was that there's no wrong way to cook chicken paprikash there's just many different ways that's how they do it there and so I got a little bit more of an authentic recipe I still love mine and that's the way I've always cooked it and just the way I learned from my dad but I will like to try a different version so we're gonna add a few different ingredients and it's uh I think his name was Peter Paul in the comments I'm gonna loosely follow the recipe he gave me not too exact I'm still gonna add my little touches you know just kind of do it my way but just the ingredients you know and just try to follow up more closely to the authentic way so that's we're gonna have tonight is some I guess more authentic chicken paprikash more authentic Hungarian chicken paprikash and it is gonna be delicious okay we've got the boys in the tent here and we've sat around for a good 45 minutes just relaxing and now it's time to start cooking what did you say boys so we've got to prepare a few things here a little more than the regular of course we're gonna start with the one the only the white onion someone asked me what's my favorite onion lots of white onion we'll save the rest for tomorrow all right we're gonna add that to our pot might be a little excessive on the webbing in but you know what went into woods when in the woods I used to say when in Rome but now I'm just gonna went into woods well in the woods you get to do whatever you want and I want to add it all next of course garlic you got to have it I put garlic and everything some people like a little lot garlic some people don't like garlic at all I love garlic lots of done yin what'd I just say lots of garlic lots onion Gunn Yin chop this up coarsely you know sometimes you go with three cloves sometimes for this is a four times the rough chop I've also got a couple pots of snow one for the boys and one for my noodles no into the pot it goes mm-hmm this is the new addition we've got green pepper now in his his recipe he said sweet green pepper only sweet peppers I know are in green is you know I guess this could be considered a sweet green pepper but I usually red peppers a sweet one for me but nonetheless I love green pepper so I will not mind that it's in this now I know a lot of people don't like when I chop it this way but that's just fine so it is what it is that's gonna sit off to the side until we and then there's one final thing tomato I know my portions you know I got a lot more green pepper that I do tomato so I should have grabbed two of these well I didn't so it is what it is this is what we got one little Roma tomato and it's gonna be just fine now have I've never added green pepper or tomatoes to my chicken paprikash so this is new this is this is part of his recipe the new thing he added a green peppers and he said sweet green peppers but green peppers and this the only other thing I'm really gonna pick up from that recipe is that I'm gonna use less liquid to make it less soupy and I'm not gonna use anything to thicken it just kind of let it stew down and then bone in chicken now his recipe calls for like chicken liver chicken breast some chicken thighs or chicken wings just all sorts of chicken just all thrown in there that's how my dad used to cook it my grandpa my grandma they used to use bone-in chicken and stew it over a long time I just always use chicken breast as cheap and easy so I'm gonna add some butter into here and we are gonna get this cookin we're gonna get our our our onions translucent you guys want to cook these down first so a nice chunk of butter get this going let's get this going I am excited there's so much more room in this tent it's so great all right this is this is melting down so we're just gonna put this right over here get this butter melted first thing right now we're just melt in water it's just starting we're probably gonna need some more wood on this fire here these guys are just relax and look at them just up best boys I got enclosed in here Monte went out and just laid in the snow and no he's just you know sleeping fed yeah all right we need some some wood like I said we're gonna cook up these onions till they're translucent cook down pretty good and then we're gonna add in some other stuff some moisture so like I said we're we're gonna be following the authentic chicken paprikash recipe the only thing is I'm changing is I'm going to add chicken base I love that little additional chicken flavor probably way too much for pre-k and then I'm not going to use the authentic no kid Li noodles which are basically like many dumplings I like my white egg noodles my Amish style white egg noodles those are my favorite noodles so gotta gotta have them good I have them and then not all the chicken ready rooms now I would normally at the home I would use oil but I always bring out butter out here I'll try the key at some point body job I still just use Bart see we're doing all the dog water that's good oh yeah those were cooked down pretty good alright so we're gonna do something I've never tried before with this dish it's been suggested to roast up the paprika seen this time and time again so we're gonna try which is a little bit of paprika that's a good couple teaspoons roast this up for a minute whew that smell it's sweet Hungarian paprika that's my favorite style uh paprika let's add in some black pepper too and some salt not too much salt not too little salt just the right amount of salt I can smell it definitely roast it a bit so we're gonna add in the water now I don't want to I don't want to risk it so we're gonna keep the water very minimal very very minimal we're gonna need more than that though okay okay I'm gonna add in my chicken base mix with a little bit of water for the extra flavor now I want to get this nice and hot good I'm gonna add this water into my noodle pot because forgot to mention that yeah I brought him on a sweet potato and I'm gonna struggle to fit their meal all in this little pot because usually it's just a little Monti dish but now it's a Monti and ruger dish so we're gonna struggle here I just have to add more water as need be but this it's all gonna fit in here we're gonna turn into a delicious venison sweet potato slurry so we're gonna get this on the heat get this door we're going to put this so when you're cooking on a hot tent stove or a stove like this it's always hottest right near the pipe because it's where it's sucking up the air and that the flames gonna be the hottest over here a little colder near the front so I'm trying to a slow simmer on this so I got this towards the front of the stove and I want this to boil so we're gonna have this back here and that's enough water so that's just gonna go off to the side there are noodles you know I couldn't wait to add these other ingredients just gonna add them in now we're adding in the green pepper and the tomato because it's gonna be fine it's gonna add moisture it's gonna be delicious oh yeah this is gonna be good so now we're just gonna let this cook down for a while and yeah let this just cook down and we'll add more moisture if we need it we'll do a slow simmer for a while and then we will add the chicken after this is all cooked up because the chicken won't take too long take like a half hour be good sir montes piccata says aunt alone aids in his pantalones yeah yeah you're gonna get a treat let this simmer like this right a half hour hmm great flavor already oh yeah let's see this is boiling and this is barely simmering that's the difference between being in the back of the stove near the pipe okay we're just gonna keep cooking Oh like I said I cracked a beer sippin on a beer in the hut tent with the boys here and you know life's good you know you got this one with the long nose and the little eyes and this one with the short nose in the big guys and you know he's got he's got unique markings on his face if you look here he's got black and white and brown and then his eyes got black and white and brown and blue come from and this one you look at his eyes it's just black this is black so you can see every once in a while on a Tuesday when the moon is full you can see the whites of his eyes very rare occurrence I've only seen it like four times Monty Monty Monty what do you need me oh I know what you need I know what you need all come here I think I know what you need you want this is this what you wanted I think this is what do you want it yeah but be like no this is not what I wanted underst would you do this to me please seguro de Fora be stick all right this is except for today that's it for today we gotta say the rest for tomorrow are you ready Monte I'm gonna let you down so good I can see how he's gonna taste delicious right about there you can tell if you look real close you can just you can just see that mmm that's gonna taste delicious mm-hm oh this beautiful pot of deliciousness has been simmering for like 45 minutes from the time we put the onions on here it is just it looks so good it smells so good this time smells amazing the dogs are getting antsy because it smells so good in here they're just Ruger keeps growing them because he knows he's getting something Montee anytime I move he just sits to attention so oh the flavor is so good now let's add the final parts well we've got it some chicken drumsticks we're gonna add just right in oh yeah oh yeah okay now I'm gonna use a stick to push these down to the bottom cover those in that sauce and then goodness OH those are gonna cook up now we're gonna cook for at least another half hour the only reason I'm using a stick is because as many of you know I don't like chicken I don't trust raw chicken raw chicken grosses me out so I don't want to touch my spatula into the raw chicken and push it in and then you know have a chance of you know whatever else wait till the outside is all cooked and then I can stir it again freely because I like I taste it constantly I don't want to have a chance of raw chicken on it check out the boys here all right the boys whoo I'll have to boil it without the lid but we need to add some venison we'll see if we can I don't know if I can add all this see how much we can fit in here boys this is gonna be a pot of deliciousness for the dogs I think we can get a little more boys what do you think Dorito oh we're definitely not getting at all no they look at the pot too much water in there I'm sorry so we'll just uh you know what you're just gonna get a little medicine for breakfast no harm no foul well yeah let's just put the lid back on there look there's keep cooking oh yeah Oh ever so gently scrape the bottom because we don't want burning I can't I can't make it cook any faster okay okay Monte I need your lay down I need you to stop being so aggressive you're just you're up here I need you down here you're gonna get it I know you can smell the smells we eat together we're a family you guys I know you would after if I fed you your meal now and you ate it and then I had to eat without you I know you guys would feel terribly guilty just you'd feel terrible inside so I'm not I know that you'll feel that way so I'm not gonna have you do that does that not make sense you guys come on rooks hey guys were you jealous Monty we preferred that high rooks see rubies like a dainty little peanut and Monty's a potato he's a dense potato we're so feathering in light [Music] [Music] I'm sorry rule yes I'm sorry rubies do Bispo Dugas these are my favorite dogs to cradle but is your oh my only dogs take let's take a little stir here oh yeah that is looking amazing I probably won't be able to eat this all but I can never eat all of would I prepare ever so it'll just be a normal average day out in the woods chicken seems to be slowly falling off the bones alright it is time to get our water boiling and the noodles cooking this is this is definitely it's it's definitely more Stewie it just looks so good yep chicken is falling off the bones as I stir it it's just yeah look at that that drumstick right there it's just falling right off okay so our water is just taken longer than I want to take to get ready so we're just gonna start boiling it okay I mean it's hot it's got bubbles and will eventually get boiling but I think I've cooked cooked noodles in colder water let's see how many as we can fit in here and like I said the authentic way use the note could Li little dumplings but I like these is personal preference I love these noodles I think we can get them all oh yeah okay I don't know why I keep doing it we just need to get soft so I can okay this I know this chicken is cooked it's no longer raw or anything so I'm gonna do a little bit of a test here be so good now the goods we got ahead it evenly or they'll be upset oh yeah all right we're gonna have a little a little chunks of snow here just to get it to the right temperature by the time dinner's ready okay let's just taste one hmm okay they're about done just another second I would say another we're in 45 seconds and then we were draining the moisture and we were combining them with this and adding the final touches and it's time to just lightly stir see anything with all this steam oh and there's one final touch to any chicken paprikash you gotta have it you gotta love it little teeny spoonful of sour cream just just a tiny little spoonful just a little bit tiny little itsy-bitsy portion yeah I'm getting so excited oh man this used to be a little sour cream in this lid here hmm and that right there is some chicken paprikash let us feast boys before we start dinner we need to turn down the heat in here is there any a warm real warm okay you have been such good boys do you think you deserve a treat you guys ready are you ready should we start them off like the band conductor oh not the same one River no no no ruder way this one this one burger man this one's yours yeah it worked but Ruger went for Monty's they went for the same dish all right let's just mix this in here I am so excited right now I'm gonna grab a nice chunk of chicken listen up peel it off the bones as I eat it you know mmm I can already tell this is the best chicken paprikash I've ever made if you don't leave this sounds of slurping there's not a good meal for you to watch me oh my gosh it's so good Oh ma'am this fire is way too warm I need to open up the door here you know there's a high probability that I'm probably eat all of this mm-hmm okay you don't need to watch any more of this I'm just slurping it's so good definitely the best chicken paprikash I've ever made I like the story air style definitely just makes a little more creamy so I'm gonna shut off the camera now and maow down on this because yeah I'm probably not gonna stop eating until it's all covered so I'll check back in with you guys enough stuff and uncomfortable oh there's just little pieces of chicken and sludge left you don't step on my tummy here good okay did you have enough rooks did you have a good first night of winter camping for the year we'll see if we can get you out again I'm stuffed you know I get the question a lot what is why does Ruger come out winter camping and or why does why does Monty come out winter camping and not Ruger all the time and that's because we're girls stays home with fun most of time and if you don't know who funk is funk is Monty and rugers mom and so like I guess to explain it better you guys could say that this lazy potato here the stinky beady-eyed little long nose stinky potato is my spirit animal so burger would be funk spirit animal so you can't take away someone's spirit animal all the time so you know I got with mine and he stays on with her because she needs your spirit animal that's the best way to explain it rogue is to this but belugas yeah all the chillin then get ready for bed I don't know if we're gonna move the beds I think I'm gonna put my bed right here to make it easier for waking up and putting one in the fire cuz I do what I have to move for her to do that you know probably sleep right here right in the corner I don't have anything for you dude you got plenty your fine little tummy of yours dead big tummy all right burger is just he's getting aggressive he's you know he's up in my face all right we'll check back in with you guys when I'm ready for bed I don't think we're moving well guess like Julius it's okay mud you put so far away I'm just gonna lay here with the two stinkers got my teeth brushed everything's cleaned up I got some snow in some pots off to the side to clean out the dishes that was a good meal hands down best chicken paprikash yet having a little bit of a food coma somewhere rob burgers but here in Monty's somewhat and I'm gonna pass out until it's morning I'm gonna have to probably get up every put wood in there maybe less often who knows but I wasn't originally gonna sleep with my head towards the wood stove and I realized how terrible that would be cuz I'm a kind of a warm sleeper so I'm up on my feet down there I'm a toasty feet I'm gonna pass out I work out you guys in the morning good night everybody it just doesn't look right [Music] reporting boys yes come here Rufus mokuba's kiss my tuchus hi no sinner it is strai and the dentist oh I slept so good last night what you doing mighty way to do it you crazy rooks jogos it I think he wants to go he may need to go pee or poo beer pool that's what you're gonna do okay good which room is in here and this crazy I'm gonna corner right now okay boys oh jeez Oh No Oh poop that's a deep hole right there hot ik gotta be careful oh no oh man rightness here that dang it okay be free it was snowing Oh boarded hmm oh yeah burgers got a pee he's peeing over there oh oh oh geez all right I'm gonna warm up first boy snow won't throw the stick is dumb okay we gotta watch out now holes you ever seen somebody in winter snow long johns and Crocs well if you have it here you go oh let's open up the vent a little but spoil ourselves crack up on the vent giddy get it heated in here I got the door open for the boys so they can come and go Ruger that's fire what Rooker don't do that yeah he chews up and eat the sticks monkey Brooke I know it's not a fetch stick we've got these dirty dishes that I need them all right so I'm just gonna warm up for a minute and then we're gonna throw the stick for the boys and then we'll cook some breakfast oh hey hi Monty hi puppy Oh [Music] oh he's too little turd nuggets Brit here now ruderal fetch he will bring it back with vengeance serve what's the word I'm looking for purpose he wants to constantly have this dick Motta chase Ruger Monty has fun soul that should go a little more smoothly with the rubes here Monty likes autonomy he's sick would you heat that my D the roof skitters good so I also wanted to say that today is one of our birthdays is it Mattie's birthday is that riggers birthday or is it my birthday only time will tell okay so I'm missing to keep throw the stick got a voice here and then let's make some breakfast Fergus did you uh fall into my trap he did owe her breakfast we're not gonna get too complicated we're gonna go pretty classic mode we're having bacon eggs little kitchen off wait to cook in okay all this crap your feet cook some bacon in this pan yeah I guess we don't need see these the boys over here is got to get hot hot hot hot this is coffee so does this pan one of us birthday boys is gonna get some bacon who's it gonna be let's see food for tonight oh I can't hold it in any longer it's Monty's birthday it's Maddie's birthday and he is requested bacon cheeseburger cake for dinner or just bacon cheeseburgers dude we just want to do the word cake stuff and go party no trumpet just bake a cheeseburger so I had to oblige get him that bacon cheeseburger before that means I'll cook five pieces right now I should have pre-cut this bacon before I came out and stuff but you know what that's okay we did you live and you learn frozen come on don't tear oh no it's no it's gonna tear dang it I'm gonna just get rid of some of this grease and we're just gonna put our hash browns and stuff up in the bacon grease catcher out of eggs I don't eat too much bacon grease all right this is gonna go in the cold sink actually this little hole right here would be a perfect thing to keep all my meat and everything okay we're cookin okay I got a lot of wood in the stove it just hasn't got to a crazy flame yet right bacon is sizzling lonely I'm gonna cook out a little bit more grease and then I'm gonna add in the hash browns to cook in and I'm just gonna drain a little bit of the grease I want some of it but I don't want all that if I eat all that yeah I'll get my button so no we don't want that there venison's cooked up so now I'm gonna add in their eggs they're gonna take the best I wasn't a given bacon but then I thought about it and they're getting bacon cheeseburger later and they're gonna play an epic game of phyla treats for Monty's birthday so we're just gonna give them eggs and poached eggs poached frozen eggs as you can see Jeff Rossen our to like frozen little perfect little eggs and then venison yeah with some pumpkin that's their breakfast today how to make perfectly poached eggs delicious just wonderful delicious perfectly they're just boiling you get the slurry of the raw meat and the egg then you just mangle it and when they're frozen and eventually it comes out perfect just my Bacon's cooked up good enough so we're gonna have them wait to any hashbrowns here those cooking watch that bake off to the side there or even the bacon grease as the this you know this is gonna turn out just like that dull sheepherders breakfast it's gonna end up being the same thing we're gonna add a little bit of salt not too much salt too little salt just the right amount of salt a little on the lower side actually because we've already got bacon grease which is very salty but black Papa never afraid of that Monte's he's hungry he's standing up with attention let's see you there is their eggs slurry oh yeah I always have to be careful and well we'll just well let's turn it into like this just a gue water isn't that just look delicious just mangled venison aigoo water I mean just look at how delightful that looks I mean there's a little little strands of meat oh look at that just that slurry egg like slime mmm mmm guess what the dogs are gonna love this this is like this is what they live for right here is this the sort of thing I'm turning into like this watery egg scramble oh yeah some powered pumpkin there we go all right now let's just divvy this up for the boys and they're gonna be so happy to eat this look so nasty they're gonna love it cause the birthday boy needs some the food should be pretty cold so it should cool off actually pretty quick wasn't gonna say Monte pretty much refuses to eat now without watering us who do you just put water no pumpkin just water he pretty much requires that every meal now which is not a bad thing it's not like we're spoiling them by putting water in but like he thinks he's eating spoiled let's see here still pretty warm that's hot yeah they're hot okay we need to scoop in some more snow all right it's good enough it's steaming but it's not hot I just had my finger in there it's like lukewarm go ahead boys go ahead go ahead go ahead good boys now we're just gonna keep cooking mine over here Tuffy's ready [Music] it seems birthday boy would like out of the tent I must oblige I tend to ends maize if you look right down there I've put a wonderful addition there's a big log right here new addition to the tent all right we need to add in some butter cuz this is my hash browns here again a little sticky and charred there about perfect Oh so we're gonna cook our eggs now so yeah the there's like a crust the the warmth of this fire is making it so it's making the ground soft so doesn't matter that I packed it down because it's staying so warm over here so that's a hair unfortunate but you know it's okay all right let's see what happens when I crack these eggs they're gonna probably be partially cooked oh not too bad oh that was a normal egg look at that Hey oh another normal egg wonderful okay let's see if I can flip them I don't think I'll be able to execute this oh yeah it's kind of stuck to the bottom we're just gonna go ahead and there we go perfectly perfectly over easy eggs delicious perfect all right I say she's done let's see some breakfast this is not for you rooks you you've get you you've gotten plenty I don't even feel bad okay so breakfast at one cuz it's so fun yeah breakfast at one well there's still some uncooked egg yolk a little bit it's gonna mix us all together Manji coming in all right over here if you're gonna beg come come here you guys gonna beg come from reasonable angles yeah you can beg there you gotta sit though not yet at least set said I'm not giving you anything you already know they already feasted going on here hmm it's really hot still and this is really hot oh man there's a double whammy woof ha ha hmm mm-hmm Becca's not a crispy but there's dog mm-hmm delicious very delicious boys mm-hmm breakfast success breakfast oh one so we've got some stuff we need to do today we need to play an epic game of find the treats for the birthday boy and his brother so we're gonna do an epic game of FTT and then we're gonna play some fetch and we need to get firewood okay so according to my firewood pile here let's see I say it's like it's like three dense logs every hour and a half so let's see we've got we're gonna be awake for let's let's say let's say 10 more hours we're gonna be awake right that sounds about right maybe 11 we'll just say we need wood till tomorrow at noon that'd be easier that's 12 hours 24 hours 24 divided by 3 would be 8 so 8 firewood loads 8 times 3 is 24 that's a log per hour I'm a mathematician so one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen so we only need about 12 more logs so I think with that one tree we'll have plenty we'll split a bunch up that one tree right there actually be just fine man I just I just weigh over a thunk to do that math problem this is cooled down enough mm-hmm just realize my calculations were incorrect it's two logs per hour because it's three every hour and a half times that by two that's three logs for six hours six logs for three hours yeah I was I was wrong it seemed right at the time so we need about 48 logs to make it till noon tomorrow so we'll see we'll take down that one will process it up and then we shall see I want to throw the stick for you but it's still too close I'm eating it's not safe all right let's let's get some firewood and then we'll throw this this stick I promise okay I hate I don't I'm just it's bigger on safety okay we're gonna go without snowshoes okay cuz it's really close to camp okay boys there goes I'd like it to be but it's right next to camp so we're just gonna have to do a lot of cutting we'll get to see which saw we like better that's for sure the end of this one well this will be plenty of firewood for the whole night probably more the way Kruger stop the stray little trees okay watch our roots [Applause] can you stay back roof skip back easy-peasy that is some dense wood I'm going to saw this up into multiple sections and then we'll drag it back to camp so I don't know if you've ever sign up with a handsaw through some insanely like look at this I don't know if you can see that but that that color that red and then you know that that is just solid solid season wood so if you've never done it before it really tears your arm fest so what I'm gonna do is cut this pine stick right here to get the maximum the maximum length I can have these logs in the stove so it's gonna be my measuring device so that way I can measure all my cuts beforehand and I think if I if I do it perfectly rather than just guess like I was yesterday I'll probably save myself at least a cutter too and cutting through this thick dense stuff that's gonna matter a lot so I'm just gonna make a quick cut and make myself a measuring device snowmobile is off in the distance you can hear over there so this is my measuring device I'm going to make to haul my presets and then we're just going to go to town [Applause] okay now the fun begins the really fun part okay so we're gonna start off just cutting this chunk off here there's gotta be a snowmobile trail or something over there here more snowmobiles okay so now let's test out which blade I like better do I like the boreal 21 or the silky big boy which are both I would say about weigh the same price range is about the same so we'll see which one I prefer I kind of already leaning towards this one because yesterday I was cutting and I didn't like this one how I felt on my hand but we'll see we're gonna start with this one so this will technically be a little bit bigger diameter but let's just see how long it takes me to cut through this whoops alright wait restart [Laughter] [Laughter] this is gonna be so fun I can see it now oh my gosh oh man oh one you've knows the worst one there's just no Punk enos to it no well just keep pluck it away this is gonna end up being more work doing this than it is to go out and find smaller diameter all right let's see all right let's just see how much light as wood takes I don't know what it is I think maybe it's just that I'm not used to it but I definitely don't like it as much this makes my arm more tired [Music] I could use two hands this would probably great but I can't it'll move the log oh oh man I mean look at this piece of wood here that that is about as solid and seasoned and dense as wood can get I mean look at it as a beautiful this is nice check mark that will help with splitting but that is just hooey some good wood right there so my conclusion on the boreal 21 or the big boy I'm going with the burl 21 I heard so much ranting raving about this thing but you know to be honest I'm just not a fan maybe I'm not using it perfectly correct but I feel like I can cut through twice as much with this one the only thing it can't do is logs like bigger than this diameter I look at that any bigger and this wouldn't even work because it would just be rubbing this barn but for me personal preference I like the bandsaw much better it just feels it feels better the way I'm holding it and I feel I can go I can go until it touches here so I know when the end of the blade is that means the full length better [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] this scene perfectly describes our three energies over winter camping you got me hard at work Monty just chilled like a potato this little peanut being all chewing up sticks and just never stoppin [Music] it's it's so fun Oh [Laughter] [Music] well as much fun as I'm having song to this insanely super thick dense wood I think I'm going to pump the brakes here for a minute and split some because I think we should have enough I've cut off 12 pieces we needed 48 total to make it from noon to noon if I do 6 an hour right is 6 6 times wait 6 every 2 hours uh-huh so be 12 times 6 is more than 48 isn't that why is my mat so wrong okay look what kind of a couple more and then we'll split let me just make sure that what's going on here was it six every three hours so an hour and a half three logs that means three hours six logs three hours six hours three so we do 24 divided by eight no wait six logs three hours we need to do 24 divided by 3 because it's every three hours so that means we need eight rounds of logs times two if off why am I even bothering it's a stupidest simplest math problem go nuts Ruger I'm nuts I am having the word biggest brain part of my life right now six logs every three hours that'd be eight rounds of six logs six times eight forty eight that was so simple I was right the whole time yeah geez geez okay I have set up myself a chopping block here my feet I basically took one long I didn't cut off all the way and went right to the ground with it through one of my foot holes so it's solid right to the ground but some of these are cut at an angle so might man why no all right well we'll give it a shot we never full swing our Ruger get back back up back up [Music] we almost missed [Music] that's why this is like that all right let's try the checkmark on this one [Music] [Music] this is not going as well as I planned all right we're switching spots back we almost got this one too let's see if I can just get it on the checkmark make it easy oh I did [Music] [Music] there we go easy peasy guaranteed no hiccups well maybe a few oh man oh that's what happens when you don't have a leather guard on your ax oh that's the first time I've done one that major I've done little ones before but I've never whacked at that hard and whipped so my bad but other people do it before me but now I don't get to complain at anybody I took a nice little chunk out of that ax dingus just do it [Music] right there you think this is a game log you think this is a game well that's pretty much all the hard work for the trip as long as this fits in the stove would not be fun oh man it'll be super fun I'd be so happy you know I better double-check that real quick either way if those do fit that's all the work for the trim so what did we learn I learned that if you want to work hard you could have some beautiful perfectly seasoned just better than money could buy firewood over here like this is this is as good as it gets right here this is tip-top primo hardwood dense not punky rotten listen to that sound I'm sorry anyways like I said that that right there is the primo primo firewood dance song would have probably done a lot less work going out yesterday going far and searching and dragging back trees but that's ok we learned and we got some beautiful firewood and then the boys we got to set up something for them just this one looks pretty long it's just home it fits right that much like I had a wedge in there [Music] now that I'm looking at this this is way way too much fire there's no way I'm gonna burn all this that's insane so now what we've got to do is have some fun for the boys fun for the boys where you're going to set up an epic game of outdoor find the treats we think I want that Monty find the treats he's gonna find the treats yeah you're gonna find the treats out here okay okay just I need to make I'm gonna make them follow me and I'm gonna make a pack trail to every place I'm going to kind of hide treats nearby I'm gonna go through here back here we'll do some up here we'll keep it from here this big huge maple for those pine trees so we can capture it all I can we'll keep it within this area but I want them to follow me so that they know like okay it's over here so that's what we're going to do first boys we're gonna put on the snowshoes pack you down a trail so that way you guys are ready to go there'll be no no holding you back now Ruger lately has been kind of smokin Monty and the find the treats game so hopefully we give Monty some advantage with this you know path him this way runt brand we'll find the trees it's definitely gonna be a treat right here okay I'll put one here all right the boys are in the tent and I've got the treats so now I'm just gonna set them up all over the place and then they are gonna know exactly what to do go my little blue tease [Music] [Applause] okay now it is time I'm gonna take these off okay it is now time to unleash the beasts are he found waters I go now you can go back go this way Monty glued a mighty over there watching those are sticks Monty no that's not it come on teeth go go go go go that way go find the treats here you go come on go ahead Monte listen to your dad Monte I'm trying to help you good boy here I was trying to save that one for Monty poor guy it's okay what we're gonna do is we're gonna give Monty a little bit more of a bacon cheeseburger later that's what we're gonna do to even things out because I'm gonna admit it right now river his destroyed Monty at find the treats the outdoor version just he's left them in the dust oh go check all the spots you found them all boys she found them good job good job good job Monty good job Monty you did a good job Rover boys a good job all right everybody go boy everybody found the treats we found him we found him no we can throw the stick yeah yeah good job so the results are in Ruger one but two got a little sidetracked doing a little far Ruger like snap to a right where we walk from the path okay so we've got two hours of light left I've got all the firewood I need we did our at the game applying the treats we've thrown the stick for the boys so we're gonna just make up some food later and relax so we're going where we need to kill some time here what do you guys say we go to a dog park walk go go for a walk at the dark perk dog park walk all right we're gonna suit up we're gonna go for a walk I want to go down into this thick stuff if it's down this hill see what's down here it might be a little swampy but we're gonna go just explore a little bit yeah please for an hour it's a little bunny tracks roots what you think with that monty thing all over over there is here that plane Oh bunny tracks everywhere our poor Monty gets stuck all you got a little wet oh no oh it's we broke through oh you poor guy okay we're gonna go back to camp poor Monty okay Monty follow me he came down through there and then just yeah he wasn't getting out that's a Monty trap blowing my mind right now look at these booties you saw him he was in some slush mud water Oh Oh yet he's got no mud on him and his booties they're not soaked look at that that's just frosty and there's no mud on Monty's there's a little bit but it all his paws are clean it's like a it's a miracle what the heck Monty a birthday miracle that's what it is hey guys it's still here it's summer come on let's take a little real-life Henry roofs come we get these booties up a little more comfy yeah and waterproof sucks oh oh there we go yeah River you feel free if you want to go back out there go ahead I'm not gonna stop yeah yeah we did our forty minutes walking can you even see me I don't know who cares so we have let's see half our light left half our yeah so what we're gonna do now is just relax relax till it's dark and we're gonna get to cooking so we're just gonna do some chilling for now wait yeah we're gonna cool down and then I get chilly we'll close the door and we'll put some more wood in and then yeah that's that so we'll check back in with you guys in a little bit here we're just doing some relaxation time you are you refresh now the Gruber's refreshed yeah burn ship a little whipper snipper menthe he's not mugged he's done for the day burgers been sleeping hard now for over an hour over an hour we've been Sean here for a good hour 45 ish you've just been chillin should have brought buck but I've just been kind of just relaxing kind of dozing off almost so I didn't I didn't really nap I just kind of we've got a light snow going on but just kinda you know thinkin I shoulda brought a bug like I said didn't bring one pains everywhere planes and snowmobiles can't escape those can't escape dose okay well yeah as you'll see rubes when he sleeps he twitches he does a little twitches and unfortunately we believe that that is a that happened from his blast oh he didn't switch when he slept until he started taking that medicine and for those of you that don't know if you're new to the channel Ruger had blastomycosis so for a year pretty much he couldn't do much because he had no vaccines and he had a weak immune system couldn't prevent from limes or anything ORS orals for heart disease and all that stuff so we had to take a pill once a day a seven dollar pill once a day for a year it wasn't cheap it wasn't fun he was a little Bubble Boy but anyways that medicine gave them this permanent twitch when he sleeps now okay roofs come over here no eating the sticks come on you gotta come up in my lap anyways yeah he's got a permanent twitch now when he sleeps and you can notice it in that clip Monte's had a long day yeah he's recharged he's refresh Monty is just he's done son and you know as far as recording goes when he fell in that little hole and he needed help it's you you always got to turn the camera on first before helping as long as it's not life-threatening always turn the camera on you know especially when your friends like you know Jake see guy for example you know he falls and he's stuck in the snow I'm not gonna I'm gonna miss that gold and help him out without recording it you serious what are friends for I'll help but I'm gonna like record myself to it yeah big birthday day what uh what you guys doing your uh your butts in the camera I think these guys want to go outside what you guys want to go outside and go party and stuff before dinner all right we're gonna let them get it out of their system go outside play around for a minute I'm just gonna chill in here oh so let them go out there and do nothing can speaking us in here and then yeah hey guys I just like to take a minute to thank my dad for finally once in my life providing me a normal birthday with just my best friend rubes it's just gonna make me a delicious bacon cheeseburger and no shenanigans so yeah what is oh I appreciate that let you guys know surprise boy why have you done this birthday party time it's a surprise party Marty yeah yeah you thought I would forget nevermind tea okay boys it's a birthday party oh mighty we got a birthday party it's a birthday celebration Monty good boy how old you turn in today Monty Monty is turning four what a good boy four years he's had to deal with though only three actually what are we doing for your first birthday how we did something we did something maybe it wasn't a video about it but there was something going on okay so anyways it's time to make the cake now right boys you guys hungry for a treat he's on tree all right so I guess let's prepare some dinner we have got we're gonna have bacon cheeseburgers and I'm gonna have potatoes and onions and garlic my little classic trio there so I'm gonna start that first and then we'll start making the boys will start making the bacon put the bacon off to the side and then we'll make the bear burger first and then I'll make mine at the end and they'll just more than likely beg for mine but that's okay okay let's give them here we got a few things to prepare okay first thing is first go to the pan for paints all right garlic first gotta love it you gotta have it leave it very roughly chopped this time because I want a nice bite of garlic when I'm eating my potatoes and stuff then of course we've got to have potatoes I've got five red skin potatoes nice big pieces here and then of course of course my other favorite a white onion yep that's the onion all right all right now we're just gonna add a chunk of butter healthy well of course stick up out of there and some salt not too much salt not too little salt just right amount of salt put that back in black pepper all right now we're just gonna cook this for a while and we're gonna get the bacon going there okay we're cooking now she's not that far a little bit [Laughter] up nicely box ideas the potatoes it'll cook down we're gonna add just a touch just a smidge this bacon grease just uh there we go ask enough there we go that'll that'll add to the flavor and it'll keep it from burning we're almost done on the bacon oh yeah that bacon grease helped a lot keeping it from sticking so bad and burning it's cooking nicely oh yeah it's gonna be good all right that bacon is done we're going to go set it on this beautiful piece of wood here to soak in the grease and then we'll burn it later and clean up everything it might get cooled down a little bit but that's okay okay now we're just gonna carefully set this out of the reach of the dogs very important that part all right now I'm gonna clear this I don't want to get the burger going all right this is going to first I pre form the patties I did not buy preformance patties by three forms of patties because I've had troubles with the fat in the past so there's going in first and they're gonna cook theirs up first because there's a Sun season so we're gonna cook theirs to a rare state and then we are going to serve it to them as soon as it's ready oh yeah this ain't no small burger either the half pounder oh yeah you have no idea how hard it is for me to not reach over and eat that bacon I want to just munch on it so bad it's so crispy looking and delicious [Music] it's got a nice just like soft feel to it it's not getting I prefer when it's like this over getting like charred and crunching it when I'm out here okay the boys can eat Robbie so we're gonna call that good for them what we're gonna do now give them too much bacon some bacon we'll do one side gets that much and the other side gets of that much remember we're making mind he's a little bit bigger because he's the birthday boy and Ruger completely destroyed him at find the truth they're gonna get few chunks of cheese on here cut off the block and we'll just let it melt for just a second we're not gonna let Thursday there's isn't gonna get insanely melty because they're not gonna care there you just won that bacon I'd only give them too much cheese no rumors got more cheese on his side okay there we go all right hold on boys all right now let's bond there's up and serve it to the Vice all right boys all right all right let's bring him the cake there we go that's us looking for [Music] good boys we don't bring your nose they're gonna make a wish Monty make a wish I wish you were different to the second just kid you know Make A Wish buddy okay we're gonna cut the cake we're gonna cut the cake okay boys go ahead go ahead yeah good boys you've earned it boys that's a good bacon cheeseburger for good boys jokes you ever see dogs weren't birthday party hats eating bacon cheeseburgers while winter cabin before rooms oh you scarped it to all cheese Oh Oh mine too you rude you scarf that down okay hurry the cakes been eaten I guess we can take the hat's off now all right okay everybody everybody calm down all right now me I like a little seasoning a little bit of nacho just just a smidge oh yeah a little bit on that that side and a little bit on this site yeah it's for some little flavor in all right this is getting close yeah these are definitely very close it's gonna be perfectly timed with my burger oh yeah well we're having a bacon cheeseburger today we're gonna have some beggin puppies but I am NOT gonna give in to them what no way just sipping on a beer mm-hmm what's little bit I'm letting the boys go in and out party huh I'm still partying okay even if you guys are not okay yeah so yeah I'm letting the dogs out because uh it's so hot in here this um so I guess another little update with this firewood I needed not even half of that firewood that I got because when I can get a fit like it's basically back here this the little back the wood doesn't burn is crazy in this corner so I have to just basically have a piece that I'm just wedging it over but when I get one of these big thick dense long pieces in there one of those pieces is like three of the other logs from before just one of them so I basically needed a third because I can I fit one of those in there and sometimes I can get two and it's burning super hot and it's lasting at least two hours for a couple of pieces and it's just higher the whole time then the coals are just super hot so now now that we're gonna revisit the whole thought process of that was too much wood blah blah blah if you just do a few big dense pieces like that that are very perfectly seasoned it's actually less work so it's better is what I'm saying I think now I'm gonna be able to sleep hotter and wake up less to keep the fire going so basically what I did is too much wood we're on the right track though we want the big dense pieces shoulda went an inch shorter to fit more and make it better but this is definitely all-round better than my little logs I guess I can give you my hot tent my hot tips hot tips you know cracks cracks and socks waterproof socks here's my hot tips for hot tenting pack down your area for hot tenting if in the snow very well and spent at least 20 minutes doing it over and over and then make sure you have more than enough firewood more than enough and if you're gonna go for the best firewood get big dense pieces that you can quarter up and make them a little bit less like 2 inches less than the length of your stove another hot tip is don't randomly step with force throughout your tent because I've got two super deep holes that go right down to the ground it's at least two feet now two feet down just huge holes the dogs have walked in them a couple of times so there's that yes that's hot tip number three oh the logs let's just take a peek at these so when I started those were barely out of the snow I packed them right in and now it's like see how the snow is all melted underneath and it's just like they're on like a little Ridge if I would not have put these logs down before putting on the snow it would have melted and shifted a bunch and the stone would have kept falling down throughout the night Ruger get out of there stop it yeah a bacon cheeseburger get out anyways yeah so this is important put down some logs smash down as much as you can I did this morning smash them down again because they were just like little peeks of snow so that's another little hot tip all right I'm gonna flip my burger again oh it's looking God God gloves leather gloves got these from my parents didn't know what I was gonna use them for but they make the perfect little note mr. Jake's key I had had something you know she was right about the leather gloves you know my parents got them and this is what I use them for I should probably bring them every time I go camping but you really need them for a hot tub because that front handle I've burned my fingers the first time that learned all right I think my burgers about ready it is time to finalize my burger let's add our bacon which is a little bit chilled but you know what it's not gonna matter because it's gonna heat up and we're gonna go heavy on the bacon for this one because I'm only having one one cheeseburger one bacon cheeseburger yep that's right now that amount of bacon it's gonna go on this bacon cheeseburger just a little bit of cheddar a little bit all right that's enough chatter and then I've got some pre-sliced pepperjack just because I wanted it to be extra melty narrow if this wasn't stacked so high all right we're putting this chunk of cheese on top I would put a lid on it but we're just gonna go for gold like this but the trick is a little bit of water will create some steam there we go try to let it none that heat more alright we're gonna see if that does the trick alright let's see if it worked okay oh yeah oh that worked enough it's cheesy enough okay let's plate up our burger okay yeah big ol scoop a male on the bun oh yeah we're not going any veggies we're going meat and potatoes and cheese and then on top of that I was recently sent some Coleman's English mustard which I like there's got a nice kick to it so we are gonna try that here as well because I love mustard okay whoo I should not have put that in my mouth that mustard and mayo mm-hmm oh I want the clear base blue okay let's eat oh yeah okay cheeseburger caramel all right boys go ahead go ahead teachers yeah you're good move away from me oh the camera is so far off from being reasonable hmm nice boys backing on that now these are delicious these are wonderful sign but their way of shine by the main course here it's not this camera and the light and just use this crappy little light and devour the rest of this so I'll check back in with you guys when I'm done feasting mm-hm Pyrus because you can check out your surroundings Oh everybody lay down it's bedtime it's not search tight little monsters Lucas likes to lay out me for bedtime Monty is going to do his own thing yes we had an owl's going off I've heard him a few times tonight that was the loudest they were though was that last little clip I think I got a clip of it just barely I heard him and I was in the tent messing around but yeah we we ate up dinner I ain't no like potatoes it took me time it's late oh yeah right two bearers I got all prepared for bed and yeah relax it even nice day good day with the boys here Monte's for now for he's a dog he's like officially a dog dog dog dog dog I mean three is pretty good to Ruger's almost there he's still too but that's he's four anyways or to pass out we're gonna sleep like a baby so I'll get you guys to morning good day everybody [Applause] so much for nose pops leaving heads 2020 what happened to fight the sleeping pill I think it happened word jumped on me it's okay roots it's okay it's okay dang it oh my gosh how did that happen oh man a big ol split maybe something sharp well this is what I get this is this is the cost of my shenanigans take it it's it's it's dad's fault there's nothing to do with your roof's I don't even know it was probably you jumping but I deserved it I deserve every deed just dang it I'm stick it here Monty trust me I regret it I immediately regret it I regret it I regret it I regret it I regret it let's just be let's just do some pesticide day my bad um I slept great but I'm gonna pack away everything in the tent here and then we're gonna pack up and get ready to head home so yeah imma let these guys out of the tent and I'm gonna tidy up in here and get things packed away and regret that I jumped scared by gian River this morning when I woke them up a lot and yeah we'll get the rest of the tent packed up and get moving so let's do it well we definitely had to rip in how to fire all night and like I said I only needed a third of that wood we were much hotter last night than the first night I think it was colder and it lasted longer so let it be a lesson to you that's so nice I just want to take it home with me it's just so much it's so much weight otherwise it would well you know we'll have to look to the footage and see what happened there with this but that was the end uh no pop sleeping past 2020 I had to put my best educated guess I think the force of when Ruger initially bounced on me maybe it was too much weight and it just split it at the scene or maybe one of my zippers for my sleeping bag was underneath and when he jumped and I like squirmed around it like sliced it broker you want some stick stick through it once again but we'll play no hopefully I caught something on cameras I can see hopefully my roots you're that moose fine moose I mean snowmobiles just gonna break these I didn't really tie the knots are just tied to loop so that's all that's holding it up all right so I think as far as what was making it loosey-goosey I think what needed to happen is I needed to not stake out the corner so tight so that I can raise the center pole up higher because I was looking and it looked like there was just a little sagging the walls weren't going up super tight so what happens when I pull out the corners as tight as they could go I can only put the center pull up so high so if I were to let those be a little bit more loose I could have got to pull up higher and then that would have made it so that the signs going to go downward I think that's what it was okay so with this firewood I am going to pile it there's a big overhang there's not much snow underneath this pine tree just in case I either come camp in this area or someone else does you know at least be some firewood that's sitting here it's just too beautiful a firewood to just like it covered in snow and turn to rot the outdoorsman and me is hurting because of this firewood who knows I've decided I'll put the rest of it over there once I put my snowshoes on oh yeah fits right in I wasn't worried for a second [Music] to be so Bruce watch yourself there mister okie Dokes folks that's uh everything's packed away we're ready to go I was a wonderful two nights had lots of fun with the voice here you know we had some shenanigans we had some delicious food and we got to add another pop sleeping bag to the record books to reflect that because you know there's the one time that I got it a little too warm and he's oh no and there's the one time I got it to rile up with Monty Monty's sleeping pad is not holding air it it's got a hole in it somewhere what could have caused a hole hey I don't know and then the one time I got rile up with two witches roofs so hey there we go maybe I could enter myself in the World Book of Guinness records or world Guinness Book or whatever records for the most on YouTube camera hops living bags maybe we're out of something there so anyways we're gonna get headed back to the car I've got a drive home clean all this stuff up I've got to start editing my footage immediately and then continuing edit an all day tomorrow so that I can get it to you guys on Sunday this is gonna be a to dare because there's a lot of stuff to go through here so I got to get to it so anyways that's it so as always guys if you liked the video hit the like button if you wanna see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button and I will catch you guys in the next video come boys let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 2,888,009
Rating: 4.8045683 out of 5
Keywords: winter camping, camping, winter, backcountry, asmr, backcountry camping, bushcraft, bushcrafting, bushcrafter, backpacking, showshoeing, dog, dogs, adventure, adventurer, wild camp, wood burning stove, campfire, campfire cooking, gourmet cooking, food, delicious, snow, wilderness, wilderness area, outdoorsman, woodsman, funny, entertaining, nature, forest, dog training, hot tent, cold camping, cold, frigid, extreme, camper, how to camp, winter time, hiking, backpacker, survival
Id: nmLwRT6hIyA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 182min 29sec (10949 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 02 2020
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