Overnight Camping at My Bushcraft Shelter with My Dog

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[Music] [Music] go [Music] hey there guys I am out in the woods again with mr. long nose fluffy butt and we are going to do another overnighter it is a little bit melty today warm sunny breezy feels like it's gonna be the last cold day for a while it's not like cold it's warm by my standards but but to come here it's warm by my standards but it's the last day that's gonna give a little freezing I think for a while it's like at 33 degrees Fahrenheit so it's right in that line so it's a little bit melty especially at the Sun but anyways we were actually returning to that shelter I built when this video comes out it'll be two weeks ago we're returning to that we may be we're gonna pretty it up a little bit but we're gonna sleep under that shelter again and cook up some good food there's gonna be a little bit of a time warp for you guys but currently in in real time like right now I'm leaving the day after tomorrow to go on that week-long Montana trip road trip with Jake ski guy but when this video comes out I will be returning from that trip yesterday you'll figure it out anyways we've got a little bit more ways to go so we're gonna get to it come on T let's go all right back in poubelle yeah Mikey checking it out well still standing it's always a good sign I guess eh e oh yeah oh yeah and it doesn't look like any any deer hunkered down in it there's no poop there's no extra pooping Pavel but maybe will spark up a nice poo fire later poof I yeah anyways I've got a little bit of a late start today so I don't have only have three hours of daylight roughly but that should be enough to get a couple of logs lamp like five or six logs here maybe finish this off a little bit maybe pack on some snow to fill some gaps have this thing looking nice so let's get to it let's party up her shelter Purdy her up and take her to the ball you know she's a fine lady she's a fine lady yeah you've been here before yeah best they're too much yeah I think I do y'all yeah man it's a nice one today beautiful outside just gorgeous sunny make it all the snow wet and tacky so I'll be a nice wet one today that's okay you know ya know you just have to clear up the shelter a little bit so what tool are we getting our first money huh what - what - what - what - what - saw saw saw this all right let's chop up some big sticks aka logs let's do it what what is that no it's that poop again Monte's that poop again here go ahead and get two pieces out of it you want to see some superfast sawing ready you ready hot didn't work out like I planned dang it now you're embarrassing me my plan was to break it in half when I start the song okay might as well use the same dead and down tree right there I do right here one right there one more there all right sounds like a plan all right so I'm gonna make one more cut right there and then that gives me six already I think I don't need about eight so I'm gonna just cut this one up and then maybe cut one more one or two more drag them back to camp see where we're at okay made the mistake of going out there without the snowshoes to start there's a couple of snow drifts it's not so bad in some spots but there is definitely some like three four foot snow drifts I just went right up to my hips push my snow pants all the way up Monte after many months in hibernation and measures from its death its small beady eyes can detect any trees and it will need those eyes in the coming months as it has starved itself all winter long it now must scavenge and fill its belly Oh Monty all right let's lop off some little sticks I got to be careful this one this is pretty dead not much force is needed see it's okay to use some pretty dead stuff when you're just laying it up you know against a tree like this I'm not even a paracord about tying anything to anything it's just laying up there I could I could just go out and you know find all sorts of logs but I decided you know to go with straight pieces here to make it look pretty no I just be carried now I'm just gonna let the rest of them rest for a little more solid than that one so all right Monty all right now what I need to do to clear out some of the snow inside the shelter and pile on some walks all right mr. Monty pecans you watch out watch out there much of the country make sure we can access the poop on the ground you know you know auntie or make our entrance right here so be our little entrance not too much snow got in here but a little bit around hi Monty found some locks yep we're gonna need a couple more I'm taking long enough for that spot oh no I broke this one it's really rot when I step out it I need one two three four about four more so let's quickly get four more logs this is actually a log I cut off of last time it's pretty thick but I don't need the longest pieces so logs being difficult oh this log is being ridiculous yes okay that's one that was a difficult walk pretty simple I sent it to my will maybe I can get to it alright bring these back to camp animation to grab probably two more just have six just to be safe because I don't want to not have enough again so get these back get a couple more off the sticks [Music] okay time let me they've got too many logs so I needed for I gathered like eight turns out I need about three I'm just messing around I can use them all right whoa I almost just took my camera there we go now I'm going to use the couple extra I haven't put them in the back side just because why not snow here since we're all about using their available resources snow is still a resource plenty of very sticky so it see I can go like this and kind of stuff it sticks up there all those running out of daylight but just because I can take some of this sticky snow put it on top here there's a few major gap see with the snow it's really sticky like this I can just flip it at the shelter here and it fills up the gaps it's kind of neat at the same time it's doing that it's making a little bit more secure and yeah there's a few little gaps in there but all right call it good let's take a peek at our humble abode it's dark in here make it a mess of things let's see here let's get me in focus there we go so as you can see well there's a couple gaps right here I'll throw them some snow really quickly right there well you can see some light poking through but this is pretty much the only gap so right here the rest of it is pretty solid as you can see there you take a peek around just those gaps right there and it is pretty good so now let's get some firewood and get ready to make fire because this thing's done wouldn't it be terrible if this thing collapse someone mentioned it looks like it's barely hanging on but it's it's definitely solid on there I don't got to worry about it all right so there's some firewood I don't even know if I need these anymore hey Monty you enjoying the finer things in life right now Monty you good boy Monty oh that's a good boy he does this thing where every morning we let him out to go potty and he goes and just sits just like this on the edge of the leash next to the road and just watches the world go by good boy Monty as long as I brought back I'm gonna take one or two of the drier ones and cut them up into some little logs maybe split some wood and maybe if I'm feeling really frisky I will make some feather sticks and start my fire that way maybe maybe [Music] [Music] with all my sticks over there okay fire the poop flowers right here so with all these sticks we definitely got enough wood definitely more than enough Monty okay let's solve some stuff get some dry bigger stuff make up some nice chunky firewood oh yeah alright we're gonna use this thing the rest of this is our song log split log I'm gonna split so I'm going to split up some firewood here these look pretty pretty good and dry take a peek oh yeah that's super dry I know I know okay I don't even know how much more we really need Oh nice dry nice dry centers well I think I think we're gonna make some feather sticks tonight they should make exceptional feather sticks that's splitting so easy we'll see though see what comes the feather sticks I don't think the woods gonna be a problem I think I might be though it's been a minute since I made feather sticks I'm not gonna lie I'm not gonna lie you're swinging a mess all right let's make some feather sticks here I haven't actually made feather sticks and it's been a few months actually because I've just been using birch bark all winter long so as you can see they are not the prettiest feather sticks you've ever seen because math you still need some practice doing this he sure does a lot of not ashamed to admit it not at all practice makes perfect and these are not perfect these aren't bad I've made better I've made worse but these are you know I'm gonna make a few extra just to be safe so when I start my fire I'm not just relying on these oh you can't even see those good good job Matthew Ida out of the camera shot yeah I'm I'm just awesome it recording like I said not the best not the worst but I want to make a few more oh it's little too little too thick on that first one I'm auntie yeah I'm just definitely helps to have a really sharp knife for this cuz I am just like barely grazing the wood and like this is cedar so this is super soft super easy like I am barely a prime apply any pressure to this I'm just letting the knife do the work and I'm just gliding and like I said I am not awesome at this I definitely need practice like even right here how I'm going just like half the stick and I'm not doing the full length that's I know that's not recommended but then I just you know I get down here that's okay I'll get better with time but not any better is that one any better you know it's okay they're a little thick they're not the feathery aesthetics there are but you know not not terrible not terrible grab some tea little sticks bundle a teeny little sticks and then we're just sparkling fire these here feather sticks but I need a nice bundle of teeny dry sticks so that when I do get a flame on there I can keep it going you just been chilling yeah you're ready for some treats and stuff yeah nice logs there actually this one's a good one do that one right in the middle there we go yeah there we go perfect all right get out our feather sticks right Monty Monty mr. Monty a little bundle six thirty Monty saying only happen there's no food yet don't worry don't worry we'll get you in there when when we get the food you should spark right up there we go easy-peasy yeah a big bundle of sticks there we'll set it on lightly so it's got a lot of air underneath it and it catches nice that's per usual Monty we just start piling on sticks see you guys told you I could do it I told you I could start a fire without birch bark I know you didn't believe me you're like no way you can't do that what I did proof with my horrible feather sticks all right so that's some of these sticks burn down four and a half gets a little darker out I'm gonna set up some sleep stuff so I brought out a different air pad this time I think I mentioned one of my other videos but one of them was leaking one of my big big air mattresses so for Monty tonight he's got the smaller one Wow it's crazy how much fashion this thing blows up I mean look at how skinny it is and it's short it's it's a little shorter but these things do pretty much just as good of a job as the other ones but so it's easier to blow up and it's less room but I do like that extra thickness and width I'm gonna multitask I like doing it you you start blowing up your air mattress and then you start getting out your other sleep stuff it's great stuff my hands well it's gonna be silent in here tonight uh-oh oh I don't like silence oops I guess that's what'll happen when you got snow over covering the on the outside it's probably gonna be pretty toasty in here The Bear's Den is all set up go ahead buddy check out what do you say we prepare some dinner prepare some treats all right so how do you prepare dinner what we are making for dinner today is hike with Mike's suggestion he suggested that I cook something of a certain nationality and he said Spanish Hungarian or Cuban and what we're gonna go with can you guess it Hungarian we're gonna be cooking up chicken paprikash I really I love this meal I'm cooking it the way there are different ways of cooking it you know everyone's got a different take on it but this is the way I cooked it in in my college days so that that's the way we're gonna cook it up tonight this is just how I made it in college pretty easy pretty cheap but delicious nonetheless it's a great meal it's pretty easy I pretty much already knew when when I saw those suggestions I was like I said Hungarian right in the middle chicken paprikash got some sour cream it's a big ol thick egg noodles mmm it's gonna be good all right we need a little bit of light boom it is now day time or great get out the old opinel fillet knife which has been my favorite slicing and dicing tool for such noodles so I said there are different ways of cooking up this dish for Monty back up back up back up mr. sous-chef first and foremost we're gonna get Monte last time we went out camping we hooked him up sweet potatoes and chicken and he absolutely loved it and it's good for him so what we're going to do again is give mr. Monty his sweet potatoes and chicken sweet potatoes are tough but good for dogs good for humans too but I'm not a huge fan of sweet potatoes they're alright but for dogs they're good good stop all right so we're gonna start with is when I cut chicken paprikash I start it by cooking up my onions normally in olive oil but I'm gonna use butter because you know out here you guys always you see me using butter I love butter but I pretty much just cook up the onions and I'll throw in a little snow throw in a little garlic I'm gonna do the onions and big old chunks but yeah anyways I start up by cooking up the onions put those in my pot just like that we're just gonna start with cooking our onions until they're pretty much translucent I like to cook them till they're translucent but we're gonna get out the garlic the garlic we are not going to put it in with the onions we're just gonna cook up the onions and butter get them till they're kind of translucent and then we're gonna add in chicken broth and the spices and stuff so the first thing you got to do is cook up those onions but all right let's get things started oh I do got to add my big chunk of butter to the pan Oh give some to Monte to butter just a little bit about ah there we go butters in got reserved butter garlic we'll just use my big fat thumbs here like a knife there we go we crush it there you go Monte everything there we go that's crushed blue spicy alright let's start cooking all right let's make this that's a hot one that's gonna be a hot one oh yeah that's okay that's okay I'm just gonna take a stick here make sure it's settled because I don't burn my hands anyways let's get those onions going they're gonna cook up pretty quick so basically the way I like to cook this one is cook up the onions adding the chicken broth add in your spices add in your chicken and then you let it simmer for a little while and you get your noodles boiling but I like to make sure that my onions are nice and cooked because there's not there's no veggies and other than onions and chicken so I like to have a decent amount of onions I should actually probably brought up a whole onion because I could hate it could have definitely ate it oh well food monster regret that's what that is wishing you have more wishing it brought more but now that we're cooking I brought out a couple beers with me I got a Belle's too hard a tail and a Belles Oberon I'm going to start with too hard a tail you know when you're cooking up dinner you got to have a you know a cup of wine and since I didn't bring out last bottle I have a beer well I cook up some delicious gourmet dinner oh this is gonna be so good I've always loved this dish always loved this dish has a special place in my heart oh look I can listen that buttery onion eek listen I could eat this right now just like this so what kind of food monster I am just onion butter onions fried butter fried onions that looks good to me since our onions are most of the way translucent there's a couple little white pieces but a few burnt ones too we are going to add in the rest of the ingredients first of all on the side here and there pre cut up chicken to be good and then we'll add the rest here to Monte's alright we got the chicken in there and now we need to add some chicken broth good amount of chicken broth then I get I go a little extra a little more than I need well that's okay make sure none of these onions are sticking right now now you can steer up the chicken on the side and make it more flavorful and spice it up and grill it and whatever but I'm gonna just boil it with this Monte's here such a hot fire we lost mighty sweet potatoes and yellow tuss it's okay come on T I'm sorry I lost your sweet potato all right some goodies now I don't measure this but this is sweet Hungarian paprika we're just gonna add a little chunk of that yeah I'll grab some flavor in there some paprika and then we're gonna add black pepper a little black pepper love it love it and then salt how much salt I'll give you one guess it's not too much it's not too little just the right amount of salt there we go now we're gonna get this simmer in here Oh pump the brakes almost forgot my favorite ingredient in garlic my favorite now we're gonna get this simmer in here oops splash myself anyways we're gonna get this simmer in and we will add more chicken broth as needed so if it's boiling too hot and it's just you know the liquid it's not liquidy enough we will add more chicken broth no problem oh it's gonna be so good I'm so excited and I brought out a whole big thing a sour cream oh man you can't have chicken paprikash without sour cream can't do it you just bet you don't do it you can but you don't do it you do not do that all right Matthew drop some stuff in the fire go Matthew that's a little more chicken broth in there you guys know how I like to roll it's not a camp cook if I don't drop something in the fire all right so Monty is here is chicken and potatoes that's going to go off to the side because that's that's disturbing the balance of our chicken paprikash where doesn't have to be careful I can't be I can't be frisky like that anymore I risked it there that was that was really dangerous am I thinking could've ruined everything anyways I need to get some water boiling for my noodles because this is gonna be simmering now so let's get some water on here having some major malfunctions get some of that mutts out of my water this whole this will burn down a little bit though so we'll just set that just like that that water going our chicken paprikash is simmering all right this is wonderfully it got some wood retha noodle pot you got this frying up Monty's sweet potatoes and chicken I mean look at that that's dog food I would eat that that looks delicious that's mangy that's dog food right there he didn't eat his real dog food so I mix it with these gonna get a bit over there but that is simmering up good that is burning down all we're gonna need a whole bunch more I might just add a little water just for the sake of this is this a simmering I'm definitely gonna need to add more chicken broth to this because it's a lot of this moisture is going to boil out that's why I brought extra that's why I brought extra chickens get getting done that's for sure we that a little bit sorry I didn't see you begging over my shoulder there got a little bit more chicken broth moisture there the water here oh we got Monty hairs in our water boiling water side you want flame now we're gonna add a little bit of water to that side continuing to literature you can see these onions here see how translucent they are perfect garlic's still got some simmering to do the chicken should be definitely close to done but this is gonna be whoo that's Lou that chunk of char I don't know if that's a stick or burnt onion but it's gone there's definitely some chunks of some burnt stuff but it's okay campfire meals you need to have some char in there and some sticks and some we call it nature's pepper you know I gotta have some nature's pepper in there otherwise you're not campfire cooking now don't have a lid for this pan so I need the right stick for this that it's not the right stick this one Monty this is gonna be the right stick all right we need to get that boiling because while this is cooking we need to sit we need to boil some noodles oh yeah well actually there's still a few potatoes that are still a little crunchy so we're gonna do a good old chunk of snow here for Monty since he doesn't mind a few sticks well dude using sticks all day long little snow in there so that we can simmer it down so we can add his dog food and he will love it he'd be a little bit more see how it's got the bubbles on the bottom it's hot it's warm water so we're gonna do is I think we're gonna add noodles even though you should be waiting when you add noodles tell us a rolling boil but we're cooking over a campfire so sometimes you gotta wing things you do things differently than you would at home we're gonna add our noodles and now we've got a bag old-fashioned wide egg noodles let's get our pot lid off here I do not need this is a pound of noodles I do not need all this I'm going to add until I think that is plenty of noodles for me that that's plenty of noodles for me right there more than enough probably too many but you know what you know how I like to eat more out here everybody knows there we go putting the lid back on let the boiling commence I may need to add a little bit more chicken broth or take this off the flame we got to thicken it still and then we haven't done a thickening process yet let's just taste an onion mmm okay all the flavor is so good let's check out Monty's all right Monty's but we're gonna add Mikey's food this time and we're gonna let it soak into these juices a little bit I have a bad snow a little bit of a liquidy there so we're gonna add Monty's food but let's check Monty's yours looks look at that good dog food it does not look like dog food that is a gourmet meal for a person up for a dog named Monty all right let's check thick egg noodles they're boiling visually this is a full pot this is a dangerous game we're playing they're cooking when these get really boiling and they're like going good then we're gonna we're gonna add cornstarch and water to that to thicken this up so this right here we gotta let these get boiling good oh man I'm so excited for this this is gonna be awesome like I said before one for the books let's add some dog food to mr. Monty's here who need all that dog food there's gonna be a big one for Monty on second thought I will not use my spatula to stir dog food that would have been a quick end to the delicious taste of my chicken paprikash I probably wouldn't let it bother me but it would definitely been a little gross I won't deny it the other big gross come on you want it okay all right I know I'm talking to you you want some of this you want this do you want this are you drooling Monty are you dealing with smoke right now you want this Monty you will get all of this this is all yours every single bite this is your meal right here yes you need to you need to soak that in right now all right Monty yours is gonna go off to the side daddy needs a focus on his meal right now okay these are cooking great let's try one see we're at okay they got a few more minutes it's time to thicken up our papa kasha all right so like I was saying when you're going to use cornstarch to thicken up something you want it to be kind of boiling you're simmering and when you're gonna mix water with cornstarch always make sure your water is cold and you can add the slightest amount of water to cornstarch if it's cold and it will it will turn into a liquid now I had it barely any water I'm just gonna Pat it easy that's a chunk of cornstarch right there but you mush it into that cold water and this will all turn to a liquid all this that's the trick with cornstarch cold water see all of that every single scrap of cornstarch in that bag is now in that liquid because I used cold water see that see how clear that bag is let's trick with cornstarch now you might want to make sure that this is simmering and that you're gonna get it heated back up to a boil when you add this I don't need to add all this I'm not going to use if I used all this this would turn into like a gelatin because I use barely any water this is thick right here but since it's simmering you can see it's still simmering I'm going to add about half of it about half of it and then we're gonna let these flames get built back up this is gonna thicken oh yeah oh yeah ooh let's taste our noodles see we're right with these those are some thick egg noodles noodles I might have too many noodles but you know what I can take home the leftovers no problem I can eat it for breakfast it doesn't matter oops I lost that noodle oh they're so close hmm back up my day oh man stir them and test them we could be ready to eat we could be ready to eat I'm ready I don't know about you they're a little aldente smoke I prefer all dente noodles over mushy noodles let's take another one just to be sure sure okay those are done we're done we're ready to eat so what we need to do is put this lid back on here and get it off to the side like that go to lose noodles or in the palms water here that's what we're doing Monte okay that is that's too many noodles but you know what we're gonna take this home in this pot is leftovers if we can't finish it back up Monte back up you're gonna get yours I'll put this over here and then we are going to add this beautifully delicious sauce to here oh yeah that's what we're doing right on top of the noodles okay let's get ready to eat Monte oh we miss an onion we miss an onion mr. two chunks of stuff all right let's get ready to eat monkey there's one final thing you need to add to this bowl of deliciousness and that is some big old dollops of sour cream would you just look at that that right there is some delicious chicken paprikash alright ladies and gentlemen it is time for Matthew and Monty to devour their delicious food you ready Monty are you ready I'm ready gonna be so good I'm so excited about this and I know Monty here is just freaking out with anticipation it's kind of fun to just keep them on the edge all right it's torture I'm sorry go ahead Monty go ahead let's test this out let's mix in some of that sour cream to that delicious sauce and some chicken there we go now this is some gourmet food right here hop oh it's hot but that is gourmet right there this has always been one of my favorite dishes I've always loved chicken paprikash get a Monti was there sir is there someone there is there an animal he's gonna be alert get him on do you get them they can they can not have my treats that's a great thing about Monty is he will let you know if any animal or any person comes up you the noises when he thinks that something's actually really close it's it's insane so if a person were to come up on me he will howl and just it's crazy monkey we did it I did it look at that there's nothing a little liquid left there's no noodles a little bit a little bit all right no but it's just love with sour cream broth I am so full my stomach hurts [Music] okay oh man I'm so full my stomach hurts too much too much dad ate too much all right now that I've got to self-induced stomach ache from eating too much delicious food while camping I'm gonna clean up a little bit clean up around let this rip and fire burn down and slowly get ready for bed karati come here Monty there's no treats left come on Monty Monty come on I'm gonna scoot you back because you're on a you're gonna be upset you don't get what you want we need everything I hate everything we destroyed all right you just need to accept accept that there you go sometimes there's complications when you're suddenly in your Monty the Monty can be rents restless you can refuse your offering of a warm sleeping bag and a cozy bed Monty you come to the sleeping pad right now mister I prepared this for you I cooked you dinner I blew up an air mattress for you I'd built a shelter for you you come in here right now and settle down Monty Monty Monty thank you thank you very much I just hope he doesn't get more restless before I crawl in my bag and get ready because no I actually wouldn't be so bad when I'm in when I'm in my bag it's I'm so used to getting him readjust it now and just open up his bag let him stand up he's not ready for bed Monty why you have so much energy right now huh you big fluffy dog you know what dad's just gonna get ready for bed and I'm gonna get tucked in and as soon as I do you know you're gonna join me I think he thinks there's an animal out there or something he knows there's no treats yeah boogie in your eye Monty yeah I boogie anyways so he's not ready for bed he thinks something's out there food animals whatever he's something's all things we're gonna we're gonna give him one last try what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna get ready for bed I am tired I am so full I am just ready to sleep so I'm gonna get my extra layers on get all my stuff off get into my sleeping bag and we're gonna let him roam around til all that bad I'll try one more time to get him in the sleeping bag you're coming to bed now right here right here come on that's how I make multi-site Piedmontese semi settled morning okay I'm all set for bed ate some delicious food I am so full I am ready to pass out so not our bodies tucked in well kind of I'll deal with this and I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody good morning Monte oh it's a beautiful sunny day mm-hmm well well well well it is time that's cozy in here real cozy this is oops I farted it looks nice outside sounds a little windy but looks uh sunny and warm alright time for me to layer up and get out of the dead Oh a beautiful day out clear blue skies winds blowing around snows melting from the trees oh don't be dramatic does a dramatic barks I like the little Brook yeah its pristine oh this morning pretty warm I'm actually overdressed I'm over dress well later though maybe we'll return to the shelter again maybe we won't did a good job served its purpose Lulu we'll leave her up there's no paracord it's just logs laying here not a big deal it'll probably fall apart once the once the snow melts coz there's some we're sitting up on the snow a little bit but we'll see this is actually like winters kind of Last Stand I know the temperature is supposed to go up to 40 today next couple days 40s and then it's supposed to get into the 50s so it might be completely melt and changed but uh anywho Monte it is time for us to get packed up head home edit ourselves video so let's get to it way too warm for this Jack right now understanding the Sun oh no [Music] oh yeah and the Sun it is toasty I am going to get sweaty on the way out even just wearing my thermals [Music] I got the song stylist for Monty right mr. Monty Tallyho Tallyho there Morty Tallyho we're done with this snow I'm ready for it to just get up and go green spraying in the ground is something that I want to know I'd rather come fast and continue to come slow can't wait to watch all the flowers grow or be in my canoe on a lake and let the wind blow and here's the nice sound of the crow I already hear that I give up enough rhyming enough rhyming for one morning are you ready to go see your brother mr. Ruger all right ladies and gentlemen that is a wrap for today's video beautiful sunny day oh man I'm still dreaming about that meal last I was so good but it's time to get headin home and ended up a video so as always if you liked today's video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit the subscribe button and I will catch you guys at the next video [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 195,400
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: overnight camping, bushcraft shelter, bushcraft camping, overnight, camping dog, bushcraft, bushcrafter, winter camping, spring, spring camping, camping, outdoorsman, forest, backpacking, snowshoeing, wilderness, wilderness area, campfire, campfire cooking, cooking, food, gourmet cooking, cooking over a fire, building a shelter, shelter building, survival, survival skills, bushcraft skills, survival shelter, how to build a shelter, survival challenge, cooking skills
Id: 6qMar72yl4g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 0sec (5460 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 29 2018
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