Camping in a Spring Snowstorm with My Dog

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hey guys Monty here when I woke up this morning I was like hey I'm gonna try the left side of the couch today but instead I got dragged out here in the snowstorm and beat in the face of the sleeping pad I mean what the heck anyways hope you guys enjoyed today's video [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nature's gold - oh yeah look at that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] come here [Applause] my tea [Applause] okay what is this nine your ID yeah hello there ladies and gentlemen I am out with mr. Monty Picchu and we're gonna spread another night I hear in the woods so I just want to say happy spring oh can you feel spring in the air you know the fresh trees are budding there's birds up in the trees chirping away all the sides of spring that you need yeah there's a winter storm going on right now we got a snowstorm in it started right we got here we've already got a couple inches the forecast is all over the place you know it was saying 12 inches it was saying 5 inches now it's saying 8 inches who knows what its gonna be we'll only be able to tell the time but it's definitely snowing now it's definitely breezy out we're in the thick of the trees we were going down a trail you saw we had to cross a little way too high of a stream almost got my boots filled with water is about that close but now we're going off trail to find a nice spot I don't need the snowshoes yet there's a nice hard pack there's still about two feet of snow but it's so it's been melting and it's just so packed that I don't need my snowshoes I'm still postholing every once in a while but ya don't really need it right now but anyways we've got a bit further to go we're gonna be sleeping under a tarp tonight hopefully cooking up some delicious food so what do you say Monty let's get joy let's go okay this is not a bad spot but there's a lot of dead bread just here what I'm gonna do now is just take off my pack and I'm gonna walk around and look for a spot somewhere in this area okay this is a nice spot it's kind of more open but we're still next to some thick trees which is what I want to sent you because the winds are gonna be bad the snow is strong I don't want to be but I don't want to be near a big you know big overhanging trees in case they fall over whatnot but uh yeah okay I'm a packable ground I'm sure you'll notice my lens is fogging up pretty bad and that's because the snow is pretty wet snow it's not it's right on the borderline of freezing so it's getting my lens all wet and the snow sticking to it pretty bad I'm wondering another ward for DSL DSLR caretaker of the year oh yeah all right so I'm gonna have to get something dry out to wipe that off maybe they've been smart if I brought a lens pot anyways we're gonna walk around look for a spot let's do it Mikey come on what do you think Monty well this looks like a pretty good spot it's a little uneven but it's so packing that we're just gonna sit on top of the snow I'll just level it out with my shovel but I'm thinking go from right there into that tree to that tree I'm gonna I think I'm going to use two tarps today I'm pretty sure I remember to bring both of them but the reason I want to be a little bit more out in the open is because it's pretty windy it might not sound like it or seem like it and we are in a thicker spot with trees on the outside but it's breezy and there's gusts because it is a snow storm saying the winds are supposed to be about 20 miles an hour with gusts up to 25 30 somewhere in there so I don't want any surprises so we've got a nice open spot with just little trees all around so we're gonna make this work right Monty we're remaking 120 you know now that I'm here I do see some really nice spots over there I'm having spot indecisive I'm gonna go check over there [Music] okay now this is the spot for real for real this time the reason I decided to change spot is because let's just double check that is East and the winds are coming from East East North East so this way too and this is all thick pines in there it's a nice open spot there's no big dead branches or huge dead trees immediately nearby nothing that will land on me so uh this it this way I can have a little bit more of an open set up rather than I was gonna set up you know both tarps and bunker down mode but I can have a little bit more open now [Music] is this the spot Monty yeah I can have a little more open now because all the wounds are gonna be blocked I don't even feel win here the snow is just kind of falling big fat pieces of snow so what the plan is gonna be is I will end up probably using both tarps here what I'm gonna do is set up my big Noah's tarp from this tree to this tree do a big ol ridgeline and then we'll have the the one flap kind of more open and then I can sit under it right here this will be more of our chill spot will have a fire pit right there and then I'm gonna set another tarp and just kind of angle it a little bit more on the same ridgeline maybe even share space with the other tarp and I have a big wide and open a nice angle and that'll be our sleep spot and then I can even this out so let's get to a Monty what do you think you looking at supers up three-sixty we're having too much fun already Monte slow down on the fun oh hey it's rats then you just go like this and Shazam perfectly completely 100% untangled it's all tuck what's that up now [Music] one sure way to tell that if it's snow or not is if you're taking too long behavior Monte a spot he's completely covered in snow mighty do you want a treat Monte do you want to go for the dog park doing a stick turn treat what's he little frosty bunny okay this will be our our chill spot see it's gonna be a little bit unconventional let's see if also bury my chariot out a little bit but I'll just keep doing that and then we'll just have the winner what is that yeah we'll just block it like that and then we'll just set up the other one right here will kind of make this our sleep area it'll all work out let's keep going just keep going everybody right here good boy get this snow off yeah come here good boy all right lay down right here all right ray here Monty all right we need to give them a sleeping pad and a chill zone good snowing it sure is snowing Monty today we've got the ultra deluxe sleeping pad for Monty since I'm really good at destroying sleeping pads lately he's got the luxurious super thick super large I don't know what it's called but it's got this tip this quick glove thing I'm sorry my teeth I'm sorry watch wonder here [Music] now Monty doesn't like these booties looks like going to be whacking off the turf again back to quacking anyways mind you doesn't really care for the booties other than they keep the snow out of his paws you know other other than that he doesn't really like them because they just make his feet kind of sweat and believe it or not the dogs do sweat in the palms of their feet so he takes them off when he gets in here but now we've got to cover them up there you go okay so the snow is getting in here because it is blow us a little bit so I'm gonna set up the second tarp right here just like I was planning we'll probably hit we'll keep it at the same angle on this wall and then this will all have it go right to the ground here maybe even more on this side well maybe have it go flatter or I mean more of an angle so that what I do uh you know knock off the snow all night it's not gonna be like this one in collecting snow I might even at the end of the night when we go to bed I might lower this to the ground here this is just strictly gonna be for sitting under while I'm up and awake and we have the fire going out there because as you can see it's collecting snow every every minute more snows gonna come up anyways now that our Monte setup we're gonna keep setting up Karen don't come down on my team coming down you know what's better than one rat's nest - rat this here about the hole under my cloths Oh yesterday winter Joss seems so far away now it looks as though it's here to stay oh I believe in yesterday suddenly God thought spring doesn't seem to be happening winter keeps on going endlessly oh I believe in yesterday why Spring had to go I don't know it wouldn't say winters been so damn long now I long for yesterday [Applause] [Music] [Music] okay so it's decently setup for right now if we're going to be sleeping right under there we've got protection from both sides it seems like most of the gusts are kind of coming from this way because it's more open it's supposed to be easterly winds but when the wind does pick up a custom this way so if we've set up that wall to block the wind's coming from that way I'm probably going to end up at the end of the night like I said most likely going to pin this to the ground with the stake just untie from that tree pin it down this one needs a little bit more tightening that way Monte is just chillin over here anyways yeah so what we're going to do is I'm going to fix this up a little bit we'll start evening out the ground and then we've got about an hour of daylight left it's about 7:15 Eastern p.m. not am but you know you may be able to tell some of you guys lie to you guys that you know I'm not I'm not an expert at setting up tarps I just kind of go out and wing it every single time deal with the rat's nest every single time it is what it is everything works out we're always warm we're always dry at night it always works out but snow is coming a little bit here but like I said this is our chill spot we're just going to be sitting under here I'm gonna probably dig down set up my chair here have the fire right there all right so yeah we're we're pretty good we'll just sleep with our heads down here I'll even this out it'll just be knocked off all night and we got a chill spot this will be good I was going to go for more of a bunker down mode but what I do that I like to have like a nice dead down tree that's kind of sitting up so I can kind of wrap over it but it's okay that's okay let's dig this out a little bit we'll build up this wall with some snow yeah there's two like two feet of snow at least here maybe uh yeah maybe more I don't know it's it's definitely but we've got a nice little spot here and it's mid-april right now mid April oh boy okay so now it's time to collect some firewood and then we got to dig out a fire pit make this area nice so that I can set up my chair I might raise that a tarp on that side a little bit and then we'll get cooking eventually yeah oh yeah Monte well that was easy here we go cut some pain we got fun pile on Pete lately I just haven't been eating the axe to take down these trees and fight enough dead leaners all right it's a mighty oh man is they coming down right now every time I step away from the tarp it needs to be knocked off again so I've got a big old pile of wood here just gonna saw this up in a nice big old chunks here and then we're gonna dig out a fire spot start up a fire I might go cut a little bit more wood this is mostly all pine I think this might be maple but I've just that's all been dead leaning and stuff so we're just gonna chop this up into little chunks less work let the fire do all the burn in half [Laughter] and then once we get this fire going we'll get monty a stick oh man that turf is sagging so bad from all the snow cuz I haven't been knocking that one off the snow is really coming down and it's what it's yeah great great oh look at that I just knocked off I think we're going on the more of a foot of snow or more side because it is coming down and eventually at some points then I don't know if I already mentioned this it's supposed to turn to freezing rain whoo anyways let's keep trucking alone [Music] okay it's time to get the fire pit figure it out and get a fire going because is getting start getting dark really quick man everything is sagging the snow is coming down it's coming down oh oh just breathe as the snow and it's like whippy sting snow you know I'm having a little bit of probably gonna set up this whole thing in bunker mode and not try to dink around with making the shelter open at all and for cooking yeah but like I said the reason I want to be in an open spot is trees falling it is what it is here's where we're at we're not moving now it's getting too dark too fast either way even if we get a little bit of snow on our feet and stuff that side of the tent I'm just gonna have to get up a lot it's okay and I'm definitely gonna be staking this down tonight so we'll just put the player right here I'm not going to need it for warmth it's very warm out it's it's 30 degrees right right there it's right around 30 so I'm not gonna need to sit near this for a warmth I'm gonna want it a little bit of ways so that it doesn't burn holes in my tarp and so they don't have to go you know crazy pot of cook but it's mostly a cooking in a relaxing fire so we're just going to dig it down the ground here see how deep the snow is it's too deep maybe we want well looks pretty deep oh geez okay snow is still snow is still to here what is that that's got to be two and a half three feet so well I guess we're just gonna have a deep fire pit so we're gonna do it's gonna be hard for me to start it okay let's park this baby up man we are back in a winter wonderland it is snowing it is a winter all over again it was so feeling like spring we've got this massive piece chunk of birch bark here oh he's so far reach down boy this is kind of wet I don't think we're gonna get the one strike but maybe you know last time you guys said there were everyone was congratulating me and I was all like yeah one strike and one person said it didn't count because I did a little I don't even I didn't even scrape material I just kind of like graze my knife for no reason but oh this is not going to be the time I can't even all right hang Oh I'm gonna have to like lay on my belly here to get down on this hole Oh Oh boss okay Oh works for struggling I don't have anything set down and the birch bark is a little wet there cuz Oh Oh gonna stay and see barely alive I think I got more birch bark on me [Applause] oh yeah they okay that should do the trick everything's a little bit wet because all the snow gonna be smoky here but there's enough birch bark there that it should stay left one thing I like to do whenever it's a fire with wet wood or if it's like raining out or anything like that is I pile it like it I make a teepee fire and that lets your sticks I burn straight up and kind of makes a bigger flame and that way you can put more you know wet stuff when you get that big flame it just kind of dries it all out fine there burn out [Music] [Music] [Music] okay our stick okay ready anybody get some center isn't it you know Monty no that's a wrong stick Monty try again try again there ya go oh no no no you know our team [Music] yeah it's windier than I thought it was gonna be well I knew it was windy news gonna be windy but like I said they're supposed to be from this way where we got the blockage but those gusts are still swirling around I'd say it's it's thick all through here to the north the northie - even without these it's just you know all the Westside but it seems like that's making the wind come in from the what is that southeast so I don't know bring in here Monty bring me that stick come on anyways yeah it's a little story that I was thinking it guys did I mention that but it made you that yeah it's definitely not a blizzard though blizzard is defined by basically high winds and no visibility it doesn't even have to be snowing technically for a blizzard you just have to have no visibility and sustained winds I think it's like 35 miles an hour for two or three hours sustained and visibility less than like I don't really know it as 20 feet or something like that that's a blizzard this is a snow storm snow storm is just the winds under 35 and just lots of snow in a short period that's what we got good old April snowstorm just when you think Springs coming in then you get a foot of snow but I think it's supposed to get really warm and rain so it's probably all going to melt within the week who knows who knows whicker's whicker's is trucking along party monkey monkey monkey Bostic oh don't joke Monty good you'll see you'll see you'll see sick bunny don't fancy money so yeah it's going to be a minute or I can cook we've got quite the big old fire pit going on I'm just gonna keep burnin adding these logs building a nice coal bed down there I'm gonna need to get more sticks which is a big dead down tree which I grabbed all these off right over there but it's kind of nice using these big old pieces cuz you can add them all on right away they've burned in half and slowly burned down this will get our fire pit big wide enough I'm surprised by how much snow is still here you can't probably even see me anymore but we will be knocking up it's hard for me to say to not say whacking on because it's when I say whack and I mean hitting it like that but you know whacking off sounds that's what we don't want that is it just a big gust of the south [Music] well yeah maybe I'll have to readjust the tarps just a little bit maybe I'll even have to grab a stick to put underneath it but like I said I have no expert tarp Center upper that's even a thing I don't claim to be an expert in anything I guess if there's one thing I'm an expert in it's getting out into the woods I'm camping I'm good at that I get out here they just you know I've got some setups I'm living I'm learning I'm not afraid to admit it that's why I come out time and time again this snow is real wet and heavy [Music] thank you so what I think I'm gonna do as far as the tarps going sleeping tonight when I do take this rope here and I take it down and we stake this to the ground I'm going to dig out underneath this tarp here and just will sleep maybe we'll sleep long ways this way and then that might since if the wind is blowing this way I don't know who knows but I need to get some sticks here all right we need to get some sticks to keep this thing going get that light on there dig out a spot from a chair just to relax and there's frosty as I've ever seen you Monty look at frosty face my dear frosty oh geez so here's the scoop here's the scoop we're in some poop that's what it is all right it's a pretty gnarly storm if you got a definite gnarly storm the work the wind is just relentlessly swirling around just now it's blowing this way it's gusting from this way it's coming it's swirling look at that Gus so we're in some nasty storm so what's gonna happen guys is I'm gonna just burn this fire down we're gonna make some coals and cooking tonight is gonna be pretty unglamorous because I've got to fix my shelter and I've got to make it bunker down and it's it's it needs to be improved but we're gonna just just get snowed on all night and when it turns to freezing rain it's gonna be nasty so didn't set up as good as I should have my bad but I'm gonna fix it not quite sure 100% what I'm gonna do I'm gonna at least take down this side of the tarp and then I'm gonna get us some sticks probably gonna have to go find a few stick sirs dead trees all over but yeah we're definitely gonna have to I'm just gonna make it hunker down mode and we're pretty much just gonna be chillin under the tarp and I'll come I'll just be standing around cooking you know throwing the stick for Monty I'm not gonna do much sitting around and relaxing until after dinners cooked and we can just sit in the shelter because yeah it's it's very windy it's very gnarly it would have been a lot nicer to just like go into the thick stuff here and you know set up just the tarp and they're right in the thick of it but then you run the risk of having stuff big branches over you Yatta Yatta Yatta so I just got it I just gotta adapt you know it is what it is one he he just wants to keep fetching the stickies over as they're sitting there garden it but you got snow balls on your whiskers Monty snow whiskers ready ready snow whiskers [Music] yeah oh honey buddy buddy his stinker right now all right late no wait up good boy okay scary yeah oh don't do that Monty don't do that Karia all right our mind tease all our mind is secure okay so right now what the plan is I'm gonna dig dig this down aways where I'm sitting kind of dig out here then I'm going to take this tarp and I'm gonna go under this rope here to create a wind block here and then this is gonna come down and we're gonna sleep long ways this way all the smoke is funneling it here oh that's no good huh anyways yeah so I'm gonna dig this out just enough for us to have our sleeping bags which is gonna take it a little bit of digging here but that's okay that's okay got to do what you got it Rock Monty Oh and it doesn't help if this snow is nice ice pack pack snow well this is fresh fluff stuff the way that the winds coming from the least is this way so it's gonna be better they were sleeping back this way more with our feet down here actually know what I don't really need to dig that much out I just need to block this off hmm actually know what let me see if I just put this down I do I'll dig this out and I'll put this down and we'll see what it's like sleeping right here Oh sorry Monty my gyms it's where I'm not trying to do that Monty I'm sorry I'm just getting snow all over your sleep and stuff huh huh bud whoa okay I'm just gonna keep plucking away it this will see we're right in a bit okay so what we've got for now is a really sleepy Monty Monty little frosty bunny okay let's just crawl in here with you Monty okay so what I've done is we've kind of bunker down the wind is not coming from that side at all I'm not really getting gust there's that tree right there everything so we're gonna sleep right there I've got snow piled on over here this is super tight I don't even need to knock this off and the snow it doesn't matter that is super tight I've got to pull down on that side staked now I've taken this tarp here and I've overlapped it and that one's super taut so what's gonna happen with this tarp is I'm not even gonna put a stick under it I'm gonna kind of let it sag from the snow and what that's gonna do is slowly just block this off from the wind and I'm going to pile up snow here so that's the next step is um yeah I'm just gonna move Monty over here to where we're gonna be he's gonna be sleeping for the night and our spot and then I'm gonna dig out this excess snow here and I'm gonna build this wall up nice and good and that's what we're gonna do it's a lot better I'm feeling a lot better about it I was a little worried there's gonna be a little spot here but we're not gonna get wet at all tonight now it needed to be done I'm glad I did I didn't do a whole lot all I did was pretty much dig out snow and adjust this tarp it was just I had to move it over about a foot or two that way few feet actually and tighten up the put stakes and everything around time not pretty good but we've got a Monty need some treats and he needs to be dried off Monty you're so snowy all right we're gonna dry you off Monty and then let's let's get to that Monty good pal Oh heaven to Betsy I need to keep making holes I'm gonna sleep gotta make room for me we're gonna slide him on the snow from right there so I'll just pile up some snow from the outside all right Monty mmm that's a good boy he's chillin he's chillin he's Chile's a little bit wet but he's not cold it's definitely one of the warmer nights we've winter can this isn't winter we're in spring what am I talking about but I can just this thing's so tight I don't need to need to worry about hitting it well that's how deep the powder is right now I guess you can't really get a softy here let's just raise my foot up right here that's how much fresh snow we've gotten up to right there there's the bottom of my boot so that's that's eight inches it's definitely eight inches least eight inches already let's take a final look at our dome status so here's our little entryway over here I've got the walls dug out decently over here and you go into here and we've got ourselves a curious monty I've got the snow pretty good over there I've dug out the back wall pretty good and mr. Monty well let's just let's just go up to mr. Monty here Oh oh I do mr. Monty so that's how much snows gotten on a sleeping pad and this is before this is right I didn't touch your sleeping pad since I moved in here so there's no fresh snow getting on a sleeping pad we think Monty we do it no no no gross he's got the worst breath oh just kidding I'm not gagging but it is nasty Monty okay so guys out of all the snowstorms I've camped in all four of them might II don't know more kisses please please you're gonna get treats later you're gonna get treats you get treats if you don't kiss there we go it's not that I don't like his kisses guys it's that he's got real nasty breath just don't do it anyways yeah this one's been this is the windiest heaviest snow I've camped in and it says it's gonna turn into freezing rain sleet and rain showers by tomorrow so but now that we're all set up my sleep and stuff I'm not bringing out till I'm getting ready for bed let's prepare dinner and let's get to cooking because our fire we've got a nice hot coal bed Monty's probably gonna be relaxed in here I think he's gonna come creeping out once the venison starts but we're not gonna set up a chair not even a bother now do it I brought my breath probably isn't good either buddy all right I don't even know if the camera can pick that up but feels good to lay back okay time to put on some layers then we're gonna prepare dinner and get to cooking let's do it [Music] [Music] [Music] okey-dokey let's prepare some food right hey Monty what you doing back there hey hey there little critter okay what we're having for dinner tonight is a classic campfire food nothing crazy I'm gonna breathe in a bunch of smoke while I'm preparing it and it's gonna be great I love smoke it's just so good when it gets into your lungs and your eyes we're having potatoes onions red bell pepper chicken with some salt and pepper sauteing it butter it's uh it's nothing you know crazy there's no crazy technical aspect to it but it's dang delicious definitely one of my favorites because it's just it's just classic you're just the flavor of the foods that's in there the peppers the garlic it's nice just a nice meal see what else we got - here got some white onion [Music] got some pre-peeled chunks of garlic I'm not going to go crazy on making this all fine just just so it's just so the flavor gets floating around there or roasting it they'll get amazed by the garlic I like bites of garlic I like garlic I had a whole pickled ate a whole jar of pickled garlic once and that gave me probably the worst poops I've ever had besides the old peperoncinis and peanuts ordeal anywho tonydd whole jars pickled garlic alright skim milk good enough nice chunks to go going into the pot we just got some red bell pepper to prepare but this isn't going to go in the pot yet we'll just stay right yeah okay then we've got to add some spices to this right here black pepper black pepper spar my second favorite spice besides Montreux now I don't like to do mantra on this one because I kind of like to taste the onions and the peppers and the garlic and not any other flavors really it's kind of just a nice nice meal in that regard and we've got to add some salt not too much salt not too little salt just the right amount of salt need more salt with that and just a pinch more just a pinch more okay that looks good now it's good okay and then for my at all I needed some butter we're going to need some extra butter this time around sounds like it's starting to rain the freezing rain we're a healthy little chunk of butter I'm gonna keep the butter handy too we'll keep it all and then we better prepare Monte's hey what are you doing look it's doing you little stinker you can't give them this whole tax Peniston here it's about half or he'll get the poops we're gonna fry that up in some snow and then we'll mix it in his pumpkin and so I'm gonna just cook this up cook the potatoes out a little bit then we're gonna have some chicken tenderloins and then these peppers we're gonna be eating let's do it let's go let's call him okay I'm just gonna kind of climb into oh boy I'm gonna do that burn my mullets I'm gonna kind of Clara no fire pit here just sit like this wow this actually works great oh let's see what's I don't want to cook it on it's cooked on this side keep this fire burnin I gotta be careful these are some new new gloves that I don't want to ruin yeah now you're rolling with time I'm sure just not yet you know eat all great great it's pretty sturdy it's about a two out of ten sturdiness oh don't want to be doing that no no no Greg Greg just needs a little help much better much better mr. Monty's here just like that Monty get to eat snow for dinner where she doesn't mind snow all right let's get on here I need one more thing one more hey okay bro arms a couple of beers no gloves they're too dry my bum might get a little bit cold sitting here but this is like the perfect chair right here and my bum will get toasty that's eBay Monte what do you think you know just cause you're back underneath there but you're gonna sit out here so you're in Oh oh yeah oh yeah nice little fire pit we got going on got a big old diameter I think I only shoveled it out like this much wasn't very big if there's one big fear that I have in the woods my one legitimate fear not my only fear but my biggest fear is wind I don't like wind is probably my least favorite thing to camp in I like I wanted to come out and vote you know I like the snow snow storms are fun snow is fun you know snowfall is very pretty but wind mm-hmm I am NOT a fan of wind just because it's a legitimate fear you know branches breaking off trees falling over that's why I camp in such an open spy here we're kind of getting a little blast a little bit more wind but like you know there's there's smaller trees around there's a couple of branches but if those cracked off they wouldn't really you know and I'd these trees right around me aren't gonna uproot that's kind of with the way I planned my spot the other spot was even more open and but it would have been a lot more gusty and nasty to deal with but yeah wind and out if you guys remember any of you that watched my recent nine night adventure I ran to a couple ladies after a windstorm picked up and the winds just got crazy it was rain a little bit of thunder and then the winds picked up and that's the one thing that makes me nervous is the winds because those trees blown down and I ran to these two ladies at a portage and they had said that that night where the winds kicked up a tree blew over and mohanty does not like the smoke the tree blew over and pretty much ruined their tent and slammed in and spiked right next to him into the ground and they said if they're you know if the if just within a foot they could have you know been dead or worse or a major oh no mati this was my fault but I'm believing you know anyways yeah we could have been really bad it destroyed their tent but they were fine they said they got really lucky and yeah that's why winds my one biggest fear out of the woods that that sort of thing can happen in the witness it's windy tonight that insane when it's windy we need to strip his food here we've lost the majority of our beer it's it's not so good whoops whoops I can't tell where to meet another chunk of butter a little burnish over there be good let's take a wall okay now I was thinking about fire roasting these on the great great but I'm not gonna dink around right now I'm hungry it's gonna taste good either way I'm gonna be happy so we're just gonna Airmen like that and cook it up then everyone I've got four tenderloins there well Ted wrote with chicken tenderloins to chop it up with this that's what we'll do oh there we go I don't even need to cut it up or touch it or anything you guys know how I don't like touching ticket okay Monte my butts get a little cold robots getting cold [Music] I had to turn Monty around he wasn't having it at least so now he'll stay I don't want him mainly I don't want him getting wet more wet this blanket this can get a little wet that's okay but as long as this person get too wet frosty he'll be toasty he had a nice thick coat hey Monty go on tree do you want a tree nope smoke that's okay you're gonna get a treat don't you worry I already gave him some about a cup of dog food when we got here got a fat in the boy up no you gotta give them food keeping burning calories keep warm unless you remember you spilled this beer my bum is not too cold just a little cold just a little bit I'm hungry I'm hungry in the wind it's coming straight from this way oh man I'm a little tired a little pooped wash I set my watch really we get that well I don't think we're gonna have to worry about rain it's 20 degrees out but I think that's with the wind chill I'm not I'm not really sure that I mean it has to be you know the this thing is hanging in a tree but yeah it's 20 out that's looking good it tastes it always tastes so much better when you got the right amount of butter in there and you're not getting you're not getting too much moisture from everything so it's like kinda it's almost sticky not all the smoke is getting me it's not like a hundred percent sticky you know but just got that buttery buttery this once I have the peppers it'll probably get a little bit more juicy but always tastes better if it's less juicy ass call me good then we've got mr. Monty's nutty slop EMA his about ready I think we can serve monty his food we won't be eating quite together but this is ready we can't we can't just make them wait you know all right we'll get Monty's ready want to get to eat first they're promised off the slide that's around okay I'm gonna give you too much of dog food that's a little bit just a little bit now we gotta get please Nick month you want some pumpkin pumpkin chunks and you like that pumpkin don't you just oh that looks so yummy Monty I would just if I was you would love this but for me how kind of looks disgusting but you know that's just me [Music] you know it doesn't look so bad pumpkin GUI GUI dog sloth let me just gotta make sure it's not too hot oh yeah it's just lukewarm it's steaming but it's not hot all right Monte Jolla we take this up for ya you want that you want that alright go ahead you've been a good boy face this will rumpa them aunty you plan a little stir while was just flipped it he he Monte ooh he's gonna be begging for this this looks so good Oh getting pumped all right I'm adding in the red peppers Amanda Minh he's a little frozen home getting so hungry it's uh it's pretty late guys I'm not gonna lie my fire is getting down there ladies and gentlemen getting down to the the end it's time to crack open my second beer what do you think Monty you spilled this one I get a stop blaming him is my fault yeah there's not going to be much book reading tonight for her anything but once I eat I'm going to go to bed it's uh I do want to say what time it is last time I checked yeah it's midnight I [Music] don't even know where the time flies by I just like messing around when did I even get out got a late start today I mean let's just assume every time as late start unless stated otherwise but time do they get out here storm started around or 30 who knows probably just be blue skies study this all be melted by the morning we'll be on level ground with the pit the fire pit the ground here all right we need to check our food it's got to be getting close to done [Music] [Music] oh that's so close that's about I can eat undercooked peppers I can eat undercooked onions I can eat undercooked potatoes put on the cooked chicken and ever that's the one thing we got to make sure it's cooked which I'm sure everything's cooked right now this is a hot oh yeah everything's cooked it looks so good click the perfect consistency it's not like juicy it just isn't it's not like super sticky gonna just sticky enough just checks all okay let's eat this thing oh yeah that's loot I'm okay that looks so good I'm a hungry man see you're definitely not getting any of this this is non body special areas [Music] okay let's just see ooh Lu or if nice and hot [Music] Warhawk over besides cooking fish over a campfire this is probably one of the first meals and besides like hot dogs and brats and sort of stuff like that but we used to make these hobo pies that's what we call them and you just this same thing you just wrap up in tin foil you use any type of meat potato pepper onion this generic thing and we used to just pre wrap them and bring them out and roast them on the coals call them hobo pies and that's pretty much what started me cooking over the campfire besides fish like I said [Music] oh that's good and simple but the flavors Oh oh-ha Bravo I think I burned my mouth on that one oh that wasn't stuck right to the roof of my mouth how that was a hot potato blondie no that's empty that didn't feel good now you may be thinking why not spit it out no that's why no I thought I saw some over here did I see something over here [Music] I thought I saw something that everyone would really appreciate oh yeah I did see some that everyone really appreciate check this out [Music] do you think it's a good idea to reach your finger in oh the smoke I think his name is Steve the spider I'm gonna I'm gonna pet him Oh Steve come back I want to pet you those fangs Steve those fangs Oh Steve apparently Steve doesn't like being pet that's a nice spider that's a nice spider come back here oh oh oh let me yeah I read somewhere they should every time we see a spider you're supposed to pet it yep or was it kill it now I'm pretty sure is Petitte [Music] [Music] don't worry buddy I'm gonna eat it all and then went up to the bag about it anymore because there's no way he's not gonna scrap of this there's no chance that I won't inhale this I should have brought it brought out more this is probably the best the best batch of this meal I've ever made all right guys I want to fish eating up here and we don't have I mean I've got some firewood I just decided not to burn those two logs our fire pit has grown massive but I'm gonna put away all my bad stuff I've already put most of my sleep stuff inside there but when I'm done we will get ready for bed now we'll check back in with you guys then catch you in a bit here we go let's just pop another sleeping pack oh man okay are you ready for maximum comfort you look like you're ready he he knows what's coming he knows look at him if this dog he loves crawling in this sleeping bag he loves crawling in the sleeping bag okay Monty you've earned it come on treat yourself to a nice sleeping bag yeah you want to lay the wrong way I'll turn your out okay lay down and you can dig I guess if you want whatever where you wanna lay we'll make it work see it work with that oh that's at best Monty you're not gonna be seeing much more Monty the rest of the night because his space is that way and he's getting zipped in you're not uneven there Monty okay Monty's tucked in Monty's warm Monty's dry no I'm gonna worry about my sling Wolffe my pillows here these are Nemo Phil no pillow nemo Phil oh I love these thanks eh I use two of them one for my knees the one from my head I've tried I tried quite a few pillows but this is the most close to a pillow I've found and I'm sure some of you guys have noticed I've started linking gear that I use down in the description of the video I'm never going to put anything down there that I don't actually use and like if it's something I happen to use and I don't like it's not going down there but these pillows I love these things and I know lately the sleeping pads I've been using have seemed it may seem like they're not good sleeping pads but no they are great sitting pads and the company is great that sounds like rain it's freezing rain yeah it's still coming down I just hope it stays freezing rain stays frozen rain but anyways like I said the sleeping pads that's just my bad I have made mistakes because funk still has her original sleeping pad the same one she got from the beginning gotta have the great ones for my face the green ones go into swinging the legs and I don't alternate them I like to keep my face when is my face one and my in between my legs was in my female age one because you know no okay now my jacket is a little wet here it's probably gonna be frozen in the morning and I'm gonna definitely put these gloves they're not sopping wet they're pretty wet still but I'm gonna put them in my sleeping bag with me just so that they're not frozen solve the money but my jacket I should have put underneath Monty here when he's already too comfy the only reason I'm not gonna put them underneath me is because the zippers and stuff I'm just worried that the zipper may be ruining another sleeping pad or something so since he's got the little Z rest I would have I would have laid it flat underneath him but I don't have the heart to disturb him now he's even laid so anyways guys that was quite the storm it's still going on winds howling around this sounds like it's getting pretty this is picked up more than before where you can feel the Wiccan winds are going we can feel wind but we're not going to get snow or anything on us we're in a good spot anyways I'm satisfied I'm going to bed I'll catch you guys the morning good night everybody so the threes raining really hard freezing rain did you just say raining it's sort of raining really hard to sort of freeze raining really hard sort of freezing raining really hard hope you know what's right [Music] it's freezing rain and it's coming down it's tubulated a lot very peaceful really sorry buddy good morning ye there little guy oh hi you Monty Woolley scratch a little booty scratch morning this morning 0:03 over ha ha ha oh mighty oh there he goes there he goes Monty there's a good good go good boy it's a new day Monty it's a new day it's a new day when you think did you sleep good I know you slept good yeah you didn't move much other than when I was knocking off the tarp and stuff it's it's uh Oh Monty no want to go this way my team no go this way Monty no the superb Monty why'd you go this way Marti go there nobody Monty hey that way good boy Oh be free Monty you're free leave your own life be a good boy anyways guys yeah it's uh can you even see me yet it stopped free training sleeting however you want to say that so it doesn't sound stupid freeze rainy sounds dumb it was it was raining because it was definitely not snow it was little ice balls so I'm gonna say sleeting I guess I don't know but it was doing that very hard until 5 a.m. and then it just like stopped maybe like 4:30 right around there was just going home for a minute there I was getting a little all nervous because I was there was so much building up we didn't get a single piece of snow on us or anything except for except for me every time I'd knock this off of this corner it was so much that it just started he started getting on my sitting with my feet because these tarps are overlapping and ya know it's all melty all wet well yeah that tarp I don't know if you can see does the only camera well the other tarp is pretty much laying on the ground it when I the last time I knocked that one off I was I was getting ready as they all right in another like 45 minutes of this or half-hour of this and I'm gonna have to get up and fix that tarp or it's gonna just be destroyed and it stopped so that was good we've got a little rocky fern here anyways ya see the sleeping pad how it's loose it's not it's not that it's got a hole in it it's this stupid speed valve I had to try it retry it like three times it worked pretty much for most of the night but it slowly leaked out and this I just don't like the speed well if you don't do it just perfect the air slowly leaks out I've had it happen to me before so I just you just gotta mess with it that's the one thing I don't like about makes you blow up your iPad fast but that's why I like these little these little valves you know you blow it up right and there's no holes in it thing stays solid anyways I don't think we're gonna have to frozen okay it might be a little frozen oh but yeah anyways it started to get up put some layers on great day oh no I this isn't too crunchy today it's still a little bit frozen why ain't bad at all in your fingers true there though it's a little nippy always happy I put my gloves in the sleeping bag with me and you can put them on in the morning did your fingers bright and warmed up Monty hey Monty hey you want a stick you know me throw a stick alright get a nice stick May it is still off this morning there is a slight freezing rain it's very very slight I don't think it's gonna mess with my camera you can't mess with it more than I've already put it through last night there's ice all over it again it's wet that camera is a trouper well we need to stick for Monty here let's look at a nice stick Monty all right and the leader of the band jump jump jump on the leader you have to listen jump there you go jump again good boy one more time come on one more time yeah you want it yeah okay yeah so all that still enough to call freezing rain the freezing rain last night how do you say it as it's happening freezing raining it's freezing rain anyways yeah that compacted down the fluff we got yesterday or it kind of melted because this definitely seems like it's only like four five or six inches now so although it accumulated more stuff go boy Monty it's making it seem like there's less which I'm not gonna complain about walking out so I don't really know how much snow we got and freezing rain but it definitely is less than yesterday come boy well you're in the mood for the stick thrown today aren't you aren't you there guy aren't you there yeah I'm glad it's not raining raining though because that would not be very fun to uh deal with on the way home I mean I'm waterproof it gets soggy on the outside but it keeps me dry on the inside Monty on the other hand though he'd get wet [Music] I'm gonna have to poke Monty's booties on here he's already getting snow pack because this is very patchy snow here Monty can't be having none of that I should have put him on before he left that's okay once he gets those on his feet get really warm quick oh yeah he's getting snow pack he needs the blue tees mighty come here I'll push your booties that come on get your stick come on anyways guys I want to get yeah he doesn't like it I'm gonna get Monty's booties on here and then we're gonna slowly start packing up and heading back yeah yeah we got a whole big wet mess today there we go there are buried and I'm pure booties stay there no no no that's a good boy he doesn't even fight it okay dude put on the booties and then you're good for me I think did you say so definitely starting to uh lightly rain it's not freezing anymore it's definitely just like a drizzle so I'm gonna get packed up here pretty quick put away that DSLR soon as I can it'll be okay for a man I hope those aren't going to be the last recorded words on the camera it'll be okay [Applause] [Music] [Music] and I don't really need these snowshoes but I'm going to try them out because I've taken them out camping twice now and haven't got to use them their new snowshoes so I don't know how good they work and I've got until May to return them and I want to make sure that they do their job and stay on that's the whole point of the new bindings well I broke the other ones but the whole reason I didn't like those snowshoes it's because the bindings had terrible binding security so got the same brand and essentially the same snowshoe with different bindings because I like those a nice big good flotation sole we shall see we shall see if they fall off once one time on this walkout they're going back all it's gonna take is water I don't want I want snow shoes that are not gonna fall off I don't care if it takes me five minutes to put them on so they don't fall off I took in my shirt a little bit and I wouldn't really need to even wear this jacket but it is drizzly and I just don't really want to get that wet I'd rather get wet from sweat than drizzly cold wet so we'll just be a little warm put these things on here this work yeah Monty time to go yeah it's warm out right now - it is it's got to be it's got to be 30 32 to 35 it's got to be at least above freezing or right at it because it's just not too cold it's just not too cold okay mighty you ready you ready all ready ladies and gentlemen that was a fun little overnighter was definitely a gnarly spring storm as you can see we've got a fresh layer of powdery well it's kind of packy wet snow now and the drizzles hit me so yeah we're just gonna hope that this melts off you know doesn't extend I just hope there's not snow vile the middle of May that's all I'm asking come on mother nature I guess someone was saying it's Old Man Winter old man winter go to bed you go to bed go to bed anyways guys we've got a hike back to the car and I'm gonna test out my snowshoes here so it's gonna wrap this one up so as always guys if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button and I'll catch you guys at the next video come on T let's go [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 3,143,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: snowstorm, snow storm, blizzard, winter camping, camping in a storm, camping, camping in a snowstorm, spring snowstorm, spring, winter storm, canada, asmr, bushcraft, bushcrafter, winter weather, snow, survival, camp, campfire cooking, snowstorm camping, shelter, wilderness, wilderness area, backcountry, backcountry camping, wild camp, survival shelter, camping in a blizzard, adventure, extreme weather, backpacking, dog, snowshoeing, camping dog, spring blizzard, how to camp, bushcrafting
Id: uT6iQ0IJFR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 55sec (6895 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2019
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