Winter Camping at My Bushcraft Camp

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[Music] [Music] hello ladies and gentlemen I am out with mr. Monty T and we're gonna spent another night out here in the woods it's a beautiful wintry day we're heading back to the bushcraft shelter that I built a few weeks ago I'm hoping it's still standing we had a crazy windstorm so it could have blown down you never know I could be either added to the shelter or trying to fix what got torn down but I got a nice bag of junk with me the reason I bring this out is because this time I've got some nice pieces of red but I didn't want to get smooshed in my pack and sometimes it's just easier I don't mind carrying an extra sack with my food this is pretty much just food and water yada yada yada I use these reusable grocery bags Punk loves that when I bring these I pretty much destroy him every time so whenever I bring him bring her home a destroyed one she's super thrilled so anyways we're gonna get head into the camp I got a medium ish start today not too late not too early I mean I got up early but always takes a lot of time to get out here but anyways let's get to camp throw a monkey oh right it stayed up it's still here sturdy alrighty Monty that's a relief that's good that makes me happy it does not matter what you wear when you're hiking in at least for me I get sweaty every time oh I am warm oh he does it per minute so Monty's trying out some new booties that you guys suggested to me there they're cheap they're the ones I guess that are using that Iditarod and so far they are a great success great success karate buddy stop that he he hasn't licked his feet once or sat down and messed with them they're very thin so I don't think it's messing with this paws too much pretty much the only reason you need booties for your dog if you have like a long-haired dog or anything is for the snowpack that gets in their paws it creates big ice ball and whatever month you goes around and fluffy snow he just gets it's an ice cube in the center of his foot and that's gotta hurt you know stepping on that in your palm but their feet stay very warm they have very vascular feet so build the blood flow their feet stay very warm so this is great this is working so far I like them there are two dollars and fifty cents per shoe so I got about ten of them just in case one falls off but nothing so far and he's running around like he doesn't have anything else oh that's great okay so we got some snow about this far into the shelter there's snow that got in so eventually maybe if I keep coming out here I'm going to need to add something out to make a little blocker here like maybe put some logs and some stands out here to make a little some sort of screen to catch snow but today I think what we're gonna focus on is building up these walls so that we don't get wind and snow from the sides and that's what we're gonna work on today so what I'm gonna need is some poles a bunch of logs we don't need crazy amounts of long logs I think I can get away with a few and you know as it goes up you just get shorter and shorter but I want to get the walls up to like maybe here that should be pretty good on both sides that is the goal for today we don't have a whole lot of time so we're gonna have to get moving I've got maybe two hours to do that and get firewood so we'll see how far we get we'll see we'll get at least a few up got some birch bark already some few chunks of wood in here Marty what do you think about all this mighty where are we empty oh we've got a few holes it's been pretty warm lately so I'm thinking I just had a bunch of snow up here musta melted some have to add a little bit more snow and it's also supposed to get it's supposed to get like 40 and raining I think in two or three days that's crazy we're in January 2019 what's going on we don't want none of that I want to be cold I want snow what the heck what the heck all right we're gonna we're gonna try some other gloves here today that we're given to me I'm gonna give him a shot see how they do okeydoke we're gonna start by finding a nice tall pine or two two or three you know drag them back to camp let's do it [Applause] [Applause] yeah just love getting hit in the head of bark whoo okay this one should come down too [Applause] oh well that one didn't need to be chopped [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] well let's not sit on any spikes here okay now I've made a nice pile out here I've got to bring these all back to camp I like to uh when I'm doing a bunch of logs like this especially because since last time I took all the dead standing and dead down that was really close now I'm having to go a lot further so instead of like you know every time I go out having a reef all which tracks I went to which tree I just put them in a pile and then I make a straight shot back to camp do it really quick like what do you think buddy I've got some big sticks like your paws come here thick your booties your blue tees your blue tees blue tees big fluffy turd nugget okay which way is camp this way that way I think it's that way [Applause] who will not make your Monti upset I'm sorry he doesn't like when you point stuff at him or anything out of the ordinary he doesn't like to mess around ray MIT he's been going crazy he's been running ha back and forth I am warm these gloves are warmer than I expected them to be this there where are they Yeti Pro Series and they were given to me in my most recent giveaway and they are surprisingly warm my hands are pretty sweaty enough but so far they're keeping up - they're waterproof name that's good I am warm very warm I'm gonna need to cool down for a minute here so what I'm going to do next is now that we've got a whole bunch of I think I've more than enough here and I chopped them way longer than I needed them to be so what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna get two long poles just like this one I need for total two for each side I'm gonna put them close so that I can just stack my logs up and I can go up probably two or three long ones and then a few short ones so maybe five on this side and more on that side because they're skinnier but anyways yeah so what I'm gonna do is first I'm gonna go out and collect a few more poles I did get one for long steaks and then I am going to get a few pieces of wood for firewood which is already up to here so all I need one more I'll get another maple something down dead maybe a standing one for the skinny one and then I will come back and I'm gonna start chopping knocking stuff off and will get hanging here we've got 45 minutes till it starts to get dark so I just need to get everything back here and it's gonna get dark it right around 5:00 tonight pretty early pretty pretty early maybe it may be 5:30 maybe I have a little extra maybe I'll like an hour today but yeah as long as everything's back here I'll keep I'll keep messing around in the dark as long as I can get you know I'll get I'll get my goals accomplished today we're going to just we're going to build the walls up to here that's the goal for today maybe I'll take a few of these pine branches and just kind of wedge them in here and hang them over but anyways I'm gonna go grab a few more longer stakes and then let's get cutting stuff up hey there you scurvy dog okay yeah I've got my four spikes or posts or beams holes whatever sitting right there but since I'm not going to be running around too much anymore that means mr. Monty Monty Picchu is gonna be just relaxing so we need to give him what is owed to him and that is a little thing called a sleeping pad 20 which side am i sleeping on feel like this looks uneven I might sleep on this side tonight yeah that if I sleep on my left there I slept last time whenever I'm sleeping on this side I don't remember which side I slept on last time okie okie dokie mr. Monty mr. pokey what'd you think what'd you think all right I might as well do a little multitasking while blowing this up get these spikes going so that's about perfect so this would be the same okay that's okay that's okay hey Monty watch out there pal let's go back up back up over or my good boy are you thinking okay don't want to get this to close and put all chop right into this that would uh that'd be a lot of fun if I did poke hallways who would sacrifice the sleeping pad I'd probably have to make it me I'd probably have to have an uncomfortable night because I can't do that to this guy he can't be without a sleeping pad no no no no no [Applause] worker [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] you see him over there look him just sit on his butt like he's pouting we're gonna do a super Marty [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] okay okay this is for you mister sorry my dear you go here you go Street no Monty what yeah are you not those booties on oh the only reason I'm taking the booties off of him is because he doesn't we're not gonna be walking around as much and he doesn't need them for warmth pretty much just needs him to keep the snow out like I was saying and contrary to popular belief the belief is that dogs do not sweat at all and as a matter of fact they do sweat in their feet there's one of the few places places without hair is where they sweat and they do sweat in the palms of their feet so if I were to leave those booties on you just get really sweaty and wet you get wet feet they already look pretty wet and now he's just gonna be licking them because he likes the taste of salty things I guess mmm weirdo weirdo just chopping it right into the ground is it's too much work keeping it on this log here keeps sliding off okay now let's get these pounded in Monty heard of Mouse Park it's all bent out of shape come on T it's just a mouse and he tooted he Tunes it we gonna rip this stuff's frozen in the ground what that's not a good idea hey maybe I can use this um we'll just hope these go on the ground easy they might not they might not okay first whoops oh that's good good [Applause] now one did not want to go very far into the ground because the ground is frozen a little bit which is unfortunate but what you gonna do okay then that one will go right there this one's tall Oh even though I'm I'm actually six five i recently measured get met we measured and I am six five and it's still tough I need to be taller taller okay we'll just do one about right there okay and that should do it [Applause] all right no I'm just gonna get like three four pieces this length then I'll go back to right here so they get the whole way and then we'll do a few really short ones to go just in between here and here but now we're going to cut stuff to the right size measure up cut off pokies stack them up I've I've discovered something mr. Monty does not like sitting under this when it's when he's out here he likes to be able to see and hear all the noises so I've been thinking that he's just being a little turd nugget but in reality I put a sleeping pad out there and I was just laying on just fine because he keeps like he'll come in here he'll lay out and he'll lick his feet and he'll go back out there and lay in the snow and now that I put that out there he's just chilling see I learn I'm learning still I'm gonna learn lots of things about this little guy over time so we need a measuring device will this device be long enough this is the perfect Lake currently so this is what we're gonna use to measure up our logs on this side of it it should be the exact same on the other side let me just double check you always you always want to go with the measure twice cut once rule so this is long enough I'm gonna do about C one two three and then we'll do three shorter what's rule so we'll try four we'll do four we'll see where that gets us three or four here four three or four so let's cut some of these I think I cut more than enough wood here this bar is working in the night today it's alright you can sure you can see it's starting to get dark it's not a big deal today I normally don't like working in the dark when I have to walk around and collect stuff but if it's already all sitting here and I can just throw in a headlamp you know it's fine it's gonna be fits what time is it what time is it all right it's 5:00 now so it's gonna start getting pretty dark here pretty quick but uh yeah if everything is right here it's not a big deal to me working in the dark messing around if it's all just if I just I just guys stay right here how many more times you owe me you say that not a big ya what if I have to go romping around the woods searching for dead standing stuff and stuff like that that's not it's fun to me personally has fun to me personally we have some nice pine logs were to burn tonight we're gonna do six on that side and I did do five on this side it's gonna chop off the pokies now and then we will stack them and see what happens maybe I won't even need to make smaller ones probably well we shall see all right yeah it's getting dark very Monty yarr it's getting dark it's getting dark all right let's see this one's pretty big uh-oh what bit I don't want to snap you just nice and snug ooh yeah that's nice and snug okay let's slowly go up and pick I might need more than I think here we shall see I'm gonna have them go up a little bit maybe maybe maybe maybe they're starting to get a little off in the width here should do good like that and I've got one more piece just sitting here I think if we get this one on here Oh see that's pretty good that's pretty good yeah I'd say that's that's plenty tall enough now I'm just gonna tie this down to here we'll let the runner oh that might be tough we'll tie it to something okay really quick before I go on the other side here these logs are kind of pushing they got a little skinny let's see how they're falling down like that what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna kind of stack them on top of each other like they just work and then I'm gonna tie this stuff down and then they're like I'm more like this because they're just kind of the width of them getting so tall it's not stacking perfectly so like this and then I'm gonna wedge some logs here once I tie this down I'm gonna reap it this log back on top because this this being out too far in the different widths is making it so it's kind of teeter-tottering and it's not stacking perfectly but I figured that what happened and I could use another steak right here so that's all I'm gonna do I'm gonna tie this up tidy this one up and then we'll do the other side plenty are you frosting a little bunny these might be too thick for this side but we're gonna attempt to make it work this way yeah these might be too thick this might not work at all and be snug that's for sure okay that's Doug I was fitting pretty good this is also going to need okay so I'm going to need I'm going to do right now is tire rope from here to here snug it down and then this one's gonna need actually let me see here this might be just tall enough it's like one log try the other side let me see if I got a piece later all right I'm gonna cut off one more piece like this I just wedge this here this is okay okay this will probably be a bad idea but this this behemoth here would be a nice one of the last piece here let's just see what happens hey that works pretty good all right now I'm just gonna tie this down like that that tie this down okay that should do it for now I'm just gonna tie this down secure this you can probably barely see this and it's so dark but we'll get the light on there I'm gonna tie this down secure it and then we will take a peek of what we've got okay so I've tied things down what I'm gonna what I'm doing right now before I go over the whole thing in this show quick little Peck is I'm gonna take I'm gonna take some of this dead stuff I pull off the side wedge a few pieces up here I'm gonna rip the stuff out from underneath I'm gonna fill up the gaps I'm actually gonna use the light from that camera to shine up so that I can see any holes it'll actually be easier at night time to fill any gaps because yeah that light shining through I see all I see light pack it in and then I'm probably gonna put a few pieces of this in the sides here for any gaps and then we'll take a peek at her so who's gonna wedge some of this stuff in here just to catch a little bit of snow it's kind of like this just like overhanging slightly nothing too crazy it doesn't need to be super fancy just so that when the light amount of snow falling will come right here might hit this a little bit maybe next time I come out I'll get like I oh say before I'll I'll get some kind of you know pole set up and we'll do something fun with that okay so here is the final shelter for this time as you can see I didn't go crazy I just took what was on the side I actually found a bunch more right behind the shelter but I just kind of wedge it up here so that when you know the snows falling if it comes from this way a little it'll be caught well you can see it from the side here it's just like a little small little pine awning I guess you would call that but it'll definitely help a little bit but you can see if you can see the snowflakes they're falling this way right now so we shouldn't get much snow on us at all Monty's back there creeping in the dark chute on a stick just in the dark anyways here's the side wall it looks like it's leaning but it's just because I put each one kind of forward more it's not leaning it's like an optical illusion these sticks are tilted and tied to the post that way it just looks like it's leaning but it's not but there's just a small gap there I might put next time I come out here I'll you know put some more stuff there but we got the back here there wasn't many holes at all to be honest and then you got this side we'll get a better picture of this in the daytime but for now she's a nice sturdy shelter and yeah that thing looks comfortable nice and comfy so ooh this light is bright light so now what I'm going to do a little creature down here he's looking for sticks I am going to set up my sleep stop just a little bit tidy up camp a little bit set up my chair and then we are going to process up firewood and get a fire going let's see what time we get we go check the time here quick let me just set that down oh that's that's dangerous let me check ok it's 6 o'clock and it's dark it is dark dark it is it is very dark outside it is night it is night so I think the Sun set it like 5:15 summer around there you know and then it just started get dark anyways setting up stuff and then we will chop firewood and get a fire going and then get cooking dinner gonna gonna create some gas tonight the one thing you're allowed to beat your dog with is a sleeping pad or you could use balloons that's the only thing I think is acceptable feel free alright alright alright let's process up some firewood eight oh yeah um so we're gonna get crazy tonight we're gonna attempt to it is 6:30 now we are gonna try to stay up to an insane insane super late time our target time for bed is 10 p.m. and I'm not saying I'll stay I'll stay up later that's totally cool if I can if I can last that long three and a half hours that'd be great or more but we're gonna try to make dinner stretch out cooking it take forever you know relax enjoy I'm gonna cut up a bunch of firewood here and I was we're gonna try four we're gonna try four that'd be that'd be cool because then I might actually be really tired and just go right to bed dents Salido that's what happens when you're looking at the camera and not what your sawing okey-dokey split some fire I'm not gonna split this pile here but this is all splittable it's less naughty there we go we'll use some have C pieces for the bottom oops let's get this in one strike this time some birch bark was left here from last time it's a little bit wet that might be bad or a scrape up some extra feathery oh yeah look at that light feathery papery birch bark just gets me excited okay could this be the time let's just try to dry it off find a nice this thing could just be too short I don't want to believe that I don't wanna believe that here we go one spark here we go take it take it take it two two two two we got it into again again one of these days we'll get it in one it's bound to happen time is on my side yes my dears okay you know what we need to do leave the scooter officer right here but sir I'm not over here go ahead get them a little closer to the fire not too close to where he'll burn but where I'll be warm pair Monty come here come on come here Monty come here right all right now you know face this way because we won't like it facing the other way right there just like that all right now is relaxation time Oh what was that Monty did you see that he always like snarls when he yawns very Monty you like the warmth of the fire ya think he likes the warmth he doesn't like it when it's too warm and he hates the smoke he absolutely hates the smoke so if that it's getting close it's right here if it touches his face he's gone he'll he'll either crawl back there he'll go off so fighters going this thing and going anywhere I've got some long logs laid on here I'm gonna relax for a minute let this burn down get some nice coals going I'm gonna put on all my layers and then we will get preparing dinner we're gonna we're gonna stretch it out a little bit I'm gonna relax before cooking tonight we got seven o'clock seven o'clock we gotta make it three hours so that means if I can make it like half hour 45 minutes right now of just enjoying the fire the warmth of the fire and getting there and we will we'll be up till 10:00 we'll meet our goal see I'm gonna put on some layers and relax for a little bit hey hey Matty he was just upset by some smoke it blew right in his face I'm sorry it is just like the perfect temperature out for winter camping right now it's not too cold it's not warm it's like 20 degrees in the day and I think it's getting down to like 10:00 tonight and there's wind chill but not right here it's it's very not windy here I think the winds let's see here okay so North is that way North is that way so South West so the oak okay so the winds supposed to be coming from our back that we're good this is perfect and you know what last time it was North wind's and it was still just coming from here because there's Seoul it's so thick in here the wind just doesn't come from this way you can hear it I've heard it swirling around all day the wind it's supposed to be relatively windy today but it just it's crazy how you just don't feel it here that's awesome this is a nice little nice little spot but yeah that's perfect it's it's pretty good temperature I like it now it when you're talking about perfect temperatures for winter camp and it's all relative you know if I'm a you know I'm building to Quincy and I'm working really hard I'd prefer it to be like teens or colder you know cuz you're working hard so you want it to be colder when you're working super hard now if you were to try to build a Quincy and it was like 28 out oh man you would be so sweaty you'd be so sweaty and it would everything would just be wet that would not be fun no sir I think the first time I built a Quincy that was when it was the warmest alright well it's eight o'clock Monty it's 8 o Crowell I'd say it's time to prepare some dinner will you say my - you hungry you want to treat join a treat you want a treat do you want a treat you stinky stinky stinky dougie Oh Monty always wants a treat always okay we've got a pretty good coal bed we made it 45 minutes of burning wood so let's prepare dinner Oh Monty loves this alright okay I'll stop Monty heaven Tibet's and so what we are having for dinner today is chili and Monty is having straight potato and venison mmm I've been I've been dreaming about this chili last time I had it was about a year ago campfire chili and it was tasty I'm gonna be trying out a new pot today that was given to me by a subscriber it's a it's definitely it's got a deeper deeper deeper thank us fill as much as what I mean there that's what if's what I meant well yeah I'm gonna there's no way I couldn't get cold tonight because I'm gonna be farting so much I'm gonna be heating myself up but Monty will not be sharing my chili this time he's not gonna get it he's not getting any sorry Monty no chilly for Dodger because it's got onions on y'all but I am pretty hungry right now I'm not gonna lie to you we do a whole white onion whoo it's gonna be good oh that's uh oh this might be too much all right well will this have to you get my ideas sweet potato he didn't have to eat out of this bowl just put that in there so the goal today was to make leftovers because funk would like some of my chili she's requested that I make extra and bring home some leftover so I brought it I brought all my sauce and stuff in a Tupperware that I'll put the Chilean or a lot of fries in the pan whatever works I thought that this pan would be plenty to uh hold all this stuff but it might not be only time will tell actually I should do fine it should do just fine yeah it's edge now that I had shaken around there's definitely plenty of room I mean this is gonna cook down a ton too this should be perfect for this sort of thing making soups I think it's got it's probably got more volume yet it can definitely hold more than this thing it's almost as deep as that thing the mighty sweet potato then we're gonna put some snow in here sweet potatoes and venison now you notice that he's only got like a third of a thing of venison and a teeny little sweet potato and he's getting barely any dog food and it's just gonna be a bunch of water because we are unstriped from monty getting poopy but messes so let's get this heating up okay I'm gonna put the beef in there where does gonna get cooking let's let's do this bangle this thing here let's have a fighter going off to the side and I'll just scrape coals because I want to boil this out too much on a nice simmer but we're gonna bust out you guessed it the great great greatest of the rights but we are going to stop it in for this is the new thing I've been doing just kind of beat it on the ground a little bit both sides that's that's okay it's a little the ground is very frozen I'm surprised it's as frozen as it is okay I should do I should do just fine you've got Monty's pot of snow with other things in there and I put a little bit of snow with my onions okay well his lid can go on here but chunk of beef OS that'll cook down don't worry definitely looks like it's a lot but it's gonna cook down it'll be just fine gonna be just alright we need to burn up our beef cook our onion a bit then we're gonna add all the other stuff and get to simmering for at least an hour we're gonna simmer this chili so we need to be patient maybe the patient's Monty come here Monty you need that patience my friends the creature is creeping now we've got a respectable fire going it is cold almost frozen beef chunked up I say what do you think I'm gonna need some more moisture in here all right let's get some more moisture moisture the meat starting to brown up oh yeah that's looking good nice and slow have a long simmer on this chili as soon as this meats browned up we're gonna add all the other goodies the real chili will begin to come together all right was delicious I could eat that right now just brown beef and onions I'm so hungry mine's looking delicious let's take a peek at Monty's little that looks nasty dee you're gonna love this but it looks gross there's all sorts of pine needles and just looks like bloody water YUM oh yeah just poke it that looks gross that just looks nasty but you know what that's a delight to Montee right there ten out of ten ten out of ten just cover that back up I can't looking at it anymore oh yeah wait is there audio oh yeah yep there's audio okay don't wanna have a mishap like get back mister keep back over here Monty over here over here right here you stink so the meat is all Browns up and the onion is pretty translucent cooked down I'd say let's get ready to chili let's let's do this all right now the magic begins the magic will be if I can fit this all in this pot here okay so I've got here is a baggie filled with diced tomatoes tomato sauce and tomato paste we're gonna start by adding this okay I'm gonna have to leave a little bit out for now let's mix this in see where we're at oh man oh this is gonna be a challenge this might be too big of a batch of chili and I guess I should have brought a bigger pot you know you live and you learn I'm gonna need some moisture to boil out is what I'm gonna need yep that's for sure Monty they're also not gonna be able to have the beans well let's add a spice mixture there is salt pepper brown sugar cumin chili powder cayenne pepper well is there anything else in there garlic powder a nice concoction yeah I'm not gonna really be able to add my beans until I boil out some of this moisture I shouldn't have used as much snow then I probably shouldn't he used a pound of beef and all this sauce but you know what in the end it's gonna be good it's just gonna just gonna take a little fat Anglin maybe I should have brought another pot no this will work this is gonna be perfect there's gonna be perfect in the end oh that looks good already we gotta add some beans say I've got kidney beans and black beans we're gonna add just a little bit of beans now we're gonna get a little greedy little greedy I'm gonna try to add all the rest of these beans that's the last of the ingredients we're gonna try we'll get them in there it's gonna happen it's got to happen see how dangerous we're living right now danger we're in the danger zone this is way too much chili I mean I'm gonna be able to eat until I'm just completely stopped and I'm gonna have at least half this no man oh it already looks so good just needs all cook down moisture some of this moisture needs to come out and then we'll have more beans that's where we're at right now guys living dangerously let the record note that I admit I was wrong but sock is required for this amount of chili no and the problem with it is it smells so good it's it's it's it's being an issue that it smells so good and I'm hungry and you know the funny part is that I brought out a beer one beer to put in the chili and yeah it's just not looking like I would be able to fit that in there because I need the moisture to boil out so I can get these other beans in here and then we'll see hopefully I can get the rest of the beans in there that's the that's the the point of the chili I mean this would taste delicious without the beans in there but I want them I think once it cooks tell we'll be okay but yeah I just didn't think it was gonna be this much I was looking at this pot and I wasn't say yeah that's gonna be more than enough room it's not even be half look at it now just way too much too much stuff I think that's my issue is whatever size ha I bring out or whatever I fill it to the brim no matter what maybe I should just bring out a wolf pup it's cooking down slowly slowly slowly slowly oh we got a stick in here Monty is a little turd nugget I'm making him stay like that because every time I touch this chili he's been moving around like coming over getting on my face so I'm making them it looks like he's pouting right now but I'm just keeping his badonkadonk warmed by the fire he doesn't like the smoke right Monty now it's starting to boil and simmer good simmer not boil it's simmering oh I think we're gonna get the beans in here we're gonna get them in here you might even get that beer in here too a little bit of it a little bit of it we're getting those beans in it's gonna happen mark my words the beans will go in just gonna be another hour for me that moisture is gonna come out it's gonna be a heck of a mess I was hoping I could put the lid on there not happening no lid don't get to test that out oh geez what do you want you want me to throw the stick for you you got the stick so you don't threaten me it's a good time don't you threaten me with a good toy we're definitely gonna be going to bed past 10:00 it's already like 9:15 I've been cooking this for a while the fire was like I kept moving the coals under and it kept slowing it down but burning hot now but yeah we're gonna be probably eating around 10 10 15 maybe which is good I like that I prefer that to be honest with you because when it doesn't get light to like 8:15 and I don't really like I'm not wanting to ever get up in the dark when I'm camping pretty much ever I just don't do it I like it to be light out when I wake up I get my best sleep when it's dark right in the morning there he goes go ahead Monty you go ahead he's probably just gonna loop around and come sniff this chili and stuff out but yeah so if I go to bed you know if I go to bed by midnight and I wake up at 8 that's 8 hours of sleep so you know you know ya know all right honey let's throw the stick a little bit low back what stick you want bite what you're my boy pretty good stick to somebody Curt just doing it hop once for yes okay that was a good help that was a hot one that is one thing I guess that I can always get Monty to get excited about over food is a stick a nice stick come on Monty breathe here except when you Stuber like this no he's gonna bring it huh Monty yeah yeah sometimes he's stubborn little turd nugget oh that reminds me someone had mentioned a while back that they asked me you know you know I call him a turd nugget all the time like my vocabulary someone had said please stop saying calling Monty a turd nugget so much and I'm sorry that I'm laughing at the situation but it's just it's funny to me but they said they watched the show with their grandson and I'm saying Turk and I get all the time and the grandson went to school and started calling other kids turd balls and you got in trouble I guess you know the grandson is allowed to watch it and I'm sorry I can't help it it's not gonna change I'm just I'm speaking how I speak and I guess you know it that's pretty innocent it doesn't get much more innocent than turd nugget or Monty it just is cracking me up but I'm sorry I apologize Monty yeah obviously the keeps throwing for Monty letting that moisture boil out and as soon as it's ready as soon as we think I can just fit a fit some more beans in there we're gonna do it or make work we're getting somewhere look at that you know what though you know what's gonna help this situation out a whole lot just a whole lot if I just take one big spoonful you know just for taste test see if it's coming along you know preliminary maybe maybe two or three I'm gonna let this cool down for a minute though because that's gonna be liquid magma in my mouth like boiling just just one or two hmm oh that tastes so good bull ha ha damn it that was hot but it's so good it's good burn me once shame on you Chile burn me twice shame on me all right now for this spoonful I'm adding the rest of the beans I'm gonna cool this off a little bit better than last time oh man that chili tastes so darn good this is going to be a little a little bit of an issue here we're going for it oh now what's a chili oh it's fitting mix them in there oh it's gonna work you've got to get the last last few beans ha ha ha we got them they're all in yes oh man I am gonna have some gas tonight let me tell you you guys just be glad you're not gonna be smelling my sleeping bag oh that's a beanie chili all right we're just gonna continue to simmer this one I think let's see if I flatten it that's close we got it in though we got it all right I don't think we're gonna get any beer in here anytime soon it's still this Bulls can be but is looking and smelling amazing mmm it's been simmering for it's ten o'clock now this chili has been simmering for a long time at least I think it's what's been 45 minutes since I clicked the extra beans in the we can fit some beer in there should we do it oh yeah we can fit some liquid in there look at that that's a nice chili all right a nice chili all right simmer it a little bit more then we're gonna add in some liquid right come here Monte's is completely done yeah it's just like a sweet potato slurry look at him look his lips you want that Monti that's too hot you can't have it yet oh yeah those are some soft sweet potatoes look at that just that delicious slurry of pine needles well then snow probably dirty snow it's a sweet potato curry Vermont red just a little bit of dog food that's enough for messes but I want a little bit of this in there just a little bit we'll mix that right in oh yeah and that looked good Monte yeah that looks amazing I would just all I love this this is my second favorite too chilly right here this this bowl of mush the monty delight that's what we're calling it we're gonna set that off to the side here and let that just it's gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna feed it to them as soon as it's lukewarm but this is looking a little off you can see it's getting a little drier on the top here so it is time to add in some beer just a little bit to start mmm oh yeah oh man this is gonna add to the flavor on top of providing more moisture a little a little bit more similar out so really let's do a little bit more don't add too much then we got a simmer even longer ooh okay that's about perfect now let that simmer for another 15 and we're eating oh man oh this is glorious now I was gonna make some bannocks to go with this and you know that would have been pretty good you know some delicious golden crisp Bannock just to dip your Chilean but I was like nah I don't need Bannock instead I'm gonna go with some French baguette I'm round a couple and I am going to toast this until it is crispy and then when this one's done I'm going to start feasting toast the other one and it's gonna be so good oh good I need some I need some coals under here just get a little a little bit of college Monty is is hovering right now that was risky I almost just ruined everything the smokes getting in his face but since this pot of slurry is here he doesn't care Oh Monty it's a little hot yet it's a little hot yet I'm sorry it just I'll feed it to when it's ready I'm not I'm not torturing them right now it's got to get you'll burn your mouth you'll burn your mouth here you can taste my finger I just stuck it in there you like that you want more is it good Oh Malik your finger give me that thing give it to me he's dealing with a smoke yeah go ahead lay down yeah you can lick the pan go ahead Oh slowly getting crispy Monte I'm getting so excited I am as excited as you I know that today has really you know this was this was a bushcraft video this is bushcrafting right here fun crafting we are fun crafting ourself into a fun food coma beside myself right now I haven't eaten in a long time I thought I might be going to bed by 10 but it's quarter after 10:00 and I'm still waiting to eat well all right put a little bit more in here just a little bit and we're gonna we're gonna we're gonna sip on the rest I didn't plan I know doesn't take a few steps but I'm planning on bringing out a couple beers tonight just a few sips on this one had enough on New Year's New Year's Eve right Monte yeah you're smoking you're smoking guy hmm that is about four pounds of chili that's what it feels like four or five pounds oh you know when I'm when I'm cook a lot of you know meals outdoors but it's the ones that take the longest that just make you just I don't know what it is they just hmm oh oh it just makes me so excited I get I just get overly excited for food I can't help it I can't it is one of the great outdoor joys is eating someone did comment this they said eating a hot meal cooked over a camp fire in freezing cold weather is just one of the great joys in life and it truly is and that's why I get excited every time I'm heating good food out here it's so exciting to me it's just it is a great joy oh and this thing is just coming along I'm gonna I'm gonna toast this thing perfectly before we eat I'll be eating when that perfectly ready to just dip in my chili it is time to eat Monte I am so excited for this moment let's forget oh oh it's got a nice little toast all I got the second one on there warming up okay that's just oh that's so heavy when I what funk was like yeah I'll eat the leftovers I just went a little overboard just made way too much cuz I'm not even you I'm not gonna eat half this with those two baguettes no way Monte no way we're gonna treat he is Monte you intrigue sorry guys I am just so excited right now Monte's gourmet slurry let's give this a little stir for him it's probably like a paste right no no it's still warm he is gonna slop this down and the thing is I don't have to feel guilty at all not sharing the bread and chili with him and you lick those lips mister you lick those lips alright ladies and gentlemen the moment me and Monty have waited for four hours huh oh we've got audio we've got audio I get paranoid about that stuff now you ready go ahead go ahead Wow just crack the neck a little bit you know move it around get prepared mmm let's just take a little baguette and dip it right in that chili mmm it's crunching I am definitely going to be eating both these and you know what also I'm gonna do there is a 100% chance I will be taking a heartburn medication before bed nothing prescription don't worry one day but for now it's over the counter this is so hot and it's spicy and put too much cayenne in it I'm just sniff one I need to put it over saying oh no oh this is my stirring stick what am i doing who is little hot there and it's hurt my wrist is so much weight there's so much chili here this may be the best chili I've ever made you know all my best meals are coming out over the campfire I'm starting to wonder is it that I'm so hungry and out in the woods that it's also enjoyable that it's the best meal or has actually taste the best I'm telling you right now I think it tastes the best a little powerful don't worry Monty he's moving all the corners there you go yeah go buddy all right way doesn't like the smoke yeah it's smart man team it's kind of funny that where's the water waiter oh no oh I didn't that's a little tip for you guys I just left the standing out after I took a drink of water and if you leave your nail gene sitting up the little fries you barely get it off the little fries and so will the top of your now G and what you want to do is flip it upside down and then it won't freeze you want to stick it and snow as well but if anything keep it upside down to keep your the lid from freezing now we'll just put this here to the fire this one's been a little too close to the fire as you can see Oh too close already I'm pretty bad about that that's probably the 6 or 7th now is you never ruined that one's not that bad though I've had some ones where you get a beautiful level I've had ones that if it's gotten such a big bubble that I poked it later and a popped yeah you're not getting any of this pal well I'm not gonna make you sit here and watch me slurp down too much more chili because I'm sure it's not the most intriguing thing in the world cuz good but enough is enough you've watched me for like 5-10 minutes though so I'm gonna cook up this French baguette ignore this begging little monster here because he can't have onions and garlic powder and all that other good stuff eat as much as I can until I feel pretty much sick and then we'll check back in with you Monty I ate too much here's my Tupperware that's how much chilli I got lapped it's now full but I'd say ate half it's still warm I'm letting it cool off before putting the lid on there but I ain't both those baguettes I'm just cleaning out my pants a little bit yeah a little bit a little bit Monty you ate plenty you don't understand so I took a ranitidine for the heartburn some ibuprofen from a sore back so I can sleep good brush my teeth drink a little water to hydrate yeah I'm just gonna clean out my pans here wait for this to cool down this little bugger is begging I'm gonna carry for bed and yeah it's funny that I can make it food out here to take home leftovers I never thought I'd be doing that this is like the any some chapstick after all that spicy chili on my lips or chapstick hmm Carmack's the best chapstick it's not a good day off you don't cry your Monty Annie good day has at least one Monty cradle in it I'm pretty fat and sassy Monty what about you good never going up to it you're starving me oh man you're pretty warm right here what gives this is Monty's favorite he just loves this he wishes he could do this all day hey Monty he we shall good boy so anywho guys I'm just in a cradle Monti here for a minute and trying to just boil out a little bit of that mess it doesn't really matter because when I do these overnight Camping's where I only have to use my pans once make a complete mess and just go home the next morning without cooking in them and again it's not a big deal I just take them home if that that black that black mesh bag that I put my cookware in as long as the food freezes the mess freezes and you put that black mesh bag on it's not a big deal I put that in the wash or cleans right up but it when it's frozen it doesn't smear all over the rest of your bag as long as it's frozen if it's not frozen it's a different story it needs to be in plastic or something but if it's frozen and you put it in that mesh bag right Monty Monty Monty okay poor guy what do you think your me amazi cuckoo clock club club club club club club oh you know what I deprived you guys with something the last time I was here for the people oh no no not the chili okay let's check back in with you guys don't get ready for bed oh good I'm food crazy Monty I'm food crazy Monty you got the right idea but the wrong bed mister no no no that's not you sure this one's you stinker so we make Monty sleep with his little paw things here and they'll dry out being in the body heat and stuff tomorrow Oy we need one more thing freeze okay Monty come here okay come on come on this one's you drink it right here Monty yeah yeah yeah oh yeah that's laid out no come on now come on man no no no no no no no no this one no money that's not yeah I know that one's push here that's not yours Muncy this one's yours Monty this one yeah yeah I know it snows pushy come on T this is yours come here lay down lay down good boy our desam good boy there you go I thought you'd know by now which one's yours mister too far in it yet unless you want to I won't tuck you all the way in Marty sorry well let's just go upside down Monty all right ladies and gentlemen oh it's cozy in here it's very cozy anyways I am stuffed and just tired it is 11:16 we did great but it is time for me to shed some layers crawl on this little bag here and pass out I am for once I think this is the latest we've ever stayed up all winter camping especially for how early it gets dark one owner that stay past dark six hours yes six hours roughly i simmered and simmered and simmered my way to a nice light bedtime and you know it feels it feels great to be honest because like I'm tired and I'm falling I'm just like I'm gonna just enjoy it right now I'm just ready for bed okay I'll stop rambling I will catch you guys in the morning good nothing sorry buddy wait sit back down it's okay I'm sorry I'm sorry was your big guy always toasty in here buddy hey Monty it's a new day hey no good morning there's a nice sunrise it's still kind of cold I've cooled whoa oh he's stretching oh he's stretching that's a pretty good last night nice and toasty in my little hot sleeping bag who needs a hot tent when you just see chilly and I have a bunch of gas and his toast yourself up in your sleeping bag you know my ID you wanna go nude Explorer you know wants to check out the day he wants to greet the day oh you're so Mady Monte oops yeah I've I've had some gas here it's a little brisk this morning it's cold out there I don't want to go out there yet not not particularly I can't look at this camera right now it's planes this early huh oh good I'm gonna get up in a minute here and get some layers on so let's do it got that golden morning Sun and this guy right Monty you chilli hunter here get over here you do not hunt for chilli no no no no no no no no he's a little turd nugget got his booties back on there's still good hold this though chilly you want this instead of chilly huh okay hop once there you ready oh it's a brisk one first thing I do when it's a cold morning like this it's pretty cold pretty cold they usually uh walk around or do some push-ups or something something to just start getting warmed up you know it's never it's never fun coming out of an insanely warm sleeping system and to just cold it's not my favorite thing but you know it's not a big deal so I like to just walk around and stuff I forgot to put my gloves I normally do this every night this is like the first have ever forgotten to do it when I put my gloves in my sleeping bag and it dries them out throughout the night and they're nice and toasty in the morning so these were rock-solid frozen breed here Monty come on bring here take a little sneaker so yeah shelters nice and solid well there's the Sun peeking out now yes cozy in there you couldn't hear a whole lot the windows getting crazy kind of four or five hours ago it sound like it was getting loud good mix if I come out here I definitely want to fix up the sad excuse for fire reflector that's what I want to do next I definitely got some nice logs there might be enough to make it nice I want to make it a little bit wider taller prob about this tall right here maybe I'll leave it as is and then just add more to up on it probably I'd like to make it a little bit you just beefier nicer then I want to fill in the rest of the gap here just I don't know how many's pine branches or whatnot but it's pretty solid right now definitely definitely my best lean-to yet I like it and I like having the walls nice and high this is the first time I've done the walls that high that definitely is nice it was yeah it was cozy in there and it's funny because it's been warm and melty so I put all that snow and stuff on top of the shelter and it melted and froze so now this thing is solid when I was when I was broke tying ropes through I had to like take my knife and you have holes and the duffed was all good let's give you a gander of this thing so here it is doing the daylight to way you can see we got the little little pine awning and get nice walls that look like they're leaning forward but they're actually not [Music] solid backing another good sign over here [Music] it's a pretty solidly - I'm I'm proud of this one this is nice it's very nice so that's that son where's oh it's barely peeking through barely peeking through come here easy to go boy yeah well I think we're going to get packed up here no breakfast nothing I didn't pile this wood on very well [Applause] smoldered it's okay next time I come out I'll have a little base on the ground here hmm yeah I'm just uh I'm kind of pokey right now I broke your eye why are you pokey you're on another stick through my doors that stick get that stick did you get this thing no no this stick that's a stick okay I'm gonna get packed up and we gotta head home yeah we've got stuff to do we've got chili to get to funk that's the main mission she's a chili but she wants Chilean eights I'm not gonna quite make it home in time for that but you never know well you say mighty okay oh geez Marty settle down there Skippy Monte what the heck are you doing in my dry bag come on come on whitey I'm sorry I put you the driver Dumont eval your dog hair in my dry bag what are you thinking crawl him in there on your own free will what a weirdo he totally did it on his own I just look over and there is called into a sleeping bag or dry peg such a strange dog monkey you're so strange for a dog house stinks goes right up my waterproof pant up through my jacket or into my face I get the taste test each one oh man I am making sure to put the TP right on top cuz yeah I sense a kind of sense of poop coming down maybe not come on yet like I don't have to but I think I think on the hike out things are gonna find find themselves working themselves out you know I'm saying so I'll just keep that to the ready I probably should even put it in that little bag yeah yeah what's done is done it I already got one one clip on the bag you know I can't go it's too far too much to go back okay is that everything I think so I just threw my cookware and here's the dirty cookware there's a little burnt sticky tomato sauce on the outside from it boiling over so I didn't even put it my thing just right in there Oh see see I trashed it anyways we slice it open oops I'm sorry Punk so anyways that was a fun little overnighter has some good tasty chili past lots of gas in my sleeping bag last night nice brisk good temperatures you know I do like it to be a little chilly this in the morning I get it's pretty cold it's nice and it's cloudy now it's even a little clearer but yeah it's just nice you move around you start getting warm you're fine just nice and crisp but I'm gonna try to return here again as long as it doesn't get too much snow as you can see it's just inches of snow on the ground there's not much it's just cold and it's just gonna get in a few days like I said it's gonna get up to 40 I think it's supposed to rain so this is probably all gonna melt I'm gonna have to redo the stuff on the shelter and yeah as long as it stays low snow I will come back out here and we'll we'll add more to the shelter we'll do more of this I've had fun with this one this is the first one I've been able to return to like this it's a nice shelter it's a nice little spot it's a nice spot very nice spot but it is time for us to get back to the car now so as always guys if you like the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button and I will catch you guys at the next video come on let's go let's go this way [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 540,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winter camping, winter, camping, bushcraft, bushcraft camp, wild camp, backcountry, backcountry camping, camp, bushcraft base camp, bushcrafting, bushcrafter, dog, dog training, cooking, campfire, campfire cooking, fire skills, survival, survival shelter, shelter, bushcraft shelter, wilderness, wilderness camping, wilderness area, forest, backpacking, backpack camping, nikon d5500, snow, cold weather, cold camping, winter time, canada
Id: wkHRQHtCK7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 119min 4sec (7144 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 06 2019
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