Winter Camping with My Dog - Delicious Campfire Cooking

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[Music] [Music] [Music] Meads [Music] [Music] [Music] oh hello ladies and gentlemen I'm out with a stuffed animal with a heartbeat and we're doing another overnighter and speaking of this stuffed animals little teeny beady eyes I was planning on doing two nights this week and I was planning on building a shelter using natural materials and whatnot but with his teeny little beady teddy bear soulless eyes he uh he has some problems with those he was actually diagnosed with tiny eye syndrome well that's not like the there's a there's a bigger more brought out technical term for it but that's the gist of it tiny eyes and he's doctor approved tiny eyes but they're they're good and everything he can see just fine it's just he gets the smallest little things he had he has eye problems all the time so his he woke up what two days ago he woke up two days ago and his eye was just green just good shut and it was I felt so bad he was like closing it and so we got him into the vet and that was this morning so I was gonna go out yesterday in spent the night and tonight but the vet got him in the Susan Kidman was yes today this morning so got him into the vet he's got some medicine that will be I'll be putting on later he's gotta get it put on twice a day and it'll be just fine this is something that's happened to Monty many times it'll happen many more but anyways right now we just went down a two track and we're off to track looking for a nice spot to set up for the night it's very warm I am sweating a lot so I'm taking breaks that kind of breathing because I've only got my one lawyer and I got my coat open and yeah it's like 25 and moving around like this it's it's too warm for me so it's pretty windy today we've got a east wind and that's not normal so that means we're getting a warm up but we're looking for somewhat of a more open area kind of like last time and I kind of like some thick stuff there is some thick down here it's kind of swampy but we need to find a nice spot with a big big trees and open up enough to open it enough to set up our tarp whatever we're gonna hook up some delicious food and you know we got a late start and so let's go as always come on Dee cool okay I think this is gonna be our spot kind of I'll protect it in here nice thick trees we've got nothing big dead hanging over us so and if I don't feel the breeze as much right here so this is gonna work I think we're gonna go from this tree to this tree with our tarp come back this way fire pit over there yeah it's nice and protected all in here this is exactly what I wanted because it is breezier like I said and it's warmer so it's just the wind isn't as fun to just hit be blasted by Wednesday just want to be a little protected yeah so it is kind of coming from this way but I did feel like coming from over here - it's been swirling so what do you say my tea first things first huh what do you say what my teeth what okay all right so let's shovel ourselves a spot out we have not got much snow since I did my last winter camping video not much at all and then we're supposed to get a warm up here Monte I'm sweatin Monte I'm sweatin usually what I say I'm sweating I'm like on the verge of sweating sticky feeling cuz I don't usually let myself just drip sweat I will I'll stop take a break whatever I need to do I do not like to just get soaked when I'm winter camping period I would if I was getting too warm I'll shed a layer but I just took breaks today I'll stop let myself cool down and yeah well if it starts to come on too much I'll just go I'll just take this right off and just wear this outer layer or take this off whatnot you know anyways it is a warm one today 25 with that wind it's maybe around 20 degrees but when you're hiking you always prefer to be colder so for tonight we are making a delicious meal it's one I haven't made before never even made it at home it's gonna be an experiment kind of but Monty's not gonna get to share this deliciousness tonight and there's a there's a reason for that as many you guys will know if you follow me on instagram I showed a glorious glorious story of my freezer full of venison that's right I got to know donated deer and I got my own just had tons of enison they're all processed up ready to go and you know the victory in that is that my freezer got shut off and all the meat went bad and then I was had to get rid of that and lost all my wild game then replenishing that freezer and been working on that it's finally happened and I went to check it like two days ago and this new freezer I got died yeah we put frozen meat in there and it was fine and it's brand new it's not even 30 days old so that was that happy real worried so we took all the meat out got it outside and yeah was I saying here and yeah I went returned it and I exchanged it luckily they're totally fine with that I threw away the box and everything it didn't matter what am i doing right now I'm just chatting oh we need we don't want to uncover this what am i doing my teeth just Chatty Cathy over here lose them a train of thought anyways yeah I got that all taken care of got medicine so Monty as soon as I clear out a little bit of snow here this little carnivorous critter is gonna get a venison bone that's gonna be his treat for the day I was smarter I cut him in half but I left a good amount of meat on him he's gonna get probably his favorite treat in the world raw venison bone how about you come here come here you like rooks Nick Stone your face [Music] you like that huh ah okay I won't do that here [Music] [Music] so yeah we're just tarping it tonight we're just tarping it because you know that late start yeah we've got got like an hour hour and a half till the Sun sir said it's setting earlier we're getting close to its like actually tomorrow I think tomorrow throw it be the shortest day of the year setting real early but yeah it's also no fun to build shelters when it's this warm out when it's 25 plus it's just no fun and sweat your sack off you know building and then not really need the shelter what trees might go is you're here right dear Oh oh heck I need to go this way [Music] House grounds a little uneven here oh well it's gonna be all right that'll be okay we're gonna just deal with that I think mr. Monty has earned his treat do you want treat my team country so our treatments gonna keep you occupied the rest of the night think about this fighting you think about this you want this what not the raw meat bone all right go ahead quit hey go hey go Montego boy did you treat Monty even though this wild wolf has teeny little beady eyes and blue booties it shall tear the flesh and fat off this bone from a fresh kill piece by piece until it gets enough to survive the winter it must feed its booty as it is large round and fluffy [Music] I don't think we're gonna be hearing much from Monty well he's got that bone till he gets all the flesh off it then he'll come find me and beg for something but let's set up this turf here so like I said it's pretty warm out so I don't don't worry about him laying on the ground he's totally fine we'll get his pants blown up here in a minute but I doubt he didn't even want a battle because uh yeah it's serious right now he's got his favorite thing in the world food he always you know you always gotta you know you got to understand your hierarchy needs from the Monty Monty's hierarchy of needs you know food is number one always number one and then that's pretty much it you got food covered you don't need anything else [Music] Oh we're up to dig back on wall a little bit that's our key that just your king great Monty you don't care do you you don't care one bit [Music] all right so we're just gonna take there's a nice little branch here we're just gonna make steaks out of this just breaking them off so a question I've been getting a lot lately is how come I don't just use a tent that's one of the questions the other one was someone was asking what was my favorite way to camp like do I like sleeping in a Quincy or a tent or you know whatever and OOP we gotta we gotta take this out for old Monty [Music] hold on to your bat Monty we're getting a breeze [Music] well the site Kraken is real today anyways what I was saying is someone is asking first of all why I don't just use a tent and to answer that we're just gonna we're gonna restart that whole thing because I just got scatterbrain once the tensor ball or the Terps are blown around to answer why I don't use a tent in winter unless the hot tent is because when I'm out here a filming you know it's it's easier to film when it's open but B is because I like to see the woods when I'm sitting out in the woods I don't want to be cramped up in a tent I want to you know see what what's out here I want to see the nature see the sights here this time you can hear the sound the tent but now you're kind of just stuck in there and I'd much prefer to be open and the only reason I really use a tent and in any seasons for the most part is bugs that's pretty much why I stick to tents and canoe season those bugs you won't ever see me sleeping under a tarp and getting eaten alive by mosquitoes during that time of year I just won't do it I refuse it's just that that's not enjoyable to me so that's why there's ten so I got that screen and I just don't get eaten by bugs and sometimes it is more convenient on an extended canoe trip to just be able to throw your tents and all your crap inside and keep it dry that that nine later they just did I much prefer having a tent over a tarp so that's that's that now as far as someone was asking what's my favorite dry like Quincy those natural shelters do I like tarp ten whatever every type of camping has its you know it's fun time of year no I I would say sleeping under the stars in winter is probably some of the most beautiful sleeping under the stars is definitely great but it's not always practical I could probably do it tonight but there's a chance of snow and I do love sleeping at a Quincy and whatnot but those are a lot of work so it depends on how long I'm spending the night but also with the Quincy it's it's warmer so it's not always practical I wouldn't want to sleep in a Quincy on this trip yeah I wouldn't want to sleep in a Quincy in this overnighter because it's just too warm first of all making it I'd just be sweating so having a sack off like I said and yeah it would just be too warm to stay in and you just you'd breathe and get all humid and yyyy so you know I'm not really answering the question directly I'm kind of just beating around the bush but I like it all I like it all it's all great but in winter I prefer not head head to the last of my list for winter just because they're so cramped that hot tent it was uh - all goofy it was super cramped and I'm gonna I think I want to get a bigger one OOP won't you take there are no broke my stick we need a new stick oh yeah we've got wood protection it's blowing from back here now this'll work I got it a little lower so it's it's it's not so it's sitting up so high because we've got some wind and that could be snow later whatnot but where are we I am just the most scatterbrained scatterbrain today [Music] wish my favorite don't prefer cramped ants no sir well yeah well I'll eventually get the bigger one for now I'll probably do with one soon get the rubes out but I really like to get a bigger one before I go hot tent and bolt the dogs again Sherwood Monty what do you think you want to stick join me throw the stick Monty do you want to go for to the dog park do you not care about anything I'm saying because you've got a delicious bone all right I need to take off his booties his blue tees before they're just coated in blood oh they already are look at you Monty YUM okay these got meat on them YUM these are gonna need cleaning when we get home delicious delicious raw meat Monty just so tasty we shall have a fire here oh okay it's not so bad in here it's not so bad Monty we need to get Monty a spot see if we can get him to go under see if we can go get him to go on the not so good sleeping pad [Music] where's a week over this time I can't even feel where it's coming from [Music] hit okay where is it coming from I can't tell if this is a kind of a protected spot just gusting up top let's bring it over here bunchy good bring bring your aunty here uncie Monti bring here wait here come on over here aunty I come here watching her here I come over here lay down he just lay on the sleeping pad he just doesn't care about anything right now other than that bone he's just like a crazed animal alright Monty yeah he's fine I just wanted to be on the sleeping pad just because he ain't gonna be moving too much alright and he's off the sleeping pad he just doesn't want to be there very much you know what whatever do whatever you're gonna do you're your own person [Music] all right I'm just gonna even off the ground since you don't want to sleep under here we'll see if we can get them excited with the sleeping pad but I'm doing this thing that I just always do it's whatever I go camping if I get a super late start you know I get to camp set up go go go get all my wood set up get ready fire going whatnot if I get a little extra time even though I got a late start today I've got a little bit more time than last time maybe another hour even though still a start i i'm poki ER I just take my time and I just it ends up all being the same so I just always do that well whatever it's my camping I'll do it when I go where I want to okay Frankie [Music] so since it seems like more of the winds coming from this way just a little bit I'm gonna sleep closer to this side even though it's kind of swirling and it's really uneven right here so I'll sleep right here we'll put Monte right in the middle [Applause] I just don't think he's gonna care will he care vote now well Monti care or not carrying too much bliss to fight me or will he still defend himself [Music] [Music] yeah he doesn't care one bit he's searching for his just no care I knew the answer to that Monty here you wanna bring it over here my Scott prayer career career Monty get that booty over here lay down lay it down there you go yep I knew you wouldn't care so Chloe I'm just happier than but a pig and poo chewed on this bloody crunchy bone and then I go boy Monty are you just as happy as could be all right so I'm going to let's see how much time we get we're poking around we've got I would say half hour until the Sun sets I'm actually starting to get a little nippy while I sit around so I'm not working as hard moving as hard just kind of taking my time lots of sticks all around we're gonna need to go get some firewood I don't see any nice clothes buy firewood alright so I'm just gonna blow up my sleeping pad here real quick and then we shall get some player would get to processing that I'll sleep right here Monty you just keep doing your thing I'll pretend you you're just totally fine okay all right it's good to know you'd still come to my aid okay another little tip I'd like to give you a backpack for those of you that are not into winter camping or getting into it or you do it whatever I've learned the joy of having no weight in your backpack I used to put like food in there and some heavier stuff maybe if I was bringing beers I'd put my backpack but I essentially just put layers of clothing and warmth fluff and just a water bottle usually I didn't have one on today I just I put it underneath the front so I could just actually just could tuck it out or pull it out of my sled because I knew or was but it definitely helps with flotation snowshoes going through the snow when you have it on your sled not your back so now I just put everything that weighs anything in the sled and I just keep pretty much my knife handy first aid kit and stuffs all in the backpack anything you need instantly is in the backpack oh another thing we're getting close to that 250k mark of subscribers getting pretty excited I've got a fun one planned for the 250 I've had a plan for a while quarter-million we're almost there it's climbing fast there's been a couple of crazy months here when I would try it for the giveaway for 250k it'll be fine there's nearly a fight I like the idea do it you'll like it too good oh we go the way he's holding that bone and just loving that bone does it just makes me think I don't know what to show me okay all right Monty you just you just do your thing you get that sleeping pad nice and you just leave this sleeping pad I guess I don't know whatever you know what mine do you just do you you want to lay in the snow it's warm enough and he's fine anyways we're gonna go get firewood he's gonna stay here chewing on wood bones not wood boats and yeah we're gonna process up some firewood and then we're gonna get a fire started soon close some firewood yeah let's do it this one right here is dead and right next to camp I was just gonna push this over no matter what because it doesn't look like good wood the top is gonna probably snap off I don't want to push it too hard and like wiggle it cuz it the top will definitely break off [Music] like that now this this might be decent stop [Music] could be I didn't want that piece falling on Camp this might be good one this is this is Pucci I mean it'll burn but it's just kind of rotten so we'll just break that up marine that but we gotta go get we have to go find some nice season Piner hardwood something something all right this seems decent it's like the same wood this is poeple this wasn't seen as rotten we're just gonna take it down this way [Music] still pretty dead [Music] yeah this will burn fast but it's dry at least not rotting yeah this is no good either everything really close to campus no good it's just like it's it's not dense it's that fluffier light weather you can just break with your feet those burn up quick so I'm gonna pound the snowshoes now we're gonna have to go for a walk find just one nice tree with some season good season firewood that is what we need so we need the axe alright it's in a tree this one doesn't seem terrible I think it's just more of the same yep more of the same all right never mind scratch that another one this is what I'm looking for it's a little bit too big a diameter but you can see it's clearly over or cheater starchie's it's dead and that would be this would be some really nice season Fargo but she's a little too big to our diameter for me to want to cut down and saw up tonight so we're gonna see we're gonna find something different I'm warning all over the place this one looks nice it's pine but it might still be a little dead I'm just no I am not having much luck hey good push this one over [Music] okay no I got a Greg just kind ways further than I'd like to but God do what you gotta do eh [Music] [Applause] no stuck stuck [Music] Oh Monty hey I'm glad to see your concern what if I got hurt what if I needed you huh yeah well dude I really missed you oh I'm so glad you're back oh oh you know always thinking about you when you were gone yeah those thoughts are not going through his head definitely not oh no sir not the Monty huh no no no no no no no yeah guess what sit down yeah you have to stay on the sleep pegs I will make a fire soon oh no you don't sit down you lay down there and eat that yeah okay so I'm gonna quickly gather up some sticks and just break up a little bit of this we're gonna start a fire and then I'll process up the wood and we'll get it started early because I want to show you guys a trick recently you'll know that I've successfully got the one-strike fire so we're not even worried about that anymore but I want to show you guys how to do the zero strike fire now not many people know how to do the zero strike fire so I'm gonna gather up some sticks and you don't really need birch bark for it either it's crazy I'll show you so let me gather some sticks and get it all prepared because you want a bunch of little stuff and the bigger stuff so it goes quick and I'm going to show you the zero strike fire okay so for the zero strike fire we're gonna take our little bundle of twigs like this and you can just set it down like this because it's gonna light pretty easy easier than you'd think I've mastered this one all right so we got a firesteel and what you're gonna do is you're gonna hold the fire still over over the thing and you're just going to wave your knife over it [Music] see magic there it is the zero strike fire now you've seen it all [Music] [Music] you should have heard the noises I made during that thumbnail picture Oh mud he was looking at me like 1 2 3 neat little trick though that does zero trust DeRose or Oh strike fiery it's all about that zero strike story Monty never throwing the stick for you again after the last time you taunting me and tease me that's why I just brought you up plain ol venison instead of a nice stick session he says they prefer the leaders okay okay your cyclic [Music] [Music] oh okay we'll saw that one [Music] [Music] [Music] here we go beautiful fire now it looks like I piled on a lot of my firewood but this is just that soft stuff this will burn right up it'll burn in half I've been a fan of burning the wood in half lately oh oh I just clunk my knee real good yeah anyways yeah I've been a fan of burning yoky their Monty your paws are all wet now what do you look at you know it's highly recommended to cover your expensive sleeping pads in just Rob venison it's the recommended thing to do what was i yapping about before just a yapper today just a yapper anyways yeah that's what I've been talking about I've been a fan of burning my wooden half let's work let's start doing that more this winter especially getting to those hardwood forests see this the last couple camps I'm trying new spots new territory so this area there's a lot more pine haven't seen much hardwood I'm sure I'm sure there's there's spots on google map with it but it's a lot more piney and I haven't seen much birch at all not a lot of birch there's a lot more pine usually the places that go there's a lot more hardwood but all the forests are really the same it's just like what you're finding how far you're willing to go whoo I'm excited for dinner tonight I just press recording it on the camera it's so crazy looking what it's all blue the snow is just that blue hue looks real cool I think so we will process up a little bit of wood just a little bit we'll do some nice long sections it just burns in half this is good oh there we go here we go that's the stuff [Applause] want some nice long burn since you know we're going for no pop sleeping pads 2019 or 2020 whatever whatever season you want to call this is this I guess this is the winter of 2020 the winter starts January well I don't know yeah 2020 we're sticking with it anyways we don't want some pop sleeping pads and this fire is a little bit close and it's hot there's Embry so we're gonna take the old Monty's blanket and just drape it over here it's fairly warm tonight Monty's not even want to use a sleeping bag I bet tonight which is fine I'll probably just you know we'll see how he and then give them the option and drape it over and he'll be like no huge and help actually just not use it what either way we don't want to pop a second bed what I'm saying all right buddy come on there you go you have the whole thing now where's that bone oh there's that icky gooey thing there you go all right laid out lay it down there you go we're gonna we'll watch this when we get home I guess Monte oh so gross well that fat sin you even see my G ship piece that's fine it's too warm right here I'm even too warm that's okay Monte you go ahead I'm gonna let this burn down we're gonna burn a few things in half and then we're gonna have a slower burning fire well push the coals back I'm gonna keep processing up wood though [Music] [Music] so the only downside that I'm seeing to this type of fire where ya burn your logs in half is it's really hot and we're a little close quarters and I don't blame Monti Dolph for wanting to sit behind the tarp here and stay out of this one because it's warm I still good I just still got just my one layer of smart walls and my outer shell and I am warm I was I was colder earlier but I'm just toasty now we'll see if I I'd like the fire tea a little bit smaller so I'm just trying to burn the big pieces in half they don't want to be this hot and the reason is is like I've said many times before temperature is all relative once this winter's been much colder it's not even is it technically winter yet when it's winter technically sir I just winter for me starts when it starts getting in the teens and there's a couple feet of snow on the ground that's winter you know that's winter it's I think it's technically still late fall but it actually might be the start of winter now is December 20th is December 20th okay probably the start of winter I know I never pay attention to that stuff anyhoo anyhoo what you started early this year and yeah it's been really cold so I'm already used to that like teen temperature so getting up here in the 30s or the 20s upper 20s it's kind of warm Monte's used to it Monty's been man he has just been laying outside every morning just chilling it makes me worried like is he too cold but then I'm like what am I even thinking about I bring him out winter camping of course he's gonna get used to the cold temperatures I just love it okay let's see is this where I'm gonna pop my button it's just it's pretty warm here but want to sit here because this will be better for cooking I'll move there eventually but the smoke is like blowing right there right now I must stay here oh but yeah like I've said before temperatures are relative you get used to those teens and stuff 25 degrees is warm and the wind is that there's a little wind chill but it's weren't we're protecting here like I said we picked a nice fixed spot if we were out in some like if we were in a hardwood forest or as nice and open there'd be a nice breeze rolling through we're getting hit with it every once in a while when it swirls from the right direction but for the most part it feels like it's coming from this way and it's all protected this way so it's kind of just pushing it off a little bit this way didn't really matter which way I set up the tarp I kind of you know cuz the way the wind swirling no there's a hole a tarp from an ember hmm that's good that's real good great great good job Matthew putting fire too close so should we discuss dinner tonight choice sure we start talking about that should we start mentally getting prepared for food because I'm hungry I'm hungry now had a had a Christmas party the other day made some venison tacos of the necrose I was pretty dang good I was thinking maybe I should make some venison tacos but it is a little too recent so Mike then I thought back to something that I've had before that was really delicious and it's pasta and I don't know the recipe at all I don't I don't I know what it's called and I know the meat that's in it but I don't know the recipe yet I'm assuming it's going pretty simple we're gonna try it out tonight but we're looking for a fire-roasted pasta now I know fire roasted tomatoes are definitely in it conspire roast it and um cavatappi noodles and Italian sausage Italian sausage and don't be one of those people that pronounces are wrong you know it's Italian Italian because it's from idly we'll see what happens but it should be delicious either way no matter no matter what happens it's gonna be delicious yeah I don't know if it's gonna taste like what I had at the restaurant but it's gonna taste good so I'm excited well I'm a sucker for pastas especially Italian sausage pasta but we're also trying a new thing where I don't make enough food for ten people I'm gonna try slowly making it so that I'm just eating enough because you know I can't be I can't be eaten enough to where I'm about to puke every time I come out cuz like I got a camping ally like you know I just don't think that's what you're supposed to do for your body is eat till you feel sick and I kind of do that a lot that's why I need to tone it back a little bit maybe I just should learn self-control is that the other thing self-control now we'll just we'll just make it so that I have less food because I don't have self-control there just needs to be less food available for me to just stuff my face with cuz I'll keep eating I got nothing else to do oh man all right this feels this is feeling a lot better Monte hey buddy you oughta come join me help Bunji Bunji help my ID help looked to see a new boat over there okay you're my team okay come here come here Oh guess what we got a do Monte hold on we've got to get Monty's medicine come here Monty onto your little beady eyes come here come on over here you can get you're born in a minute well I Monty there we go to put a little quarter inch of it and then you gotta rub it around this eye a little bit there we go okay go boy are you moving your phone go ahead good boy you earned it go ahead there we go the Monte is all taken care of now dogs have a they're able to recess their eyes pretty good so you got to be careful not to get it then there's a little I like he mushes that he likes can suck his eye way back so you have like really open it up there this is starting to feel good now it's just kind of like a roast and coalbed this is what I wanted is it better for cooking and burn in your hands you know you'd think the flame is where you burn your hands no you can run your hand through a flame you stick your hands next to a rip and coalbed for a second it'll burn him hot yep little Monty's beady eyes what you gonna do what you gonna do hmm snack they can get any bigger you know you know you're I'm used to you know you think when you think of a dog's eyes you think eyes like Ruger's where you can see them move around like he looks up or down you can see his eyes move Monty you can't they're just black you can't tell what they're doing like a little teddy bear you know he's thinking don't even know where he's looking how could you know what he's thinking if you don't always look in little teeny eyes but that's you know that's what makes him him how many dogs do you know they have teeny little beady eyes that looked just black teddy bears stuffed dog stuffed animal dog toys that's who's got the little V Isaac Monty Monty I wish you'd join me so cap we're gonna have him join us for dinner he'll join us for dinner there's he's running out of fat and and he's got all the flesh off of that bone he's just working on the fat now the fat in the sinew and probably the bone marrow he crunched up parts of the bow like the knuckle but that's the trick I learned when I used to do up the venison bones for the dogs before Monty and Ruger I'd leave him the whole piece I just cut it now I saw it up in a little bits just enough for it saying a nice treat and they're not wasting because there's a lot of meat on those bones and yeah you give him a whole bone he's gonna have a little cookie flat mess alright see now there's a gust from this way that is not what we want that's the first time it's Gus it from that way but there's nothing I can do the will the wind is swirling right now it is just gusting it'll gust from this way it'll gust from this way gust from this way the only way it's not really gusting is right here there's just a couple big trees thick Pines right here the rest of it it's it's just giving it enough room to swirl around but yeah there's nothing I can do about that that's okay it's all good there's one thing I know for sure we're gonna be just fine we're gonna cook up a delicious meal I'm gonna sleep just fine oh yeah other question I get a lot that I'd like to answer is a lot of people have asked me how come you can have a fire with all this snow around these snow walls like this and it doesn't just melt and put out your fire and that is because when you when you're not when you're the base of your fire it's not on ice the snow kind of melts back into the wall behind it and it just kind of starts shrinking and going away so the sort of water it just absorbs back into the snow behind and it just keeps growing outwards it doesn't like melt down into the ground into a puddle it just soaks back into the wall and slowly expands and then once it reaches the ground it kind of just evaporates and soaks into the ground and just yeah so there's no pooling whatsoever well if you do it on a you've ever had a fire on ice you know on a lake it just it's a mess then you'll get your pooling and it just puts out your coals and it's just it's nasty and not recommended it's doable you have a hot enough fire but it definitely leaves a mess at the end if you have a really hot fire with lots of wood it just all gets wet everything's wet and it don't burn through the lake but it will get just wet and put you know the fire like the only thing that's hot is what's above the water and it just eventually just gets too much to deal with you put it out and then it all freezes but yeah okeydoke so I'm just gonna shut off this light here and uh kind of relax listen to the sounds of the forest the wind crackling fire watch it burn we're gonna get this all burn in half what a nice hot coal but to uh cook the meal over so yeah we're just gonna let my tea sit over there finish his bone until he's done and then it's pretty much getting down to it so he'll crunch it for a while longer but yeah we'll check back in with you guys when this is all burned in half we got this nice coal bed going and we're ready to start preparing dinner okay let's shut off this light I just want to just relax and enjoy this okay yeah ah see over here we've got a nice hot fire warmth we've got you know shelter I've got sleeping pads for comfort everything you'd want if you're just so it's chilling you know just being by a fire keeping warm but instead we've got this creature over here just sitting in a snowbank in the wind blowing this face going to town on this year bone with not a care in the world other than getting the maximum amount of food out of that little piece it's been chewing on it for hours I think I think our Monty is broken he's got a one-track mind right now Monty hey I got another treat brothers treat Monty you greedy turd yeah Wow we forced Monte to come back over by us and not least here Sol so first things first this pan we've got some Italian Italian from Python earth Italian sausage that's what we're looking for that was the correct turn okay there's not a ton to prepare this far is chopping stuff up goes it's pretty much one thing that's how I like it so we've got some garlic I'm gonna crush it with my thumbs [Music] so the sausage here we're just gonna it should be seasoned up the way it should be we're gonna kind of brown that and move it into chunks and then the other side is our sauce and then we are going to just boil up some water for our noodles so if you'd like to follow along with this recipe at home here I'm gonna give you all the steps you need you're just gonna have to remember and you can cook it up at a later time we'll see how she goes all right so we've got some cloves of garlic we're gonna dice up now I've had people mention that certain parts of this garlic clove or bitter or whatnot and you know same thing with like bell peppers I don't really notice or care enough to I couldn't tell you if it was more bitter or less bitter I just know it all tastes good so I'm gonna just use the whole thing because that's what I've always done and probably what I'm always gonna do that's pretty much all we've got to prepare it's a garlic ring throwing a little chunk of butter here nice teeny tiny little chunk of butter to get things started okay we're in business we're in business now we'll start doing the rest of it on the fire and add things as we go let's get to cooking all right now if you're cooking this up or a fire you're gonna need a special type of fire that's what this one is it's hot fire hot fire is what you're gonna need it already tell this is a very hot fire so scrape a little coals it's gonna it's gonna cook just fine next to this here hot fire then you ever need a great great great great and all the way out last time we use the lesser then great and I'll tell you there's a reason this one's great it's cuz you know it's just so stable when you just use it correctly very stable great see that's there's just just like a 30% chance that'll tip over that's why it's so great all right I love it okay start the cooking get the sausage on there and we're gonna get some garlic and butter going we're gonna roast this up for a minute get down just a hair and it doesn't matter if I get this raw sausage in back in here because everything's gonna be cooking for a while so this I kind of just want to leave it in big chunks I don't want to turn this into like ground beef you know this is just Italian sausage Oh once we make once I make you know I'll do this with my own homemade venison sausage once I make also hat so good okay I'm gonna leave in chunks like that oh it's all hot I love it Oh huh fire okay will probably break these up just a little bit more as we go on but for now we got our this my face is burning okay Oh got a little a little bit of water and snow a lot of snow packed in there so we're gonna start melting that okay where are we at here all right so this is this is a very hot fire so this is cooking up good nice and quick all right we're gonna pull this sausage off for just a second you'll want to cook too fast and then we're gonna get the next steps over here so to our buttery garlic we're gonna add some heavy whipping cream this is a little 8 ounce container I'm gonna add the whole thing and to that we are going to add these are Rotel the small can of the Rotel fire roasted tomatoes and chilies we're gonna add that on in there oh yeah oh yeah that looks pretty white right now well as it cooks down this is gonna turn more orange and red and it's not just going to get so delicious these flavors cook up so to this we're going to add some more things here we're gonna add some salt not too much salt not too little salt just the right amount of salt and I learned last time that you should just put it in your hand first that's we're going to do just a little bit more salt a little there we go okay then of course black pepper always loved me some black pepper I usually go a little heavy on the black pepper heavier ish and then next we're gonna add some fresh rosemary you get it all in there we're just gonna probably have us yeah then I wanted to add basil but they were out of fresh basil so instead I got Italian Italian parsley and I'm not gonna dice this up which I probably should but we're just gonna rough tear it with my hands and just throw it in there it's my Italian parsley let that cook down okay all right I think we've got the beginnings of something great here oh it's gonna be good so this needs a simmer for a bit to get rid of some of that moisture and I'll thicken up and the flavors will come out and you know what actually I forgot one more thing a little bit of crushed red pepper just to get some spice in there that might be too much it's not we'll just burn our lips a whole bunch want a little heat to it the fire roasted pasta I remember had heat it was spicy so we'll see if we already to do too much so we're gonna get our sausage back on here all right yeah let's go Alex think it's gonna be good [Music] so we're gonna simmer this for a bit as we continue cooking our sausage again they get burned by the hot fire no I went with like 0.6 pounds of sausage here I don't want too much but I do like me all right that's good just chop it up a little these chunks we don't want them too big but I do want to get a nice char on the outside so it's not bland it's got a little that char flavor this is what's left he chewed off the knuckle there's some little bit of fat on there he did some damage he got that good but I'm gonna give him some water he probably won't drink any of it had people asked me if you know if I offer body Monti water but I know him pretty well he don't normally drink water that I give him he'll just eat snow the hill he might take a lick right now but I just if he drinks a whole bunch of it I'll be very surprised he actually might because he ate a bunch of venison but Monty that's mortar good he just thinks I got snacks the only time he'll really drink water for me in winter is when I provide it to him in the middle of the night or if it's really cold or one of the hot tent well than that he does this just ignores me go ahead Monty eat this this is your treat [Music] in your plane Oh Otto [Music] it's a great we may have lost two or three chunks of sausage sausage that just got completely coated in ash right there don't you dare blame the great great it's not the great greats fault 100 percent wasn't the great greats well that was my fault I would never blame you green green for that need a little bit more coals though that's dangerous aren t that was not the great great spot it's a great is great oh I got myself a beer cheers Monty how's your eye feelin what's up here what's this well it's it's more open than it was before today when he went to his vet definitely don't think see at least I know I don't when I'm right I'm right he ain't gonna drink that water he just thinks she's cuckoo fruits for three look at his paws they're all just wet from just eating raw blood and Lulu a little wild animal yeah where's this go [Music] right here no it looks too warm [Music] that'll work all right oh yeah [Music] be careful to scrape the bottom we don't want this to burn like the sausage okay our sausage is pretty much done we've got a nice char on it oh that's a hot fire oh yeah so hot yeah so we don't want this to burn and we just got that nice crisp edge on there it's all cooked we don't want to overcook so we're just gonna put this off to the side doesn't matter if it gets a little cold or not because we're gonna add this to that sauce in a minute but this needs to come off oh yeah that orange shoe slowly starting to come out Roy yeah yeah it's getting reduced that's gonna be good this is literally gonna be fire roasted pasta Oh cuz I'm a fire roasted matthew right now [Music] hmm oh ooh oh it's gonna die stick to hmm aha disc that tastes so good that sauce and it's not reduced all the way we're not gonna lie I'm not gonna relate it reduce too much more we're gonna actually put this off to the side here because it's gonna get insanely spicy and it's getting pretty close this right here all right we don't need more snow we're just gonna add a little bit where is where the heck so the waters sitting right next to me you say look what you don't see it yeah I get you about D actually don't even need that's that's plenty what am I even doing we're gonna get this going it's almost go time whoo things are coming together so he's gonna get noodle water with pumpkin cuz other than this piece of fat I mean he did some work on that this is hard bone right here but these knuckles or like I don't know what's called the ball of the socket of the joint or whatever it is he chewed that he just ate straight-up ate it if he had another one you eat that too [Music] oh yeah it's got me so good hue even brought along a little French baguette yeah because if there's one thing that I know goes very well with carbs it's more carbs yeah yeah yeah gotta have some bread with that pasta why not why not nice crispy bread I was gonna make Bannock I was like should i do Bannock I was like panic is delicious but I would probably prefer a nice baguette it's crisped I'm just crunchy and just dip it into that song huh okay [Music] let's do the next step Monte the next step okay our sauce is cooking down perfectly looking so good oh yeah so now yeah we've got enough production so you see how you can just it's still pretty runny but that's okay this is a little bit of a more runny sauce if you if you if you keep cooking it down you're just gonna you know you know it'll it'll keep going and it'll eventually get really thick and creamy but we wanted a little bit on the runny err side for this one just a little bit we're gonna add in this delicious sausage oh yeah see those crispy bits all beautiful flavors yeah there it is now we're getting serious [Applause] all right whoo so we're just gonna let this sit over the flame for another second or two about another minute or two and then we're gonna take it off as we're waiting to this water to boil because we do not want to lose too much moisture this is gonna be a nice hearty sauce as is nice and thick lots of bite pieces and stuff I hope if you're following along and you're gonna make this it's all been explained enough with the oohs and ahhs because sometimes I forget what I'm doing and just yeah it's getting there okay okay okay let me just let's just taste us mmm one thing I want to say quick is you'll notice as I was talking about before the fire pushing the walls back see this tree right here is exposed now and I just knocked a bunch of snow down cuz you know if you it'll start on fire even if it's a green tree if you just let it get hot enough and just have rip and coals next to it it'll start to burn it so I just knock snow over that was getting close and just keeping keep an eye on it I don't want to burn that tree at all let's just see you know what that's that's just that's just order to call that good enough that's what that is so we're adding our cavatappi pasta oh yeah a little too much moisture we're gonna just drain a little bit of that up okay there we go what's how much you get back again serious [Music] hey I'm gonna mix together Monty's food real quick throw in some pumpkin we're sending him a little bit of this this noodle water he's already having Street for the day remember but this sauce oh there's a little some little pieces of ash in here or little embers okay oh oh so good oh it's so orange now oh look at that oh it's gonna be so good oh man oh man that sauce is just about perfect I'm gonna stir it one more time we're gonna take it off the fire and set it we're gonna set it on these logs here it's not really boiling but they're cooking okay this is perfect all right this is done that is perfect hmm Wow we're gonna set that right there Oh stay warm there but it won't kick cook won't continue to cook but we are going to add our French baguette start getting heat it up we need a little more heat be careful here get that closer okay all right ooh [Music] cigarette oh it's boiling now okay you dumb me you're done he's off fire spread whoo let that toast freeze watch nice crispy in a hot would you let that just for another minute while we get everything prepared we're gonna definitely keep an eye on this enough for a well we'll just be safe with it we'll put it over there okay let's prepare okay let's just get Monty's there's some noodle water it's a little bit drying the rest all right Monte's we're gonna pull with a little chunk of snow a little bit so it's about the perfect temperature for eatin all right mix his all right this is gonna go off to the side now let's put together the masterpiece first step add all these noodles Oh No we spoke up for your nudes no no we're we're just gonna there's enough noodles it's gonna be fine okay let's just stir this around there might be too many noodles that's okay it doesn't it doesn't matter this is why we're here if it sounds like I'm super super over-the-top excited for this it's because I am all man oh so close to deliciousness oh there's just enough sauce to where all the noodles are coated perfectly and there's chunks and bites and oh man okay okay okay okay my G oh so next we've got a couple finishing steps grated Parmesan cheese of course because what pasta would be done without some cheese yep and a little bit of Italian parsley to finish that right there and last but not least some roasted bread just put that right okay oh man that's gonna be so good Oh Monty I'm so excited that looks amazing let's eat Lizzie you've already had your treat for the day but you're about to get treat number two cuz you're a good boy what do you think do you want to eat it I think he's ready I'm ready just before we start mine too one more sip beer this is beer number two I just cracked it [Music] [Applause] go ahead okay let's see what this fire-roasted we're calling this Italian sausage fire-roasted pasta that's the official name oh yeah oh yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] a little spicy those red pepper flakes crusher pepper really comes out when you cook it down [Music] as far as bread goes [Music] OSHA's a little more sauce they used a little to be noodles spicy hmm it's so good Oh of dying hi fire hot pasta he's also spicy [Music] so as far as spice goes for me I'd like to give you somewhere to reference so you're not just thinking that it's just like insanely hot or it's weak wherever you are I think me personally I admit I am a to spice now I love the flavor love it but hate little sensitive to that I'm a little bit of a I'll admit I'll still eat it I'll put it in I'll swallow it down I do not enjoy when it's going out at all but I'd say I think things are hot what other people like it's not really that hot anyways so I find this spicy I'm sure if you're a person that likes the heat this would be perfect this would be absolutely perfect if you're a person that's sensitive I would say go a little bit light on the crush red lighter than I did and if you like a lot of heat pile in another tablespoon or two [Music] the thing is if you don't put enough crush red or Cayenne bounce with the recipes home for same thing right the flavors different hormones good Oh [Music] weird I thought after you know raw venison bone that you chewed on for what three four hours and a whole bowl of pumpkin and noodle water that maybe you wouldn't bag but it seems that there is no limits to your begging there's no limits of this guy this is success all right come over here come on just sit with your old man he's not giving you anything you're not you Monty you are not getting any of this if you can sit here and accept that I'm not going to share anymore with you I accept your company but if you think the only reason you're staying close to me and looking alternative is that you're getting more out of your mind out of your mind please Monty please please just stop begging please stop begging there's no winning with this guy Oh spices can hold me back take me out and zero degree weather but too much crush read and done I think what I'm gonna do is take my time here shut that light eat some more but I'm definitely not getting through all that there's no way it's burning my lips it's clear my nostrils yeah spicy see so we're gonna wait you think we should we bring a funk some leftovers everybody love it booty pads yeah so I'm gonna just shut off this light here shop the camera listen to this you can hear the wind it's just howling through those trees but for as much as it's blowing up there if we weren't in this thick spot it would be if if we were in an open like maple stand or just hardwoods it would be but the tent but we've got Pines Pines got those big old bridge responses you know pine needles on them block a lot all this wind we're in where it's thick but you can hear the treetops so it's a nice protection it's a good spot for this anyways I'm shutting this all down we're gonna need a few more bites more I'll just keep stuff in my face and doing with the spice and then I'll check back in with you guys when yeah I'm ready for bed just it's just cut more bytes [Music] [Music] okay [Music] check back with you guys a little bit [Music] hey it's my buddy Steve hey steve-o steve-o Steve don't worry I just want to pet you I'm your friend whoo-hoo I'm your friend Steve don't mind me Steve oh oh okay Steve all right whatever Steve [Music] okay there big guy come on over come on over Monty oh my gosh did you just lay in your sleeping bag quickly in the right position pretty much I got some snow built up you might have scoot your booty just just a hair just you did perfect just they're just boys nut butter isn't that better you won't admit it but it's better better that way all right so like I said it is relatively warm out tonight so we're not covering them in the wool blanket to start and we're not gonna fully zip them we'll give him some time we'll let him get comfy let the night temperature creep in a little bit and then we'll hit him with full-blown sleeping bag Monte because he's got some snow he's gonna lick off he doesn't like moisture and he got a whole bunch of that when he got that raw venison bone all over him yeah all right you're zipped in Monte you're good like it ready so I'm finagle it in the night okay that was delicious meal I ate way less than I was anticipating to be honest it was just burning my lips and it was spicy it was super spicy and the bread fills you up I ate most of the bread there's a little chunk left just a little chunk and I ate about 2/3 of everything so there's some pasta left and a little little bit of bread left but I eat most of it and I'm very full very tired yeah Monty got he got his he got his venison so we're gonna get ready for bed here I'm pretty much ready I just got to take off my stuff and crawl it and fall asleep which is what I'm gonna do fires burned down and nothing so wha I'm satisfied we've got a nice breeze solve some sounds I don't like Sally woods when I go to bed you don't neither do you don't care you don't care I don't like Sam I wasn't I go to sleep I like something we that's a good boy my nose is still runnin Monty [Music] is it too warmer Nestle Bank I bet it is all right we're gonna just ends up in just a hair I don't want them to get all frisky crater and get out anyways we're gonna pass out and wake up in the morning so I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody [Music] [Music] boy [Music] [Music] you just set right up ninety I'm gonna rub down Jordan or just rub top not emoji rub down oh nice hold your tongue you you're eating raw meat all night it's so gross it's so gross oh no no no all right do it do it or you wanna go step in that water bowl oh you stuff right in the water bowl Monty you stinker it's not that it's not that cold out relatively but in the morning it's always cold out so he's chilly out there in the morning oh so it's not a pretty day good night sir whoa um it was windy all night blowing around but didn't affect us much I think there was some sprinkles of snow a little bit nothing crazy we didn't get me at us Oh bottom yeah yeah mighty didn't need that many adjustments he was he was cool at being snuggled right into a sleeping bag but yeah we've got to your heads are head home here and uh I've got a video to edit it up to D ah I was tasty food I've got leftovers do I share or eat mmm of course when I got outside be sure [Music] guess we should get up hey Monty I need a little monster okay let's get them put some layers on let's do it hey mighty good morning good morning to you too mister you want a stick no it's a snake this there's no I don't have any stick want you I don't have it I don't have a stick in my hand I'd come here there's no sticks eat I don't I don't know stick ready no stick but II come here look I'm showing you I'm sure look no stick in my hands nothing no stick whatsoever okay no stick ready all right let's give the stick Monty you're not kidding it this is the thing that you don't bring back okay I guess I give it which way oh this one looks pretty good all right what are you a different stick I'll pick through the girl that way come here okay here treat up a little chewed up oh yeah get some get some of that stinky Monty saliva on there yeah go boy I can't mine you did it yeah come on mighty yeah come on mind you bring it here Monty let's not do this no that's nice I liked it come on - now today come on come on - come on not today Monty bring here car that's the spirit there we go that's the spirit oh you broke it Oh Forrest here there's snow yep it's about it huh soul I suppose we should start dead get in the camper take in a dune huh Turk no lip okay nice and tight lines her Monty you know what if he's not gonna bring this stick today just I'm not gonna deal with it not today we're gonna plan his terms he wants Tommy with the stick over there and do his own thing that's what's gonna happen so you start packing up here let me start packing yeah so I just wanted to test how cold it was last night and I left this Nalgene bottle out all night there's no ice in it so I think it was below freezing just not by much I'm just taking a pee oh yeah it wasn't very cold I didn't use my sleeping bag liners I kept one layer of thermals on and I slept with my bag open most of the night I'd say about this much open and just kind of yeah and Monty let it zip him up all the way he'll build it they put splake it over them but it really wasn't that cold it's really not that cold right now I want to be sweating on my way out give me that stick missing right now give me that stick aren't you gonna bring me that stick are you just gonna be it jerk oh you've run it you're not being a jerk yes fun of this when you just bring it back because I just don't ready guy than you're happy throw it again and you you bounce like a little bunny get bouncy bunny get bouncy bunny how why did you go that way I've been throwing it this way every time except the first time it's over there Monty buddy it's over there or there yeah it's over there go get it there you go you're so silly Monty guess what time it is it's time for your medicine yes it is it's gonna be super cold but in case we want you to lose one of your beady little eyes we must put the medicine and then your beady little eyes will be okay your tiny little bee little bitty little black pistol T needle lives [Music] there you go good boy you did it [Music] the bet the sleds always bigger and bulkier on the way out I always mentioned this that's because soon as I get home I've always got the same little routine especially if I'm editing a video the same day which I am today first thing I do is get home run over to my computer put it in my SD card and start uploading or transferring lots of files then I run back over to my here my slide I start hanging up crap everywhere you know start to dry it out and then if I still got time I files I run over to the shower clean if I don't got time I'll go straight into editing before wait but I run over and make some coffee I run back to my computer get to work what was I saying oh yeah we got a sidetrack anyways that's one of my sleds bulkier on the way out they just I just throw crap in there rather than fold it up and make it all space conscious and it really doesn't matter it's all the same weight I've been such a scatterbrain this trip oh yeah I don't really pull things up and put it back in their stuff sacks because I gotta take it out as soon as I get home anyways are you a tinkin another venison bone because [Music] I'd pretty much ignore you you can tell me we gotta leave all day that ignore your time until be good looking for that bone he won't sit he needs it he's gotta have it I'm mighty hi hi dude there you go for a height hey you've got yourself a fine trail going homes always easier than coming in especially if you got super deep snow when it's real deep like that ah the four-foot deep snow trip we did I hope it gets like that I really hope so no we're just gonna preemptive unzip this as long as we get moving it's gonna be warm okay is everything Monte let it set it what do you think mr. okie Dokes well how's a delicious tasty meal I wanted to do two nights but you know that's okay is what it is I'm gonna be coming out real soon I think again cuz something's coming up ain't it in a few days maybe no spoilers maybe but maybe not I can do what I want but anyways we're heading back to the car and I've got a video to edit it up today for you guys tomorrow morning so as always if you like the video head like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button and I will catch you guys at the next video let's go mighty [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 683,337
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winter camping, winter, snow, bushcraft, bushcrafting, bushcrafter, winter camp, asmr, camping, camp, wild camp, wilderness, snowshoe, snowshoeing, backpacking, backpacker, backcountry, backcountry camping, fire, campfire, campfire cooking, campfire food, food, gourmet, gourmet cooking, dog, dogs, dog training, camping dog, wilderness area, meditation, steak, nature, nature sounds, winter backpacking, pulk, how to camp, how to winter camp, outdoorsman, snowing, trees, survival, survival skills
Id: qh7bm4GLnF0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 44sec (6764 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 22 2019
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