2 Night Winter Bushcraft Camp with My Dog - Complete Shelter Build

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[Applause] [Music] [Music] meat [Music] look at a big stop it monty stop it creepy tongue stop it creepy town there we go well hello ladies and gentlemen i am out with montes picantes but dantas first of his name enemy of the pad he whose mouth cannot close and beggar of all things edible and uh we're gonna spend a couple nights out here winter camping uh the plan for tonight is to build a big old bushcraft shelter we're gonna try to go for a lean to i'm gonna try making it fully enclosed if i have time and uh yeah we'll see how far we get hopefully i can get the whole thing done but uh we don't have a ton of time now i did get an early start today which is a little bit abnormal for me i was up in the dark moving around getting ready had to drive a few hours got out of the car we're hiking into our spot so we're by the time we get to our campsite i'm thinking we're going to have three to four hours of light left and the goal for tonight is to get the top part up so the top of the the lean two and maybe the fire reflector we'll see how far we get and then the rest of it will finish up tomorrow as best we can so we're going to cook up some delicious food over our campfire and we're going to have a blast this is our first real bushcraft adventure of this winter season we're finally getting to going further because he's all healed up now and uh yeah back into the swing of things so we got a ways more to go and then we're going to set down our pack and search for a spot so let's get to it monty come on oh jeez ah okay so i don't know if you can tell by now that uh there's not a lot of snow and it's a blessing that occurs at the same time um it's it's making it so that there's not deep snow it's not it's not a ton of work to move but there's laying down trees and broken up trees everywhere and my bulky sled here is getting caught on these tarps and stuff and it's making it quite a pain to maneuver um and right now we're going up and down hills right here it seems like it goes down right here so what i'm going to do is i'm going to take off this pack here and we're going to search for a spot now when you're just going out in the woods and you're looking for a spot sometimes it'll take you 15 minutes to find the perfect spot sometimes it'll take you one minute sometimes it'll take an hour and sometimes you just won't find a perfect spot you'll just make it work wherever you have to so hopefully it doesn't take us more than an hour to find a spot i'm gonna walk all down there go that way and it's not snowing right now so i'll be able to find my snowshoe tracks and follow them back to the sled here okay my dear let's do it it's like butcher your stuff's here i know we're coming back oh simmer down let's go we're fine you know i found a couple spots they're real good but they're right next to something just like this and you know that just makes me a little nervous [Music] so [Music] yeah you got the right idea monty this is gonna be our spot it doesn't look perfect and you know what it is perfect because this is the spot i was just saying how sometimes it takes you 15 minutes sometimes it takes you an hour to find a spot well it took us a whopping two hours and 13 minutes yeah so we've got maybe three hours of light left it's neither here nor there we're at where we're at we're gonna have to just deal with it and we're gonna just get as much as we can done we're gonna do our best because that's all we can do we'll see how far we get so monty the reason he licks his booties is because he gets ice build up in his dew claws and sometimes they pop out like they are now and uh let's see yeah it slipped off a little bit so he doesn't like it so anyways we're gonna go between these two trees um there was lots of spots there was just they had like just weird little they were on a slant or there was just too much there was frozen dead trees in the way there was too many little trees that i would have to kill this is gonna work we'll go between these two trees we got enough room to come back to here about and we got a little dip this is it's not ideal because a little dip but at least maybe the heat will rise up in here so okay we've got to get to work we've got to get to work people have asked me why i don't use poles when i'm pulling my sled and why i hold the rope in my hand and the reason is this exact scenario when i'm pulling over logs and stuff i the whole time i've had to drag my sled pulling with my hand more than i had to just walk so i do a lot more i don't really go on trails as much i just go into the woods so i have to allow around a lot of crap and that's what you gotta do [Applause] what see i like to multitask you know i could just be breathing in and blowing my breath into the air or while i'm shoveling i can blow it right in the sleeping pad you know hey all right it's not ready yet hey i don't get anything no no no don't do that i'm sorry i'm sorry i didn't take it last year i'm sorry i'm so sorry my teeth oh oops i didn't need to oh i'm just oh sorry oh i just wait look at my teeth oh my teeth it's not ready yet hold on hold on hold on hold on i know i know i know i know there you go let me just scoot that butt there you go okay i don't really need these snowshoes like i was saying but they're still kind of nice you can walk over stuff lazier so i'll still bring them get your blanket covered in snow that's fine before his royal buttness will sit there on his throne and watch over his kingdom he needs one final thing and that is an offering of a raw venison bone now his royal buttness has his throne his comforts uh he's got his offering from me to appease him and now as his royal jester i shall build him everything he'll he needs to survive okay go ahead yes good boy go ahead first things first ridge pole time let's get a ridge pull this right here looks to be a solid enough ridge pole so these two branches right here are connected to this dead tree it got twisted and toppled over so i'm not worried about this log sliding down this way because i can see it's connected up at the top [Applause] oh okay [Applause] okay now we just need a nice section of this it's the ridge pool that should be not good right there all right okay pretty good right there now let's tie this guy up brand new thing of paracord oh something's super enjoyable brand new thing of paracord okay so we're gonna do something new today that we never do we are going to pre-measure before we cut things so that is enough rope to go around there okay good very good same thing over here oops that's extra right there there we go all right i'm going to show you the knot that i'm using it is called the arbor knot aka the fisherman's knot aka the uh canadian jam nut so all i did is you take oh i should uh i should have showed you the first step rather than just do it and then say hey here's how it is you know you just you're going to show somebody something you're showing from the beginning now just like hey anyways okay take your rope you're just gonna do a little overhand knot to start like that tighten it up then you're gonna do the exact same thing a little bit above except this one you're not gonna tighten you're gonna leave it loose like that okay and then all you're gonna do is wrap this around your tree and whatever you want to tighten and then you're going to take your your tag end here and you're just going to go through this and you're just going to pull it tight and as this tightens it'll uh it's going to catch on that knot see just like that and you're able to pull as tight as you want and then you just tie it off with a knot to secure it so i'm going to be doing that around both sides here whenever i'm building a lean to or something like this one thing you want to make sure is the log positioning now if i'm doing just a tarp or anything it doesn't matter which side the logs on if you're not going to put a weight load on it but since i plan on putting a bunch of logs here you want this ridge pole to be pushing into these trees here so it's added support sometimes when you have enough weight on there you don't even need the ropes i'll you know i'll take the ropes down and it'll just stay put because there's so much weight pushing into these trees it's just extra support so if you have the log on this side of the tree here that means all that weight that's on your ridge pole is just held on by these ropes so you want to put it on the the side that you're lean to is on the back side okay now i'm gonna do uh two ropes around each of these but to start we're just gonna do the one hmm we've got a ridge pull up now like i said i'm going to put an extra rope on each side crisscross and go in the opposite way but first we're gonna see how strong this ridge pole is you always want to test your weight load through a couple pull ups you know or you can you can hang like this just your average ridgefall test you know whoa i'm gonna get you i need it okay i think she's secure enough but either way let's put a little extra ropes i'm gonna tie two more on each side or one more on each side and then we'll get to the next step okay now it doesn't really need two ropes uh because one i think a paracord should be enough but i always like to be safe not sorry so the next thing we've got to do is get a whole bunch of logs to go up here so we're gonna need let's see if we do it let's see it goes to here about here is that wide enough so we'll need one two three four five six seven eight 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16. guesstimating about 16 pieces about 10 to 12 feet long to get the top so for the next hour or two i am going to be working hard to get pieces now i don't want to get maple like this i'd much prefer pine so we're going to look for dead pine whether it's standing or bent over whatever we can get to do this so yeah let's get to work monty if you don't mind i'm gonna go take care of some stuff uh if you want to join you can let's go monty come on no you good all right okay let's see if this oh yeah hey check this out now we gotta see if that's sturdy enough okay should be good let's just cut off a section that is definitely big enough now this is this is what i like because this is kind of you don't need it to be super solid like that piece up on top you just need it to be uh you know solid enough that's not gonna fall apart on you that's what this is it's dry and light [Laughter] okay let's drag this piece back and we'll use this to make a measurement and see all the other sizes we need first of all see if this was long enough okay that's about perfect actually all right you know that whole measure thing we got a little close there we got to get off the pokies [Music] all right that's about the size we need you can go a little bit shorter but what we're going to do here see if they're all about that way but hey he's like hey you're messing up my my ambiance he just wants to eat his bone in peace he doesn't want me doing weird stuff you know okay i'm just gonna cut this aside so we get a good measurement monty okay don't freak out okay there we go we have got the first piece to the proper size i am going to take and tie a loop at the end and cut a piece of paracord the exact length of this log so that when i'm going around gathering pieces um for now i can just cut the right size and then bring it back here so we'll just go like this and then we'll just put this loop on the end like that and as long as it's you know within a half inch of the top here and it catches that's how we'll know to measure it correctly and we can give them all a few extra inches just to be safe so we'll come down here i'm going to give myself an extra inch on the end actually we'll give ourselves two inches so i know to hold it tight and then cut back an inch okay so there we go so now we've got our measuring device for all the other logs we have got hour and a half ish two hours of sunlight i don't even know when the sun sets but uh yeah right around there so it is time to get about 15 more pieces of this as fast as possible and i'm not seeing a ton of stuff immediately nearby so we might have to move a little bit so we'll take this down for mr monty we'll put it up later so what i think is going to be the most efficient method here is to walk around find all my pieces and have a trail cut them to size and then when i get about 15 if i can get we'll see how far i get in an hour and then bring them all back at once so that's what we're gonna do i'm gonna go with my saw we're gonna try just sawing them down that should work just fine but let's get to work so for this log it's not really sticking to the end so i'm gonna make a little divot for my measuring rope to catch on there we go right let's see if we got two nope not long enough it's slightly leaning this way so we're gonna try taking this down with the saw now this one it's got two three four pieces it's a real tall one so we're gonna do is i'm gonna make a cut like this halfway through and then above it about an inch or so on this side i'm gonna come down an angle and leave a little uh hitch so that it can just be pushed over okay so my battery died on me and i got the lean wrong so i cut like this and i came in back here and then as i got closer and it got to that where right now there's a piece in the middle about two inches tall one inch tall that's like a hitch and it leaned back this way which i thought it was leaning this way but either way um it's ready to topple over and i had to go get a new battery i don't know what i missed but we're gonna push this thing over so since it's going the opposite way than i wanted it to i'm slightly worried about a little bit of kickback so i'm going to use this log here to push it over the direction i want in case it does take and it didn't that's good that's quite the uh log right there i hope this isn't too much weight [Music] well waist not want not want not waste whatever [Music] uh uh [Music] so uh [Applause] [Laughter] hey so you want to help out you want to help no you good all right fine go ahead carry on i'd say someone's earned themselves their first drink of water don't you think yeah thirsty bud that's your first drink of water you're doing all that work you gotta stay hydrated mister oh whoo you don't want this mighty yeah it's water this stuff you're supposed to drink i don't ever drink your water you know that every time you pour the bowl i ignore it how come you haven't learned this by now [Music] that's what i was coming in for pal buddy oh geez gosh it's all falling apart monty right now i forget that it's winter out because i am warm very warm okay how are we doing on time i'd say we got 45 minutes wait when does the sun set i don't even know i don't know maybe i got an hour i don't even know anyways we're gonna do is i am going to knock off all the pokies on all these ah so monty what are you sticking your tongue out at [Music] why is your why's your tongue out monty what are you are you sticking your tongue out at me monty [Music] what the heck man [Music] now it is time to put our shelter together with what we got so let's get the first log up here okay i'll do this one right here like that monty [Music] make sure that's a good angle oh like that there we go okay a little bit more over all right we're gonna tie this one in so that i can wedge the rest of them to this one i think the sun's getting close to setting needs just to be safe we don't want to have too short logs we'll just do the arbor knot again to secure this one monty is going to doze off on us he's been working a little too hard today so you know he's got a he's got to get his beauty sleep definitely needs that beauty sleep now this one might wiggle a little bit but yeah it's really not going anywhere okay let's stack some logs and see what we got so all right matthew this is wide enough let's see we got one right here that wide oh it's about perfect for us to snuggle up next to each other it's like that perfect size so okay we've got enough for the top and i don't think we're gonna have a ton of time to get much more done tonight so what i'm going to focus on right now what i want to get done before i leave is i want to get walls and i'm going to do straight poles on the sides going all the way back on both sides to enclose it this way and we want to get a fire reflector here and then we want to get a bunch of pine bows on the top to cover all these gaps so that no snow can get through and as it snows it'll actually insulate it and make it a better shelter so we're a little strapped for time today so what i'm going to do is i think the most important thing for tonight is to get some gaps covered so we don't get snowed on tonight so i did see a big tree a downed tree down pine tree back a ways i don't remember how far it was hope it wasn't too far back might have been a half mile so we're gonna go run and grab a bunch of pine bows and what i'm going to do is i'll bring my sled and i will load up my sled we'll bring the axe in the sled we'll load up as much as we can we'll tie it down and we'll drag it back here i don't think i'll need my snowshoes so let's go do that quick and get a whole load of these okay so one important thing i want to mention is i never take live green trees okay um i don't take anything living i always use dead materials everything dead so it's not hurting anything this right here is a prime example of what i'm looking for it is a big old pine tree as you can see and uh it's dead it's snapped off at the base and it's still green so this happened in the last couple months so what i'm going to do here is just take whatever i please guilt-free well it's not going to be as easy as i want it to be and i'm just going to load up my sled with as much of this as i can yeah so i don't have to feel guilty at all about taking any of this now i will mention that i don't think i've ever gotten uh i don't think i've ever found one this big before maybe i have i don't think so though this is a pretty this is a pretty big one i just hope that i can load enough here to cover my shelter should be able to it's going to squish down so um yeah i'm not going to record much more of this i am just going to quickly gather as much of this as i can load up the sled and haul it back to camp hopefully we got enough here i mean i didn't even scratch how much is on this tree i mean it's an entire huge tree so luckily there's more to choose from and i can come get that tomorrow but for tonight this is going to have to do we've got to move so we've still got work to do tonight oh we haven't even thought about firewood yet oh shoot i'm like the grinch who stole christmas right now i've got an entire tree on my sled oh man everybody let's go so here's where we're at uh the sun is setting it's starting to get dark uh by the minute it's gonna start to get darker so before i put this on i have still got to collect firewood and i still need a support beam i mean i don't need it because i was i was jumping around on that uh ridge pole and i would say i don't know if these yeah either way to be safe i'm going to want a center pole to support this weight just to be safe i don't know if i'll get to it tonight i'd like to but if i don't i don't if i do it do um so yeah i got to get firewood and got to put this up so what i'm gonna do right now before it gets dark is i'm going to make a path with my feet to a couple trees here um and to where i can get firewood so that i can do that i'm gonna have to do it in the dark i have no choice we were just pressed for time today i got as much done as i could um so yeah i'm gonna make a path really quickly i'm gonna probably slow down and record because i need to i need to do stuff now so yeah i'm gonna make a path for firewood and then we'll pile these on i gathered pieces of firewood luckily i didn't need to saw anything things broke off knocked over it was relatively painless all right it's currently 10 degrees fahrenheit or negative 13 14 celsius is what my thing is reading and that's kind of down by my backpack so it could be a little bit colder than that up here in the air either way it is time to start piling this stuff on here now we're going to do for tonight is mainly just major gaps here we're just going to lay this stuff on we're not going to really weave it or anything like that it's just going to be laid on here and maybe a little bit stuff in some of these gaps we've got pretty solid coverage on here i didn't do much down here because this down by the the base doesn't matter as much for tonight we can work on this tomorrow because we're going to not be we're not going to be right here we can put snow right here you know we can't fit our heads down this bottom part another thing i'm going to do really quick just for tonight is because it is snowing and we've got a slight breeze coming from uh this way i'm gonna put this tarp up here for tonight and just rest a log on it so that we've got a little bit of wind protection over here this will work for now let's spark this baby up collect a little birch bark on my way in and let's hope we can just get her going in a couple strikes here [Music] took a few not a couple [Music] all right so number six i almost smothered my fire [Music] so oh we are winter camping ladies and gentlemen oh yeah and the final thing i need to do right now to you know embrace that we are doing a bushcraft camp you know natural shelter is you gotta wear the proper hat you know you can't you can't be rocking these these beanies here you need that roasty toasty warm oh oh there we go that's what i'm talking about gets your face all warm oh yeah that feels better even though this is a cold hat right now and i can't hear as well it ow oh it just made my headlamps slip off and slam me in the nose it actually that actually stung a little bit i have it too tight oh i hope i didn't like put a ding in my nose okay this fire is getting hot so since i checked in with you last i got a bunch of firewood i got a whole big pile here i decided the three pieces i had wasn't enough so i've got like let's see we've got one two three four trees laying into the fire right now with a bunch of pieces in there and i've got like like eight trees right there i've got a just a mostly maple that's another thing about the snow uh low level of snow right now is that there was a bunch of dead stuff i was finding when i was grabbing other stuff just pulling it up yeah it's just so i got a bunch um i set up all our sleep stuff i've got like my garbage bag here just laid up just a little extra snow protection i don't really need it all my sleep stuff set up got the chair it's been at least an hour i got a fire ripping and our monty is all comfy and toasty and i set up the thermometers i got one attached to my bag here right behind me and the other one's out there like 50 feet away so i'll check those in a minute here to see if i want to see if there's a temperature difference between or how there's got to be a temperature difference i mean we've got a fire reflecting and no wind and that one's just sitting out there a little tree branch i'm curious but it is a relaxed time we're going to relax for a little bit here before we make dinner we're not even going to think about dinner yet even though i'm really hungry and i'd love to eat some dinner we're going to give it a minute i just want to i just wanna chill for a minute i was go go go from dark to dark today this fire is warm i might have too many layers on i put a bunch of layers on too let's go see if there's a temperature difference let's check what it is out there let's get a read let's do it we're gonna do a little freeze frame here because i'm too shaky to hold it but let me get a closer look all right so we're freeze framing freeze framing right there okay now the moment of truth what is the temperature in here any guesses really quick before i do it any guesses i'm gonna guess i want to say it's at least 10 15 degrees warmer in here that's that's about the 15 might be pushing it i want to say we'll give it 10 10 degrees 10 degrees so what that'd be 16 fahrenheit something like that let's see it is 28 degrees fahrenheit or negative two or three negative two or three celsius 28 29 fahrenheit wow that's better than i thought that's like what is that that's like 11 10 it's like 10 to 13 degrees warmer fahrenheit celsius it's like what 10 or 11 as well that's not too bad that's not too bad monty well it's been about 10 minutes but i remember for dinner tonight um it's something i've never tried before and it's something that's going to need an hour of prep so we have to start preparing somewhat so to tell you what we're having for dinner we need a little bit of a background story [Music] peter pizza pizza pizza that's right we are making campfire pizza for the first time ever i've made pizza pudgy pies but we are making a pizza but we're gonna make it different than uh normal pizza i've had this idea and i don't know if it's gonna work i'm about 50 sure that it it could work 50 sure that it it could possibly work 50 sure so what i'm gonna do is take the pizza dough we're gonna make pizza dough we're gonna use yeast and we gotta let it rise by the fire for an hour i don't know if that's gonna work first all first off i just don't know if that's going to work at all so we'll see but what i'm going to do is i'm going to take all the ingredients lay them all out on there and then i'm going to roll it and we're going to roll it into like a almost like a cinnamon roll pizza tube and i'm gonna get it we're gonna coat it with olive oil and then we're gonna get it nice and crispy all the way around nice and crispy and then we're gonna slice it into little pieces anyways we've got to make some dough i warmed up my water it's still a little chilly i tried to get it a little bit warm near this fire i just i have no clue if this is gonna work trying to get this dough to rise or not okay so i've got here this is just flour in case i screw up this this is like two and a half cups of flour and some salt like a teaspoon or teaspoon and two teaspoons of salt and then that's pretty much all it's in here and then i'm gonna add this little what is this this is a quarter ounce packet of rapid rising yeast i've never even used yeast before that mixed in there a little bit so it's you know get things mixed around we don't want just all the yeast in one spot all right let's just add this in a little bit at a time well that's a lot a bit at a time but that's how i roll close this up oh do they go too much water and not enough water go a little bit a little bit more like that you want a nice dry ball that you can mold i know this probably doesn't look like much on there so yeah all you can see is a bag of crap so i'm gonna shut off the camera and i'm gonna keep adding water slowly and uh working this and then once i get it to look you know if i i don't think we added too much liquid yet but once i get it to resemble like a dough then i will check back in with you guys in a second here [Applause] hey it's it's pretty good it's it's a little bit sticky but it's pretty good oh no it's a little bit sticky still just a little [Music] little sprinkle so that it's not sticking to the bag so much all right now the next step we're going to give it like an hour just chilling by the fire trying to keep this warm not hot not letting it get too cold and we'll see where it's at supposed to rise okay we've only got a couple things here to prepare we've got one thing for monty one thing for me vermonty we've just got a good old-fashioned sweet potato i'm just going to cut it up here goes into monsieur's little pot here i know he already had a whole venison bone but when you're doing this winter camping where we're not like a hot tent or anything we need to eat good out here so he's getting some ground venison showing in there so we got his venison bone and he's gonna get a sweet potato venison meal and he'll get a baby amount to kibble with that so i'm just going to add some water to this throw that on the heat and that is monty's okay then the only thing i need to prepare is smash rooms like i just said it's mushrooms perfectly prepared so we're gonna take a little bit of flour here just a little bit of flour you know put it around because we don't want our pizza dough to stick really badly now it hasn't been going perfectly but hey it it's it's risen a little bit oh geez it got a little too hot there oh no it melted a little bit oh no i don't want this to be a crazy sticky mess so we'll just we're just gonna use one finger my thumb there's definitely a nice clump okay okay this is a mess so it's not so bad when it's got a little flour on the outside hey it's kind of like a pizza dough it's working a little bit a little more flower this park got a little hard that's okay you know what we're gonna do we're just gonna go for it all right i've got this squeeze bottle of sauce got my little see if i had an oven i could probably turn this into a perfectly good pizza but hey it's still gonna be perfectly good because it's gonna be good and whatever comes out is gonna be perfect because i'm gonna eat it all next let's put a nice layer of mozzarella cheese nice thick old layer yeah i'm not going to be shy with the cheese tonight it's cold it's my first campfire pizza if you need any other excuses just make them up in your head because i don't need to give you any more i'm gonna eat a whole lot of cheese pepperoni and pizza deliciousness we're going to put on our smash rooms i'll try to keep most of them in a line right here so we can keep less stuff on the inner roll so it doesn't need to cook as much we'll put most of those mushrooms and stuff right here i've got some pepperoncinis i'll try to keep all this to this outer last layer i almost forgot the pepperonis i got these big delicious pepperonis yeah this is uh this is going to be interesting tell you what it is definitely going to be interesting and we need a little bit extra cheese just to make it all stick okay all right now for the fun part let's see if we can get this thing to roll and look like a pizza roll thing oh this is this is not working out as i planned oh this is uh oh oh jeez oh my gosh well let's just close off the ends here it's like a pizza roll calzone thing okay this is a mess what we're gonna do is coat the outside with some olive oil so it gets a nice golden color to it yeah this is this is gonna be so good oh man this is going to be tricky because we do not want to burn the pizza we want to cook it nice and slow oh it's gonna have to cook over here we need this bottom to get kind of crisped up so it doesn't spill out into a mess [Music] let's just take our big mess of a pizza thing and on it goes it's on it happened we got it on the great grate no we just pray that it works let's just drizzle a little bit more oil all over here okay [Music] not crispy fast enough [Music] i'm gonna turn this around which way do i want to flip this oh shoot oh geez oh it's sticking oh the dough is like it's cooking oh geez the fire's so hot oh no oh no okay we're gonna take this like this there we go oh yeah i was cooking over it needs to slide back onto here as long as this is stable okay whoo that was close it actually looks really delicious oh gosh this is this is dangerous playing a dangerous game right now [Music] see where we're at oh it's cooking it's cooking pretty soon i have to flip it again that oh that is looking so good oh it's getting nice and crusted oh oh my gosh this looks amazing slide it back oh my gosh it is turning into a pizza thing you know i'm gonna go ahead and pretend right now that i knew that the great great was going to give it the perfect beautiful visual effect by slicing into it a bit almost making like a breadstick style oh geez it looks so good i'm so you want excited do you want a treat right now it's almost ready it's almost ready okay your treat's almost ready all right monty's mangled mush has been boiling for a minute here i'm gonna take it off the fire and mix in his dog food and let it start cooling oh my gosh the it's starting the crust is starting to fall apart it's golden brown on both sides okay we're just calling this done let's let's get this out of the cutting board before it falls apart and burns oh yeah and that right there ladies and gentlemen is my campfire pizza i am pretty excited to eat it oh my gosh let's just oh let's just because we can we're going to take a take a knife here cut into the center and see if it's got that ooey gooey factor okay let's just is this the center this is the center right here oh my gosh oh my gosh it's just ooey gooey delicious looking pizza it turned out better than i thought it did oh my gosh all right we're gonna take i'm gonna slice up i'm gonna slice up a few of these like already pre-sliced thingies and we'll see if i can eat it just like kind of like pizza sticks and then the ends we'll see if we can just eat whole oh my gosh i'm so excited for this you're such a good boy monty you're gonna get your treat now okay that should be good that's perfect it has a nice hot meal for mr monty i know how you like to are you good boy go ahead okay good boy yes now we need a little broski number two ski action because i mean what's more classic than beer and pizza over a campfire i mean jeez jeez i am so excited to try this let's go for a nice little we're going to call it pizza fingers let's go for a pizza finger [Music] wow [Music] [Music] i don't know what i was worried about it's so much better than expected i am just i honestly can't tell you if the dough in the center is like cooked or not it's at least not like the sticky flower goo um but i can't taste like a [Music] i don't know [Music] it tastes so good the only thing i can say is that it was a little chaotic cooking this on the great grate because those big slits even though it looks beautiful and it turned out great i sat here on my knees the whole time that was cooking i felt like it was like 45 minutes to an hour cooking i was sitting there watching it the whole time and like lifting it up and it turned out good now let's just it's all staying together and i know some of you are thinking wow pepperoncinis you're such a yes you're correct i am a spice i don't know why i love the flavor of spicy things but i just cannot handle any sort of heat pepper and genies they're killing me ah okay there's a hundred percent chance i'm gonna fight through this pain of the heat and eat all this so i will check back in with you guys when i'm done feasting [Music] i'm struggling i'm struggling mr monty here he's pouting he was uh well he had his feet on the snow he was just standing here with his face about right here just staring at me staring at here drool and uh i told him no begging and he gave me his butt end so he's pouting see how could you no begging what we're gonna deal with this and deal with that and deal with that and relax for a bit and then we're gonna go to bed so i'll check back in with you guys when it's sleepy time come on oh isn't that a good boy [Music] i like to call him uh obi-wan mon toby may the treats be with you always hey buddy no obi-wan mind hope you got your you've got your uh your little hood up okay carefully well this is gonna look a little awkward i got a big pile of stuff right here oh so i gotta i gotta take this tarp and put it underneath my sleeping bag and stuff and then i'm going to shed all these layers crawl into this sleeping bag and pass out oh i pile on a bunch of firewood not all of it not even close i piled in a bunch because i'm hoping to have embers in the morning so if i do i'll be able to start a fire really easily just by putting on some more pieces of wood if i don't oh well we'll start another fire but anyways i'm gonna pass out now so i will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody [Music] well he's still there that's good news but i don't know what i'm looking at all yes [Music] oh they're still there hey monty hi big guy hi hey hey it's a new day oh oh geez oh oh you're getting lost in your sleeping bag oh geez oh oh oh oh what you doing [Music] how'd you sleep mister oh i think he slept pretty good yeah so uh normally when i take my tea out oh oh okay all right you want to go go potty all oh you got you're all matted down my deal get your tail hey come lay back down oh yeah look at this guy yeah so normally when i go camping with monty the winter uh he gets up and he wants to flip over and switch sides so he made it let's see we went to bed by like 11. four in the morning i checked on him it had been at least like four or five hours and he just didn't care he was snoring he didn't want to flip so i just grabbed them and flopped them over flipped those sides just like a piece of meat that you're grilling and he just accepted it and he didn't even care he immediately started closing his eyes again probably appreciated it and then i flipped him again like three four hours later he didn't he didn't argue with me he didn't uh he just flipped over right my deep oh yes it's cold out here okay so i think my fire is out cold so you want your bloodies on now we can go you can go explore a little bit yeah you want to explore some booties you need to expose some booties there's some beauties for exploring yes okay all right it's time to get up start a fire make some breakfast and start a new day it's the tree somebody's blocking our view morning monty come here hi hi puppy come here oh yes that's a good boy oh look at that butt look at that butt look at that butt it's a new day that's the tree's got to go all right we'll use our tool we'll use our tools okay i'm going to gather some sticks and we're going to spark it up with this one live coal i think we can do it [Music] what's gonna happen got it oh that might not have worked very well oh no you win some you lose so luckily we got more birch bark there we all go so hey monty you good boy look at that blue skies all right monty's terrorizing a stick again it's okay mike you get it all right let's just take a peek at the shelter right now we got all that up on there and it did pretty good there's a couple gaps you can see one right there right where the center of the camera is i can see a little bit of light through there but for the most part we didn't get any monty that's to keep the the tarp in place for now i guess we don't need it but we'll get some more we'll get another load but yeah so we're gonna get some more stuff to put on the back and the sides and then what we're gonna do is instead of putting a center pole we're gonna put one right here and the same thing over there and we're gonna put standing up pieces all the way back because i was thinking about it and uh having one right here i'll add to the shelters like enclosement and it'll it'll do just fine and not get in our way so we're gonna put two there to start and then we're just gonna work logs back and then so we'll do that work it all back get the stuff on the back and if we have time we'll build a fire reflector and uh yeah that'll be a complete shelter okay so for breakfast this morning we're gonna have a classic steak and eggs venison and eggs um yeah i was gonna have potatoes but i'm that uh had pizza last night i don't know i'm still not that hungry i don't know if it's all the dough or what but i don't feel like a crazy huge breakfast um sometimes i'm a breakfast person sometimes i'm not usually i i brought potatoes too but i'm not gonna cook up potatoes i couldn't eat them right now um so what i'm gonna do is just uh grill the steak and then we'll just scramble some eggs in a pan we'll serve monty a healthy portion of steak and we'll eat some breakfast right monty you got some steak okay so i'm evolving as a outdoor camper outdoorsman whatever you want to whatever you want to call me whatever fun crafter whatever um for the most part now i did use a few zip locks for the flower because i knew it was going to be a mess and uh sometimes i'm still going to use them but for the most part i am 99 reusable now i've got all these little rubbermaid brilliance sealable things i've got tons of them i've got nalgenes you don't know what this is right now but it's important for dinner tonight i'm not going to spoil anything but yeah and then i got all my like fresh produce in here again i don't want to spoil anything show i won't i made a mistake i didn't bring out montreal steak seasoning and i have to live with that decision luckily i've got salt and pepper but uh yeah i uh i was thinking i saw this i saw my little analgenus of montreal and i was like oh should i i don't need it for anything because my dinners and then totally forgot that the most important thing that matro goes on steak i was cooking oh well what you gonna do you want steak and eggs as well do i want steak and eggs look at me of course oh yeah i i uh spoiled myself i brought out a little orange juice i love me some orange juice for breakfast got a little teeny bottle of that oh yeah we're gonna put this here great great i'm just gonna lay it like that now we can just do it like that on these logs here that'll work hey look at that now we'll just oh we'll just stick that there like that and i've got my little container frozen eggs these need to thaw a little but once they do i pre-cracked them and put them in this container but yeah once they thaw we'll put them in a pan i've got this pot i'm melting some water so we are going to add a little salt to our steak not too much salt not too little salt just the right amount of salt he's gonna get a little salt oops i screwed up what you're gonna do we'll just make sure to not pepper his half and some black pepper yeah this is definitely not the most ideal way to cook a steak but uh i'm not gonna lie i'm a patient right now i want my food all my breakfast and we got some work to do and i'm honestly excited to get to work i want to get my shelter done oh there we go we're going to fill up a nalgene here with the this coffee filter because i haven't used it for coffee yet so it's uh my water won't taste like coffee because it's clean but this will filter out all this junk because we are definitely need some [Music] [Music] water see i'm gonna felt this whole analogy i'm gonna leave a little bit of water in here because it helps with melting the snow yeah before we drink coffee i want this thing full we got almost half pretty good oh our steak's looking a little a little crispy ah oh okay a little crispy right there it's not too bad though it's cooking all right we need to get our eggs going let's see if we can get on the side like that oh a little chunk of butter oh jeez i'm slipping it's icy there it is eggs look eggs eggs have never looked so delicious oh yeah this is the breakfast massacre it's just looking like one things are burning our steak is burnt smoke is getting in my eyes gordon ramsay couldn't have done better himself i mean just look at that that's a lot of them eggs it's left that makes me perfect yeah just another minute here and breakfast is done monty's is gonna be a little raw and that's fine oh that's not too bad i mean it's a little raw on his oh it's all so hot oh the great way just burned my fingers i'll cut this up but let's just see if my half needs to be oh it didn't cook a whole lot it's frozen this thing needs to go back on we're having our steak separate from our eggs it turns out okay it is what it is you'll get your steak it's gonna it's gonna come after like a nice little treat okay monty the breakfast massacre oh food this is definitely the most slaughtered breakfast i've ever made oh man raw meat and just butchered frozen eggs it's okay we're a little bit of salt in there it's still gonna be good i wanted my steak with my eggs but it was frozen rock solid and it just did not cook properly and i did not feel like waiting for my fire to get a nice coal bed like last night so you know it is what it is hey there's still eggs a little oj i don't think i've ever brought oj out when i'm camping oh i love a good orange juice oh that's hitting the spot you know sometimes you gotta admit when you're wrong or you screw up today i made the worst attempt ever at making a piece of meat over fire it's okay i'm gonna grill it up it's gonna be a little charred we're still gonna eat it but monty's got a nice bowl of sliced up venison bits and he doesn't care because it's he can eat it raw and he eats it raw all the time so go ahead monty have your treat at least go ahead ask me if i care if it's burnt still good a little extra char on there got all camp all cleaned up monty's got his booties on he's free to walk around for a bit here um it is time to get to work so we're going to start with is getting two poles to go under here luckily last night when i was gathering firewood i got like the perfect piece so for uh for the ridge pole and the support beams i like solid maple wood or oak anything super solid super dense all this pine you can see up here it's kind of punky rotten dry it's not wet but it's it's not the best but it doesn't matter because all that's going to be on here is some snowfall i mean if it goes through winter we get four feet of snow then it might be an issue but probably still not because it'll freeze together and as long as i got nice support beams it'll be good see how that rocks a little bit yeah we need some support beams so we're gonna come down right here i want to be right nice in the ground [Music] all right so what i'm going to do is i'm going to make the cut about an inch above where i want it to set on this log and what we're going to do is cut a little v so that it settles so when we push it on here it'll slide right in so let's just make a little mark here quickly do the same thing right here perfect okay now i'm just going to take on the top here and cut a little v oh this okay there we go i'll show you from the side view see that look better you can see there's a nice little dip in there so the log is gonna lay right in there and it's gonna secure itself underneath that ridge pole so i'm going to do the same thing to the other log and then let's pound them in we're going to come for this there's a little chip a little pokey okay perfect even that one would support it good but i want it on both sides [Music] um i don't know how it looks from over there it's a little loose actually so we're gonna need to do is just settle this end in more [Music] see i made it solid now see the ropes can stretch so you know with the with the resting weight of things it's fine but when i pound on this it's going to stretch these ropes a little bit but like i was just saying there is no wobble whatsoever to this anymore it was before with all the weight just kind of centered and there was a center point here um it was sagging a little bit when i would move it but now this ain't going anywhere we can put a we could put three times as much weight on here i feel like now and it won't have a chance of breaking so next step we've got to get busy here because what we're gonna do is we're gonna get a bunch of poles this size and lower and we're going to come oh that's what happens when you're cleaning your eggplant and the log burns in half cuts out your fire we are going to work our way back and do straight up and down logs all the way back on both sides and after that we are going to get more pine to make it completely insulated and hunkered in more pine bows and we should have a nice beautiful enclosed shelter protected from wind and everything we'll even we can stuff some pine bows in between here so the next step is to get a whole bunch more trees now i think we'll probably need equal amount to what we got up here because that's the maximum length we need these were all double that length every single one of them so if we get about the same amount we'll be good i'm not going to measure them i'm just going to go first off grab all those pieces that i did yesterday i was going to bring those back right now and then we're going to start just bringing back pieces and we will measure as we go so let's get to it monty you want to come with come on monty come on there's no sense poutine over there you can come help me do stuff you know get your booty to work let's go i just decided is that i am going to uh use my little measuring device i'm going to cut it to this size well just above the log here um because i don't want to cut things too short but if i count too long at the end i can just take my saw and run it all the way down and make it perfectly flush so that's not a big deal if it's too long so yeah i'm going to make it the same size here and then we'll do that for like the first five logs and then actually once i do that for five logs and cut them at an angle i'll actually be able to just use those pieces at the end there so it'll save me some work so basically yeah i'll do like the first five six logs actually if i just do it to the halfway and i cut them all in half that would be enough for each side that's what we're gonna do so i'll need let's see one two three four five six seven we'll say 14 logs this length total and that should be pretty close so i've got a few pieces here i'm going to cut my measuring device and then we're going to get to work and then one other thing i want to mention is this morning it was about 8 degrees fahrenheit negative 13 14 celsius and it is currently 10 degrees fahrenheit about negative 12 celsius so a little chilly but i don't notice because i'm working but this guy will get cold if he just sits still and since this whole limp thing we want him to heal fully so i'm not tossing him the stick so i'm just having him waddle his booty around and follow me which he he gets kind of confused but it keeps him warm it's better than him just sitting here which he doesn't mind either way whatever he wants he usually likes to stick with me huh or do you like to discard cap okay let's get to work my team got a big old dead leader i might be able to just oh almost but i've got at least five six pieces in this one tree right here okay here we go this way oh the top's going to snap i'll have to be careful we're going to set this down okay so there's a 90 chance that the top of this tree is going to snap off and it could come back towards me either way i got to be ready to step back and get out of the way in case that does happen which i'm sure it will so i'm just going to be ready for it well the top snapped but it's looking like it's gonna fall that way now the top is connected and it's making it so it's like here i'll just show you see it's broken right there and it's caught up in that tree right there so i'm just gonna keep pushing it this way wiggling it and it's probably gonna eventually snap off and that's probably just not even gonna come down it's gonna get stuck right there but we'll see if i push it this way it could un it could untangle it there but then that piece it would go like this as i push it it would fall backwards towards me so i don't really want that so i'm gonna actually i'll try pulling it this way i'll push it this way and maybe it'll still stay up there [Applause] that was close got out of the way though so that's good oh we're gonna saw this piece let's just yo pick up and lift okay here we go ugh uh [Laughter] hey well it just started to go we're gonna see if we can do this with pinky power pinky knuckle power oh no come on piggy now it needs a push here we go well it broke a little bit hopefully those are the right size pieces [Applause] uh okay [Music] well locks hey mit how's it going buddy oh [Music] dad needs a little sip of water okay so next step is to knock off all the pokies and then we're gonna start standing these guys up and i'm gonna do uh the arbor knot for each log and tie it to this log and the yeah so i'm gonna tie it basically to that log and maybe uh the log next to it so we'll see probably just this ridge pole log is the only one we'll tie it to we'll see but first since our monty's here and he's chillaxin he deserves a special treat isn't that right monty what do you feel about a special treat could it be broccoli could it be bread no silly could it be a raw venison bone of course it is go ahead that's yours so before i knock off all these pokies i'm sure you guys have been wondering hey matthew how do i get my axe to look so destroyed in the axe handle to be so messed up just like your ex well i'm going to tell you how real quick so the first thing you want to do to get your ax digit look just like this all destroyed and mangled is to not put a leather guard on it now what a leather guard is is one of these nice fancy things that uh it goes right here and you tie it on here and this is perfectly made to protect this from any missteps and any hits you do or drop or anything so these are great to have now secondly what you need to do is swing really hard at a solid log and completely miss don't pre you know test your measuring and uh yeah just swing hard and miss and next you just if you have any friends that have never used an axe make sure you let them use your nice expensive really nice axe to test out for their first time swinging and hitting logs because they're bound to make some chips out of it and you get the you get the look you're going for and lastly if you'd like some bonus points how to get some nice dings in the blade of the axe if you're just looking to go the next step you let your friend chop some wood split wood right into a rock dude yeah that sound is just music to my ears so that's how you destroy your axe so hey okay hopefully this goes relatively smooth i am going to pre-make a few of these arbor nuts here let's lay them up here let's start with the biggest one well well the first one needs to be extra long i forgot [Music] okay that's one done now i'm just gonna i'm gonna keep going and i'm gonna i'm gonna cut them flat actually i was gonna cut them at an angle but that doesn't make sense it's just gonna be more sun because it's a bigger distance so i'm just gonna make them flat because it won't really matter so let's get my butt back on here because he just slid off we'll get it from the front angle and we'll start stacking them and sawing them [Music] so i underestimated the amount i would need luckily i've got some extra pieces i just grabbed the most solid ones so i am going to need to use pretty much everything here to get this done but it should go most the way i might not even put a log at the end and just pile a little bit of snow because it's right at the base [Music] so okey dokey we got one final step to complete the shelter oh it is cozy in here monty oh man there's not a ton of room for my backpacking stuff but that's okay um the last step we've got to do is one more load of pine bows and uh put them in the cracks and fill any gaps here and we will have an insulated snug nice little beautiful bushcraft lean-to shelter built in two days well i don't count yesterday's a day i had like one and a half hours or maybe two to work yesterday so it is what it is anyways i am going to go take my sled take monty we're gonna go get those pine bows i'm not gonna record any of it we'll come back here and we'll stick them in and then check it out [Applause] i found another tree that uh it's it was falling down it was almost just as big but it's definitely not the same i grabbed i grabbed some off the original tree but i grabbed a lot more of this uh other tree i found and they're definitely it's a different one must have been a spruce i know there's a way to tell by the pine needles and i remember one's flat and one's more pokey so it's probably this is spruce whatever pine boughs they're trees they're just trees okay so let's decorate our shelter with one final batch of this and then we will show off our shelter all our work so what i like to do is take these and wedge them like this so that it's like a little awning i love doing this so i have enough this time to where i can make it a nice thick awning all the way around so that if snow's falling and we're sitting and i can just sit i can sit out a little bit more from the shelter so that's that's enjoyable go ahead it's your shelter too go ahead pal go ahead that's a nice spotlight okay hi monty are you a boy jessica boy here is the final shelter we've got the uh pine bow awning i stuffed a bunch of them in any major gaps i put some snow up on the walls let's get a little so it goes like that and i just did snow at the end there [Music] put some extra pine bows on the back and i can see no light through it and i pile up snow for all the foot area and then the same thing over here [Music] and that is a solid shelter let's just do one more 360 because i'm i just love it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] that was some work um the sun is just starting to set now so i'm not gonna build a fire reflector this time i don't think it's quite necessary and uh i used up all my materials and i don't feel like getting more right now especially with the sun about to set i've got one last task and i think monty it is time to collect firewood oh jeez okay yeah you want to collect firewood okay okay still cutting on logs [Music] we can get a good boy wow yep well i must say i'm pretty satisfied with the shelter what about you monty he's like you know that would have been fine just no shelter but uh since you made it that's cozy ah so i've only got one final task left to do before all the work for the whole trip is done well well besides going home i've i dragged over a bunch of pieces of uh some some maple trees and i just gotta cut um i'm gonna cut like this long pieces i got some skinny ones and we're gonna make a tripod for cooking dinner tonight um i've never cooked over a tripod you know so we're going to make one up and that way i can keep all these long pieces burning and i don't have to worry about the great grade or anything like that well actually no we're still gonna have to use the great grate but anyways yeah so i'll cut those up and then we will try to make that tripod i've never made one before so i hope i i know what to do i think i know it is back down to 5 degrees fahrenheit negative 14 15 celsius right around there somewhere in there celsius it's it's so close when it gets down to this temperature each degree oh yeah i also wanted to quickly mention uh if you're ever interested in any of the gear i use like the saw the axe the pans the pots all the stuff i use nalgene whatever snow shoes all that stuff it's all down in the description of the video um i've got links to my the all the gear that i buy off of amazon everything like that if it's not down there it's because i haven't updated in a while and sometimes the links don't work but if you click on the link and it goes to an item just retype that item's name in the search bar and it should come back up or just google either way you can find better deals whatever and down in the description also is a link to my instagram there's the website where i sell my stickers and patches and the teespring store where there's shirts and hoodies and i'm actually working on a few more designs for uh shirts and stuff i've got some things in the works that should be pretty fun but uh it'll take some time because i'm not an i'm not a drawing artist i might be a musical artist somewhat but not not far as far as drawing goes i've never made one of these but i remember seeing somewhere how to do it i think i don't really remember perfectly but we're just gonna you know figure it out and hope it works so we're gonna do our normal little arbor knot here to go around the first stick because i like it for tightening and stuff we'll go down about there okay okay so now it's my understanding that you go over under and then back thunder then around this again and then back over and then one more time we'll just use a slide down here okay and then you go back around and then you do it like twice this way and then we'll go here do the same thing over here twice and then uh i'll just i think it'll stay just like that so i'll just tie this off i should be able to just you know hey hey it's gonna work then we're just gonna dangle our pot off of here i'm just gonna wrap this around here because i don't want just dangling into the fire okay now i don't know if that's perfect but uh i think it's definitely gonna work for tonight oh yeah there we go okay i'm just going to take and tie a loop on one end i just you just bend your line over like that and you just wrap it around and come back through just like an overhand knot but with both strings or make it a little bit bigger and just do an overhand knot with both strings essentially there we go we got that side and then we're going to do a teeny little loop on this side i probably should use a bigger string all right so all we're going to do is take our little rope which i should have made longer and i should have put more loops but anyways you make a rope with a bunch of loops and then you take and put that through your little pot and then you just put a stick through your loop just like that and there we go we have got a tripod with a hanging pot oh yeah let's uh i want to put some food in this yeah let's let's let's prepare dinner last night's dinner was super delicious and a first time make um this morning's breakfast was something i've made i've made many a times and i slaughtered it i won't deny it it's okay i still ate it and it still sustained me it just wasn't pretty and it wasn't perfect neither here nor there because it's dinner time we're gonna redeem ourselves tonight because what we are making is eight thai chicken coconut soup oh yeah yeah so i absolutely love a thai coconut cream chicken soup i've eaten it many times but i've never made one for myself so this is going to be a lot of fun there's a lot of ingredients and it's going to take at least an hour hour and a half so let's prepare some ingredients and get cooking it first and foremost let's go with the white onion okay add those into the pot okay then next we've got some mushrooms oh they're frozen god i didn't feel good oh geez it's like a rock wow that's what i get okay we can't we can't do smash rooms today they're rock solid oh geez oh we actually have to slice them these are gonna go off to the side oh man that that was unexpected oh and uh these are like mini portabella mushrooms and you're supposed to use take mushrooms but i forgot and just grabbed my normal mushrooms so that's it is what it is i can't believe how frozen these are these are these are solid oh man then we've got some garlic okay that's going in the pot then we've got some ginger root fresh frozen ginger root i already pre-cut off the skin oh it's frozen okay that's going into the pot and then we've got a thai chili pepper this was actually grown by funk in our garden this summer and uh we froze them whole to keep them and yeah they look pretty good still yeah we just put them in a bag and threw in the freezer and here it is i'm gonna burn my mouth but the flavor is gonna be good okay that's going in the pot okay and then next for me we've gotta prepare up some chives our green onion all right this is going to go into the adding later side and then next we've got a lime slice that in half okay that's all i've really got to prepare for mine we're gonna add a little bit of olive oil to keep that stuff from sticking as it cooks and then one more thing goes in there for now that is a chunk of red curry paste okay so now we're gonna get that cooking in just a second here but we gotta prepare mr monty's so of course what he's gonna get is the rest of his sweet potato we'll just slice that up real quick here okay add that into his little pot here and then of course he's getting the rest of his venison which is frozen solid he might not even get much kibble if any tonight that's a lot in there so we're going to add some water to his get his on the fire and let's get cooking oh yeah i'm excited for this okay let's add our rope back on here now if i need this to get closer to the fire i'll just make i should have made this one longer but it's okay we will just we're just gonna pull the rope through our loop here that's how you're supposed to do it you pull the rope through the loop and then you put the stick there not not just the stick that i just realized that probably wasn't gonna work okay that's going there let's put this stuff off to the side to stay a little warmed up not frozen [Music] that'll just go down there like that okay monty we're cooking okay now we're going to cook it down so these onions are a little bit soft and then we'll add in our next ingredients okay our onions are somewhat translucent some of them are still not fully cooked but you know we're cooking over a fire and we're just doing our best here next we want to add in chicken broth and if you don't got chicken broth like me you just add in water and chicken base and make your own chicken broth i have the chunk of chicken base in with curry powder so it's kind of mixed together [Music] but we added a nice chunk of chicken base in there and then we're gonna add let's see about 10 12 ounces of water will do okay there we go now we're going to bring that up to a simmer simmer that for like an hour we're gonna reposition our tripod slightly just to get this a little bit more over the direct flame a lot of the coals are on this side currently i just remembered a key thing that i forgot that was sitting there and it's a lemongrass and i would use fresh lemongrass but we didn't the stores didn't have any so i just added this little chunk of it i think i wanted to i wanted to add that in when i was simmering things up [Music] but that's okay it's in there now all right i'm gonna need to make a new rope and get this lower because it's not simmering as fast as i want it to so we're definitely going to get it lower and closer the fire here so this little stink pot here um you know i always talk to him because they do and every time he just stands up and comes out to greet me and it's because he can smell his sweet potatoes and venison it's not because he needs to go to the bathroom or anything because i tried to let him go to the bathroom i took it off and he he stands up and he'll like take two steps and then he'll look back at me and then he'll just come lay back down so this little stinker here just wants his food real bad monty you gotta have patience my friend you gotta have patience listen ask yourself this monty has there ever been a time where i didn't feed you ever you know the answer think deep into your mind the farthest reaches of your mind have i ever not fed you and even beyond that haven't i always given you something delicious we're all winter camping come on come on oh yeah temperature inside the shelter was 37 degrees fahrenheit or like three four celsius or what would that be yeah three three celsius something like that so that's pretty warm because it's 5 degrees or negative 14 celsius out there and that's that's a pretty big difference so the you can see the smoke is kind of hitting these and making these move that heat is just kind of radiating and swirling in here let's see if it's still oh yeah 37 or no weight oh no i dropped down to like 32 so it's like zero celsius 32 fahrenheit just at freezing it's freezing in the shelter which is warm and toasty compared to out there which is super freezing all right now we got it simmering here we go when you're dealing with monty's mango mush oh well you got a a monty that wants it real bad the best way is to just mash it with a stick i mean wouldn't you say is the best way to prepare monty oh yeah we'll give you just a little bit of your kibble just because just a just a touch you gotta wait okay monty you're gonna get it you're gonna get it okay you're gonna get it just needs to cool now okay armanti's food is finally ready and uh he's been telling me that he wants it aggressively he's been aggressively asking for his dinner for a while now he's been getting up in my face just like you you give me that food you give me that food right now i'm gonna come and get it i'm gonna come and get it right now okay see this is what i'm dealing with knocking over yeah go ahead yeah it's all you he has just been a pushy one today very pushy food monster over here [Music] so the next thing we're going to add is about the same amount of chicken broth we are going to add coconut cream frozen coconut cream mostly but coconut cream not coconut milk coconut creams was a little thicker more rich more coconutty oh yeah then we're gonna add in our semi thought out mushrooms get those in there we're going to squeeze our lime into here we'll do most of the lime juice we're going to save a little pinch for later when it's almost done then we're going to add in a couple chicken thighs that i diced up at home frozen add those in okay and then we've got some fish sauce we're gonna add in and just because i am who i am and i can i'm gonna add a little black pepper because i add black pepper to everything even though i don't think it's probably supposed to go in there but i don't care now we're gonna wait on salt until we test it out after simmering for a while because um the chicken base is pretty salty okay now we're gonna give this a mix with a stick now somebody was wondering why i make stuff with a stick sometimes and that is because i just added all that raw chicken and until that chicken cooks up a little bit i don't want to get my spatula mixed in with uh you know raw chicken and then touch my spatula later and yeah i just i just keep it separate until the chicken cooks up a little bit i'm going to use a stick okay now that needs to heat up and simmer for a while but we need to get something else going okay we've got to get our rice going i love some rice with some chicken coconut soup cream thai chicken coconut soup cream thai whatever i've got a half cup of rice here i use a white parm broiled rice in rich rice i don't think it needs washing and then i've got the perfect amount of water pre measured in this okay so we need to bring this up to a boil and then let it simmer for a good 20 minutes and we need to be careful because this is a hot fire and we don't want to burn it so we're going to bring out the great grate so it has one side that can boil and then one side will be better suited for simmering oh that's a little unstable okay all right that's ready i mean this is just gonna have to be good there's just too many ingredients for this to not be delicious that's just the fact of the matter all he wants to do is play i get that you want to play come here oh don't bounce too much come on come here come here guy i'm going to get you i'm going to get you oh simmer down super down down oh you got a piece of bark you got a piece of park i know you want to play a stick i get it i know i know i get it monty i get it you don't understand you're you're coming off of a big injury and we don't want to test the fates we're already testing it by letting you camping stuff mister and i know you want to play with the stick here you can throw it two feet away that's all we got that's all in there okay don't bounce so much okay all right i know you want to play i want to play two we just need to get another month so you heal okay all right come here so i am completely sold on the tripod this is great for any stews soups anything like that um i've been able to just easily move the tripod around like if i if i want it to go lower right now all i got to do bam just like that and now it's that much lower um you know i've got the the rope i can make little hooks uh when the flame moves from this fire i just i move the whole tripod over easily so with the grates you know when you're grilling meats and stuff and pastas that's a little different you have to have those and you scrape coals under that but this i can just easily follow the flame wherever it goes to make it work for what i need i don't know i might have already burnt it a little bit but that's okay we're getting so close now as soon as that rice is done i know that chicken's got to be done any second and then we've just got to add in a few more ingredients we're going to add the rice to the soup because that's how we're going to do it and we're going to eat it's happening i'm excited i am so ready to put in a hot soup with some rice in my belly right now oh jeez dang it no i just lost some rice dang it all right it's done it's done after that travesty i don't care anymore the meal is done let's finalize this baby let's finalize it all right so we are going to add in what's left of our rice which is most of it and it's actually pretty perfectly cooked look at that we don't have any burnt to the bottom oh yeah give that a little stir oh yeah okay now we've got some other squeeze of fresh lime juice and some coconut sugar then we're adding our green onions and last but not least one of my favorite ingredients we're going to add in some fresh cilantro i love cilantro oh yeah okay let's just stir that in oh yeah that is gonna be so good let's just take a little make sure there's not everything's good oh my gosh oh okay that is so good oh let's eat let's eat what's that ah i need my gloves oh my gosh i am so excited to eat this right now it is probably way too hot for me oh i haven't had a good thai coconut chicken soup in so long it it seems like it's so hot all right we're gonna we're gonna turn on the other camera light oh this is a little too much soup for me to eat but guess what it can freeze tonight because it's like four degrees fahrenheit and uh i can eat it tomorrow this is gonna burn my mouth but it's gonna be so good let's just before we before we dive in uh it was hot this is so good you can taste all the cilantro and the uh the hint of lime and it's not like overpowering coconut cream it's a little spicy but ah it's pretty hot i need to just give it a minute according to the paste that i'm eating this at i'm going to destroy this whole bowl and i'm going to eat it all um the spiciness is catching up to me but anyways this one's good um i'm gonna finish eating here i'm gonna clean up camp do everything i gotta do and we're gonna get tucked in and get ready for bed so i'll check back in with you guys when it's sleepy time uh my bad i'm sorry i'm sorry this is who i am this is who i am all right his stinkiness come on come on i know you're getting all rambunctious yeah don't get down don't don't give me kisses no don't do it all right lay down oh that's just a good boy you just sat perfect i'm gonna scoot you back so that you're extra tucked away inside your sleeping bag i think this guy knows the drill he might just know the drill it has to be zipped all the way bunty i can't stop farting okay it's time to settle in with our monty it's a cool uh oh actually you know we need to go check the temp real quick i don't know what it is it's a cool three or four degrees fahrenheit or negative 16 celsius i don't know why i didn't get those little cheapo thermometers before but yeah it's kind of nice and having one in here what's in here let's see real quick real quick it is 20 degrees fahrenheit or negative eight or nine celsius inside here so a little bit of a temperature difference but it's cold outside but we should be cozy we're not gonna feel any wind we're not gonna have any snow come on us uh yeah it's nice and we're gonna have our little kind of our body heat next to each other but anyways i am ready to pass out i am satisfied i am tired all the stuff it is time to sleep so i will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody uh good morning oh it's cold outside we're gonna unwrap the gift and it's a monty present hi monty buddy hi my turn oh hi fine that's a good boy look at you it's a new day oh oh are you swimming in your sleeping bag i have limited battery i've got just the batteries that uh are surviving i'm like recycling my batteries i ran through all my batteries so this is probably gonna go pretty quick here um this one's got one bar and i've got a few left so we're gonna get up here put some players on i slept pretty good last night it's definitely chilly this morning but uh yeah not a lot of battery life left no so monty you're ready to get up or do you just want to keep sleeping you look like you just want to keep sleeping you just want to keep sleeping don't you don't you i bet you do oh stop it stop licking my hand you creepy tongue there you are hi hi critter whoa whoa whoa sarah hey come here come here bouncy bunny [Applause] oh man talk about creamy coconut soup last night i had some creamy coconut farts there were some exquisite smells coming out of my sleeping bag well i was trapped in there with them they added warmth so i didn't really mind but yeah is what it is take it or leave it you leave anything in the shelter monty and get lanterns [Applause] quickly take all this firewood here and toss it underneath the shelter so it stays dry for the next time we come out which is hopefully this winter hey monty definitely would like to come back that just depends on how much snow we get too much snow and we've got a very long hike to get into here what he's a little chilly once you take off all your layers so that you can hike and build up a warmth and uh yeah balance ah okay well looks like we got all our stuff hey monty hi jeff fun did you have fun buddy come here come here oh don't bounce so much you crazy you're crazy okay so out of 10 dslr batteries we are on our last the last life of our last and 10th battery yeah so we are barely making it hopefully we can get these last few shots without any hiccups so i actually had a lot of fun yesterday if it seemed like i didn't really want to cook breakfast or anything yesterday i i wasn't i was like 50 50 on breakfast because i really did want to get the shelter finished i was like excited to do so um i had the idea in mind and it turned out just like i had envisioned and i was super impressed with it i'm excited hopefully i can come back and we'll get some snow on here and it'll kind of we'll see what it does and yeah i'd love to come back out here but uh we cooked some delicious food pizza that was good breakfast butchered that but that soup i'm gonna definitely make that again so uh yeah had some fun and now we've got to hike back to the car hey monty so as always if you like the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button and i will catch you guys at the next video let's go monty [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 1,395,863
Rating: 4.8025074 out of 5
Keywords: camping, bushcraft, winter camping, bushcrafting, survival, shelter, shelter building, adventure, adventurer, backpacking, backcountry, backcountry camping, wilderness, wilderness area, wilderness camping, wild camp, bushcraft shelter, survival shelter, campfire, campfire cooking, dog, dog training, outdoor education, outdoor recreation, wilderness living, nikon, canada, nature, bushcraft skills, nature skills, outdoorsman, survivor man, camping dog, extreme weather, cold weather, cold camp
Id: tohDkRm9yN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 160min 38sec (9638 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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