6 Nights of Extremely Cold Winter Camping in a Hot Tent (-40F / -40C Degrees)

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[Music] dangerous wind chills of 35 to 50 below zero are expected early this morning wind chills will slowly climb to 20 to 30 below zero this afternoon before falling into the 40 to 50 below zero range once again tonight [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] oh yeah tidbit nipply this morning a little Frosty eyelashes there foreign foreign [Music] [Applause] foreign ladies and gentlemen I am out with Mr Jake's key guy and our buddy Ken and we are doing a six night Wilderness Adventure in the winter in extreme cold temperatures uh this is a re-recording because I forgot to plug in my mic on the initial recording of this so my voice is being dubbed over right now so like I said the temperatures are going to be extremely cold I'm just going to put the forecast on the screen right here so today's high is going to be a warm negative 7 Fahrenheit which is about negative 22 celsius and with wind chill it's going to get around negative 38 Fahrenheit which is about negative 40 Celsius the low for tonight is negative 27 Fahrenheit and that is about negative 33 Celsius so it's going to get bitterly cold and a little spoiler is the weather gets a little a little bit colder as the week goes on it doesn't warm up to quite as much it says anyways so it's extremely cold and with that in mind I want to say safety is our number one priority this trip if someone gets two feet colder feet and they can't feel their feet or can't feel their fingers we're going to move them out if someone gets the injury we're going to make sure we're prepared to leave and change our plans today right now we are planning on doing a loop going from Lake to Lake and going all around different areas setting up a different campsite every two nights but our plans are subject to change because like I said safety is the number one priority of this trip because I've never done something like this camping in this Colder Weather neither has Jake and this is Ken's first time ever winter camping So the plan right now is to hike six to seven miles to get to our Lake for the evening that's the plan place and we'll see if we get there we might change plans might stop somewhere else and uh well we got an early start today so we'll see if we get to it and we'll hopefully we'll get to where we're looking for so let's get to it oh I also wanted to mention that all of our travel is going to be across Lakes and then we're going to be going through Portage trails so we're gonna have short hikes to the woods on trails in between Lakes but the rest of it's going to be across Lakes Ken can feel his feet again yeah woohoo yeah we're there now sweet huh yeah I'm filming did you want to ask are you filming yeah yeah the most wonderful thing about these Porter Trails is just the teeny inclines they're just wonderful oh yeah going across the Lakes no problem going up this 50 feet of incline probably as much work as going across the whole lake yeah oh look at all that beautiful delicious perfect I could just grab it it's just you ever take a poop and it freezes solid into a rock before it hits the ground no no hello you're gonna my first lesson I learned is that Plastics break easy that's my tripod and the top snapped off right when we got out of the car so that's wonderful yeah Jake's got something to hopefully fix that up otherwise I got duct tape but yeah we're at our first snack breaking money it feels good in the Sun feels real good but the fog I'm breathing out is clogging up my lenses and it's freezing solid oh we got Pure Blue Skies blue skies all our snacks are frozen it's just like eating rocks or popsicles granola popsicles also if you're wondering about any of the gear I'm using in this video on this trip there is going to be a link up on the left you can check out I did a detailed video a couple weeks ago about everything I brought there's a couple extra things I packed last minute you'll see them throughout the trip but other than that up down up there on the left or check the video description for links to most stuff [Music] [Applause] foreign no [Laughter] you're just gonna do the same first thing here we go not mine though so we're on our second Portage of the uh day so far and uh you know for as much work as we're doing the most work of all is these teeny little uphill portions now I know it don't look like much you can see Jake up ahead the top but man are these little Hills work because this sled it slides great on a flat ground or anything flat and packed or anything like that but second you start pulling it up a hill it's so slick it just wants to slide backwards so you definitely need a breather in between every single one of these little uphills we're at a this Portage is a mile and a third and I think we're two-thirds of the way done with it so once we're done with this we're a little over halfway for our goal for the day and it looks like we might make it all the way oh it always amazes me hearing these little birds out here in this freezing cold just imagine how they survive I can't really see where they're at they're up in these trees somewhere whereas we heard a few birds already it's just crazy to think about you never hear Too Much wildlife in winter but these little birds you can hear them oh no just say then there's the other side of the climbs is the downhill where especially when they're ahead it's a packed Trail and my sled is slick so I gotta be careful pretty much just letting it holding it next to me kind of running into the side like that to stop it and then right here I let it go first but you can't let it whoa oh just gotta be careful because if it just it just goes running it'll pull me down with it that right there is a pretty sight yeah oh yeah that looks cold out there all right we're gonna take a little break and then we gotta go straight across here all right onward we go [Music] the snow in this lake is so cold and wind blown we're not even sinking in a centimeter I mean it's hard packed because it's just so bitterly cold it's freezing the snow it is just a beautiful sight out here but it is cold don't let it fool you the sun is out and it's blue skies but if you spend a lot of time in winter you know that means bitter cold temperatures clear skies cold nights yeah anytime I take this thing off it freezes instantly so let's see if we can just capture it count down from 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1. it's frozen it's frozen look at that yeah freezes pretty much instantly we are feeling it now yeah I don't know what five miles deep we got to go to that low point in the Horizon there that's that's our next spot 21 hard water truck brought to you by CarMax brought to you by CarMax these Hips Don't Lie right here Colton no you're gonna make me do all the work because I ain't gonna stop until I'm roasted in a hot tent all right it's a warm negative 7R you just I got this temperature read Around hanging on my backpack which is what negative 22 fair or Celsius negative seven Fahrenheit so and I get a 22 or negative 5 or negative seven uh Fahrenheit looks like yeah negative 20 Celsius the warmth yeah it's a warm negative seven Jake's saying yeah be cold plus when you feel that wind in your face we just took a snack break we just came from that far end and then like a hooked back that way it is starting to drop the temperature's starting to drop it's below negative 10 Fahrenheit now so we snacked up I got a new layer on and we got a mile to go to get to our Lake for the evening we're doing a porridge right now then we gotta cross one more Lake one more Portage we're on our Lake and then we got to get to it we've got we've got about three hours of light left so mile to go three hours we should be able to get there with at least an hour and a half of light to hopefully at least an hour and a half at least an hour to set up everything so onward we must continue that way Mr Jake says we've got what we think is pine marten tracks two of them look at that they're pretty fresh I think so we think it's pretty cool we got some kind of Little Critter that went down the trail there and you can see it made a little track in the night we think it's an otter because it went right into the water and there's no more track we're right there otter I think it's an otter or beaver [Applause] otter Jake just kicked up a rough Grouse he was buried in this hole and then he took off and you can see his little these are little marks made by his wings when he took off it's pretty cool looking it's almost like a face like that's an eye that's an eye you know you see it it's like a face going like ah with your tongue out kind of nah oh yeah we made it guys foreign we made it home all right no we're gonna go for an island spot we think yeah so we're gonna check out we're gonna get to our camp we've got an hour two hours of sunlight by the time we get to Camp hour and a half so we're gonna get there and get right to work setting up camp because it's starting to get cold well it's been freezing cold all day let's be honest nah dude let me look at Jake's face no dude I I think we hit a high of 32 Fahrenheit yeah zero cells it was it was freezing just at freezing we had a warm negative seven today it was a real scorcher oh man we got Jake you can see he's disappearing we've got this teeny little Peninsula that ends right there and me and Ken are going to go around and uh Jake's just gonna cut through because he doesn't want to walk any further we've decided to take a small detour that because that we can see through Ken's turning into kensky guy Jake made it through just fine apparently so he gambled in one we just said something funny and Jake cracked a smile but his face didn't change because it's frozen it's the same expression no matter what I'm not okay so what we're gonna do is we're gonna Camp right here on the water's edge because it's flat and uh yeah that's a nice spot and we'll be protected from North winds kind of the West so what we're gonna do is we've all got jobs right now and we want to get camp set up because we're running out of light it's getting cold we are tired hungry and thirsty so me and Jake are gonna work on setting up the hot tent I think Jake's gonna collect Big Steaks I'm gonna get little steaks and start flattening out the ground packing it Ken's gonna be on firewood Duty once we get the tent up we're gonna get a fire going ASAP and then we're all gonna work on getting firewood getting a big old pile for the night and once we have enough firewood then we're gonna sit down relax and eat some food so we'll see how much this I record all right I got that fire in the sky Sun just set gonna get dark and cold now keeping the wood in the ground and just bury them so but first we gotta tap down the ground they hold they hold they hold yeah cool it's gonna work can I get two like uh three feet long two and a half three feet long kind of four inch diameter log to put under the stove so it doesn't like slip down oh yeah oh my God touching this with your bare hands holy crap the Asian past metal repair hands right now holy crap no that was a such a bad idea okay with me um we're about to get this up and oh my anchors run out bro all right the tent is not perfectly set up and I'm not going to mess around with fire still but we want to get this stove going Hey Jake can you work on this upper corner so when the snow gets hot it doesn't like burn the canvas right by where the stove is over here yeah some of them are definitely going to be short there's more paracord in my uh my little thing [Music] let the hot tinting kind of begin huh okay I have not been recording much because it has been frigid and we needed to get to work so basically what we got going on here is right now it doesn't even look like my camera's working very well it's so cold we'll see what it's recording but it needs to get warmed up so anyways we had to do snow uh uh we'll do snow anchors and we did it we had to put some logs with a little we cut a little slit and uh yeah we got it all set up and she's working but we needed to get warm so I wasn't about to record anything we got Ken and Jake working hard in firewood I'm about to jump in and help as soon as I'm done recording this clip fire is going before I shut her off and we get all done with everything let me show you the temperature [Applause] this is where [Applause] the true craziness is so since I recorded last was probably like four hours ago a lot has happened so basically when the sun went down and we got to camp it was no longer hey we're just hiking and staying warm it was it's getting bitter cold and we need shelter we're exhausted and starving and uh yeah we didn't fool around there was no time for recording we well let's just show you we got a pile of firewood just a big old pile of firewood we got extra firewood there's even more outside um right now what we got for dinner is Jake's chili he just pre-made this because we knew we're gonna have a day like today and I've got a big old pot of chili he made some he brought some bread put some swiss cheese in it uh and some butter and yeah we got all the firewood down this hot tent set up it's barely cold it's it's around negative three probably lower but it's time to eat my earplugs are rocks up so yeah it's cold um I'll go outside we'll try to check the temperature I still gotta get all my sleep stuff in here but we put up a real hard team effort to get all the firewood chopped the tent set up and yeah now we're just gonna try to stay warm this is a Next Level cold yeah and I'm exhausted I know everyone else is exhausted and we came up with a nickname for Ken these chainsaw Ken this is chopping one or solid wood like a madman Jake's already got a nickname he loves his nickname it's Jake ski guy so anyways yeah I'm gonna shut this camera up we'll go check the try to check the tap outside and I'm gonna get my stuff together and I'm probably not even gonna say much but we're gonna pass out because this has been a long day very long day this was a trying day I've never done anything like this this is this is the this is uh yeah this is intense this is Extreme but uh still had fun all day it got a little a little work heavy at the end he called it's at least negative 30 Fahrenheit oh that's cold I hope that picked that up you can't even see it on there anyways I'm just uh getting my stuff ready and uh we're done eating the Stars aren't like crazy it's bitter cold uh we're all taking rotations keeping the fire going basically I'm gonna try my best to wake up and put wood in but if I let it go out everyone else is gonna have to be on board but uh I also gotta set up my sleep stuff it's way too late I'm way too exhausted and I'm gonna check out with you guys here because they're already getting ready for bed and passing out I don't wanna keep them working longer so long day A little unorthodox but it was extremely cold today so anyways guys I will check with I'm gonna get ready for bed and pass out so I'll catch you guys in the morning [Music] [Laughter] yeah oh we're getting old we survived we all survived the night I don't want to go anywhere now we made it my knees are sore Jake Jake's around the night he's gonna stay like that for six days now Ken made it yeah his face got cold see my eyelids were freezing I thought my eyeball I had to drink my eyeballs are gonna freeze over well we'll find a way to zero at the floor at some point it was it was definitely cold to the floor I'm just happy I mean yesterday was our most challenging day ever yeah different ways you know yeah different ways that was just like the only thing that was terrible about or like pressing about yesterday is like if we didn't get enough firewood if we didn't get the shelter set up we would probably die we had a monster hike in and then we had to go straight to work well it's not composed when you burst it ahead on tuscarish I was like you know Smiles never seems like a lot but in the winter but it is I knew it I just compared it to the the few times we've done like three miles or something I just know I just remember how much it's terrible I'm just like oh pulling those sleds and I knew that this trip we were all gonna have extra heavy sleds with all that extra food weight and all those extra things when you're seeing at the negative 27 in the forecast you're just like I'm gonna pack this too I'm gonna pack this too I feel like if we say it was negative 27 Fahrenheit that was being generous it was it was colder than that and that was like did I stepped outside to pee this morning in my wool shirt that I have on instantly frosted over oh no oh I'm gonna give it a solid negative 32 Fahrenheit this morning if I had if I had to guess from all the time I've spent camping in negative 30-ish Fahrenheit you haven't how can you tell the difference between like negative 10 Fahrenheit negative 20 and negative 30 like it's just so cold [Music] it just gets so cold it's true it's like there's a there's a spot where it surpasses and it's just like yep I guess yesterday when you breathe then real deep like you could just feel it feel your uh bronchioles just freeze over yeah your inside's freezing So the plan for the day is to just recoup relax and figure out our lives Jake's making some coffee Ken's warming up his feet I got some water going for coffee yeah it's just a recoup day it's kind of toasty sitting near this but you get over where Jake is there's probably like a 30 degree difference between us right here yeah so oh we'll go when I get the courage in like a few hours from now we'll go outside and like re-show what the camp looks like and where we're at but yeah it's gonna be a little bit here of just relaxing oh also last night I needed to wake up every hour and put wood in I wanted to keep these guys warm Jake put wood in twice I contributed you contributed but it's good every hour yeah well I wanted to make sure the coals didn't get small I wanted this to stay well I mean anything less than that my face got really cold too yeah so we'll need to be doing that the next two nights oh we've got a deer oh it's eating my Snowshoe oh I ran away oh he's chasing the tear s oh oh foreign that was a great show Ken bravo bravo I don't I love the chili even if he gave me heartburn can you go through poses got some hot coffee for you it's true hey look at that I'm making coffee we made it through the night Life's good Life's good right now before the coffee because you know we're new we're going to be having some rough times and we got a little Bailey's that's right Bailey's and coffee do you have a drink Bailey's from a nail Jean before I'm old poser my downstairs what's up hey how you doing I'm doing a model shoot it's called negative negative 30 Fahrenheit hot tenting it's the magazine so we're just discussing how crazy it is being just camping in here but we're comfortable I mean on the hike end uh the wind chills we're out in that Lake uh it was it said the wind chills were negative 38 and you could feel it it was by the time we went across that big lake um I've you know the weirdest thing is when I'm hiking it was you know wind chills to negative 38 yesterday and I wear the same thing as if I was hiking you know or canoe camping in the fall at like 30 degrees I wear that black jacket with one thin layer of smart well this is where I wore all day same thing so what is that temperature swing it's like 70 degrees almost so the temperature swing but after we went across that Lake it like sucked the heat from my body and I had to wear the sweatshirt for the first time ever I went hiking in the sweatshirt and I didn't not a drop of sweat after that Lake when I was hiking this I just had to get warm back up but my uninsulated Muck Boots kept me going my toes only got cold right at the end and then I had a little last night where I stand around Gathering fire where they got a little bit chilly kind of went a little numb so I had to come in here and heat them up but Ken here did not bring a spoon but I figured we're going to spend some time in the hot tent so I brought my carving tool and he is going to carve himself a spoon I'm curious to see what he comes up with he's got the carving kit I was actually sent this carving kit by a subscriber and I got a multi-tool that my dad gave me it's a carving tool for like a birthday gift you put it in soupy foreign oh yeah look at that he's oh he's got the bowl in there flip her over again oh oh god oh yeah it's just he's making a stirring spoon spoon thing nice job thanks my fart stinks once again tonight a winch warning is in effect until 9 A.M this morning with wind chill advisory is thereafter wind chill warnings will likely be needed once again tonight now the extended outlook for look for Sundays and Friday dangerous wind chills of 40 to 50 below zero are expected Sunday morning wind chills will arrive to 20 to 35 below zero during the afternoon and may get colder than 40 below zero Sunday night into Monday morning it's tubed reload to six below zero Northwest winds 5 to 10 miles per hour that's up to 20 miles per hour late in the morning wind chill values to 40 below eight in the morning 35 to 50 below zero are expected early this morning values to put in the morning before 40 below 43 below zero range once again tonight show value City below Sunny okay so you heard the weather radio uh wind chills negative 50 . um you know might not get to that it either way uh we're changing plans a little bit we are no longer continuing on with that Loop uh we are thinking that sitting here is our best bet staying where we're already set up I mean we've got a pile of firewood and we got enough to maybe make it through till tomorrow night but either way we are going to get a lot more firewood because right now the hot tent is our Saving Grace so yeah we're just gonna make lots of firewood pretty much that's all we're gonna do each day we're gonna do some fishing Jason do some fishing a lot of relaxing but uh yeah this is crazy cold it's colder than we were expecting that's for sure we plan this trip but um you know they drove 22 hours 24 hours or so to get here I had to drive eight so when we set the dates that's all we could work with and uh you know it just got colder every day so uh yeah So the plan right now is we're cleaning up dishes uh Jake's working on we're gonna put some snow walls around the tent here get a little warmer just kind of more added insulation collect a lot of firewood I think Jake's gonna set up a tip up here and go for a Laker or something a pike Maybe and uh yeah stay warm but I need to get on that sun because I'm working up poop I didn't poop yesterday and it's gonna happen soon look at that pile far away we got like whole pieces nice seasoned big split chunks whole pile of kindling in case we need to start a fire but uh yeah and it goes all around we got a nice pile but we still need lots more for the week oh huh it's really not so bad out here hey dude you got our watering hole chainsaw Kim's at it again yeah it's beautiful out it's actually way warmer than I thought it was gonna be it doesn't even feel that cold really it's like a warm negative 50 windchill I know there's no way to make a 50 windshield right now so here's our humble abode Jake right now is working on Gathering snow so let's just go over what we did last night so for staking out the tents and we we figured this out we kind of all figured out last night because we had no snow to work with going down there's only like six to eight inches it's all wind blown and packed so we use snow anchors um we got ropes tied to a loop and we got a stick and you stomp it down and put some snow at the top and stomp it down and they stay put so what we did is we did Snow anchors for the bottom Loops which is eight and then there's the same thing up here eight of those so we found out was happening with the the top ones worked fine but the bottom ones when we staked them out we have long ropes um when we lifted up the center pole the bottoms just lifted up so what we found worked is we did the snow anchors on the top and the four corners and then we stick a log and then we cut a little slit here and it raises these Corners up and it pushes down whatever was getting pulled up and then we piled snow so we just did that all around the whole outside and now you know we've got the corners pulled up with the logs and it works pretty good I mean if these start to wobble at all so if like with winds hitting them you just bring them down and they end up you know they can stay with some wind they work pretty good works pretty dang good so the next step Jake wants to insulate our walls better because we're gonna still have frigid temperatures just as cold as last night for the next pretty much the rest of the trip but the coldest are tonight and tomorrow night we think are going to be colder than it even was last night so we're putting snow around the hole to protect from some wind and it'll kind of keep the draft from going so I've got to take care of my two-day poo and then I'm gonna start helping these guys we got to get to work and get more firewood gathered and you know keep moving and we're having fun still don't let uh last night's little exhaustion uh whole thing worry uh we're still having fun yeah this is great still and this is just beautiful out here okay before I start working and building the shelter Jake set up a couple tip-ups or one for Ken and him and I feel like jigging for a lake trout so I'm gonna drill a hole here [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we're going to give it like 20 minutes and if I don't catch one I'll fish later so I got a little kamuki smart fish bluegill color we're just gonna try it out [Music] yeah we're gonna start near the bottom and then we'll work our way up [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] we got our little wood production factory going [Music] more firewood right pretty much all the firewood all the firewood that's the theme of the trip I'm working on making a little saw horse since we're going to be processing here for a few more days all right I'm sick of sitting on my psoriasis knees and the snow Sun so I'm making a saw horse right here we've got a little Arbor knot going I'm just going to run through we'll do about right there so I'm gonna make two tripods essentially to lay the logs on so I can stand up and saw foreign [Music] like this [Music] to go bear head and it's only a cold negative five today for a high Fahrenheit so or warm warm is it warm negative five uh on the high end you mean yeah is it I'm just asking if it's a warm negative five oh it's a warm negative five okay oh I forgot about my Crocs they were so Frozen yesterday did you know you could eat Crocs yeah I did you can chunk them up and boil them down I heard I have yet to test that one all right and I'm just gonna tie this nut off and we've got one I'm gonna do the same to the other one then we're gonna stand them up see if we can lay some logs on them [Music] it's great it's a great stop um you only made one huh what you talking Willis [Music] yeah p-core is definitely much and you're in this situation yeah it's a little loosey-goosey but yeah he's gonna stick it in the snow I see let's go with this one no not the big one why dude it'll work great I don't think so why you know I'm trusting your problem I don't hey hey hey I'll test her Out Boy give me that oh Jake I didn't do that Jake stop it Jake all we can do well when they're long like that oh no wait Jake stop you gotta test it out stop it Jake wouldn't you just I think you wrapped it wrong um I might have wrapped it poor I've only made one one time and held it up with soup what's going on here [Music] [Applause] here let me let me see it I wasn't gonna go like this I set it up for this end so you like this you can you should be able to get off all you should have to do and go like that yeah works like this you just put pressure right here nice I think that's all you had to do okay brought to you by Vaseline we're putting on close the tripod also known as baby needs posa come on we built these tripods proposing these can't handle Vietnam anymore they didn't cross my tripod all right just be gentle don't slam it down foreign [Music] which one's going out um I'm not sure do it again I mean you don't need that much weight are we making a pull-up bar a gymnastics bar hey Ken Bushcraft we need to do a Bushcraft pull-up bar we just need longer poles how is that did I break it no oh this one held though my name's Ken Browning and this is the steam experiment brought to you by CarMax [Music] it worked pretty good [Music] thank you thank you [Music] thank you foreign we're securing after my fall off the you know when I was messing around so we've got water Frozen the Paracord has got water and it's frozen and Ken's putting some bracing in the bottom but we've got our first Camp tool that we'll use the rest of the trip and uh yeah it's gonna be pretty solid we're gonna do some gymnastics off it I brought him a hot 10 Crocks but they're so Frozen they can't use them so uh oh come on it's not gonna work in theory it was gonna work but the more I try the less I'm succeeding I know I could easily split this without the crock that's not that's not the point [Music] oh that feels like a little more power [Music] foreign hey it worked all right the sun is getting close to Sutton so we are going to go do some evening jigging for some lake trout good old Larry's let's do it we got some moose tracks these must have been from yesterday and they go right out that way just past Camp over there and yeah that must have been last night or this morning you can see camp way over there and we got a Ken coming this way it's cold [Music] it's silent out here eh [Music] not with you talking it was we got Mr chirping over here negative uh almost negative 30 negative 28 or something Celsius they're showing yeah it's a little cold and it's gonna get colder Sun's just sitting now all right let's get into the tent okay it is time to cook up some dinner and what we are making for dinner today it's fire roasted Italian sausage pasta stuff thing and it's gonna be good so the first thing we got to do is get some Italian sausage sizzling okay we're just gonna break this up with a stick because why not okay we gotta prepare a couple things we got some garlic we're gonna Chunk Up which was completely Frozen thawed and that was kind of mushy but that's okay you know when you're camping in these slightly cold temperatures you gotta you know adjust the depth adapt and overcome adapt and overcome okay move that off to the side next we're gonna throw in half a white onion which is definitely Frozen in the center oh 100 percent that's chilly oh yeah it's it's it's frozen so we're gonna get that nice yeah we're gonna add in some garlic now and our onions oh yeah oh no never mind it's Browning oh yeah there we go that's the color we're looking for a little brown one no color no flavor let's let's add the next step yeah we've got a Nalgene full of fire roasted tomatoes let's just add that on in we're gonna add it some heavy whipping cream definitely some ice chunks in there [Applause] okay then we need some salt not too much salt not too little salt just right I'm on black pepper and this one's got a 50 50 mix of oregano and basil foreign oh yeah so we're just going to give this a stir and bring this to a similar let the simmer for a little bit simmer down thicken up and then we're gonna eat it oh like cracking in Jake's like you guys got to bring it up every time okay we've got a big pot on here for boil it's getting close to the water for boiling and now this is pretty good so we're going to add in one last ingredient we've got some fresh Frozen thought gross looking parsley it was like baked or cooked spinach it does it does look like cooked spinach add a little bit of that in there all right red bottle oh yeah he wants his bottle back bottle back bottle back bottle back bottle back bottle back bottle back bottle back Jake y's got his bottle back okay this water has been sitting on here for about 30 minutes plus and it's not boiling we just got some bubbles in the bottom so we've all agreed that we don't care we're just throwing the cavatappi noodles in no Cooks they'll cook enough because we hungry all right Ken's just drain the noodles and then we are eating oh yeah this one's your eating out of Ken yep I feel like you're gonna have some healthy servings of that oh yeah thinking I wasn't recording the whole time when I served up their food it made it look all delicious well oh well oh yeah slight garnish of just mangled wet Frozen parsley if anybody else wants some feel free sure why not hey and then a Sprinkle of cheese fresh parmesan not fresh parmesan but grated Parmesan oh yeah okay let's see it would be nice with a little chunk of bread could have made up some Bannock that looks so hot to try watch your foot real quick oh why are you slow down weight bud I'm hungry yeah every time I can't help myself okay I feel like I didn't get to properly eat yesterday I just like shoveled food in my face I was like incoherent when I was eating your chili yesterday what time did you finally go to bed yeah that's a good question we didn't go I don't know it's 11 30. I oh I crawled in like one no wait I think I got to bed at one oh my God yeah yeah I felt better be the same here soon I feel like I was keeping you guys up but you know she's not putting my earplugs and I was out I kept dropping stuff accidentally I knew Jake I don't even know if you noticed no yeah I'm feeling what you're feeling kinda just like full they're still you're right I guess I could just sit outside freeze it and have lunch oh finish this up and then we're getting ready for bed okay we're all getting settled and ready for bed I am about to crawl my bag and pass out so I will catch you guys in the morning good night everybody it's another day in paradise boys [Laughter] me and Jake got a huge argument see I think it was negative 27 last night and he thinks it was negative 28. and you know I actually thought it was negative 26. yeah oh negative 26 so are you guys getting these readings well you you kind of just get a feeling for it once you camping it for a few days you can really tell when it's this one negative degree more than the other your camera looks nicer than mine jeez making my camera look sad sorry time good it's 20 degrees no yeah in that corner yeah that's pretty good it's pretty cold out for this corner dude I'm telling you yeah that's the coldest corner of the tent up there though down here it's colder it's definitely colder down lower yeah yeah he's like yeah I'll admit it now the store the first night too or just last night I don't know what was the first thing yeah I don't know either I was so dead but yeah last night it was funny I'm sorry nah dude that's why I said to bring earplugs sun's coming up so we've got tasks for today probably include get more firewood and then operation fill the floor we're melting down the ice I've never sent the hot tent on Ice before so we're gonna need to fill in some snow because we don't want to get down to the uh ice and have just a wet sloppy pit in here that's what we got going on this morning or today oh yeah fix it from getting sloppy drill a hole and start fishing think about how nice this would be it looks like a messy [Music] what do you mean it's beautiful it's so messy this is our home and how dare you say that yeah humble abode yeah this is our this thing is keeping us alive it really is Ken how's your spoon thank you I burned a home through it I try to burn it's too hot the soup was just now you can really see how wonderful it is in here can I have a swig of that brown stuff that Baileys that's a good one you're sitting in there yeah you know you want some in there you gotta have your morning Bailey's from a Nalgene all right this thing is I I can't even hold this is so hot turns out hot water's hot [Music] what about hot food is it hot according to your videos yeah it looks like it but apparently you don't realize that silly bit this moment brought to you by hot ignite hot ignite wow all right bacon and pancakes for breakfast we got a frozen 12 ounces of bacon right here just anyway let's just [Music] that's how you cook bacon right there oh it is burning on the stove oh no don't do that Jake I'm just trying to have a good time I wonder if the cold air is pouring in it is what is it can you read the uh the gauge out there negative 20. past it Pat is past negative 20. oh negative 20 Fahrenheit so what does that Celsius that's negative 30 Celsius negative 28 so something like that sugar oh sure here you go that's cold now it's out dude yeah I gotta go out there there's the tent hey hey how's it going all right so now that it's dropped and we've got the door Bud all right you dropped the temp in here about 50 degrees I need to go back to my sleep bag my special treat special treaters OJ concentrate not bad we're gonna make it sweet Christmas tree I got all the lights we need I got a Santa suit we can make Jake Santa Jake Frozen around Christmas that's true yeah you're right we come out in canoes yeah because [Applause] Ken's got some uh keto pancakes because we're trying to watch our figures just trying to keep in that ketosis buddy yeah all right go we're definitely in ketosis last night with a pound of noodles look at that flavor in that one look at this yeah yummy does your spoon hold in the liquid let me give me a little oh it does hey it works yeah even the big hole in the middle isn't stopping it 10 seconds no not five seconds oh we're having pancakes and bacon and oh Jay can you guys clear out your mug so I can give you some OJ oh yeah oh ooh wow 30 feet drop um I have a fork here this is gonna be the tester that's how big of a Ken you got to eat more than that come on oh no trust me this is just the tester [Music] oh work Ken hey it looks all right when you're looking at that thing so many things look good oh orange juice that's all we can do buddy buddy beautiful pancakes oh yeah have them pancakes and bacon and OJ oh yeah now that looks beautiful no Ken don't don't get no oh yeah good chips loaded there you go you might need a flat piece of wood I don't know foreign it's definitely getting cooked on one side [Applause] oh okay yep we're losing it no we're not losing it we gotta we no oh that's lost it's not lost let me see this let me see this I almost thought about sending that bacon grease oh no it's a beautiful pancake I'm a beautiful it's edible yeah it no it that's the thing it's like edible even if it's not on the eat yeah [Music] I'm kind of nervous for you now that was for this whole aberration it looks wonderful that is the Breakfast of Champions right there oh please don't hold risky but it worked good job okay I mean that worked better than what the I mean that he's a grown boy all right Ken's biggest challenge of the day oh nailed it Breakfast of Champions here see this is the simple way of life [Laughter] that's a great hair on it was wrong we're only on day three the goal for the day is to just stay warm and irritate ourselves put snow on the floor and cut more firewood more firewood so that's about it now hot 10 Crocs will also used for splitting wood are just a nice thing to have and essential for any sort of hot tenting I'm like Cinderella right now with her magical slippers there he goes the J ski guy in all his glory stay warm out there bud it's a little brutal looking out there whoo you can just see the wind whipping around the snow oh it is cold Jake went off on a little hike we he if we don't hear from him we have to go out after him Okay so we've got four more nights here um we're gonna do a little bit of remodeling today on our shelter here so today I'm gonna take and put a log under here to bring this up like this kind of like here and I got to put a new one here because this one's a little loose and this is my side of the wall so I'm gonna cut a new one and then we got to put a new floor in the shelter [Music] and then I gotta put a little slit for the Rope so I'm just going to take my saw [Music] thank you [Music] there we go that's a little better there now I'm gonna do the same thing right here actually [Music] that's actually perfect so I'm just gonna cut my slit and stick this right here we're gonna call it good thumbs up with the big thumbs up [Music] foreign [Music] so if you're wondering how we're getting water out here uh what we're doing is we brought out a nice ice auger and uh we're cutting through about 18 to 24 inches of ice roughly it's it's not it's not terrible but uh yeah we're just getting our water from the lake because Melton snow takes a lot longer than just scooping up water and boiling it so yeah that's what we're doing [Music] foreign [Music] a downed tree underneath here that I cut into a little bit I must have just went yeah there must be some kind of downed tree right here that's how we're getting all our drinking water and cooking water [Music] oh it's cold standing right here [Music] thank you can see right here a wild Jake came through these are we're hunting a Jake there's the ski poles there's the Jake ski guy skis and it looks like the Drake went this way we're gonna track them so we're following Jake's tracks and he went near some uh River mouths and we got close so we thought we were fine we're right near shore and Ken punched through I didn't really record it because you know I just didn't but don't mess around your River mouth we're no longer following Jake's tracks because he went out across there's running water so uh we're going around the edge because we're not trying to mess around uh yeah we got some moose tracks right here looks like this moose Falls across the lake and you move this way and you can see those tracks over there there's got to be some other critter well there's Jake's tracks I'm gonna pass that than some other critter but we are back on the lake we started it and it's been cold cold cold I mean we're not cold it's freezing cold out if you've ever watched any of my videos you've never seen me wear one of these when I'm hiking and the reason being is I've never hiked in this cold weather nope so uh yeah anyways we got a little bit more to go another couple miles maybe or a mile and we'll be back at camp it is cold frigid Wilderness out here and she'll get you so we've got a brand new remodel tent here so as you can see there's no uh crap on the floor there's no wood shavings I just buried all your garbages oh no no you didn't no there was no garbage buried let's make that clear but uh yeah we've got a no all the ziplocks are buried underneath no yeah no this sarcasm is too strong that way they'll float when it smells oh God anyways yeah new floor so we're gonna get all our crap back in here and uh yeah [Music] for noodles [Music] see Bud hey see ya [Music] oh see right here is where I took a stick to the eye no I'm filming it now oh then yesterday or was that on the hiking when I took a stick to this eye I got I got a few little injuries around my eyes there's nothing better than a good eye injury when you're out in the woods look at that right there and then I got oil blood splatter right there ah definitely took a stick right there both my eyes close a little burnt on my nose mm-hmm foreign how pretty of three day hat hair can you look at that I'm going Super Saiyan okay so anyways it is night time now we are in the tent while I'm in the tent uh Ken's debating he's like having a hard time because you know he wants to be outside because it's beautiful and the moon just came out for the first time but he wants to be inside because it's warm and toasty then you got psycho Jake out there just saw and log still he's just trying to relive the first night out here that's all he's trying to do uh Ken's gonna treat us to dinner tonight we're having pad thai Pad Thai no meat it's a vegetarian which I don't know how to feel but I'm gonna have to eat a beef stick if that doesn't bother you I'm gonna eat a beef stick as I eat it I'm just kidding anyways I have no desire to go back outside it is warm in here and I am comfortable and I'm actually living my best life I'm gonna look at my I'm in my long johns for the first 10 or first time of this trip I got my hot tent Crocs on and I am just living the life right now on top of that I got a nice cup of hot cocoa [Music] all right Ken is preparing us some Pad Thai what he's got here is some frozen squid [Music] just kidding it's bean sprouts you couldn't really tell it looked kind of like squid some delicious uh hot tent roasted carrots and cilantro some green onions out there oh hey hey man watch out try to try to try to treat my home with respect I'm down you see that you see that nice full layer right there that nice bird fillet what's a carrot kid okay well here it is here we go just do another slice like this let me just peel it back and look at that that's real that's real veiny well you gotta you gotta get past the ribs okay the ribs are like concrete and you just make slices like this and you just peel see how that is look at that bourbon back strap and one more once it gets warmer at night maybe we'll try to get you a purpose the Cold's getting to him another day that's a lie because I have Exposed Skin for three hours again it was great got a Boiling Pot of water here and Ken has got you got a pound of rice noodles huh that's that's eight ounces yeah completely Frozen soon to be not frozen there's a lot of nudes there's a lot of nudes man get ready things are about to happen boys we're gonna eat we're eating once again we need a big buyer ripping next to that yeah in that little stream and I'll jump in you guys can act like you're saving me and you can edit it in if that's what you really want well we're gonna go for a swim I don't know if you looked in that open water but it's like two maybe a foot yeah it doesn't look very okay dude this is gonna be legit okay yes it is these are these are bean sprouts sprouts I'm gonna just take this and dump them in oh yeah I think the nudes are ready the nudes are ready I'm gonna drain the nudes you're doing a great job I'm so ready to eat your pad thai the ringworm oh you're playing a dangerous game there my friend okay it is okay this is why we're here oh [Laughter] what what what Jake if uh I did go down and I want you guys to give me a viking burial on a big platform of wood out here on here oh yeah you're okay oh baby yeah you got how's that uh uh well I'm coming oh yeah we got a lime we do oh it's actually is it squishy it's squishy enough I think we can get some juice out of it nice dude where's the peanuts I got them right here I hope you're hungry puzzle I am always hungry every day you're gonna eat all these noodles I will eat that whole thing until I'm sick today all right we are serving the pad thai they're taking from my portion and uh putting into each other's which I think is a little rude but I guess I'll allow it oh yeah I got them peanuts on there with the lime oh yeah give me that food I'm a peacock dude let me let me spread my wings I know dude I didn't mean to freaking out again I call him Jake Adventure sometimes they get one time he took me on like a 10 mile hike and he tricked me into thinking it was going to be like a two mile and I was in like he was in flip-flops we had no food whoa whoa that was a collaborative effort no I thought it was going to be a lot shorter it was like 14 miles in flip-flops I thought it was going to be the three mile Loop and you did not tell me we're doing the 14 mile Loop in flip loss wouldn't bring any water or food no all right yeah it was a that was an experience we survived I'm third I'm a third thorough believer if it doesn't kill you it only makes you stronger dude today definitely made me stronger and his Pad ties making me stronger um oh yeah good job all right are you recording rail no yeah you are there's a Red Dot Song got him look at my chins so things are winding down Jake's laying in his bed it's uh he's here safe and cozy yeah he's safe and cozy it's 8 P.M I am tired but it's a little early I think I'm gonna read a book here what's that eat some candy I gotta let's just let's just show you I brought Starburst some Jolly Ranchers we got a bag of dots I I really brought my snacks this time we tracked a wild Jake today was great we actually went through your like mental process we're like we assume we just cut through the woods here like instead of cutting over just going to the portion I guarantee you he at least went around this whole lake and just checked out because he wanted to see the big open part oh so yeah anyways I'm gonna read and this stuff and then I'll wind down we'll eventually go to bed this neck thing is just it just makes my neck look not flattering laughs foreign Jake's made me feel self-conscious about my neck so this is how I'm recording now we're gonna equate the frost build up we're all back here anyways yeah because it's uh negative 25 plus Fahrenheit again which is negative 30 plus Celsius I was thinking about that negative 25 minus winner we try for the my North Pole yeah I mean this is we're ready for this is setting us up for it what do we do all right ladies and gentlemen everyone's reading their books and I'm going to read one too until I pass out so I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody good morning We Made It Again it's another beautiful day in the neighborhood here have some party these guys is winter PJ's on Ken's over there surviving barely alive we're supposed to get a warm-up today and so I'm gonna get down I think it's 20 tonight oh that's got to be negative 25. warm negative 25. [Applause] make some coffee and oatmeal work up a poop and then we might go fishing today catch a Larry [Music] Breakfast of Champions I was having buffalo chicken for breakfast oh it is chicken what I thought this was tuna you got shafted Bud oh no this is a whole this changes the game right now I'm about to eat some chicken for breakfast hmm hmm now all I know it's chicken it tastes even better it tastes like Buffalo Wild Wings um I'm dipping some hot wings and ranch right now cheese and chicken what's our mission today Jake find Larry catch him that's on you it's not me man you don't want Larry I don't know what you're talking about Larry the lake trout you know what I'm talking about I think you're so funny you think you're so funny but hey there's an onion hey hurry put yourself to production use today buddy yeah you make sure this Camp is looking nice when you get back because I'm gonna be upset if it's not we'll bring dinner yeah ready all right dude let's go what about your camera you know I'll get it it's recording isn't it of course it is why would you think it isn't he means hello okay so currently I've got a pack on and uh Mr Jake he's got a sled we're taking some fishing gear we're heading to another Lake do a little day adventure and hopefully find Larry catch ourselves Larry or two or three or four uh Ken's decided to hang back at Camp he's gonna put a new floor in the tent again process firewood and just relax and embrace you know with this pristine wintry day there's no wind today right now so it is just beautiful it is crisp and uh for hiking this is like ideal still is about negative 20 Fahrenheit well a little warmer now because the Sun's Up but anyways we got about a mile or two to go more like two miles and then we're just fishing oh yeah so still out right now no wind so even though it's crispy and cold with the sun beating on my black outer layers I feel hot you can't even feel the cold maybe a little bit on my face that's about it just on my cheeks and stuff but other than that I can't even tell that it's like negative something Fahrenheit out so looking at our Maps right there is a super steep drop off and the wind's coming from right that way where those Rock Bluffs are and it drops right off and from what we've researched lake trout like where there's a steep drop off like that and we were looking at the maps and like this is the spot that we are thinking is our best bet and we've got a shelf that it drops off to like 50 60 feet and then there's a flat shelf right here but that's in the wind so we might set up a tip up there that drops back off and then there's just a sheer drop off that we're gonna jig at so let's get over there get out of this wind do some fishing [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] and catch ourselves a a fish [Music] are you going off the bottom to start [Music] I'm going to start where my leader starts and see what's there all right ladies and gentlemen we're fishing foreign and uh with the sun beating on us it is quite warm actually you cannot tell how cold it is when you're sitting out in the sun like this but uh if the wind kicks out that's another story so we've got a whole bunch of snacks uh we've got stuff to boil water make a fire if need be we're good to sit here all day we're gonna at least try for a few hours and really try to catch a fish this is going to be my first real attempt at ice fishing actually give it an effort so I've got a kamuki smart fish looks like a perch or a bluegill and that's what we're going with Jake brought out some frozen schmelt and we'll see if we get anything off those [Music] schmelt schmelt so unless you want to see 20 minutes of this straight or like hours we're just gonna cut to uh if anything exciting happens because I'm going to be doing a whole lot of this and just trying various depths throughout the day I'm gonna probably sit on this hole for an hour before I move [Music] why what is it you know you catch one and then I'll join you really deep oh dude the temperature is lower than I said [Music] it's a warm negative eight or negative 22 celsius 23 Celsius nice and warm a warm negative what from the bottom yeah what is it about 30 40. [Music] yeah that's pretty deep [Music] I want to move in that's like that's like 30 feet [Music] [Applause] heck yeah bud it quit going down like I just it was seeing I told you I had to buy it dude you got a fish hey how big can they be for here any size are you sure nope here will you get my picture before it freezes yeah nice job dude don't let go down that hole get away from that shut up so this guy right here caught himself Larry the lake trout it's official we've got fish I'm just happy that somebody caught one it's pretty much frozen solid already because it's so cold out but he's going for another one all right Jake caught him on a blue and silver that's what I'm switching to it's fun when your line freezes up instantly [Music] and Jake had another bite already you good I feel satisfied hey man can we catch one over here now so one of the big concerns with this trip was uh battery life on my cameras I brought 16 GoPro battery 16 DSLR batteries and I was since I've had trouble in the past in cold weather I was pretty certain I wasn't going to have much battery life but I think I figured it out um so with the temperatures being such frigid cold uh uh I looked into a little bit before we got here about what batteries do so in when it's super cold the batteries uh when they're in use they're gonna die immediately if they're cold and if they're cold and they're not being used they actually keep their power a little longer than if they're hot and when they're hot they last longer in use but when they're just sitting there not in use they lose their charge faster so what I've done is the whole time we're walking around everything I keep the battery in the palm of my hand underneath my glove when it's not in use it's sitting in my glove the whole time then I'll plug into my camera record what I'm going to record immediately pull it out and put it back in my glove and so far I've had a lot longer battery life than I thought I was going to have and uh I actually think I'm gonna have extra batteries when the Trip's over which I was assuming to go through them all easily so if you're wondering how to keep your batteries warm in cold weather keep them in your glove the entire time when they're not in use only use them for 10 minutes max then re-warm them up that is the trick [Music] getting a little cold eh [Music] I'm getting a little cold huh get some wood um [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] that would have been a more appropriate expenditure of energy to just climb that cliff and get some wood for us yeah okay I've been faithful to that hole for about two and a half hours three hours and uh you know no luck so I think uh we're gonna try something new and exciting over here so I drilled a new hole and we're just gonna go ahead and poke our pole into this here hole and hope we find what we're looking for [Music] we're not sure if we're gonna stay out the rest of the day go all the way till dark or uh you know packing a couple hours it's really all up in the air it depends how we're feeling and so far there's really no wind I mean it's kicking up every once in a while it's getting a little bit chilly but when you move around a little bit and you got the sun beating on you and I'm wearing all black it's toasty it's comfortable so I mean we can either head back to camp and help Ken do the daily tasks of sawing wood and getting a new floor in the shelter or we can spend our day securing what was that trying to get some fish for dinner and I think we're gonna try to get more fish for dinner oh and one more thing the reason I'm not wearing my sunglasses is because with this thing on the second I breathe they get fogged up and immediately freeze over and you can't really use them period it's just not working out very well hey we're gonna try a new hole once again I just cannot believe how still it is on this Lake right now with how cold it is yeah today is like the perfect day for this any other day would have been bitter cold and just terrible does that mean it's still not warm but it's warm in our minds because we've experienced colder yeah we're acclimated to the negatives tonight I'm gonna go for a night ski yeah why not man it's like you've done outside like as long as you're moving it's not bad yeah no as long as you're moving if you're moving you're fine it's if you get in trouble and you can't move is when it hap things compound yeah yeah a nice warm front negative 35 below zero fahrenheit [Laughter] oh man if I were to tell myself 10 years ago hey you're going to go out camping willingly and it's going to be negative like 30 Fahrenheit on your first night out and you're gonna be with wind chills up to negative 50 Fahrenheit I would have been like are you crazy what am I going to Antarctica or something oh man but here we are doing this of our own free will and the best part is we're completely comfortable doing it we actually picked a really nice campsite and the fact that it hasn't been really windy there yeah no that's a good spot it does not get much more still than this [Music] well have stuck my pole in three different holes and I've had no luck so far so uh I think I'm gonna call it quits here for the day like I said I'm not a nice fisherman this is this is really my first actual effort at ice fishing um you know I thought I thought I tried where I thought was good and I I don't really know if it's supposed to be slow or fast you know we're just out here guessing I don't even really know what depth I'm at I've been trying all along the water column jigging letting it sit still you know I had a tip up for a while I tried uh we've got more days to be out here but I'm thinking that how long have I been doing this for let's just it is 3 30. so we got two and a half hours of light left been out here for at least four or five hours probably more like five hours uh fishing and not a single bite I don't think I've ever fished this long with this much peace of mind without having a bite because I just don't know what I'm doing but either way I think I'm gonna pack her in and uh you know we'll try another day I want to catch a sunset back at camp we had a couple miles hike back to Camp so I think that's a wrap for the day I got something right now the money can't buy and no one gets to own and I got it all to myself it is an awesome feeling foreign foreign foreign it's insanely peaceful out here right now sometimes when you're on an extended trip you get into a point where you're just kind of sucked into the moment and that is right now I think that birds sucked in the moment too igloo projections from the wind huh I felt this a pseudo and glue to protect us from the wind but Jake said it's only going to get to like five miles an hour yeah that'll do so we're having super dinner or oh Cap's still here huh can just crafted us a doorway it's beautiful it's a work of art really we're just it's just becoming more like home one step at a time how are we ever gonna leave dude we could just stay out here man I think so it's a little messed up this one's okay [Laughter] yeah I guess so yeah for dinner we are having Ken's homemade soup passed down to him through generations and the homemade bread oh yeah it's already heated up we're about to Feast right now don't be shy oh yeah foreign hot soup oh thank you sir Kenneth loaded me up with my bread mm-hmm what you just like this isn't going to be enough what is it gonna be enough soup what do you mean up you think so I think so drink it oh well I'll take a dabble oh he comes you just stop whenever thank you thank you buddy I'm just gonna coach the rest of this oh oh what are you gonna do that God imagine that posa it's demon are you thinking we're gonna need the rest of her yeah when it comes to soup I can just devour a lot my only regret is that we only have that one loaf of bread kind of had dessert as well Lindor chocolates and and this uh delicious K bar from none other but Alpine Village is what I have to deal with all right everyone's settling in for the evening and uh it's time to pass out ate a bunch of canned soup and uh tired so I'll catch you guys in the morning it's another day with Jake and Ken we gotta try to keep from freezing again maybe we'll go for a hike or chop some wood it's a wonderful day in our hot tent neighborhood again all right poser thanks to Wednesday morning like snow will be possible Wednesday into Wednesday night [Laughter] okay so as far as temperatures go on this trip I guess I'm just going to stop bringing it up because uh it's been at least negative 20 Fahrenheit every night which is about negative 30-ish Celsius at least every night it's probably been I think the first night was our one of our coldest around negative 30 Fahrenheit which is negative something high or low Celsius and uh yeah it's been pretty much negative 20 every night at least and then tonight is going to be the same thing wind chills up to negative 40 negative 50 cold anyways Jake's uh out there he's chopping up a little firewood he's going to set up some he's gonna do some fishing here Ken's off uh using Jake's skis he's gonna go check out some stuff and I'm in charge of cooking breakfast so we're gonna make some breakfast burritos today so let's let's get some stuff going our past be getting pretty clean here for uh how much cooking we've been doing now we need to make sure our bacon is thawed before we cook it because you don't want to cook anything frozen so it's thawed all right we're gonna start with some garlic cloves which is just peeled a little mushy but that's just one of the things you gotta deal with all the veggies when they thaw since they've been so Frozen all their cells burst and they turn into this little mush when they get thawed but the flavor's still there texture might be a little different going in next of course we've got the white onion which I don't know we left this outside last night on accident we'll see if I can foreign about this one nope I see we're gonna need to bring out the big guns this is working much better perfect then we've got some really soggy mushy red bell peppers a product of the uh freezing process and thawing even though they don't look as appealing the flavor is still there a little juicy there I'm gonna want that juice over my stuff I'll just add that in and of course we've got a jalapeno same state all right now we're just going to add a little bit of olive oil this oh it's all Frozen we'll add more as it thaws that's all we got for now the sun here a lot of juice in there I'm gonna drain some of that because it's just so much [Music] so yeah we got veggies that are real soft but I mean there's there's no there was no stopping this so it's the flavor is going to be there and this is gonna be delicious but it's just not gonna look the most appealing which who cares who cares of course to any breakfast burrito you've got to have Rock Solid eggs all right so the next step is going to be a little bit tricky so I brought us all out tortillas some baked tortillas and the problem is is they in my thing and with sitting out thawing last night they got a little bit hard on the outside so it's gonna be a miracle if we can actually wrap them into burrito so I'm going to try to just like warm these up it's going to be tough but we'll do our best we'll try to steam them you know get some moisture back in there I'm just going to keep slowly doing this while we're waiting and trying not to tear them and if I can get enough Steam and moisture into them they should uh they should be usable you want your eggs over easy you gotta fluff them all right we've got to be careful we don't want to tear them and break the yolks perfect oh my gosh oh oh yeah [Music] I'm getting hungry getting hungry getting real hungry all right it's almost cooked so we want to add a little seasoning on here a little pepper a little black pepper and then of course we want some salt not too much salt it's not too little salt just the right amount of salt okay and then because we're out in this cold and it's you know a good idea we're gonna add a little chunk of butter for that little extra flavor and just a little bit more fat because you know when we're out here the cold fat is not don't be afraid of it we want a little extra fat well you know a little fewer so we're just gonna have a little a little bit of butter to that mixture Stir It Up we're gonna do one final step we're gonna make this into like a nice little form here so that it's easy to divvy up you know on thirds but because it'll just make it a little bit more delicious we're gonna add a good chunk of our cheese right now to get melted so let's just coat this and a good layer of cheese oh yeah oh yeah okay and then we're just gonna let this melt and it's serving time I think they're off fishing a little bit and I'll yell to them in a minute here but I don't hear their voices so all right we got our warmed up tortilla best we can then we've got our fixings on the inside and then of course bacon nice crispy delicious wonderful bacon all right now sour cream has got a little bit of a weird texture because it got frozen but I don't care it's still sour cream I'm gonna slap that on there oh yeah salsa oh yeah oh yeah let's do our best to see if this stays together otherwise we're just gonna eat it as is with fork and knife oh it's a little crusty oh yeah okay I'm gonna eat it just like that oh yeah oh let's eat hmm this is all me yep oh that's not so bad mm-hmm you're welcome how's the fishing going oh we just set up a couple tip-ups Frozen thank you thank you you're welcome and don't you dare forget about your orange juice oh we have OJ mm-hmm okay oh almost lost Jake's camera in the outer space um this is what the world wants to see right here it's just pigging out on a cutting board that's what the world wants to see oh [Music] wow uh on Thursday why don't you guys tell me the sun was out I would have came out hours ago [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] you can really hear it and feel it that might affect the fish a little bit detrimental to our fishing I think so because it's really loud over here I'm surprised Vlogs yeah when you smack the ground you can hear it echoes what would you name this beach this is white White Sands Beach man White Sands I don't see why you're not got your shirt off and you're not tanning though I'm about to get there it does look comfy I'm heating up instead of a beach towel you got a sled oh feel that Ocean Breeze yeah that ocean breeze it's a way it's way better than like 90 percent humidity and just scorching like I'm not getting burned right now so that's a plus your face might be yeah yeah look what those are better ones over here kinda going across the ice here in the cold Mr uh JC guy has convinced us to go off and do some more ice fishing we're feeling a little lazy you don't want to just do our normal Camp chores gather firewood do dishes but Jason let's push them off till later tomorrow and just go fishing and how in the heck am I gonna say in all of that I don't got that kind of power thing is feels hot and nice but as soon as you jump back into that windshield it's bitter all over again you know we still got wind chills like the negative 20s 30s whatever it's a at this point it's just insane it's just cold but yeah that wind chill it gets you my hand's going not holding the camera for like two minutes here oh [Music] we got a little outer track you can see he slid and then you know he grabbed he got a little grip and then he slid on his little belly and then he bounded a couple times here and then he got some grip and he sled grip sled grip slide grippity slide and then you just keep following his tracks his grip sliding all the way a couple bounds right here until he went right down there yep that's what he did and then he he grip slide it out what are you doing we just got another day at Camp path Ken's uh building up the Wind Block here we're getting you know more firewood we gotta empty out some of the crap in the stove put a new floor in the uh home here we gotta remodel the floor oh yeah clear the sinew in the pipe where is it you know creosol clear the crease all the panda stay warm that's that's life now [Music] just another day foreign [Music] and bring Funk out here and it's already set up it's like a romantic getaway that is true that made her hauling all out [Music] I love that no longer is this just a hot tent in the shelter this is a home it's our home [Music] now I know it may look kind of like nasty and stuff with all like the you know a little bit of Ash and all the footprints and sticks and everything and where our fire is and stuff but uh when we leave and this all melts come spring we're going to rehabilitate where the fire is put some Punky logs over there cover it all up you won't even be able to tell we were here I mean unless there's no snowfall for a while you'll be able to see all this until it gets covered with snow but yeah it may look a little rough right now but it'll all be gone [Laughter] the shelter now has some wonderful art foreign so we ate a bunch of snacks we decided to forgo dinner and uh Jake just tricked me and Ken into eating uh Carolina Reaper jelly beans he almost got me a handful and can help at least help me a little bit and then I ate just chewed on one and my mouth's burning that would have been terrible that would have been awful dude oh my gosh ready yep oh tastes like jalapeno yeah it does actually that one's pretty good whoa this wasn't kind of pleasant oh wait they're kind of spicy stuff [Laughter] wait it's gonna hit me now so we're on what day five of about negative 20 plus at night I think it's all it was 16 negative 16 Fahrenheit the last time I checked but uh or write it down and I'm gonna reset my book and pass out so I'll catch you guys in the morning wow I'm not impressed Bruce broke do you really Bruce's lid broke oh no having some gravy time we got some pre-made Bannock which is like six cups of flour three two or three teaspoons of salt and three three or four tablespoons of baking powder foreign good that was the biggest worry yeah it was sleeping dude previous bigger than that one though yeah I did a bad job I got a little more flower now I add to that one 's chopping up our sausage here once that Browns up a little bit we'll get these here and some butter and then we'll add in some heavy whipping cream and some butter a little fala you could say it's Browning brownies oh so today is our final full day of the trip we're gonna be in a warming trend hopefully going to have temperatures in the teens after this morning the wind chill warnings are done you sure I don't know actually I'm just guessing we thought that off for Monday that's true we thought the temperatures warm up like three or four days ago [Music] [Applause] [Music] looks like poses breaking Trail in the morning sure sure God that's really happening tomorrow yep on the way it's just it's a little treat you know they're like you guys didn't do enough work you know staying you you did okay but uh here's a little extra little something something for you to go home with and think about there we go boys we're cooking breakfast right now so wait for the deepest steps to your heart you feel a turd coming on or that were amazing travel companions okay a little healthy chunk of butter we got our butter in boys now we're going to thicken up and start to make the gravy add a little flour that sounds French to make a roux [Music] going in with the heavy whipping cream it's on May oh look beautiful so who's gonna watch the garden when he is on the road yeah should I grow habanero dry black pepper I'm gonna put some salt also the peanut allergy not too much salt not too little salt just right amount of salt nice try Jake yeah here we go oh my gosh look at the perfect Panic boys oh does it get better than that oh that looks like nine why is the stove so slanted Jake ah you did the floor no I didn't I I let's suppose to own your mistakes be a man it looks like a good spoon in there I see a spoon I see a spoon on here too now we just need the Bannock to cook the boys both just had to run out of the tent in an emergency the coffee was strong this morning see we got going here oh yeah okay looks like the Bannock is perfectly done our gravy is perfect oh yeah okay let's serve this up I gotta find these boys plates here oh 100 I'm just gonna add mine to here and there we go back and gravy oh yeah let's eat boys can breakfast yeah it's hanging on that log that the ropes on right here hanging on the log right behind you Skyline right by my Black Box oh oh [Applause] I think this is my best batting gravy so far the Baggers cooked pretty good this time oh yeah but that was a hearty meal [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm out a little mid-morning uh walk I was hanging out next to this uh Frozen Babbling Brook here the other day you know just kind of got lost in it watching the uh air going or the ice it was a lot calmer the last time I was here now the wind's kind of blasting right here I'm sure you can hear it on the mic if I figured I'd get a little walk around to our last full day it's been a wonderful trip it's uh you know it's a lot different feeling than my normal style you know I go out for a night or two and then leave uh this has kind of felt more like living out in the woods rather than camping out in the woods if that makes sense because we got three people we're all doing our part doing dishes making food staying warm and it's been cold so it's not it's more it's different because normally I could just throw a tarp over myself in my sleeping bag me and Monty just be fine but we kind of needed the hot stove this trip around we needed the hot tent just to stay warm enough to sleep in our sleeping gear comfortably so we've all been taking our turns waking up every hour putting wood in the stove and just staying warm staying comfortable and uh none of us are really ready to leave you know it's kind of we're just getting comfy and each day you'd I was thinking it might be a little boring you know just sitting around Camp each day in the same spot but it hasn't been there hasn't been really a moment to just be bored you know you read a book do dishes cut more firewood walk around a little bit and then it's Sunset dinner time wake up do it again kind of nice but uh yeah this is I think trips like this with these temperatures and stuff are going to be far and few between so I'm really just soaking it in I'm just gonna sit here a while longer and then uh head back to Camp clean up some dishes and do our do our daily tasks foreign [Music] just feels so delightful returning here and then Mr J it is the only one that's got fish he got two Larry's we got them laid up in frozen solid right here dinner tonight right there yummy so Kevin's got to carved with both the uh roll-up carving kit and the old timer all in one multi-tool carving thing yeah and he says he prefers the multi-tool because it's all there and Compact and nice the Old Timer got that one from a dad there you go one of these days I'll get to using it but it was all you this time you are a crafter Ken Craft with these walls we made the art right here our snow Spirit guarding camp yep [Music] [Music] [Music] hey the sun's really reflecting off your head oops that was the walk right on well same as it's been the whole time pretty unproductive [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] he fell off [Music] it's beautiful all right got the good curve oh yeah the dimensions are just wonderful spoon 2.0 [Music] Sun's getting close to setting on our final night at the camp another beautiful still evening six or seven days of blue skies I mean what more could you ask for wow okay for tonight for dinner we're making ramen bowls with a 2.25 pound pork tenderloin that we are gonna cook on this year's spit over the fire and it's gonna be delicious nice last meal of the trip what do we got here I'm gonna kind of work it through like this so I can get because it's two pieces so we're gonna put this on like that so it's not in there perfect uh that's that's gonna not work there we go that looks like it should cook evenly meat on the stick bro and we'll we're gonna stick those logs in the snow at an angle oh I just rested and that way it'll spin perfectly I don't know I just thought it up in my head it might not work it might work who knows in there it's it's one whole tenderloin cotton too yeah they cut it it's like long see and now we'll just roast it like that it might be a little hard to get it to stay on this side I think yeah all right we've got the Jake requested forketta rub that I made you ever seen the intro where I say meat oh look at that beautiful piece of meat meat that's what I got on here we're doing the same sort of thing oh yeah cold man on there nice and coated uh-oh what clouds have rolled in it's warm out it's five Fahrenheit which is the warmest it's been all trip at night and we got clouds now we're gonna get a snowstorm or something yeah it'd be so great look at this piece of meat though it's cooking ah look at that you can see it's how the way it is it's cooking okay that's gonna burn it especially the oil and the birds that's real great the wood that's the worst part and you got my stick on fire [Music] you make a good firefighter skill right there whoa dude oh it's so hot yeah now that's something it's hot enough Hot Fire [Music] but I mean oh yeah she's she's glistening she's juicing oh she's cooking is this enough butter no put the whole thing in there see I'm gonna carry it back well there they're freeze-dried oh he's got Echo ads yeah fresh caught mm-hmm we're gonna throw a little Montreal even though it's see how it's sticking to the fish perfectly oh yeah I think this is this is getting pretty close I just want to say I'm a camera though but that was wild caught Lake drop farmers well yeah definitely wild caught you caught it yourself out here in the wild EST fish farm you're the only one that could catch fish I'm just a terrible fisherman oh we already knew that dude oh dude oh okay for our ramen bowls we've got two pots of water for the noodles because you got to boil the noodles and drain them so the noodles are very salty but I'm gonna make some broth here I've got this pot like almost halfway filled with water and we're going to turn that into uh let's see I need a knife I got chicken base we're just gonna add this in all right a little vial of soy sauce and then I've got a mixture of ginger powder onion powder and garlic powder add that on in oh yeah now there's only really one thing that needs to be prepared else for the meal I got some pre-cooked hard-boiled eggs that I need to cut up for the uh Ramen bowls foreign perfectly cut up hard-boiled eggs for everyone to enjoy oh there's a little base missing over here these are both boiling now I've got the authentic Japanese ramen noodles we're getting two packs each going in all right we've got about an hour 30 minutes I'm sorry 30 minutes on the fish that looks rather delightful is that cooked is that cooked I'm not cooked enough okay they're just about done I'm gonna finish this drain these and then we're gonna paste together our ramen bowls oh yeah Jake's fish is done and looking delish looks good Jake you did a good job I'm gonna take this piece poses farm-raid fish yeah I netted this after I speared it cheers boys this is sketching me out actually what the table the table dude you don't I want to use my spoon mm-hmm let me have one more bite and then I prepare other food you know I'm gonna use this one just just put half of these into Jake's little pot take give us each an egg a little frozen green onions little super Frozen fresh cilantro mush extra delightful of course a nice chunk of Frozen carrots shaved carrots the broth there's only one final thing we got to do before we're eating oh it looks good it looks it looks done it's really good so let's just oh I think I think it's done oh yeah can you want some slice off in your bowl you want to just cut at it and eat it uh go ahead and slice me off some slices in the bowl all right you're welcome the egg sketches me out that's all that's fine let's try that egg I'm just curious oh they're definitely chewy it's a little tough oh yeah that's weird I was trying to get duck eggs bud yeah yeah is that what they usually use I have no idea oh I'm at Frozen hard-boiled eggs it looks so gross yeah it does oh that was the weirdest texture it's like plastic rubber it doesn't taste bad but it's a great time no definitely weird oh man I'm gonna pass out dude oh yeah let's get let's get it just ripping hot in the hot Tent today tonight so we don't have to order that oh yeah all right I'm gonna show off that light drop that camera enjoy our last night out here finish my meal have a good night everyone have a good night what do you have to say Ken see you at the car all right it's the last night it's time to go to bed [Music] can't get us up at 4 30. he wants to catch a sunrise in town God look at this oh geez oh oh my gosh oh you got yourself good dude you're pretty good that's a blister oh I mean I'm gonna I guess I'm gonna make some oatmeal coffee now [Music] foreign by yourself isn't it um but also do in front of other people so I guess this is just what I do in the woods well we're just eating oatmeal um it's still dark out for another hour or so there's some snow out there and we're gonna pack up and leave oh Jake got a big old blister on his hand no Jake's fine Jake's fine but it definitely got a blister on his hand it was big he almost died oops no more [Music] Valley [Music] is a light delightful camp okay oh my bad oh oh thank you okay all right you know it's really funny how uh these snow anchors like really anchor you wouldn't get that from Renee foreign let's do it all right we are mobile uh it was a warm zero degrees Fahrenheit this morning which is way warmer than most of the negative 20 Fahrenheit minus mornings which is pretty much every morning except this one supposed to get a high of like 16 Fahrenheit today so it's actually gonna be a warm hike out uh with the warmer temperatures brings us snow first snowfall of the trip we've got six to seven miles to go today we're going out the way we came so we'll see how long it takes uh we got 20 minute earlier start than when we came in so we should have at least two hours of light left when we get out but we're thinking is to go a little faster because we're following our pack trail that we made on the way in and it should have iced up really nice so we should be able to cruise anyways we got a ways to hike oh one other thing I wanted to bring up quick is uh if you remember how we were sitting in the tent you know where I was like we had like a u-shape uh where Jake was he didn't have a camp chair when he was sitting on the floor me and Ken were sitting right next to the stove and we were toasty Jake was freezing cold just being a little far away from the stove and on the ground made it just like insanely different in temperatures because you got the thermal clean it's freezing cold on the floor and then it's nice and freezable in the middle and then it's super hot up top and when you're just a few feet away from the stove it's cold so Jake was definitely loving that oh tiny hill Oh tiny Hill why do you exist tiny Hill you look so fun but you will suck and we will go because we have no luck you should do it for day one at when the rookies show up what dude foreign got a big old hike through the woods here up and down let the viewers know I'm letting them know Jake Matthew post Adventures doesn't care about you it's rude as you posed Adventures does care about you viewers at home across You by CarMax brought to you by giggle damn brought to you by Jake ski guy our misery is brought to you by giggle dance he chose not to join us wait Jake no don't don't break Trail oh no I wanted to so bad oh Jake please please don't go first [Laughter] I love little Hills oh this one's actually steep oh this is so fun oh Jake don't stop I can't oh man oh you're doing great Ken good job how close I lean to the ground this is all right foreign foreign [Music] foreign hey hey giggle Dan we missed you would have been cold Pokey docs folks we just got to go through the woods here one last time and then we will be on the lake that we started at it has been an epic trip extremely cold temperatures and I learned a little bit about myself uh I learned that you know it sounds crazy going in how cold it was going to be but you kind of get used to it after spending a few days in it we ate some delicious food didn't catch any fish but Hey Jake got a couple hello Jake got a couple Larry's come on Jake close this out come on come on come on come on [Laughter] so yeah cold temps uh we did good Ken did great uh he he was used to this sort of weather and stuff so it's not you know he's been in super cold temperatures so it's not like we just were like hey let's just go test the waters he he's he's an experienced Outdoorsman um so yeah we saw a couple squirrels that's the only Wildlife we really saw other than just tracks of animals moving through didn't see anything else you know that that first day that was exhausting that was the most challenging Day by far was that first day going and we did the six and a half maybe seven miles of hiking straight into setting up camp into the dark making sure we're thinking about how much wood we needed to make sure we were going to have enough warmth for the night and yeah it was uh that was a challenging day this was a definitely a unique type of trip you know I've never spent this long out winter camping this cold I've never had a heavier sled but it was awesome so uh yeah we're just gonna go through the woods here go across the lake and we've got one final Challenge and that's to see if the car starts so as always guys if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit that subscribe button and I will catch you guys at the next video foreign [Music] boys Moment of Truth foreign [Music] Ty come here hi I I could get over here get over here get killed over welcome to Matthew pose's super scientific trip temperature analysis fact research thing um first thing I want to say is I never say where I camp so I'm not going to list cities or areas just because I don't like to popularize areas and if you know that's just the way it is so let's dive right into it so the closest place that records uh temperatures and keeps a history of them was roughly 40 miles away as the crow flies now it didn't have data for the 12th the 13th the 14th and the 15th of February uh we went into the woods and the morning we started was February 12 2021. so what I'm doing right here is I'm going to list the data that's I got from 40 miles away then the closest place with roughly the same terrain was roughly 80 miles away as the crow flies from where we were camping and they had temperature data for the entire week so let's just start with the place that's roughly 40 miles away February 11th the day before we went was negative 35 Fahrenheit or negative 37 Celsius at 3 35 a.m that was the last recording and then there's no data until the 16th at 11 55 PM which read negative 24 Fahrenheit or negative 31 Celsius then the 17th had negative 33 Fahrenheit negative 36 Celsius and the 18th had zero fahrenheit and negative 17.8 Celsius so now let's compare that to the data that was 80 miles away so on the 11th the day before we went at the same exact time we had negative 28 Fahrenheit so what that's showing me right now is that when you get further away from where we were camping the temperature increased and it increased by seven Fahrenheit on the 11th the day before we came so you can see the numbers here for the 12th 13th 14th and 15th that is not listed uh 40 miles away only 80 miles away could I get these temperature readings right here um so for the 16th on the last recording at 40 miles away was 11 55 so I took that exact time that I could get and it was negative 20 which gave us a difference of negative four then the 17th there was negative 28 Fahrenheit 80 miles away which is a difference of negative five and then on the 18th the day we left it was 2 degrees Fahrenheit which compared to where we were was zero degrees Fahrenheit and actually got a reading so that's that's two degrees difference so so what that means if we're looking at the place that's roughly 80 miles away it shows that the temperature was on average from what I came up with uh 4.5 degrees Fahrenheit higher than the place that is 40 miles away from where we were camping so that means it was colder closer to where we camped so what I did is I took the temperature that was recorded for all these dates that we were out camping from the 80 miles away and I subtracted 4.5 Fahrenheit which was my average of difference to get my best logical estimate now one other thing I want to note is that the 40 mile difference between where we were camping and where this data was recorded at 40 miles away we had a uh elevation increase of 201 feet so because it tends to get colder as the elevation increases I'm just going to subtract one more additional Fahrenheit off of what I come up with subtracting my average so that means I'm going to be subtracting 5.5 off of uh the 80 miles away temperatures so all these temperatures shown right here are fact these were recorded for the areas and there is no questioning these numbers this is this is data in a database where I dug up so so you'll note on the 11th and the 16th the times I got here these were not the low times so my best logical estimate of our trips actual temperature readings when you're taken away my 5.5 Fahrenheit from the 80 mile away location that recorded the data it's February 12th the day we started we had a low temperature of negative 37.5 Fahrenheit or negative 38.6 Celsius February 13th negative 43.5 Fahrenheit or negative 41.9 Celsius the 14th negative 33.5 Fahrenheit or negative 36.4 Celsius the 15th negative 43.5 Fahrenheit or negative 41.9 Celsius the 16th negative 37.5 Fahrenheit or negative 38.6 Celsius the 17th negative 34 Fahrenheit or negative 36.7 celsius and the day we went home it was zero degrees Fahrenheit for the low because that's actually what my thermometer read so that was there was really no questioning that one so these temperatures that you're seeing right here my best guesses of what the actual temperature readings are ambient temperatures that means there's no wind chill included that is just the temperature outside and any wind will make these go down or it'll feel a lot colder so the one thing I want to say is that these temperatures that you're seeing right here these lows these are the lowest of the day and these all pretty much fell right at six to seven a.m or right is right before the Sun Peaks Over the Horizon and at that time there's really no wind there's virtually no wind so uh we don't have to worry about wind chill as much I mean there could have been slight wind but it's pretty calm when it's this cold and every morning was pretty much calm so yeah I definitely spent a couple hours just putting this together and just making sure I hope I didn't mess up here but uh well if you look at these numbers here it was cold it it was it was cold the coolest thing for me and the the little bit of knowledge I'm going to let you take away with this is that when the temperature hits negative 40 Fahrenheit it is the exact same in Celsius and I was really happy to be able to camp at that temperature because negative 40 Fahrenheit is negative 40 Celsius and as you can see there's a couple days where it went a little lower I know this it probably doesn't calculate exactly like this but this is just the best thing I could come up with it would have been a lot easier if there was all the data recorded from the 40 mile away location but I don't know what happened it just doesn't exist for those days the 12th through the 15th our first four days of our trip so I hope you enjoyed the video and this little analysis here uh stay warm out there have a good one [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 2,437,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: winter camping, camping, winter, backcountry, asmr, backcountry camping, bushcraft, bushcrafting, bushcrafter, backpacking, showshoeing, dog, dogs, adventure, adventurer, wild camp, wood burning stove, campfire, campfire cooking, gourmet cooking, food, delicious, snow, wilderness, wilderness area, outdoorsman, woodsman, funny, entertaining, nature, forest, dog training, hot tent, cold camping, cold, frigid, extreme, camper, how to camp, winter time, hiking, backpacker, survival
Id: A0GIMk943C8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 188min 24sec (11304 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 28 2021
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.