Overnight Camping at My Bushcraft Shelter in the Snow

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hey guys not too here today I've commanded my human to take me back to the shelter that I worked extra hard on making and I'm gonna have them cook me up some fresh salmon over the foyer so I hope you guys enjoy today's video cache Monte out [Music] [Music] my D I'm ID where are we going oh it's just beautiful outside Raimondi perfect day for a hike huh hello there ladies and gentlemen I am out with mr. beady eyes mcpoot pants and we're gonna spend the night out here in the woods today it is a beautiful gorgeous awesome early spring day it's about 50 degrees right now and there's a bunch of wind it's about 15 mile an hour north wind so it's it's pretty breezy but it is a pretty much the perfect time to go hiking like this the snow still - two and a half feet somewhere in there but it's very packed I am NOT even sinking a half inches in these snowshoes if I wasn't using snowshoes I'd probably still be okay I mean I definitely push through but keeping the snowshoes on I'm not sinking at all we're currently going down a two track which is snow bill went down and we're trying to return to the bushcraft camp I made earlier this winter I haven't been here since I did one overnighter before we got all the snow but the main reason I haven't come back here is it's a pretty good hike I'm not sure exactly how far it is down this road but as a crow flies it's about four miles to four maybe more to get to my camp right in there but going down the road is much further but I don't know if you've snowshoed through deep powdery snow you know like three feet of snow with a sled it's a lot of work so I just haven't made it out here yet again this season so we're gonna go see what we find I'm not quite sure maybe she's still standing maybe she's not well who knows I prepared for you know maybe we'll sleep under the stars supposed to be clear tonight but hopefully the shelter's still standing and we can just use the shelter that's there you know collect some firewood have a nice relaxing evening and this is beautiful weather you know you can see I'm not wearing any sort of clothing right now no thermals just pants and the t-shirt and I am still sweating it's that war so we're gonna cook up a delicious meal that I've got planned out for tonight and have some good times so let's get to it come on T let's go you know kind of goes without saying that the reason I have to hike down this road and I couldn't drive down it is the snow it's too deep I had to just pull off the road and kind of just drive up on a snowbank so we'll see if I can get my car out even you know it also kind of goes without saying that got a little bit of a late start today you know / yuge so we're hustling right now I don't know how fast I'm going one day I'll get a GPS to track how fast I'm going but I have not stopped other than a few times to uh you know stop the camera no water yet we're trying to hustle because we've only got about three hours of daylight so I want to have at least an hour to of you know relax and in the light so we'll see we're moving quick we're hiking no breaks no stops sometimes I just get the most RAM song stuck in my head and right now is one of those times I've got some Whitney Houston stuck in my head Monty what do you think of my beautiful singing this serenade you or did you rather just hear the sound of the breeze in the trees I agree breeze and trees will stick to it there's one piece of advice I can give any of you out there watching don't pass up some nice tinder when it slaps you in the face nice birch bark right there there's another piece right there put that save it for later or would you just look at that maple oh yeah that's some nice firewood right there I'd like to chopper down burn her up what do you think mighty huh okay mr. Monty we made it to where I normally parked the car so we're to take a little breather here we've got to go another mile and a half a two miles somewhere in there I'm not really good at guesstimating as you'll you'll know I'm really terrible at it I just go off of usually how long it takes me so I think another hour maybe less I don't know but work we cruised down that road it took me less time than I thought so we'll I don't know when I started we had like five hours till daylight at you know we'll get there but take a little breather but it is definitely a lot faster going or what since that snowmobile went down that road and yeah just this packing this it's awesome so let's keep going okay moment of truth it's somewhere right up here somewhere where is it it live it looks so different right now the woods are so many fallen trees and stuff let's go anymore oh I think I see it oh I got that like nervous excited why is it thick I love these trees these fresh budding little maples they're stinging my chest geez oh no my butt crack Oh month you okay brush off the snow my butt crack coming in a little different angle set over the exact path what oh we're never gonna make it Monty it's still two feet deep a voice crack it's definitely I haven't been out here with this much snow but oh yeah Oh check that out oh yeah it's still standing nice job nice job Monty I made a nice shelter that withstand the 3 4 feet of snow we got most of the melt off the top but as you can see there's my fire reflector so that means we've got to unbury this thing first thing I'm gonna have to do is uh clear that out if we want to use this you know fire reflector in the fire pit I'm definitely gonna I brought my shovel just in case I you know I didn't know what we were gonna be sleeping with dealing but like I said those tree branches that broke off right there they're everywhere I mean it is just there was definitely some wind going through this forest knocked a bunch of stuff down I was pretty sure this was gonna have a 50/50 chance of you know being up but there it is still going strong awesome now we can just set up in there yeah Monty that you're dead go ahead but I've got some snow to clear at least I just got a clear snow that's good that's good so we're going to take off my stuff and get shovelling that's what we got to do okay man it is definitely a nice cozy den in there I almost had almost like to keep the snow here but then we one have a place for a fire it's just so cozy there's one more hurdle we've got to do before we sleep under this thing and that is to give it a tap the old tap of approval you know see if our Ridge Pole and everything is still solid because it has been melty I'm sure it will be fine I'm sure I'll be way more solid because it is kind of icy right now and a little bit frozen but before I hey you want to stick before I lay under there and sleep tonight especially with just a little wind since I know the trees will probably shift a little bit I want to make sure it's nice and solid you get that thick mighty get this thick so as far as this shirt goes I'm definitely gonna be changing out of this and a little bit here when I'm done shoveling because this thing's a little wet with sweat but I brought plenty of dry clothes so it's no big deal I knew I was gonna get sweaty on the hike in we made great time we did that what see two and a half hours and we were gone I didn't stop maybe the one break when we got to the place when we got off the two track and we've been going solid for like two and a half hours I'm thinking Monty's going crazy but I think we did it maybe six miles I don't know I can't tell I'm really bad at guessing but two and a half hours roughly of hiking and we were not going slow we did not stop and we've got hour and a half hour forty-five till sunsets I just wanted to get back out here I'm glad it's tan this is great this is great better than expected I was kind of expecting it to be you know hard to see well we're here Monte right Monte I'll get you a stick let me shovel some small okay let me just get the rest of the work out of the way there won't be some player would get a fire going you know the drill oh yeah this is the first time I've also brought a sled in here there's so much crap it was such a nightmare getting around all the down freeze and everything that's why I normally didn't bring a sled here just because it's so there's so much it's so thick okay well let's just see how this goes [Music] Plus package snow that's icy looking like definitely a little stuffy a little icy and wet underneath here but I did bring a ground sheet for it just in case I knew that was gonna be the case because you know everything but under here is you know a low spot with the with all the melt going on so I knew it'd be wet and frosty under there I see Monty don't you worry we'll get you a spot mr. fluff I actually know what I should do let's see I'm scared solid Oh Monty I'm just testing the integrity of the bushcraft shelter don't worry don't freak out don't freak out nah hey hey it's good Monty it's good yeah one more no no okay okay okay oh so I'm sorry I'm sorry oh don't choke yourself money doesn't like things out of the ordinary you know it's it's breezy I don't know if you can hear the wind yeah it's breezy out it's got blue blue cloudy skies blue skies moisturize but yeah it's breezy so this will be nice we're gonna be so protected in here we've got walls and then we're gonna have these walls I might need to make a funnel for the smoke I don't know if having walls all around is gonna make it swirl inside the shelter we'll see any worst-case scenario I got the shovel I'll dig out a spot a little trail [Music] Oh [Music] okay so as you can see there's a bunch of snow on there and since since it is 50 degrees in melty we've got the nice spot cleared off here it's a good you know 2 feet of snow ish somewhere in there right Monte anyways if you look in here you'll notice a lot of dripping and that's because there's all that snow on top get up here but yeah it's kind of a wet sloppy mess under here and that would just be because all that snow on top is melting but what is happening or what's going to happen is it you know this is solid what I'm gonna have to do is try to knock off some of that snow but it is not going to stop the dripping by any means because there's these vlogs are kind of soaked a little bit you know so I am going to yeah chip off that ice and snow on the top I've got plenty of time and then I'm gonna lay a tarp probably how the underside of this and just kind of tie it up tight around the edges here stuff it as best I can just just so we can get some of this you know the dripping off I don't want to get dripped on all night you know you can see can you pick that up there's a little too dark fake I don't know if you can pick it all up but there's lots of dripping lots of dripping so let's keep cleaning up spring cleanup out the woods a here yeah this isn't gonna help the dripping because it's there's definitely a layer of ice under here but at least take weight off of it just you know just feel safer there's definitely gonna be a nice tasty layer that's still gonna melt them in until we get a good when it does get sunny and hot you know the Sun right there I'll just it'll dry out this would and potentially save the shelter from being like the last one falling apart maybe next time all this will be gone okay good enough good enough for now now we've got to hang a tarp on the inside here okay so before we go any further with putting the tarp up or anything I'm getting a slight nip to me because I'm not working as hard you know shoveling the snow we're not hiking beastmode anymore so I'm gonna put on probably single layout singer look Wow single layer of thermals top and bottom put my waterproof overalls on and my jacket and then put a hat on probably just cuz it is starting to get a little colder you know where the Sun still up but it's behind the cloud now so it's gonna start cooling off here so I'm just gonna get some layers on and then we'll get to the rest of it and we also had to give Monte a nice spot he's a spot right Monte even though you're fine we're gonna give you one anyways very mr. Monty feels better hey yeah yeah Monty yeah I don't like to I'll let myself get a little bit chilly like just a chill but if I start to get you know drastically chilly or anything like that I'll put layers on pretty good or regulations regulating my temperature so the funny thing is that even though it's like 50 degrees probably more like 43 right now maybe less I don't know but doesn't matter if it's zero degrees or 40 degrees I bring out the same amount of layers and everything just you know just in case how I'm feeling just in case I get chilly you know sometimes you can fight off the cold some days you'll get to get chilled out at 30 degrees but you're totally toasty at zero degrees I don't know what that why that is but happens it's always bring out the same stuff [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] sorry okay I'm sorry mighty I'm sorry I'm sorry come here you all the way down come here Nagi here Wendy here you go good boy yeah good boy you always gotta beat your mind T up with a sleeping pad always gotta be there okay where are we hang the tarp on the inside let's get to it okay so instead of using my tarp which is a 10 by 10 tarp I'm just gonna use my ground sheet since it says it's pretty much frozen in here I'm not too worried about anything you know pokin our sleeping pads are pretty tough except for oh yeah if you'll notice that I got a new sleeping pad on try it out today because of the last time I went camping but yeah like I was saying he's oh no yeah learn that lesson so uh they're pretty tough they're pretty rugged other than you know they can't stick them can't stick them a foot away from a burning hot fire and expect them to not melt but anywho yeah I'm just can use my grouchy because it's about the perfect size to just hook up this thing will be I'll have to wrap it around that it's I got my rat's nest in here so I think we'll just try the Grouch it out for now instead of this thing it's a little too big let's try this thing I don't see what happens let us see what happens there's things about the perfect size for this it's like it was made for this host oh it's so perfect this is his purpose well [Applause] okay but that's I worked out perfectly I couldn't plan that any better I just a little Lucy but yeah I just tied a piece of paracord to wedge it through the logs and then I pulled on it and the loop on the end was enough just the right amount of space to go and put the loop over the stake that I used to hold up these walls let's see if we can get both sides like that and make a rat's nest in the process nothing better than another rat's nest you know okay that one didn't work out quite as perfectly but as you can see we've got our overhang now the the tips of our feet it's not gonna be perfect there's like you know foot back when our feet only go to here anyways let me see let's just see oh yeah so just the tips of our feet it might drip on the edge but Monty doesn't sleep that far back and I generally don't anyways so it'll be just fine [Music] the firewood I put [Music] it's all frozen in the birchbark I'm gonna need my axe to get that out it's like an ice rink under here very Monteith hey you can see there's just right here is where it stops but our feet I'll probably only go to here so we get you might get a little drips he won't matter as much and the water on the ground honestly it's not gonna matter because our stuff's those little sleeping pads are waterproof anyways it's gonna get this meant to keep it dry but just froze to the ground since its spring that is frozen in there I'm gonna have to take this off here this'll burn still it's just gonna be a little wet it's smoky for a bit first or I don't want this to be sharp my sleeping pad and as we get the fire started and the heat reflects back in here if I didn't put this tarp up you get a lot more melty that birch bark is just gonna stay right there yeah I'm not messing with that all monty needs has a nice walk in the woods and a sleeping pad and he is satisfied look at that guy out he is out it's beautiful out here it sure is beautiful Sun still up we've got a good let's see I'd say we got an hour hour in the Sun will be set but we'll still get light for a while because it is kind of brighter out today but yeah you can just see branches like I was saying earlier that's that part you know there's another part right there let's see one on that yeah that's a top of a tree I can't even tell you how many of those I saw on the way in it was a lot there's another one behind it back there so you know if I was normally when I do this sort of thing I only collect it from dead broken down trees like that so I mean if I wanted to I've got a whole plethora of it right around here but I don't need to you know it's ice pack anyways so what we're gonna do now get some firewood okay firewood time whoo look at this thing that's a Widowmaker I always feel nervous standing under these even if it's just for a second look exactly what I am looking for all right yeah so I'm gonna do there's these sort of branches like this are all over right now I don't need to take down any dead standing nothing I'm just gonna I've seen there's so much of this right now so I'm gonna do is go get a bunch of these and we're gonna have a nice rip and fire tonight and I'm gonna process things laughter's good standing right there I don't need to take that down though anyways I'm gonna probably process it in a lot longer pieces today and we'll just burn things in half and just have a nice long fire tonight good meal we don't even need this axe Monty go back to camp okay well all it took was one trip I'm going to get some logs and I'm way too warm again now I wish I didn't have my thermals uh it's warm auntie it's warm well you know what you know what time it is we both need some water now I'm gonna make a little prediction even though we've hiked fur I don't know ways and have him drink any water either of us he's eating some snow I'm gonna pour him this water and one of two things I'm predicting you're gonna happen he's gonna sniff it and walk away from it or he'll take one lick and walk away from it if he does more than that I'll be surprised it'll be a first there you go Monty put it down here for ya that way you don't Spock on top of it already listen water here you go okay get your wife he sniped it and he walked away he didn't even take a lick it's like he's unstriped from drinking the water I provided for him you know I try that's why I put water in his food and because he just eats a little bit of snow he just won't drink it this is a GU to it little need your water all I need is your sleeping pad your food I'll get my own water no also going to set up the watch not in the Sun and see what the temperature is that I'm curious I'm gonna guess right now 45 40 to 45 44 to be exact as my guess the Sun we can't have that right here right no right here let's go get more wood Monty come on come on buddy you know there's not much out here that'll make me frustrated or upset or anything but those young maples there are little budding branches when they use whip you in the face oh just yeah I just took one of the throat I'm not sure oh yeah picks it up I just got whipped with one right there on the own sample no just like I want to break you tree Oh it'll get you they'll get you get it watch out for them you just you know carryin logs and there's your hands aren't free to like wash them out of the way I'll get you little creature has started eating my woodpile well know what kind of creature eats wood like that just for no reason at all just sees a nice pile of wooden Monte Jimmy throw a stick spruce yeah what do you think I'm signaling over here okay we'll get just sticks on - hey Monty I was down in wanna be you just wanna know the target what small beady little eyes and you got a long nose it's no surprise it's great hey Monty alright don't worry there pal you're gonna get a stick I just got a process up a little bit of this get the work done and then I'll have fun okay we're having fun I'm having fun the whole time I'm gonna do nice watch that sleep yeah I'm gonna do nice long how much room do I got yeah we'll go like that long left sawing still cutting [Music] [Music] when whilst I'm cutting all the firewood skies is beautiful Suns getting close to setting too bad we can't see it here Monte is just looking at me like I'm crazy sometimes mati there we go we got a nice pile of firewood there a lot of dense maple not punky stuff now you know sometimes I'll opt for you know cutting it down to nice log sizes and other times I just chop up logs like this it all depends what the what's the mood I'm in but this would take you know three four times as long to cut all this in a nice logs but I'm just about the fire since we're gonna be burning a long fire tonight just burn that all in half so since the Sun is setting I'm gonna go collect up a little bunch of little sticks and then we'll spark up a fire and then I'm gonna pack down a trail a nice spot and we'll throw a nice stick for Monty cuz he's he's been such a good boy he's just relaxing over there has it hasn't moved much whenever I'm starting up a fire I always love having a nice little pile of twigs nice little pile of sticks and a good old pile of logs for burning then you don't have to do much moving around got everything ready to go that'll light easy those that keep the flame going those will build the coals Oh it'll do the trick a little bit of birch bark from earlier and once again we're on the quest for a one strike fire with no warm-up no warm-up whatsoever it would help if I had a lot longer of a fire steel but this is what I got this is what I use we're gonna get it with this one all right here we go just get it ah oh that one didn't even go what how dare you for was that for blasphemy putting these twigs on you never want to just throw it and mush your fire you always wanted to breathe right now even though sometimes I don't even listen to my own advice and I throw too much on there like just now it's a little too much but I'm gonna keep piling sticks on there you know still not taking my own advice not listening to myself it's okay it's okay well maybe I should maybe I should slow down here thought of something this thing is not going under the chauffeur yet don't want no rogue embers no chances today we brought out a special a little something aha I've learned my lesson there's a little Z rest pad one of them month to use this put a little wool blanket on there this will do just fine see I learned I wanted for my mistakes he wants to lay down and lay his butt on this thing ain't no embers you're gonna ruin this one might put a couple holes in it but who cares but do you want to fetch a stick no a stick do you want a stick do you want to go for a dark Park do you want a stick okay hit me that's a better way let's let's pack it down this way Mikey you want it do you want it do you want to see don't sick good boy okie dokie fires burning down let's see what we've got four attempts ooh 38.8 ok ok 38.8 i mean it's gotten darker so it could have been around 45 when I was guessing we're just gonna say that I was 100% on the money at least I'm gonna tell myself that you know we're gonna keep burning these logs that bring me that stick Monty yeah I want a nice hot Cola bring me that stick Monty bring it here hey bring it here so let's see the Sun is officially set starting getting dark where are we at 8:30 8:30 last time I camped here what was that I just saw a critter could be a squirrel I guess I'm not gonna see anything it's too dark it was definitely I definitely saw it move it was definitely an animal nothing big and worrisome buddy means but I'm always interested in seeing what little critters are roaming around all right mud do you bring me that stick right now mister or you are grounded you're grounded to your sleeping pad you bring it here hey hey hey bring me that stick bring me that stick bring me that stick go mighty bright here if you ever want to ensure that no critters are gonna be coming around your camp tell my G to bring you the stick cuz you got to say it about a thousand times then you eventually gotta tread over there and get it anyways ain't listening he just taunts me with it it's like this is his sick twisted pleasure he just has me thrown the stick he feels like he knows I want to throw the stick for him and he just taunts me with it shaking his head this is a sick game mister I got to be careful retrieving the stick for month because when I break through I would create like a two-foot hole I don't want him running and just like you know catching his legs in that get my feet yeah it's getting dark I'm gonna put the light on there you probably can't see anything that was a bad throw oh that's my bad why'd you bring in here I'm sorry that's a poopy throw it almost hit Monty oh oh so yeah it's it's spring right now we still got two feet of snow it's uh let's see what day is today well April starts in a couple days so I'm thinking the snow is gonna be here till probably til probably sell almost made to be honest all right we're really close to me maybe even into me who knows and we might even get that spring snowstorm that likes to come around pretty much every year but it's not it's not getting above 50 and sunny when it's what it gets to like 55 60 and sunny is when it just melts you know if it stays 50 and it's like cloudy partly sunny it just slowly melts which I guess is better as far as like flooding goes and that sort of thing because when it just melts all down that's when it's you get some crazy flooding even though no matter what I think flooding is gonna happen this year with all the snowfall Marty bring me that stick come on Brady here might see to it maybe finally Monty bring me that stick come on breathe here Monty bring me that stick he just doesn't care about my feelings about the stick throwing Monte I have had it to here with your stick mmm taunting you bring in your good boy good boy come back come on come on oh whoa cool frisky cool that's fool me once okay you ready good boy gimme that stick give me that stick give me this okay Monte I've been throwing the stick for like 45 minutes now is that enough all right we're gonna put this down for now okay okay okay all right please yeah you like that probably not really hate not as pushing the air pad come on this is all you need yeah he'll figure it out I doubt he's gonna sit here anyways it's too warm so yeah like I said Oh fire reflector is catching got to be careful coming up the scoot the fire way a little bit we have been throwing the stick for Monty for a good 45 minutes there at least yeah just been relaxing blow up the sleeping pad by what I'm wearing I'm sure you can tell the temperature for those of you that are not used to colder temperatures or winter camping in general you may think I'm crazy when I say you know it's 30 degrees out it's very warm I've got pretty much you know one little merino wool layer on and for those of you that camp in colder temperatures that I do you might be like you should have your shirt off but no it's it's warm everything's relative you know it's warm right now 30 degrees at night that's warm I mean it might be a but it might be more than that actually right now it's probably like 35 35 Fahrenheit which what is that that's like 1 or 2 Celsius something like that it's warm right now I can hear I can hear the water hitting this so this is definitely reflecting some heat back oh yeah it's dripping dripping like crazy yeah Monte's it's too warm for him to want to sit near this fire I'm probably not even be able to wear my jacket sitting this close to the fire it's hot that's a hot fire we got a cold bed going now I've chopped up a little some little small pieces just because I was thinking you know what if I'm sitting here I don't want to keep the coals going I might want some smaller piece but that's a hot fire it's gonna melt all this this is all gonna be fluffy yeah yep yep yep it's sure springtime I just hope it doesn't get melt hope this stays frozen at least on the ground I don't want it to turn into a slush mud puddle because it's pretty icy I think it'll stay frozen which would be good which is what I want but you never know we'll see we'll be fine though I'll just have some dirty dirty sleeping pads so we're gonna get cooking here pretty soon start preparing dinner I bet you're wondering what we're having for dinner we're having a good one tonight for those of you that follow me on Instagram and you saw my latest post you'll have a good hint as to what dinner is and two of you is actually pretty much guest at dead on what do you guess it dead on and I sent out a sticker I'm gonna send out a sticker and patch combo to that person that guest is exactly right and the person that was very close but what we are having tonight is a fresh-caught fire roasted coho salmon fettuccine alfredo oh yeah it's gonna be good you know I was as I was out with my buddy Jake a few nights ago and we were just he's leaving he's leaving town to go work and it was his last night out and he just he wanted to go fishing on the breakwall and in Lake Superior and [Music] yeah I didn't expect to catch anything you know there was ice all over except for the one spot where we were fishing and I was just going to you know shoot the with I'm just talk cast some lines it's enjoyable you know I don't really expect to catch much this time of year and few casts in I was just chatting away you know I just cast it off my line I was chatting away and I just let my lure sink and yeah this jumped on oh yeah first fish of the year yeah so I caught I brought that in yanked it right up off the ice and caught that's what we're eating tonight it's about as fresh as it gets and I knew right away what I was cooking I'm not quite sure how fire-roasting salmon is gonna go Ike I wanted to sear it in a pan but I like the flavor of fire roasted food better so we're gonna try putting the fillet on the great grade with the skin down and I'm gonna I'm gonna pull coals out and we're gonna slowly roast it that way while cooking everything else might go perfectly and be super delicious might go bad and I burn stuff and still be super delicious but either way we're gonna eat it it's gonna be good come here at least humor me bro bro come here well lay down yeah at least Toomer me okay if he leaves from here I'll all accept it do as you please I just wanted him to land it once and know that there's a comfy little cushion section here for him but yeah the reason I'm not cooking yet you know it's already almost 10:00 just because it's just an enjoyable evening this is you know it's not like frigid cold or anything the winds supposed to be down here wind blowing at all it's supposed to be like 15 miles an hour and north winds are usually pretty strong nothing calmed right down clear skies the stars are out this light wasn't blast me in the face I could definitely see the stars but there's a very enjoyable evening and the last time I was out camping was when I built that cave and huh all the problems that go along with that yeah but yeah so I'm just taking my time I'm hungry right now but I'm just enjoying sitting around this fire burning it down it's nice to get a night out today is definitely going better than expected I think our meals gonna go better than expected cuz that hike in you know was kind of like oh it's gonna be some work but when the when it's packed like that and the snowmobile went down it was just we flew through that it was just like walking because when you have a sled and it's packed down you're dragging a sled you got a little bit of drag but your backpack is super light because everything's in your sled it's like pulling nothing I was just like walking there's a little more more work once we got to off the off the road and the snowmobiles packed is is we were sinking in like that much which is still nothing so it was just a little bit more took a little bit squeakin yeah just a little bit more work and I'm not quite sure really how far we hike today I'm I'm really bad at guessing when I'm hiking through the woods like this when I pick my spots normally and I'm just going into the woods um I always use Google Maps to scope out areas first and what I do is I'll see sections of swamp and you can look at the terrain on there and you can see ridges and I like to I what I like to do the most is follow ridges and just get an idea in my head so like I'll follow a ridge I'll see a swamp I'll hug the edge of the swamp go around and you know I've already been here like three four times so I pretty much know my way in to a tee so that that's usually how I scope out my spots when I'm just hiking into the woods I'm not just blindly going and following a compass I usually scope it out first on Google Maps check the terrain see what kind of ridges I can go through sometimes if it's a really unfamiliar area you know I'll take some pictures on my phone of the terrain just so that when I'm hiking I can keep an eye but other than you know knowing where the ridges are if there's a big swamp you can just follow your way around the swamp or going north through a swamp I do all sorts of different ways and I'm going maybe at DOMA Monty's setting unless he's squeaking well I guess I am hungry enough to start cooking and we've got a perfect call that it is ripping hot my hands are like from right here burning if I if I just hold him here like this it's too hot I have to put them down like this yeah that's that just right there is too hot so uh okay okay Monty I'm glad you like oh he's pretty warm even right here Monty it's hot it's okay he'll move if he's too hot he's gonna I give me like three minutes or if I get up to shut off the camera he walks away all right let's prepare some food okay mr. Monty what do you think prepared some booty okay where are we at well hurry down here oh that's gonna have to do you're just gonna not see my face can you see this that's all that matters right there oh we had to change your batteries hold up there buddy all right there's not a whole lot to prepare for this one Oh somehow we've spilled Monty's water that he won't drink anyways oh well but like I was saying there's not a lot to prepare for this one just a couple things everybody made a chunk of butter always a chunk of butter I'm not gonna put that there I'll just stick that up there for now we'll probably need more butter later and then we're gonna chop up some fresh parsley and then put it back in here until it's a little later I'm not gonna chop it up to Phi we'll leave it nice and you know voluptuous I don't know if that's the right word but it's a word we're using and we're sticking to it step back in there later and then the only other thing we really got to prepare other than our fish is garlic nice a couple cloves of garlic for those of you that have that don't you know that don't know a lot of you probably will but my subscribers have taught me that if you just crush the garlic here just a little bit with the side of your knife give it a little smush it makes it so much easier to peel off the outside see that skin look at that just coming right off easy easy I hear you guys when you give me a little tips that I like and I'm for cooking and stuff I take those tips well yeah I'm not afraid to better myself with knowledge you know some things I stick to my oh my guns you know but we get this clove of garlic chopped up here we're not gonna go too fine on the garlic all right that's good enough I don't mind big pieces of garlic okay and then the last thing we've got to prepare is the fish now I'm a little nervous as far as you know this is a coho salmon it's not a big thick piece of salmon it's a nice little nice little boys here I will look at that look at those beautiful orange fillets it's very soft too so I don't want to fry it up so we're just gonna put a few little scores in it just to help cook it down and then we got to give Monte pour so I'm gonna what I'm gonna do is I'm going to cook this on the grate grate just like this I'm gonna scrape coals underneath and do it nice and light now Monte here we're gonna give him some nice chunks what else is gonna get a nice portion of fish here it's not gonna get quite as big as a portion as me but still nice nice bit of fish all right that's plenty for for all Monty there we've also got them pumpkins so he's gonna be just fine we'll do another another little score through here okay we're gonna cook it just like that we'll just scrape coals we'll move this around that's how we're gonna cook our fish I'm gonna I'm gonna get a little something to sprinkle on here but I was hoping let's see if there's gonna be oh we can make it work I can still cook my meat on there okay all right let me go get let me go get the goods let me go hit the goods oh we got the Montreal the allspice the great spice for a great great makes everything tastes just that much better except for Monty we tested that theory out last week does not make Monty taste better that looks good looks good already huh oh well there is one other thing we've got to prepare okay I've got a I've got a lemon here I'm just gonna cut that in half once I clean off my knife that'll be pretty use later but let's get to cooking it's time it's just time do you think my - it tastes good like hindquarter Mon - your back straps Monty I think your back straps would taste good little montreal in there okay let's stop thinking about that let's focus on the fish the fish okay there's one thing that's true about this dish it does not take long to cook so I'm gonna get the snow is pretty packy so it might this is a lot probably felt more than I think well you gotta get some water going at least warmed up so we can boil some noodles all right where's my little stick [Applause] okay they're going to get our fish slowly going this is gonna need to move a lot I don't want to burn it too fast we're gonna look at its I see all right get this we're gonna cook it real slow real safe startup here but we might need to move it down and I'm just gonna keep bringing coals underneath this fish I don't want to I don't want to burn anything get Monty's going there okay let's just begin like I said this one cooks up pretty quick you just kind of throw him everything and slowly add in things minute by minute and you're eating pretty quick get somebody in there with that meltdown and we're gonna have to definitely have to turn this around time in time to cook that fish okay and then that slice of garlic got a little bit of parsley in there too but that's okay and then one other thing then I've got some lemon zest zested that lemon that I brought out with me so that's just one one lemons worth lemon zesting I love citrusy lemony oh yeah all this fire is so hot okay this thing is so hot Oh what you get when you cook up hardwoods or burn hardwoods all man is just ripping right now huh burns it burns my hand I can't even be close to it all right [Music] money has caught wind of the fish it he is now standing just standing in attention but our garlic and lemons us cook for a good minute or so ish now we're going to add in some flour what we are creating right now is a roux cook this down for a minute so this fire is so hot it's ridiculous this is hard it's like super hot right here oh yeah okay we're just gonna just gonna like come at it from this angle oh it's so hot and we also need to turn this grain around okay yeah we need to turn the grater on for a sec here get the fish cooking from the other side let's see and we're gonna burn my hands be careful okay this is going back on here scrape the coals over to the proper side okay I might have to also cook this just straight on the calls we'll see okay we've got to go to the next step buy it my name is creature over here you're busted mr. pennyways buddy you're so funny all right we've got some milk I'm gonna add in I put it in this this little these shakers from working out they snap and they they stay pretty good if you need to bring out a liquid that's what I always use listen Ellen all right bring this up to a little bit of a simmer here it's hard cooking this fish right next to this I mean drag some more coals under here get this better heat it up ready go oh yeah whoo that's making our fish a little cooking a little too hot so I'm gonna need you know my need to do is we're gonna have to move this over here right now and this right here is gonna have to go right onto the coals is how it's gonna have to be because it's fish and that we're gonna cook it very different temperatures and times okay keep it going move fish a little bit so the salmon is looking perfect it's still slightly pink and raw on the top left as you can see in the other chunk is too but it's cooking nice and slow not trying to burn it at all someone's moved closer to the fish okay [Applause] now we're gonna go adding in some cream cheese knock that right in there mm-hmm let's get creamy let's get creamy Oh what else Oh what else for a fettuccine alfredo that's right some grated Parmesan oh it's so hot a bunch of it Oh a lot oh yeah this is where it starts to get that cheesy delicious goodness we need to get hurt I got the water I moved the water but that's got to start boiling soon but oh yeah look at that we gotta melt this it's so hot I can't explain is getting good we're getting there we are getting there we got a scratch more cold for our fish Oh oh yeah okay then we're gonna add some salt to this not too much salt not too little salt just the right amount of salt you don't want to over salt and you don't want under salt you know just a little bit more okay that's him - good that's good right there oh yeah perfect and then we're gonna add in some black pepper black pepper oh I like pepper we'll do a little extra pepper there we go oh it's starting to come along now ooh see it's starting to bubble a little bit we don't want it to bubble we don't want this simmer just melt in there all nice so I'm gonna move this off the heat just a hair oh it's starting to look so creamy oh we're getting there we're getting there my TV my geez creepin in the mud is creeping you know it's serious when he starts creeping in it's getting serious Monty it's gettin serious this is bubbling cheese is almost all melted oh we've almost got that beautiful cheesy once all that cream cheese melts just bubble a little it's a little bubble a little bit I gotta be careful oh it's so this fire is so high I know I've said it a hundred times who are salmon let's uh gently get her salmon or a little bit more heat on this end it's not fully cooked right here right here and I don't mind if the skins a little burnt on the others under side that's okay because we're gonna scrape it off the skin it's gonna be so good let's check our noodles okay they're not boiling but the snow is all melted what I'm gonna do is start cooking my noodles because I've got fresh noodles and it doesn't need to really be boiling to cook these fresh noodles get there we're getting there Monty don't you worry this is Monty's right here this is gonna be just fine he ate it raw but we'll cook it up when he likes a nice hot meal we're gonna salt our water a little bit how do you open this like a little help me Oh Monty you're a little uh you know what I know how to open this what am i doing yeah Monty just jab a knife into the plastic that's that's a lighter covered in duct tape doesn't that we want yeah that's how you open it ain't no fiddling around over here okay if these betta gene rules cooking that's a lot of them they're pretty long it's gonna be gonna be a challenge hitting those all in there there we go okay let those start cooking okay we're getting there we're getting there ladies and gentlemen hit that boiling over that it's getting serious now we're gonna add in a bunch of that fresh parsley oh yeah stir that right in oh yeah this is gonna be so good Monte you're gonna be happy too don't you worry we're taking care of you today too oh my gosh the lemon zest that just adds so much okay okay next step this thing still recording okay we're still good we got a couple chunks of bread I was gonna you know roast up some garlic but I'm thinking that if I just toast up the bread for a minute here it's gonna be just as good I'm not gonna go too crazy Oh okay ladies and gentlemen it's getting it's getting very close let's do er it with these noodles oh they're boiling gotta make sure it'll burn to the bottom you gotta be careful all right we got to taste one of these noodles here taste test is it al dente I can get one a little bit longer to go [Music] okay this this right here this is getting a little little crispy I know this is done our Alfredo is done I just got to keep it warm now you got to keep it warm we got can't burn it I'll push these off we'll keep it next to the fire our fish you know it's a little bit it's a little bit underdone on these tips but that's not gonna matter well we'll do this scrape some really hot coals underneath it we'll just roast them really hot right here at the end and as you can see my bread that I've almost dropped to the fire I moved it over a hotter spot I mean I'm like I'm 90% sure that you could eat the salmon raw this little coho salmon fresh Cod on the Lake Superior and you would be just fine but I like to have it cooked you know Monte's oh my G's is done all right Monte's is done this is done our noodles are almost done just going to keep this warm just keep it warmed up let me just mmm that's so good Oh Albert Albert no no you know Albert bread move it back a little bit okay this is one of those meals I don't know if you guys can tell but you can't lollygag with this one I have in between just turning on or off the camera I haven't done anything but focus on cooking you gotta just cook this one because the sauce cooks up fast salmon then like that cooks up fast fresh noodles cook up past this these are probably done these seem done there's not much water okay done and done Oh breads over flame that's done okay okay it is time it is time haha okay let's prepare the paste okay all right we're gonna scoop the noodles into here give you a little bit of water just in case whoops I was looking at the fish there [Applause] okay see you always when you're making this you want to reserve a little of the cooking water that you boiled your noodles in it was it was salted because this gets really thick so you need to add a little bit more of that water like it's perfect right now but if it cools just a little bit it's going to thicken up so we're gonna add just a little bit of this water just a little bit mix it back in there oh okay oh it's gonna be so good okay okay a couple more steps couple more steps let's sprinkle on some fresh grated Parmesan that isn't melted yet okay okay a few pieces of parsley that does not make stand out okay let's get this over here we're gonna scrape this fire-roasted we're to scrape it off the skin gotta be careful oh yeah man this is gonna be so good oh we're not done yet we are not done okay we're just gonna burn that off right there we've got one final step to the whole thing and that is a fresh squirt of lemon over that fish okay that looks so good okay that that's good that's good right there oh man oh yeah oh yeah okay that ladies and gentlemen is some Lake Superior coho salmon fettuccine alfredo and I am about to devour it Oh all right let's eat her Monte has been so patient he's been so patient sitting over there waiting you got to get his ready to he's gonna get a nice nice dollop of pumpkin I don't want to use all this in case a case I want to force feed them breakfast you know you for speed and breakfast you got some pumpkin you gonna eat it we save a little bit of this a little bit of this okay and then the protein okay all right everybody's happy everybody's got gourmet food with pumpkin salmon dog booty goopy mess he's gonna inhale this okay that's a seat boy let's just eat okay that there we're gonna have to burn the skin it's okay the great gray can handle it the great is great yes I'm so excited right now I do have two beers with me I finished one of the cooking process you know you got to cook with wine when you're outdoors you got to cook with beer so killed off the first one gonna crack a fresh one Monte take a nice sip that is so heavy you know whenever I cook out here funk always tells me to bring her home some leftovers and this feels like one of those meals that there's gonna be some leftovers when I told her I was making she's like you better bring me home some soul we'll see we'll see I'm just going to stir this fish in we're gonna get it all in there everything is going to mix all it's just a perfect consistency right now are you excited look at him heat you want tree you want tree look at that head tilt that's hard head treat you want to go to the dog park do you want doing treat all right go ahead Monty glad you've been a good boy all day the neck get a nice first bite today is a great day to be outdoors I tell you what I think this is the best operator I've ever made oh we're warping our great great as red hot that's how the other one got destroyed so fast but man the only thing I could have done better is to I'll pan fry up some garlic and kind of roast it with some butter put it over this bread it's the only thing but it doesn't matter it's still slightly crispy bread this salmon just so good because it's got that Montreal in there and lemon and when you get a bite of it it's extra flavorful what oh come on Monte eats about two to two and a half cups of food a day two meals once in the morning once at night and right there well actually before we left we gave I give him when I do these trips like this where he's like winter camping or whatever out in the snow it's cold I usually give him a cup of food to her cup and a half of food wit pumpkin so he's got a big meal he digests it on the drive out we hike and whatnot and then I give him another big portion which I just did more than a cup with pumpkin with fish excuse me and it's just not good enough clean it out I swear he'll eat until he pukes I change the angle because the smoke is just blowing that way change JG eagle the camera there's a lot more here than I can eat huh hmm you think you're getting more huh you're not don't worry you're not going to get any more just don't even worry about it oh you know I could give you do you wanna do you want a head scratch do any ear scratch here you want to these no I want whatever's in that pot I haven't had enough okay I put up with your crap all day you know follow your route listen you talk to yourself for hours I expect more food that's what okay okay yeah yeah okay okay there pal okay Oh or warping the new great great real bad Oh Oh No well oops that still forms good al happy you know you get a great great six bucks you get a warp we normally I make the same match for me and funk so this is a did you burp it's okay me too I burp - I forgive you normally is definitely pasta for two I'm slowing down I am sure slowing down well well well well ladies and gentlemen what a day what a good day there's a beautiful day so what I'm going to do is I'm going to shut off that light shut off that camera finish up eating as much as this as I can and I'm gonna sit here for a good 45 minutes maybe more maybe a little bit less but I really want to look at the Stars and it's really hard to do with that light on so I'm gonna shut that off and relax for a good good bit of time here and eventually as this burns down I want to get ready for bed so I will check back in with you guys a little bit okay so I'm gonna lay this this thing underneath my sleeping pad here because you know mine's brand-new for the first time in all the times I've been winter camping I'm going to have and use an actual winter camping sleeping pad now normally normally I just use you know those those normal sleeping pads which are definitely not for winter camping but it's done me fine so far doesn't be justice but this one right here you can see it's it's gray different different colors gray means warm I guess come over here watch out this is yours Monty like I said this one is rated for winter camping it's the Neo air X therm I'm gonna try it out for the first time I laid on it in my living room for a little bit and it was definitely warm it's uh it's got an R value that's pretty high it's made for winter camping they make it like a mummy shape but I like square yeah you go ahead make yourself at home there Monty just see month is just he's here to christen you know he's here to put more money paw prints on your brand is stop okay I don't mind I'm gonna put Monty's wool blanket down in the bottom tonight because there's a 100% chance that both of us are gonna be too warm like I said when they come out I packed just like if it's zero degrees or it's 40 degrees it doesn't matter so I've got my warm bag I am very certain that I will be sleeping with my bag open no layers on probably my underwear just open because it's a warm bag Marian one month you might not even want to be in a sleeping bag period you might just want to lay with it open mostly but it's definitely warm you can tell by the layers on where it's still 30 degrees or warmer so I might not even zip Monty up right away it's pretty warm out you can tell he's ready for bed he's laying here good boy he knows a drill Monty have you done this before well do you know that you need this thing still yeah do you know do you know if this is this is your little cocoon of happiness and warmth coming up over here it's okay yep no it's okay you gotta come off the sleeping pad for just one minute all right stay there hold on hold on I know I know it's blasphemy it's blasphemy all I Majesty there okay tell me are you tired big puppy you big stinky you know you like to dig just later how about we just lay down come on later don't dig it out that's what we're gonna do I'm gonna scoot you like this don't cut your legs big booty get over yelling your arms yeah okay William to zip them up halfway he definitely seems like hey zip upload you know you get your Monty in a zip up mode you can't deny him the coziness of a sleeping bag I'll just not far wait I just don't want to zip them up too much it's definitely a warm night tonight and I know what I'm uncomfortable so we gotta have his it's like that just so his head's getting some air the rest of him is good now uh like I said this is gonna be dripping my feet are gonna get a little little drips on them nothing crazy but hey that's a good boy eyes are closed our Monte's tucked in so ladies and gentlemen as you can see I am still just wearing this lay of thermals so it cannot be very cold out Monte's water did get ice on the top so it has to be below freezing it has to be so it's it's not much it's it's maybe 30 degrees Fahrenheit which is what would that be Celsius negative 0.1 I guess I don't know it's so close it's hard to tell but yeah brush my teeth got all my stuff packed up for the most part and I am ready to just crawl in this sleeping bag in try to go to sleep it's gonna be a little bit of trouble because this bag is rated for negative 40 it's extreme cold bag and it's you know 30 degrees out so that's 70 70 degree difference so I'm just gonna kind of lay with my layers on and have my bag off and we'll see I should be I should be fine but definitely be keeping an eye on Monty I don't want him to get uncomfortable and roll around get out so I'm always a light sleeper out here anytime he rolls around of moves I'm always checking on him I never sleep too hard I'm a light sleeper in general anyways but especially when I'm out here and I've got to take care of him if he gets up I like to make sure he wants if he needs water if he needs a shift to the other side that's that's generally what he does is shift to the side anyways I'm rambling on I'm full I had a very satisfying day so I'm gonna pass out now so I'll catch you guys in the morning good night everybody just asleep like this I don't think I've ever seen Monty sleep so hard in his whole life oh I heard his name Monty he's snoring that tongue sticking out just wanted to keep your tongue in your mouth when you're sleeping what are you doing dude he's sleeping hard man he hasn't moved all night it was him even petting him I opened and closed the sleeping pad bag arrow I was where he's getting too warm wait but he doesn't even care no worries in the world that tongue can't get over the tongue sticking out morning my tea Oh morning my tea are you ready are you running oh boy don't lick my face Oh morning Mikey Bunty slept so hard last night Oh Q it's a new day it's a new day Monty yeah Monty slept we have to deal with me upside down for a minute here - up so hard it was crazy he did not move oh I was getting concerned oh um at one point Monty does this thing where he sleeps so hard you can't even tell he's breathing and I always get concerned so I was like calling his name and like moving him and all I could see was all he was moving was his little beady eye it was just like barely moving and I was like 90 is like are you gonna comb or something you okay and just like yeah I started just like shaking him and then he like jumps up I was like okay he's fine but he he didn't want to switch positions when I kind of made him get up and turn around just to switch sides is huge snore tons sticking out is some pretty good I slept pretty good you know other than this thing keeps getting into my side my pack of batteries like 2 pounds worth my sides but anyways is clear blue skies and sunny out there it's looking beautiful we heard a swan this morning and a trumpet and going across some other weird animal with still it's not windy at all outside too cold last night it got down to hmm um it got down to 23 was the coldest point the night I had my watch hitting over here checking on it Oh stinky frozen socks buddy come here how do you wanna hit you at the stinky sock orgy go he's somewhere all right we don't get to hit him with a stinky sock yeah I'm hiking in without the overalls over my boots a little bits of snow got inside my boot - babe I beat you sold down so put on some dry socks right here by her muddy crazy oh there he is he's creeping around for food scraps anyways guys I'm kind of rambling so I'm not gonna put on too many layers maybe I'll put on a jacket it's kind of warm but anyways I'm gonna get up let's do it [Laughter] [Laughter] it's so still out it's just so still mighty yeah that's what you sound like your stick you owe me throw the stick it's so still out there it's a moose the Marty moose be careful my pee it's like a minefield for potholes yeah got a little colder last night that I thought it would I mean I was it was still super warm but definitely colder than I thought I was gonna be I didn't think it was much below freezing but yeah they got down at 23 which is still pretty warm night I didn't put my feasible blanket over at all throughout the night I had just my layers on and I kept having my top open and I kept letting my heat alpha heat so calm this morning this is crazy it's just echoing your sound for miles Oh see he just swung it at me you dirty dog you just tried to hit me with this oh that's all yeah it's it's frozen now anywhere I walked in today it's packed down so we're not gonna dilly-dally too much today we got funk a nice portion of Alfredo I wouldn't mind eating it but you know we'll save for it that's salmon all Fredo whoo it always sounds better when you give it the full name you know you know I got right now I'm called a salmon Alfredo but if I say fire-roasted Lake Superior coho salmon fettuccine alfredo it's just like mmm that sounds good salmonella Fredo yeah fire roasted fresh Lake Superior coho salmon fettuccine alfredo yeah yeah that sounds real nice same dish perspective Monte bring me that stick think he's gonna go poop he's out there pooping I can't see you - choose yourself that he's probably poopit try be out there for fun well yeah like I said not just we're not going Billy ballot too much we got a two and a half hour at least hike it'll probably be a little bit slower going today cuz I don't I'll probably take my time a little bit more on the hike and I wanted to get here so I had a drive to push hard but at least the day we won't be sinking pretty much at all if we get going the next couple hours or Fergie next couple hours I'm gonna throw the stick for Monty for hours here no we're gonna get packed up and get going with him they are well yeah it's all frozen so it'll be just a pathway show bring me that stick my did you poop did you poop come on break in here a lot of people have been asking lately in the comments if I poop and you know I know I record a lot of stuff but I'm not gonna record myself pooping of course I poop out in the woods they asked me how I do is you squat in your poo there's nothing to it really where's Monty we're just dick Monty we're just dig Monty where is it get it run T oh you want this stick oh oh oh oh I'm sorry it didn't it stuck to my hand I'll try again yeah where's the Monty get this stick for real this time are you ready where's this thing okay re for real for real we're really real real Coney mess with us so much anyways as I was saying we're gonna get packed up here let us let us get back down okay do will attack sorry but I'm sorry I'm sorry [Music] you're havin too much fun this morning too much fun oh hey so this water didn't freeze tells me that it wasn't below freezing inside the shelter hmm is what I said about Watchers on the outside that's interesting interesting Monty Oh fluffy bunny hi that's a good boy that's a good boy yeah you guys some goo peas in your eye why don't you want a tire rub I'm gonna higher up yeah a little those are up next Gretchen thanks Gretchen oh good boy let's see what do you think Monte t-shirt it's sunny we're gonna need the shades out we'll go with we'll go with a t-shirt and one layer of thermals for now and when we get way too sweaty halfway through the hike we will take off a thermal layer and do what we're doing yesterday that's what we're gonna do Monte that's the plan that is the plan okay you guys don't need to see the rest here I'm gonna get down to my undies here Monty okay let's turn off the camera [Applause] [Applause] one more attachment and they're ready to rock and roll hey Monty kara my deep reme hi yeah did you have a fun night huh yeah your butt seems clean seems like get a clean pull you know clean pull well well well that's gonna do it for this one ladies and gentlemen had a delicious meal yesterday and a nice hike on a beautiful day had some fun out here nice nice very nice overnighter I had some fun but we've got a definitely two three-hour hike to get back to the car so we're gonna get to it so as always ladies and gentlemen if you liked the video hit the like button if you want to see more stuff like this hit the subscribe button and I will catch you guys in the next video [Music] for those of you that remember this I was talking about the snowshoe strap Oh Monty she doing being a kind of Jangi but it finally broke and since I have it all the way to the end I don't have much room my boots they're pretty big they don't fit unless I have it you know all the way to the end so I can't really tie it off so we're just gonna hope that the road or the trail is packed enough it seems pretty good this morning so I'm off to take my snowshoes off but I guess that's kind of the end of the old snowshoes I'm sure they could be repaired I'll figure something out later but those of you that know I already hate these snowshoes they they have fallen off this trip the straps are coming down my boots have slipped out maybe 30 times on the hike in and Ardie five or six times right now so anywho let's just hope that it's packed enough to I don't I'm not postholing the whole way home I've got a ways to go who will [Music] [Music]
Channel: Matthew Posa
Views: 1,117,839
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, camp, overnight, winter camping, bushcraft, bushcraft camp, bushcrafting, campfire, campfire cooking, asmr, backcountry, backcountry camping, wilderness, wilderness area, winter, spring, snow, dog, outdoorsman, adventure, outdoors, gourmet, fire skills, bushcraft skills, backpack camping, backpacking, canada, camping dog, survival shelter, survival, how to camp, bushcraft shelter, cooking, food, snowshoeing, wild camp, shelter, forest, cold camping, dog training, bushcraft base camp
Id: 4JKamDbVC_k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 40sec (7480 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 31 2019
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