Facebook & Their Insanely Specific T-Shirts

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This brought me here. I'm surprised I didn't know this subreddit existed before today.

👍︎︎ 64 👤︎︎ u/NuM3R1K 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

Kurtistown!! 💖💖

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/Teletubby_Orgy 📅︎︎ Jan 26 2019 🗫︎ replies

I unironically want the pan flute shirt

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/hitchcockbrunette 📅︎︎ Jan 27 2019 🗫︎ replies
if I'm making an entire video about t-shirts I gotta be wearing an awesome one when I'm filming what do i I don't know where do I do I wear my merch do I do that I mean it looks really cool and it's very soft but I've done that before you know what if I were a shirt it's got to be provocative and oh my god this is it this is the perfect shirt there is nothing wrong with this shirt here all right perfect hey there welcome to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's up how's it going it's great to see you again you see what happens when you subscribe to my channel you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every video so press that subscribe button for an extra greeting folks I'm very excited for today's video if you can't tell by the title today we're gonna be talking about clothing and you know clothing is a great way to express yourself hold on Express that reminds me I only have a quick shout out to today's sponsor expressvpn if you've never heard of expressvpn before well listen up we're all on the internet all the time you know and we're all wholesome folks doing good stuff on the internet you know but there's some really bad people out there on the internet that want to steal your stuff your login info your banking information literally everything and the scary thing is without a VPN this is actually really easy for these people to do expressvpn ensures your safety online so you can browse without worry dude it's all laid back my guy and they have apps available for every device so you can stay safe on your iPhone your your Android your desktop your laptop everything in addition to the unmatched security and privacy that they give you expressvpn also allows you to access content that is only available in certain countries yeah dude this is especially amazing for someone like me I'm Canadian and honestly we got the short end of the stick for streaming services you know like we have all of them but we get all the scraps of everyone else it's you know so if I want to watch a show that's only available in France then one click I'm there I did it so easy dude you can usually get expressvpn for less than seven dollars a month but they've hooked up the citizens of curtis town and with a really awesome deal just go to expressvpn comm slash Curtis town for three months free on our one-year subscription yeah three months that's 90 days not paying a cent did that link will be in the description so click it and take back your internet privacy today and you'll also be supporting me in my channel okay thank you so much guys now let's get into the video speaking of internet privacy we're gonna be talking about a very peculiar topic today to explain this a little better let's let's do a little lesson alright in digital marketing let's go it's so exciting so you know when you're browsing Amazon for a new cowboy hat and then like 10 minutes later you get an ad on Facebook for a cowboy hat isn't that crazy oh my god your phone is listening to you dude that's actually the magic of retargeting retargeting is basically a computer system looking at what you're doing online and then suggesting stuff to you based on what you did earlier you know so a website will see that you're looking for a cowboy hat and then if you didn't buy it or something it'll be like oh this person is definitely still looking for a cowboy hat take a look at this one I bring this up because it well it has literally everything to do with the topic of today's video there's a current phenomenon going on bars phenomenon going on what's up man get off my lawn alright what the [ __ ] there's a certain phenomenon going on where apparel companies will take all of your personal data like your name your age location interests and create a very specific piece of clothing and then market it to you and maybe a few others that it pertains to but pretty much only you here's an example of that never underestimate a man who plays drums and was born in August so the person who got an ad for this shirt was born in August and probably likes drums on Facebook or something cuz you know I used to do that you remember do you guys do that as well I was literally like type into Facebook when I was a kid and like everything I liked I would type it in and then press like why did I do that they didn't do anything six story code is tell it again a few years ago I used to get these ads a lot you would be like a sweatshirt that would say you wouldn't get it it's a Curtis thing which like really [ __ ] true sometimes we'll just don't get it you know and it is a Curtis thing but as the years have gone by they've gotten way more specific like like they've really nailed it so I figured for this video we would take a look at some and find out if people are actually buying it why they're buying it and really just dissect this thing and figure out why the heck it keeps happening so without further ado let's get going so our Homer thing before we get into it I want to give a quick shout out to the Instagram account Facebook shirts and to the reddit subreddit targeted shirts okay thanks let's go okay so we got a great one to start with warning I may start talking about metal detecting at any time oh man I don't know why you we need to warn people about that I don't think that's like a scary actually yeah cuz you'd be taught you could be talking about like the weather like oh my god it's like so nice outside it's it's crazy like it's it's beautiful yeah I was saying the same thing it's like really it's really sunny and like I don't know these birds are chirping yeah so the other day I was metal detecting I found I found an old coin and it was great and it was good and I found it and it's mine and you can't have it all right I thought return about the weather I bring my metal detector everywhere even the CD stores so I can hey so I can find the best metal albums because I love metal music I love metal you know that's how I picture it would go so these like I was born in whatever are super common but they literally have nothing to do with what's on the actual shirt you know it doesn't like relate to their like zodiac sign or anything like this one for example I was born in January I'm a good person but don't give me a reason to show my evil side all right man like is that supposed to be really intimidating like this guy's about to get in a fight like dude on me to beat you up dude on you're dead you're dead meat my guy all right I can I could take you dude it's whatever yeah well I was born in January oh hey guys let's get out of here you know I don't think that's gonna happen in case of accident my blood type is Pepsi Max and I was born in July I don't know if this one is real or not I hope it is and it'd be great if doctors took this seriously too like he comes in after a car accident with this sweater on and the doctors were like what blood-type I don't know as long as what it says it on his sweater yeah read it right there no no [ __ ] get me 30 CC's of pepsi max step on it got it hey do you happen to know when he was born I need the money I think July right and they pumped Pepsi Max into his bloodstream and he [ __ ] dies cuz that's what would happen don't flirt with me I am already taken by a crazy mag I he'll punch you in the face very hard oh and she's got the matching mug - that's sick I mean I kind of want to get this for my girlfriend I'm a crazy may guy I was born in May so people have always said that they're like Curtis you're a crazy man guy I was born this way dude sorry I'm gonna have a video game about my life and it's it's gonna be like Devil May Cry but it's gonna be called crazy Meg I Kings are born in January completely unexplainable notices everything but won't say it the most loyal friend and dedicated lover has zero tolerance for stupidity professional at lies detecting can offend you with their honesty tends to hold feelings inside their mind will always be ten steps ahead of yours the sweetest until provoked lives by their very own way a warriors mentality with a poet's soul not a fighter but will knock your lights out oh my god dude hey quick question is that the back of a sweater or is it the whole Lord of the Rings trilogy I can't tell because there's the same amount of words dude like what if you actually wanted to wear this hoodie and you wanted people to read it like you'd have to like stand there and wait like oh my god hey man can I read the back your sweater yeah just take a look Kings are born in January completely unattainable most warriors mentality not a fighter but professionalize pretty cool right nice real Charizard boys are born in November [ __ ] does that mean hey what I beg your pardon sorry Scorpios that name is gone your now Charizard bullies oh so you think you're a Charizard boy huh okay well when were you born let me guess June yeah okay only real Charizard boys are born in November guns don't kill people tennis players with pretty daughters do hello police yeah you know how you're looking you know how you're always looking for murderers yeah well I've got a little uh I've got I got a hot lead for you yeah so what you want what you're gonna wanna do is find tennis players with pretty daughters yeah they tell people yeah I saw it on a sweat show oh what's that you're gonna give me a million dollar reward for solving every murder ever okay sure that's fine most people call me by name but the most important call me pool lifeguard like it's a [ __ ] Arnold Schwarzenegger movie are the guys drowning I got to go save him oh my god you saved that guy who was drowning it's all in the day's work for pool lifeguard that's the worst Arnold Schwarzenegger impression I've ever heard call me by name call me by your name call me by pool lifeguard okay I want to explain something really quick for a second so the way these t-shirts are marketed to people they're like it's pretty much through like a computer like an algorithm type thing where it like finds one thing you're interested in and then separates it in a bunch of little like branches and stuff very I'm very smart this one in particular was I think it messed up because it was supposed to be on like a baby thing what are those called things that babies wear you know those things that are all around them a onesie is that it I don't know it's supposed to be printed on that and it's like it's supposed to be a funny one this is what it says last night was a blur I remember sucking titties than [ __ ] myself that's funny be as babies do that they suck on boobs in the go poop you know classic baby but I guess something happened where this design was printed on just a regular t-shirt like an adult size t-shirt and then we get this great picture this guy only can ad for that shirt came over to his Facebook and he was like I do that every night I con some boobs and then I pull my pants ohh hashtag adulting yeah also a few of these like I don't know if they're checked by like a group of people maybe like one person just designs the shirt and is like yeah sure that's fine because a lot of them are like kind of weird when you read them out loud like this one for example you can take a sailor out of the Navy but you'll never get this semen out of me I'll die before you get this semen enemy yeah like think about what you're putting on her shirt you know it may look like I'm doing nothing but in my head I'm playing the pan flute made me laugh very hard [Music] never underestimate a man with a karate not enough people respect the folks out there who have a karate and I'm getting sick and tired of it I'm glad they put him on a shirt all right better watch out I have a karate why does that sound like a baked good I get a dozen karate please to go Thanks don't underestimate me I have a dozen karate freshly-baked okay that's enough of that holy [ __ ] that was very funny I laughed a lot I hope you did as well you know what on the surface these are you know pretty much they're funny to look at you know and to be honest I don't think retargeting is gonna go away ever if anything I think is gonna be a lot worse in the future but like to the people actually buying these shirts what are you doing you know what are you thinking like do you think like an a random ad just popped up that said don't mess with a girl named Judy who loves cats and then you're just like how does what I mean I have to get it now it knows me you know like I don't understand cuz one is so ugly ugly assure it's ever with novels on the back of them too why have that on a shirt who cares it doesn't matter you know three that's it like just because as specific information is true doesn't mean you should buy it you know like if a shirt said I've had egg salad before would you get that like it might be true it doesn't mean you should buy it actually I would that sounds like a gray shirt like this retargeting stuff like using people's personal data to send them custom ads for you know custom t-shirts and stuff like it's at the very low spectrum of this but it's pretty scary you know it's like really it kind of like invades your privacy in a way like it's very public information and very generic but still it feels kind of gross and weird and I think it's really like a foreshadowing for our future and how weird is gonna be like one day it's gonna be so advanced that like you'll get an ad for toothpaste and you'll be like okay that's weird and then you'll go home and realize you're out of toothpaste like somehow it'll know like before you do and it's scary you know there every company every like Facebook Google YouTube it knows everything about everyone okay it's scary I know okay how do we combat this how do we fight back do we make a shirt that's so insanely generic that everyone just wears that from now on so we don't have to wear anything else No okay that's not realistic it'd be hilarious but this is not realistic I think there's only one way to get rid of these Facebook shirt companies they use your personal data data your personal data your father data they use your personal data to show you these shirts you know so the only way to combat them is to hide your personal data with expressvpn okay I think that's gonna do it for today's video thank you very much for watching if you enjoyed this video please press the like button don't underestimate someone who likes Curtis Connors videos leave a comment let me know your thought and let me know if you want to see a part two of this cuz I had a lot of fun I laughed very hard when I made this video and I'd love to make another one so let me know if you want to see that again thank you very much - expressvpn for sponsoring today's video folks seriously check them out really cool cuz you know you gotta be safe online you got to avoid these shirts and watch content and other other parts of the world dude it's like traveling the world but not really at all the links down there check it out if you want thank you so much don't forget to press the subscribe button because I make a video every single week and there's so much fun dude and you'll get an extra greeting at the beginning of every video also in the description you can find my social media my Instagram my Twitter and the links to my weekly podcast that I do called very really good it's a lot of fun you know if you like my videos you'll enjoy the podcast and yeah there's also a patreon for that podcast where you can get early access to episodes and a bonus monthly video episode dude so many good stuff what alright guys thank you very much for watching I'm in Curtis Conner I'll see you next time I'm gonna go play the pan-flute see ya hey guys thank you so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it then there's some other videos on screen that you can click on and don't forget to press the subscribe button alright see you guys wait what's a pan-flute
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 3,680,293
Rating: 4.9759755 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis, conner, facebook shirts, facebook, shirt, shirts, facebook shirt, targeted shirts, specific t shirt, specific shirt, retargeting, marketing, weird, commentary, targeted, targeted shirt, insane, t-shirt
Id: dIqQ8_mqLZY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 55sec (955 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 25 2019
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