Weird Instagram Ads: How To Pick Up Women

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hey guys what's up how's going my name is Curtis Connor welcome back to my channel if you're new here so hi hello how's it going I was on Instagram the other day and I was just scrolling through Instagram stories and normally trolling through your like Instagram stories and like an ad will pop up for something that you have like no interest in and like you never even really do that much so do you get ads about sex good one yeah so this ad popped up and it was this guy like sure so at the time I was filming this I didn't have the actual video of the ad that showed up but when I was looking on my phone today the ad showed up again so I recorded it so here it is enjoy the ad okay just kidding when I recorded my screen I know didn't pick up but basically this is the ad it's him in bed with his girl being like hey would you want to know how I got just growing my bed [ __ ] why but I wasn't gonna swipe up right away you know I had to learn more about this guy before I did that so I went to his profile and the guy's name is Scott Jack Scott yeah not Jack Scott Scott Jack the only time you should be saying Scott Jack is if someone was like hey guess two names of boys that would be at a dirt bike race and you like Oh Scott Jack so I was like okay this guy seems like a really interesting guy so I'm gonna I'm gonna click the link in his bio and it brought me to his website it was way worse than I thought it was gonna be the website looks like he was made in like 1999 he's selling tips and tricks on how to pick up women cuz you know it's a game they're not human beings okay yeah he does this whole inner life introduction just feel of what this whole thing is about at the end he says there's a reason the best athletes on the planet watch Game film on a rig which doesn't make sense I just game film on a regular basis to accelerate the results so this is all a lot to process but the video is videos [ __ ] insane so let's uh yeah let's let's get her gone hey what's up this is smoking in this quick video I'm gonna share with you the three secrets to having a magnetic interaction and towards the end I'm also gonna tell you about how you can access sixteen hidden camera infield tutorials of me breaking down exactly how to do it for yourself let's dive in hey guys what's up I'm Scott Jack do you do you want to be that one creepy guy who is random women on the Las Vegas Strip well then give me your money the women are waiting women want a confident man to step up and meet them they are secretly wishing it would happen all the time but men are socially conditioned to believe otherwise uh hey no uh no they're not that's that's not a fact right that's totally wrong holy [ __ ] Wow that's wrong I mean I'm not a I'm not a gal you know I'm not I'm not a woman but I mean I can guess if a girl's you know with her friends or even alone just kind of walking down the street she's not seen really thinking like [ __ ] man I wish I wish Scott Jack would cook would come up to me and approach me and woo me you know that's no chance they're thinking that they're doing their long they're doing their laundry they're underway the laundromat Scott we even be all right you don't want to talk to two kids on a dirt bike race you've been socially conditioned to believe that this is cat calling or that this is rude or that you can get rejected when the woman would much rather to have the fairytale experience of meeting you out in public I don't know what kind of fairy tales this guy is reading but not the same ones I heard I'm like any young girl's fantasy is like maybe one day this slick-haired beardface will walk up to me and make me feel uncomfortable gosh please God make it happen I got you fam how many times have you seen a beautiful woman and not spoken to her Hey probably like a lot you know it's just leave them alone holy [ __ ] leave everyone alone forever just stop interacting with people Scott Scott Jack Scott more like stop all right you felt this something in your stomach you wanted to talk to her you were motivated to but you let these limiting beliefs and the lack of not knowing what to do stop you anyway he's explaining it I'm picturing him just like like it's like just sitting on a Ledge like like a gargoyle being like waiting for like beautiful girls to walk by and then and then like when one walks by is just like hey you want to have a magnetic interaction that's what I'm thinking he does and I'm pretty sure it's a fax they want to get a make out they want to get laid and this is a low-value frame and women will feel it referring to women as if they're like he's like mystical like like forest nymphs or something like something that's just like a thing of legend he's like telling you theories about them like yeah the women they'll sense those sense when you're trying to get things from them they'll sense it and they'll poke a stick has a hex on you and your family secret number three is you must move the emotional wheel women are wired very differently from us they want to experience a hundred and eighty three different emotions and all in the same day they want to laugh they want to cry they want to scream they want to do it all it's like he sat down at a desk and was like okay how much [ __ ] can I put into one thing okay so yeah hidden camera SiC will sell that emotional wheel [ __ ] yeah we'll do that approaching random women [ __ ] yeah let's sell it Scott Jack I hope you get run over by an emotional wheel were you ever interacting with a girl and you could tell she was getting bored uh yeah maybe cuz you're boring you ever thought of that I mean because you uh you're a stranger that approached her out of nowhere and she didn't really want to talk to a stranger out of nowhere maybe that's why she is uninterested because she's not interested that's just it maybe that's a theory I don't know there's a guess why do you want to talk to me I just ran the approach you went to start talking you I know you're in the middle of a phone call with your boss but I don't what's up uh what's up Hank hang up hang up hang up the phone okay thanks what's up sup girl you're here like who's buying this who watches him and is like [ __ ] man [ __ ] this is why I wasn't even taking the emotional wheel into consideration I need to get my emotional wheels turning and by this have you ever dated a girl who picked a fight with you for absolutely no reason it's like this guy isn't even like trying to hide his misogyny it's like usually things like this guys are like at least try to like not see my huge [ __ ] who like just think of women as objects but this guy's like [ __ ] it I'm done I'm not hiding it at all women objects and I deserve all the he says and have you ended up in the friendzone and there it is Wow hold my god a grown man out here top talking about being friend-zoned great love it great guy dude [ __ ] that girl for one have a friendship with me dude like I only wanted to have sex and that's it okay and now she and that's all I wanted it's because that's all I see women as okay but she's the she's the bad one because I she's not she doesn't want to have sex with my stupid dick dude what the that's all I can take I can't believe this is a real thing that is being sold to people that's it's baffling I think it's funny than you did all these in like Vegas where everybody's drunk and high all the time or you can literally will approach anyone and they'll talk to you for a half hour just because you're [ __ ] up of course you're gonna do it they're not really proving anything you can talk to people in Vegas anyone do that here's the tip I just don't be creepy and just kind of mind your business leave people be you'll be you'll be having a good life all right that's it that's all I want to talk about I had I feel like I had to make a video about this cuz I could not believe what I was seeing and I wanted to show you guys this crazy [ __ ] dude do you enjoy this video please like it comment below if you want me to make more videos like this and don't forget to subscribe to make a video every week first episode of my podcast is up on podcast app and SoundCloud so if you want to go listen to it you can talked about some pretty cool stuff yeah that's it see you next week goodbye hey guys thank you so much for watching this video if you want to watch more videos for me there's some on the screen you can click and watch and don't forget to subscribe alright I will see you next week peace heh [Music]
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 1,526,060
Rating: 4.9729786 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis, conner, weird, instagram, ad, ads, instagram ad, cringe, cringe reaction, reaction, how to pick up women, how to pick up girls, pick up artist, prank invasion, comedy, funny, reaction video
Id: 84NuLthju0U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 20 2018
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