TikTok's Worst Dating Coach

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/ProffesorSerious 📅︎︎ Jul 25 2020 🗫︎ replies
hey there welcome back to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's up how's it going it's really good to see you again i hope you're doing well you see what happens when you subscribe to my channel you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single one of my videos so press the subscribe button for an extra reading all right folks uh you'll notice that uh this my room looks a little different because it's not my room i am up north visiting family and uh now i got this cool painting behind me so i'm chilling all right i've made several videos in the past about bad dudes like bag weird bad guys you know there was scott jack a few years ago the attractive man you know weird tinder guys those dudes who are planning the 22 convention which was actually cancelled because of corona so all things considered coronavirus ain't that bad coveted 19 out of 19. but the best way to describe these terrible guys it's like they are a 12 year old boy's idea of what a cool guy is you know a ladies man who drinks a bunch of beer and uses the term man cave on ironically and as dangerous and terrible as these guys are it's just so fascinating to me that guys like this actually exist like these guys remind me of like the the weird fish at the bottom of the ocean you know who have like 12 eyes and like a glow-in-the-dark dick and they survive by eating rocks and you're like okay it's hard to believe that those exist but i mean i'm looking at it right now so i guess they're real that's what's at the bottom of the ocean a bunch of weird fish and pickup artists yo what's your sign i'm a cancer so today we're going to be looking at yet another weird guy who makes bad content on the internet and his name is russell hartman if you've never seen his videos before i apologize in advance i saw them now you have to we're all in this together once we know that we are we're all stars and we see that so this guy russell he does videos where he enters his bathroom he's he has his phone up like this and he's he just like screams [ __ ] into his mirror like rules for picking up girls during the day part one and i remember seeing this guy's tick tocks like a few weeks ago but it was just about him like talking about some corporate job that he had how i completely automated my corporate job and made a passive income for myself part one but when he showed up on my for you page i just kept scrolling you know because i don't need to watch a video that has the [ __ ] hashtags all star moment and motivational i'm good but fast forward a bit to like last week i had a bunch of people uh mentioning me in one of his videos telling me to make a video about him but this happened when i was in the middle of making my magician video but once i finished editing my magician video i went back to russell's tik tok page to like you know just just have a quick look around you know a peruse if you will like a quick peruse and i couldn't find him i couldn't find his page that was weird but i was like okay maybe he uh deleted his page or something maybe he he got banned or something like that but but just to double check i asked my girlfriend to you know like look up his name on tick tock to see if she could find him and she found him no problem so i'm guessing this russell fella saw these comments asking for me to make a video about him and he went to my profile and was like oh this guy makes videos about weird dudes sometimes i should i'm a weird dude so i should just block him i decide i don't mind not gonna work buddy i could just use my girlfriend's phone if i ask politely i just think it's very funny that a guy who prides himself on being a confident alpha male is scaled of little me okay dude to be honest dude if he kept me unblocked probably would have made a video about something else straight up but just the fact that he did that you're forcing my hand so sorry russell sorry if this rustles your feathers so today we're going to take an in-depth look at russell hartley and his content we'll journey inside the mind of the assertive alpha male who's deathly afraid of a 130 pound youtuber who listens to the high school musical soundtrack on a regular basis and we'll find out what makes him tick he's a tick he's a little bug we'll find out we'll get to the bottom of who turned him into a little bug that gives people lyme disease let's go so our good friend russell he makes these tick tock videos where you know he'll teach people how to you know improve their game and like you know pick up more chicks with these like anecdotal stories which is already an odd niche to focus on and i've already talked about my last videos about guys like this and why pickup artists are just so creepy like just creeping around the streets like what's your number what's your what is everyone's number just throw them in like to me pick up artists remind me of like those hired actors at like an amusement park during halloween you know when they have just like ghouls and goblins and monsters just kind of walking around and they take it way too seriously but unlike these scary monsters instead of like holding an axe to scare people away he like smells like yaks to scare people away okay i guess we could watch one of his videos we can watch a relatively tame one and then work our way up to the more crazy [ __ ] you know we need to gradually build up i think i keep seeing so much lately that women are living their life on easy mode and i'm here to tell you that that's absolutely true but only in direct proportion to how pretty they are and how much they put themselves out there like on social media or whatever and as a man you may be living your life on hard mode now but if you're willing to work you can increase your marketability as a high value mate every single year forever and women don't have that luxury instead they get easy mode for now holy [ __ ] i'm not gonna sit here and say that i know what it's like to be a woman i don't know what that's like i will never know what that's like but i would like to disagree with him for a few reasons you know there's a bunch of laws that like old white men made that like restricts women's access to abortion and even just birth control there's a wage gap there's sexism in the workplace and also oh yeah uh girls can't like walk anywhere by themself without being scared for their lives but yeah dude for sure they post booby on instagram so smooth sailing for them dude dude imagine being a content creator and and this is what you do you [ __ ] walking into a bathroom and just with your phone up like this and just screaming [ __ ] spy kids is a documentary okay actually now that i think about how funny would it be if he if russell did this in like every bathroom he went to like imagine you're related to russell hartley you're in the hartley fam and you got like a family dinner with him or something like that what it's like dating a girl who's by part one come on russell let me in i really gotta pee come on just open the door you're not even peeing in there come on so not my last girlfriend but they screw it i'm bringing the door down okay three two one [Music] russell hey kid it's time to let go what do you mean russell's been gone for 10 years man you gotta move on wait what are you saying hey no one's seen them for years he's gone for good oh thank god that guy sucked let's get out of here i don't have to pee anymore all right [Music] so russell's content is pretty similar to other pickup artists on the internet as in it's pointless and misogynistic but what sets him apart from all the other ones is uh it's like almost impressive how no matter what he's talking about no matter what video he's making he always says at least one thing that is just wildly offensive for example he made a series of videos called what it's like being a bachelor in real life where he said this to be a true bachelor you got to build what i call a stable a stable is a rotation of women that you have available to you that you can hit up and they can go on dates with do stuff in the bedroom with all of that so what this means if you're a bachelor is that every time you have sex with a new woman that's a new mare and you're stable but when the mayors come to you eventually they go well where is this going this obviously you're not serious about me this isn't going anywhere they're going to move on to greener pastures and exit your stable dude do i need to say anything i feel like this whole video could just be a montage of his videos and then just like just a photo of me going like the whole time just that and you want to keep doing this you're going to have mayors coming in and out of your state well not my girlfriend this is going to be some borderline homeboy said keep a stable of mares oh [ __ ] i'm a mayor is that a term for horses mayor mayor okay adult female horse over the age of three weirdo that's psycho [ __ ] bro you're unstable like i'm all four people you know having multiple partners and stuff do what makes happy if that's what everyone wants cool but to have like a group of girls that you just use for intercourse and then you discard them when they ask you a valid question and to call it a stable dude when i first saw this video and i i heard him talk like say the word stable and refer to that the only thing i could think of was that scene from toy story with the claw and the aliens i feel like that's what he thinks this is like moves [Music] i have been chosen farewell my friends i go on to a better place gotcha i mean maybe this russell guy just has a thing for horses that seems to be a common theme with these tick tockers you know jordy he likes ants or russell likes horses or maybe he just is a horse what it's like being a horse i don't know do you agree with me yay or nay so that's a pretty good introduction to what type of guy russell is and you must be thinking wow there's no way he gets worse than that ah just wait what is like living with two girlfriends part one one girl was bi so she was maybe a little curious about it but the other girl was like fully straight she was never have considered this before but you'll be absolutely surprised what you can get away with as a man if you just have the balls to say what you want [Music] for me as a man it was great because if i needed space i had to go do my own thing i needed to work extra or whatever it was the girls would just like instead of bombarding me with like hey where are you what are you doing all this stuff they would just hang out with each other they would go get their nails done they would go shopping when he says [ __ ] like that it's like he it makes me think he's just [ __ ] he's [ __ ] lying he's never been in a relationship for sure if that's what he thinks the relationship is if you're ever alone your girlfriend's just like what are you doing what are we doing where are you what are you doing where are you going where are you that's so cool and real that that happened that they would just go and go shopping together and get their nails done because they're two girls together bunny's so cool he probably stayed home and listened to a big radio and smoked indoors because he's from the 50s apparently russell hartley is a horse from the 50s who lives under water and i can say that with confidence that get it i said i could say that with confidence so i said that with confidence shut the hell up [ __ ] well there's only one thing worse than that joke that i just made and it is the next clip i'm going to show you sometimes they'll both be mad at me and they'll both be like quietly cleaning and [ __ ] and like kind of on the same team i can hear them talking about me like in the bathroom and [ __ ] you know what i'm saying so what i started doing is i put us all in a group chat so you weren't allowed to text me outside of the ring but they would still kind of do it and so that was a big problem because we needed communication to be clear so so after he says hey you're only allowed to talk to me in this group chat which is like [ __ ] super crazy and manipulative i don't know why you could brag about that if this is real after he limits their means of communicating you weren't allowed to text me outside of the ring he gets mad because they're having communication issues and so that was a big problem because we needed communication to be clear so hey you can only speak french to me from now on we hey i can't speak french speak english pretty crazy thing to say right gets worse though and you want to know the best remedy for real there's a guy used to work with when i was in high school and i had issues with my girlfriend he would tell me just hit it enough to keep him dizzy and that's exactly what i do if start things started to get tense or people started to get angry with each other i would just boom let's get to the bedroom right now just gonna come right out and say it don't listen to this guy's advice oh my god i'm not claiming to be an expert in relationships but if you're having an argument you know a dispute just like talk it through you know it's a little more realistic like what terrible advice bro if you got a problem just have sex with it like this is an odd comparison but if you drop your phone and it breaks much like an argument or a disagreement in a relationship you find out what's wrong and then you take action to fix it not russell hartley no no this is a short film i made uh it's called uh russell hartley's phone is broken enjoy oh no my phone is busted all right let's go to the bedroom [Music] foreign [Music] man i still had flappy bird on there it's just so baffling to me that like this this guy like eats cereal in the morning you know this guy has a favorite movie he's a real guy what's even more troubling than the fact that this guy exists is that there's guys exist to see this guy and are like oh okay like that's way scarier okay so this is where i was gonna go through his comments on his tick tocks but big surprise russell pissed baby hartley turned his comments off which is funny because he said this i mean you guys that follow me already know saying the things that i say on my channel takes balls which is just not true it doesn't take balls to say offensive [ __ ] and then turn your comments off that's the exact same thing as like insulting someone and then being like okay we're gonna go outside and fight and then when you get outside to fight you just run away that's the exact same thing but yeah back to the video russell hartley to me is the final boss of arrogance on the internet well you can have confidence that's great be confident but there's a fine line it's an album by harry styles and it's very good no there's a fun there's a fine line between confidence and just flat-out arrogance you know confidence is looking at yourself in the mirror and be like you know what i look pretty good today arrogance is dancing like an idiot in front of your own tweet that got one like arrogance is screen recording yourself commenting laugh face emojis under girls photos for praise from other weird dudes arrogance is reposting the same video three times because it got more views than your other bad videos arrogance is giving an empty motivational speech to a group of three people in a hotel meeting room and posting it on tick tock acting like you said anything of value the idea is to elevate your thinking oh well if i save up my pto days at work then next year i can probably afford a disney trip for my kid that's insane you need to elevate your scale teeth [ __ ] that video kills me bro it's so sad you can hear like the three guys who are there who are only probably there by accident they're just like ah like what did he say in this video actually what did he say that had any value dude elevate your mindset dude elevate it go in an elevator walk into an elevator don't fart though do not fart in the elevator but elevate it ride it you get to the top floor shave the sides of your head [ __ ] you you are all of you all of us are gonna die soon real soon okay why would you say that dude that's the last thing you want to hear from a motivational speaker [Music] all right just to recap you gotta elevate all right elevate you gotta go you gotta grow a little taller you gotta be taller you gotta elevate everything okay because you're all gonna die [Music] what like really soon okay you're all gonna die especially you me yeah you you're gonna die in about two seconds my friend okay i don't i don't feel very motivated right now sir you just killed him you murderer murderer i heartily know her who hired you so russell's tick-tock content is terrifying i think we've come to that conclusion together but there was a part of me that was thinking and by a part of me i mean all of me uh that was thinking that who was he was just lying prime example right here i'm not waiting in line i've never waited in a line not once and i've only ever waited in line one time so i decided to do some research on this guy to see if he's telling the truth instagram's kind of basic it's just a bunch of pictures of him in the gym classic just douche baggery i guess and then i found his linkedin and that's when i started to find like a bunch of stuff okay so it says here that he was an executive producer on a show called rules of engagement live says confidence in dating show for men to learn from the world's best dating coaches pick-up artists and confidence coaches hosted live at cbs studios every thursday at 8pm in west hollywood i was like okay cool they made a live version of the david spade sitcom that's not what it is it took me a long time to find anything on the show but i ended up finding the facebook page for it and that's what it is it's not a show it's a live stream it's a facebook live stream and it was hosted by a guy named johnny true love what's up you guys it's your boy johnny chula and dude i gotta show you this guy let's just watch the trailer really quick how many dates does it take for you to have sex [Laughter] [Music] wow the fact that this came out 2019 and he's he's wearing a hat that's going that way right it wasn't just going backwards it was going crooked backwards red flag biggest red flag in the world anyways back to our boy russ i mean i'm aware everyone embellishes their resume a bit but it's just very funny calling yourself an executive producer for a facebook live stream that got like 70 views i'll just leave that off the resume hey bud but anyways moving up on the linkedin we get uh get coaching incorporated he's a ceo and founder so let's go see what that's all about by providing the means to host live broadcasts educational courses and content our mission is to eliminate the need for expensive weekend boot camps by bringing the experts to you our coaches work in tandem with our educational courses to provide practical advice so you can reach and exceed your relationship goals with confidence my favorite thing about this website is that at the bottom of it there you can see you know all these like these publications like techcrunch forbes fox business and inc we're all very reputable news websites but when you search get coaching incorporated on any of these websites nothing comes up dude just lied i just [ __ ] lied on the front page of his own website i mean it never said that he was featured on those websites maybe he just really likes those websites he probably wanted to put neopets down there you know you know to show off all of his pet mayors but johnny true love said it was a bad idea so let's take a quick look into this website to see what kind of courses they're teaching and see if we can actually learn anything if he's half as good at starting a business than he is at executive producing uh-oh okay so he has a video here from a guy named tripp kramer just get a new name for sure but he has a video where he talks how to flirt with girls and right below the video i like because they transcribed the whole video and it's it's [ __ ] really funny because some of it just doesn't make sense at all number two touch her in brackets arm so what i want you to do is i want you someone conversation to also touch her on lightly wear on the arm just right here right here that's the secret bro whenever you're talking to a girl just touch her right in the arm right here right here hey my name's chip army and then the the last tip here disqualify her okay yep make her feel like [ __ ] make her feel like nobody wants her dumbass good tip trip that's the first issue bro don't listen to a guy named tripp even if i was at the hospital bro like because one of my arms was like chopped off and then the doctor came in and he was like okay hold on oh my god i can help you though curtis you are missing an arm but i can help you we just had to go really quick i'd be like okay dude that's awesome really quick what's your name though my name's tripp ah okay actually i think i'm chill it's actually not that bad it doesn't hurt i don't i'm good and he tries to touch my arm but he can't because it's gone i don't know i could flame these dudes all day but this video is about russell okay our boy russell hartley the underwater horse from the 50s who has sex with phone he says in his tick tocks that he's a consultant for like high level individuals but i left and i started my own tech company and i became a private consultant for executives and people in high visibility roles but in reality he just made skillshare for douchebags and i started my own tech company when i was looking through this website it like eerily reminded me of jake paul's business school that i did a video about like a few months ago it's just a poorly designed low budget website uh with courses where you learn nothing from guys who know nothing and it's sad dude this is a sad life to live it's sad teaching people this [ __ ] because one it's not true it's weird it's manipulative it's gross it's evil like they're just like preying on vulnerable people's loneliness in like the worst way possible they preach this like weird false narrative of like well if you're just smooth enough and you say the right things you get any girl which is it's just not true man like sometimes someone's just not gonna like you like that someone just not gonna be attracted to you you know they don't feel the connection and that's fine people are allowed to say no to you and your advances and you have to respect that it's not hard as awesome as this dude makes his life out to be when i see his videos i just see a i just see a [ __ ] like sad guy and that's evident in his tick tocks find a club that you want to start going to go there one night when it's open and be the first guy there first guy as soon as the door opens up so sad now is it just me or is everybody else getting bored of women just posing for their iphones like this ah so sad i'm the king of this [ __ ] you kidding me anyways guys this is prada head to toe as you can see there prada except for the shoes these are last season's but shimmy's a little dirty so sad imagine when you point it down to show his shoes they're just [ __ ] horseshoes except for the shoes these are no but seriously i think if you're having trouble uh dating finding someone i understand it can be tough it's scary you know so i want to help i have made a complete and comprehensive course on how to find a significant other uh and it's completely free okay it's 100 free i spent a really long time putting it together i talked to industry professionals so if you want to find out the real way to succeed in the dating world just go to curtis truelove.com and i'm being serious this is a real website i want to help you guys but don't go to it yet don't go to the website yet we still need to talk about today's sponsor expressvpn on my couch again i think it's safe to say we all 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[ __ ] way funnier than i am so uh yeah leave a comment and uh let's [ __ ] shoot the [ __ ] obviously don't forget to press the subscribe button because i make a video pretty much every week and they're always a blast and as soon as you press the subscribe button you become a valued citizen of curtis town and if you didn't know curtis town is the best place to live in the world and i'm the mayor not like a horse but i'm the mayor and you have to be nice to me okay it's the law you can check the description for the other things i do you know my weekly podcast called very really good if you like my videos you'll enjoy the podcast it's you know it's a little more loose you know it's looser than my videos these are tight type videos but yeah my instagram twitter merch all that stuff is down there that's it thank you so much for watching uh i have to go though sorry i'd love to stick around but i have to go executive produce a [ __ ] into the toilet bye [Music] foreign
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 2,907,524
Rating: 4.977097 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, russell hartley, tiktok, cringe, reaction, commentary, kurtis conner tiktok, pick up artist, pick up artist cringe, entrepreneur, tiktok cringe
Id: y5kN4H2t26I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 47sec (1667 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 24 2020
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