The Most Attractive Man on YouTube

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Last time I posted Kurtis, I just got downvoted!

But yeah, he puts in a lot of progressive ideas into his videos and I like that. Comrade or not, he is hella.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/ILikeMonitorLizards 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello welcome back to my channel if you're new here what's up how's it going and if you're coming back what's up how's it going it's very good to see you again you see what happens when you subscribe to my channel you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single video so press that subscribe button for an extra reading folks we've got a great video for you today I promise okay believe me today we're gonna be looking at a certain youtuber after I made the Scott jak video a year ago the woman would much rather to have the fairytale experience of meeting you out in public right after I made that someone sent me the guy who we're gonna be talking about today this guy makes basically the same type of content as Scott Jack but it's a little weirder I think the person wearing me looking at today goes by the name of Matt artisan he has a YouTube channel called the attractive man with over like 700,000 subscribers you know he just posts video after video telling you how to be an attractive man and there's like lifestyle tips and how to like you know just be a better person a more attractive man right and you know what I'm all for bettering yourself okay I'm all for improving parts of who you are you know so just make your life better that's totally cool but as long as it's in a healthy way right the videos that this Matt fellow makes holy smokes they're not healthy or normal at all me explaining these videos doesn't really do it justice so let's watch one this one is called what to do when a girl looks at you faster Department many we can see to be assertive we've done all the testing you know what works that's his intro for every single video some [ __ ] ABC news or something like 15 years ago was like this guy [ __ ] and that's news now I don't know why there isn't any new footage of him on the news talking about it what could that mean maybe pick up artists and stuff like that it's super outdated cuz now we know that it's super not okay to do that just a thought who knows let's find out what to do if a girl looks at you most of the time when a girl looks at you that means she's interested in you so that's a great start is that what that means anytime a girl looks at you that means she's interested dude that's what girls eyes are for when girls aren't looking at people that they're interested in their eyes are closed baby you ever seen a girl like does this guy like walk around and as soon as a girl's eyes meet his he's like oh [ __ ] yeah I mean we're do yeah dude she's into me dude I might propose first make sure to look back women love a man of action alpha males are what attract women the most this is another thing that I wanted to talk about the real reason why I'm making this video this guy always brings up the idea of an alpha male being an alpha male in a social situation or a romantic situation and I just gotta say that [ __ ] pisses me off a lot and I can understand the whole idea of an alpha male to an extent right like picture me hanging out with like Jason Momoa who's gonna be the more dominant person between the two of us right me obviously I just think that using that term so casually and describing yourself as an alpha male Yates and I've always thought the whole like well I'm an alpha male thing like it's just kind of like super damaging in a way if you actually base your life on that and how you behave in situations Hey Dude what the [ __ ] you just stole my car and set it on fire and peed on it the [ __ ] man get this booking beta mail out of you dude sorry dude I'm an alpha male that's what we do I'm an owl that doesn't mean anything wait what does that mean how am i how am I gonna get to work how am I gonna pick my kids up from school what am i oh dude manly I'm calling [ __ ] gobs man yeah go go [ __ ] spell on me dude real real alpha of you just kidding I'm the alpha I'm an alpha male you know alpha from Power Rangers that was me okay when you've caught her looking at you look back without hesitation now if she looks away before you get the chance to make eye contact keep looking for just a few seconds to catch her attention it's important that she knows that you noticed her the beauty is that looking back can create sexual attention and that's before any words have even come out of your mouth walk tall with a straight back and your head up no slouching or looking at the ground and keep the eye contact when it's already established now let's talk about opening the conversation the right way here are a few good opening lines hey I don't think we've met yet I'm Matt hi you know you can't just look at me like that without at least saying hi hi hey you can't look at me like that without at least saying hi oh this must be so awkward to film those bro like does he just hire some girl off of Craigslist or something for these weird [ __ ] cut between scenes seeking hot girl to talk to me for my YouTube videos you must be a girl and you must talk to me okay thanks bye bye see you soon bye Matt artisan the attractive man hi there I'm Matt by the way Matt by the way is a pretty weird last name man honestly this video could just be called how to be a human you're just saying how to how to talk to a person you could just make any video ever about what we do as humans if you're gonna do this [ __ ] right alright I've been Matt artisan from the attractive man and that was what to do when a girl looks at you and stay tuned for our next video called stairs it's just me figuring out how to go upstairs downstairs and back upstairs again how do they work we'll find out so Matt usually makes videos I'm like you know how to talk to women you know how to approach them how to be confident but some of the other videos are just straight-up like you want to learn how to control women well watch this video like this video for example say this to make women chase you imagine if this video is just like all you gotta do is [ __ ] steal their purse and they'll chase right after you dude it's crazy works like a charm dude you won't get their number but you'll have other stuff hey hey hey what the [ __ ] get back here he's changed my purse she's really chasing me hey that attractive man has my purse guys we're trying to chase the woman at first and they're trying to impress her they're trying to say all these stories or use lines or try to get her to laugh and it's dead wrong and what happens is she runs away from you it's like a cat right you try to pet the cat and you want the cat to come here oftentimes it runs away but when you push the cat away you're like go away kitty the cat comes back the cat wants oh yeah that makes sense now women are cats got it and this whole thing is so strange to me it's just so outside of anything that I've ever ever wanted to do ever and I made this point with the [ __ ] Scott jack video that I did like a year ago it's scary like someone just like and this guy like this guy sells training programs he liked trains guys on how to do this [ __ ] this guy makes money from dudes who are also misogynistic who are like yeah I want to learn how to be she to your guy like I want to be better at being worse okay before we get any further into this guy's content like 80% of my audience is female so let me know if anything this guy says is that all accurate maybe I'm [ __ ] wrong who knows I'm wrong about a lot of stuff because I know when I made the Scott jack video everyone was like oh this guy sucks and I hate everything he said so yeah let me know okay we're gonna watch a few more videos because this guy makes me laugh a lot and it's fun to [ __ ] make jokes about [ __ ] so uh next video we're gonna watch is called here's how to get women to approach you first [Music] to be assertive you're gone we've done all the testing we know what works you are a man your natural instincts make you a hunter you're up in Conqueror all right that's another weird [ __ ] thing to say you're a hunter all right you're supposed to hunt women and then eat them for food Oh what the [ __ ] it's almost like he doesn't view women as humans and on the same level as him weird scientifically proven that men who show their hands are more approachable opposed to those who cross their arms like this or shove their hands in their pockets open your body language get your hands out of your pockets have a nice smile and an enjoyable demeanor and you'll be more likely to be approached it's that easy dude it's that easy you guys want to know how to get girls to rub your arm take a look at this women won't go up to you and say hey you're so hot they will do it very subtly like asking you for the time of day excuse me do the time don't just write it off thinking that she only wants the time do it again bro just get a girl talks to you doesn't mean [ __ ] she wants to [ __ ] you hey would you ever know what time it is yeah it's go time dude here we go I just genuinely want to know the time I knew that I never watch [ __ ] here's my list of six ways to get women to approach you number six become popular okay now this is probably the best way to get approached but I put it at number six because it can take a lot of work obviously if celebrities get approached a lot but you don't have to become a famous actor or pop singer you just need to become popular in your city sure you could run for mayor did imagine running for mayor just so girls will approach you yeah dude cuz the mayor is so [ __ ] hot all the time thank you for coming to my press conference as you all know I am running for mayor I will now be taking questions yeah what made you decide to run for mayor very good question I just want girls to talk to me when I'm at a club okay so you weren't so you aren't gonna fix any of the issues in our city no I won't be doing any of that no seems like there's better ways to become popular why be the mayor like I'll be that I'll be the mayor you know like cool hot mayor you know those guys right [Music] let's get out of here okay where you guys going guys you're going to a club can I come become popular on social media you can start a YouTube prank channel if becoming the mayor doesn't work start a YouTube break Jen okay this next video it's pretty impressive this guy knows a lot about women this video is called this is how a girl wants you to touch it how to touch a girl and turn her on great first is to touch her like a man most guys think that women are delicate little flowers and so they touch them way too weak and too soft and that can make you come off as very unmasked Yulin now there's definitely a time where you would want to use a softer more gentle touch for example when you're caressing her thank you for telling me when I need to use a gentle touch because I am clearly a [ __ ] robot if I'm watching these videos thank you Matt what I'm saying for example is don't be afraid to shake her hand like a man and don't be afraid to give her a bear hug instead of the lame pat on the back with your ass sticking out and don't be afraid to move her to get her attention don't do this [Music] or you want to tap someone on their shoulder to get their attention all right pay to mail here's what you do take your hand grab their shoulder rip it off and now they're gonna go home with you because you hold all the power and their shoulder you showed her that was that was the worst joke I've ever made and I shouldn't put it in the video but I know I'm going to [ __ ] that's all I can [ __ ] take of this I think I can feel myself becoming shittier so I need I need to stop okay I think this content is pretty bad you know I think it's I think it can be pretty dangerous if young men are watching this and taking it as fact as a hundred percent fact like it's not always right on the surface it's not always in your face but right underneath the surface dude there's a whole bunch of misogyny and just really troubling ways of thinking and I don't want to like totally [ __ ] be like oh this guy in particular is a problem you know he's one of hundreds of channels that do this [ __ ] okay buying into this whole alpha male [ __ ] that it's like yeah it's guy who's like dominating they get the girl cuz they're a [ __ ] top dog dude it's not true at all man it's literally not true and like it's just weird to just like go out on the prowl to like find women call me crazy but I think it's the best to meet someone organically and then see if you have a connection spend time with each other talk to each other learn about each other and just enjoy each other's company and hey if it leads to something romantic that's fantastic that's what we should be preaching okay not [ __ ] so you got it put your chest out locked all grab her by the shoulder and just [ __ ] steal her purse he never said that but you know what I mean right and if any young men are watching don't listen to this don't watch that [ __ ] don't believe it it's not right it's not true it's just super [ __ ] weird and girls would probably hate you a lot so don't do it but what do I know I'm just a [ __ ] beta male right dude all right well I think that'll do it Jesus thank you so much for watching the video if you enjoyed it press the like button 1 like equals 1 stolen purse safely returned to its owner leave a comment let me know you thought of the video tell me if I'm wrong or if I'm right or or whatever you want to comment also don't forget to press the subscribe button because they make a video every single week and there's so much fun and you'll get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single video so press the subscribe button and join Curtis town today it's a great place to live I promise other than that check the description for my social media my Instagram my Twitter links to my weekly podcast called very good it's a lot of fun and there's a lot of episodes but you can hop in anywhere I just talked about a bunch of random [ __ ] it's a lot of fun I also Curtis Town merch is down there grab it wear it be cooler than everyone else also tickets to the we are two different people tour are all on sale right now so go grab them dude we're gonna have a lot of fun all right thank you so much for watching I'm in Curtis Conner I'll see you next week I gotta go rip off some shoulders bye bye hey guys thank you so much for watching if you want to see more from me there's some videos on the screen you can click and watch and don't forget to press that subscribe button alright I'll see you soon [Music]
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 3,920,241
Rating: 4.9796219 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, commentary, the attractive man, cringey, reaction, cringe, dating tips, dating cringe, alpha male, attractive, youtube, tips, talk to girls, scott jack
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 18sec (978 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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