I Want To Vomit (Guess The Elo 23)

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The way he hesitates to list more examples of notable bald people

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 20 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/JimyLamisters πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

16:51 in chat

200, I think this is Dan Gheesling

DG playing like 1300 players pog

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EggplantCider πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was literally about to post this clip myself lol

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 7 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SpicyC-Dot πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Highly recommend every episode of Gotham’s Guess the ELO. I don’t like a whole lot of chess content, but Guess the ELO is hilarious and interesting.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/notrab13 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Aug 03 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
ladies and gentlemen welcome back to your favorite series guess the elo now normally i do some really elaborate introduction and i hype up the episode all i'm gonna say is today you are going to see some of the best chests of your life and some of the worst chess of your life and frankly that's all this series is about before we get into that though i'd like to tell you that this episode is sponsored by d4 knight f6 bishop to g5 the trompowsky from the boat test sub g6 not a bad move bishop takes f6 so far so good this is all normal nice excellent move taking control of the center castles okay so far grandmasters so far this is grand master level play root ce8 okay bishop e2 now black needs to develop the queen side good that's a good start knight d7 okay also fine now move like d5 here not very good oh that was played in the game that's funny d5 yeah because you open up the bishop so check this out so here the position's probably balanced like plus point one plus point two after this move it drops about point four to black's event you see that it's because you open up the bishop for black just one move knight e5 is good now yeah i think the best way for black to play this is to probably focus on the king side that is not the king side but it's still a very decent move a6 wow this is excellent knight g4 is a good move now bishop g4 okay this pawn is very strong supported by the bishop these knights are terrible yeah black is like basically completely winning already from a strategic standpoint wow that is excellent oh no and here comes the first blunder you know what you could have done you could have played this and said oh no my rook oh no my rook oh no oh no my rook wow oh my gosh queen is blundered what that was an outs okay just take it no just kidding don't do it uh bring your rook yes now you're threatening this this mate take it i would have just taken the night just take the night okay rookie two's not a bad move cutting off the yup okay that was check that's the end of the game uh um what yo okay so i'm not gonna lie black easily played like a 2400 that game i mean 2500 like i don't think i don't i this move i don't know about because there's on poisson like i don't i don't know how good this move actually is i know the computer likes it but um but like i mean knight g4 is good to create an attack on the king side yeah i i i don't know uh white kind of played very normally white didn't do anything crazy this this move knight d4 is pretty high level like the zigzag not just taking the knight i have no i want to say like 18 1900 that's what i want to say like 18 900 because i think black played really well but i think white didn't play well and if white is anything above 2000 i'm gonna throw up white white is like a solid 18 1900 didn't really know how to play the trompowski but okay let's let's take a look i i honestly and black played like a grand master i'm not even i'm not even exaggerating like straight up played like a grandmaster wait wait they're third they're 12 1300 wait who submitted wait who submitted this game white has a white house my flair but isn't that wait the person said that they played black you beat a god you beat a gotham sub how rude of you also white flagged wait what did white just stall the clock out oh no white just poor white spending all this time and black just yo dude are you kidding me no that that that yeah 15 seconds yeah white didn't stall um oh my god you're 1200 come on man that is that is a joke it's a new account no it's not you made it like five months ago what do you mean it's a new account what's your actual pr playing stream you are not 1200 that is that is ridiculous come on are you joking you're crazy dude 2 000 at puzzles you're 54 and 17 and rapid bro bro granted it's oh wait this is the same person dude what are you doing here you're beating the same person oh my gosh you just beat up a 700 i'm so confused i don't know what's going on i'm not gonna play detective you confuse the hell out of me oh my goodness it looked like you were just on an unbeaten streak and then you're just beating at 700 yeah you beating your friend dude you need to be like a 2000 that was a ridiculous game of chess all right moving on gosh this episode is off to a good start e4 you're gonna make every other 1200 in history feel bad nice vienna very good bishop c4 wow they know about c6 you know what the craziest part about the move a5 is it's actually not completely idiotic black is trying to play b5 and a4 okay all right now we're back to idiotic moves yup there it is queen f6 we have three solid okay nice queen g3 of course okay so the belligerent attempts at taking things yep of course okay i'm thinking below a thousand like a thousand to eleven hundred absolute maximum wow look at this king h1 in order to play f4 wow h5 to play h4 and okay that is not a thousand that is not a thousand oh my goodness oh my good oh oh god this is a war king takes pawn takes e5 uh-huh uh-huh okay this is over for white like knight h5 wins right yeah it's it's basically mate knight h5 wins on the spot but black castle's long which is not a bad move okay night age oh god oh god oh wait the rook is hanging the rook is hanging wait a minute the bishop is hanging oh white is winning oh oh oh oh the king is oh no no no no no no dude dude you had three moves all of them were okay actually king d6 hung mate in one never mind that move's not okay but uh king oh no no no oh no oh no oh no oh no no no no no oh no okay free pawn good okay you've got four pieces left okay oh there comes the knight oh don't hang your bishop don't hang your bit that oh wait is is white winning now oh my gosh white is winning ladies and gentlemen white is winning this game wow that was sick that was that was that was a roller coaster hey the funny thing is after this game white was probably like i love the vienna i always win with the vienna and then you like tell your friends about you're like yo gotham chess has this wonderful course on the vienna and i win all my games with it you should definitely buy his course and all of the other ones um what a game wow queen f6 look at that a5 queen f6 gosh i've got no clue um so the aggressive attacks and captures here by the way look at this move check i don't even see that crazy the aggressive capturing made me think about a thousand eleven hundred but then i mean oh my god h5 h4 that was really impressive yeah i'm thinking like 13 1400 probably i'm saying like 13.50 but wait a minute wait a minute the truth is no because 1300s wouldn't blunder this crazy i don't think makes me think like 11 maybe a thousand to 1100 after all just very chaotic game a lot of blunders yeah i'ma say i'm gonna say uh and then maybe it was like low time here very chaotic finish and then just the one mover um wow hold on gotta turn my ac down uh boy boy oh boy uh 11.75 11.75 here we go wow i was actually close white is 1300. i actually was i mean at first i actually thought it was like 1300 but then i uh then i went through the rest i mean this game was not played like it was played by it was black should see the move knight to h5 uh that that is that is inexcusable for someone that high rating that is just not good damn i definitely look at the elo when i set up yeah yep yep yep yeah yeah i i actually the whole uh guess the elo series is a fraud and i i actually uh i know all of their ratings beforehand yeah um yeah i mean like i thought it was 30 basically here's what i would say the move h5h4 this whole plan seeing that the king is stuck here easily 13 1400 strength and black is um oh i'm sorry i forgot that i was on the other overlay uh this plan with h5h4 very high level plan not a plan a 1200 place but essentially after black did all the right things and then just didn't see one check like that is not a hard check to see to see that the king cannot go anywhere and has to go to the h file yeah not good not good i guess i guess um okay makes sense makes sense all right back to maine uh let's take a look game number three wait we have black this game okay what the hell is this this is the uh okay uh-huh okay draw easy just repeat draw okay night before good good defense nice offer a queen trade oh wow what a game okay cd5 uh takes rookie one leo let's get that let's get that king to safety let's castle by hand let's let's get the king in the corner oh my god what a mean move knight d4 if pawn takes rook takes queen did white see that okay white just goes back uh-hum don't hang your queen okay good queen trade no queen trade brings the rook nice okay that was not nice that was not nice that was definitely not nice i hung i hung black's queen too to be honest i just wow and white doesn't hang a queen wow look at white go oh my goodness nige no no dude dude dude okay check is good nice check yes very good very good just keep giving checks you can't go wrong oh more there has to be mate why did white go that way oh gonna get mated right now oh oh this game is so exciting king takes knight rook h8 and other rook game over wow i mean i don't know what white was doing okay so i'm not gonna lie i actually have a feeling this is two high-rated players who faked the game this game seemed too fake i've never thought this before anytime beginners submit games and i'm like okay 5 600 this actually seems fake no joke now if it's actually like a 600 i'm very sorry i said that but i actually feel like this is two people who collaborated to make a game i'm not joking and we're gonna find out we're about to find out if i'm crazy or not now what do i think the actual strength of the players is if they played like this because like knight d4 was just a little bit too brilliant you know like there was moments um thanks give me a sandwich appreciate your resub uh hanging the queen man wow i'm gonna say like 600 between 500 and 600 you know maybe maybe we're getting into the 700s but yeah like 5 600 or like way higher rated high rated and just scheming would say like 5 600 probably all right here we go i knew it i knew it i absolutely i called it thirteen fourteen hundreds i knew it no come on guys nobody plays like that when they're 13 1400 right come on no way what is this these guys just trolling what is it what are all these move repetitions what is this maybe they didn't collude but i don't know what they were doing this game that's hilarious that is hilarious i don't actually know like like again i don't know maybe basically let me tell you black's mindset okay once black sees this move let's say they don't know each other you know it's gonna be a bs game right you know that your opponent's trolling so you're gonna troll back a little bit right you're gonna like shuffle moves around and you know if you don't know your opponent you have a feeling you're gonna win this game no matter what happens because your opponent's a who just played this so you go through all that and then all of a sudden you hang your queen and you're like wait i just hung my queen i like that brilliant move this takes the opportunity to win with shut up and then like you got to play the wrestling and then and then bl and then white just help mates white just goes forward and loses the game immediately like anyway i knew it anyway ridiculous ridiculous all right game number four french this is called the small center defense what is this what are we doing of course the fine gold sub playing like this oh is black trying to play a hippo okay well black was very close to playing a hippo then decided to play this move that's just a bad move because white can bust it open with something like this probably okay white is playing oh awful move don't open the center if you're not castled no stop opening the center yeah whitejust has a great position now f4 is winning on the spot f4 f4 wins f3 first and then f4 nice yes is white me am i playing with okay well i would have taken the knight but take the knight beautiful holy crap look at this so far 20 grand master moves easily 20 gm moves being played right now knight d fi i would probably play like i'm not looking at the computer i'd probably go knight e3 that's what i would play bishop b4 oh that's how you know i wasn't looking at the computer because i missed knight f6 the guy played knight e3 and now but wait what yeah yeah knight f7 okay well you could have won a rook but fine okay i like that you have rooks but you don't need to use them you're just only going to use your bishops take force the bishop trade force the next bit okay now i would never in a million years play this move okay okay okay come on win the good good slow what's that what is king b2 why king b2 just push your h pawn what are you doing okay how did you just play so well and now you don't know how to win this position okay very good very good yes yes yes oh checkmate with a pawn wow yo what are you guys submitting for me today like this is um first of all what the hell is black doing and second of all how well did white play this game unbelievable you know judging the way black played i'm gonna say like 1200 actually if black is any point higher than 1200 i don't know what i'm gonna do i mean i don't know what i'm gonna do i'ma say like 1200. 1200 to 1250. let's see i just i really can't stomach the fact that if black is any higher rated than that i mean 1200 12.79 black is 13.35 maybe maybe the worst 1300 i mean we come on what is this episode in 1300s wow yeah i mean i mean that was the worst 1300 game i've ever seen sorry that was that was awful jesus come on guys what this this is the people who need the courses the most that person with the black piece is dead lost in like eight moves come on man all right e4 e4 d6 nice i don't know what you are no sub of mine do you understand me you are no sub of mine playing like what is this what are you doing i you just made me swear on youtube do you know how many videos i have do you know how many videos i have how many courses i have i have never in my life told you to play chess like this never what kind of sub of mine are you god this position looks like your hair at least i have some you're bald you bozo you been bald you were born bald i it's not even a matter of alopecia there's nothing wrong with you you're just bald okay don't get on my case god h6 what is this gotham sub why if you wanted to play e5 why didn't you do it on the first move why would you do that oh actually i kind of want a pawn in the center just put it there on move one using baldness as an insult i'm not insulting people who are bald that's that's such an american thing to do ah don't insult bald i didn't say that that guy just insulted my hair so i just had to take the extra route at least i have some you know what i mean i got no listen a lot of great people have been bald all right northern lion um you know uh lex luthor there you go knight g6 short castle joe rogan i can't say i like joe rogan though that's dangerous territory hg bishop g4 i like how black is absolutely justifying all of this by the way the colors are wrong what do you mean the colors are wrong queen e1 h4 okay okay okay queen d7 okay very nice this is a wild game long cap what are you what are you playing botez dumbest thing i've ever seen in my life i'm not even i'm not exact it's the dumbest thing i've ever seen in my life i've been alive for 25 and a half years the dumbest thing i've ever seen i've been alive for more than 25 and a half years i've been alive for 25 years and eight months this is the dumbest thing i have ever seen in my life ever your opponent plays the only move that hangs a queen the only move they have one two three four five six seven eight queen moves they probably have about 40 legal moves they play the only move that hangs the queen and they leave the queen there to be taken multiple times and your knight is attacked and you lose the only way to take the queen and you know what the craziest part is i guarantee this game ends by checkmate i guarantee that white gets made it there is no way that this person submitted this game without it ending with the king getting mated no way i mean i don't know how it's gonna happen considering you're now losing every single piece that you have oh this is it's gonna end oh my god it's going to end with the bishop moving in rook h2 mate bishop f3 oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no that's you know the best part is this is an excellent game to submit it is actually um this is actually an excellent game because i have no idea the opening knowledge abysmal awful opening knowledge disgusting this blunder atrocious but then after that blacklight called hikaru on the phone and was like yo play the next 10 moves for me and they did like hikaru played all of these moves and then hikaru left right here high was like i got you a good position and then clearly this is no longer hikaru take the queen you donut the whole point of the game is to take the queen and checkmate bloody hell oh god okay i don't know um a thousand and a thousand somewhere between 980 and 1080 980 to 1080. that's that's that's that's that's my i don't i don't know 980 to 1080. oh are you k 1200 versus 1327. ah somehow the fact that you have a minute excuses you are you kidding me you kidding me man what is this what are we doing here it's a blitz game right three minute it's a bullet game what it's a bullet game wait with bonus time it's a bullet game with bonus time wait it's a bullet game with bonus time but on move 20 you haven't lost any time if you are that fast why do you play 1-1 look at how much time you're up you should be playing 1-0 why are you playing 1-1 are you playing 1-1 so that you can't lose on time and you have the ability to play better moves because let me tell you something mr deaf winner you were not playing but you were not using the bonus second anywhere in the vicinity of this part of the game okay let me just tell you that right now you should be playing 1-0 because clearly you don't care about the quality of your chess okay i'm just going to say that right now stop playing 1-1 because clearly you don't care about the quality of the moves you care about playing fast so play 1-0 because that's speed 1-1 is the speed chess championship format that's what they play in the speeches championship to give the games a little bit of quality i'm gonna vomit
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 634,632
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess game analysis, chess analysis, beginner chess lessons, guess the elo, guess the elo chess, middlegame chess, chess middlegame, chess middlegames, chess lessons, chess lesson, chess tips, chess strategy, how to play chess, how to win at chess, guess the elo gotham, gothamchess guess the elo
Id: ecf7vPw8A2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 6sec (1866 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 03 2021
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