No More Hoodies (Guess The Elo 19)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to your favorite series guess the elo now i know that this episode had a very dramatic title and for that i sincerely apologize i just really wanted you to click on it and the bad news is the fact that it's really hot now in new york city so i will be retiring from wearing hoodies let's get into the games gotham sub begins with e4 fantastic one of the best moves one of the best first moves pawn to c5 the sicilian defense knight c3 this is uh aiming for a closed sicilian uh knight f3 d4 would be the open sicilian okay does anybody know what this is called youtube twitch this is the grand prix attack against the sicilian defense this is one of my favorites i'm planning a youtube video in the future where i'm i'm waving a flag and there's cars driving by you know the grand prix attack knight c6 knight f3 the idea is that you will trade your bishop for this night play d3 castle and you'll have a nice pawn wall and you'll advance it and you'll have a big attack okay knight f6 that's already an inaccuracy because in the opening you guys need to be careful and stop putting your knights where they can be attacked by pawns that move does not happen instead we get the standard move uh is that just the free pawn that might be too dangerous to take because then you get hit with d4 then you take d4 then you lose your queen then you end up on guess the elo so a6 take it okay d3 great okay i really like this so far by white this is really good shout out to grapefruit thank you for the five dollar donation um h3 is good now here the standard attacking plan is queenie one queen g3 this is the benefit of having played the move f4s you have this but black is playing really well creating queen side counter play so this is very smart okay it's a very good game so far okay i wouldn't go there i don't like that move uh i would go queenie one and i think queenie wants a little bit more direct yeah black is playing very well okay now million dollar question do you take do you ignore or do you push you have to push it's the only move if you open the position black of course takes with knight they could take with pawn and go d4 um because you don't want to give the bishop any scope you don't want to you want to close the position against bishops okay uh here probably the move the best moves are like b4 and d4 to like try to close the center uh queen e2 is not bad d4 of course block there's some position where the move f5 is going to be very good oh man f6 is a good move computer doesn't like it but it's the human move now you know what i would do here if i was playing black i would do the alpha zero i will play gf6 king h8 rook g8 and rook rook pressure except alpha zero wouldn't do that because it's plus one according to stockfish but maybe not because it evaluates positions as even better than stockfish takes takes okay knight f6 is bad because you've just given yourself a weakness i think i think just knight g5 and how do you guard the pawn okay that's not a terrible move okay now now we're making some strategic mistakes black a hundred percent should take because that results in white having a blocked e file you see there's a blocked e file okay that's why that's why black should be taking on e4 okay 95 is not a bad move i okay okay okay all right knight g4 this is a very good oh my god knight takes f6 in between move switch and zoo to play bishop oh my goodness oh my goodness that's a what is this game yo someone's gonna lose very soon how is this not losing for black wow i guess black is safe oh rook f1 uh oh oh oh oh how i was i would go h4 just go like h4 h5 h4 h5 just bang by h4 and then if they keep h5 and if they keep attacking hg and the game is over oh my goodness uh-huh wait that's mate it's made in one black played rookie seven to play rook f7 and just completely forgot about queen f8 a beautiful 30 move game spoiled by maton one wow uh okay i'm not gonna lie that game had no blunders except rookie seven like up until this point neither side made him made a serious mistake wow we're off to a good start normally a queen gets hung immediately uh jesus okay knight f6 is an inaccurate move um the opening had some hiccups like h3 rook be like what is rugby one what is rugby rugby one's no good i don't understand rugby one actually yeah like i kind of like skim past like like h3 and rook b1 but what is rugby one queso what are you what is this move if any spanish-speaking viewers are confused i'm not referring to the guy as cheese i'm referring to the username super gm's played rugby one no they didn't not in that position what no super gms played rugby one in this position stop it this is a weird move um yeah a few weird moves i'm inclined like 14 1500 rp1 is not the theory you guys are you guys are trolling me nah stop uh the sides played very safely and very logically for a while for a while uh for a while they played very well so i'm actually i'm thinking like 15 1600 there's some things like i don't think a 1500 plays rook b1 but you never know it could be an intermediate player feeling enlightened um super gm ben feingold has played rook b1 yeah you wrote that joke like six times man it you could write it seven or eight times it still won't be funny this is what we do here we roast viewers uh i'm gonna say like oh man there was some really nice maneuvering here i'm gonna say like sixteen hundred feet like fifteen to sixteen hundred fifteen 1550 to 1650 is my range okay that's my range here we go 1606 versus 16 18. ho ho hey we're off to a good start hey oh nah not 16 16 60 no no 16 16 no no no this is see this is not a 1600 who hung a piece on move six there were no piece hangs we you are telling me that a 16 18 rated player hung a mate on move 32 yeah no uh that's that's tragic also one wait how long did this poor dude spend on rook oh my god imagine thinking for 20 seconds and hanging maiden one that guy actually evaluated because he saw this he should have played queen e7 queso was about to play queen f6 and take everything but it's interesting because rookie 7 doesn't even stop queen f6 queen h8 so yeah black hat supply probably only move as queen e7 which prevents queen f6 that's a beautiful game honestly like very very high level game of chess great game excellent game you should be very happy with yourself and uh thank you for the five gifted subs okay second game uh god that was that was a great game i mean i normally i farm y'all for content because you hang 36 pieces in like five moves but um beautiful all right e4 c6 and by the way that's an example of the close sicilian and how to play the um the close sicilian and the grand prix attack beautiful example so if you need a weapon okay so d3 usually they have to play knight d2 and then g3 bishop g2 and turn it into a king's indian attack white just has no idea what they're doing in fact white is just worse already like okay now white is like significantly worse just take the center okay a3 and d3 already makes me think like 800 if even 800 okay great um take the center take the center oh my goodness d3 on one move d4 on the next move but why they can't decide where to put okay so if you just take this bishop and they take you just take this pawn i don't actually think that happens oh okay this is a everybody listen up this is known as a capture chain okay uh you take the bishop this is a little calculation exercise if this this this good if this this i mean idiotic that's not a bomb cloud that's a very bad acid trip if this this you can take but then they take your bishop so if this then this then you take the queen they're gonna take your queen you can take the knight or you can take the pawn and then come back and then this knight is gonna just like stumble out so i'm fairly certain that in this position the best thing to do is to take and take but let's see what happens okay takes takes now don't take the knight save your bishop what are you doing bro respect the bishops respectfully respect the bishops respectfully okay what is that oh my goodness oh my gosh now we're good okay all right oh look at this indecisiveness like what are we doing what is it you it's like walking like 10 minutes to the pizza place you open the door and you go actually i want chinese food so you walk 20 minutes the other way all right bishop e7 okay now we have an end game this actually very interesting game uh probably objectively equal the way you you look at these end games is peace activity more than a material and peace activity and pawn breaks and i would consider something known as the minority attack here with uh d5 and that's that's well that's not it's when you have three pawns versus four on the queen side is what that's called you have the pawn minority here um and i'm not saying listen uh in in this day and age you know you you you highlight you highlight the pawns for the black pieces you say minority attack you get cancelled for a lot less um so when you have three on four on the queen side this is from the queen's gambit carlsbad structure you play b5 a5 b4 and uh you know you attack on the queen side all right that's a chess term all right before anybody anybody clips that nonsense out of context a5 so this is incorrect because now white will play a4 that's and then you won't get your b-pawn going um but the computer is really enjoying this e-brake and it wants to break open the center let's see what they play a5 knight b3 okay just oh man that's an outpost okay bishop b7 i would i would go trade or play e5 okay okay please don't go here and hang the fork plea okay oh my god uh okay very good nice great you see how white hasn't moved the king out of the center so you attacked the center this white castle now this is such a smart move yo why is white not castling why are they not castling wait can they not castle wait when did white move the king am i high oh white move the king already well for that i get necked for sure okay i mean i just tried to get a guy to castle even though it was illegal i forgot the king moved wow that's a big advantage to black look at this look at these pawn traits to activates the rooks oh okay okay okay okay okay okay still a draw still a draw but black has some chances nice black has some chances because the pawns are on in fact i think white lost the game when white played f4 wow that is incredible look at the eval i don't know if you guys can see that it's zero zero zero when you play f4 and they play f5 bl white is lost this just shows you how the little details in endgames matter it's bishop versus knight and you've isolated your pawns on the wrong color they're all on the color of the bishop because now white cannot move the king because then i will go hunt those pawns down and you can't move the knight because i'll hunt those pawns down and now you just walk the king to c4 like literally the next few moves i don't know if that's gonna happen g6 you have to go here great so the king cannot go here oh my goodness and this is where you get your little end game lessons and why why what are you doing what is bishop f6 bro vera okay oh my please don't take it please don't take it please don't say okay very good don't hang your bishop bishop b2 beautiful game over incredible one pawn move that is very instructive we're off to a good start these are good games like i said black has the winning chances here because of how bad these pawns are um black had to activate the kick white had to activate the king immediately and not leave these pawns isolated on dark dark squares um the opening was not good but black did not make any serious blunders not that they could have because there really weren't a lot of pieces on the board um but like all of this you see how white played this position this gives away a lot this this one move attack this is a big problem for a lot of players guys if you know your opponent wants to go e5 what is the one and only move you should be thinking about in this position f4 this is the only move this move completely shuts down black's play e5 will never happen if g5 just g3 restructure your pawns so e5 doesn't happen then g1 and you're happy these want y'all gotta stop with these one move attacking moves that don't do anything they just those are the killer moves that's like i don't know what to do what does your opponent want to do that's what you should think about they want to go e5 and since you allowed me to activate all my pieces you got in trouble oh boy i am going to say because of the opening i want to say like a thousand eleven hundred that's what i'm gonna say um a thousand eleven hundred strikes me as correct but black also played very well i think black played like a very black played like a 13 1400 this game i'll be very happy if that's the rating but if it's not then well then you should be honored because i'm going to say like a my range is between let me think about this my range is between 10 50 and 11 50. that's what i'll say 1050 no i don't think it's any less than that wow so i was right about black's play i was right about black's play but white is 1329. so i said black played like a 13 1400 and black is rated 13.50 so i was you know i know you guys give me like oh you always say you're right i mean i listen i called it but white played so poorly i was like there's no way oh boy i'm sorry i should have i don't want to pull up the random nerds you guys understand what i'm saying i want the gotham sub to play above their rating if i said that this game was 1300 but it turned out to be like a thousand you know what i mean i don't want to pull up the random nerds also you're telling me that the dude who's 1300 is playing like this what kind of a russian well i guess it's true russians are better at middle game and end game they're not very good at their openings i don't know all right you should be very proud that was a very good game and uh well turns out you're 13 1400. after all i'm very sorry but i was that had a lot more to do with your opponent than you here we go all right taste tags d4 exchange carl khan or white has no idea what they're doing bishop uh-huh okay oh my god if queen f5 queen b2 queen c8 is made that didn't happen knight d7 which is interesting you know it's actually kind of interesting that already gives me a lot of information because black just played this so wow okay b3 good both players are aware of the threats of their opponents ah that's a terrible move oh my god you might already be losing because you you can get over over maybe not maybe not because bishop b4 you might have bishop you have bishop d2 see if you can't block this with a bishop you're in serious trouble okay fair and then you hang the knight you don't even get pinned and you hang your knight [Music] this is what i'll never understand about it like i don't like y'all be like putting attacks on pieces and they're just not taking them like i just although although although although maybe black is a genius look rook c3 here here here the rook is trapped oh well then you would take the knight you would take the night because the rook is trapped it has no moves can't go anywhere but you would just sack it for the night because you already won a night so you get two nights for the rook which is good anyway they attack a piece three times instead of taking it uh what is this shape-shifter chess play also i love how if you just look for a check here you win a rook bro what is that bro what are we doing okay so all this tells me is that black got extremely lucky when they played this move because to be honest there was a very high chance that they could have gotten mated there also was a very high chance that that wouldn't have even been noticed queen takes before now we give the check okay very nice now we take the rock okay no no we don't take this rock we take a pawn and refork and then we're gonna go take the other rock oh they take your rock take the bishop okay yourself a piece don't hang your rook nice just up a piece nice we gotta we gotta go for this stuff here i would probably go like queen f5 again with the pin or knight g5 don't get back rank mated though nice move man queen e6 beautiful noticing the pin now probably just go for the night i mean it's hard to not focus on the king yeah go for the knight wow that is a really unfortunate defending of the that's very lucky by your opponent to spot that i wouldn't trade queens you you you're still winning but i am okay you're trying to get into an end game where you have a two pawn advantage three pawn advantage fair what is that what is this why are we going back go bro go forward bro what you're up three pawns right okay well of course black down three pawns trades knights into a rook end game and now you just push your pawns okay pick the pawn up and uh you can trick them here oh no my pawn and then you promote a lot of people will blunder that and now you have you have a five pawn advantage in an end game four pawn advantage in an end game okay and for some reason even though you have five extra pawns four extra pawns you are refusing to push them you are just not pushing them you are not your king is going first i your king can get to the end and become a and become a queen apparently it's 2021 anything is possible and finally you play c6 okay wow what information do we have in this game um wow uh the most uh erratic movement on the queen side i've ever see i mean i don't know what the heck is going on here uh but man you found some good moves like queen five is a good move so are you are you guys twelve hundreds that over here had a mini stroke or you guys 900s who over here did a 900 stuff and then proceeded to play very well that's the question are you guys 1200s who had a mini stroke for a couple moves or are you 900s that ah it's a 50 50. i don't know i mean i feel like you played really well to be 900. like a 900 would have like vomited maybe peed their pants a little bit more blundered a couple more pieces i mean black's decision to trade knights in an end game gives me some some intel not hanging checkmate though i gotta tell you not hanging mate is oh man was that on purpose or was it accidental no clue man um hmm say eleven hundred let's say like 1100 but some of these moves like queen b6 is like a yeah i must say like i'm gonna say like 1175 to 1275 that's my range okay here we go no 686 686 versus 709 dog boss nah no three minute game right five minute game oh my god what's your rapid eight thirty doll i'm so confused bro are you kidding me i am so are you joking me y'all both played way above that level all right i'm next game you should be very proud of yours that was crazy i got that was nuts that was very well done that was great i'm done that was that was y'all not 680 bro get out of here man probably sent me a game he played on his old account like three years ago okay e4 d5 nice uh either a proud owner of the gotham gambits course which by the way is absolute oh i'm not on the other overlay sorry didn't have enough coffee [Laughter] didn't have enough coffee my bad let me take a sip you see how little coffee i've drank okay d4 wrong move you're supposed to take and play knight f6 that's what you're supposed to do but okay d4 uh excuse me e5 and the knight is trapped well it's not quite trapped if they know how to get it out but they're not gonna know how to get it out with c6 coming so the way you get it out is like c6 c65 and i think like knight before and you protect your knight but just play e5 and the night is trapped okay i would play i would play gf and e5 okay that's why urine gets the elo and i'm looking at the game i would also reinforce the center with a pawn in this case but okay knight is fine fine fine fine white is playing terribly black is already much better why is black why is black much better here uh because black is the gotham sub first of all and second of all white's pieces like what is this this th this smells like um new intermediate player like advanced beginner new intermediate player just kind of playing moves not really no real long term planning here this is why you guys got to get your openings down because like what is this now white's only plan of development is that like does white play that oh well yeah you kind of gave him the opportunity to oh oh wow you gonna get your bishop trap bro there's something very tricky here you can play f5 wow and if takes takes and it takes rookie 8 that's the problem with having the queen and the king on the same line you play h5 which is good i will play f5 here 100 gotta go f5 gotta go f5 because queen and king on the same line gotta go f5 maybe they watch a lot of hikaru games with really tight positions and think it's fine i i'm not gonna lie man that was that was such overkill of analysis like no disrespect like you you probably are like a very like nice guy and smart guy um that's like trying to explain a toddler behavior with like a p with like you know or like a manual for a rocket science or something i i that no no no no white is just making one move like that's just what you know why no no that's just not what it is [Laughter] it's uh it's yeah i like i said i i i don't think that this is how hikaru plays thank you queso for the 20 gifted man i listen don't disrespect my man hikaru like this man this is this is not oh boy oh boy okay so white is just keeping this in the center no development at all opening both wings of play for the diag i mean just bishop e5 here wins the game is that played ah bro what like why why why why you just what is this what is this overall bro if you give me 20 guesses in this position i would never play this move this move does nothing gotham sub what is this what are you trying to prevent them from moving it there and you just take it what is this bro are you trying to bring your knight back is that it is that what you're trying to do what are you trying to do with the move b6 explain to me so what if the knight is almost trapped it's not under attack and if it gets under attack then you'll defend it bro you got to think aggressive guys think aggressive aggressive aggressive what is b6 you have to think aggressive moves bishop e5 now i gotta get more aggressive okay now your queen's under attack okay now you trade okay good yes yes yes oh that is a good move jesus christ why are we why'd you do that you don't respect your bishop oh rep repetition draw dude why are you not repeating moves you're down material you should repeat moves you're down a rook oh my this is not what i mean by be aggressive this bozo still has a king in the center okay okay you have something really nasty here that absolutely doesn't have to happen you can take take take and if they take you fork their king and rook however they don't have to take it all but just in case you wanted to wha why is there king there wait a minute crosspin bishop e4 wins the game yes and gotham subs drums the hammertown yes yes good man took his chance played let's see beautiful things happen when you get aggressive yes you see yes here we go take it and it's checked yes yes oh oh i'll beat his ass i'll beat his head bro that is what happens when you unleash the bees bro that is what happens do you see i don't ever want to see another goddamn b6 in my life everything in this game went downhill after you played this move and the second you got aggressive the second you got aggressive you would all right you know what i told you to take the draw and that's the right thing to do but i respect you for not taking the draw okay i respect you it's not the right decision absolutely not but you wouldn't have won if you had taken the draw if you take the draw i already necked myself i'm not going to neck myself twice very nice um now it's my turn to guess what rating this was okay um man some of these moves man spotting this is a nice one 1300 puffs 1300 i have no idea i say that for every single one like the opening was fine you know wasn't anything crazy white played so poorly but then white started playing really well but then white played so poorly again say like i would say like eight nine hundred ah but i just had thirteen hundred geez i have to sneeze oh my goodness um man but for spotting bishop e4 no i'm i'm gonna say 870 to 970. that's my guess that's my that's my hot take of the day here we go oh wow i should have went with the first one [Laughter] 1401. oh i should have went with my first guess i i really was hoping that it was oh my god the last guest really messed me up man i was 500 points off on the last guess and this time i was 600 points off oh okay i just want you to know mr 1400 from north korea you you i'm not saying you played like an 800 in fact it was much more your opponent who i thought might have contributed to this but somehow i was just your opponent just all of this was so weird and then i don't know it was just such a i don't in okay uh uh i'm sorry don't quit chess because i called you 1 800 okay quit chess because i called you a 600. what was the accuracy you don't want to know you know last game alright let's end on a good note d4 all right london good what is this why i never say to play this move what see this is my thing why are we putting our bishop out there like for what yeah yeah i really just don't like your bishops man the london bishop is supposed to go on d3 that is where it goes so we can like it's the same people who are like i watched the gotham london video and i played in a game and i keep losing so gotham is a terrible youtuber like no bro i never said to do this c3 like go here and put the bishop on c2 put the bishop on c what is black doing that this is a simple counting exercise in fact there is something even more vicious here you can take the knight and then it actually turns out that white is a genius for putting the bishop on b3 you see moves are bad in chess but only if opponents take advantage of them you understand so otherwise white just you know is a genius but this is not a great move but at lower elo it doesn't matter it doesn't matter because ultimately the game will will develop you know will develop as it develops wow wow oh wow oh wow and it turns out that that bishop after all was mvp i said to put the bishop on d3 and that bishop won a knight a rook and another knight there you go no i'm not necking myself out of pride you're not supposed to put your bishop there i don't you know what i'm not doing it i'm not no no like i said yesterday on stream i started necking myself and now you guys want me to neck myself for everything oh gotham ordered avocado on his burger and he didn't get avocado neck yourself you know i was like uh anything oh gotham put in coins for 28 minutes into the laundry machine and his clothes are not dry yet oh neck yourself like yo y'all okay wow this was a this was this one i mean we don't even have to okay we don't have a lot of information about this game we have white butchering of london uh but then proceeding to just be solid very solid and black just self-destructs um who gets avocado on their burger avocados healthy i would eat avocado on anything i would eat a chess piece with avocado on it avocado's great but some people don't like it but i love avocado i would get avocado on anything also yeah just because you go to chipotle and eat steak with extra cheese and sour cream and no vegetables doesn't mean i can't put avocado on things avocado is mushy disgrace so is your brain anyway man i'm gonna say like i'm gonna say like 1100 to 1200. 11 to 1200 is this game it's giving me the although although the the the disastrous blunder of this move makes me think actually a thousand to eleven hundred say nine eighty to ten my 100 point range here we go 980 to 1080. even lower even lower i i actually didn't slam in anger i slammed in celebration and then i realized that mr lay in the pipe laid the pipe but all right it was a solid 900 game i mean bro i don't blame you i'm not gonna lie like yeah 900 stop putting your bishop on b5 i don't i don't know why you're doing this does not stop it but good game your opponent let's see how long okay this is another thing i will never understand this is a 15 minute and 10 second bonus game okay it's a it's a rapid game when black plays the move e5 black spent 1.6 seconds of an already surplus 37 seconds black has more time on the clock than they began with and they spent less than two seconds on a move that resulted in the catastrophic decimation of their position this is why you guys don't improve a chess that's the random nerd that's not even the gotham sub y'all like i'm not getting better at the game you bozos are playing 15 minute games and have 16 minutes on the clock and are down nine points of material stop doing that you are hindering your own progress the way you play the game
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 761,872
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess game analysis, chess analysis, beginner chess lessons, guess the elo, guess the elo chess, chess lessons for beginners, chess lessons for intermediate, middlegame chess, chess middlegame, chess middlegames, chess lessons, chess lesson, chess tips, chess strategy, how to play chess, how to win at chess
Id: EYiil5yOHjQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 48sec (2208 seconds)
Published: Fri May 21 2021
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