HE HUNG HIS QUEEN 6 TIMES!!! (Guess The Elo 13)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to your  favorite series here on youtube guess the elo   where i analyze my twitch subscriber games live  on stream and then try to guess their ratings   my lawyer has advised me that for this episode  in particular i must warn you that i am not   liable for any brain cells that you lose or if you  laugh so hard you end up throwing up let's go e4   oh wait gotham subscribers got the black pieces i  should flip it e4 d5 beautiful move so black is a   principal player playing knight to f6 uh clearly  a proud owner of the gotham gambit's course with   the black pieces or just literally invented this  on the spot d4 uh this is clearly not an owner of   the gotham chess gambits course or this person  has it but hasn't reviewed it yet because after   d4 the move is bishop to g4 this is known as the  portuguese gambit one of my favorite variations   here goes f3 bishop f5 and for example c4 and  then after e6 de6 knight c6 ef7 king of 7 black is   better in fact black is almost winning black is  down 2 pawns but this is known as the portuguese   gambit and the idea is that you play bishop  to b4 rook 2e8 and black is just simply better   and yeah the only way that white can hang on  is by playing moves like knight to e2 which no   human in history will play so yeah you know good  stuff portuguese gambit is very vicious right   c6 not a bad move takes takes okay now we have  a exchange karo khan pawn structure because the   e and the c pawns got traded so it's like  e4 c6 d4 d5 takes takes so no c no e pawn   except the knights are gone i don't know who's  better here i actually want to say white oh no   no kaipatal what about your bishop what is  this what about your bishop okay i mean not bad   good good okay what about your bishop though  damn these dudes trading more than you know   united states and mexico my god queen d6 what  about this light square bishop though okay   oh look at that i mean this guy's just going  straight for mate here okay all right f oh okay chat and youtube why is f5 such a big mistake   why is that 5 such a big mistake doesn't  look like a mistake what's wrong with that 5.   like a good move looks like you  take space what's wrong with f5   so it's not that e6 is weak in fact you can make  the argument that e6 is really well protected   because bang and bang and boom and bang and  boom you could literally get the entire family   of pieces to guard the e6 pawn because of e5  because with this move you've created and i've   created a backwards pawn look at the evaluation  of movago about equal in fact the computer likes   f6 patrolling all the squares and maybe  trying to play e5 in the future for example   in a best case scenario black gets this black is  completely fine here because black can play bishop   b7 bring the rook to the middle push in this  in the center right but by playing this move f5   um you've severely weakened the dark squares  and this bishop is another problem which is   the issue with being trade happy please don't  take that pawn oh for the love oh oh oh oh oh oh   maybe white just bought the bluff um yeah  so of course white should not be playing   this white should 100 just put the rook  on the e5 square with c3 and rookie one   and just pressure just pressure pressure pressure  pressure pressure pressure pressure pressure   pressure pressure are backwards  pawns always bad uh i mean no but   in this case it's very bad because white  will have all the play but now white gives what yo this man didn't want to hang a rook he  wanted to hang a queen and the other guy guarded   the other guy thought this is a fork this guy  was like oh my god i'm getting forked oh my god   okay and now you obviously realize your queen  was hanging oh man oh wow oh oh wow nah not   not you staged this no no no no no no no  y'all stay nah nah nah chill me yo bro oh   oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness  oh my goodness and you know the craziest part   is white is still winning why does the oh now  white's not winning anymore so why was winning   here because of all the pressure right the  weakness of the king kind of the pressure but   it's very strange like how you're supposed to win  this you're supposed to win this by sacrificing   and with this pin in mind you sneak into  the back rank so basically it's the fact   that white's got all this pressure but the  long-term back rank weaknesses will allow   for infiltration and there's no way to go to the  position now these guys are most likely like 200.   uh so uh oh wow okay oh the rook oh oh god oh  oh now easy easy easy easy clean up clean up   everybody everywhere clean up bro you  have pawns bro move the damn pawns bro man can't choose man's going to paint one side  of the room now he going to the other side of the   house to paint the sign that's already painted bro  this guy got paint to paint the living room now   he's painting the kitchen which is already painted  oh god and here the game is over here the game   is over i don't know by time or just chess.com  aborted this game because this is the worst game   in the history of mankind chess.com was like  bip nope i'm not going to lie i actually   so here's the thing here's the thing black  blunder but black blundered once no black   blunder twice black blundered the queen for like  seven moves that just i'm just counting that as   one blunder because i like the guy you know i  don't know who's playing with the white pieces   i know the person playing with the black  pieces so you know when your friends do   something really stupid but you just give them  a pass if you saw someone do something stupid um   you know uh you see someone do something stupid  you might you know say something but it's your   friends you're like you know what you're my friend  i'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt i'ma   just sit you down smack you a couple times etc  etc um now i know the person playing with the   black pieces so that's how i feel right now i  don't know the person playing with white pieces   so i am not gonna lie i must say five six  hundred um but to be honest like i i uh   yeah five six hundred just seems right like it it  it it doesn't make sense that or like four like   450 is the cutoff like 450 like 450 is 100 to  cut off um or it's two like 900s that were just   super high like they were on the good stuff like  i'm talking like haha bro i forgot yo that's   crazy man i just i forgot pawns could go diagonal  dude i gotta stop blazing and playing chess bro um all right here we go um i'm gonna   yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna say like  i'm gonna say like five six hundred bro they were a that they were  nine hundred and a thousand yo these guys were 900 bro these what it was a it was okay  it was a three minute game   okay it was a three minute game fair but all right  now let's guess the caps let's guess the caps um he said it was not that that he um   i must say the caps was like less than 20 probably  for both of them less than 30 for sure okay they played a few good moves   oh well the thing is that every time white didn't  take the queen it was considered a blunder that's   the thing every time that white didn't take the  queen it's considered a blunder and every time   black hangs the queen it's considered a blunder  wow brutal that was crazy wow that was good that   was good content i mean you know because everybody  for this series submits games where they win   um and so you know they play really well  their opponent plays like booby buns and um you know it's uh it is what it is but uh wow  that was that was really good content we we   all need games like that we all need games like  that i i appreciate you submitting that game   uh allowing me to you know take like two years  off my life with the stress levels and uh   wow yeah i'm probably gonna need therapy of some  sort after this like i'll probably go to like you   know talk talk space the online therapy you know  just be like i just saw one of the worst you know   people going on there for you know legitimate  things you know depression um stress anxiety   and i'm just like yo i just saw the worst chess  game like of my life uh i don't know what to do   um what you paying 250 an hour for this um wow  that was pure content that was unleashed pure   violence and content i appreciate that uh now  all of us are going to collectively forget about   that game uh or else uh you know it'll just  it'll cause uh it'll cause lack of sleep and   all right this next game is another  uh awesome supporter of the channel   uh shout out to mr chipotle sensei absolute beast  had some chipotle recently for the first time   in a long time felt good they have cauliflower  rice now did you guys know that chipotle's got   cauliflower rice it was very tasty g6 c4 uh good  setup by black king's indian okay so this is just   a blunder because you can just play knight to  e4 um this is just a terrible move by white uh   this is just a fork and you just win the  bishop and black is just very clearly better   uh white never played knight c3 it's about  punishing mistakes early on right um okay i   mean you know they're going for the battery all  right now you play knight e4 okay uh that's just   a huge blunder because yeah knight g3 beautiful  you should not be putting your queen in the line   of sight of the enemy piece like just because  it's veiled by one thing does not mean that um   i never said it wins the bishop i just  said you get the bishop so you get the   two bishops that's it you i'm sorry i meant to  say you get the bishop so you have two bishops   chat relax all right i relax all right you  clearly get what i'm talking about you get   what i'm talking about jeez yeah some goons  man y'all are like the kids in the class   that like sit in the back and like correct  people in in in the smallest of situations   because you like had a day where you got a 98 on  a test all right relax yes 700 bozos knight g3   beautiful move bishop d3 takes takes knight h1  beautiful oh and white just blunders knight f2 i mean this is a good game of chess right  here is what this one i'm talking about takes   wait what is this this is the whole game you submitted like a 15 move game but why  did why did you submit this that what this is you i mean i'm pr listen you're probably the first  player in history to win two rooks and 14 moves   i'm not gonna lie um i i don't think there's  ever a per i i mean i'm i'm not sure that   any other player in history has lost a  rogue two rooks faster than this like the   the the this is impressive stuff  um from random noob over here um i don't know this wasn't this wasn't that  last one listen listen it's hard that first   game set a really tough bar for the rest of  this video but you know what i'm gonna i'm   gonna guess the rating i'm gonna guess it  correctly i'm going to say that your rating from the opening stage not seeing knight to  e4 white playing the strange move queen d2   you playing c5 uh and then white blundering this high 800 to mid 900 i 800 to mid 900 here we go white is rated 12 30 no white is a subscriber  oh white has my flair oh no oh my god oh my god   oh the worst nightmare has come true people always  say it's their worst nightmare to end up in one of   these videos as the random noob oh no oh no it was  one of mine oh my gosh it's like when you two kids   fight and one of the oh my god oh my god oh my god  oh my god oh my god 1200 oh my god no no no no no i'm disappointed i'm not i'm not mad this was  content this was also content this this is the   first time uh wow wow i i don't even i don't even  want to look at this anymore i i i don't want to   admit that one of my subscribers could have done  that well then again chipotle sensei provided us   you know the immortal game of 2021 to kick things  off today so um wow wowzers bowsers that was crazy   uh jeez louise that was nuts uh e4 uh  game three all right vienna vienna oh   this is the second game of the day we got bishop  to c5 and uh well they just blundered the d5 pun   um yeah so like you know you're supposed to  play like this because you're trying to you know   c6 d5 or d6 and the knight chief yeah this is  just hangs upon i'm i'm not gonna let's just oh chipotle sensei is uh donating  uh that's funny okay so knight g4 f4 bro oh seth but oh wow okay okay oh that's either genius or  you accidentally hung your queen oh   oh oh and when the dust settled white was  up five pawns oh four points four puns   four points wow wow uh okay  um okay um okay okay yup yeah okay so here's what happened black hung upon  and then proceeded to play knight g4 and   white had to not play the typical vienna move  on a serious note a lot of you all be playing   moves just because you know the vienna you're  supposed to go f4 right you'll just be doing that   but you're not thinking this through because  this is the threat you got to address the threat   so for example you got to go here and you know  uh trade but what happens is that white plays   this aggressive queen move and then there's  just complete pandemonium loses the queen   and then is like well this knight is trapped so  i'm going to win this night and wins the night   now white is up a bishop and four pawns  which is you know good enough material good enough and now they trade very nice and now  the night is trapped and uh now you just go to   oh my goodness oh god good good nice technique  and now we will begin the march of the pawns why are you not moving your pawns don't copyright me youtube all right a h and  in this position black resigned because black   i mean to be honest black probably should have  resigned like in this position when they were   playing a gotham subscriber but okay so the  most most meat of the position we have is uh   you know we've got like this right we've got the  meat of the position right around here and then   white spotted all the right moves and then found  this which was not a great move but it allowed a   big simplification it was not six seven hundred  now yeah tripping yeah but not six seven hundred   um now the non-direct approach throughout like  this this mid game like this knight like what's   92 no you gotta gotta go hunt the king down  let's say like a thousand to eleven hundred maybe like a thousand to eleven hundred is what  i think there's no way it's twelve hundred   i feel like uh i feel like black did not play that  well i feel like white didn't also like play 12 13   i feel like white blundered but then found this  queen h5 move because the queen was hanging that   was kind of a forced move and then was like  well i can't take this but i can take that   yeah i'm gonna say like i'm gonna say like mid  1000 mid 1000 here we go this is not the game yeah a thousand and it was a blitz  game it was a three minute game   and probably white is much higher rated than rapid oh wait why does 1300 now  in blitz where's this bullet   wait what this is a old game oh white sent an  old game white's actually 1300 now god damn   yeah like white white yeah so 983 for black  and 10 15 for white yeah no white play clean   yeah for three minutes this is actually very  well done to come up with all of these ideas   credit yeah i mean most people are sending in  long games but nah that's yup y'all played well well by y'all i mean the guy with  the white pieces shamuran donated 25   set if the king takes the queen will there be  nights or bishops in nine months i don't know man   but thank you for the donation i do appreciate it  um i i'm not required by any sort of international   law to address bad jokes with donations but  how trippy would it be if someone sent me a   bullet game it wouldn't be trippy whatsoever i  would probably still be able to guess the elo i   just think it's it's useless to send in bullet  games but i i can't control what you guys do um you know anyway um all right game number four gotham subs got the  black pieces in this one we have e4 c6 we've got   a keroken kerogen knight c3 knight f6 bishop out  to g5 bishop to f5 okay very good here takes takes   black is playing great i love this i love this  okay uh knight c6 i don't know why we're going   to d7 when there's just a very easy square to  go on c6 but okay whatever pog okay pog and frog   okay pog yeah i mean this this is a sign  of like a 1100 this is the sign of an 1100   oh yeah i guess there was bishop takes h2  it's kind of funny yeah like for the last   like six moves like for example there was  bishop takes hd that's pretty pretty funny   okay i mean i didn't even see bishop h2 so i i  don't and the point is king h2 you have knight   g4 it's a little greek gift and then you take  the bishop i well i mean i didn't see bishop h2   because i'm an idiot um this guy didn't see  bishop h2 because he's probably like 1200   but i'm i'm just stupid i should have seen bishop  h2 in fact he had it for quite a long time now   this is a sure sign of a player that just has  no idea what they're doing i mean this is just   this is just the usual get into the middle game  and push pawns one square and hope for the best   probably gonna take yep probably gonna  take that too yup uh now rook c8 please   all right that's uh not a very active  square oh boy now knight is coming in um   glad you played that move because if you  move this rug there was this fork so this   nice kick the night out very nice oh wow that's  a very creative move because after it takes takes   pin so knight here oh stop taking everything  go here unquestionably the move is before   look you have to control the enemy squares  right and yeah b4 there it is top engine move   because that way you can pressure this pawn  and no one can move forward you have to go b4   stop snap taking everything people you snap  take at some moments and oh boy and see they   you know i like this black actually playing  very well oh mike that's a gangster move   this is a beautiful move to try to go  h4 and win control over the e4 square   is is he successful oh beautiful oh beautiful now  you're playing like a gm except you hung your rook   you were playing like a gm for a couple moves  there and then you hung a rook now you are not   playing the fork oh my god but you're playing  really well oh oh just take the damn night   buddy you got two horses you got two horses  pressuring this knight just take it apparently   apparently the top engine move is h3 but you  got lucky takes oh now of course you're gonna i did not think that you were gonna play that  i did not think for a second that you were   gonna take on g2 i thought you were gonna just  take back now they can't stop you from queening yo did the older sibling take over the controller  what the hell was that oh my gosh oh my gosh bro   you're killing it you're killing  the person what the hell is this bruh the older sibling popped off yo wait a  sec what happened i swear this happens like   half the games and guess the elo like person  plays like a like a bibity boopity the first 20   games and then for the last 20 games they play  like a flippity-floopy i mean i don't even you   know it's the it's the magnus carlsen uh carlos  magnuson conundrum like i at first you know 20   moves you're trading all the pieces you're playing  like a poopy poopy face and i mean i don't even   i i hang a rook it turns out to be a fantastic  strategic sacrifice i mean i don't even know um bro i i mean oh god uh oh this game is  putting me to sleep man i i don't   i gotta drink more coffee i drink like  three sips of coffee this morning like 12 to 1300 maybe in the 1300s if you're any  lower than that i mean i'm gonna eat a shoe like   i don't even i don't even know bro like i don't  even yeah okay i'm glad to see 1480 1480 1450.   i'm not gonna lie y'all both played like some  stoners like the first 20 moves though like i   don't know y'all just played like people like  you trading everything like like all this like   maneuvering like trading everything literally  everything i swear i thought like 12 1300 even   with all the trades but then you then you then you  all of a sudden you were like wait a minute hold   on i'm 1480. like i don't know what the hell is  this like what am i doing why am i playing like an   1100 i got to impress gotham that you didn't take  a night you didn't take a night but yes somehow   you knew that this was the best move you got lucky  though i think you just didn't take the knight   maybe not maybe you're genius and you took on g2  now here you realized here you realized and uh   damn god damn 1480 you you you really stepped  it up the later half of this game very well done   very nice 1480 good stuff that's  what we like to see but uh   yeah damn nice that was a good game you that last  part of the game here's the thing when you're 1480   you know why he's 1480 it's because the last part  of the game you played like a 1700 and before that   you played like a 1200 and it averages out so in  1480s from start to finish they played like 1480s   okay but you played the first game like a 1200  then you played like eight like a 1700 and it   averages out to 1480. that's why you're 1480.  that's why because for some parts of the game   uh you know yeah shout out to mav c squared in the  chat we got ziv5 in the chat saying are you jewish   uh the question that i am just simply asked the  most more than any other question why doesn't   anybody ask me if i'm a walrus like why is no  one curious if maybe i have any similar genetic   makeup to a walrus no one's interested in that  for some reason why don't you guys i stop asking   if i'm jewish and asking if i just like juice  like goodness me am i an elephant i don't know   e4 final game of the day now i know for  a fact this is not one of my subscribers   because uh i don't recommend the rue lopez i  mean i recommend the vienna and i recommend   playing you know bishop c4 with early d4 lines  in the gun in the gotham gamut's repertoire   the fact that you're playing a spanish makes  me think that you're like a pretentious 1300   uh personally i'm just going to say this  right now no 1300s play the rue lopez   that's not how you pronounce it it's rue lopez  but uh or or or or you're like 2000. so here we go   d4 f6 this is actually a line this is a  line white is playing the exchange rule   opus the stein it's defense this is one of  the ways that black can play this position   uh as dumb as it looks uh we have a person  in chat who's been trying to type curse words   like repeatedly uh and keeps getting auto  modded and it's just really funny watching   auto mod completely beat up this guy d5 that's  not a good move actually white wants to keep the   position a little bit more open because otherwise  black locks the structure and then plays f5 so d5   takes takes now black doesn't play a  good move bishop to d7 um uh knight to c3   knight to e7 attacks the queen tries to kick it  out um all right we'll be going for subscribers   mode for the remainder of this episode queen 2a5  yeah this is a sign of two people who have no clue   how to play the rue lopez but they're trying to  play the rule opus all right nice nice and black   is just better black has emerged from the opening  with an advantage uh because black has a better   structure in the center and has the two bishops  and has more open lines and also white played the   rue lopez so white immediately gets you know 20  points taken away c5 but immediately white black   plays a terrible move putting all four of all four  five six of the seven pawns on the dark squares   this bishop is the worst bishop ever and white  can just play c4 b3 and just clamp everything   down and white castles queen side directly into  the line of assault here oh my goodness this is   okay this is completely insane game so first of  all black should unquestionably play bishop to e6   like if black lands the bishop here and the pawns  are kind of prickly and don't allow knight to   like look at this you just laser beam this side of  the board bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang   you don't allow the bishop to come to e6 and now  the queen is there and this is actually not so bad   but now black should just play a5 a4 etc etc or  c4 don't take it uh-oh and by allowing white to   infiltrate on the light squares which you severely  weakened a couple of moves ago when you played the   move c5 you basically this was a death wish on the  light squares and then when you didn't play bishop   e6 you negated your light squares and now white is  infiltrating on the light squares wait what i've   taken on e7 i don't know bishop c4 that's just  the freak that's just free that's just free oh wow what was bishop to c4 boss what was bishop to  c4 my lord oh my goodness okay just take the   bishop who are you trying to impress just just  just trade pieces when you are winning trade   pieces when you're winning what you got you  got mate here it's mate or you want a queen   yeah you know and the crazy thing  is that you know black is gonna   gotham subscriber here with the white  piece is gonna leave this game going   i love the roy lopez i'm so good with the  rue lopez i always win with the rue lopez you were dead in this game from a positional  standpoint you showed me this game that you   understand as much as about the rue lopez  as this container of starbucks coffee you   and this container have the same fundamental  understanding of how to play the ru lopez okay   um and this is why nobody rated like 2000  or lower should be playing this opening   this is a deep strategic maneuvering opening with  a lot of different nuances and pawn structures and   decisions to be made of pawn breaks and traits  and color complexes and it's just too dense   okay it's too dense all right it's too dense y'all  are trying to learn the gogo plata technique of   jujitsu meanwhile you don't even know how to shoot  a takedown how you gonna go for the gogo plata   if you don't even know how to shoot a damn  takedown what are y'all doing y'all trying to do   some weird arm bendy stuff you can't even get the  opponent to the ground which is the fundamental   basis of the entire martial art goodness isn't  isn't go go plata also one there's omoplata and   a gogo plata or am i just wrong let me see go go  plata yeah it's a go go plot is a foot choke bro   it's a foot choke y'all trying to get a foot choke  yeah i can't even take the person to the ground   that's not how it's pronounced i don't listen i  don't care you know goodness i'm doing my best   um a lot i mean a lot of stuff to dissect here  because the truth is it's such a dense opening   right um objectively speaking neither player  played any blunders like well black played   bishops e4 but like okay one blunder is gonna  happen right like this but it took 24 moves   to be honest it was much more of a strategic  catastrophe by black to allow this infiltration   for white to even have found knight h4 knight  f5 i mean i must say like oh man i mean i'ma say i'ma say like 14 1500 honestly like this was not  a this was not a bad game it was full of strategic   mistakes but it was not full of like horrible  blunders like black not playing bishop e6 is   inexcusable but a subtle bishop move to just kind  of patrol the light squares like i don't know what   what elo we can expect that um i'm gonna  say 14 1500 um anyway here we go 14 1500 yeah uh you know these guys are eleven  hundred now this person's rated twelve sixty   so i gave them the benefit of the doubt but yo ya  can't be playing this opening bro uk hey listen my   man here from turkey dennis let me be the first  one to tell you you need to stop playing the rue   lopez if you play if you play the vienna you will  easily easily get to like 14 1500 far easier to   play far easier ideas bro you can't be out here  battling folks in the rulopas you just can't   i'ma just tell you that straight up i'm  actually very curious about something   i'm actually very curious about  something denise and tastanya check this out i'm going to  go to explorer other players plays e4 a lot e5 oh you do play the vienna  oh you play this this this vienna okay   so with not what let's let's see knight f3 knight  c6 bishop okay so you you you you just play   whatever you don't have a consistent repertoire  sometimes you play scotch sometimes rulopas   okay got it got it got it got it so that yeah  so we got you know you're playing a lot a little   bit of everything okay that makes sense it's not  your only weapon but you're not you know okay fair   fair fair uh how do you do with the e45 knight c3   all right well you're playing you know you're  playing f4 which i don't recommend i recommend   bishop c4 d3 f4 but what about this all right  not doing so bad wait how are we lo oh you   you you're not playing the critical move you  got to play the critical movie five you've never   played the movie five and plays d4 and knight  f3 in this position so there you go that's how   you work on your openings i got good hopes for  dennis i mean he's you know he's playing playing   the right stuff but a little bit too professional  i would say um but uh it was a good game good game
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,041,150
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess game analysis, chess analysis, beginner chess lessons, guess the elo, guess the elo chess, chess lessons for beginners, chess lessons for intermediate, middlegame chess, chess middlegame, chess middlegames, chess lessons, chess lesson, chess tips, chess strategy, how to play chess, how to win at chess
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 43sec (2083 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 07 2021
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