what is that?? WHAT IS THAT?!?!?! (Guess The Elo 18)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to your favorite series here on youtube guess the elo and if it's not your favorite series yet i don't know what the heck you're waiting for for those of you that celebrated this past weekend happy mother's day to you and your loved ones and i know i know what you're thinking i know what you're thinking levy the lighting looks a little bit different in this episode and you're right but it will go back to normal after this intro let's just get right into it gotham sub is beginning our video with the move d4 very good move obviously uh taking the center and black responds with c5 not sure if black is trying to play kind of a reverse queen's gambit style maybe a little bit banco maybe benoni system or if black just lost the pawn on move one i mean we don't know that's the beautiful thing about guess the elo why responds with knight to f3 not a bad move knight c6 okay well clearly uh clearly random nerd has done some study of the sicilian defense and thinks that the sicilian can be played against d4 that is clearly not the case the sicilian defense is and forever will be e4c5 uh you cannot play d4c5 and say it's a sicilian that's not how it works because now you are simply much worse after the very strong and simple move d5 in fact you are nearly losing because your only move is knight to b8 or alternatively you can blunder on move three and lose a pawn and now why does a pawn up after four moves you see this is not how chess works okay this is not how chess works no random nerd did not buy the sicilian course at least not for me because i don't offer this see that's the thing what a lot of people don't realize if you're 12 1300 and you get into like that chessable marketing video you're like oh the sicilian course the magnus sicilian oh boy i'm gonna buy it but and then you try to play it against d4 you know and then uh this happens and you know you spend the money on the course and you're down upon on mu5 ah the the music is showing sorry youtube we don't have any music here it's a well-kept secret so knight to f6 e4 great move take as much of the center as you can i like bishop b5 check to trade the bishops okay that's a very exotic way of playing a4 but i don't really hate it e5 okay now did white play on busan good i mean it's it's it's actually in this case probably a good move just because it maintains your queen in the center um bishop g5 is good white is playing very well okay white is a fancy player like you see white played a4 instead of just taking the bishop white did a danger levels thing here bishop takes knight like you know both queens hanging oh did now did white play queen to d5 that's crazy why does plague really well now if white is super fancy white plays queen e6 check here okay okay queen trade knight d5 okay so white is completely winning even though white is only a pawn up white's knight dominates the bishop and that is because this is an outpost square it's a square in your opponent's territory that you dominate uh they cannot attack with anything worth less than a knight such as a pawn and now knight to b6 check they guarded the pawn but they forgot about yup yup yup yup guard it very good take it very good now now rook in the center rook down rook d7 yo what is the what is this like what is this like white is just like playing a perfect game it's mate i'm sorry how what was that that was crazy thank you pampel moose for the four months i learned that um my favorite uh lacroix lacroix look look like croat whatever the sparkly drink fizzy drink my favorite flavor was pamplemousse and uh that's just the very funny uh 1800 i mean white played exceptionally well i would not be shocked if white is over 1500 did white do anything complex for example this is a big giveaway because you've just played bishop g5 so you take on f6 to kind of flex that you've seen the gotham chess video about danger levels even though it's just not a very good move like you you would you would you don't need to give away the bishop for the night for no reason um so queen back is probably just even better because this knight is not worth this bishop but um now black really just got started on the wrong foot trying to play their system and then just got blown off the board like black didn't even do anything that terrible black just got murdered which you know happens sometimes you wake up and sometimes you get murdered and that's just life uh i really don't know this is a really good one to start off on i'm gonna say i'm gonna say 12.50 to 13.50 that's what i'm going to say actually wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute 12.50 i don't think this is another one of those really tough ones where white gets an opening advantage but then plays really well but black makes an opening blunder and also plays well but gets killed no it's definitely not higher black did not play black did not play well enough you know what i mean oh this is so tough this is so tough no 1250 plays sicilian against e4 it's terrible logic a lot of people play the sicilian well this is not the sicilian this is you know i'm gonna say 1250. here we go let's make some content ladies and gentlemen we can't spend all day on this one twelve fifty a thousand fifty five even lower thank you for the sub gifts thank you for the donation by the way wow a thousand fifty even lower a thousand fifty well played that was well played you played you played a damn good game that was a good game see that that should be that should be motivational for anybody struggling you know what i mean um i thought 1250 because any hire does not do that first of all anybody higher than 1200 just takes this pawn in general in the beginning of the game if you are playing with black you you should like make this central pawn swap with white not always because they want to deflect you off the center with black like you you should take here i mean if not then at least take the center but stop making moves with the knight into the middle where you can be attacked with a pawn this is a big mistake a lot of people make and then you have you don't have the ego to go back so you'll do something like this and get your knight trapped or this and lose a pawn like this is already completely lost for black because white just gets dominant central control like unbreakable central control and white is just better for the rest of the game so anyway um yeah lesson learned cool that was cool all right you can't see black's rating i mean black is random nerd but okay let me try to pull that down a little bit well white was a thousand fifty okay hopefully that fixes it all right back to maine um music is a little bit loud my gosh i'll lower it a little bit okay game number two gotham sub has black in this game e3 all right very scary move so e3 is the slow roll you know e3 is the slow roll and now what's interesting is that you could play black you could play e4 and now it's e4 e5 now it's e4 e5 and basically white is playing black and i mean left is right and up is down and but okay white plays knight c3 i suppose looking for a vienna of some form okay i mean they say take the center i suppose f5 is not an awful move obviously queen h5 is just met with g6 this check is not scary as long as you can block it uh defend your pawn okay see and this is different because here even though you can play e4 like i go here and this is hanging so this is a very different example of attacking knight in the center okay what is that what is that what is this what is that like why do people think that just one horse can attack a full castle like you know in in in the realm of time right whenever one civilization and another went to war over religion or corn or because one you know one king's nephew you know had an affair with the other you know the other's daughter or something like you never tried to destroy an entire castle with one horse never that's not how this works you need the little dudes to come chip away chip away throw some rocks the horse is not going to break down a wall i mean this isn't just not how you know it's just not how it works good you attack it oh boy oh boy all right this is an example of danger levels that absolutely doesn't work this is why y'all gotta stop giving these random checks okay because these random checks get met with this move and now rather than losing the horse you also lose the pointed hat this is come on this is uh yeah the trojan horse is like one example and it was filled with people so wrong example uh i'm talking about one horse that isn't a fake horse that's not filled with people anyway uh well this is just bad um this is just not good i mean it would have been far better for white to just put another pawn in the center uh now white is just down a piece immediately okay see i'm just gonna say something real quick people like who play like this are the people that tag me on twitter and say things like i watch his videos and i learn nothing he's not a good instructor i much rather learn from danny king power play chess or kings crusher kings crusher or john bartholomew john bartholomew but like i don't teach people to do stuff like this and just cause you watch my videos and then play like this that's a you problem that's not my problem i never taught you to do that in fact i teach you to do the opposite in all of my videos c6 bishop c4 takes takes takes anyway that's just that's just me trying to venting a little bit okay b3 now what black needs to do get the knight sound develop the bishop and castle don't even think like pre-move these moves this is not a bad move but the problem is look what your pawns are doing here are repelling the night they're repelling the knight they're repelling the bishop they're not letting them go forward when you do this immediately the knight jumps in and none of your pawns can do anything about it and you've created that little right see so now what i would do is i would play knight to c6 for example i would try to trade the knight i would try to get rid of it oh oh gosh that is very brave see are you gonna put the bishop there oh my god black's not putting the bishop there okay the legendary quadruple stack this is like hydraulic press okay queen i5 check is not a bad move rotate to the middle and now you feast now the queen is like pac woman nice not okay you don't feast see and white white is just too trade happy like white is just trying to trade pieces this is actually funny i have no clue what the elo of this game is i'm thinking like six seven hundred like white is just trading but why you've just left me like you all your pieces are back here right so white went in with one horse and then proceeded to kill off all of his soldiers oh on basant right listen i know i tell you guys to stomp on poisoning like just to do it but in that case it would have been a good move how are you gonna not do this what you you watched my video and i said not to do it i said not to do it if you have something better on poisson declined okay g3 yes so now this and this see down that way but of course we make the simpler capture which is this i am willing uh i am willing to bet serious money that white just blunders this anyway uh i guarantee white is gonna blo like i would bet i i don't know i you know what i don't know this is guess the elo okay take the rook how did you make it rare just two more squares oh what is this how did you two more squares it's right there that's crazy because if you're like 700 you're obviously clicking the pieces no that's not a mouse lip this is a very deliberate attempt to defend the pawn like let's be serious no it's not a slip no no no no it's not a slip obviously oh my god and now the rook moves yeah that's why they played bishop because they they're trying to defend the pond oh my god oh take it [Applause] yeah this has to be six or seven hundred like the blind spot of the pawn capture okay nice and now for the beginners watching the easiest thing to do castle put a rook in the middle and just make a queen and it's easy mate just push the pawn okay okay okay okay oh okay i don't know why this move was so necessary this was such a necessary move you know what were you afraid of losing the h7 pawn while you're gonna get a queen and have a 22 point material advantage uh okay i'm gonna say like 6 700. that that's been my my instinct the whole game uh and and and basically the way six and seven hundred chess works is that you can beat six and seven hundred you can lose to six and seven hundred sometimes you can beat up sometimes you can lose down it's a lot of variance sometimes the 6 or 700 might even be higher rated but play moves like knight d5 and bishop like what is this what is this you just cannot play like this you cannot wander in with pieces against the fully locked and loaded setup and always be on the lookout if you can be attacked that's the thing you always even this move can just be attacked and what was white gonna do when this happened just go back right like white was i mean when you make a move you need to go can they attack me uh yeah and what are you gonna do when you get attacked just okay so yeah i'll say like i'll say like 600. i that's that's that's what i think let's go take a look i was a hundred percent right white is 6.99 and black is 679 i mean i just knew this just smelled of a game between two people who occasionally create something beautiful and occasionally spill all the food all over the table and the floor and that's just that you know i i i think that if they keep with it i think wow that by the way can we just give some props to to justin4323 here this guy's got like an absolutely like beautiful profile picture like justin you got the band-aid there you're looking you're looking nice uh i listen both of you are going to be good chess players okay both you're going to be good just stop coming in with your horse and bishop unattended all right stop stop it stop enough with this nonsense all right that was good that was a very that was smooth sailing black played well defended his honor and um yeah no that guy's not him no that that's that's that definitely wasn't a random nerd all right game number three e4 yeah a lot of people ask me about this they're like levy i have your vienna course you don't have much in there about moves like d6 well right because you can't go gambit because there's no knight on f6 so you just play bishop c4 d3 and f4 let's see if white was a good student of my course look at that look at that that's it oh beautiful i mean absolutely beautiful but beautiful this is what happens when students listen okay take it beautiful knight f3 oh yes castle oh oh i mean this this is an example of a person who invested money in my course whether it was on sale full price or they even tipped me because it was so nice and let's see now let's see now how to learn after you have paid for the content okay no absolutely not d4 is actually not a bad move but the general game plan here is really like i would i would much rather you try to create an attack um but d4 is not a blunder in fact the computer in fact thinks it's the best move that is called necking and i deserve it d4 i still don't like it very much because it's only a good move because there's some stuff in the future and i don't think that stuff is going to be addressed okay uh yeah see now you need to move the right pawn which pawn should you move see this is why d4 is good it's not because of d5 which was played in the game d5 gives away all advantage e5 you need to open the bishop to the king that's why d4 is a good move because you need to play e5 which is why a while back when i said d4 is wrong it's because i knew that a few moves later white would not play the right plan that's that's the way chess works you have you have uh a move which is only good because two moves later you have a move based on that move and if you play the wrong move based on that move that move was bad right that's simple so d5 is not right because now black just goes here and trades for your bishop but still white is doing very very okay a3 okay it's actually funny if you had gone here then this knight is like almost trapped but you allowed the trade okay you made a little pawn wall very nice and now again begin the transfer of pieces it you lock the center you lock the center and then or queen d2 and sack queen e2 and sack yo my guy has an obsession with playing this move he played the move d4 a few moves ago with another pawn now he plays the move d4 with this pawn e5 yes yeah oh my god what is that what is what is queen to b8 like my guy just did not know what to play queen b8 is probably like completely winning for white now i mean that move just doesn't begin what is the idea of that move no but like what is the is it to go here is it to put what is the uh huh pawn takes isn't the night trapped oh it's not if and only if you find check and then you try to get into f2 wow look at this queen b6 knight d4 bishop c5 92 rookie e8 because after takes takes too many pins yeah um yeah none of that happens black just hangs a knight in one move uh yeah black just hangs a knight in one move uh none of that happened um yeah exactly that's why he played queen b8 gotham queen b8 was actually designed primarily against the opening of the middle of the board because there's going to be queen to b6 with the infiltration idea to support the knight this is actually a perfect example of danger levels right the knight is hanging so you attack the king enabling the move knight to f2 like that that actually is uh exactly how you're supposed to do danger levels not like this not not like this um d6 please don't take please don't take oh yes push uh i would take with the bishop so that my knight can defend h7 at the end normally it's better to good okay now you can take to open the position check look at that they use danger levels oh i'm so proud oh i'm so proud it's the same square e3 e6 except he def that is so crazy that is the same exact tactical pattern look at that that's nuts check and defending e3 f2 and a few moves later and a few moves later white gives a check to go into the same square yo that's that's cool i like that okay move the king give a check push the pawn okay repeating moves uh don't make a draw okay dude bring a rook like your queen can't do damage by herself okay wrong piece made in one wow what a game what a game that was a good game and that right there is why you would buy the vienna course that game right there is why you would buy the e4 course that was a great game i think white played over 90 in that game thank you my allergies oh wow so man what is white's rating i have a few moves to base it off of uh while black playing very passively in the opening makes me think like oh man i don't know i don't know that's crazy white could have had a really good game as like a 900 you know because white did play pretty a little scatterbrained and like it was a little bit simple but white could also have also been like 1800 just a ver it was a very clean game oh but this move right this is a big problem queen b8 is a very strange move but the thing is is queen b8 a move of a beginner or a move of an intermediate player thinking that they're being enlightened you know is it like a 1400 it's like well i'm going to play queen should be aged because you know i've seen a spore of game where you know he mobilizes you know his diagonal on b6 and he activates um i don't know maybe he saw you know like what uh yeah uh wow wow i i'm gonna make a bold prediction okay i'm going to make a bold prediction i think that white i think white is like 1200 or less and i'm only doing that because my camera goes out of focus sometimes it's because the light is not on i'm only doing that because i actually think white played really well but um i just i just want to see if it's like a if it's like a 900 okay if it's just like a 900. i'm gonna say like 1300 1300 12 to 1300 i was going to say 1100 but white played way too controlled of a game it's probably higher than that but you know what that's the beauty of guess the elo here we go a thousand i i was right oh my god i was right oh my god i was right i should have stuck to i sort of stuck to my gut oh my god i knew it shouldn't have swapped at the last second i had a feeling i had a feeling oh but i switched it oh i switched it damn damn and he's british well his opponent's not british but his opponent is australian so you know he was like well i didn't know what to do you know because i said cry okay i'm going to play queen to be and we'll see what happens on a diagonal i can't really do an australian accent but i can say crikey because you know every australian has to say that word three times a day right there's the crikey wow that was um that was good ah that was good that was good oh boy i can't do a british accent either ah dab dab dab so how about that yeah main back okay game number four this is an exciting episode uh e4 c5 oh gotham sub is black d okay ah this is this is this is the stuff i hate i hate this this is like no one knows what to do here in the sicilian defense so they just play like uh whatever they just play this stupid clothes stuff all right all right everyone's developing very good oh oh boy that guy didn't okay oh oh oh okay oh wow wow we are so committed to pushing pawns we don't even realize that the guy just hung a knight and a rook in one move hog pog pog pog pog pog pog see well he's doing it so i'm gonna copy it doesn't even take the knight in the rook pog oh the knight is still oh we saw it very good very good take the rook very good what what was why do you take the bishop now you lost the knight in a rook for nothing okay all right okay yep simplify very good very good nice good simplification take everything nice queen trade rookie oh beautiful move uh oh don't get what are you doing hey man what are you good queen okay defend it e5 don't even think just defend it okay or oh oh the game's gonna end with queen f2 and yeah yeah yeah all right uh gotham sub i'm i'm not gonna lie to you buddy uh this wasn't much of a game um this game took me like two minutes to go through uh you guys developed your pieces your opponent hung two pieces you traded everything you won uh definitely definitely to get you know at least if people on youtube made it like 25 minutes into this video because i think we're we're pretty far into this video now they'll be slightly disappointed but it's okay this is the game that they could you know go to the other tab write an email eat a snack um danish donut says i was never picked i'm so mad you'll be in the next video i promise um i'm sorry i wronged you danish donuts you're not gonna make it in this video but you'll make it in the next video uh i got no idea i all i can base this off of is white blundering two pieces and not taking back so you know what my coach told me that i should castle before i move my queen i i you know i can stall for time here for more ad revenue on youtube but at the same time i this game wasn't too you know it was not too much content in this game um black played well and white probably should not have clicked the button to start the game you know uh uh uh what do you guys think i think um like 900 8 900 probably maybe slightly lower eight nine hundred i don't think it's five hundred black played well way too well for that all right here we go eight nine hundred white is eleven eighty what white is 1180 bro my dude spent two seconds on castle all right get i don't even want to look at this anymore we're just i'm sorry no disrespect to gotham sub your opponent was officially so bad that was ridiculous that was really yo let that be a life lesson that guy was 1180 in rapid if any of you are struggling on the rating ladder that game is motivation that you two can be 1180 okay and gotham sub you just did the right thing you took the win and um uh oh wait a second oh i didn't even put okay wait a second this gotham gotham sub random nerd all right you worked your butt off to get to 1180 yeah well that game is just motivation that yeah we're just i'm not even no e4 here we go e4 d6 okay so here's an example of one guy that has like prospects in life and you know uh wants to accomplish nice things and there's a guy that just absolutely hates their bishops absolutely hates their bishops just absolutely just no respect at all what is that why so fun fact this knight should just be kicked out with b4 because the knight now has to go back and now what you can do is just develop take space defend your pawns make sure all your pawns are guarded and you're fine like for example here the best move is not to push or take it's just to go a3 so that the knight cannot really come back okay ah bishop g5 bishop p7 take take bishop e2 but see now black's position is actually kind of justified and black is going to you got to play b4 good you do not need to play that move that's just a pawn blunder okay all right guy didn't take your pawn very good nice a4a okay b5 if you yo if listen to me listen to me right now if you play b takes a5 we're done recording like i'm not you better have pushed your pawn here if you take the pawn the video is over good good because that if you no like you got to keep you got to keep the boys together here all right you got to keep you got it you got to keep them together all right there you go 94 or or girls i i don't know what you consider what gender you consider your pawns take stakes all right this is really good because now now this is a very important pawn break because what this will do is it will sacrifice a pawn but give you what's known as a protected pass pawn and then you can play moves like rook c1 bishop b5 bishop a6 queen b3 this this pawn is nothing this pawn is it's a nobody all right and you can push your pawn there of course that that's a hard move to know and you just blundered a central pawn fork but you got lucky you can back up and if they take you you take their bishop okay still them taking you is very good because then they can play queen g5 knight h4 fg uh of course your opponent was like well i don't want to lose my bishop so they did this and voluntarily doubled their pawns and now a pawn break would give you two connected pass pawns either of these pushes would give you something good right someone said black is winning it's plus five so that's definitely not accurate oh very nice trade the queen or that that's that's good too take the pawn yes take the bishop and now push these fools just this is a nice game this is a nice game in taking space trade the queen push the pawn push the other pawn you push the wrong pawn you should push this one first it's fine bro bro okay fine nice i'll give you the uh batman joker clap very good that was good that was well played that was good that was good that was that was solid game very good solid game um wow now i have to guess your rating huh this weird stuff in the opening smells of intermediate players thinking that they're good at chess and like mixing stuff up in the opening on purpose oh man i don't know there was some weird stuff in this game for sure some weird trades some weird like knight e5 is a horrible trade this is a this is a death trade for black uh i want to say between a thousand and eleven hundred it just i i it white can easily be like 14 1500. but you know what you know what white not seeing this is also a big giveaway like white playing h3 and then like rook c1 like i don't know uh man 13 1400 really could it be 13 1400 even higher i just somehow seeing that yeah that's hmm yeah i'm gonna say i'm gonna say uh i'm gonna say like 11 eleven to twelve hundred here we go maybe a thousand maybe a thousand eleven hundred eleven oh three read it and weep read it and weep i could smell em i'm like the dog at the airport you know who's supposed to smell cocaine i can smell it on him my fat nose you know i could sniff it on him you 1100 i can smell it oh oh so good so good i love guess the elo i love guess the elo i love it i love it don't you love it i love it best series
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 987,947
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess game analysis, chess analysis, beginner chess lessons, guess the elo, guess the elo chess, chess lessons for beginners, chess lessons for intermediate, middlegame chess, chess middlegame, chess middlegames, chess lessons, chess lesson, chess tips, chess strategy, how to play chess, how to win at chess
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 31sec (2131 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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