HILARIOUS 200 Elo Chess Battle

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Sadly the content you posted is way too advanced for most people reading this subreddit. You should have better luck on chessbeginners where more skilled players hang out...

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/del-ra 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/relevant_post_bot 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2021 🗫︎ replies

pretty sure this belongs in r/AnarchyAnarchyChess since you're actually satirizing this forum's gigantic erection for GothamChess.

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/_limitless_ 📅︎︎ Oct 13 2021 🗫︎ replies
ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the series on youtube that has the potential to live up to guess the elo how to lose at chess this is a playlist i've created to dissect some of my viewer games either from currently in their chess careers or earlier in their chess careers this video we were we are going to look at a battle between a 202 and a 320 rated player we're gonna laugh first and foremost but we're not laughing at the players as much as we are laughing at the tragedy of the 64 squares and really how difficult this game is and actually we're gonna have a positive message at the end of never giving up because i'm gonna show you an update of both of these players obviously for anonymity's sake we're not gonna leak their usernames although the player with the black pieces is named trees eric uh he's a resident memer and yes i completely leaked the name but that's okay because he makes a lot you know he makes a lot of content he's part of the community so he's cool with it um let's just jump into this game we've got the eval bar right there uh both players get the honorary grand master title white begins the game with b3 uh this is the nimso larsen with bishop to b2 personally i think white was playing russian roulette with pawns uh and just picked one maybe white's name begins with a b so they were like i always move the b pawn on move one now trees eric to his credit plays the main line e5 critical move now white changes up the move order so rather than playing bishop to b2 which is very standard white now plays russian roulette again and plays the pawn to e3 but listen uh clearly the player with the black pieces has some good principles two center pawns if available here we go white continues playing russian roulette still hasn't shot himself in the face three pawns out totally safe no bishops moving no knights moving now now black gets a you know black is like well they're pushing pawn so i gotta push pawns too let me play f6 uh i don't hate it ben feingold does i mean you really should put your knights into the middle to support your two center pawns uh but okay f6 obviously black's idea is that when the bishop comes here it will be biting into a dark-squared pawn chain and effectively rendering it useless white now hits them with a flank attack pawn to c4 uh the idea being that if you take you're gonna lose a center pawn for a flying pawn might you know you're obviously gonna have some light squared liabilities here because you over committed your pawns very early black does develop the knight as best as they can because now they can't go to f6 the bishop has been blocked in we have our first trade and now white is like wait a minute i'm pretty sure i can attack this knight not a bad move uh but of course you haven't developed any pieces your front line is very weak and rather than retreating black just lunges forward now whether or not black has any idea that the knight only goes to the right right because the knight for black has only moved in one direction to the right if you mirror the board it's hour left but it's right so i'm not sure black actually knows the knight can come back let alone the fact that they would see this that's way too distant for a 320 rated player bishop b5 check black uh sorry white is following the rule that if you see a check you gotta play it i mean there is no logic at all behind it it's just the check and maybe i'm playing three checks maybe i clicked on the wrong variant now when you're a beginner you are not aware of the fact that when you're in check you don't have to move your king there are three ways to stop a check capture what's attacking it block um or run away uh in this case you can block as long as you're blocking with something worth equal value or less you're good uh you can do this if you're really uh a supporter of the of alexandra botez but in this case yeah probably it's better to block but okay king f7 king f7 and now the king is checked again see this is the problem black had not foreseen this so black decides to run the king out completely this is very bold very bold strategy uh i i don't know if this is a half defensive operation half offensive operation but it's you know it's all good now what white needs to do here is actually lunge some pawns forward at the king or develop like white can't just go out for battle also don't play queen g4 because that hangs the queen in one move that's actually a big blind spot for a lot of people you don't need to get tunnel vision white plays d3 i love this move i love this move clearly with the intention of cutting off the king's safe squares actually if you look around right now the king has nothing to go to it's actually completely occupied it's not checkmate but you know c5 love this move fighting back for the center uh knight c6 knight d4 obviously black just wants good center support uh and now white is like well you know what i actually didn't want my pawn there i want it here which doesn't really make a whole lot of sense that's what's known as a counting problem that's just three to one that doesn't work whatsoever black takes white's like ah shoot okay well uh bishop a3 boom i'm so smart i sacked the pawn um yeah but that's not actually under attack but okay i digress now black plays knight four c6 because the knight was under attack they had not foreseen that the bishop defended it they thought they had to move black is very good at running away from danger rather than defending a piece um white now plays bishop takes f8 because they're like ah stupid you didn't see that not realizing it's a trade you actually haven't won anything here queen f8 now black white's like all right well i i probably should move my knights all right love it black's like i should move my knight too i love it now here white plays the best move they've played thus far f4 this is an absolutely genius move i don't know if they saw that after pawn takes knight f4 they're basically mating i mean they're big well they didn't see that maybe they saw it was czech and now king g5 or king h6 queen h5 mate i mean i don't know i don't know if they saw that but uh because after ponte except f4 we got this uh but uh rook g1 maybe is an idea huh opening up that rook all right i love it now um black here plays their best move of the game which is i don't really know what to do my king's a bit weak well let me fly in here and play queen before check top second uh second choice of the engine here now white can block the check or run the king what does white do blocks the check the low rated player realizing they can develop and block the check that's already an accomplishment as the eval is zero zero zero if and only if black plays h6 and runs away with the king anticipating the danger that's something known as a prophylactic move um obviously here you're not thinking of rook g1 if you're 300 so you play rook to e8 and now you are dead lost because your king has nowhere to run back he's gonna have to come forward and face potentially two horses a queen and a rook which nine plus five is 14 plus potentially 10 is 24 24 points of just belligerent attack like jinzo you know no trap cards so knight takes d4 uh that's actually a brilliant sacrifice uh white's idea here is to activate the queen with tempo so actually after knight takes d4 it's made in three moves try to find it it's actually very interesting sacrifice here uh by white uh to sacrifice the knight with a tempo so that it gets taken now you would go queen to g4 first and then you would need the king back on this square so you give the check here and now rook g1 beautiful little idea little dance there with the queen get the rook involved see if you start with the rook then after king 2h6 you don't get the queen there and if you do it slowly if you do it slowly black has just enough time to get away so you need every move to come with tempo that's actually instructive i know we're like i said we're here to laugh first and foremost but we're also here to learn so move order of your combination really matters now after knight takes d4 knight takes d4 on the board with mate uh white actually says uh you know what i actually want to move this knight now so i'm gonna unpin myself uh yeah the eval bar just hydraulic presses all the way down and now black plays f5 so f5 is actually intending to run away not realizing there is made in two again here you've prevented queen g4 but king f2 is a genius move intending to move queen to g1 and then you have this and it's chris cross applesauce mate absolutely fascinating checkmate but okay that obviously doesn't happen but white sorry after uh h4 happens so the bar goes all the way back down once again now f takes c4 that was always the idea by the way this move this mate now is possible again with queen g5 borderline impossible to see at this level white continues by throwing the same pawn forward but now that pawn is known as an umbrella pawn your pawn should not be the one attacking the king your pawn should be creating the backbone and structure of the position see now if you play queen g4 you're too slow because queen takes d2 comes in with check you always have to see how they could put you in danger so white now plays queen g1 white finds this move queen to g1 with this and coming but black so sharp boom finds it right at the right moment queen takes d2 king to f1 and now queenie two looks like mate but it's not because the bishop that does not happen that does not happen of course black should take with check you might as well pick up some stuff with check but we have an absolutely brilliant move here black realizes black realizes queen g5 is made realizes queen g5 is made and plays rook to e5 sacrificing a full rook or just getting extremely lucky sacrificing a full rook but no queen g5 now white gets completely flabbergasted here is like oh my god i don't have queen g5 anymore well let me go here and attack this not even realizing that they can take the rook they just go for the queen instead now the queen can take the pawn and black obviously doesn't do it completely forgets where their queen is and just goes to save the king in the process hanging a queen a rook and probably mate like probably after this opening up this it's made they hang all three pieces at the same time because black is 320. now what does white do white takes the queen because white went there to take the queen now black is going to lose a rook is going to maybe lose their king and it's going to maybe lose the knight rook takes h5 rook takes d4 that one rook has now picked up 12 points of material in two turns massive now black is completely lost but this is a video on 200 so knight f6 love it rook d6 i mean that rook is really greedy going for more now knight to e8 the fact that black even made a backwards knight move that made a threat is just an absolute miracle and rook comes back to d4 and here the players repeated moves just kidding they're not super grandmasters now black begins counter play i love this move you gotta go for the gold when you got nothing left you gotta do it all right king to f2 knight comes back to f6 now we have rook to d3 now rook to d3 is a pretty bad move both players with a blind spot of pawn takes rook but they actually have blind spots that they they both have issues with like blank didn't realize he can block a check whereas white didn't realize he can take the rook well now black just says oh i got that rook now the material balance is almost completely fully restored it's actually very close um so bishop takes d3 and now black's like i gotta activate my last rook black is just playing like a like like a pure grandmaster now after making that blunder here there's a fascinating move that that wins the game for white try to find it uh the move is bishop to e2 attacking the rook that by itself doesn't impress but it's the idea that queen to g5 is always a problem and queen to h1 is a problem so if you play rook to h4 i go here and i take your rook now if you keep your rook on the fifth rank with something like this you actually have no way to grab this bishop anymore and by the way bishop e2 gets played in the game and black says you know what i don't want to lose my material so i'm going to lose all of my material i am now going to lose both of my remaining pieces to leave this in a queen versus rook end game it's rook and pawn for a queen that's the material bounce route to h2 king h3 and now as far as i'm concerned black plays the best move of the game after 34 moves not running around like this with this rook but linking the rooks up on the enemy second rank absolutely genius stuff and that's how you know that these lower rated players actually have potential because in the middle of pooping all over the floor they actually found time to clean it up a little bit then they kept going so rook to d2 rook to h2 here we go rook d1 obviously a good move right you got to trade the rooks but not realizing that these rooks are coming for the king right they're not going to play rook takes the one or they're going to take the pawn actually the the players both completely missed this and now it's mate in three again how's it mate in three by all means find it sneaky ladder mate check here and your rook has to come help and then queen to the a they'll do a little zigzag to the back rank now there's a game between two and three hundred so obviously instead white for whatever reason goes like this now you don't even have a check you don't even have a check at all you have no more checks so black is free to do whatever they want so black players were k5 i don't know what that move does but you know what i whatever i'm just here making the video i don't know where okay if it's just a backwards rook move here now black says you know what i linked up my rooks on the second rank by the way if you're actually that also hangs just a full rook just in case anyone was unclear that i don't know what that route i don't know i don't know maybe chels.com popped up a little quest like if you hang a rook right now we'll give you six months free membership they don't actually do that um so queen d8 and now black plays the worst move on the board the worst move black plays here once again linking up the rooks because they were like hey i did it over there so i might as well do it over here laser beam and just hangs mate in one it's just pure main i mean you would think that white who has just played queen d7 queen d8 would see you know queen of fate no uh as a matter of fact white goes oh my god there's a rook over there that's so sick and just hangs the queen now black is dead winning because black is two pawns up in a rook end game now the way you would win this uh is a combination of a few things first of all you can go for this remaining pawn the best way to win a position like this is to push your majority two on one and have a root behind it so it supports it making this rook stand and defend against it and as you deflect that rook from the rest of the board the king and the two pawns beat up the king and the one pawn or you can bring the king to help escort that pawn now let's see black's 320 rated endgame technique convert this game b4 rook to a3 check i don't hate it b5 i don't love that move i would just go rook to b3 or rook to a4 rook to b3 is maybe a little bit cleaner obviously there's this bring the king use your h pawn okay b5 rook d7 king to h5 let's you know just very confidently parts ways with the h7 pawn and renders the game of draw the black play white plays rook b7 i i love that move and uh a6 now now white's like wait a minute boom but here's the problem people are very bad at dealing with stuff like this they panic they don't realize what the best move is here potentially but white actually just very calm now black because both these pawns are frozen at this point it's not too complex of an end game you just get the pawns the best way to go is to check because then this comes with tempo this rook trade loses white is dead lost so uh instead of that black goes for this pawn and and white uh could slide up and attack both weak pawns but the science to make a king move now black who obviously put the rook on b3 in order to take the b4 pawn plays g5 and after pawn takes g5 king takes g5 if white plays rook a7 it's a clean draw because everything goes wrong it's a one on zero your rook is in front of the pawn your king's not close and my king is close it's just a drama to win that pawn obviously we have king to d2 and now black is once again trying to lose the game rook b4 king c3 a5 alright how difficult can this be you just push the pawns on the rook and the second you can you cross this middle line rook to f8 rooktail for a beautiful move rook 2a a4 beautiful move rook to b8 a3 not the worst move in the world but you're gonna lose your pawn you gotta guard your pawn you gotta go back here all right so a3 but white's like i can't take on b5 because then this pawn is gonna promote like first of all it's check but let's just say like even that was possible like this you just stop it your king is right there you will always stop that pawn you always have to count the square but okay fine king to b3 b4 now actually this is absolutely genius because if this train happens you can't take there this is a very common thing it pretend these didn't exist the king can't take the pawn two pawns like this can can can outsmart a king because the king can't take the other pawn the pawn will promote but white finally he's like yes i'm so close and here ladies and gentlemen there is one and only one move as far as i'm concerned for lower rated players the best move here is king takes a3 because no one below the level of 800 will mate you with king and rook they won't do it even if it's so easy because all the rook's got to do is go back and that's it you've got the king completely cut off all right completely cut off from the rest of the board 56 of those squares actually more like 57 because you can't even go to the corner so that's what you do but obviously this and now obviously the remaining however many moves of this game black successfully runs and makes a queen [Music] and proceeds to actually know how to do the checkmate they go queen's night distance and they follow king to d4 you're gonna go queen to b3 yup yup king to e5 you can continue to do night opposition or you can go queen to c2 someone's giving me a phone call queen to d3 king look at this copycat okay not not not super you know now we bring the king and now that's it cut the king off on the back all right all right cut the king off on the back rank all right yes that box is getting smaller and smaller very good oh perfect yes oh my goodness just don't go queen f7 that's stalemate i love it checkmate no no no no no checkmate checkmate king yes checkmate check me black stalemated white however you would think i would normally end the video there i'm not going to i'm actually going to give you an update this game was played january 3rd 2021 three days after our protagonist mr trees made their chest.com account okay now what i'm about to show you is something pretty inspiring since then trees eric has played 1400 rapid games and is rated 1696 now i'm not gonna i'm not going to give you the account that trees eric played against um out of respect because this person's a member of our community the other person is a stranger the other person the other person has played about 600 games just so you understand uh less than half of what eric has played and he's rated between seven and 800 so almost quadrupling their playing strength all right so you gotta start somewhere and i know that we make these videos and we want to have a laugh but i wanted to actually you know inspire some of you with a positive message as well that as much as i like to make this content a lot of people think i make these videos because i'm so arrogant i mean how ridiculous do you have to be to have that mindset i do this for fun we have a massive community of people almost 1.2 million subscribers on this channel we need to laugh chess is a boring game it really is so this gives us a little comic relief when the grandmasters blunder we laugh when we see lower rated players scrambling blundering all their pieces running their kings around we laugh but we also feel like we're kind of all in this together i might be an international master i still hung a queen on move eight literally that was my most recent clip on my clips channel and the podcast channel gotham city go subscribe to it link is in the description so folks i hope you enjoyed this video this was a lot of fun what an absolute disaster of a game and i'm pretty sure their cap score combined was less than 10. i'll see you in the next video peace out get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 617,634
Rating: 4.9614015 out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: 8tnf_LQTySM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 04 2021
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