WORST Guess The Elo EVER (Ep 25)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to your favorite series guess the elo this is the worst episode i've ever recorded not in terms of the quality although maybe that as well but in terms of my guesses i've never been more wrong about all of the ratings of all of the games so i hope you enjoy but before that this episode is sponsored by babel you know what i want to do when the pandemic is over travel you know what i can't do until the pandemic is over travel but i can learn the language of the place that i'm trying to go and that's why i love babble babble is an amazing language learning platform and it's made learning french super easy for me you see my girlfriend lucy speaks mandarin chinese and i speak russian and a little bit of spanish but we wanted to learn a language together so we chose french and so babel has lessons from over 150 teachers and growing more and more the lessons themselves are like 10 to 15 minutes long super short and super fun it's also not the same sentence over and over again you know those can get extremely boring babel also has real life dialogue they have games they have live classes and they have podcasts you can listen to and so after babel je parler ump francais and i'm excited to learn some more so babel has a lot of free content but the offer they've extended us today is getting up to 65 off all you got to do click the link in the description and you can get learning today all right back to the video pawn to e4 is a good move c6 knight f3 d5 d this is a really really high level variation this is considered the meta this is what leela likes against the karo khan and here grand master started playing queen c7 to cover this and to not you know you can also play bishop g4 and do something like this with e5 but white is always pretty comfortable here so d e queen trade yeah and this difference is considered better for white but we're about to find out okay and white immediately is worse cool cool cool cool cool cool knight d2 pancata in chat subs and says i i have seen levee naked uh sir or madam uh i know who you are because you apologized to me in a reddit dm about a comment that you wrote so you're a nice person please don't fake troll e6 h3 bishop h5 king e1 okay so white i don't know what white is doing maybe white thinks that if they bring the king back to the home square they can castle that's actually not allowed uh so bishop b4 i don't i don't like this move because there's no real reason to move the bishop that far if it can just be targeted uh we just played the ship e7 bishop c5 is also not the favorite because you can just be a target these tempo winning moves on your pieces you've gotta be very careful about so that's why you should go bishop e7 because it's passive but it's massive you see now you have to move again now you're gonna oh my gosh yeah well that's not as good because even though that wins tempe um now you just have weak pawns so knight d7 is of course the best move we're playing short castle oh there's also this in my mind i thought white did this already yeah well then just take the pawn okay okay so here black realizes that they can take the pawn and attack the rook and that's a very good move except they can just do it in one move they can just go here rugby one is actually the worst move that white can play white cannot lose any more material in any faster of a way rook b1 is the worst move in white's position by far it's not even close there are like 30 to 40 possible moves and rook b1 is the worst and let's remember that there is a rap on youtube about my rugby one rook b1 rook b1 what the hell is that moon what even is your plan i have no idea this move just loses a rug but instead they took the pawn 92 okay now black has two bishops and a pawn advantage good open file white just chugging along here after cb5 rook b5 will they find bishop d3 or do they have bishop e3 why don't i use lee chess i don't support communism bishop to e4 that's a joke i know you were going to type something youtube commenters relax twitch i know twitch twitch gets me i understand twitch i used to teach at a at a school and the the five and six-year-olds there were taught to do this when they agreed with a point another kid made it was very cute they would they would all go like this they'd be like i agree with you it's cool b6 they also had a science to go to the bathroom so they wouldn't just call out it was very futuristic education a3 bishop g what is that why i mean you can't take it with a knight because the rook hangs oh removing the guard easy easy easy removing the guard like the most basic removal of the guard oh that's a fancier version okay okay a little bit okay but then your bishop gets trapped all right good move nice okay bishop g now that move rook b1 actually makes sense what what was wrong with this what was wrong with this why didn't you just okay whatever this is still scary because all white needs is to win this pawn oh that's all white needs our hanger rook again does black have a blind spot yeah this time they did it white hanging the rook two times to the diagonal well we've identified a blind spot and white resigns okay so this opening with this quality of moves after makes me think 11 1200 maybe maybe 11 1200 but wouldn't 11 1200 play rugby one maybe not high 900 high 900 something very well but then it was normal for a little bit kind of normal then good good find good find uh i'm gonna say 1 000 to 1100 that's that's that's my guess that's that's is not who played the game 700 are you kidding me seven hundreds played like that damn that was like a 30 minute game too gosh darn it wow the rook blind spot gives it away yeah but like they played well trust me there are people who are watching this rated below 710 who are sitting there like bro they played like 25 times better than i do my games are usually just who takes the bigger poop and then you compare and then it's like wow wow well done well done well done that was well done oh gosh another poop reference sorry e4 i mean what else i mean you know you understand defecation evens the playing field of humanity you could be rich you can be poor right you can be you can have certain handicaps in your life versus people who have everything but pooping humbles everybody we all poop so right e5 knight f3 knight c6 bishop c4 oh we've seen this huh knight g5 huh we've seen this we've seen this over here d4 great move that's a great move by gotham sub if your opponent doesn't fight for the center you've got to fight for it edie knight d4 knight e5 so the move knight e5 uh threatens the bishop and obviously white saw that and moved the bishop but the wrong bishop and hung the bishop wow this right here already gives me so much information about this game um fascinating fascinating knight takes c4 um probably already like sub a thousand i would imagine b3 but you see white is really principled why didn't castle or finnish developing white understood that a knight in the center should be attacked and they attacked it i love it and they keep attacking it and now black got too fancy they want danger levels but don't danger your level or your level will get danger do you understand now g3 oh my gosh c3 please don't play c3 don't see white blocked one pawn with a check so white blocked the next pawn with the truck but now knight c3 is actually good oh that's awful that's a terrible move move the queen ah okay okay okay and now now we have a good thing going here g5 is just take it just what are you do what is what even is yo if you gave me 50 guesses i wouldn't guess this move i could be out of legal moves to guess here for white and a4 would not be one of them that is such an illogical move it absolutely fascinates me i mean white was like playing super well for a beginner up until that point like knight b5 go for the goodies nobody can guard you there like literally nobody king d8 you just take the king rook c3 you take the rook i mean okay four nice great rook b1 rook b1 what the hell is that well actually b3 is hanging so i guess white was like i don't want to lose this pawn uh-huh okay that is definitely a free pawn yes that's also a free pun what i would this is great you go back and then attack the rook and hear although there's okay too i love this game this is such a great game hiding take it dave free pawn yes mate on the back rank oh check and black resigns why did black resign just play this you don't know if white is going to take it you know white could go here and hang the rook wow what a game this is live yes what this no no this is a simulation no we're not live right now chess star 34 says is this this is live no no this is not live no no this is a replay no okay um 600 getting some 600 vibes maybe so much of this game was so chaotic you think lower than that wow i mean rook h5 is like a pretty cerebral move oh boy okay i'm gonna say 550 to 650 that's my range [Music] yeah this could be in the 400s though it could be let's see this could be the 400s what 1200s really you guys are you guys are 1200s desert huh yeah really you you didn't just get your friend to play you in a chess game to make some garbage and then all right this is what i'm gonna say there are two possibilities here this person norki got their friend to help them play a terrible game or if this is actually you playing um delete chess.com account delete it just go just burn it like kevin durant told craig sager about his suit just burn it you go home you burn it you burn head to toe burn it all then call the internet service provider get rid of that too call them up no more internet no more internet check to see if they're friends on chess.com oh yeah we're gonna go full detective here i like that idea norkie are you friends with trotting school no you are not well that's cool um yep that's that's good that's good wow that was um that was good that was good that was a totally legitimate game by two twelve hundreds that was good hi norkie i roasted you yeah don't don't actually do you can keep playing chess wait norkie did you you got to be nice no norkie hold on hold on you got to be completely honest with me was that a staged game you gotta be very honest very honest with me please please be honest for the sake of humanity the sake of humanity that game was not staged alright there you have it understand that if you say something in twitch chat if that was if you say something in twitch chat you can be tried for perjury it is legally binding whatever you say in twitch chat that's not actually true all right okay all right all right all right your internet service provider will be hearing from you shortly all right sicilian defense grand prix grand prix attack we take those so here in the grand prix white tries to castle short and go for a quick f5 black usually plays a6 b5 b4 put something on d4 oh but white shouldn't play d4 this is how i used to play this position when i was a child uh i don't know but thank you for the 700 bits oh what is this okay so white played the grand prix attack and then played the i have no idea what's going on here i don't what b2 yep check move king yo bishop c7 threatens mate that'd be kind of cool okay uh-huh that's another free pawn with the bishop okay so black is up three pawns right now i'm getting black is a lot stronger than their opponent vibes that's what i'm getting i think black's couple hun a couple hundred points higher rook before i like that i like that okay take out just take it move the king to f7 oh that's even better oh oh excuse the moment mosel rook to e4 jeez louise apples and peas wow wow is black a grandmaster okay black black is a title player right oh suddenly suddenly black is not converting this that well wow that's a long tts that's a long tts tts is hard to read out during it's mate it's it's mate okay it's still made after rook takes queen right okay very good um um what the hell was that game bro what what was that what was that and the person in the tts asked about getting their game submitted it's not not complex someone in the chat will help you out you have to be in the discord twitch link it bang bang okay um so let's look at how white played okay white played probably like a six hundred six seven hundred if even if even that like six seven hundred black played like a gm like i would have played most of these moves so i'm gonna guess like six seven hundred because that's how white played i don't have any other accurate guess um yeah i'm not a gm i know i listen you don't have to remind me thanks thank you i i know i know right she's like when i got a 94 and my parents would get mad at me so that's what i'm gonna say uh let's see what happens oops sorry norkie get out of here okay cool so black is 1290 and white is 1270. white is 1270 well go figure i mean you know we got i'm just kidding they actually have a listen the last time i made it okay i once made a joke about the chess bra flare in a guest the elo episode okay i made it i made a joke because someone had a chess bro flair right and then the next time i was somewhere i saw some insane hate like it was like reddit i don't know where it was but there was like a collective of people from the chessbar community like gotham such a prick i was like guys relax so calm down they have a great series for building habits for beginners but um let me tell you something this 1270 also needs to disconnect his internet because i don't know i don't know what it is on 1200s today y'all bugging bro yeah that's the two worst 1200s i've ever seen in my life i've seen a lot of 1200s you two are number one number two worst 1200s i've ever seen ever um and i mean that in a loving way i mean in a parental way like get your get your ish together okay get your ish together asap because i don't know i don't know what it is today anyway that was not good also that player was russian russians play slowly develop their pieces play positionally d6 london love it g6 nice yeah oh i wouldn't go there i mean queen d2 e4 f3 g4 h5 okay okay okay good nice yes this is exactly how i want you guys to fight kings indians yup h4 h4 why are you why did you play a3 why'd you play three no come here come here now why'd you play a three what does a3 do what does it do okay now we just have an end game i mean you see you missed your chance to attack and now you have no pieces on the board you slip up a pawn though slip up one prevent knight before yeah and okay okay a3 prevents that before let's just say this is here what does that do is it gonna go here and get taken is it going to go here and get taken what's it doing what's it going to do stop the night from what from what it didn't want to go there in the first place i don't understand it's like putting an anti-aircraft uh bazooka in a parking garage it's gonna land at the airport it has no it is never going there with you don't need to do that cars are going to park in the garage there's no no no airplane is going to go there you don't need the defense system for that jeez but you know white is actually a genius so now why does it pawn up knight take it good good good okay now you understand everybody so here it's probably about plus 1.7 beca oh it's actually even more than that it's plus two because white is a pawn up but also this is damaged slow play it disallow the knight from coming in f3 maybe f3 e4 get the bishop out get the rook out all right nice see what i don't like is knight g4 is possible so i would play f3 here i wouldn't even i'd play f3 yes yes good yes [Music] trade the rook i don't know what that move does doesn't matter trade the rook trade the rook tray you didn't even have to trade the rook oh my goodness oh and it's check oh bring it back bring it back throw it back yes knight c5 yes yes yes a4 a4 a4 a4 a4 a4 a4 play a4 pl thank you yes yes i don't oh it's mate oh so i'm not gonna lie uh white played like hikaru except a3 like straight up like you just played like a gm except this is not a good move i don't know why you playing a3 go for an attack okay wow you played really well damn you played super well dude wow 1300 like 13 1400 because you understand e5 is not a good move e5 is not good at all it's just a really really bad move and i don't think anybody beyond a certain level would just blunder a pawn to a simple capture chain and knight c6 gives away a lot too because it's not a good move maybe like twelve hundred eleven twelve hundred eleven to twelve hundred is my guess that's my guess it's in that range it it is eleven to twelve hundred damn bro you're 9.40 nice you played really well wow that's really good you played very well for a damn i am wrong on every guest this have i gotten a single guest right this episode wait a minute 1200 1200 and what about this i've been wrong every single every single guess has been completely wrong damn damn damn [Music] wow chris chris at the peak rating too look at that damn chris beating up the brits bloody l all right here we go back maybe i'll get one guess right in this episode okay here we go e4 here we go knight f3 why what what well now you lose now okay i like this okay we're just gonna ignore that whole opening it's a position with no c pawns i like this move d5 is uh e5 is a good move good good good good good good okay bishop e3 i'm not so i'm not i don't hate this move but it does open up your rook now black should probably castle right okay now what white should do is utilize this wall to go queenie one queen g3 line everything up this way and go for an attack or push in the center but see blank wants the center opened black wants the center opened you understand because black has the bishops now white is going to play e5 again of course you're going to play e5 again because you played it once we have we have monkey brain e5 worked once so of course in the future i must play it again okay now can we actually do something except push in the center no we are still playing in the center now knight takes d4 just wins because normally in this position you play bishop takes h7 but you're checked so this is just losing but okay rook c8 rook c1 wrong direction there should be one is a good move queen d3 of course queen three threatening mate threatening okay stopped yeah now white now now now now this is problematic now this is problematic yeah so white ran out of ideas gave away the center gave away the c file gave away the bishop pair and played h3 because they didn't know what to do now how does black play this for an advantage okay that move does nothing all right h3 a3 don't know what to do play h3 a3 okay yeah i mean white has no idea what to play here um you know me neither um okay this is just two people who have no idea what to do now um uh maybe what you can do is try to play bishop to e4 you could do that by playing queen d2 rook e1 bishop e4 that's one idea um you can also try to maneuver the knight somewhere like to g5 to f7 but you need to guard this okay okay pawn play oh nice that does something so black is still a little bit better but this bishop sucks poopy and also you can play h4h5 okay reroute okay knight e4 nice move okay queen's a little bit claustrophobic maybe queen f4 yes but then there's check damn queen f7 knight f6 that's mate it's made in two oh not anymore uh h4 to go knight g5 check and win the queen or that h4 to go knight g5 check i i okay now you can't even play that so you gotta go like queen here that doesn't work at all because you take that yeah that oh yeah no so now black should win the a pawn and then push the uh the a pawn yep and oh that doesn't work and white resigns wow someone just straight up submitted a game that they lost respect okay um i'm not gonna lie i don't know what happened here this now i'm thi oh man i think like eight nine hundred here's why here's why play was a bit too simplistic a little bit too simplistic you understand a little very basic very one movie one movie like one one move here and also like they didn't spot one move tactics but there was no blunders there was no there was very little sense of plan making seven eight hundred like they you know they they kind of did some stuff but then yeah very very solid but very one movie you know like black was reacting a lot and sort of stumbled into a winning position yeah i'm gonna say seven eight hundred hi hi low 700 high 600 low 700 18 18 1800s 1800s 1800s 1800s they were 1800 they were 1800 1850 versus 1870 is this the right game do i have the right game wow wow oh my god no way are you kidding me that's disgusting
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 672,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess game analysis, chess analysis, beginner chess lessons, guess the elo, guess the elo chess, middlegame chess, chess middlegame, chess middlegames, chess lessons, chess lesson, chess tips, chess strategy, how to play chess, how to win at chess, guess the elo gotham, gothamchess guess the elo
Id: 7vEXqbPCgao
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 5sec (1805 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 12 2021
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