My Subscribers Went To War...

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you've all probably seen sub-battles in some  way between two or three different channels but   have you ever seen one between two  communities of one content creator   i did twitch versus youtube we had 11 players uh  over a wide range of ratings from like 600 to 2100   three plus two blitz and we went to war i put  a bunch of time stamps for every single game   i tried to make it fun and entertaining and uh  yeah if you want to join for the next one join   the discord that's where all the sign up happens  and i will announce when the next one is going to   be let me know what your favorite game was from  the battle and i will see you in the next video   ladies and gentlemen welcome to the sub  battle it's team twitch it's team youtube   11 players were selected mostly on the amount of  games they played how fair their account looked   we checked for sandbagging um you see the  rating categories on the screen it is three   minutes two seconds bonus there are currently 4  000 people watching you play the person directly   opposite you on this list so the first matchup  will be between the highest rated players we   will move up the list but down in terms of writing  so the last matchup will be the under 600 matchup are we ready i'm ready let's begin   smear versus anit chess is our first match-up mute  the stream when you are playing guys here we go   this is it we have d4 c4 we have anit i believe  is indian but is playing from switzerland   okay knight c3 oh a grunfeld oh a grunfeld very  nice we're gonna get e4 we gonna get knight f3   what what what is this what is going on here  bishop d2 that's a sideline but the point is e4   and to take like this this is one of the ways  to play c5 you just you could take but pushing   is the right way okay and now black doesn't  have a dark square defender but i would just   go h4 h5 but that's not the main line i think  you're supposed to just develop this is a very   high level game already very high level game  guys are playing some some serious heat here   this is one of the reasons i don't  like the grunfeld at 2100 it's just too it's too all over the place you know   now black is thinking right so i think the  plan is knight d7 and yeah and bishop g4 so we have a lot of youtubers in our current  twitch chat so later twitch you've got to go   raid the youtube video youtube won't hear that  xx is currently playing so here there's like   some attacking possibilities queen h6 because  again black traded off the dark squared bishop   but for the most part a very balanced game that's  a very thematic groomfield move attacking the   center i don't really know why the engine performs  oh i know why the engine prefers this so strongly   i think that's why and again if you stream snipe it will be very  obvious and you will get in a lot of trouble   now he's he's a strong enough player to find  that move on his own but for the most part   i don't want to say moves out loud because  they could be listening they could be listening   so all right now here's a problem here's a  problem this is a problem and here you can avoid   taking the bishop and just play knight here anyway  because obviously this bishop isn't going anywhere   but i'm not sure i'm not sure that's the best move  i'm really not sure that i don't know it looks   good though because the queen has to move right  because if the bishop moves and he does it and   he does it and the computer hated it so there you  go the computer hated it apparently it's just not   the right move oh it's not the right move because  queen a5 great idea and now this can't be taken now the king has to take if queen e4 i mean if  queen e2 just oh that's that's oh oh black is   oh black is doing so well here because now queen  b5 is also a problem and you can't block i mean   you couldn't block anyway oh this must there must  be a knockout there must be mosby knockout like   bring the knight bring a queen check yes the king  cannot escape the king now has to go to d1 or e3 oh twitches twitch is looking good  early team twitch looking very good   early not letting the king run away back to safety it's not losing it's not a losing position but   and you got to defend this pawn i pro i think  this this or check maybe just ignore just play   like knight here and then if rook takes a very  complicated position very complicated knight f6   is solid i mean the engine's gonna say  it's not the best but it's very solid   terribly difficult here to play for with  white because your king's in the center oh man this is this is this this is tough for  white in a 3-0 game this is misery this is just   miserable but he has bonus time so he has bonus  time so it's it's it's something that you know check is coming you know not to mention  if this knight ever makes it to d3 ah   that's a good move that's a good  move um i don't think taking is right   maybe there's something better like queen  a4 okay he does take he does take fine   but i didn't like oh that's a great move c4 is  impossible white might have to play rookie five   which might just lose the game wow this is this  is miserable for white amazing that a rook and a   knight versus two rooks are just doing better um  okay so apparently that this move just is losing   but how maybe it's just like something like  this yeah i actually don't think it's this   because just block okay but the engine seems to  agree oh cause t what am i talking about i am high lamp is great who's from  youtube and who's from twitch   where you guys watching from oh someone upgraded  their membership i completely forgot that queen f3   was possible because i'm a terrible chess player  but it might not even you know might not even be   best now also guys remember no engine use i  shouldn't even have to say that i understand   you feel passionately about which team you want to  support if you cheat you will receive a permanent   ban and you will be hidden from both youtube and  to its channels we take this stuff very serious   i do not care who wins i want to provide fun  content instructive content and i want you   guys to support but i don't want to see the stuff  that happens in football stadiums where the teams   end up fighting and and killing each other i'm  looking at you brazil and argentina all right   i'm not looking at no blood you know bloodshed  all right i don't i don't need none of that wow there was a there was a look at this gorgeous  idea here if take queen take double check   wow okay white is barely defending everything here this is actually if if black isn't accurate here  white can get some very serious counter play so and and don't rush with this move i mean  still it's you know okay gives check   gives check fine fair taking the queen and now the fork and that's  it the game is over black is gonna win this   game black is gonna win this game he's up at  night and he's up three pawns i i trust in him   twitch is gonna take the early lead one nothing  twitch is gonna take the early lead he traded   the queens and then hit him with the fork and oh  that's the cleanest way that is the cleanest way   sacrificing a piece but it  would have been one two three   six pawns versus two that's it that's gg check  and clean up clean up clean up clean up gm 500 and   please don't take my pawns make sure to be in live  chest you guys are next rashfix if we can tag them all right mate in one that's it this was the only  move in rook d6 and twitch takes the early lead twitch takes the early lead let's get it live  let's get it up on the scoreboard we are ready   for our next game this one was an interesting  and complex fight this f5 move you know the   engine like this but the engine wanted you to  be patient with queen e2 first so that queen a5   is met with rook c1 the engine like this rather  than playing king takes e2 and getting into that   disaster that was a great move by black preventing  queen e2 very high level move all right next game next game now twitch has the white  pieces we alternate every single time   slav defense early knight f6 knight f3 will  black play e6 or will black play dc for open   slav gambit or a4 main line bishop f5 main  line or e6 main line which main line are we   going for knight e5 or e3 main line okay this  is good now black plays e6 bishop c4 bishop b4   these guys know their slav defense and  i know my slav defense because i am slav   that was a tough game that was a tough game we  start with the highest rated players because it   provides us with maximum entertainment at the end  rather than quality we search for entertainment   in these kinds of sloth positions it's very  important for white to expand in the center with   the move e4 also that is just completely possible  now but what black tries to do is play here   and attack from the sides with the bishops and  the knights that's what you're trying to do here that's what you're trying to do here all  right now black is doing okay okay black   breaks in the center black black has  accomplished all the goals of the slav   defense if you're looking for a really solid  opening repertoire um i would recommend c6 d5   uh karo khan and slav kind of overlap a little  bit in their in their concepts and ideas um but uh yeah black is doing very okay  here like normally with black here i   would move my queen and put my rooks in  the center i've played the slav myself   but it's it's a patient opening you can't just  okay like that's that's not a good move again   if if white doesn't successfully open the center  at some point white will never have advantage so   it is definitely more natural to start  with the lower rate of players and maybe   we will do it in the next edition but for  now we're gonna we're gonna be here so e4 oh no oh no oh no this shows a misunderstanding  of the position he needed to chop   now if this very big trouble on the king side is  gonna happen oh this is very bad the queen needs   to be on this diagonal one bad queen oh no the  like the this is trouble and again i'm not saying   any moves out loud so they can't stream snipe okay  that's fine so now this bishop just has no target   he trades first this is you know this is good for  white but does he know why it's good for white   oh man okay now black only has one move basically   hmm no yeah one move oops sorry that  was that is not the move that was a slip   gm 500 most certainly does not win all the time  um remember guys anything can happen okay what   is with my hair by the way yeah that is the only  move here looks terrible great move queen h3 now   again black literally has one move and it's there  and then white has to come up with a new idea are you not i saw you were from  switzerland i i i apologize okay so now white needs to look like this is  possible you know because obviously if take take   um but he's got to figure something out  oh my god that is that is an excellent   move that is a very instructive pawn break  e6 fantastic idea hitting everything oh no   this is this is a great this is a high level  game from white um only because he got to do   this which just shows you everything about the  slav defense black allowed this overrunning of   his position but now he's gonna fight back he  might sacrifice and it's it's still anybody what see this is why you shouldn't accuse  anyone of anything because then that like what   it yeah he mouseled bishop here instead  of pawn here yeah his mouse just slipped   um sri lanka is a is a is a beautiful country  i from what i've seen i would love to visit   it one day i'd also love to visit india  i'd love to visit all all over there um   this is okay these guys are just going  crazy i have no idea what's happening   okay black trades off his king defender oh  my what is are they just ignoring what's white is completely winning because of the pres  okay now but now rook takes you know normally   rook takes wouldn't have been good but now you can  play it i mean maybe you shouldn't but you know   no but this is yeah i i i like how i  say a move and now it's been played okay great movie i'm pinning here it's it's a troll  it's trouble it's trouble no white was always   winning once white found knight g5 queen h3 great  ideas hopefully hopefully you guys watching are   learning this is how you attack very nice attack  so far from white i mean it's not over but   queen was hanging but it was check bishop f2 king  h1 but now you're gonna have to lose this rook nothing here for black nothing nothing  nothing rook f8 maybe only move yeah but now the oh it's really bad now i mean this is not a bad move it's just  a funny move it's just a funny move okay he takes okay   uh and he finds the killer move at the end of the  combination that's it just gonna be down a rook that's it twitch is gonna be up  2-0 youtube what's going on guys   you were talking a lot of trash you were  saying youtube is much better than twitch came here from youtube my following on  youtube is bigger 140 versus 1112 but   uh okay well now let's you know we're up a rook  so let's show that we know how to win upper rook   now hold on guys hold on we have nine  games to go we have nine games to go so you know again you should make a little square  for your king so you never get back ranked now now oh okay well that's it that's it that's it okay  greek gifter and ex that other guy his opponent   wait he hung a rook i mean he hung a rook i got  very scared there but uh okay he's still okay   yeah okay okay okay i wouldn't even take wha what  what is this guys guys what is this come on man   i think he knows how to mate you  know oh he's making a third queen   he's making a third queen he  made a triple ladder checkmate wow that is painful man i was really  worried that he might stalemate gg all right wow look at this guy oh my god this  guy has the coolest mustache ever wait what look at tooth this  guy has an account since 2009.   see that is how you get guaranteed  entry into this thing man wow wow wow wow wow okay these guys are just  firing moves out what opening was this this was a thanks kinda pink jake i appreciate  it very much thank you thank you thank   you okay black is slightly better here  uh also guys can you slow down please   wow it's a battle between my subs  and i'm still gonna lose what it by the way this song is uh from  from uh to the fans from india oh my goodness guys what are  we doing here with our rooks   okay this is a position where white  has nothing past the third rank that's not really what i meant  in terms of get something to the   fourth rank i mean i don't really know  what you're gonna do about this move yeah yeah the song i'm mentioning is  only on twitch i can't play songs on   youtube unfortunately yeah okay  black is going for a think here   black is going for a think very tough to figure  out what to do in general because both sides   are very solid like you could sacrifice  but you don't it doesn't work i mean it okay so his idea is youtube you guys are getting  stage fright man what is going on   this is not a good trade this is not a  good trade guys why two two pieces for why guys deep breath deep breath  no don't be nervous deep breath   oh my goodness what is going on this is not  gustav guys it's literally the opposite of gustav okay he's tied steps out of this okay greek gifter is thinking let him  think one thing that mr x ju x joy   x is doing very well is he's playing  extremely fast yes yes yes yes   yes only move i mean he could have played rook  a2 as well oh man guys youtube is falling apart guys what i mean like it's very easy to be  like ah you know cheating because that's   what everybody says anytime anybody  wins against anybody but what it guys um but guys that like one team is just  not playing very well right now this is   this is very strange i don't i don't  know what to say yeah now black is   playing very well he's just going for the  queen trade okay i mean i would go here but i mean let's see what he comes up with i mean this looks   nice but you can't quite do  it because the rook will take somebody's asking if they can stream their  game of course they can stream the game   of course guys why would you i can't copyright  your chess game i can copyright if you literally   repost my youtube video on youtube but uh you  know otherwise okay so yeah this is so he's yeah   this is how he's gonna do it he goes for the pawn  here and what do you mean of course you can yeah all right guys come on come on come on one guy's  up a bishop what is this why why are you guys   playing so slow once the game is over this is  what i never understand about chess players   they play super fast when all the  pieces are on the board they blunder   all of their pieces and then they start  thinking it's like it doesn't make any sense now if you're playing white here you need  to hide your king and try to do something   with the pawns the only way you're  gonna win is by somehow attacking   the king because black is just too solid  here i wouldn't go well actually i like   this i like this i like this i like this  and greek gifter is getting stage fright free gifter is getting stage fright he's got 50 seconds for some reason he's oh that's  a cool idea oh and even with the chat well well   now you would just check and then just come  back yeah like coming up is very scary looking   because of this okay he doesn't seem scared but  i'm scared well actually i'm not scared i want   youtube to win this game i just want you i want  it to be close i just wanted to be close uh huh this move does not meet the demands of  the position you got to focus on the king   i mean it's not a bad move it's just it's  that's not what you need right now you know   that's not what you need right now you know this is like you need a vaccine and you go eat  an apple you know you need to get like a vaccine and you instead you just eat an apple instead  you're like it's it doesn't meet the requirements   oh no yes see you can't don't separate your most  important oh no this is it's over i think you   can't move your queen and rook so far oh oh no oh  no oh oh sack the queen sack the queen for bonus   points oh okay that's also fine yeah but bonus  points would have been given for rook h1 mate   wait or this bishop f7 is also mate oh  that's wow um it's three nothing twitch daniel faye and nick the  trick are you in live chess   amazing so far so good smooth sailing bishop  g4 was also made guys what is happening nick   the trick by the way is a twitch guy he came  over to youtube to to play on the team so   oh man but he's messing uh sorry he's not  messing up his opening he has my course take it   he's playing my e6 b6 course this is chapter  one this is chapter one okay let's see if he   knows his prep he absolutely doesn't he doesn't  he forgot his opening preparation on move seven   you're supposed to take the  bishop take the bishop and go back   it's okay f5 yeah because see this is  the problem now you're very passive here twitch relax don't threaten him publicly if you  want to beat him up for switching to youtube just   beat him up it's a very important thing you know  it's like the mafia they just jump you they don't   they don't tell you they will jump you where and  when they just do it okay so if you're gonna do it   do it but don't say you're gonna do it okay it's  not like mma in mma you say i'm gonna beat this   guy up but then you actually go and fight them and  it's like certified he's not going to throw nobody   does that guys i mean i know it's fun to make this  joke but it why the white is playing guys twitches okay that's a terrible move  but before this white was oh that didn't happen oh that didn't  happen i accidentally clicked a square   oh my god that didn't happen oh my  god that didn't happen i accidentally   clicked the square i was like is black  literally throwing that didn't happen   oh god oh god okay i'm so sorry guys what  is c5 that is covered very well white was   doing so well up until that point just rooks  in the center instead of white through a punch   and wasn't ready for it now oh this is  a tough position though black is up upon   but bishops are on opposite color and  the pawn advantage is really like here guys it's up to nick the trick nick the  trick has to win this game to make this close   that almost doesn't work bing thank you  for the five months i appreciate everybody   i appreciate all of the subs here on  twitch and if you're not yet something you not a free rook definitely not a  free rook guys if you're looking at   that discover check not a free rook bishop is  protecting okay take a deep breath slow down   take your time no need to rush here yeah but he blunders and uh the king doesn't  have an escape square because the bishop covers   and if white wins this pawn okay queen d8 yep queen d8 logical  logical indeed is a logical move oh my gosh he put his it wasn't logical i was just trying  not to oh my gosh bishop h oh my goodness   he blunders the discovered attack on the  queen and i guess nick thought that he was   wow he doesn't even take the rook he goes for  mate instead and he just doesn't have it oh my uh guys this is not team youtube  daniel fay is on team twitch um you know in in in mixed martial arts when a fight  is very lopsided they very rarely run a rematch   you know if a fight is closed they  run a rematch but this is just   what is happening with youtube today  guys twitch isn't doing anything special   the people playing on team youtube  are just making crazy blunders i don't know what's happening   i don't know what's happening it lows  and chris you guys are next oh my wow uh chris is is chris in life chess let's see if chris is in live chess i wasn't  able to follow but maybe i typoed the name   chris absolutely isn't life  chess guys it's for nothing it's for nothing okay sicilian defense close sicilian from chris i'm honestly cheering  for chris at this point because guys first to six   wins okay close sicilian grand  prix attack you love to see it didn't nick win guys nick was right jake yes um i honestly guys i think we just  got off to a very bad start once the board won for   for youtube didn't show up those of you watching  on youtube don't know that but a guy signed up to   play for you and just didn't show up so we had  to swap in somebody and it's been downhill ever   since i'm not going to say his name but he signed  up to play and then he just didn't show up it was okay meanwhile in this game chris is playing what  you do it this is a great handling of the close   sicilian by the way if you guys want to know how  to play some grand prix positions in the sicilian   the benefit of f4 is that you bring this queen  out and then you sack upon and play bishop h6 this is a very dangerous position now for uh for  black but he's playing well he's not he's not   biting he's not taking he wants  to be taken so his king can take um i don't i mean black is better here according  to the computer because the computer sees through   the the the chaos still very dangerous for black  though very dangerous um you can consider you   know this this this this this is a great  move for white okay now black has one move if black finds this move i  predict that black wins this game wow but why does i love how white is playing this i love how white is playing this but white  white's attack looks crushing here he takes   d3 you're brave man e takes d3 is like jumping  into a pool with no water fear the consequences   just jump in maybe good stuff will happen you  know maybe there will be water when i get there that's just no no water just just jump right in  and oh and he finds it that is a fantastic move   the point is that the queen is the problem  it's the most powerful piece you have   so you need to trade it off if you're under  attack trade off the most aggressive piece   thanks probably for thank you for  the sub thanks for the sub gifts   uh guys this is not a youtube comeback  it loses playing on team twitch this is not good news if you're a youtube fan  youtube literally cannot catch a break right now guys a prerequisite of being a fan for a  team is you need to know what team it is   and what team is playing it's like when i used  to give my five-year-old students a chess puzzle   and five minutes into thinking about it they  would go wait whose move is it and i'd be like oh man this is really difficult this is difficult  black is up a pawn and there is no attack anymore   but again what you do in a position like this is  you play fast make simple improving moves rookie   one you don't need to think for 30 seconds on a  move like this rookie one h3 just make a move just   go okay fine but you didn't have to spend that  long on that move you know time is a real thing time is like time is wow high level  commentary here time is a real thing great thank you levy thank you but it's a thing you know it's okay and look  at black like black didn't need to spend that   long on that move okay now we need to  protect this pawn i would either push   come back or rook c1 you don't  need to think long literally   quick move quick move quick move quick move i mean  especially when there's no bonus time you just   need to go you just gotta go especially if you're  a blitz player okay but he's not moving he's he's   calculating you know a thermodynamics  a thermodynamics equation or something maybe they are rapid players i  know i'm just saying i'm trying   to teach you guys like if you're gonna play blitz   the clock is a piece but he spent see he spent 40  seconds almost on this move and he still blundered   which shows you that even if you spend a lot of  time you might still make a mistake so play the   safe que oh oh oh oh and youtube is back in the  game a huge blunder a huge oh i would go here   now i would just get this guy out of danger okay  he he takes fine he thinks oh this could get very   bad this could get very bad if he if okay okay and  now will he find the million dollar move this is   not hanging because of the pin he doesn't oh is he  gonna blunder two forks on the exact same square is this gonna happen no way no way  okay but now but now but now we take   oh if this structure collapses okay  bring bring it back bring it back   bring it back there's nothing else  you can do like why are you thinking   there's nothing to think about here okay okay  okay yes yes yes now you have to shred it open   40 seconds per player hunt the king down  good things will happen do not hang a fork   obviously the knight's further destination is this  at least come back or play rook h4 and go for this   oh man i can't he's gonna play like  here or something completely crazy   scan for checks always be scanning for  a check this is the only check that okay   okay okay good move good move now black will  probably go here or check because people think   aggressively people think i need to attack they  don't think i need to slowly improve my position okay knight f3 is a logical move looking  for a trade they have 20 seconds each so   at this point stream sniping is basically  impossible knight f3 is a logical move   it it lost according to the computer because of  this followed by this move and then the rook would   have been locked in but the way this is going  now is that both rooks are out okay only move   right i think you're gonna he's he might take  might take okay oh no that's it once oh that's it   now the rook is in you cannot draw this position  don't don't hang oh my god don't hang this oh   my god okay okay okay okay free free free free  free youtube is gonna get their first game guys   youtube is gonna get their first game it's  happening youtube is on the board for one youtube is starting to come back here comes  the cleanup with the rook you can even take it   take the night you don't have to but you can oh  god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh no no no no the only way he could have  thrown the game he finds a way to throw it   oh my goodness the literal only way  the only thing you oh no no no no no oh god oh goodness oh i feel so bad  i wanted them to win they deserved it   wait wait wait did he did he wait are  you guys he didn't take the free night   when oh here yeah he can take the knight and  then this is just a winning king in pawn end game   oh oh god he's gonna blunder another fork  oh it's over guys before there wasn't wait   there was a free night even before that oh  oyo oh my god he missed a free night oh god oh no oh my god oh god guys  it's going to be five nothing i mean the chances are there guys i i  youtube just do your best now i mean i   just do your best you know it's like sometimes  you just have a bad day okay stalemate him he's good he knows how to not stalemate   and then it's mate yup oh my  goodness it is five nothing twitch youtube cannot lose another game we will play  all the games today but youtube oh my goodness how is this actually possible  like these games haven't like wow that is insane that is insane all right ethan pun  nukem plays now i just want to say this if you   are on team youtube if you are on team youtube  and you are seeing that you are losing by this   margin do not be tempted to cheat please don't be  tempted to cheat don't be tempted to please okay okay don't do that we don't need that stuff let's go here we go d4 new complaints guys  we're cheering for new complaints flip board why would we flip board okay this  is just normal stuff here what is this guys   bishop d3 queen c2 like why are we not castling  okay i like this position so far for ethan pawn   honestly i would go here i would go here we're  cheering for black okay fine fine fine fine   yeah we won't we we we want the  youtube guy to win yes you're right loser pov i think it might turn around okay  this is better for black for a few reasons   um two bishops that's what the engine really likes  it likes this dark square bishop also these pieces   are very clumsy that's not the best move the best  move is a6 b5 b4 i think because you need to hit   see the difference like what is a5 let's  think about this move what happens if a5 a4   nothing nothing but a 6b5 b4 does come  with you can see now white gets moves   but this is going to be a target oh that's too  slow new can play yes yes let's go b5 just spit   on my microphone i'm so excited oppa come on hit  him hit him with some good stuff hit him with   some good stuff here i want a good follow-up hit  me with a good follow-up knight to a3 you got a   big attack brewing on that side of the board the  b5 pawn is hanging but it doesn't really matter   because even if it gets taken the b file gets  opened bishop by 6 is a possibility f5 e4 open   up the dark square bishop let me see this nuke in  place let me see this let me see this let me see   this 40 seconds down to the clock getting below 2  minutes why is spending way too little time in the   opening and there comes the first punch there's  b4 on the board 94 counter punch 94 counter punch oh this is very tense the queen is hit  what do you do where do you put the queen   where do you put the queen the engine probably  sees one move in one move only but if he plays   the wrong move all of the advantage will go  back to white if you play the wrong move here   white gets the advantage because white is going  to be able to move the knight with the tempo   oh my goodness that was not the move because  now i get to move the night with the tempo   night with the tempo and if you go here  thinking that it's an added danger like   the d6 hits both the queen and the rook oh this  could get very bad don't take it's not checkers   beautiful move beautiful move from ethan  pun knight to c4 coming to hit the queen   oh coming to hit the queen now and the queen  on b6 is really really stuck it should not go   to either of these scores which means it has  to retreat backwards that is difficult from a   psychological perspective you really will not play  the move queen b8 because it's too hard to play   as a human it's much more natural to come forward  sensing that you were saved but missing this move   black is thinking nukem plays  is experiencing stage fright   and he has blundered he's blundered but  why has he blundered that is not why   maybe it was knight d6 okay just move the queen  the queen's queen's getting chased around queen   to a seven fantastic move and now white has to  retreat white has to retreat with the knight   there is no way to defend the knight 96 with a was  a fork sacrificing material and winning this rook   and i think that's what the engine like there he  comes back okay now it's time it's time let's go   let's go one minute on the clock but you've got a  two second bonus so you have the safety net that   you will never lose on time rugby should be six  five four boom boom boom boom boom go go go go go   that's it this move in this move nsgg open it  up open it up you have the king's indian bishop   you have the you have the soul stone you have the soul stone okay that's not a bad move at  all white might get tempted to   play this move and completely miss  the fact that night there is coming he's missed it all the same newcome plays  detonates a fork on a2 and black is completely   winning black is completely winning youtube  is going to get on the border right at the   last second oh my goodness g4 white is white  as white is this in this game white drank five   liters of vodka somehow didn't die or get alcohol  poisoning put on a blindfold and started going   into a boxing match i don't know what white is  doing i honestly don't know what white is doing   and black is picking white apart here there's  no jinxing there's no jinxing zero jinxing   oh beautiful gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous  rook b2 oh he's cleaning up he's cleaning up   rugby i mean i mean take it all take it all oh  we'll take it all he deserves this win mate in two okay i respect this he doesn't  want his rook to get taken   hump the king down every move better be a check  apparently it's made in two how's it mate and two not like that but how was it mate and two there   i don't know i didn't see it okay now the  king literally has no escape that's it gg that's it take it take it take it  ladies and gentlemen it took 45 minutes   but team youtube has struck back   it took 45 minutes of this battle but team youtube  has officially won their first game of the day and   what a game by the way what he played fantastic  chess i mean this is this is unbelievable we are   now dropping it below the thousand level  category low ground anakin kleine peter here we go it's game time if team twitch wins one out of the next five games  or draws two of them they win the sub battle team   youtube to win this sub battle has to win every  single game from here on out if youtube is able to   pull this off it will be the most statistically  improbable thing i've ever seen in my life any predictions i think i think twitch  wins eight three okay so low ground anakin   is playing the deferred king's gambit  guys it's a vienna gambit decline now this is the oh this is bad this is bad for  black declining to be oh okay now does white   know the move how much studying of  my videos and courses is white done you never take you never take man you never take   you never take dude because now they just  open their bishop uh bishop b5 bishop b5 go low ground anakin oh my goodness what is d4 i think the fu emote is live by the way   i think you guys might need to refresh  refresh and see if you have the fu emote oh it's live oh my gosh we have  the emote that's that's so funny oh man no this is not good  from no because now takes no but this is not good clina peter is a very   good player he played in my uh  french defense video yesterday oh and yeah i mean guys what is going on  what we cannot i understand we're playing   in sub-battle i understand there's nerves  involved but we can't be losing on move seven like people ask levy you know i'm struggling to  get better guys we can't be blundering two pawns   on move seven i mean we just can't like you you  have to play solidly in the beginning this is a   counting exercise he has four pieces covering  that square you just can't play d4 oh no now it's just this cover check i mean that was a very short-lived comeback  it's just over the game's just over just great move great move  by oh man can it end in style it might there's a chance this  ends in a very beautiful way you guys see what i'm talking about  i don't want to i don't okay he   he didn't give him a chance  to do it i was hoping for this smothered mate i was hoping for smothered mate but yeah   i mean black would have to do something completely  exceptional to screw this up like 92 forking three   pieces and you can't say because of the pin like  knight d2 here that would be a high level move but he takes with check he takes  with check oh but but but but this is um this is not good actually i think there's  like one way to protect yourself here this is   actually this is not easy at all white might be  a genius it's not made in one guys it was czech white did not miss mate there wait  this is the this this is unreal he's castled he's giving back the night it wasn't made because it was check guys you  cannot checkmate somebody while you're in check   it's very important to know the rules so low yeah low ground anakin is  now trying to take the high ground   here he's still losing because he's down two pawns yeah i mean but the only thing which makes  this position very tough to play with black   is how many open lines there are like that  move already is a slight inaccuracy because   you can take and play like queen here or queen  here or or there that is a good move um but you   should be avoiding trades here and black has  30 seconds that's a great move see that's a   great move he just plays it he sees that the  queen is under attack but he gets the check   and now he has 30 seconds time here will play  a huge role good morning chester how are you i wanted to play the night fork when white  already threatened mate i don't know what   that means but thank you for commenting okay  king h1 okay i have a very mean prediction come on man that's all you  have that's all you have to do   straight down the board straight down the board man man man let's get aggressive oh no oh  no guys he's going into cocoon mode   but he doesn't understand he can't defend his  position you have to attack no no down two pawns   don't trade queens down two pawns don't treat  queens no okay okay just go for it just go for   it just go for it dude you gotta go black has  18 seconds maybe he'll do something crazy maybe   b5 b5 oh and you can't go here and he might do it  oh god he might do it okay wait wait isn't no no he finds it black finds the check hits the  rook and the king the game is over i think   this is just over there is nothing here anakin  fight on anakin fight on don't resign do not   resign this game do not resign this game black  only has 12 seconds just take do not take good   man good man good man maybe black does something  insane eight seconds give us a check oh no wow everything went wrong  which could have went wrong   run run check run run run  just run he has 10 seconds run   oh he's getting laddered there's nothing he  can't escape guys one last move that's it wow we will finish the games but twitch wins seven games is all it took for twitch i deserve a ban after that opening says  low ground anakin no you don't man yeah   i mean you you know you messed  up in the opening it happens wow next game guys do not leave we will finish  the sub battle i predicted eight three   i want to play all the games out i want it to  be instructive anglin gambit i already like that oh no guys this is the england gambit  uh oh does white know what to do here oh no not england but england   there's a lot of gambit videos on youtube  oh no oh no does he know the trick is he gonna go e3 here thinking he blundered bishop hang yes oh he didn't know it this is a  trap this is a counter trap of a trap knight d5   hits the queen and the pawn he didn't know it  he just thought he made a blunder wow wow wow it's not a hang i mean it's a hang  but it's not a hang make sense wow that is a exquisite move what's up jiu jitsu how are you that  that is that that i mean why not just   go back like if it worked once it'll work again okay um black is up a piece which means that black will  now very seamlessly convert this game right why am i streaming brazil germany oh my god   dude this man really just said why  are you streaming brazil germany bro too soon man too soon man too soon god i remember that day that day i was  working and i got a pot belly sandwich how's that too soon dude it's just  always too soon all right the guy   with the black pieces needs to just finish  his development okay that that move is fine okay why is he like here's the thing he spent  10 seconds on this move did he not have a move   planned if they took guys great move though  great move simplifying queen trade excellent   queen is defended uh if you're white don't trade  put something in the center play bishop back play   i would go queenie too you have to blink  we need to only move we need to and then if you guys want to play in the next one  you have to wait for an announcement uh   we will always have these announced prior so i like this i like this now if black is not  careful here white still gets enough play   down a piece because as long as  you have a queen on the board you're amazed that i know football am i not  allowed to know any other sports because i   play chess would it be better to take with the  c pawn it's okay i mean this is fine what i   was gonna say is that you don't want to trade the  queens with with no queens it's very difficult to   create play now you have to go here this is just  a fantastic move playing on this pin oh my god yup yup yup yup yup yup yup yup football  soccer listen i have audience across   the world which calls it what it's  what it is and you know f3 king f2   okay okay now black can play here and go for  this oh but black just plays the principled move gets gets the king out of the way i agree i agree  i personally think that american football is very   silly because it's called football it is played  with the hands most of the game is played with   the hands but the last time that i said that  the nfl is not a real sport like seven people   in my youtube comments got very upset with me  they were like well if nfl is not a real sport   neither is chess and i was like yeah  i say that all the time thanks friends oh 10 seconds referring to the guy's speed in  bed i think 10 seconds is like on the higher end you know how is nfl not a sport i don't know  dude because like 75 of the game is ads and them   standing around 25 of it is actual action i mean  so is chess but anyway guys don't get triggered picard yeah i know i know i know no  i'm just just saying okay rook here okay black really just isn't  developing the pieces i don't   i don't know why that's the case  like i would develop something now you think that calling does white see the move he threw he threw oh my god he threw  guys it's been that kind of a day   it's been that kind of a day i mean he  just didn't see his queen was hanging to me it's suspicious black didn't  make any mistakes yet yeah i know   right it's so suspicious that  black hasn't made any mistakes   he's totally cheating totally cheating 100 i  mean right totally he's obviously a cheater bishop b5 was a great move because it hit the  rook and the queen and and here you had to play   queen check trading the queen that's what he  should have done you know but it's still a game   it's still a game it's still a game because  he has rook and knight for a queen it's not   over plus 10 seconds magruber has lasted way  longer than he normally lasts so you know he'll   probably play queen f5 now thinking it's a  check and that will be the end of the game unbelievable there's no way he did that on purpose there's just  no way people aren't like that there's just no way   he must have just literally i don't know i don't  know i don't know maybe he is throwing he might be   throwing he might be throwing on purpose he  might i don't know but that's just too much oh yeah hi daily dose of chess you haven't put  me in your youtube video in a very long time   and i wonder if it's because i said that  you take our content i wasn't serious and   also i plugged you and your channel is doing  really well please put me back on your channel   no there's not going to be a rosen trap okay but  black doesn't know how to checkmate apparently okay okay okay okay okay you're right there oh oh all right live today we go team youtube is is  is is is winning the sparring matches once the   main event is over and providing top-level content  here we go here we go here we go here we go okay bishop d3 black is playing my course okay  now black of course will play bishop before   pinning the knight to the king oh take and take  free pun no no now it's free take it take free   free free free free free oh boy free  free free free free now don't go here   he's going to be like oh i'm attacking the  queen and forget that the horse goes backwards   or he'll play like here trying to get i  don't know i'm trying i think this is pretty bruh oh don't take it's not checkers  oh but also don't go here don't go okay okay good okay okay okay  okay okay okay don't go here don't go here   okay i would have taken with the queen  from what is happening in this game   this guy jordi said that he was  going to record this game on stream i certainly hope he doesn't post  that game anywhere because i mean okay don't go here that looks good but  okay wow excellent move excellent move okay   good move i like this i like this  i mean i would have preferred you   play reasonable moves before you lose your pieces i would go here when you're down a  piece you need to go for weaknesses   you have to go here in my  opinion and also hitting this we have 6.9k viewers wow amazing that's very nice okay now i predict something like this yeah now  he's gonna take or something and hang his queen   okay okay that's a excellent move kind of kind of  excellent if he sees why because then he can also   because of this wow that is  a lot of redemptions of nice all right uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh now i i'm very curious  what black is gonna play here very curious   because this looks actually very unpleasant  oh my goodness you guys are going unbelievable uh oh this looks uh oh this looks uh-oh oh wow to realize that you  can castle on the other side   very nice very nice excuse me it's just over now mm-hmm um sean the amazing pooper thank you  for the twitch prime um youtube didn't hear   that tts but a guy donated he said since you  started streaming you became my favorite chess   player and teacher thank you for giving me  so many great advices i just wonder how long   i can use your coupon code and can i use it more  than once man you did not need to donate money to   ask a question about a coupon code you could have  just asked i do appreciate the donation very much   um but the code the codes are on instagram once  they disappear they disappear you you cannot save   those codes as long as they are in my story  they are live on if they're done they're done   that's what i do on instagram and if you're not  following an instagram you should go follow real   gotham chess on instagram because i literally do  flash sales six hours 10 hours whatever two hours   it's usually 50 off um guys what what is  happening by the way i'm all this talk   of coupon codes this guy had minus 10 position  suddenly he lost his horse suddenly he's losing okay i expect more memes i expect a lot more  memes okay let's go rookie three hitting the pawn   of course you know what the craziest thing is he   completely didn't see that and he's  just blessed that this is there   he's just blessed i mean there's no way  he i mean if he saw that he's a genius game okay okay don't go here it looks like we're lagging a  little bit i hope we're okay i   just saw a little bit of lag oh my  god now he's playing brilliantly   oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh  oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh just think back check what was wrong okay but i really like the speed i really like  the speed the speed is really good because white   only has 20 seconds let's go hunt him down on the  clock hunt him down on the clock we're learning   blitz strategies today he's got 20 seconds just  go just go just go just go just go you got four   you got five pieces you got five pieces  including the king dude five pieces it's   not that hard to keep track of them some people  have five kids and they keep track of five kids move move move move move move the king move the  king move the king good good good good he's got   10 seconds he's gonna get down to 10 seconds rook  h8 traps the bishop that's not a good move because   of something really funny check and come back  and take his rook trap his bishop do something oh my god he's a genius because if the does   does he see that he could have just done that  he could have just done that because the bishop   was guarding the rook he's got three seconds he  has three seconds on the clock is he gonna lose   he takes he's taken he's taken he's taking  the bishop he's he's gonna lose something he was just about to finish he was thrusting  as hard as possible and then he got a rib   cramp and he wasn't able to finish oh  my goodness unbelievable turn of events   choking right at the last second oh my  goodness i can't believe that just happened   oh my gosh oh my gosh unbelievable unbelievable what a turnaround two games to go goodness here we go this is the content we  all came a shisha wall is not here   ashish agrawal for team youtube is not here we  are going to go to pratham versus badap pratap   pratham versus badap can we please  get ashish agrawal 1408 he's not here live today give the 10 subs  thank you for the 10 sub gifts guys i don't know what's going on  we're lagging a little bit but i'm   you know i'm sorry about that oh  that is a peculiar move but okay yeah that was a lot of fun this was a lot of fun   this is a very oh by the way these 500s  are playing an excellent opening so far   these guys are playing great e5 fantastic move  you guys haven't watched my king's indian climb   definitely do it why should take but now  knight takes hitting the queen and the bishop or that move which just blocks  in your bishop and doesn't let   you develop knight takes would have been better no guys you you should not be mean to  the lower rated players i mean come on   that's some silly stuff what are you guys doing h5 okay that's that's that's that's not the  right idea in this position unpin yourself   unpin yourself this is this is  actually the reason you don't play   this because because then you  can't attack the bishop anymore   i would unpin also c6 is a very useful move  here to prevent the knight from coming forward ow i just cracked my shoulder blade  okay black is thinking a lot here uh-oh white has a move here that's very oh  my god and white just plays another good move like that wasn't the winning move  but he's just bringing another   piece to the party two pins here are  gonna be incredibly difficult to deal   with this is like your last  chance to get out of this pin this is your last chance to get out of this  pin or else it's gonna be very bad news   you just can't play these two moves he played  the king's indian correctly but two bad moves   that's that's that's good i like this  move a lot that is an excellent move i mean i know i know that the engine is saying  plus five that's the problem with the eval bars   it's not clear why it's plus five if takes then  here yeah just knight takes all advantage is gone   look that fast you gotta take with the knight get  it out of the way of the rook and you'll be okay wow he saw it wow yeah rook takes knight  and now you get two pieces for the rook   he saw it and and that wasn't you know again you  guys want to accuse any time a 500 makes a good   move you just want to be like who's cheating  but don't do that that's just silly like   he isn't he just made a mistake i don't want  to see that stuff in the chat you know like   we pick we pick people who have a lot  of games played who are not sandbaggers   they're not just going to cheat for the first  time in a sub-battle you know it's silly to to   say stuff like that now this is big trouble i  would go for a queen trade but there's a really   nasty threat here there's a really really  nasty threat here oh no three pawn on e5 three pawn on e5 chad looks like we need an under 700 okay  wow king f1 that is an interesting move   if you want to play give thrashix your name please either here or in discord   i don't know who left but someone left that was not a free pawn by the way the rook was  hanging but there is something here for white but   black is also just playing very slowly that's the  problem okay now the pawn is free free pawn e5 spawn e5 queen takes pawn on e5 it's just  a completely free pawn okay free pawn on b2 let's do a stream snipe test free pawn free  pawn yes guys this was the right move yes   i'm just i'm not saying anything i'm not  saying anything now knight d5 you got to   get the knight in here you're not going to win  unless you get this knight in to attack the king   because the bishop and the queen are good but  they're not gonna do anything without the knight okay i was really hoping  that might work but it didn't queen c2 just keep hanging around you can't  take okay okay okay that's that's not a bad move   all right queen g5 here excellent move i'm just doing stream snipe tests  at this point i'm kind of okay   rp7 why am i helping twitch uh the event  is decided and i'm just having a little   bit of fun guys if you're stream sniping  and listening to me that's your own fault   no he's not he's not he's got he's got m3  he's got a bmw m3 or is that the audi audi m3 he found it he found it he found it okay good move good move good move nice good run run run run to h4 just keep  running keep running forward guys imagine   no way guys no way okay go back  draw draw okay good good result draw   oh it's good result good fighting game  of course draw just repeat moves draw   or or i don't know i hope he doesn't  play here that looks like it's made   but uh you might forget that oh man oh god oh  god guys oh god guys crazy stuff is gonna happen oh no oh no oh no low time oh are we going to get a stalemate is there a  chance we get a stalemate oh i don't think so   because this pawn if this pawn didn't exist maybe  king f6 easy clap king f6 easy clap can't push   maybe it will get a stalemate no i don't think it's not no  way it's just not possible ah well we have one game left in our sub  battle today actually if white plays f4   here there's a chance that some weird  stuff happened that's not even a check king's gonna run why queen h5s mate yeah he's i mean i'm not sure he saw it was  mate but he definitely saw he was check and then   the king can't oh gosh all right my friends team youtube gets their third point i  predicted it would be eight three once   it was like four nothing or five nothing this is  the final game of our sub battle it's been fun   it's been fun and youtube  will seek revenge hopefully guys this is the final game guys  if you're in live chess right now   write a nice message to youtube if  you write something me mean you know that's just not that's just don't do that i'll  time you out don't don't be mean for no reason   i literally made a video about a guy being  mean okay what is this advanced french   okay i like this a lot  advanced french is very good i guess we have 7 500 viewers   you would think this is a semi stream this is  a blunder because of a common tactical shot okay news 20 i told you not to say something  mean and you did so i'm gonna time you out for   seven minutes um you will have seven  minutes to think about your behavior   and then i expect a 200 word essay  as to why your behavior was bad exactly exactly one of the reasons i don't like  the french for lower rated players like 600 is   because it's difficult to like figure out what  to do with this bishop and the position is very   closed and it's tough to take advantage of what  white is doing early oh but he's finding a way   but see this is still good for white because here  here and for white it's very simple what to do it was not that it was not that he  should have played knight b3 and   knight g5 in queen h5 but it's again  like i said it's tough tough position   wow these guys are allergic to taking each  other they just don't want to take each other you know i'm just gonna say this right now guys if  any chess content creators want to steal this idea   of twitch versus youtube of your own  subs you're more than welcome to do so   just make sure to credit me once every 10  minutes and tell me one thing you really   like about my channel if you don't do that  i'll sue you for copyright infringement yeah i'll dmca them exactly exactly if i see  someone stealing my content what i'm gonna do   is i'm gonna show up to their stream and  i'm gonna like play music in the chat   i don't even know what that means honestly i have  no idea what that even means how do you even play   music in the chat you suggested it got it oh you  mean yeah yeah yeah no twitch vs youtube yeah   love my humor thanks lamp we got  lamp in the chat it's good it's good i like the wing gambit against the french i think  it's very good rook c1 oh rook on open file please okay rook c1 okay okay okay okay okay okay okay one of these two moves maybe one of these two moves maybe wow that is some this is some galaxy brain idea you know you go queen a1 and queen a8  and you know when queen comes down to e5   it's the classic right triangle e6 little  bit e6 maybe for the boys a little bit e6 queen c2 loses to bishop takes f2  yes i'm completely aware of that   no i just missed that uh yeah i'm just  stupid you're right that totally just any advance any advice for pratham pratham you  pray you played great dude you played excellent   chess that was actually a fantastic game i  have no advice for you just keep doing what   you're doing i don't know how you're 500 are you  sure you're 500 thanks for the prime by the way jordi you played you know i want to say you played  well you played an entertaining game   but you blundered a lot cut out the blunders  life is going to be better no but i honestly   have no advice he played extremely well  played extremely well what can i say now jordy the guy he he played an entertaining   game i don't know about a good  game but an entertaining game you were winning in the end but you lost on time   don't do that especially not when  there's bonus time game of the night yeah i think you guys actually might  have won game of the night i mean yeah yeah yeah yeah i saw that yes   yes i saw anisha's tweet follow  on twitter by the way gotham chess okay okay okay don't take the  pawn because you lose your horse don't take okay think think think think little  bit think now the pawn is hanging how did two six   hundreds get into a rook knight and four verse  rook knight and four guys these guys played the   best game of the day so far and they're 500 600  sorry i just took away 100 points for no reason   how does this always happen this is like an  unstoppable force meeting an immovable object look at this he just gets his pawn out  of the way now i predict in the next two   or three moves something completely insane happens okay good move now of course he's gonna go  here or give a check and lose the rook i said   three or four moves before  something completely insane happens okay a little bit thinking here okay both  this is what oh my goodness he please regis don't go knight g5 it doesn't work is he going for that or is he just  pushing a pawn because he wants to   show his opponent that he knows how they move this is going to be completely insane okay okay okay now crazy stuff isn't coming  they're both getting below 20 seconds   ladies and gentlemen welcome to the gotham  chess sub battle roller coaster this is the   fastest moving the tallest the most exciting  and terrifying roller coaster in the world absolute crazy stuff is about to unfold rook f2   potentially the first domino to  fall white is going to lose on time that that was the most boring  way to end the sub battle ever   that that like that was so unexciting the  roller coaster literally just broke bef i mean usually when you finish it's like you know it's like it's not like you know like dribbled out  kind of you know what i'm saying like i oh man um well um this was fun uh this was fun this was fun is what it was  honestly um congrats to team twitch who won 7-4   switch got out to a hot start out the gate um  not much that could be done after that you know uh we will do this again and we  will end the youtube recording   with full screen gotham and chat chat make  sure to sign off properly if you enjoyed this   let me know in the comments if you've made it  this far in the video you're amazing and uh   this was fun congrats to team twitch you  take a one-nothing lead in the sub-battle   cross-platform world championship i'm gonna keep  streaming now but the youtube video is gonna end   make sure to join the discord if you want to join  for the future you have to sign up in the discord   we will announce these there's a link  in the description for the discord   um and there's also different links in the  description to how you can give me money   to support me by buying courses or subscribing  on twitch or other very useful links anyway bye
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 551,825
Rating: 4.9402866 out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess rating climb, sub battle, subs battle, sub battle hikaru, sub battle chessbrah, sub battle samay, sub battle chess, sub battle gothamchess, sub battle botez, members vs subs samay, members vs subs, members vs subs anna rudolf, members vs subs botez, twitch vs youtube, youtube vs twitch, youtube or twitch, twitch or youtube
Id: 1Cm_uE4b5jE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 58sec (5518 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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