Why Did You Do That? (Guess The Elo 17)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to your favorite series across all platforms guess the elo we had to take a little bit of a break because in the past few weeks we've had the candidates and we have the new chess classic some top level grandmaster competition but nothing compares to the beautiful content that the gotham chess subscribers provide in these episodes this episode was filmed some time ago as you will tell is very obvious by the difference in my hair length as well as the fact that now i am significantly uglier and on that note let's get into it we have e4 we have e5 knight to f3 knight to c6 bishop to c4 very nice italian game being played and it only takes three moves for this episode of guess the elo to get really stupid black plays the move f5 i don't know what gotham sub thinks they're doing i don't know if gotham sub thinks that they're playing a reverse vienna gambit because this is kind of a reverse vienna gambit but this is just poopy buns i don't know what the move f5 does except lose a pawn you cannot play the vienna gambit with black that's not how chess works because now they take but the interesting thing is that taking is the wrong move um uh the best move after f5 is just to blow the center open white needs to utilize the fact that they are playing with white um because they need to blow up the center and by blowing up the center they make it really difficult for black to defend the position like taking on f5 is actually not good is e4 very strong move and now this knight has no moves but black also plays it like this which is also kind of okay because it forces white to be very accurate f5 is a move but against bishop b5 because the bishop is off the critical diagonal and then you can play a five and then if they blow up the center it's a little bit different this is actually like a mainline schliemann or yanish uh rue lopez which is in my gambit's repertoire for black f5 is a great move i score a lot of wins with f5 uh not as so much against knight c3 but a lot more against d3 anyway enough about me uh now black is just oh okay well you know that entire introduction about f5 being bad and black won a piece on move six what do you what do you guys know about wait hung a piece on move six that's triggering some memories you're telling me that a 1600 okay um yeah probably not 1600. um by the way top top post of anarchy chess of all time just gonna say that right now um bishop to a f what is this like does white think they only have a bishop white has only moved the bishop in like five moves like but like what are you doing yeah i gotta stop doing these you and now now the other problem is that black has connect four so black one a piece and connect four c3 okay take the pawn okay very good now what now now now i exp why should uh white should lose in the next like six moves like queen h4 and queen h4 okay i mean i get it you know you're trying to develop okay i get it i would just go for the hunt this is beautiful chess by black uh that move disables defense of this square so knight e3 probably black okay take it of course take it yeah so black is doesn't see the fork but yo that song is great thank you i appreciate the donation um yeah the the rap is incredible uh and um we're gonna make a lot more content like that mean me and me and the guy who made the rap so uh king e2 uh okay i mean stop you know what i i can't honestly i can't really criticize oh and now long castles this is murder why did you send me this game okay you could have done this a little bit more cleanly you could have just kept the king cut off and then just checked like this but um bro why did you send me this game like i like i i it's a beautiful game you you you honestly this was an amazing game um but i honestly like it's a little bit too early it's 9 a.m right now i i didn't i didn't expect to see a dead body at nine in the morning i mean honestly like this is someone should call the police on this guy for sending this game like this is uh yeah this is not my mods game the second game of today is my monthly what is this game bro like black literally decapitated white then proceeded to play like soccer with the head um honestly uh the way that black played this like i know i criticized f5 but the truth is that like if your opponents don't know how to take advantage of specific aggressive moves early on in the game then you're gonna kill them making them take a pawn and then giving up the full center was a really great idea like it's better for white to play bishop b5 pinning the knight and threatening the pawn and then d4 like white needs to play in the center if you ever take a gambit you need to play in the center and try to refute the gambit you cannot play peacefully against the gambit because then black just gets everything they want and also the fact that white blundered a piece in one move is very bad um man i think black played too well to be any less than like 12 1300 there's just no way like black didn't make a single mistake but white played really poorly so like i don't know because the thing is i i don't think white is the same rating as black like somehow uh yeah i'm touching my ear because i had an itch because i think i still have hair from cutting my own hair relax um but that's true but like this move knight d4 i mean maybe white was just really terrified like white just really didn't want to go back there's i mean there's yeah you got to factor in tilt right like knight d4 maybe i must say um okay let's quickly go through the game one more time i guess the thing is black was never like really challenged in this game right like what is this move g5 i g5 is top engine move what is what is this are you serious well after i mean after that wow damn i guess it's to open up the h file man i really don't know i'm a um yeah i'm gonna stick with my gut like high eleven hundred into twelve hundred i i just i just don't see it being anything anything i yeah anyway let's go look wow gotham subscriber is rated 9.77 are you kidding me and white is 11 20 900 oh my god see i would have expected the ratings to be reversed i would have expected white to be the 900 wow dude for real dude you should like that yeah yeah that was um yeah we all have games like that let's take a look at your accuracy i know i know i i would imagine that black played at like 97 i think i think black played like 95 to 97 accuracy i know it's going to take a little little while to load here um damn yeah you got you got potential you got potential you got a good opening repertoire i like your opening repertoire you are you fight you're definitely fighting i mean we all have games like that we all have games like that and uh white just had an awful game white was just totally i feel bad for shumit 80 why 80. oh oh because of like this i mean this is an inaccuracy you're supposed to okay and then what and and then and then what and then black just played best moves the rest of the game oh there's gonna be one more inaccuracy like somewhere around here yeah rook h one's an inaccuracy uh yes okay i mean i don't know why it's 80 but yeah i mean that guy should be really proud of that game that was yeah wow that was good all right now time to analyze my mods game here we go this is my mod right here we gonna determine based on this game uh you know d4 d5 what is what is what's this move why did you go knight e2 what about your light squad bishop you should have put it on d3 where is this horse going this is not the square it belongs on okay you're playing it in a unique way now it's a queen's gambit but your knight is on the square literally has no purpose doesn't fight for the center why is it on ge3 thank you edo bishop b4 you know what's funny bishop takes b1 as possible and then bishop b4 check and now you can't block check so but it's fine okay now okay okay okay yes c and now if your knight was on f3 you'd be able to fight for the center because now your opponent can play e5 if if in queen spawn positions like the london black can successfully play e5 pack it up the fact that you spent two tempe to move your knight to g3 is no good you need to put the knight on f3 because otherwise you know did your opponent go e5 of course not he took on f4 and allowed you to have dominant control over the center of course yeah black was just like i don't know what to do let me trade bishops in a terrible fashion trading off my two most active pieces and uh now i'm just much worse yo bro you you you really make up your own rules i pushed all of my queen side pawns let me just go along castle cause i'm not scared why not okay b6 okay uh-huh uh-huh okay bro look at this man breaking all the rules moves the rook out of the center of the board and then i mean moves the rook to the center of the board away from don't shoot like don't you okay my man moved out of the city and then proceeded to like rent an apartment in the city i i don't my man walks through fire like this man it's like chess.com send him a notification in this position to hang a knight jazz.com was like quest hang night received 20 000 gold he was like oh that's easy i could i mean i could duh it's like he just got like a quest you know and then you know black also wanted to move a horse right to try to go here okay now my man hung a fork and a knight and this man also hung his queen why did you move the rook and not move the queen it's the same distance away from the horse just move the queen now you're down a queen for a horse and now that man took your horse as well oh my god trading rogues when you're down material what are you doing rook d2 c d c now queen two e one knight d one and black opens the position oh i thought he hung his queen two but that was really clever my man didn't make you in one move instead he lost his oh my god oh my god yo if that pawn promotes oh you can't even get any closer oh my god oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my oh my goodness oh my goodness yeah but now you can't get any closer you lost this game right yeah certainly oh my god oh oh oh oh and what happened draw okay okay okay okay okay okay oh wow oh boy um i oh man call that other guy who's in jail for that murder i think these guys need to replace that guy these guys need to go into solitary confinement um wow okay first of all stop playing knight e2 i never want to see you play this move again knight to f3 only only only knight two of three knight always goes here this knight has a choice depending on the op but night night night f3 usually um okay uh it was actually very good for a while and then and then here white just said let me why just try to make it on an episode of guess the elo let's say like the other guy is also a sub oh my god not my sub or maybe some to another chess channel um this is a very high level move though jokes aside a5 to break up the structure and try to get in with the rook it's a very good move um i want to say like 900 to a thousand mid like like like you know i'm gonna say like 870 to 970. like i i i don't think they quite make it to a thousand i think i think i think no no no i uh i they're not 500 they're not 500 they played way too many good moves to be 500 chat and and chat look i understand that like on average you guys are like 200 so like you don't know what the rest of the world looks like but okay just because you own one hammer not everything is a nail yeah so deep breath anyway what the white is 492 and black is 1570 what all right you know what for the first time in history for the first time in history i am going full screen in a guess the elo episode because i deserve this all right i deserve this i have to neck myself for that i have necked myself yes yes indeed i have necked myself i have necked myself ladies and gentlemen it is official ow that hurt yeah gotham has to take the l there for sure yeah wow wow wow wow yeah wow oh boy oh boy okay yeah that was content you promised you promised content sometimes when people promise content they don't deliver you know what i mean it's like when your parents promise to love you and then they don't deliver e4 d5 beautiful move by gotham subscriber clearly trying to invite e takes d5 knight f6 um and uh white plays bishop to b5 check which already makes me think that white is probably below 800. um because this is just an awful move like the objective of the game is not to deliver checks so y'all need to stop it with these random checks that can just be blocked by pawns or pieces uh well not not this piece but you know so uh right so c6 and bishop d3 yeah and now black is already better because black just has two pawns in the center and is vibing yeah so um so uh e5 uh knight f6 and bishop d6 and castle and queen f3 knight f6 okay but now it's kind of a position okay nice okay that's kind of a free pawn but there's this okay so far so good all right now now we are gonna have some don't hang your rook doesn't hang the rook hangs pawn though rook f8 queen goes away i would take it and then move my knight here threatening both pawns okay of course white takes now black is actually doing very well so wine has no space at all h5 to cover this getaway attack on the g file nice what take the other one don't get your rook trapped okay literally move the rug the pawn is right there it's two squares away okay now we take oh my oh oh oh oh oh oh my god oh my god that he could have taken a pawn and then it's a chat oh my god all caused by by white just wandering over here with the horse oh my god okay still the game is actually like very very much in the balance okay okay uh yeah that's that's a yo i would not be surprised if that's the top computer move yeah wow okay well rookie three is the other wow for black to be cerebral enough to realize that this is your best piece oh no now it's the top engine move you just push yeah yeah very nice fine by black just push your pawn nice f2 beautiful look how quickly pushing a pawn ends the game wow black is not even black is not taking yo what okay now okay okay i mean black messed that up black should have taken and then pushed oh wow this was a fantastic game oh my god bishop e1 and then move the bishop in this mate oh okay missed it oh really working hard here okay no draw oh oh oh okay it's made all right all right i mean we okay okay wow um this really confuses me i i'm not gonna lie to y'all i this like this opening was so bad but then they played really well they both actually played like decently 12 1300 maybe like 12 1300 i don't know i mean it's so but then there was these very giant blunders like this and then neither one of them saw it but black i mean honestly i gotta tell you black played really well like white played well too um i'm gonna say i must say 11 20 is my guess 1126. oh you're very welcome just gotta just got a donation from quinn rutledge we we raided him uh i don't remember how long ago but uh yeah i like to rate uh small channels i know y'all putting in the grind and i said i was very stressful playing my third game of chess ever in front of 5000 people wow that's crazy that's great to hear all right 1105 for white and gotham sub is rated 8.90 yo subs what are y'all on today man y'all on some sort of drugs or something 890 what are you people out of your damn minds what yo you guys are out of here what this is crazy you guys are popping off today shout out to uh nigeria um wow very impressive game and you beat an 1100 was this a blitz game wow this was a rapid game crazy not i mean nothing to say honestly that's just very quality guys you could also send games you lose like crispy did by the way just so you know all right c4 all right i mean gotham sub is uh you know english player let's see how much they know the english all right not bad okay okay why why why did he why did he just why why why what what huh huh what what why okay bro yo gotham sub you wanna one piece on the b4 square bro you like 400 there's no way white is 400 no 400 knows the english opening exists what is going on yo did random noob really just play a backwards night move after hanging two pieces like people who hang a bishop in a night in the first 10 moves don't know that knights go backwards this dude really just played queen a1 bro uh oh oh yeah i mean you have to go knight d2 to guard mate but wow it's a very common checkmate pattern like this in the corner okay um now white is just up a clean horse and a pawn and the game is over oh black resigned black resigned okay um uh uh okay um uh uh okay well first of all um the first five moves they played like grand masters you know like a gm would play like this and then uh black got scared and forgot that c5 right c5 pawn takes just forgot the bishop's not trapped it makes you think like a thousand nine hundred probably um this game has gotta be like seven eight hundred like there's there's no there's no way it's any higher like a few accidental good moves were played i mean this this dude played queen a1 like here's the question did black just hang a queen and then get lucky with this move or did black plan this if black planned this than 900 to a thousand so you guys think 16 16 60 oh man um let's say like uh 800 uh wait now i must say i'ma say 760. 760. nah nah nah 8 20 8 20 820 is my final answer eleven eighty eleven eighty versus eleven sixty black played so badly there was no chance that i yo why did black get an 87 cap what is this bro i mean i mean i'm not necking myself for that we should neck them the guy with white played great the guy with white played great i did not think the guy with white was 800 but i definitely thought that the guy with black was no higher no higher than than that i mean okay knight d7 is a you know but oh mike what was this opening bro black hung two pieces in 10 moves and then white like oh my god i mean this was a tough one he was probably high oh yeah well the caps is high yeah but it's you know it's high mostly because white didn't make any mistakes that like really threw the advantage even when white made a mistake you know anyway anyway look at blunders zero and one oh well blunder and mistake yeah there was a lot of mistakes for example that's a mistake that's not considered a blunder even though it's obviously a blunder i don't know how this move is not considered a blunder like whatever whatever i don't i don't make this i don't i don't okay anyway anyway final game good content today gotham sub has white e4 okay okay exchange carol panoff variation with c4 let me get this straight like you have a full board of pieces and you could develop anything fyi this is your game you are black one fyi this is your game you are bl this game oh no you're trolling me well there i mean first of all if if that's actually true if it's actually true uh i uh i don't know first of all who submitted this game who submitted this game wait a second wait a second wait a second hold on a second oh my god wait let me go let me go uh let me go find this game hold on oh did somebody submit a game that they played against me oh okay i thought somebody just submitted a random game yeah yeah yeah yeah i'm playing black yeah i'm playing black in this game yeah i'm playing black uh okay well i mean i guess that could have been content but now it's been somewhat ruined yeah the guy by the way by the way youtube can't even hear text to speech so youtube is probably very confused right now like very very confused so instead we are going to look at this game uh where gotham subscriber is white this is a different game wow that's very funny yeah that was uh yeah yeah change random noob all right bam the guy who donated i i i i think he thought he was doing the right thing that's crazy though how did he snipe that that fast i'm so confused how did he figure that out so quickly that that was my game crazy oh you guys were talking on disc oh oh oh oh oh oh well yeah i mean if people saw it on discord then that kind of makes sense um okay one sec actually let me select this game uh gotham sub is white in this game i uh okay there we go you guys ready final game no no no no no we're not gonna man i mean i mean guys i i tell you all the time like submit your own games like there's no need to submit my game or a title player game alright d5 now here's the question i'm white in this game yet thanks um what is the um do you guys think that white blundered this pawn or is playing a gambit okay okay blackmart deemer blackmore deemer gambit oh now black just gives back the pawn okay what like why like move other pieces come on y'all god gave you 16 pieces god gave you 16 pieces and you're only moving come on y'all look at white just like bulldozing oh my look at white getting all their pieces out oh yes yes okay boss boss what are these three moves he pushed they pushed the pawn in the this side in the center and that side pick a side why are you playing on all three sides just stick to one side oh my how many sub-gifts to get your game analyzed uh look i mean i i generally tend not to do that you know we have we have so many subscribers i try to give everybody an equal try like literally hundreds of people try to submit um you know the other day somebody gifted 30 subs and i and i felt nice about it i i feel weird that if someone ends up gifting like 50 subs and then i'm like just ignoring them but i don't i don't like to enable that behavior just you know just waiting in line we have an equal of equal opportunity system here what what is what what what this looks this this doesn't even look real this looks like one of those companies that tries to do a chess advertisement and no one in the company knows how to play chess and and and they just set up like a really stupid looking position in their advertisement because no one actually knows how to play chess you know what i'm talking about those like companies that like shuffle all their pieces did white take the rook no white gave a check and then took and then took the other piece and now was going from oh my is white gonna get mated it's made in one h6 otherwise you would have been mated yourself in a few moves wow thanks pirates here i appreciate it no no guys uh the the guy the guy warning that it was my game i i actually appreciate that i because i look i don't want to have that content to be honest and then you know people are gonna think they're funny and submit that stuff like so um wow this was a very chaotic game but it felt like a solid 12 1300 played this game what there's also queen g8 yeah but why would you mate with a queen when you can mate with a pun like in this position if you play queen jay and don't play h6 bad very bad alright so white played an aggressive gambit uh black clearly was not prepared for it and played subpar white played well created an attack for one move and then just decided to go a little bit adhd then went back to then went back to the attack for a move and then decided to take a pawn on the other side of the board then completely abandoned the attack and went just for the queen side then proceeded to put their queen on a8 which is just funny looking it's pretty uh you gain 190 points in three weeks you want to learn the english game but now i don't even know what the english gambit is by the way uh what is that is that the england gambit i'm going to say i'm going to say like yeah high 1200 for sure all right here we go high 1200 1370 yeah wow even higher than i expected mongolia nice well done
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 722,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess game analysis, chess analysis, beginner chess lessons, guess the elo, guess the elo chess, chess lessons for beginners, chess lessons for intermediate, middlegame chess, chess middlegame, chess middlegames, chess lessons, chess lesson, chess tips, chess strategy, how to play chess, how to win at chess
Id: cz9ATZecggQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 7sec (2227 seconds)
Published: Mon May 03 2021
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