This Guess The Elo Made Me Cry

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to your favorite series here on youtube guess the elo it's the holiday season and i uploaded an episode of guess the elo yesterday for christmas and you're probably watching this on the 26th of december and if you're wondering gotham why are you not making recaps of the world wrapping and blitz well that's because gotham is on vacation i am the gotham of the past recording the introduction for this episode isn't that a bit of a trip anyway you're gonna laugh a lot this episode is absolutely insane honestly it's completely nuts all right and it's sponsored by okay so white begins the game with e4 it's a good move you know controlling the center and you know what it is you know what it is you know where it is and you know who it is e5 uh-huh nice wow okay so we're gonna know in about a move how good black is okay so we've got a fried liver opportunity it's only a fried liver when the night gets to f7 you guys know what the best move is here for black for your level you know the best move the main line is great mainline is great you should play the main line the best move for below 23 2400 bishop c5 you're gonna auto dub auto dub all these all these people that you read on reddit or or or in the youtube comments like well actually it's not so good because if you play knight f7 and kim to f1 white his advantage no i'd like to see them defend the position after queen e7 etc etc all right i'd like i'd like to see them try all right so they trash and always remember that so a6 white played knight g5 and black played a6 knight takes f7 and we got knight takes h8 outstanding a6 uh just just outstanding i love i love i love this great great great you guys know that please be a pilot great yeah that's that's what's going on here bishop d5 yeah okay so now now my major concern is that because white has actually successfully accomplished the fried liver now white needs to actually play chess and that's the hardest part that's the hardest part like white needs to castle knight c3 d4 and open the position just let this knight die okay good good good yes yes okay i don't know why we're not castling now black is just trading pieces you love to see it castle okay and now very quickly the position is going to fall apart never mind unless white castles into mate if white castle's into mate oh this hurts oh my god yo these players are so low rated yo i'm shocked white did not play check i am shocked white did not blunder that oh my god knight takes g6 eight i yo this the homie walked his knight to the corner of the board and on the way home had to go through like lava pits with no bridge and just made it out like nothing i mean he just made it out like absolutely i mean okay now good queen trade is great oh no first of all you hang a knight second of all you hang a2 oh god all right now black is like not even like losing this is insane i think black's gonna like find a way to win or like black is gonna be winning but then white is gonna win okay please don't take that's just made a great move great move oh my god i mean i black is getting everything but this is just a simple counting exercise just rookie two why would you lose your pawn white has no threats what is this what is this why now you i mean obviously that was a mouse slip but you deserved it you deserve to lose like that wow check oh oh my god it's going to be an on percent checkmate oh oh my god it's it's it's better it's better than that that word it's better than that word we have kids watching better than checks it's better than czech cereal better than chex mix actually no nothing's better than chex mix especially the right crisps best part of a chex mix now those none of those like cucumber things they got in there the sticks rye crisp top chex piece so so tasty this on anarchy chess y'all do this weird thing where even though my stuff is behind a paywall on twitch to protect me from dmca copyright bots yeah i'll still find a way to screen record my streams cause y'all are pieces of crap but then you can you're allowed to do this you're allowed to a little bit off ready ready [Music] [Music] all right anyway um game two oh wait no i just completely skipped the guessing part uh even though dama danae is supposed to be a mistake okay seven hundred six to seven hundred at most that kinda makes me sad that i'm a little bit upset by that i i the fact that there are a thousand is like a little bit upsetting i mean because for as decent as they played this game this game was the equivalent of two seven-year-olds being given like tubs and tubs of caffeine and and like swords and and and that's that's that's that's what this game was i mean that that was that was lunacy completely insane okay game two gotham sub with black this like i said this is gonna be a really good game i think um it's truly glorious that he has found his creative freedom and we all love it so much that's like the most wholesome thing anyone has ever written in the twitch chat god bless you oh wait two two messages ago you wrote i got microplastics inside of my balls okay never mind that's what happens when you try to go wholesome on twitch knight f6 and uh yeah wow imagine the parents on youtube having to explain that to their children all right all right i know i did the reference but he still wrote the comment knight to g3 all right white playing a little bit sober g6 i do have creative freedom absolutely d4 i told you it's gonna be a great game look at this game look at this game top top top stuff here okay that's a terrible move but it was i don't know why you're just giving up the bishop for absolutely no reason but it's white doesn't take it okay oh okay all right good e6 nice get the queen out of there oh we're gonna try to pull up i like that i like that very much yeah that's not scary rook g8 nice nice and now we're actually gonna wait sorry you just you hung mate wait i i have a question like if you're gonna play king h8 and rook g8 you you have an obligation to not allow knight f7 are you kidding me i but and and white doesn't even do it i mean white doesn't move the queen or the bishop oh sorry or the knight like what is the point of going 95 you're not going to play knight f7 unbelievable ruchi i mean just wow and now now black is just better yeah black is better sorry i'm allergic to garbage chess uh queen h3 um okay there's a zero percent chance black plays rook g4 which is the best move g6 is also very good okay h6 uh yeah wow okay so imagine playing rook h6 and like white just doesn't do anything about it uh-huh it's just over the game's over honestly outside of hanging a mate pretty good game but now how are you going to win this height the logic just i mean absolutely burn like blows my mind i mean you have a queen a knight a rook and a rook you haven't moved and you play king g7 you know guys i need you to start thinking about this like this sometimes so i need to start thinking about this like imagine gotham in your head like should i really move my king in this position i have all this artillery like maybe rook here rook f7 and like knight g3 you know just boom and like just get in you know worse comes towards you hang one check jean and that's it the game is over c'est la vie i don't know random french phrases that sound like i'm saying something significant it's just over i i mean okay king g7 king g7 king g7 very good very good very good uh rook back to g6 oh look at this white is like the master of ignoring the threats incredible i love it king to f3 so let me get this straight you have the option to go to the vacation home or you have the option to go to uh a country that is in the middle of a proxy war between the united states russia china where they're funding the armies of both sides and pretending like they're not and you choose to go to the other one like in the middle of the nukes being dropped unbelievable like i mean i mean it's just absolutely crazy crazy crazy like are you kidding me queen h5 check king g2 oh my lord oh my god oh my god roojie one is made yo and now the king is safe again how did you the king is safe you have no more checks oh my god oh my god are you gonna find a way to lose this no way right oh rook d8 nice all right it only took your move your rook 33 moves to get involved but the rook got involved and now you're gonna win you're gonna win and that's the end okay you missed main three but it's fine i'm already used to that i'm you know i'm used to getting disappointed by you so it's fine okay very good and get the queen get the queen get the queen now you stalemate because you're opie when i said this game you stalemated you [ __ ] oh my god you actually stalemated you know the person was probably sitting here like i know i should just cut the king on the final rank and just mate but i know that if i stalemate gotham will laugh at me and guess the elo that's what it's coming to no i just didn't even think that you could possibly screw this up oh my god i was just oh my god i mean why would you move the king like why would you just play the king here like look at how little logic this is like you haven't moved the king you just push push push and then you just decide to move the king choose one if you had moved the pawn you wouldn't have ever stalemated oh my god that was amazing probably like a i mean you honestly didn't play that terribly you blundered some dumb stuff but i'm actually going to say like 1100 1100 i really guys there's you really think this is a 700 game they played way too well in the opening to be 700s there's no way no no no no no i i i maybe 1100 in time trouble a thousand to eleven hundred for sure if lower honestly really impressive yo it's a fifteen thirty versus sixteen what okay obviously black was in time trouble like like that's what i said yo this is completely nuts this is completely nuts oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness i don't believe that you people know it like how do you not know each other do you guys actually not know each other luca is that person's there's a penguin no no friends with the penguin i just assume people are friends here you guys are unbelievable i i am losing my mind today i am this is crazy stuff guys wow that was so trash that was a 10 minute game i youtube doesn't know we recorded in another episode today youtube no no game has been good like i have been off by hundreds of points on every guest today the christmas episode which you've either watched already or you didn't depending on my upload schedule anyway d4 anglin gambit oh my god i wanna vomit what okay so declining the england what are we thinking like do do we think this is like a 700 who's been destroyed by the england too many times is that what's happened h3 is crazy probably like five six hundred bishop e7 okay castle nice yeah so black is like you know a player that studied the basics and white is just like rocking with a3h3 crap oh my god it's a discovered check it's just like move the bishop and it's checked bishop takes a3 is probably the best move yeah you just win a pawn amazing ah bishop f8 oh my god the last time i called the game fake it turned out not to be fake so i'm not gonna insult anybody all right free pawn very good oh is this sam's game i think this might be sam's game sam i need you to confess right now is this a fake game this is not fake you're just like mega trash okay all right sam that's fine you're allowed to be super trash you're not allowed to fake games all right all right all right all right okay everybody was trash at some point all right i'm not i'm not sitting here like well i was born and i am because that would be really embarrassing same level for 25 years it's like the new york knicks rugby 8 queen f5 is a mate threat sam confidently defends with pawn to g6 queen to g4 bishop back to c8 all pieces on the eighth rank like the pieces of exodia queen to f3 yo i'm tariff repetition uh-huh h4 i'm so scared okay white is actually playing a very coordinated attack here the problem is it doesn't work at all unless black like self-destructs all right good blocking the queen in the rook battery uh-huh that blunders rook a7 which probably will happen okay will it happen no instead we have a counter blunder of a rook now the sam miller know that the bishop moves that far he does not the rook promptly gets out of danger now sam sacks his rook for the bishop what sam just plays the top engine move like for no reason what sam you turn on stockfish here what's this sam did the blunt hit like really hard right here or what's going on what's going on you looked on your phone or something what do you know why you played this move that's crazy all right but now you're in trouble right queen you have no you're threatening rook takes bishop do you know you're threatening rook takes bishop sam miller oh my goodness now give the check how do you queen how do you queen oh sorry sorry i i thought the king was gonna go forward i did not think that the king was gonna okay and the game is over wow so this is either like two 1500s who colluded to play a bad opening or this is the game that like sam played when he was like 600 and then gruesome wings i have no clue uh i got no clue i am clueless sam to his credit did not play any bad moves to sam's credit he actually played very reasonable moves he played very well so i'm gonna say that because white was so trash i'm gonna say like 900 i am so ready to see that is insane sam is 1160 and white is 1200. how did white ever get that rating guys how does this happen how does that happen that is crazy wow all right let's go back i'm shocked no no no i i think you're fine i think you're fine the trend is continuing your opponents are playing so poorly they're messing up my guesses like today we have seen random noob be so bad all right so in this game the queens come out on move seven you guys ready okay c3 sicilian good nice so black is just dead lost on move four so so the bishops are just never getting in the game all right knight to g5 i mean you gotta give him credit to go for it right you have to give white credit okay queen c7 check d5 does black go for danger levels no no black is just lost incredible aggressive stuff king d1 and rookie one to pin the queen fine take the knight amazing thank you for the gifted subs v takes c6 wow look at that and it's just a it's just a full piece this is amazing bishop takes c6 i mean white is just completely winning you got to give the credit there you got to give the credit white played really aggressively now i wouldn't even take i would just castle i'll just castle okay you take fine castle yes i don't even care about that like i really this doesn't matter while that okay you don't want to lose a full rook you should lose the bishop for the rook uh but uh okay suddenly i really hate the way white is playing um suddenly i really don't like what white is doing boss what you you're like the kid that was complimented by their parents their whole life and like got out of high school and like started doing mad drugs and like crime all right that's like you know what i mean you're like you're like a really nice kid coddled by his pet you got out you started dancing on tables you know it's like it no what is this what are you what are you whiling out here sacking rooks doing crime prep for bishop d4 guys i know what white is prepping and black obviously doesn't stop it this is guess the elo oh my god bishop d4 blocks the bishop by the way which is why you have to play it yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah of course that doesn't happen and oh my god all right queen g5 take the knight and come back take the rook nope wow so you're just down a rook boss none of these moves make sense god help you oh the bishop's trapped bishop is trapped all right hang us a knight one mover just queen takes queen takes nightman i'll move the queen now let me ask you a question why would you move the queen to a square it can still be taken i mean i'm just just a little small talk here you know you and me like it just unbelievable okay this is one of the worst things i've ever seen oh my god and the craziest thing is you're gonna come back and win the bishop that's the most insane thing or not okay it's mate it's a rookie's maiden one rookie eight hold me hold me just straight among a mate oh my god what what are you doing what what oh my god the rook just got hung out of nowhere the bishop is still trapped oh oh my gosh oh my gosh what is going on all right that's it we're in the clear keep your last pawn and win the rest of the pawns keep i hate i hate my job man i i i sometimes i just i can't man i i honestly just this is a draw but oh oh yeah now it's lost wait wait why did white resign did white run out of time you never resigned this you do you think black actually knows how to mate with king and rook that gives me a little info i hmm oh my god i'm so clueless i i am just so clueless i am just so clueless i am just so clueless i'm i i legit have no clue i don't know i don't know um um um oh this is so hard uh 800 800 but closer to nine not the seven 800 but closer to nine oh it's your boy got him chest 928 versus 8.76 huh not bad not bad not bad not bad my first good guess in like 10 years uh listen uh data scientist guy look look boss your job might pay you well but they got to pay you to take therapy after that game that was that was i don't know what you do i don't know what you're doing i don't know i don't know what you're doing i don't know all right let's go look at the last game of this episode so that i can i can i can go to i can i can just cry or something i mean i am okay d4 oh god all right all right all right all right okay good good good good yes good great stuff like love it all right so what are we thinking so far what do you guys think so far what are you thinking seems like white is like a like i i i'm getting like thousand vibes i mean like thousand vibes because i'm i'm getting these vibes like uh you know white is a good uh a diligent student you know uh and and studies openings and black is like a freestyler hi i'm a youtube frog who happens to have twitch hello welcome why are we getting so many new followers out of nowhere hello i'm getting a ton of new followers what what is going on are we getting viewbotted or something sometimes that happens i'm so i'm very perplexed all right whatever you guys are just messing around i don't know what the hell you guys are doing this is a weird all right f3 that okay well now you guys are doing the thing where you unfollow and re-follow youtube this is what i got to deal with i got some bozos here so what you guys gotta do you gotta go oh uh oh he said people are following all right i'm gonna unfollow and re-follow that's that's what i'm doing right now d5 knight d2 okay so the best move here any time that black takes on g3 and after hg there's something going to h7 um there's uh there's always going to be g4 g5 stuff so queen c2 there's going to be like sacrifices that's why the best move here is g4 g5 white obviously doesn't play it um so f4 and we have like the knight coming to e5 so thank you appreciate the thousand bits g6 and now still g4 it's never gonna happen though okay knight e5 okay i don't you don't need to play that man you don't you don't need to do that knight h5 okay so now the best move is king of two or like okay i mean rook h5 is not a human move queen f2 now you gotta go here please play this move please play please play g4 please please play g4 e4 no g4 never gonna happen it's never gonna happen i'm just i'm so sad f5 all right we push one of the pawns okay and now rather than just taking an absolutely free horse like the freest of the horses you know um bishop to f5 wow that is crazy and then this and now we get through and uh bishop g6 check yes and knight c6 oh beautiful all right i wanted you to play a move you didn't you did it your way it wasn't great but it worked and we end the day with a very clean london victory a very clean that was good that was a nice bringing back down to earth of an otherwise absolutely trash day of chess um white played really well black played really poorly uh 12 to 1300 is my guess because white if i was any higher why would i think put more pressure so like 1200 i think 1200. 857 versus 799 damn dude [Music]
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 470,143
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna, guess the elo, gothamchess guess the elo, guess the elo gothamchess
Id: 1gfCG4bYVYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 28sec (1888 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2021
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