#1 Chess Channel (Guess The Elo 27)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to your favorite series here on youtube guess the elo this is a pretty special episode it's because yesterday we became the most subscribed chess channel on youtube with 1.17 million subscribers and growing fast and i just want to thank all of you for your tremendous support some of you recent some of you as old as 1 000 subscribers thank you all once again and i want you to comment your journey on this chess channel whether it's in chess whether it's in life career family anything i love reading how people have gone about the last like 13 to 16 months it's so so awesome and before we get into all the games i want to say one more thing i have a lot of respect for the ogs of youtube mato um bartholomew network just to name a few there are many many many good channels including obviously antonio i got mater who we just surpassed now i don't want any beef between the fan bases i don't want any hatred being spewed by one side or the other saying this person's better because this this person sucks because this stop it this is just a personal goal and achievement and now all i want to say is if you want to be a part of this community and you want to push to the next level the sky's the limit and all that good stuff don't talk about it just be about it all right i don't want any of that we need to represent in a good way and we need to push to chest to levels we never thought possible so on that wholesome note and that long intro let's get into the guess the elo here we go e4 c6 we're off to a great start beautiful start oh god oh this is so good this is yes yes c5 is a fantastic move any tips for someone moving to new york city i'm in the middle of recording okay if you move to new york city talk to no one look at no one and if you make eye contact with a aggressive person who lives on the street um power walk speed up that's it that's all you gotta look at no one talk to no one c5 i love this move because the thing is it's like it's an advanced variation and now you can just play knight c6 so i like c5 a lot bishop g4 is also a good move okay so now white is just worse it's it's like move four and white is already yes see white is already worse knight c6 beautiful move that's what we like to see bishop e2 now the computer here is gonna suggest this um i i mean if you develop the bishop i'm chilling okay that's not the worst move in the world um you know bishop g7 is the idea don't hate it at all okay don't hate that either okay well this is just frankly terrible because you've just you've already played the pawn to d3 so why did you just like if you wanted to play did you mouse slippers oh i guess you couldn't right because you would get taken you were very spooked but then you did it anyway so clearly you weren't spooked okay take it that's a free pun that's just a free pun clean free pun okay so you don't get the clean free pawn and you also shut out your bishop very good uh-huh you know black is still better because this just sucks like this is terrible for white you can play queen c7 computer's already giving some g5 let's see what black does wow that is a terrible move what the hell is this why not just castle or attacked it what what is a5 okay oh my god this is the dumbest smart thing i've ever seen or the smartest dumb thing black was like yo i got a hell of pawns on light squares so i gotta trade off my light squared bishop low key genius like if if black is anything below 1200 black should get like a nobel prize for bishop for a5 bishop a6 oh my god okay don't hang your rook okay but see now now like you you're look at all this i like that move okay i like that move too oh i really like that move pawn takes okay no pawn takes i like that white didn't just get tunnel vision white realized that in all the fracas that's a vocab word i learned today uh and you know i want to use it on my guest the elo f4 protects the pawn so this is just the best move for white because you just take free space and then you can develop the knight i don't hate this but um 97 very good i'm not a huge fan of that because you just helped black okay this is a good game what is that move take on deep g4 because knight d6 see i thought look at this you could get stylish on him oh look at that oh and if you take take kabam but then but then but then it's not checkers i can take your night oops you thought you were fancy turns out yang shi you know what i'm saying so you have to go g4 and then it's not checkers don't take back don't take bat oh gotham sub oh poor gotham sub yeah g wow white found g4 all right i'm getting like 14 1500 vibes from this game okay good move now white should just put the rooks and and just chomp chomp go go go and not a bad move but you're not going there oh yes now folks white just rule of thumb if you don't open this up just go g5 just close it all down don't do it what the hell is that move what is that all right now you just take just take and go on the h file yo why why you have one way to create counter play you can't eat your own pond what do you have i hope to you're gonna make a you gonna bribe the pawn and then oh no you have to open up the h file oh man now now f4 rook like rookie five probably just wins just like take and go rook c7 like if you can get down here it's probably over let me get the queen in there just don't go queen d2 hang your queen uh don't do that but uh you know queen d3 uh f4 g it's a little tricky because there's no clear in check so when people don't see a check they generally malfunction like g5 is a good move and holy cow that is the best move i've ever seen wow what a move okay that's it what is that like why would you go rook h5 and not take wait is it because f4 computer move no way no way i mean i didn't even see that i didn't even i didn't even see that you really think black didn't play that okay knight f5 yeah i mean listen oh yeah knight look at that counter attack the queen and defend the bishop from the rook oh my goodness oh my goodness okay well white doesn't see f4 yo i have a feeling white's gonna get this queen trapped okay queen h7 only move oh my god look that's the second computer move rookie six king are you kidding me oh white must have thought that he was losing the rook so he deci and he is like white is losing the rook but white is still winning because this king is so old what a game oh accidental top engine move white must be on tilt knight c5 is made in one oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh just bro that just that just wins a clean rook that's just a fork oh oh oh yo folks when the when when one science king is the least advanced piece and one science king is the most advanced piece there is a problem there is a fundamental imbalance between the forces okay that's not good okay still doesn't find the mate gotta be a mate somewhere oh no bro this guy took the pawn he took the pawn oh my yo that's just that bro that's game that's game that's game oh my god oh my wait there's a draw oh my god the computer is giving a draw oh my god the black is winning oh my god black is winning good night and goodbye good night are you kid that is ridic bros if joseph iii you're kidding me you're kidding me you're kidding me are you for real for real that's unbelievable wow okay so i think uh if we just quickly scroll back d3 is a bad move man a5 bishop a6 is like an 11 1200 trying to play enlightened chess but they played very controlled this is either like a very high rated like blitz game or a very low rated 30 minute game because that i mean no g4 is a high level move so this is what i'm gonna say if it's three minute or below there are like sixteen hundred fifteen sixteen hundred if it's ten minute or above like a rapid game they are 1250 1250 like 1200 okay 12 to 1300 here we go let's take a look wow one thousand one one thousand and fifteen minutes one like straight up a thousand and one that wow that is dog you really played a5 my guy really played a5 well he did spend like eight seconds on a5 hey i got a question why do you guys have like the starting time of the game when you're losing your queen i'm just so perplexed why you play a 15 minute game and have 13 minutes on the clock when you hang a queen i just just does not seem like a very efficient uh you know way to but okay i mean listen what do i know about chess i don't know too much so um okay let's let's keep going e4 pierce defense oh aggressive very aggressive move it's not a good move because black just takes that's why you put the pawn there and then you take the queen that's just white has nothing so this is just not this is just not uh not good so um okay but knight d7 wow okay you gotta yeah you you gotta go here you gotta take as much space as you can that's what you got to do with the pawns okay i don't dislike it someone's gonna lose the battle for this pawn you got four attackers on it the probably the best thing to do is actually sack it and then try to like go here and get in this confuses people and then like if they play knight f8 this is just depressing you can just blast them okay bishop b5 uh-huh all right uh-huh great i love this uh push or take take long castle boss you can't go attack without yeah see now wha now what are you gonna do oh my god oh no and now here comes the bishop here comes the bishop that is not the bishop that you needed to move i mean what are you even doing why would you just go here there is a horse look around who can help attack the horse it's this what are you worried about here oh my god and yeah and now white is clapping and now now like h4 knight g3 vamos vamos vamos yes yeah oh beautiful yo if this happens i'm gonna get so hyped okay well that was oh sh wait the rook is hanging what is black doing black outside like oh got him i got him and then just hung the oh my goodness oh my goodness yeah well now now you're in trouble yeah oh but you hung a rook okay now but the rook comes down oh is it mate are you getting made it how you get made it here i wonder what the evaluation is obviously white is black is better black is better after check here here this king is better than the white king that's crazy oh my goodness and the only way to play is rook takes e5 because if takes then queen g5 king f7 queen h5 and mate on the next move either this or this and if you don't take back the best move is rook b8 threatening this that is idiotic computer shut your damn mouth you fool you don't know anything about chess h yeah i love that i love that i don't i don't even i don't even care if the computer hates it boom boom boom boom oh my god now you're definitely losing bro you should not have allowed this to take with you oh no you're losing oh f in the chat oh my god now i i would not be shocked if this is not the best move you need to give checks oh rook d8 probably right doesn't rook d8 just like rook d8 but then the knight comes back top engine move oh take with check oh god how do we do this how do we do this in ao king takes bishop by the way okay take oh that's it now you can't lose ah yo trade the queen stupid not and not not i don't care i don't want the random noob to win trade the queen you can't get mated now i'm scared again okay folks so in this position black can either take the bishop and get mated or play f5 and win the game this is guess the elo so i'm willing to bet that king takes bishop was played but this is also just the elo so i'm not sure that mate was played oh well i was wrong oh my god it's rough it's rafa ruff truff wow gotham sub winning down like 96 points of material yikes okay uh man the opening knowledge like borderline 600 you know um good principles though good principles you know kind of followed some logic uh yeah i'm gonna go with like 800 probably only 800 vibes yeah i'm getting like 800 solid 800 vibes completely accidental mate not set up whatsoever like like mid 800 definitely closer to 900 than 700. oh my god oh my i am the i'm the goat 820 versus 850. just build me a statue just build me i mean what are we doing here come on beauty unstoppable uh gotham it's the 29th in australia i want to know what time it starts i don't know what that means guess the elo i we don't have a set time this is not guys this is not a the late night show you know what i mean this is we just we just go i got time in my day i got energy can you speak spanish here we go d4 knight f6 bishop g5 we have the trompowski i just i just say that i just like to speak other languages so that people in uh in the comments of the youtube channel we'll be like what no espanol oh my god i have to tell everybody so you know that's just what i want thank you argentina yeah shout outs argentina y'all got good steak that's all i know about argentina bishop f4 alright trumpowski c5 and now uh d5 e3 f3 what are we doing okay look i very rarely swear and guess the elo oh oh oh oh oh random noob did that oh the noob did that oh i don't give i don't care then i i mean i mean this is this is legitimately the dumbest i've ever seen in my life i mean i never swear in these episodes because i want to keep it family friendly but listen parents if you were watching this with your child or child if you were watching this with your child like what the hell is that and then to put pawns on light squares we gotta make the name change all right here we go knight d7 fine i don't hate it danger levels but you're getting too exotic put the knight here or good now we're going bishop c5 oh check oh no then f4 no no don't listen to gotham i suck castle i don't lie but i don't hate that move b5 i love it okay castle yes i take fork now here there is bishop h7 this is a common trick here queen h5 all right all right all right all right all right all right yeah take it take it take it take the bishop take the bishop [Music] okay okay i don't hate that move i don't hate that move i don't oh oh oh oh oh does white see it does white does white see it okay okay now this is hanging now black is probably like dawn my plan was foiled and now i'm hanging two pawns yeah that that just expedites white's attack homie yo can you like take and then take and then like oh you're doing it oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my oh but then queen e5 but then bishop d6 oh i'm calling the whole game did i play this game okay how did we go from massive noob literally playing bishop takes b8 to rook d1 how did we to what oh my god wait bishop e6 is an absolutely brilliant move wait bishop e6 is absolutely genius the idea is that rook d6 the back rank is cleared and oh my god is that what happens oh no oh my god oh my god oh my god wait bro what nah nah nah come on come on what was that what was that what was that what was that what was that come on what was that game that was that what was that you what you you let your like your dog play the first five moves you you like let your dog just tap tap bark bark woof woof and what was that your dog played the opening and then and and then you guys just decided to be like gm's bro i would have i would have not even seen bishop e6 and bishop a3 like right here you're playing like carlos magnuson oh my god isn't bishop takes a line are you you really think that this is a variation white should be shot like for playing this move i mean with a paintball gun but like i mean you know like like point blank i mean like right in the rib i mean bishop b8 is like oh my god i don't i don't know like what do you want me to say uh come on would you guys like 500 and just cheated the whole game i mean come on what is this what is this i don't know i don't know 2100 i'mma no 1500 finds rook d1 bishop e6 like come on nobody nobody nobody nobody oh my goodness i don't know i i legit don't know i just don't know i don't know i don't know you 2400 that's my guess i don't know dude i you guys have ruined elo guesser i mean guess the elo i'm i'm mixing up the name of my series now i don't even you know what i'm not even going to guess how about that i'm not going to guess for the first time in in in guess the evil history b i'm not guessing yeah oh yeah okay you're 30 you're 1300 of course ah it's a daily game ah it's a daily game oh my god oh that makes a lot of sense that makes a lot of sense oh um you know now people are going to complain they're going to be like well gotham you should know that the time control you know because youtube has that benefit yeah i mean now i feel don't i feel stupid listen the 1300 with stockfish is better than magnus without time constraints that actually isn't true or with time constraints that's not true because you'll run you won't know how to analyze certain positions wow anyway um that was an intense game by the way you're allowed to use the engine in daily games i think i i actually don't think i i don't know but it's like correspondence or are you not supposed to are you not supposed to use it i'm pretty sure they say you can only opening books aha okay well that that is that never happens i mean everybody cheats i think but i mean if you have a day to come up with this then yeah you do well that kind of makes sense okay that definitely makes sense i mean whether the engines was you were used in this game or not it's a very nice move beautiful move very nice idea um okay cool white god bishop takes b8 from a book no definitely not all right d4 e5 the england gambit [Music] all right black is now better [Music] knight c3 can i explain bishop e6 what do you mean what do you mean explain bishop e6 did you not just see what happened sir this is how teachers must feel and people don't pay attention in class okay this is not a daily game this is losing because bishop takes f2 oops castles oh and by the way if anyone's confused it's because knight g4 check queen takes bishop [Music] black is just better if you don't accept the england gambit by pushing you just get a terrible position all right knight to d7 bishop to b5 that oh i love this rook b8 yes yes yes oh god what a bad move why would you do that okay i kind of like this though uh computer doesn't oh my oh oh oh i'm just sad now i mean to be honest oh god oh oh bishop b5 oh i'm not sad anymore oh oh you got your it's made otherwise welcome to the land of the triple digits it's the wild wild west everybody just shooting from the keep like oh my god it's like trying to shoot a target while riding on a horse oh it's so great oh my goodness oh my goodness oh my goodness wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait white just doesn't get white does not care about all the all the pieces are going to get locked away they're both hanging oh what a move that's such a good move oh don't hang your bishop though okay or get to yes yes yes yes and you see here folks now what we've got is an end game between two players who are probably in the double digits it's king two rooks and an r and five pawns each versus king two rooks and a knight and five pawns each we've got king to g3 and after knight to e4 disallowing the king to escape king is going to be forced into captivity on those foils h5 good move h of course h5h1 beautiful sound beautiful stuff e4 [Music] wow this is a oh god it's just take the ball it's free okay rook fade oh now you lose a pawn are you gonna get are you gonna mate night that oh oh this is scary oh here comes the night here comes the night or the pawn the knight of the i don't hate that move now does white remember they have a pawn no of course not oh my god it's got to be mate there has to be mate where's the mate there has to be a mate okay well you can go like here and then like here and probably take this no computer finds rook d2 shut up computer you know nothing about me uh-huh okay this is what happens okay does white realize that rook is still hanging yes okay oh white is now winning now white is back to winning ah ah now it's a draw after rook d2 it's a draw king g3 oh but there is zero percent chance that black finds this yeah yeah i mean the idea is crazy what an idea and if this than this and then you're just in time to stop the pawn that's that's crazy nah no way no way yeah and now white is oh clean clean never in doubt i never doubted you i know i never look at that oh clean up clean up what are you gonna make a second queen what are you doing oh oh you're taking the last pawn for good measure beautiful [Music] that was a fun game i had a lot of fun i think they um i honestly i already get we had 1 800 we had 1 800 but we might have more these these i'm kind of getting 800 vibes here man but that is such a garbage move now i'm gonna say like say like high 600 low 700 that's my guess let's go take a look oh no uh no no no no a thousand a thousand how did a 980 just bro they spent 11 seconds they spent 11 seconds on this move do you think do you think folks i have a question for you do you think that they saw this brilliant brilliant brilliant move do you think that black saw this or got really lucky what do you guys think do you think do you think do you think black black soldiers the whole time saw this it's still winning i mean white should have gone i think here to attack the knight and this but uh computers shut up computer you know nothing i know everything computer a sigma male mindset computer you you don't scare me all right deform oh gotham noob gotham new i mean well gotham noob uh-huh you were the first person to send the gaming discord why are you not featured because that's not how it works that's not it doesn't work like that i try to give everybody a chance whether you're first last or in the middle it's not first come first serve you can wait a little bit you know all right copycat little copycat action nice all right now the copycat all right well this is kind of dumb i mean h5 is a little bit you know strange all right now we just go back to playing normal chess okay yeah oh the bishop's trapped oh black is a genius look at this look at this i mean black start coming from a mile away wow awesome i love it okay now white just only likes horses thank you paradox paradox salad i remember you from a clip video you got 1800 i remember you all right here here [Music] good i mean i would have taken a pawn with check but that's neither here nor there okay beautiful take the b-pawn fine i didn't even know you could still castle oh is the rook trapped clean clean game okay minus the bishop taking stuff uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh oh no oh no oh wow that was uh this was a very calm game nothing really happened it sometimes i just go through a game and i'm like all right i'm kind of sad we're going to end on a sad note so we need to do something funny at the end of it so since since we're gonna be ending on a sad note um i'm gonna uh i'm gonna uh i'm gonna guess that this game was played by um [Music] let's see who played this game let's say like 1100 all right let's take a look 1100 is my guess uh 575 yeah that's com that's completely nuts uh that um anyway so since uh that game did not have a ton of content i will end you with armpit farts okay here you go and now that is a good way to end the episode
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 669,421
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: HKx_VfcPJlU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 59sec (2099 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 19 2021
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