Cheater Or Grandmaster?? (GTE 29)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to your favorite series here on youtube guess the elo this episode is absolutely bananas there is one game in it where a player plays so unbelievably that i think they're either cheating or a grandmaster i'm making a joke but you get the point before we jump into the games shout out once again to the sponsor of this video they sponsored me for the next six months so you're gonna be hearing about them a little frequently surf shark surf shark is a vpn or a virtual private network which allows you to encrypt your connection to the internet so you can browse it privately and anonymously you want to stream a show like brooklyn 99 which is unavailable in your country use surfsharkvpn you want to check some secure information like banking or an email while traveling use surfsharkvpn oh and my favorite you want to save some money when you're buying airplane tickets because those damn airlines are charging you whatever they want select a different country on 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you still watching go click the link let's get back to the video e4 i'm the john oliver of chess streamers is that is that good that is that high praise oh grand prix attack close yeah i mean sort of you allow this so you know i feel like you know what i feel like white did here i feel like white learned the vienna and just played the vienna just plays the vienna against everything uh this is the this is only this is the vienna this is um this is only this is don't don't th this is not the vienna also i just made a video on the grand prix attack so go learn it because you guys complained for so long about the grand prix attack yeah you're not supposed to take on d5 um and uh yeah now oh oh oh oh trap it g4 f5 g4 g4 g4 g4 g4 g4 g4 g4 g4 g4 and g4 j4 still it's still possible oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh oh oh what is that what is that what is that hangs the bishop two ways oh oh oh my god what the what is that what is that what is that oh my god did you take it thank you thank you you won right you're going to win oh god did you smothered mate your opponent [Applause] yes by the way i skipped the entire game just seeing if you were gonna trap the bishop um this was actually a pretty decent game other than the fact that you absolutely did not trap the bishop just the very quick g4 f5 traps this bishop for um so you missed the opportunity to trap this bishop for for 14 moves you had 14 turns to trap the bishop imagine missing a tactic for 14 moves in a row your bishop your bishop had enough being a member of the catholic church and decided to just to just walk in front of a train your bishop was like i'm good just please just i'm and this dude i'm done i'm so done i don't want to i don't want to be oh my god oh wow uh no pun intended um okay so the rest of the game actually was pretty well controlled but i'm getting like strong 900 vibes here i'm getting like you know good move you played very well you play you did play very well and uh you played pretty pretty clean game your opponent gives me let's think about this for a second so opening wasn't great but it wasn't terrible the play was pretty controlled but you did miss g4 f5 for a while but the play was actually very controlled no crazy i mean this was ridiculous but that also could have been a blunt like a like a mouse lib so uh i am going to say that bishop c4 was actually a mouse slip and g4 f5 was missed for a move so i'm gonna say actually 11 to bad opening but other than that not so bad so let's go take a look i'm gonna say 11 to 1200 1285 versus 1263 i wanted to say 12 to 1300 but i don't know i didn't feel like black played that well yeah not bad i was uh off i was off but not by too much yeah i i felt like bishop b5 was a slip and um the game actually didn't have such crazy drastic blunders so uh you know you did you yeah i mean i don't know how it doesn't qualify every move that you never played g4 mistake but anyway that was fun that was good that was good first game a lot of content on that first game you just did not play g4 uh that that provided us a lot of good content all right okay boom you're a thousand and you saw g4 it's a lot easier to see g4 when you watch a game and when i'm yelling the move for about five minutes in a game you would have never seen g4 don't lie to yourself all right don't lie to yourself you gotta you gotta be honest with yourself okay next game scandinavian queen d6 wow this is the critical approach bishop f4 uh not no no no no no you can't get hit with e5 you have to play bishop g2 first oh okay okay okay very good uh black should play in the center and figure it out knight d4 i don't i'm not crazy about that move you're gonna trade some pieces here okay so white is better here oh my god the rook the rook is just going off the rook is just going it's just going for a walk i mean it's just and you're gonna get trapped that rook is gonna get lost in the forest and it's gonna die and black i mean white should have probably played bishop d2 yo trap the rook bro probably like c4 don't let it move okay you're not going to trap the rook what are you doing why would you let the rook just live there i don't know why i'm cheering for the godmother sub by the way we don't actually know this isn't i got mothra sub we're just uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh gobble gobble gobble gobble yo you should have set a trap you should have played this that would have been nasty and then like this oopsies got hims you say you play rookie one you say oh no my c2 pawn that's how you set traps in chess don't damage your pawns like this now rookie 3 and rook c3 no way wait this is lost for white i think but maybe not guys why are you trading rooks in endgames you have no oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god black is black is lost and by the way the worst part is i really thought that white was going to play this move and then make a queen but white just starts to move their king stops pushing pawn starts to move their king shuffles their king back and forth and proceeds to lose the end game wait a minute they're not losing wait a minute they're not losing oh my god it's going to be made oh yo daddy's absolutely disgusting take the body out take the body out and bury it oh you are mean you are mean gotham sub oh wow i'm not cheering for any of the subs i'm cheering for good moves okay so stop absent-mindedly trading pieces and end games also activate your pieces in end games you gotta play look at this look at the savage move c3 look at that move if you take its check oh that's that's that's gross i just broke but also that's gross c3 is a nasty move um yeah you cannot damage your pawns like this stop doing this to your pawns and like you gotta go you gotta play rook c3 here but black actually did something great rookie one you should not trade in end games unless you're 100 certain you know the result of this endgame and um when it's a three on two you need to see where the imbalance is the imbalance is the f pawn so obviously these two pawns will trade and create a pass pawn here okay now what should black do uh black should play as they played in the game and then here actually utilize the d-pawn and then come back and win these pawns the king dominates the other king it's kind of kinky but also you know king b2 and now because these pawns will march together ball yeah by the way you you you don't you don't need the h pawn you can just play this and then if h6 you play h4 but otherwise you just play like this you need to create that imbalance this game was such a catastrophe f takes g6 is a travesty and then not playing h5 h5 is yeah wow uh uh all right let's go back very weird and very weird middle game play very trade happy play uh very scatter brain play uh but not too many awful blunders and then no idea how to play the end game i want to say like also actually like last game maybe a thousand eleven hundred but then we get right here and this is this is this is a travesty okay this is i mean if this is like a 1300 in time pressure maybe but this gives me triple digit vibes so i'm gonna say like high 800 low 900 high 800 low 900 and i actually can't even go check because my recording froze oh now i can obs stopped lagging high 800 low 900 1115 versus 1092 and you know what the craziest thing is white closed their account white closed their account look at this a person's heart beating white decided to close their account after this game and to be honest i don't really blame them um i uh i i would probably close my account as well i'd probably close my account eight brilliant moves it says zero doesn't say eight wow what a game that was a battle i feel like i became a better person looking at that game okay next game yes this right here is why you watch guess the elo e4 e5 queen f3 you already know is going to be a good game h3 knight c6 c3 okay okay strike in the center yes this person watched my video queen takes trade that sucker now black is just better black's got two nights out ah ah yes um you can probably hit him with one of these which is a gross move and then if bishop e6 you can jump in with the horse like check like this and then dig back but anyway knight a5 that's a professional move all right relax relax relax where are you going with the pieces castle you're king yeah you got nothing you gotta get out of there what are you doing develop your other pieces good take the knight castle boss what is g5 what is that why are you playing g5 for for what for what reason there's no need for that what why there's just castle thank you h5 good now now it makes sense don't hang your bishop get kick the night out kick the knight yes i love this oh my god this is so smart good move by white not to open the position yes take oh i'm playing am i playing with the black pieces yes yes yes oh god oh my god yes oh my god yes oh this advantage is so big oh it's so big yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes oh clean absolutely clean wow wow my phrasing could have been better on the explanation there it's okay my goal is that if you watch this and your parents hear you they're like what are you watching and then you're like i'm just watching i'm watching gotham it's not any adult entertainment so um yeah and if you're watching this with your kids then well yeah anyway uh man really bad opening play uh so black played this game really well and white did not play really well but played solidly so what are we thinking actually black played a very decent game very decent game like i mean i think like white just decided to play some stupid opening and then black just played very well uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh uh say like thirteen hundred again like like thirty like thirteen fourteen hundred actually black played so well i gotta give black credit fifteen hundred fifteen hundred admittedly a blitz game but 1500 damn damn zam oh my god wow yeah and obviously like i said it was just a high rated player who decided to play queen f3 so the opening didn't tell the secret the story of that game all right gotham sub rose and sub the the eternal battle for glory which opening do i prefer for 1100 vienna kings indian attack or london london or vienna why are you playing the king's indian attack no one understands how to play king's indian attack or defense b bishop to e7 very interesting move wow professional look at this c3 d4 bishop g4 the pin yes all right now million dollar question does black play the move knight to h5 in this position which is top engine move no now it's a lot worse now because you lost the pawn the pawn is supposed to help you get to f4 that's what that's what you're trying to do here you're trying to use the pawn to get to f4 right so edie yeah wow wow top engine that's actually why because now this knight is hit yo this is a high level game e takes d4 is the top engine move it's not it's not watch give it a little time watch yeah you see it doesn't say it's the top engine move anymore so um king h2 bishop h4 are you know attacking the f2 square nah nah nah you you guys misread it you just don't know how to read engines it's okay i get it triple digit rating and all that you don't you don't wanna read the engine okay so you see the problem black stock piled all their pieces and um uh and now yeah the center is really fat here sorry i shouldn't wait shame the center oh e4 is just hanging yo king to f8 for real for real king to f8 why though for what what were you afraid of you were afraid of queen takes h5 you were afraid of this why didn't you just move the knight just move the knight back and attack the pawn like what were okay anyway wow uh-huh oh now you're winning probably oh but you're not going to sack your i will never talk about your sacks again i will never talk wait wait black found this is black cheating or is black a gm you found that and knight f5 top engine moved to attack the oh what a gangster what a sacrifice what a sacrifice oh my god that might have been the best game i've ever seen on guess the elo cap because you played some stupid moves but i ignited this was not good but oh my god no okay no disrespect your moves are great but please don't i'm just saying like don't get mad at call your move stupid please don't get offended um but wow yeah king of know what that was but then bro you just oh my god oh my god um yo i don't my i don't know i legit have no idea oh like 2 000 probably at least two like 1900 2 000 i think that 1900 2000 i'll tell you why the opening was not good i think higher rated players would have better openings i'm gonna say like 1900 2000. 1721 that's really impressive that was a really good game was it a 10 minute game it was a 10 minute game yeah wow wow wow stop calling people who play better games than you cheaters why are you guys so rude a 1700 rated player who works on their chest a lot played a good game of chess and you clowns are sitting in the chat going cheater cheater cheater like just because you've never played a game over 40 accuracy in your entire life does not mean that this person is cheating it doesn't mean they're cheating and if they're cheating well they just submitted a game for guess the elo so they're probably going to get banned all right so you know what i mean so why would a person submit a game forget the elo if they're going to get banned that doesn't make any sense but if you did if that person has cojones that big that they that's not ceo that's crazy what a what a game it's probably the best game maybe i've had three subs who did that and you're asking who what are you talking about i've never had a person get banned after guess the elo i have had people get banned after other episodes but never guess the elo i've had people get banned on how to win a chess people have gotten banned on uh random videos that volunteer to be on my like i had a guy volunteer to be in a video and then he got reported because he played a game at such high accuracy and then he was banned so wow look at that look at that this should be fine okay mr subscriber you have left your bishop to die so is black too afraid of taking this bishop because of this that's actually pretty wild the immortal that bishop oh finally well now now white is obviously going to win the game right yeah white is going to win the game oh how do you put a rook and a king on the same line and then you don't open the file boss oh and of course black you got to go here this is you got to go there because that cause then your knight hits everything also your queen should not be on a4 i don't know what the hell this queen is doing what is that it has no threats the queen's just smoking a blunt walking on the outskirts of town no need to do that you were never so mad when you saw hikaru in her job of draw four games i find that hilarious i choose not to get mad about that stuff i think it's so funny i think what i think people's reaction makes me crack up the most yeah because now black trades queens black trades queens oh uh oh that could be a problem yeah there's a zero percent chance this person plays rook g8 the engine wants to lose that pawn i mean lose the rook because it doesn't want to lose the pawns it thinks that this is like one this is this is this game is a complete nightmare i mean these players are barely making moves that make sense barely okay very good now here what you got to do is you got to play rook h8 so that this bishop has difficulty moving although b6 bishop b7 is possible um but then you can play like this and the king is going to slowly run out of space rook h1 or cage seven you're just dominant here because of your pawns good why are you giving away your puns for what oh for that yeah because you're very smart that was the plan obviously did you was that was that the plan or did you just get lucky you hung a rook wow wow game over damn damn this game was so weird white just played aggressively i mean it it felt like white bumped the line before the game began like white just was like i'm gonna like [Music] and then white just played the whole game like that huh no there's got to be a triple digit game right there's no way this game is quadruple digits there's no way there's a zero percent chance it's gotta be like a gotta be like a like a it there's there's enough game there's enough of a strategy that like it's still like eight nine hundred eight nine hundred for sure like maybe maybe white has won so many games like this that they're just like i'm a sack my bishop i don't even care do i think i'm the best chess youtuber hands down obviously between the jokes between the instructional content and the entertaining content and uh a fresh kind of voice for chess sarcasm not too uptight yeah 100 do i think there's other youtubers that are maybe better on the educational side or something yes who are more focused on that absolutely but in terms of giving you the whole package absolutely i don't give the whole package i'll give all the package to one person but uh you don't anyway uh 900. if this game is a thousand i mean it's a catastrophe nah nah no no no no no no no no no no no no
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 553,042
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess game analysis, chess analysis, beginner chess lessons, guess the elo, guess the elo chess, middlegame chess, chess middlegame, chess middlegames, chess lessons, chess lesson, chess tips, chess strategy, how to play chess, how to win at chess, guess the elo gotham, gothamchess guess the elo
Id: X0J2Lq2z2Vk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 19sec (1699 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 02 2021
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