Gothamkinator (Guess The Elo 7)

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welcome my friends to guess the elo episode  number seven a series where i analyze my twitch   subscriber games live on stream and based on  the moves i try to guess the ratings of both   players i have nothing else to say  in this introduction you're amazing   keep being awesome let's go we're  gonna start with alex e4 good what okay um okay okay okay not bad good of course so far very little so far i know very little okay this is like that's like 1500 plus backwards night move to  trade off bishops okay wait a minute wait a minute   and then as i say that you go here never mind  i was just about to give you props and then you   recreationally did this okay so you basically just  wanted to show your opponent you know that knights   move backwards uh and then you just decided to  take because you could and give away a bishop   even though you have three central pawns on light  squares and you've traded off your darts for   bishop okay okay a4 i would just take with the c  pawn but okay fine uh that's a good question just   learned chess three weeks ago what is a reasonable  amount of time to get to a thousand it all depends   on a lot of things it depends how much you study  depends how uh how well you absorb information   and how you how infrequently you make mistakes  because some people will um some people will   make the same mistake 40 times before they learn  so uh give yourself three months of good study   and then if you do it in two months you'll feel  great and if you don't do it you only spend three   months so f3 that's not a good move now black  should just go attack on this side of the board f4 what's up sharky good wait b7 is hanging okay so black completely switches the what is black doing what is black doing what   is black dude it's like black had a  challenge move your pieces as far as possible okay oh bishop back to e7  god have mercy on my soul good white just continues to just focus on yo  what is black doing oh my god like no cap what   is black doing dude white is just super casually  oh my god just queen b8 yo what what just happened   what was that okay i think oh my god yo  uh i think white is like 1400 if i have to   give you an estimate for white's rating  i think white's like 1400 like 13 1400   black i guess the same might i mean i don't know  yeah i'm gonna say 13 1400 let's go take a look i was right in fact they are the exact same rating  in fact at the end black had a minute extra on   time wow yeah i think i think there were 13 1400  i think black is like drunk i don't know yep black's got to be black probably played on their  phone they were on the work break you know they   they had they like went to the bathroom right  before a big corporate meeting i mean you know   the guy playing looks like a you know corporate  kind of guy look at him nice profile picture   you know wait black is 1700 rapid and played  like that yeah i mean black was distracted   like what is black doing what is this oh  it's a three plus two game yeah i mean   black is playing at light speed yeah black just  played too fast it it it was pretty clear but   yeah i could tell it was like 13 1400 so it's good good start all  right let's go back to maine let's take a look game two gotham  sub with the black pieces here we go e4 e5 that's either the danish gambit or white  just doesn't know that pawns can be taken   clearly black does not know pawns can be taken d5 good wow you know what's crazy i think you  can take this like take take queen h4 check but we don't need to do that good oh okay good follow the yellow brick road okay wow oh no no no no no no no no no no no no  no no no no no no no no no no no no no all right look i'm not gonna lie to you this is  one of the worst games i've ever seen as part   of this series i can't mince words this is like  episode seven and i've never seen a game this bad   um black is playing actually pretty well okay  black is playing pretty well black missed this   but for the most part is playing a good game how  long is that knight okay there that answered my   question now you need to do a pawn break to open  up the position right see black is only playing   with pieces and white is only playing with pawns  good good start good yes and now you're gonna see   how how easily the position opens up once you pawn  trade and there you go i mean that wasn't a pawn   trade that was just the throw of a pawn now you're  oh good okay so see how you attack the queen once   literally if we go back look at that you attack  the queen in the same exact way right here see   and if you had just thought about  that right here you just win the queen   how do you find a move like this checks  captures attacks this is my only check   these are my only captures they're all  bad attacks how do i attack the queen okay   nice okay you're working on it  working on it nice good good   nice nice beautiful nice there you go there you go  crushed beautiful okay i'm not gonna lie though um oh i'm gonna say absolute ceiling is 700. i  think that absolute ceiling is 800 i think   if black is like 790 i'm okay with it but if  white is any higher than 650 poker checkers i mean just something that's not chess probably i mean just probably not chess  all right let's take a look makes sense yeah yeah makes sense and gotham  sub is uh 680 so yeah it all made sense   it all made sense black played well like given  the circumstances black played pretty well   so yeah i was gonna say bla like if black if white  is any higher than 700 like black like it's you   know it's time for another game also uh it's  a five minute game that means five minute game   uh white needs to learn openings i mean you  can't like y'all gotta stop playing chess   if you don't know anything about it i mean  i'm not even trying to be mean like chess   is so much easier than this you don't need to do  that you just gotta go learn some openings and   chess becomes so much easier that guy that guy  needs my beginner bootcamp honestly so how come   i speak perfect spanish uh estudia espanol  in la escuela anos pero no tenguna persona is that how i would say  that so i don't know oh yeah i forgot a word but anyway um practica  yeah see i forget certain words it's been   a very long time uh the last time  that i took any spanish was 2013.   so not bad for you know never speaking it for  eight years okay uh game three let's go vamos   uh i can say uh were random words though like  i can speak a little bit about about chess so   for example you know de cuatro de vecinco i  don't know how to say dutch defense but uh   uh okay f4 oh white was like i kind of like that  so white just copied you knight f6 good good   good okay you like them now  it's a very closed position okay i kind of hate to move bishop e6 but  this is really difficult position to play   yeah white plants it now of course you copy  good nice take it okay so huge trades early on   oh that's a terrible move c5 is a very  bad move c5 gives you huge central access okay c6 is just a i don't know what  c6 does okay so white's just not   wow what is going on in this game oh boy  oh we getting in there are we getting in   okay good rook b8 targets the bishop that's  just the free pawn you that there's nothing wait a second are you a genius there  is queen d2 that is the only move   of course white doesn't see that oh my  god did you come up with that on your own   all right so i'm gonna do something that new  yorkers call uh a chop or necking someone uh i think more more people call it  neck so i'm gonna i'm gonna do one   it's like when you say  something stupid so someone just slaps you on the neck so that was that was  done with me a5 rook b1 nice idea okay but now   did you get in there with the it's made in two  it's made in two spain two what what what what bro you a genius all right i'm double i'm double  necking i'm double necking myself i told you   a5 is just a free pawn and it won you the game  that pawn break to sack the rook oh my god dude   okay so before this moment like before this  you were playing like 800 and then you did like   some 1900 big brain it's like your older  brother walked into the room and was like   yo we're gonna be late a5 rook b1 queenie two  queen after come on come on oh man okay um okay so the opening is really difficult i mean  i'm gonna say nobody nobody 12 1300 develops   their pieces like this i think at that point  you would try to play more with your pawns uh oh man it's very tough because  such a close position uh very close position now you made like c5 is not a  good move taking is not great i'll say uh hi a thousand yeah high a  thousand that's my guess here we go guys ready unstoppable absolutely unstoppable absolutely  unstoppable absolute i cannot be stopped i   am lights out today i am lights out today high  1000 how because i'm a beast i don't know that is   not high that's not high 1000 80 of the way there  is not high god you sound like a you sound like a   party animal you sound like a like  a great person to have at parties um   wow that was good i feel good about that  one that was a good guess nice that was nice   that was good nice game i don't know i just i felt  that high one you know it kind of smelled like a   you know kind of smell like a high 1000  you know what i mean i got a good sense   of smell from new york you know what i mean  i walk down the street i smell you know i can   i can tell if it's piss or i can tell if it's you  know uh you know homeless person you know it's   that could be the same thing all right little bit  of uh there you go a little bit of new york city   uh humor there for you all uh let's  go back to uh let's go back to uh it could be our you know failing infrastructure  and sanitation department which doesn't   pick up garbage like for two weeks so  anyway um yeah no of course it's true   are you kidding me new yorkers have to know like  different sense of like pee and stuff it's like   anyway okay uh for this next one gotham sub is  white e4 e5 knight f3 d6 okay so like i said   either black knows the philidor  defense or black just moved the pawn okay great excellent bad move  already so bad bad bad bad bad but okay very nice now you  have the light scored bishop   standing nice and dominant castles free pawn yo what uh what is black doing like  white is just like playing normal moves   and just like winning take the knight okay fine actually wait are you a genius wait  you might be oh i gotta neck myself again   because if you take this with the rook or the  rook it's free night and if you take with the   knight this doesn't guard this anymore so actually  you're very tricky wow wow i have to neck myself   two necks in two games like  fournette um it kind of hurts a tricky move dude okay let's  see how you converted this i i i don't like that move because  i think that rook to rook here is   better because you at least have two  threats but okay you simplified great nice okay h4 dude you played like magnus carlsen and for one  game you play like magnus and carl you play like   the whole game you played like magnus carlsen then  here you played like carlos magnuson like what okay you just really like pushing pawns okay wow it paid off look at that king f4 you are so  tricky and i gotta neck myself again god damn you're crazy man beautiful pawn breakthrough wow look at that look at that what just happened why low time oh my god oh my god oh  my god oh my god man what bro bro bro dog boss oh my god i have no idea um high 800s  so first of all white played really well in the   opening like white just did normal things took the  center you know traded black blunder twice white   saw this white converted pretty well for a long  time very simple moves hung a bishop because you   know you have to uh and that because you're 800.  and then white was like well i have all these very   nice pawns yeah i'm gonna push them then black  obviously stopped that and then black forgot that   they were stopping it and then blundered this and  then white made a queen and forgot that to win a   game you don't need to take a pawn you should make  a second queen and then rather than stopping the   pawn from promoting they went to win the bishop  then they forgot they wanted to win the bishop   then they forgot that they wanted to stop the  pawn and then black forgot that there's another   pawn on the board so um wow a lot of forgetting  in this game i am going to say uh high 800s   low 900s they might be high 900s i'm gonna say  like between 860 and 960 okay that's my guess   okay very close very close very close but yeah very close but yeah  you guys did not play like 980s well   black is 920 so actually black fits my range   yeah this 95 on yeah intense again with  this intense like how was that intense like   actually that was kind of intense mildly it  was more intense than some of the other ones   all right nice game from the  austrian austria versus hungary nice european matchup there yeah you guys  made it intense i mean that shouldn't have   been intense and black played pretty badly in  the opening but all right last game last game   uh gotham sub has black let's look at it  from gotham subs perspective uh all right uh depends all right bishop g4 c3 e6 white gives a  check because they can oh wait a minute   wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute wait  a minute this is actually kind of dangerous   wait a minute this is of  wait a minute this is a trap this is a trap e6 is a blunder here you  actually have to go knight c6   this is a trap because now you're not pinned  anymore so you can move your knight normally   white develops the bishop so bishop b5 this  or knight e5 the whole point of moving the   queen out of the way either white is a  genius or has no idea what's going on okay so white has no idea what's going on take  the knight dude you put this here to take it   to damage the structure see black is like oh  i'm pinned don't know so okay white has no   idea what they're doing white is just going  for lots of pins black moves out of the way   oh maybe white doesn't know what they're  doing and black leaves the bishop but   luckily gets their own bishop okay bishop g7  and actually i like this position for black   believe it or not i mean i know that white  is better but i'd like this position for blo   that's aggressive wow that is aggressive oh  yes i love this e5 f5 here bang bang bang   mate let's go let's go yes uh probably  take it right and then king b8 nice move   knight d2 push the pawn or take push push no no  why would you open the lines for your opponent   no pawns are like thorns don't let your  opponent move don't take don't take oh   oh oh no oh no no oh man oh my god oh my god  oh my wait a minute this is the trickiest   move ever because ricky rook here there's  like this almost queen takes rook knight f1 yo what is going on so first of all  this is not a mate because rook takes we're just in the middle of all this  just beep bop i think white plays h3   uh-oh you better get mated wait but the  queen used to guard this square in 92. oh you scared that square it used to go that  square yo what on earth happened in this game   oh my god okay my friends uh blundering  knight takes d4 is completely inexcusable uh god what was this oh my what do you guys think what do you guys think i  honestly have no idea like   white played a trappy line this is a trappy line this is like that's a tr this  is a very tricky variation but then and then like white actually did  everything they were supposed to well sort of hmm like white didn't play badly long  castle was a crazy move e5 is a good move really the question is show us the trap i  already i already did the trap is that after   knight e5 the game is over because you hit  the bishop for free and you hit the knight   so like look if you move this  i just take and it's game over   for example queen d7 oh well the whole trap  is that after queen d7 there's bishop b5 and then look a6 c4 ouch okay uh i'm gonna say oh man i have no idea i have  no idea you know black did not play that poorly   if i really look at all these moves like  to be honest black did not play that badly   with the exception of this one horrible  move but like to find rookie eight   i mean are you kidding me to find rookie eight blundering this piece is pretty terrible queen  takes knight oh this is so hard this is so hard i have no idea no chad there's no way this blunder was made in  low time because how could black have found this   idea in low time it's ridiculous of you guys to  say that i mean black found a queen sack idea   if you take the queen i go check  here92 and it's like there's no way no i mean i i oh man this is so crazy so crazy hmm i'm going to be bold i'm going to say black is at  least 1400. i'm gonna say black is at least 1400 i'm going to say black is at  least 1400 this might be the worst   bet i've ever made but i'm going to say black is  1400 i really have no idea how to pinpoint this no black made oh man i don't know all right  i'll say black is 1400 let's go moment of truth   like 1400 to 1600 somewhere in there here we go  this is not the player we're gonna click ready   bang 1100 black is 1100 are you kidding me damn well i was wrong i was wrong yo i love how you guys say time pressure when  this guy literally played this move in four   seconds with 14 minutes on his clock and  he was in low time 14 minutes on the clock   you know maybe he looked away like like maybe  maybe roscoe right here was just like you know   he like had to go order something on amazon or  something he was like he was like i gotta go   my way you know gotta gotta get some i've been  promising to get you know buy my wife those uh   you know those new garden scissors we're gonna use  or whatever you know and then he's like knight d4 yeah wow well roscoe's puzzle  rush score is like eleven hundred 1300 puzzles do more puzzles man you're  gonna stop losing pieces wow that was fun   that was fun man you guys were right you  guys a lot of you were saying 1100 at the end   thought you were saying 1100 at the end you guys  were actually right that was fun though that was   fun what a wild set of games i was sharp but  at that time there i took too much of a risk
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 597,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess game analysis, chess analysis, beginner chess lessons, guess the elo, guess the elo chess, chess lessons for beginners, chess lessons for intermediate, middlegame chess, chess middlegame, chess middlegames, chess lessons, chess lesson, chess tips, chess strategy, how to play chess, how to win at chess
Id: YlQ53oOQPRo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 38sec (1718 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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