This Episode Cost Me $500 (Guess The Elo 24)

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to your favorite series guess the elo now this is going to be a very exciting episode as always but later on in this episode i make a bet and i lose it and i have to pay up in the form of 500 before that though i want to let you know that this episode is sponsored by surf shark surf shark is a vpn or a virtual private network which allows you to encrypt your connection to the internet so that you can browse it privately and anonymously we edit this part in by the way so i'm wearing something different sorry a vpn is great if you travel for business or pleasure you'll be able to access certain websites abroad that might be restricted otherwise you can also log into sensitive portals like bank accounts without any concern if you're just a regular user at home you can access certain streaming websites like hulu or netflix and get catalogs that are not available in every single country also using a vpn could allow you to avoid ads if you select the right countries but i probably shouldn't tell you that we can just edit this part out and the best part unlimited devices not three not five not ten unlimited something that other vpns cannot promise you you interested in surf shark take a look at the link in the description below use the promo code gotham and you'll get 83 off and three free months that comes out to 2.49 and if you hate it you got 30 days to get your money back let's get back to the video e4 c6 okay uh well black doesn't know their openings beyond move two that's okay you're supposed to take but it's okay uh clearly white also doesn't know that you're supposed to go here well actually black was playing the campomanes attack that's that's what black was doing it wasn't yeah black actually had an idea uh-huh okay bishop g5 yep [Music] wow so does black go e6 and then win this knight as well f6 that's not a good move yeah now there uh oh okay i don't know what a4 is that's that's uh i mean of course you should go a3 and b4 but okay that's neither here nor there this is a gangster knight right now takes on e5 okay takes takes takes that knight is still vibing rook b1 rook b1 what the hell is that move i don't know what you're doing that move makes i guess knight d3 cd not even queen takes oh no the knight is getting evicted oh danger levels oh wait oh wait it's not danger levels because that's ah oh when danger levels dangers your level this might be the last episode i record like ever what is king d7 man this is ykk oh queen h2 oh queen h2 queen h2 oh oh check okay take the oh no why what about your knight no what about his knight why is the night just hanging okay white resigned i mean i'm not gonna lie folks i'm not gonna lie to you okay you know me i'm i'm not a politician i'm not gonna lie to you it is very difficult to play chess when you don't know your opening beyond move two but it's also really difficult to play chess when your opponent just gives you a bishop for a pawn and then proceeds to lose all their pieces like this would check that's nice that's really nice i must say 800. hello levy i met you in italy i'm not gonna lie big boss i have never been to italy so you need to lay off the drugs that was not me and if it was a white guy with a beard we we're not the same i'm gonna say like seven 750 to somewhere in the very low 800s and if it's anything higher i'm a fight like we fighting this is not a joke okay my streaming software is lagging again there we go it's not lagging anymore all right wow not even 587 yo singularity you are really good for a 587 you are really good for a 587 dude really good god damn i'm 500s okay i mean listen y'all get a little bit more credit this is like this is like guess the age um in the sense that like imagine i was at a chess tournament and i saw this game played i'd be like wow what a terrible game but then you were like well that was played by four-year-olds and i was like oh well now i feel bad you know i it's different if four-year-olds play the game or if adults play the game okay because if four-year-olds played this game then i'd be like oh well that's like actually a very good game so the fact that you're both below 600 is really impressive i thought y'all both were like hundred so singularity is a beast and should be happy and if it's four-year-old magnus no no no no no anyway all right with that shirt you look like harry potter killed voldemort and then went to hawaii uh this shirt hold on guys this shirt has skeletons on it i don't know about hawaii this is not a shirt with fruit on it or something okay anyway i'm not saying that 500s are four years old you're just twitch users so you need to like find ways to twist my words into a way that i offended somebody you should probably go to and look for jobs instead all right here we go e4 c5 knight c3 all right it's not a sponsor no but if they want to sponsor me yeah by all means knight c6 all right we have a close sicilian this is a very good opening 92 knight f6 wow okay d4 and now we have a big trade now this is just better for white and the e5 is very strong black has to go d6 here and they don't so now e5 is very good and of course white doesn't play it and of course black doesn't defend e5 and of course white doesn't play e5 and of course black continues to allow them well actually now e5 would run into knight g4 which would be a problem so okay 92 so 92 is actually an exceptional move because it takes the game from plus point four to losing on the spot first of all queen takes e2 just wins the game second of all the entire idea of putting the queen on h5 is to then play knight g4 and mate you so the fact that white did not even anticipate this and the queen hanging as well and just got hit with this stop made and lost the queen is really tragic but got two pieces for it admittedly you know what i think white is still going to win this game that's my bet i bet you white is still going to win this game in fact it's a draw look at this danger levels the queen is no escape it can't escape at all it's just the draw now now the best thing to do is to repeat moves now of course that doesn't happen this is guess the elo wait oh that did happen well neck wow and black just sacked the queen oh that's fascinating okay c3 oh no does the game end like this oh thank god okay i thought it was gonna no oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no ah okay so this is how this game went grand master chess grand master chess this is a game played by two gms but they don't wanna play e5 now they're playing like one hundreds now they're playing like one hundreds now they're playing like grand masters again now they're playing like grand masters again grand masters again grand masters at one thousands okay um so what do i think of the move knight to e2 this is this move is so bad it is astoundingly bad like your opponent is threatening you with a firearm okay with a bazooka like they have shown up with the bazooka and the way you defend yourself against the bazooka is you don't even acknowledge it and instead decide to hit yourself in the face with a hammer like that they still have the bazooka and now on top of that you are hitting yourself in the head with a hammer just just for for extra wow how many rating points do i estimate because of this move knight e2 uh man i don't know 1200 i'm gonna estimate 11.90 no no no no no 12 10 to 1260 right there in the 1200s this game is in the 1200s easy 92 is a poopy move but night but yeah yeah yeah because queen a5 queen h5 is ridiculous queen a5 queen nature i mean that that is a relatively high level plan relatively all right let's take a look it's is it too late to submit a game for the elo gestures today um uh uh yeah but you can keep donating money oh oh on money 1270 and 1285 so good i'm so good i'm the goat i am the goat i'm the goat was that a sheep noise i don't know i don't go to many zoos i am the goat money sniper bang all day every day tomorrow and yesterday next year and this year i got i got some flakes in my hair i gotta i gotta use my anti-dandruff shampoo uh anyway that's neither that doesn't matter i guessed it correctly i'm so good at this new york city has four zoos no dude it's new york city does not have four zoos okay it's like those illusion exercises you know how many squares are in this square new york city is a zoo it's one zoo all the other zoos are baby zoos it's one zoo in yeah it's like one giant zoo anyway great game thank you for providing that content excellent game keep playing keep keep doing your thing all right g3 e5 very good okay fian fianchito good i love this if they don't take it you take it if they don't take the center you take the center yes yeah well you hung a pawn but okay well of course they're not gonna take it nobody who plays like this is actually gonna realize their bishop can take the pawn okay this person just saw a hikaru video once where hikaru did this so now they fianchetto both bishops they're not actually they don't know the bishops can move beyond that okay if new york city is a zoo what animal are you i just said i just said i'm the goat okay knight c6 very good okay there yeah perfect why would you put your bishop on a long range diagonal and then just close it obviously yes just completely block it in that totally makes sense okay don't take with the bishop put your night in the middle but not a bad move this is the cheekiest move i've ever seen it's a it's an awful move make no mistake this is an awful move it literally plays on one trick it's a really bad move but it's very cheeky here's why it's bad because this is the only threat you can barely have and then after this now i am threatening to take because i'm protecting everything and you need to go back so it's you know i like it i like the idea and of course it works of course it works and now you win a rook because do you understand how little sense white what white makes here they put the bishop there on the second move of the game the first move of the game was designed to put the bishop there on the second move for the rest of the game they boxed in their bishop and then they lost it i mean how little of it this doesn't make any sense get out of there good good good perfect yes nice nice nice nice nice okay simplified jump the night to the middle my yes yes yes take it with the pawn e pawn normally you take with a c pawn but here's the e pawn hit the hit the queen okay i don't hate you did it happen okay i really don't like that you took this i like you mating them and this is where the game ends with black up 21 points of material bang okay so this is obviously hikaru playing with the black pieces against a player during the tricks only speed run um no you played great uh the early pawn blunder you lose a little bit of points white if white is even one one point higher than 800 one point i will give that many subs for every point oh god wait imagine white is like 2 000. i can't give that many subs i'm capping it at 100 subs how about that i'm not i'm not going bankrupt in case white just had an aneurysm that day here we go i'm gonna guess that it's about 7.50 let's take a look but if it's anywhere oh my god i'm so scared no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no 1088 no [Music] no no how are you 1088 do you understand that i would have had to drop a thousand dollars because of this i mean how trash can you be this would have cost me 1400 no how are you 1088 and playing like that how are you so bad okay okay okay i'm gonna gift i'm gonna guess i'm gonna gift hold on i'm gifting i'm gifting i'm gifting i'm gifting right now holy moly that is so bad okay i have to give myself subs geez louise apples and peas oh that's echo gifts a sub gift i have to spend five hundred dollars unbelievable because that purchases all right here we go good thing i said good good thing i said oh god i cannot believe okay there's the hundred gifted subs wow unbelievable at least i kept my word of course i mean i listen thank you i appreciate the other people gifting subs wow kaden x gave 20 subs i appreciate it by the way if anybody else wants to hit that button you just it's like three clicks and if your paypal is already linked it's just you don't even think about it just anyway youtube this is what happens on twitch um i just lost five hundred dollars because of this game oh okay outstanding those were one thousands all right game number four that's why you should all sub with prime click subscribe click subscribe for free e4 tarash french wow wow okay not bad not bad not h6 always good there's a way to trap your queen here like this get your queen trapped very tragic thank you for all the gifted subs folks i appreciate you ver what is that move what is this no but actually what is this is this like some computer prep is queen a4 like the best move are you cheating like what is this okay no it it makes no sense okay okay normal normal okay black is fine black is vibing black is vibing yeah this is going to be a very unprofitable video at this rate but um okay good uh not a great move because there there's there's no point in damaging your structure but it's a very tough position to play this is like a worst nightmare position for 1200s or 1300s it's just not a good yeah you're damaging your structure okay well now you're justifying everything white is doing black needs the knight here on that square rookie 8 accomplishes very little tough tough tough position so now white is much better because you've gotten oh and that's exactly what white did rookie seven yeah now now f4 well that also happened oh wow oh wow see now you should control the knight with a move like g3 wait all of this happened so now you should move your bishop out of the way okay king f2 is not a terrible move now it's a question of do you trade both rooks okay white clearly wants to and black does and doesn't even think about losing this pawn loses this pawn and now push you push the wrong pawn what the hell what is that do you not see this big boy what is this impossible you pushed the wrong pun damn it yeah and now the king well the king actually can't get close to be honest oh my god that is the worst night of all time worse than that tinder date you went on yep gobble gobble gobble take the pawn but now the king is close wow it's a complex game i think white is white is still winning though oh savage savage savage now there's so many this money bang if you take the oh my lord what a tactic what a tactic oh my goodness what a move wow i don't know man you know i actually i'm getting th this game no joke had like no blunders i mean it had like slightly dubious positional decisions but it really had no blunders like think about it look at this game it was just a positional game okay a3 was a garbage move a3 was a terrible move but other than that like okay even a3 everything that was done was really well done and then immediate like actually i think white played at 90 easily um you almost say like no joke i must say like 1600 because no one higher than that place queen a4 i don't know what the hell this is although to be honest this could be like a 1900 who's been on reddit chess for like 10 years and it's like well i know that my opponent wants to fianchetto the bishop which is how it's pronounced by the way um but if i play this and then they go here well they're alive one time and they're not fianchettoing so they're putting the bishop on the wrong squat meanwhile this actually changes nothing and you've just wasted your time right and as a at the same time as coin maneuver you get my coin to an advantage square something like that um yeah i must say like 16 1700 16 1700 let's take a look i'm so good i'm so literally 16 12 16 40. 16 12 16 40. i knew it i i knew it if it was any higher i just i'd wow when i bet well yeah i'm but listen i'm so good i'm so good am i am i not good this is why you tuned in to watch this because this is so good this is premium content you understand premium 29.99 a month amazing wait the sub gift game was a bullet game oh suddenly that begins to make sense oh well it's okay that cost me 500 he shouldn't have told me that now i feel stupid it's okay it's okay it's good to get nobody else then i'll just edit that out of youtube youtube will have no clue it was a bullet game no idea every time i say that i don't actually edit anything because it's hard i don't have a video editor i edit 99 of all my own stuff so if ever something happens that i need to edit out i'll always make a little note on my sticky notes over here like what minute of the recording something happened it's a good system i have it's a good system like i i listen i run two youtube channels completely by myself so we chillin all right benoni defense who's the one percent if i need to edit like something cool or throw in an advertisement plug or something like that all of my ad plugs are made by daily dose of chess wait isn't e5 like winning isn't this like winning here yeah yeah dude you're supposed to go d6 guys you you need to stop allowing your opponents to stomp over you like this why not guess the elo on the website elo guesser because that's what people do for bootleg guess the elo this is the og you know that's all those people doing all that i respect the grind but this is where it's at this right here is the og knight d7 a4 so this is the way the benoni is played no no not just hikaru they all do it eric nemo listen everybody's guilty everyone is guilty and all of them i respect the grind but this is where it's at right here right here i'm the the realest the realest hardest hitting 145 pounder right here all right they tko people when i knock people out they don't move all right anyway the plans in this position are rookie 8 c4 knight c5 that is the way the benoni's supposed to be played you're supposed honey i shrank the chess board i got too excited there we go sorry that was like a wait no that's still slightly off is that better oh sorry this is like a live reenactment of me in the bedroom just shrinking um okay there we go cool looks good right looks good outstanding okay great rookie one knight e5 knight c4 good i like this this is really nice this is really nice rookie two queens what is queen c7 like what what is that move where is your queen going can you play like this at least like what is queen c7 this is the most flaccid move i've ever seen good this is better i like how white has progressively like if we go back five moves to like right here a4 since this moment white has progressively played the worst moves imaginable like rookie like what is that and then what is that and then like what is that what none of these moves makes that look at all good black's position this is why the banoni's nice that's why the monone's nice and i'll put the knight on g6 oh beautiful beautiful everything about black's position is good now okay i would have taken pro i would have taken with the pawn actually but i like knight ce5 too knight f4 yes yes oh the whole okay what is that what is why why wh for just take take go here jesus what is this i get i would be willing to bet that rook is going to cause some problems oh no it turns out that you're a genius okay well yeah i mean white is voluntarily throwing at this point i mean not guarding their own rook just calmly free rook mist wait when i didn't even see that but yes the point stands what is black doing i mean this is such a nasty game no no neck i've slapped my neck enough um this is such a nasty game this game shows you how to dominate your opponent in benoni positions even if you play so poorly for so long you can still win the game like effortlessly boss man you gotta play a move like rookie three here set up some okay i can't lie to you this is this is actually why i tell people not to play the bononi because first of all you were dead lost on move six you are telling me that a 1600 rated player hung a p it's not really a p sang but it could have been uh yeah you should not allow e5 um blank meanwhile played like very reasonably and then just did like nothing i mean just did like nothing the entire game and oh my i gotta go take my laundry out okay that scared the crap out of me so um really good game black mist free rooks galore black miss like one move wins but black did nothing and yet still dominated isn't that amazing so i'm gonna say 1100 high 1100 low 1200 that's what we're ending on because both of them played so poorly that if they're any higher rated than that i'm gonna vomit wait oh my god they're fifteen hundred oh my god they're fifteen hundred now look i won't lie to you the person who played with black deserves to be 1500 but and what was the time format okay it was three like black deserves to be 50 black played okay black played fine but white wow do you get to see me vomit um
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 509,488
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess game analysis, chess analysis, beginner chess lessons, guess the elo, guess the elo chess, middlegame chess, chess middlegame, chess middlegames, chess lessons, chess lesson, chess tips, chess strategy, how to play chess, how to win at chess, guess the elo gotham, gothamchess guess the elo
Id: m9-mg4m6IW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 42sec (1902 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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