I'm So Good At This... (Guess The Elo 8)

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welcome back everybody to another episode of  guess the elo this is episode 8 and in this   series i analyze my twitch subscriber games live  on stream without knowing what their rating is   and based on the moves i try to guess what  rating they are as always if you want to get   in on a future episode make sure that you are  a twitch subscriber and a member of the discord   i've got nothing else to say let's go here  we go d4 from gotham subscriber already   loved the guy beautiful move clearly an  owner of the gotham chess london course   available at www www.gothamchest.com  uh great course uh and so after d5 we okay well i mean clearly this person has my  course but just hasn't had a chance to look at it   uh because um you know they have been busy with  work or with school um so you know they just   go back to the queen's gambit uh which is fine  you know queen's gambit queen's gambit declined   we get night out to c3 night out okay so so far  so good actually this is what i play with white   like i play like this now what does black play  here okay classical queens gambit declined   now of course you can also play bishop  b4 ragozan c5 semitarish vienna semislav   you know there's a lot there's a lot so bishop  to e7 bishop to g5 this is a classical main line   okay this is the first move that that  is kind of like it's a normal move but   of course you would rather put your bishop on the  more active square um but bishop there's nothing   wrong with this now for black it's actually funny  like if you're gonna play c5 you would rather your   knight be on c6 and we can start putting up the  uh the engine here um yeah actually speaking of uh   the knight on d7 here actually like like  joking aside it's the game between um   it's the game between uh irene and dewa keep us  like i'm not even joking i'm like in the game he   developed like this with with white and i was  like this is not um this is not the best way   to develop because you're playing very passively  like you want your knight on c6 like that's i mean   if you guys haven't seen that game that's how  that game went i'm not even joking right so um   so castles so both players are keeping the tension  in the center here with their pawns okay now   this is a really difficult position which is  one of the reasons i don't recommend playing the   queen's gambit if you're a beginner because you  get you guys know this feeling you get this far   and now it's like now what like now  what you know okay you know right so i would maybe go rook c1 and  bring my rook to the center   um i don't know i mean at some point you're gonna  have to take something because they're all equal   trades okay so knight to e5 is not a bad move  uh but this trade long term isn't good for white   because you double your own pawns and this pawn  could just be a weakness when it gets there like   it's okay black just takes um fine takes  takes d takes c4 okay okay so everything   has um kind of swapped off now i mean i would  probably just take this with the bishop yep okay very solid game so far i mean i could be  anything honestly could be anything okay okay   so this one move i don't think anybody i mean i  don't think anybody likes 16 1700 plays this move oh hide the music sure yeah youtube we have no music you guys  never do you don't know but if you want   come come visit on twitch we have pretty good  music like 600 songs here on the playlist so um yeah this i don't really like because you just  kind of weaken your pieces on the queen side but   let's see let's see if black okay well i mean  you know players sometimes see their opponents   making moves so then they just play the exact  same move because they can right they go here   whoa this guy said i'm gonna be fancy i'm  not gonna move my bishop i'm gonna take your   knight and the guy he takes back takes takes  and now bishop back so here black is better   and i know the engine says minus 0.95 but why  is that how would you how would you describe why   black is better here it's actually a really  good example of uh of position evaluation   because obviously y'all have all seen the youtube  video four ways to evaluate a chess position right   the big thing here is that white has this isolated  pawn and the square in front of it could be very   well controlled very soon like for example i will  put my rook here and then i'll play rook d8 rook   c8 and rook d8 and my bishop is is better than  yours like this bishop is not staring at anything   useful so black is always better in this position  just because of this pawn everything else is equal   but this pawn and slight piece activity goes to  black so oh wait all that happened oh d5 good idea   but now black should pin now if you're like 1600  i think you just auto pin okay damn whoa whoa whoa whoa hey dog bruh maybe white is a genius  maybe he's like yo i got this   pawn and like my opponent's not  gonna know what to do with it uh oh oh my god the guy playing with white is a genius   it worked i can't believe it it actually worked  that was so that was so creative by him to just   isolate this pawn and utilize the back rank to  infiltrate oh my god so what should have happened   takes takes ah this is so tricky you need someone  to guard the rook the queen can't it can't guard   the rook on any of the squares they're all covered  every single square is covered by a white piece   so you have to go g5 to anticipate this and play  king g7 and glue the rook wow that's tricky that's   very tricky uh black not i mean i mean not finding  g5 is very tough for me to say bishop b7 and yen   oh my god and now now that's crazy wow very  good practical play and now black resigns damn damn that is uh wow okay i mean uh i mean i want  to say like fifteen sixteen hundred probably but no no he didn't no no no no so very important  someone saying he first he foresaw all of that   well no because the truth is that i think he  just blundered the queen i mean maybe i'm wrong   but maybe he was like i don't want to suffer  forever with this with this weakness so let me   just sacrifice and we'll see what happens like  maybe that's what the guy said right but um this position i mean you know you know what i  might play in this position i might just go here   uh like honestly this is uh like i'm you know you  just sack the rook and for the for the bishop and   the pawn and then this is not mate because you  have this and and this is easily winning for black   this bishop is just way too strong so sometimes  just simplify get rid of that thorn in the   position even if the trade is losing five points  to four for just for practicality's sake just take   it because you have the queen right so also i just  got a donation on chess.com so that was i just   saw that pop up um so just do that would a 1600  blunder their queen like that anything is possible   i mean i you know the opening the opening really  confuses me because they had a really good opening   like a really no one did anything stupid for like  15 moves which you know if you're like a thousand   is really impressive and if you're 1600 it's like  okay well i mean that's kind of expected but um   i mean with the exception of the queen blonder  white played you know white play pretty well   i'm gonna say i'm gonna say 1600 low 1600 high  1500 oh yeah i see the the self donor up there   that's what i'm gonna say all right let's go take  a look i gotta make sure that it's cropped right   okay i gotta bring it down a little i wouldn't  be surprised if white's accuracy was really high   despite being down a queen that's just  sometimes what happens and survey says wow i was right well i was kind of right i said  look i said hi 1500 low 1600 wow i was right i   mean i don't know if that counts as right but i  did say like fifteen sixteen hundred yeah damn   yeah and and so i'm curious uh wait hold on this is a 10 minute game wait boss how did you play 40 moves and use two minutes i mean finishing fast is you know it's it's bad  in most cases i mean you know what i mean like   like they give you time you should use it  no it's just 10-0 i don't think it's 10-5 you know i mean like it's slow down bro relax  where were you going you got a business meeting   to attend damn anyway um chat relax  with the cheating memes stop it's not   it's tr you just look dumb later on all right  anyway we go back let's let's keep it moving   all right for the second game gotham subscriber  has the black pieces d4 e6 okay very nice   this guy is actually must be a proud  owner of the gotham chess e6 b6 course   uh available okay i'm not going to say  it bishop b7 bishop b4 great beautiful   stuff so white hasn't played e4 now we go  f5 of course okay so clearly this person   guys gotta go f5 i mean with black like if you  can secure this and then play knight f6 it's a   lot better all right knight f6 so maybe who  knows maybe not a proud owner take take good   good play a five player five oh my god playoff  oh my god oh my god oh oh he trapped the queen the queen is trapped what well you know he would have trapped  the queen if f5 happened also but uh wow   that is a really nice find that's a really really  really nice find honestly like great job you know   this is by the way how e6 b6 is played um uh i  wouldn't be surprised if the best move here is f5   yeah see top engine move uh don't don't don't look  at the move that he played don't you just look   at my suggestion um i wouldn't be surprised if  after knight takes d2 the best move is f5 yes see   so you got it like th you need to go here at some  point like th this is kind of yeah see there you   go there it is um you have to play a five in  these structures and you know so so that you   fight for the square but you know the way he did  it he didn't make any blunders now here i think   you know you also can play like queen g5  and like queen h4 but guy just played normal   moves and then here you know this is a great  example of um scanning for forcing moves so   just looking around being like what can i  attack do i have any threatening moves can   i create a threat and you do yeah you you  have a way to create a threat here and that   that way is bishop to e4 that way also happens  to win a queen so very nice now simplify good   don't hang your rook take this pawn don't take  this pawn nice nice not good clean up clean up   clean up clean up no back crank mate no back  rank made do not hang back bro just make a lift   okay beautiful i would have done it oh you missed  it always look for checks always look for checks   dog you have a queen and a rook what is this  is one thing i'll never understand like how   would you in a million years play with your king  here you have a queen and you're not moving it homie what are we doing here i got a queen okay good good yes yes see what happens  when you move your queen and rook   oh unforgivable mistake unforgivable mistake you didn't mate with a pun unforgivable completely unforgivable  mistake there was no pawn checkmate   for this for this you lose at  least everybody knows that if   you can mate with a pawn you're gonna do it  unforgivable mistake i mean goodness um wow man that was a good game though i gotta say  that was a that was a very very decent game   um i have like almost no information honestly  like i can see a master playing like this   you know just didn't play five but still like  a very good game i mean all right maybe this   is my fault and i i uh you know i should just  tell you guys to i should just scan the games   better the truth is it's really hard to scan  all the games especially when um you know   there's a lot of them coming in guys don't submit  games you just win queens like this you know it uh   i understand you want to submit a game you won and  that you're proud of but it makes it a lot harder   for me um i mean i don't know to be honest like i  i honestly have no idea it could be anywhere from   1200 to 2200. actually no because 2200 would  have resigned huh i want to say 12 to 1 300.   maybe high eleven hundred twelve to  thirteen hundred is what i'm gonna say   based on how white played and and i think i think  i think black played very well here we go oh i th oh wow that that's a little lower than i   expected but very nice job  yo shout out to p2 monster i just had a feeling white didn't play very well  white played a lot of very natural like what is   queen d3 you know like this move wasn't i mean  this move is just a bit odd um just very passive   play by white like what does rook be like why  like why'd you go rook b1 you know maybe there   was an idea to go like c5 and then if takes like  takes this but not seeing this is a big giveaway   the fact that white did not see bishop e4 let  alone lose their queen the thing is you need to   see bishop e4 if you're like 1400 because you need  to see that they're putting you there there's a   way for them to put you in danger anybody like 14  1500 sees bishop e4 i think so 12 1300 or 1100 um   kind of makes sense so actually that wasn't that  bad of a challenge all right next game uh goth oh damn i forgot to put uh which person   was was who here okay i think i think gotham sub  is black in this game if i remember correctly   sorry i set this up before i drank any coffee so  we're gonna look at it from black's perspective   please read your question and chat if  you get the chat well i'm recording for   youtube right now and we're kind of like in  i mean can i let me finish this first okay   just so we don't i don't have to edit this  out later i wanted it out later hi youtube   can we finish the recording  first thank you alright so e3 e5 i'm sorry all right so i think these guys  are like 600 um next game what is this   yo now white is playing now black is playing  white look at this so it's basically like e4 e5   so basically now black is  playing white in this game okay very good putting everything in the center   now here is a great moment  is d5 the best move of course strike back in the center strike back in the center you have better  development it's time to strike in the center   i don't hate that move right i don't hate that  move okay that move i kind of hate i don't i don't okay oh my god do you  have a traxler style trick here   this is like the traxler variation this is how  openings intact and by the way and if you don't   know the tracks letter go look up the traxler um  this is how opening tactical patterns overlap so   in the traxler there's this tricky thing where you  can take and then you can double check like this   double check and then the king moves and you  go here and then you you're just winning so okay okay i like this move though i like this  move i i mean i would also probably consider   transferring my queen over here to try to create  some threats okay uh oh oh oh oh it's check that's   brutal and you can't take oh that sucks okay  good okay see white is very trade happy this is a   terrible trade clearly the guy playing with the  white has not watched the gotham chess youtube   video called when should you trade pieces in  chess why is bishop takes c6 such a bad move i mean it's your most powerful piece why wouldn't  you just put it here where it can stand and patrol   the entire board you know what i mean like bishop  takes c6 is i mean you're training your only oh boss boss i mean i mean boss what  is this boss boss take with a queen   what the hell is you doing i mean what would you i mean the queen's the most powerful piece you're  gonna keep the queen on the back rank i mean boss   what like what is all right all right i would  go here without even thinking good man beautiful   all right e4 just break in the center or put  the queen closer this way um maybe rook lift   oh but oh my god you rook lifted and you  got unlucky did he buy it oh he copied   you your opponent copied you they were like  hey you move the screen there and move ago boss boss what are we doing we playing monopoly  what is this is the rook trying to move one square   like what are we doing here we're trying  to play monopoly with the rook boo boo what is this my man couldn't decide what he was  doing he had to guard the pawn which was already   guarded a few times so yeah this position  is tough i mean you know you want to line   up an attack on the king maybe that's one of the  things or triple up you know get the aliogens gun okay now we just trade cause we can okay  now we're in business okay very good oh   he's gonna take that of course make a luft  for your king so you never get back ranked boss boss i love you oh terrible move what  first of all this doesn't even attack the rook   it's pinned you you bozo and also  now rook f3 will hit everything   okay so this guy like really wanted to take  advantage of the king's luft okay he like really   wanted to like really all right boss move the rook  boss love it boss boss beautiful wait can't you   like just go and mate okay i mean you saw the pawn  you took it i don't hate it what is white doing yes beautiful beautiful yes that's not even i  mean i don't i don't even know what to say that   was just that was just very good that was very  good you got out of the opening you outplayed   the guy very nice um yeah i don't know um  well you know white could have slipped in   the opening to be honest but then what is  eight what is a3 i'm gonna say like 900. um   i mean white just didn't i mean this is the thing  like you see black clearly has an understanding   of the opening like look at look at black's play  right like black is playing a good opening this is   a good opening everything black is doing is good  black's chest foundation is really good i wouldn't   be surprised if three months from now with some  more practice black is like 300 points higher   than they are now um white playing like a high 800  with no openings basically like not bad not really   too much but like very trade happy you know some  bad decisions i would say a high 800 low 900 um or   you know what mid eight mid low mid 800 mid uh  low mid 800 oh was there another pawn mate missed   oh you mean this hanging your own king no he  didn't miss mate no he would have hung his own   king sorry uh yeah i'm gonna say i'll say like 900  i think i'm gonna say like 900. okay here we go i mean boss boss i'm unstoppable you could call  me c bands who you talking about respectfully bro   i love how wait is this a 15 minute game yo  what is the guy playing with white doing how   are you playing a 1510 chess game and ending it  with 16 minutes on the clock like where is this   guy in a rush to bro where is he in a rush to is  the guy late for a meeting why is he playing a   15-minute chess game which could potentially take  40 minutes what like like what is what is he doing   my my homies playing like three bullet  games in one just go play bullet ridiculous   i got nothing to say what a bozo yo  shout out to gotham sub who won that game   all right here we go back here's game number four  e4 e6 all right i like the two nights against the   french very good this is one of my recommendations  in my course which is available at ww okay i'm   going to stop now knight f6 deep how is it that  every single time i plug the courses y'all play   the wrong move you're making me look bad man i  don't teach d what is d4 bro you gotta attack   the knight that's like it's move four how you  forgetting bro crazy i mean y'all tripping man   now you just black just just both players here  this actually makes me think it's like a game   between a 1 000 and like a 1100 um oh ed lad  from last game said thanks for picking me i'm   10 50 now bought your e4 course recently much love  homie see like i said ed lad clearly going to be   gaining rating clearly seems like they have a very  good chest foundation so um uh you let you guys   like that see bands reference that's one of the  funniest dudes on tick tock all right i like this   so anyway uh low-rated players like a thousand  uh 900 they have a blind spot for this stuff   in the mid in the middle of the board they uh  very rarely see pawn captures for some reason   black is just winning like literally like if black  just takes and takes black just oh my gosh guys   oh my gosh oh does it the wrong way  okay okay okay oh my god what the what is that okay here's the good news here's  the good news okay this is a curable problem okay   whereas you know spending thousands of dollars  on chess courses and not looking at them   that's not curable that's just you have  a bet yeah you know you know i mean so right so it's uh anyway knight takes d4 e5 knight f3 um yeah i  mean now why does yourself a piece i mean what   ah bishop to g4 knight f3 gonna take  the pawn good take the bishop good   okay now you're up at night in a rook end game uh  just go trade the rook i don't dislike that move   trade the rook beautiful infiltrate yes yes yes yes yes yes great stuff okay i mean i  mean just take the rook please   but good yes immediately went to  the open file again yes very nice okay so this is really nice by black targeting  the weakness now at this point what i would do   if i was with white i wouldn't  i wouldn't hang on to this pawn   because the truth is you need to think one  step further is black ever gonna win this no no right this song is probably not very appropriate  for chess tv i'll probably just switch the song   so you don't need to shut out your rook forever  right because they're not going to win this   pawn so you can just infiltrate and make a luft  for your king make a lift for your king yes yes   yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes great great  great yes oh my goodness yes yes yes yes yes   you can close your eyes for this part of the v d o  and it might make you think that you are watching   something else yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes  yes let's go go go go go go go go go go go bro   what is where are we going where are we going with  the king bro what oh okay we did it we did it we   we we we we we took a little bit of time we got  a little bit distracted a little bit distracted   got a little you know rib cram but we  got we got there we got there in the end   oh there we go there we go there we go there we  go someone in the chat said is the move a4 a move   all the way back here so the move a4  is a legal move but there is on person   and you would lose your pawn and then you would go  what the excuse me chezz.com you've got a glitch   you know i'll play the move a4 my opponent play  b takes a freight i don't know how that happened   so yeah anyway um don't get hit  with that um good game honestly   minus everything in the first 15 moves but other  than that it was a pretty decent game of chess   uh i gotta go with 700 on this one probably i  don't know if black is any higher rated than 720   uh i don't know they're probably  inebriated it's the only it's the   only thing that i can say oh you know  what i'm gonna i'm gonna say like 800. i don't know i mean i i yeah i i yeah yeah anyway  i don't know like 800. yeah there you go uh well   well our hour hour guy's a bit higher yeah black  is seven yo this dude hey somebody should gift   him a diamond and then this guy will just take  some chest.com lessons and get better that was   that was rough man i'm not gonna lie i'm not  gonna lie that was rough that was a rough game that was uh that was a weird that was  that was uh we got kids watching these   shows man like we gotta we gotta be a good  influence all right final game of the video okay oh i don't like when they do that it's  kind of boring playing these positions what   i like to do here is just to take and then play  like this and this leads to a position that kind   of looks like the tartakower kara khan you just  play like bishop d6 and castle get your bishop   out get your night out and you're very happy  okay d4 is obviously nothing wrong with the   ah the knight is trapped if you just  play e5 and c6 then i just strapped   okay he played c6 first is  is e5 just winning for black   yeah it is like there's some there's like a  very it's very tough to yeah you gotta do this wow okay yeah but now oh this is why you don't just wander your  horse into the opponent's territory   it's like why you don't let your um you don't let i touch my  ear no way are you serious   dude i was trying so hard not to  okay well uh now we've reset um damn all right no more no more no more it's a  challenge that i'm taking up sit on your   hands yeah okay i'll sit on my hands who's gonna  make the moves should i make them with my nose   yeah don't put your knights into your opponent's  territory where they have to face the pawns   yeah so we have c6 here i'm not actually what  a what a wacky episode man all right bishop d6   very good okay aggressive very aggressive nice um  i would just it's very tough you know a lot of you   always ask me like how do you punish stupid play  in the opening it's it's not so simple you know   like you would think that it's as easy as okay i  just damaged the structure and then i like go take   the pawn but there's still tricks you see computer  still thinks it's plenty of tricks so yeah like   that's a good move but the problem is that that  move opens up your opponent's lines and then maybe   there's tactics i like this though i like what  black is doing here take the bishop good good now   that's a good trade because that bishop is really  strong um that's good i would do that as well   okay take space nice nice black is  playing very well don't hang your rook now the one saving grace  is this is a hanging knight   that's the one saving grace and you also  have knight c6 which disconnects the wow look   at what the computer's saying it's saying  that after knight c6 the queen is trapped so for example if king h1 you have this  and you're threatening mate and the queen so black is just a genius and  i should shut up basically   here here oh oh it happened  anyway this happened in the game   this happened in the game so black uh white just  could have brought the queen back like this was   not made but white just left the queen there and  got it trapped take her queen out and uh well what   bro what are you doing you pit in the pond  there's no uh oh just like last game why are   y'all putting rooks in this position man rook's  got to be active man what is that what is that good good okay back to what is this like  even when you're winning you know even   when you're winning what is this like what  you don't have time to play moves like this   guys what did that basically the look  before you want to make a move you got   to ask yourself is it safe that  move is safe does it do anything that move does nothing like you could find a  woven his bishop can no longer go to the a4 square   yeah but like like that so you know just go like  king g7 rook h8 like you got to play with purpose   you know you got to play with purpose i  like it there you go nice yes good good   okay okay i mean that's just the pawn and that's  another pawn and that would be another pawn but   i like this you know one move threat on the  rook okay very oh i don't know what would   okay we're doing some uh i'm getting oh we just  hung the bishop forgot the bishop was hanging nice   nice uh there must be some mate very soon  there must be a mate it's very tricky here some i love how rook g8 threatens ruchi  threatens maiden one for white   so oh okay now you can even push and then sack  the queen for the rook and make another queen   oh boss you were right there boss all right  i like it anyway i like it yes yes yes   boss boss what are you doing why do you want  two queens what are you a mormon you got the   queen you just forget about everybody else forget  everybody about everybody else it's just the king   queen and king what are we doing let's bring the  just just just just go here what are you doing   how you doing it's king g4 king f3 just get in  there with the cool with the king and the queen   boss what do we do what is what is this why  you need two queens to checkmate the guy   what why'd you gotta do them  like that i mean i mean come on   oh my goodness all right i mean i respect it you  know i respect the conversion but uh all right um weird game man i don't know i feel like black  played like a like a 1300 there was a few bad   moves but they were solo moves i mean black played  great every okay hanging the rook was a was very   bad hanging the rook was very bad um if i had to  put a rating on this i would say hi 1000 low 1100   uh if you're anything lower than high one like if  you're like a thousand thirty or something that's   fine but if you're below a thousand uh you have  very good potential in chess so let's go look   wow right on the money right bro this  was this did i go five for five today   i was really on the money again i mean to damn  i was today was a good day of guessing elo damn
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 621,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess game analysis, chess analysis, beginner chess lessons, guess the elo, guess the elo chess, chess lessons for beginners, chess lessons for intermediate, middlegame chess, chess middlegame, chess middlegames, chess lessons, chess lesson, chess tips, chess strategy, how to play chess, how to win at chess
Id: -pb7MrRnPv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 26sec (2246 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 25 2021
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