Worst Chess You Have Ever Seen (Guess The Elo 12)

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welcome back everybody to another episode of guess the elo a series where there is more drama heartbreak betrayal and ecstasy than a spanish telenovela you know the drill i'm going to analyze my subscribers games and then i'm going to try to guess their ratings let's get into it you know i go like full mr crocker fairly good appearance so white begins the game with the move d4 like responds with d5 and white goes for the london system fantastic opening choice thus far here black plays move c5 kind of standard counter strike in the center versus the london system d4 d5 bishop f4 c5 there are a few ways to handle this position one of them is to take that pawn now i will never truly know whether or not this person came prepared with this move or just said oh free pawn because in this position black played a move that basically doesn't make any sense whatsoever and that move is b5 now i'm not gonna lie um when we had to re-record this video i was in the process of explaining the fact that if white was about a thousand to thirteen hundred i would say anywhere from nine hundred to thirteen hundred white would have snap taken because people at this uh at this elo they will basically if if they can on poisson and it may or may not result in a giant boulder falling on one of their relatives they will still play the move on basant because you know it you know such an amazing move like they're just going to play c takes b6 no matter what like truly no matter what i mean it does not matter i if they play that move and lose all their pieces at least they played c thanks b6 but white plays the movie three which makes me think that white is just kind of sticking to their guns you know white knows that for the london they have to go here now black plays okay um i guess you know taking this all the way back to the beginning it looks like black is just kind of playing standard stuff but black since then has played c5 b5 a5 which i'm not going to lie uh literally that those were black's first four moves um you know but black could be anywhere from like 130 up until like drunk grandmaster i mean that's just kind of the truth um now white takes the free pawn it's checked now at this point black cannot continue with the move e5 so black plays bishop to d7 and rather than just following it up with bishop takes bishop white retreats back to e2 okay that's not a bad move wow and here the players had bishop b5 bishop d7 bishop e2 bishop ca three times and they agreed to a draw like any two uh like any two super gms no in reality white was inspired by blacks moving pawns to the fourth and fifth rank so here white played e4 rather than just developing a knight and castling sometimes your opponent's doing stupid stuff throws you off so e4 now black you know hasn't pushed all their pawns two squares so black plays the move e5 pushing upon two squares as well counter-attacking the bishop but forgetting that the bishop can actually just take the pawn now why black goes wait a second they took my center pawn but i can also take a center pawn so let me do that now two queens see each other i guess you yeah i'm not gonna lie if if if you gave me the option to predict 20 different moves in this position i would have never predicted that white played the move a3 um the move a3 doesn't even begin to remotely make sense uh i do suppose that you just um okay i mean i i don't know um like i i don't know i mean i that's kind of hard to see if you're a beginner but at least you know a night mover just kind of spotting that you could take something potentially um okay i mean but it's not a blunder okay well i mean black was inspired by white pushing the pawn one square so that that definitely makes sense simple okay now see that move used to guard that so that's just an easy take oh okay so the move a3 had an idea you wanted to push upon but you wanted it to be protected okay that makes sense black gives a check because they can now does white move the king because it's the only legal move or does white block okay so white blocks bishop goes back and now knight to see okay beautiful now we're in business now we're now now we're doing things that make sense knight to d7 the knight is attacking the bishop we don't guard the bishop we're not really too worried about that now does the knight take the bishop i mean you already moved the knight one square you might as well kind of continue the journey no you move the knight but you don't you don't move it to the bishop you just move it to the free square chess is oftentimes played on those empty squares but you do forget that physical pieces also do stand in the way okay long castles now these queens have seen each other for quite some time now but now queen takes queen has backup and it is mate and black by some sort of miracle just continues to move the horse but inadvertently defends against checkmate we have knight to f3 not taking the queen or the free knight uh we have knight to f3 just finishing our development make us a logical move i mean we're trying to play knight takes bishop i suppose okay queen to d7 now surely now that the queen has moved you begin to notice that the queen can take nope you okay i like that move very decent move that queen used to guard the bishop so you justify your recent knight move by taking the free bishop g6 okay now at this point you're obviously capture thinking right so you've seen that you can take something so you're starting to look what else you can capture uh perfectly yes yes that is also something you can capture it has nothing to do with this side of the board but i mean i was sort of correct so now rook takes and now again you're thinking of captures no you're thinking of attacks okay very good c6 um and um it actually turns out that you're a genius because now the queen can go down all the way to the end and um and and that's mate and you certainly played it oh they actually played queen d8 oh my goodness okay so here's my theory these people are rated 500 tops i'm thinking like 380 to 450 or or i'm getting trolled this game seems too good to be true there seem to be too many simple blunders and the game seems to make way too little sense because i'm not gonna lie to you i have coached a lot of three and four hundreds they do not play d5 c5 b5 a5 i'm not gonna lie to you and then if it just doesn't happen so here's my logic these guys are either somewhere between two and four hundred or i'm getting trolled and this is gonna be a game between two two thousands okay i promoted the london course at the beginning is this how you play it well generally i mean this far is yeah but this is not how you you know this is the thing is like uh white actually played very well by the way can we just like white actually played very well white made no blunders white's blunders were not punishing black for their blunders if that makes sense computer is going to evaluate like b4 as a terrible move because you should be taking on g7 but white actually didn't make any one did white blunder and ap oh white blunder the bishop okay with the exception of the bishop white actually played quite well b4 is a blunder i mean chat relax okay so here's my prediction 300 or i'm getting trolled like two to 300 or i'm getting trolled all right here we go wow yep two to three hundred even less 179 this person seems to play chess just because they enjoy it as you can see 70 games like but they're making improvement you just need to get some good fundamental understanding and punishing your opponents one move mistakes and you can quadruple this rating so if you're like two three four hundred and you're feeling like lost in the game of chess uh yeah chess is hard you know um but uh chad if if a game is 94 doesn't mean that someone's uh someone's not playing legitimately you saw the next game was 10 just cause you play solidly one game it's i understand you're memeing but you guys make the same joke three thousand times youtube this is why y'all are superior there i said it behave better there you go they don't make the same jokes 100 times y'all make the same jokes 100 times there you go d4 knight f6 c4 e6 we have a nimso indian all right let's stop the spam a little bit everybody pay attention we have a serious chess game all right but white has already made a critical error of not pushing five pawns to the fourth rank okay so um very good opening uh gotham youtube video coming soon this video will probably launch late march early april this video so um white plays bishop to g5 this is known as the leningrad variation of the nimso indian defense it's when you cross pin each other bishop b4 bishop g5 all right h6 attacks the bishop very decent move bishop takes queen takes e3 solid c5 very good very good stuff knight f3 knight c6 this is perfect this bishop hangs out until it's attacked and then you take on c3 you damage the structure and black will play b6 bishop b7 white is not taking or moving this pawn because the bishop and the queen will link up and that will be devastating for white so a3 now is when you take and perfect black is playing this perfectly the other idea of the nym so indian with black is that you double their pawns on c4 and a and c3 and then you play knight a5 and bishop a6 and then you target this pawn and make them immobile and make them tough to move okay so now white plays queen c2 and see a lot of people with white don't know how to play the nimso they just play random moves like this and they don't actually do anything bishop b7 bishop e2 castles rook d1 okay now black is already a lot better because now the game plan is knight a5 rook c8 go win this pawn okay so black needs to work on their middle games of the nimso as well knight e7 is just absolutely not what you're supposed to do you are a hundred percent supposed to go here and stockpile the pressure on c43 i used to play the nimso it's a fantastic opening uh it's a fantastic opening the problem is that at gm level guys got insane prep with white um and it could be sometimes difficult to actually play the nim so for win because you're playing people who are super well prepared uh airplane sweater is from h m all right all right so we got knight to e7 dc5 and by the way now you see the problem right rick takes d7 yep bishop c6 and now the rook goes back so now black lost their pawn and has no wing pawns like from this now all these pawns are garbage every single pawn here is garbage and probably will just get traded so rook d8 good move okay that's a again don't take the rook if you don't have to now black has full control white of course castles now if i'm playing with black here i probably play like knight f5 and just start some sort of attack at this point black is just moving pieces because they can i don't i don't i i don't i don't know what night i don't know what i don't know i don't know i don't know rook d1 okay now we're gonna yeah see both players just taking rooks because they can and now you know blank is down upon but it really isn't felt i mean it's three on two but like right knight d6 yeah like even though white is up a pawn oh white's about to be up two ah okay take take actually i think black is better in this end game i think black probably has the better chances just because these pawns feel a bit weak okay nah if you trade it's gonna be a draw knight d7 wait trap the knight wait the knight is getting trapped okay never mind we're just trading i would just trap tonight this is no there's no threat here i mean knight b8 is forced king f7 here oh my wait i was thinking you could trap the knight but it's not quite trapped because it can go to b5 but knight b2 intake i don't know okay knight b2 take take all right black is still better here chad why is black better you guys know why why is black better because the most important pieces of the game are right here and black is getting there faster the king is closer to the center very well said except the guy that said that is rated 2600. hey guy who set that rate at 2600. listen you're like the kid who's like a phd in chemistry visiting a sixth grade science class okay like take a deep breath and stop calling out from the back all right you're here as a guest my dude is my dude is sitting here my dude's got a higher rating than like seven people in the chat combined okay like deep breath all right yes black's king is closer to the center very good very good guy guy who's rated 25 2600 so king f1 king e7 you see black's king has arrived faster now the fact that black even had the the kind of like cognitive presence to realize this black is probably like 1400 absolutely minimum if black is any lower than 1400 very impressive stuff now at this point where you put your king you got to really go to the weakness you can't just chase the knight very good now here i would play this move because this freezes the pawn this freezes the pawn it allows knight b2 king c5 king before and probably black is just winning and we got knight b6 okay okay also good also good also good baiting the pawn forward and now black is completely winning because you have the outside pass pun so if this was a d-pawn if this was a one right then this is a lot like closer to being a a win i'm sorry a draw but it's an apon so h4 night moves nice trade the knights oh terrible decision what what what what what are we doing what you're gonna lose of you're losing in all the end games here yeah yeah yeah no i mean use the pawn as a decoy and then yeah clean it up clean it up clean it up clean it up clean it up clean it up pop up clean it up and the game is over beautiful game okay so i think i i mean man i don't know i want to say like between 15 and 1600 wow you're 1200 are you kidding me this guy closed his account yo you retired this guy wait what what what i played one game what is going on here this guy played one game lost to you and you literally made a guy quit the website did you play a game against yourself what is going on here is this just the biggest coincidence of all time or did you just like pay your friend to play against you what next game gotham sub is the black pieces ah something is in my eye okay e4 e6 nice this is what we like this is the good stuff bishop b7 nice good this is exactly why the bishop on c4 is bad in e6 b6 positions takes stakes queenie two now at this point probably just bishop here reason i don't like this is cause you can't develop easier now chess is not a game of one move decisions right so you you solve one problem but you just gave yourself more problems right why not take the bishop because you're in check also you said why not take the knight wrong piece nice uh wait this is not danger levels at all you could just take this bishop boss boss boss this is not a threat just take the bishop bro just the free bishop okay but we go here yo my guy random noob really had us in the first half like up until this point i was like i was like yo he taking the center he got the bishop he got the knight right they chillin like random noobs completely you know uh uh you know random noobs just doing this doing their thing right now we get we get this all right that move kind of makes sense and then here random noob just throws all the pieces out the window there is one bishop hanging there is a knight hanging there is another bishop hanging let it be known that white from completely normal position in eight moves hung three pieces in the next four moves four three pieces in the next four moves now which one did black take okay uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh okay good good good look at that he's like i gotta get my i got a castle by hand nice look at that look at that professional solution to the problem beautiful all right now at this point probably what i do is go line up my rook and maybe try to play b4 okay i don't dislike that move i don't dislike that move yes b4 is not bad actually this g this you could just turn into a target so you could just take it and then just go here and take it again you know but b4 is obviously good ah okay nice take the rook okay not a bad move no blunders no blunders no blunders nice uh-huh no blunders no beautiful beautiful beautiful i mean i we don't i don't i don't know what this does i think you just wanted to push upon but okay get some room for your king okay really getting some room for your king not only are you guarding a square you're already guarding but you're also okay all right okay okay take it just don't even think good okay that's it nice clean clean clean clean clean yes yes boom oh saks the knight to make the queen oh and the fork to end the game damn yo so here's the thing um for the four moves that white just went completely insane here with bishop g5 like black played like they were like 400 and then for the rest of the game black played like they were like 1700 so um damn uh but then again i mean you know black also got given a head start by white literally losing all of their pieces like white literally lost all their pieces so i want to say like honestly like 1100 um uh you know i want to say like 1100 because i feel like an 1100 would get spooked here like i feel like an 1100 would get like freaked out maybe a thousand a thousand eleven hundred i think that twelve hundred is the the ceiling if if black is any higher than twelve hundred they need an intervention because what are you doing just take the bishop boss like what are you afraid of um you know but uh to be honest black only played one bad move this whole game black played one bad move h6 h6 was the one bad move that black played no joke because after that black just played normal chess so you know what oh man this is tough this is a tough one this is a tough one um the rest of the game black really did not have anything that they could have done there's a couple of moves in here some very subtle moves hmm i gotta really think here i'm going to say 980 not 970 to 1130 is the range 970 to 11 30. that's the range here we go here we go let's see oh i was right it was eleven hundred it was eleven hundred wow eleven hundred oh my god my first instinct was eleven hundred oh man yeah this is this is good stuff brother listen this is this is number one brother you know this yeah why does 1100 yeah i don't know man white went crazy yo shout out to lp stanford who uh supported the stream how long did white spend on those moves by the way okay yeah four seconds on bishop g5 is lunacy and yeah black over thought see black thought for 27 seconds and got scared and white spent 11 seconds on knight takes d5 really but why can't you just take like this like did white think that this was made there's a bishop right here i don't know what i don't know what white was thinking but you know l.p stanford that's the thing he played one bad move like that's that we have to now realize that black played one bad move after that black just played normal chess yeah i mean this is crazy people are crazy i don't know how i don't know how y'all be playing chess like this man y'all out of your goddamn minds all right next game right e4 okay we have a okay we have a open sicilian take take bishop g7 so this is known as a uh this is known as the accelerated dragon bishop to e3 yeah ah ah oh chat when black goes e5 what square is weakened what square is weakened oh my god d6 bro bro knight b oh bro bro plus four after e oh god this game is why this game is why this game is why nobody rated 1500 or lower should play the sicilian defense you literally lost the game on move six like people you can't just be like i'm playing the dragons bro you lost on move six why can't you be a normal person and play e4 e5 or be a normal person and play the scandinavian defense why y'all like ain't playing the dragons bro you can't be making losing blunders on move six stop now having said all that white played here like white didn't even play knight b5 and and you know but still this is terrible for black this is terrible for black like that's the they'd be like you played the dragon you blocked your dragon bishop you lost the fight for the center you gave yourself terrible dark sword weaknesses oh my god i would just go bishop c5 here you're never gonna castle oh my goodness okay all right dude you're not gonna make what is this what are we doing here oh queen e5 though oh queen e5 because white freaked out why it was like oh my god i'm so dumb i got x-rayed first of all on a serious note besides just random noise making bishop f8 hits the queen you have to anticipate this right like you have to anticipate this plus you're not actually threatening mate but you're threatening oh my god queen if i was just winning on the spot so close but so far now you're down a piece oh man now black is playing well now black is making trades oh good move fighting in the center oh what the heck why is black playing like a grandmaster now what is this oh my god nobody just blocks the pawn puts the second rook in this oh it's the worst bishop of all time this bishop should be in an art museum you know it's like the like you know blocked in like some painting of a of a person staring out a window but there's a brick wall there you know just oh my goodness oh my goodness and now black is just like oh the game is over and see black is gonna leave this game like the sicilian dragon is so strong i beat everybody when i play the chichilian dragon it's like no dude you lost because the guy hung all their pieces you did not win this game because of the civilian dragon like uh you know you go full more goldman i saw the queen take spawn after i blundered yes no you made me so wait this is your game oh my goodness oh this is your game oh you did everything so well queen e5 ah one blunder changes the whole game so here's the thing white played well white played well even knight c6 i mean now you know knight b5 right now you know knight b5 you know here's the thing here's the thing so we got les v in the chat to play this game with white right white made one bad move this that was why it's one mistake so actually long term white has better prospects in chess than black let me tell you why because white played a good opening took advantage of the position and was a move away from winning the game if you can get a move away from winning the game every chess game you play then you will be a very good chess player whereas black black needs therapy okay black needs therapy first of all black needs to stop playing this opening second of all black needs to stop making devastating positional weaknesses third of all black needs to stop getting one move away from losing the game and fourth of all well no after that black just played like a grand master honestly i think like right here in this position the younger sibling got the older sibling and was like hey can you save my position and the older sibling was like okay sure bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang i don't know like i literally don't know what happened between the opening and here um man the elo guess is tough though the elo guess is tough 850 to 980 that's my range 850 to 980. here we go this is not the game 850 to 980. okay and you almost beat one okay okay your eight's okay okay yes that was good that was a good game and you see you played with higher caps but that happens great game um for all my theatrics on a serious note great game listen i gotta i have to farm the keg w's and i have to farm the likes on youtube somehow in the comments right the more people on youtube who tag a minute in the video and say this was hilarious the more engagement the more it gets pushed out you know the more keck double use the same thing so um that was a very decent game if gotham sub was black in that game i would have i would have probably had a you know mental breakdown so that was a that was a that was a very decent game and now we will end with gotham sub being uh with the black pieces c4 c5 now this c5 i don't hate because this is just the english um knight c3 knight c6 no i mean listen the point of this is not to be mean the point of this is that when you guys do silly things i react in a dramatic fashion um but you you showed no fundamental flaws of your chess like you played well you just blundered meanwhile this gotham sub i mean all right look whoever sent me this game i don't know who you think you are you are not alpha zero you are not magnus carlsen you are just a d gen who played the move h5 for literally zero reason there was no reason to play this move this move does nothing does literally nothing all you accomplish with this move is pushing upon two squares i'm not joking you could have done it with any of the pawns that could go two squares h5 is not i don't know who you think you are but stop okay stop i don't know what h5 what is h5 h3o you got him scared okay now you know we go to the other side of the board now this game is a perfect example of two people who don't know how to handle a closed position you gotta look for the advantageous pawn breaks so the advantageous pawn break could be b5 you're never going to get this it could also be planting a knight in the center of the board shout out to eric long time sub 28 months amazing right h6 g5 or f5 move the knight out of the way and play the move f5 transfer the knight looking to look ahead into the future where you want your pieces to end up okay all right all right okay okay okay this is f i like this i kind of like this because it's so strange it might work oh god don't hang your queen thank god but see now you're allowing your opponent to mobilize okay or not see this is just an example of two people who don't really know what they're doing because you've got three pawns on dark squares and you've traded off your light square bishop now the knight is gonna live forever oh great move oh it could backfire though it could really accidentally backfire no black just says you know what you did it i'ma do it too now we're gonna have an explosion except who likes an open position the person with two bishops or the person with one bishop correct the person with two bishops i know you all said that so we get takes takes yeah and like you what is your rook doing a rook is not supposed to be all up in everybody's face so rook b1 knight d4 check here feels wrong feels a bit wrong here okay knight g5 takes yeah see computer computer likes this it likes this this and it just sees that there's dark squared weaknesses right okay takes takes say oh that's a terrible trade this one trade look at this minus one minus seven wow wow because of how strong this bishop became force mate no some sort of check check oh don't go here oh god don't go here okay very good now you're threading mate in two double check mate knight f1 oh oh oh yes yes yes beautiful this is a perfect example of opposite-colored bishops benefit the attacking players so a couple of moves ago white had a very solid positional edge and then when this happened black traded incorrectly black traded for the sake of trading you see take take but by taking you just took and activated your opponent's pieces this bishop was the key factor look what ends up happening here white trades off the dark squared bishop and every single pawn that white has is on a light square you trade your dark squared bishop you have six pawns on light squares and i have a dark squared bishop your legs were bishop is terrible actually actually you guys want to see something else every piece white has us on a light square if every damn piece is on a light square who's accounting for the dark squares now knights when they stand on a light square fight for dark squares but you're not fighting for anything enough i have dominance over all those squares you're never moving a knight there right what is this rook doing this queen's not fighting for any dark squares it's fighting for that it's not fighting for the most important ones which are right around the king so wow um i have no idea because okay so h5 is a really strange move so nobody would play h5 this game definitely felt a little bit lost um this is a very tough one at least a thousand the players showed way too much control i'm gonna say 12 to 1300 i'm going to say 11 yeah i'm going to say 12 to 1300 could be slightly above 13 could be slightly below 12. let's see 12 to 1300. um that might have been one of the worst games i've ever seen a 1700 play listen and i mean that in the nicest way i i i oh i mean i mean i i oh oh god oh god and you you should be proud you played well
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,362,277
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess game analysis, chess analysis, beginner chess lessons, guess the elo, guess the elo chess, chess lessons for beginners, chess lessons for intermediate, middlegame chess, chess middlegame, chess middlegames, chess lessons, chess lesson, chess tips, chess strategy, how to play chess, how to win at chess
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 9sec (2169 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 06 2021
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