How To Win At Chess (Ep 4, 900-1800 ELO)

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Their bromance is adorable

👍︎︎ 17 👤︎︎ u/EarnestCoffee 📅︎︎ Jan 08 2021 🗫︎ replies

It's so funny because NL gets YouTube Gotham and not twitch Gotham as far as personality goes

And NL doesn't act like NLSS NL

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/bobby3eb 📅︎︎ Jan 09 2021 🗫︎ replies
welcome to how to win a chess a series where i  take on my twitch subscribers in 10 minute rapid   games and i walk you through my thought process  i climb up the rating ladder game by game in this   video we have a 900 point gap we begin at 920 and  we end at 1800 i hope you enjoyed the video uh if   you haven't seen any of my other videos please do  go ahead and check it out and uh subscribe if you   haven't already i'll see you in the next video  you already know the drill 10 minutes per player   we're gonna talk through the moves  i'm gonna play different openings   we are going to learn and we are going to  enjoy and my opponent has begun with e4 okay oh   um i'm gonna go with e5 and i also have to  turn on highlight moves because i turned   it off for there we go knight to f3 okay  uh no stafford gambit i'm gonna go knight   c6 play it play it nice and classical here  bishop c4 um i mean knight f6 is possible let's see if my opponent is inspired by my fried  oh my opponent is inspired by my fried liver video   oh this is such a big choice  watch my fried liver video or   okay chat i need you to tell me do i go for  the traxler or do i go for the main line   oh or do i go for well the main line is take take  knight a5 okay i will go for the traxler counter   attack this is this might be very risky okay  my opponent already plays the right move and   if you don't know the traxler counter attack  uh the point of knight g5 is that you know   white wants to play knight takes f7 for king  the queen and the rook so we play bishop c5   and it looks like we've blundered although knight  takes f7 leads to very dangerous things after you   sacrifice the bishop with check my opponent's gone  this way which is which is the best way and now   we will see what my opponent does my opponent goes  back there's a lot of ways to play this um with uh what's it called i believe there's  also a trappy line here like this   oh i was supposed to play rook f8 oh no i was supposed to play rook if you're still  wondering why you have to take with the knight   you have to watch the traxtor video  very dangerous stuff can happen right very dangerous stuff can happen uh if they  play knight takes f7 basically i will sacrifice   my bishop with a check then i will take the  pawn it's just you know again i it's hard to go   into all of the theory but that's why you uh you  watch the the video afterward okay now rook to f8   but the whole point of this kind of like  as a video series is to give you all the   the tools you need to be like oh he  said traxler let me go look that up   then you learn the traxler and you go oh  my god this is the greatest thing ever so   this is considered the best move for white  and then white goes back right and it looks   like white is very happy i mean white has won a  pawn and my king can't castle but actually this   position is incredibly difficult to handle  and assuming my opponent doesn't have their   friendly neighborhood chess engine next to  them let's see how they navigate this position   because it will show you how practical this is  for black why is this so good for black okay c3   is of course not a bad move you're trying to go  here but it's it's it's not so simple to achieve   this i now have a choice i can go here and here  which is a common maneuver i can play bishop to   g4 which looks very nice but then the knight would  just go back or would it can't they just take here   i have so many pleasant choices it feels  like i'm going to go with this maneuver   c3 the whole point is to build up d4 but i  think right now white can't really do that no right i feel like i just  feel like it doesn't really   doesn't really make sense to play  the move d2d4 but what do i know hey sharky we're just waiting for a move here  this is the most difficult part about these uh   about these climbs is like i forget that  music is playing live on stream so when i'm   not speaking there is sound but on youtube if i  don't talk it's silent so i have to keep talking   i also wanted to record one of these offline  for a while now okay so knight to f3 uh very   common wants to go d4 now we go bishop g4 so  we have another we've developed another piece   is f4 a good move here f4 uh is actually  one of the only moves that white cannot play   because white would hang a king but but actually  i believe that in chess you should be able to hang   your king i actually do believe that you should  like this should not like you should be able to   play f4 and it's up to your opponent to to figure  out whether or not they can take your king i have   taught chess to kids and what would happen in  the middle of a tournament is two kids would   just realize that someone's been in check for  like seven moves i mean that that's scholastic   chess basically like a ton of time goes by and the  kids go wait a second this position is impossible   how did this happen that that's that's  gen and then what happens i don't know   then the kids like have like a like a like a  conversation and then you know figure it out   anyway d3 so i'm not really inclined to  take i'm thinking knight to the side here   so that my rook joins but i also really  like the move queen to h5 with more pressure but knight here looks just i mean it all looks  so good i don't really know what the best move is   i'm gonna go with this one this just looks really  natural and then maybe i'll put my queen back here   the point is that i'm gonna take at some point  and really damage the structure maybe even with   my rook right maybe even with my rook so that i  can bring my i mean this is this could be bad news   very quickly for white and it's just incredible  how powerful this is for black even if the engine   is like plus 1.0 this is such a terrible opening  and you're so stupid for listening to gotham chess   so i think in this point my opponent can  consider the move bishop g5 check which   doesn't look unreasonable in the slightest and  then i actually want to hide my king this way   okay well hopefully that wasn't the stream  snipe uh king d7 now knight takes e5 is a check   and it opens the queen to see my bishop so  i cannot take the queen since i'm in check   but then i would take with the knight defending  my bishop in many ways this move is actually   right so my opponent gave me this check to then  develop the knight you noticed that if they had   just moved the night out the bishop would have  been blocked so they used this to game time   and now to develop the knight and now their  position is kind of stable i can maybe   continue with my with my operation here again  i'm just every move that i've made so far in   this game has been slightly improving my  position from the last move right so um yeah no i mean my opponent played later played a  reasonable move i mean bishop g5 and knight bd2 uh now i don't think i have an exact threat  like the threat of taking this doesn't exist   because even if i win the queen they just take  mac um if i take here and then knight takes i   can consider rook takes knight because that  knight would be the defender of the bishop   the queen would take and then i would take so i  would get the knight in the bishop for the rook   maybe my opponent would bring in the queen  here but i can just block with the knight   it's actually not so bad that's the most important  thing you have to see at the end of all of this   is that you can maybe block it it's a little  unpleasant the bishop can kind of commits   i gotta be a little bit careful gotta be  a little bit careful but um i also don't   have to do this at all and i can just slowly  build up on the now that well now now that   now i'm that it's not good so the first  thing that i'm considering is to take   take and then take and then take and that looks  good but sometimes you can pause for a second   just a second or two and be like wait  a second but what if i just attack this   what if i just get rid of the bishop  entirely from this because then the pawn   is pinned to the king that also  looks very good am i mating it doesn't look like i have a mate because  if i get my knight here and my queen here   my opponent has rook to g1 i i think i am gonna  go with this one even though it is a move slower   i also can play bishop takes knight takes and then  this move so it's like a move i don't honestly   it's very tough for me to see which one is better  but i really just i don't feel like sacrificing   anything i just i want to take the knight for  free and the most important thing here is this   which again ties all the way back all  the way back to this move this move   the move that's supposed to be the right like the  it's supposed to be the best move bishop takes f7   right but what this does is it opens this line  so in many ways taking this free pawn just   because the computer says it's the best leads  white to this world of trouble right and uh well traxler op i don't know  what to say draxler's just just op i mean some things are free let's let's be  very clear some things are definitely free   the traxler is fundamentally unsound yeah  but what do those words even mean i feel   like oftentimes especially as newer players we are like a little bit too inclined to  to just you know follow these like you know these phrases you know rook takes f3  if pont if pawn takes bishop takes uh and um and then this this position is uh trexler is  absolutely not losing with with correct play   it is it it's not losing at all with correct  play i don't know where that take comes from and   actually this position is going to end in a very  funny way so right now we are threatening mate so our opponent can play bishop g3  which would block my queen right i mean grandmasters beat other  grandmasters with the traxler so   well now we have and this is why you have  to watch the checkmate patterns video   the reason i took with the rook first  by the way good question good question   is because i wanted my bishop  here so it could threaten a mate   i'm i was okay this is exactly why oh and there's  also this one oh that's maybe even nicer do i go   with the nicer one no but then there's h3 i'm  gonna go queen g4 queen h3 is this stoppable is that can you stop this this is i showed this  in my checkmate patterns video yesterday see   after this you all have homework that's exactly  what this is it's a made on g2 when white has   no peace covering the light squares you play oh  yeah yeah there there is queen d1 you guys are   right there's queen d1 and then if this i would  lose but uh i would yes my opponent will have   to sacrifice the queen there is also for me the  move g5 which traps the bishop and then i would be   winning the bishop but how strong is this opening  right how strong is that i mean it's crazy like i think we as we as lower rated players it's  like we want to emulate the strong guys right   well well the gm's don't play the tracks or it's  fundamentally on but what does that mean you've   got to make chess fun and practical those two  things right they need to be fun and practical you   need to understand what you're doing and you have  to have a good time doing it right so that's it   i mean that's it like that's it you know i go  to the park to play basketball with my friends   for fun i don't go to the park to train basketball  for the nba because i'm not going to be in the nba   i just i just go to play you  know for fun bishop to e6   what is this oh my gosh wait a  second that's a really clever idea i think my opponent wants to go  here oh my gosh wait excuse me wait wait wait wait if i take with the  king there is a check you always have   to look for checks if i go back they  go queen here oh that would be losing   wait would it be losing if  i go back there is a mate if i take here back   what if i block with the knight there taken  then king here oh that looks too crazy dude oh no no no no no we're we're we're not gonna  we're not gonna enter the twilight zone there   i'm good i'm good i can also take with  the queen but this move is still possible we're not losing we're only losing if we you know  lose that's why you show up to these videos you're   only losing if you lose no i mean actually bishop  e6 is really smart because if you've watched my   the video on danger levels right uh how do you  stop a threat that takes two moves you have to   look at the most forcing moves for your opponent  or or or for yours i mean it goes both ways right   so opponent can go bishop to e6 check which is  the i can't go here now now whether or not they   see this move i mean maybe they do because they're  stream sniping if my opponent plays queen b3 now   after some thought i will be pretty convinced  that they are watching the stream if they do not   play this move then we just go back and we win  if they resign then i'll give them five dollars   uh that's not that's a non-binding agreement  by the way that was a joke uh please and there it is queen to h3 and it looks like  the move was ultimately not spotted and this   mate ultimately proved unavoidable but there was a  move there and it was queen to b3 and you have to   be aggressive when times are looking tough queen  b3 queen h3 would have led to the queen getting   in here you'll notice i'm constantly on the  lookout for how my opponent can put me in danger   right you'll notice that with all of this one  thing that that might be being taken for granted   i'm constantly on the lookout for how can they  attack me and one of the things i was worried   about here if i took with the king was this  check which is how you have to think right i   only have this move now and then this i can't  go to the dark squares because of this bishop   and if you go all the way back you get mated  this is how games are lost literally i mean who's   been in a situation like this you're up three  points of material you're about to mate and out   of nowhere you are the one getting mated i mean  doesn't it make you want to throw your computer   like out the window it's horrible so that's why  you have to constantly be on the lookout for how   they can attack you and you'll notice that  in that game we uh that's that's what we did   but listen hey fried liver for white traxler for  black this was the ultimate version of this game   and uh yeah if you haven't watched  the fried liver or traxler video   baiting people into this and  then beating them i've had people   you know show me on twitter how they sacrifice  the bishop and then you know beat people like this   like this you know play like pawn to d5 the  bishop comes out they mate their opponent   by hunting down their king it's like pretty insane  all right vacteru second person i'm gonna play a   london i basically try to play at least one london  per uh per this series in in every single episode   just because the london is insanely popular uh  you guys want london or king's uh queen's gambit   please you will determine what what we put on  youtube i mean i will play a london at some point   you want me to play a london or a queens gambit  okay so many of you are saying london i like the   accelerated london i just like to put the bishop  on f4 i will tell you why that bishop is going   there no matter what happens right that bishop  it's going to go there no matter what happens   i don't like to move the knight first i like  to delay that because if they're gonna go for   a kingside fiance with g6 bishop g7 i like to  rush at them with the h pawn get very aggressive   before i move this knight so that's that okay  so this is already a slight inaccuracy right why is this an inaccuracy  because in queens pawn positions   the side should want a c pawn in front of the  knight i have said this so many times why because   moving the c pawn first opens up your queen's  path and with the pawn in front of the knight the   pawn and the knight pressure the center whereas  the knight here does not pressure the center so   much however you see this all the time knight c6  you see at 900 here a thousand 1200 1500 i mean   check semi's response to my instagram comment okay  fantastic i'm not cheating by the way i i promise   oh this is very common to try to build up for  e5 now you have to play knight f3 because the   golden rule in the london stop them from playing  the move e5 okay all right let's go to semi's post all right it's a post of him and a bunch of  friends i will miss your comments after you   reach 500k subs is he saying that i will not  respond to him anymore after i reach 500k at   the time of recording this we have 367. listen  i'm never going to lose touch with reality   no matter the growth i will stay myself and i will  uh continue to entertain and educate and that's   going to be the end of that so anyway my opponent  has gone here to pin my knight to my queen   and now the move e5 is possible so we need  to unpin here with the move bishop to e2   right this is ver this is th this is what you  should do because now the knight actually does   fight for the center my opponent's actually  playing this in a great way for example had   i got knight to d2 or just played the london  the way the london is supposed to be played   my knight does not have any control of the  center anymore due to the nature of this   pin so then after bishop to d3 right this would  happen and then i would not be able to take again   someone says traxler is so bad you take the free  pawn with bishop check well that's great because   that literally just happened in the other game  and we won in 15 moves or 17 18 moves so good it's   good yeah it's it traxler's so bad we won in 18  moves via checkmate it's such a terrible opening   okay so we take with the bishop i mean taking with  the pawn is not terrible but we might we might   want to castle this way now the opponent will  play e5 so we have a big decision here do we take   or do we move back uh i personally am not a fan  of taking and i think at a lower level a lot of   people take without even thinking just go back why  because when you take you have the same problem   and if anything you've just  given black a development square   so you've only helped your opponent you  might say well levy if you had taken this   pawn would be under attack by two pieces yes  but what happens after take take and night out   attacking this bishop right so the knight  would defend this the pawn hits the so i i   don't want to do this okay fine queen out looks  like my opponent is setting up a long castle   okay looks like my opponent's setting up  a little castle queen side action here   um i've got a lot of moves i'm not gonna lie to  you uh i can play c3 and then knight d2 i can   um i mean bishop g4 attacking the queen looks  very good but it's not because this can go here so this attacks the queen and this pawn  can go forward but wait a second wait a   second wait a second what if i castle no no  no no no check no i checked just block no oh okay ladies and gentlemen of the jewry  the move bishop to g4 now looks very good   the pawn can block so what do we do so what do we do what do we do yes now we take you see the difference the  difference is now there is no way for our opponent   to block us and this is why you have to at least  before you take back think how can they put me   in danger you have to think how can they attack  one of my most powerful pieces and if you just   spot this move you will pause for a second before  right like and by the way if the knight had taken   i would have taken with the bishop if my opponent  had not taken me that was the best thing to do   they should have played they should have  been like wait a second uh oh there's this   wait a second uh oh okay let me adapt maybe i'll  just push now so i'm only a pawn down you lose   a pawn but you don't lose a queen if you take  with the knight i take the night and then you   realize you've made a mistake so it's actually  better not to take with the knight it's better   to not take this at all and just like get your  king or your queen to safety like f6 f5 so   and now after bishop g4 this  is just a tactical pattern   this only happened because my opponent traded  the light squared bishop and of course they   they took back on e5 so the ultimate blunder was  taking back on e5 um but uh yes guys i know there   there's some crazy person in the chat but  that's that's always gonna happen so um and now now now now we take so listen youtube if  at any point y'all are see i mean i might have to   just take the comments out of youtube videos for  these recordings because i've i've also had people   message me like hey you know i like to watch these  with my kids and it can be difficult because at   any moment someone in the chat can write something  and now the kid isn't talking about you know   what's on the screen chest-wise they're like hey  dad mom what does blah blah blah mean right so but   it's okay i mean all the kids are gonna learn  anyway but it's better they learn later huh right exactly and the thing is when really crazy  people now i'm gonna just finish my development   and then probably go on an attack by the way  that's that's the current plan or simplify   right we're up a queen so  trading pieces is good for us   um yo beast beast do me a favor man  stop guys stop it it's not funny it's not funny i mean i i will just  remove chat for the next episodes   if if it's gonna keep up but again i don't i also  don't want one person to ruin the experience of 9   332 people which is how many viewers we have right  now um or later i mean you guys know i'm gonna   tell you right now how to win a chess episode  one was my most successful video by far you   know how many minutes that video has been watched  11 million not views but minutes total minutes 11   million and it's currently january 5th 2021 that  is crazy 11 million minutes that is and people   just keep watching and eat you know hey even semi  whose comment we just read messaged me and was   like yo man i'm really enjoying these videos  i'm gonna put my rook behind my queen now if   the knight moves the rook hits my queen which is  fine maybe we sneak the queen in over here next um anyway it's not a the point is not to flex  the point is just to say that it's   good content people are enjoying  it so i will continue to you know i'm really excited for today's rating  range i think it's going to be very instructive i do want to move a little bit faster  here so rather than trading because we would hang   the queen let's give a check very easy move and  now now very simple we will take the rook and   take the knight maybe we don't even rush to take  the rook actually i mean i want to take it just   for simplification purposes but i but i also  do not want to surrender control of the file so if i take the rook and they take back they  control the entire d-file right i would um i would recommend that you actually like slow it down a little bit and  consider an alternative but let's   just say you do it i just spoke for  30 seconds why you shouldn't do it but let's just say you make a mistake it's fine  let's just say you make a mistake okay this is   how you would get a rook here you bring the queen  back because you need to control the d file right so files are like kids i didn't want them but  i also don't want to give up custody of them whatever helps you understand the the  concept better i i i don't know man   i don't know i don't i don't know and for anyone  watching at home we uh we've got a good sense of   humor here over on the twitch channel anyway  thanks twice too i appreciate the sub thank   you for crushing the tournament that we had a  couple days ago anyway i've played rook to d1   right after a move ago bringing back  the queen controlling the d1 square   and now we have this and the rest of the game  is going to be more or less straightforward   uh we are going to convert this more or  less effortlessly maybe bring in the queen   try to trade a pawn here again i'm more than  happy to see this move don't just go give   checks because then you're gonna lose your queen  put the queen uh put the queen here queen hits   everybody here heads this way this way this  way and this way my opponent could go here   defending the horsey but then i will take this  pawn i'm more than willing to take on this trade bishop e5 actually what's funny is that this would  have worked because after this i have this no   x-raying the bishop to the knight that's kind  of funny that's a very fancy little trick   yeah nice find oh you said no oh  well it still would have worked   yeah bishop b5 and yeah queen d3 would have been  fine i mean we have a queen right we have a queen   they have a bishop now so uh now generally  the easiest thing to do just go take the pawns   okay starting with this one free pawn and uh  use your pawn majorities to crash through so that's hitting this push my pawn out  of danger push my pawn push my pawn   and using the pin here we don't even  have to make another queen we can just right thank you joe king oh bishop now we switch  our plan that was just the free piece   imagine the opponent resigns yeah gg   that was just an opening mistake but now you know  how to play some of the tricks in the beginning   right you know how to play some of the  tricks in the beginning with the london   here the pin on the knight blocking the pin  with the bishop rather than you know lazily   pre-moving how the london is supposed to look  understanding how to stop the central move e5   and then keeping the tension in the center  not just taking but sliding the bishop back   and then realizing wait a second wait a second  there's this but there's this so if i take right   right like this there is this and we're  good why is e5 so bad for white in the   london for white it's not that it's so bad  it's just that is black's main mechanism   for equalizing so right that's  all that's it okay blocky is next could i have taken the pawn  to move earlier i could have   yes but the king was not in the  right position for bishop to g4   right so i had to wait for the castle to occur now  we're playing blocky from spain where the people   been so far was the last person from netherlands  d4 uh let's go are we gonna get a london now   what's gonna happen here oh now okay great last  person was from us oh sorry i thought it was i   thought netherlands knight f6 so you notice i'm  already not playing the same way as last game um guys listen i i i don't know what it  is with uh with uh with chat today but   if you mess around on youtube recordings you will  be banned for like quadruple the amount of time so   you think you're funny writing a message  that's disruptive and all of a sudden   you've been timed out for like eight days so all  right adi just got timed out for two hours c5 so man just came in wrote one message  with the knight in the middle so i'm   noticing that the knight is on c6 with the  pawn on c5 as i advocated for last game uh now i can play e6 but i can also just  you know whatever you can do i can do   better with bishop out bishop here is  also not a bad move attacking the queen how do you get timed out i gotchuma i got you   there you go let's go e6 finishing our development  i didn't want to block in my light square bishop   i need some more mods i have some  mods just one is on the pacific time he said how does he get timed out i had to  show him it's okay that person has a history so   i know when a person with a history  comes in and says how do i get banned   or timed out i don't need a second i don't  need a second thought so bishop d6 right correct the song name is not showing cause  uh there's no music on youtube ultimately so   um the recording long term will will not have  any music this is only for the you know the   90 minutes or so we record these live there is  music okay you can castle here you do not need   to take that's always what i recommend because if  you take and they take you just help them develop   i'm just going to castle this is the perfect  anti-london setup the perfect anti-london setup   you have put three pawns in the center your  bishop is out both knights are out the bishop   is on d6 now you want to play e5 we want to  successfully accomplish the move e6 to e5   and then we have a perfect position right uh  and it's up to our i don't know if my opponent's   going to castle here i don't know maybe my  opponent is going to try to castle this way   aha h3 well there's no need to  take i can also consider this now   because the difference is that if they take their  structure is damaged however i think there is pawn   takes bishop so i'm not going to do that i'm not  going to do that so the reason i didn't take there   is because i didn't want to open up the rook now  that the bishop is out of the way we are going to   take next move which will damage the structure  considerably for white there is an opening   known as the crab yes thank you andres escobar  for the three months appreciate you very much the way you queue up for these when we do them  okay exactly as i said we've damaged the structure   although the rook will be open in the future on  the short side castle um will be a bit weak for   us but we'll see if our opponent is able to put  that to advantage now is the move e5 possible   because of the pin maybe not because there  is this but i'll move my queen up attacking   this weak pawn that's what i will do show  you the crab opening no i don't think i'm   going to do that that that's i mean it's  it's a meme opening but it's not very bad   is cd4 bad against the london yeah you don't need  to do this what we're doing here between if by   the way that's a great question by the way by the  way great question why am i leaving my pawn here   i want the opponent to lose their central control  that is the whole point of the pawn on c5 i want   them to take i do not want to be the guy taking  and just killing the pressure in the center   let me take this pawn now also if you want to  queue up to play these live um you have to uh   what's it called you have to be a subscriber  and when we do the queue you've got to be here sign up and uh it's that  simple you know yes don't worry   um person in chat said make sure your address  is not on the label of your starbucks i don't   i don't get my starbucks delivered  so why can't followers do it because   some people are paying five dollars a month to  support the channel and they will receive certain   benefits that's just how it works long term this  might get you know many many views on youtube and   you can enjoy it for free there in its entirety  so that's unfair i know it's so unfair so we're a   pawn up i didn't have to trade the queen i decided  to trade it and now i will also come back with the   bishop and i will trade the bishop actually  i just realized this is kind of inaccurate   um geary recommends pushing c4 in the french  that's fine but that's a different opening   that's just a completely different opening  pushing c4 also kills the tension in the center will i ever consider copyright free background  music on youtube yeah yeah yeah for sure that's   definitely in the works so that the videos don't  just have total silence so the reason uh the   reason i laugh like that oh i'm just inspired  by northern lion he sometimes laughs like that   i'm just inspired by the greatest content  creator of all time i realized this was   slightly inaccurate because now they could  have taken and it would have been a free pawn   um okay i'm gonna take finally because i  don't want to be taken and i'm a pawn up   i am one pawn up and that is it and this will  be a mini end game lesson in and of itself   why did i take with my h instead of my f pawn  because that's a bad pawn structure again my   opponent had that happen if you notice my opponent  took with the f pawn and ended up losing the   the battle for the structure here so uh now the  way these games are won and lost is a combination   of activating your pieces on the right squares and  key pawn breaks that is how you're going to play   these end games when there are two knights and  two rooks you have no excuse for one move blunders   okay so you cannot be making one move errors  when there is very few pieces left on the board   you've got to constantly be monitoring what the  pieces can take b5 the idea is to play b4 if take   the center is now destabilized right so i'm trying  to create pawn play on this side of the board   no it is definitely not better to take with  the f-pawn again my friends i have answered   this question it feels like multiple times  throughout this game so b4 exactly my plan right so b4 exactly my plan if my opponent had  played b4 i would have created a break with a5   i would have created yes more often than  not you should take toward the center   yes okay now that should i take and then take or  should i take first in this case almost impossible   to tell the difference not a situation you  have to think a lot about i'm gonna go here yes thank you bpeers that was a 25 donation i  appreciate if you ask anywhere in the discord   uh people will point you in the right direction  there is also a guide in the discord itself we   put a we put a little guide in the discord for  how to join it you've got to join via discord um and it's it's more or less straightforward thanks  louie chewie thanks that that that one kid my   voice is definitely not slightly delayed that that  that might be a lag issue elsewhere now again very   tough to say which one which way do i take with  i don't know i'm gonna i'm gonna take with the   knight so i don't create an isolated pawn my  microphone's been off this whole time yeah imagine so when you move the knight the  knight and the rook hit f7 together right okay rook here aha so i can trade rooks   but if i were to trade rooks f7 would lose a  key defender so what i'm going to do is go here all right is my king weak no so now this is defended and i'm threatening  knight to e2 check which would fork the king   in the rook you can tell if your king is under  attack or not if you give white a few moves to   build up an attack on your king actually  you know who said this in a recent video   john bartholomew this is exactly what i used to  give to my students uh as an exercise i would say i would say give the opponent a few moves in a row   like they can't take anything they  can only maneuver their pieces   so even if we give them this and get the  rook here are they threatening anything no they need a queen that's what  they need and they don't have one   they need two rooks stacked on the h-file  that's impossible so in this position better   to trade rooks or knights it's actually better  to trade both it's better to trade both pieces   in the in the other position i couldn't trade  the rook because my rook is guarding my f7 pawn   if i play f6 and e5 and have no more pawn  weaknesses then i will go back to trading the rook   at the moment i am attacking this pawn in this  pawn my opponent is writing me messages they're   saying can you tell me at the end how i played  well yeah that's the whole point of all of this so yeah i mean i'm doing it throughout the  game so yeah that's yeah yeah i mean yeah   dude stop writing messages play a move damn  it man just wrote me another message come on man man is listening to the stream too  the best move here for white is rook f4   which attacks my knight and blunders a triple  fork a knight check which would hit king rook   and other rook that is the best move for  white that's what my opponent should play yes we've got eleven thousand viewers patiently  waiting for my opponent to play a move   that's a good move it's passive but it's required  i'm gonna go here attacking the knight this stops   guarding this but my knight is protecting very  important a lot of people forget about that   it's like you know you move a pawn it used to  guard something but my knight is guarding i can   create a nice little scale uh okay i'm happy with  the night trade very happy with the night trade   and i'm gonna put my rook on the open file so  i've now activated my rook i control the entire c   file not necessarily gonna go in there but i'm  going to right just control it i'm gonna lock in   my knight to the center with the move e5 as well  so this is kind of the perfect setup for me is   that i have a dominant knight oh well actually now  that that move has been played i think i will move   my rook down to the second rank the second and the  seventh rank for the rooks are extremely useful in   endgames because you can you can basically patrol  all of the pawns and you can patrol the movement   of the king oftentimes the king has castled so  the king will be stuck to the bottom line and uh yo yo thank you i'm singer of course my my opponent ah the fabled error  i'll move ago i'm gonna take a move ago   my opponent prevented this but now has  sadly allowed it again the fabled night fork and the game is over granted  the game was also over here   but uh now it is certainly over let's not  hang our rook actually we can hang the rook because we would have taken the  pawn and we would have promoted   yes that was a joke i apologize that  was mean that was not very nice oh   triple fork i talked a little bit of trash  and now i got triple forked i deserve it the easiest thing to do when this pawn gets taken  is hit both it's protected so this trade is easy   now we pick up this pawn well it moves out of the  way but we will pick it up and then we will push   let's also not let the king run away sometimes  if the opponent hides the king over here it can   be difficult to get it out so just prevent  the king from running away give a check   now the king has to go to the back rank  i can take the pawn but i can also just push this it doesn't really make a huge difference here we go for a ladder mate we make  a queen and a very easy ladder mate   as the opponent is completely cut off that  was a good game our opponent played a very   good london they played basically a perfect  london but then they played the move h3   so what my opponent should have  done in the opening actually   uh is slide the queen out to b3 potentially  something like this is generally the best   thing to do when the opponent moves the light  squared bishop out so playing this with white   and getting this optimal setup but then not being  able to handle the middle game very common okay uh   very common like you just play to london the  way you think you're supposed to play the london but then you you you kind of you don't know  what's next and so what oftentimes can make   this a bit easier for example in this  position sometimes you can also play f3 like you can play f3 g4 and h4 you can take  advantage of the fact that you have not   moved any of those pieces and attacked the bishop  on g4 so i've played like this before you can also   like the way the game happened right you can  also play queen b3 and now you are attacking   the pawn on b7 you are taking advantage of  the fact that i've moved my bishop to g4   and you can attack my b7 pawn so there are ways to punish your opponent   depending on how they set up in the  opening right we've noticed that like   the way the opponent plays the opening we can  change our approach just mildly to take advantage   of the way they are setting up and that that  takes practice so the way you you you learn from   this game is okay the next time my opponent moves  their light squad bishop in the london i'm gonna   go for queen b3 boom done maybe i can go bishop  b5 pinning the knight to the king and then knight   to e5 and then i would have been solid i would  have had to play something like this so that   is how that works and the rest of that game i mean  okay now i'm gonna go e4 the rest of that game was   generally already analyzed i kind of tried to  analyze the game as it as it's flowing okay e4 c6   uh let's play d4 and let us play one of the  most fabled variations of the karo khan f3   this is called the fantasy variation   the point is that you take back with your  f pawn and you now have two central points wow that is the best move e5 is the best move the  point is that if i take there is queen to h4 check   so you have to play knight f3 and essentially  the point is that you're gonna play bishop c4 like this you're going to castle and have  the open f file for when you move your knight   now this is a very tough thing to navigate with  black if you don't know what you're doing actually   with black you can lose very quickly like very  very quickly what's this opening i just said it   i'm going to say it one more time fantasy very  easy to fantasy it's not called the you know   skibble the skippery dooblydoorp or something  it's called the fantasy and this position   is already losing for black because i can go bam  and that is why black in this position has to play   the move knight d7 stopping the move knight to  e5 because then they would take and defend this   because now after king takes i have check they  cannot take my queen because i'm hitting the   king and i'm going to go here and now  black is already losing that's actually   a a hilarious move because it looks like it  stops what i want chad if i play bishop g5   my opponent's gonna go knight f6 so what do i  play if you want to go here but your opponent   is going to go here what do you do it's  a move that almost never happens in chess you just take the knight it's such a rare move  when do you see bishop takes g8 oh my goodness   that worked out perfectly i mean  that was just perfect i mean that   this game just shows you how strong the fantasy  variation is right incorporate this into your   repertoire oh god i could really rub this in i can  still give a check and then take the queen no i'm   not gonna do that i'm just gonna take the queen  um wow i mean hey if you if you want a variation   for a car con smashing now you have one uh i still  gotta be a little careful i'll tell you why if my   opponent goes knight d7 i'll show you why you have  to be careful okay well if my opponent goes knight   d7 now i'll show you why you have to be careful  aha this is why you have to be careful because   bishop c5 it's never too late to lose your queen  never too late to lose your queen but luckily i'm   going to hunt my opponent down before they can get  to me the rook comes in hitting the king and um   try anything is there like a fast mate here of  course i can sacrifice but why maybe queen e5   to try to go queen e6 and maybe threaten mate  like this something like this would make sense so queen c7 has been stopped but  queen eight has sadly not been stopped wow lamp i appreciate you and i am sorry  that this had to play out against you   i'm very sorry i'm calling this person by the way  you guys are gonna be super confused because i'm   calling this person lamp and it says clever jacket  nowhere on the screen does it say lamp uh but this   person's username is lamp lamp is great that's why  they didn't he didn't put lamp in his   name but i promise his name is lamp anyway this  is a good line but you've got to learn how to   deal with this so the best line here for black  is knight d7 defending against this sacrifice   and it doesn't work with this right like this um  because black just plays queen takes knight you   say levy that's so stupid because you just lose  the queen yeah but then you lose your own queen   so this doesn't work because ultimately  you're just down a piece you have two   knights and a bishop and i only have knight  in bishop so the way this works after the   main line is white castles setting up this  look at look at this by the way look at this all right look at this let's say black like  plays bishop d6 rook pawn bishop takes f7 anyway   king takes f7 knight e5 is now a double  check showing you the power of this opening   right showing you the power of this opening and  then queen takes and black is still busted so   fantasy variation very op i was  not i did not hope that that   game would end that fast but sometimes  that's life all right static prim from   where wait a second earlier when i went to  static prim's uh account they were from india   did they just move across the world  i'm going to play the karo khan now that that's how fast they moved or  are they just on vpn and they don't   they don't want me to know where they're  from or something speaking of vpn oh i can put the plug in there in the video   bishop f5 so there's two lines here there's bishop  f5 which is the main line and c5 i actually really   like the move c5 it's the second main line in  this position it's what's recommended in the karo   khan course from gotham uh but at the gm  level it's always bishop f5 and it's my repertoire   uh and in general the rule here is that if  you see this pin you should do it because   it helps you develop then you will play e6 and  knight c6 completing the traditional karakan   setup the reason you spend two moves on c6 and  then c5 is because normally this kind of a what what is that that actually looks kind of  dangerous okay i gotta think here for a second   i take the help they get their bishop out i take the knight first i don't  want that i'm gonna keep that pin   i'm gonna take one of these pawns or maybe  knight c6 or maybe e6 there's so many choices   what do i do maybe i take and then i play  e6 huh that's a very interesting move now i'm gonna take on d4 yeah this suddenly just became trying to win  at chess episode four not win at chess but   trying to win a chess i'm gonna take on d4 i'll  tell you why if knight takes i take the queen   if queen takes okay so of course my opponent  plays the best move uh now i'm going to play   queen takes so queen takes d4  here is the best move for white then i will take the queen is out of danger this i don't know maybe this is preparation  who knows who knows and i would like to play   knight c6 e6 bishop b4 that's what i want i  just finished my development and uh i'm happy wow that is an extremely impressive find i cannot  take okay okay fair good find very good find i can take if they take my queen i go here they can give me a check i think taking on f3 is  probably too too risky wow knight c3 what a move   i like queen a5 and queen d8 which one  do i play get my queen out of danger queen d8 is so passive now i'm gonna keep my queen active it just doesn't  make any sense for me to go queen d8 i don't know   i don't like it why are you telling me the i  think bishop takes f3 is the main line but the   thing is i i don't know honestly i have no idea  i'm trying to adapt to this opening on the fly so now this is what what that's a weird move okay   but what what i'm so confused why did my  opponent not just take my free pun i don't   underst it's one of the weirdest games i've  ever been involved in so now i should take   because the pawns get doubled and then i  can just finish developing okay easy enough i don't i don't know why is my opponent  thinking they have okay knight c6 attacks   the pawn that probably can't be a bad  move followed by e6 and then bishop to b4 i guess removing the queen makes me less sky  i don't know that was that was very peculiar   so i'm a pawn up but it feels like my  opponent has a bit more uh lead of development   thanks g-bomb says got obsessed with your videos  over christmas now the whole family watches um   yeah nothing's been developed it's just a very  strange opening sometimes when when in these car   con positions when things can get shredded  open like this so quickly this happens of   course now e6 the bishop is open this knight  will try to land on one of these two squares   uh so something like knight h6 knight f5 or  97 knight g6 or 97 knight f5 or 97 knight d5   or 97 knight c8 knight b6 knight d5 or  97 knight c8 knight b6 knight d5 knight   before knight c2 knight i don't know um  i think i would rather take back here   oh do you remember a few games ago when my  opponent gave a check and then moved their knight   did y'all watch that game instead of just  blocking their own bishop they gave me a check   and then did this y'all remember that you weren't  here yet i'm very sorry about that now we take and   now we develop our knight so we have gotten faster  development here by moving the bishop first and   then moving the night out and now we are just a  pawn up and these pawns are a bit weak how do you   identify weak pawns pawns that have no guard and  the square in front of the pawn is under control   because then we can move our knight and  do this so knight knight g6 or knight d5 this attacks this long castle oh castling queenside broke my  opponent's internet connection   i can castle queenside it  doesn't look that terrible   also i'm thinking of this move but it  doesn't win anything because just rook c1 there you go uh kind of feels right to just move my king out  of the way of the rook because otherwise it's   going to be very difficult for me to move my  pieces but still this is not an easy position   even with the material advantage that's also a great move the idea is to go here or  here this is not too scary i do not have a set stream schedule but  generally i am streaming in the mornings   eastern time this is crazy nighty my goodness okay  um let's attack the bishop let's do something with   the bishop here my opponent says i'm enjoying  this a lot i can imagine you are enjoying this   a lot guy who is calmly out playing a 2400  rated player uh rook to d7 to defend this   and now the knight cannot  go to f7 and we will go here by take he wants this is that the  idea i actually call bluff on that thank you i'm singer appreciate  you um i'm gonna call a bluff on   this i don't think the b7 pawn  is under any sort of pressure this or this i mean i i guess this right because knight to d5 there is just this but then i can go  f6 this for me is the critical move can this work i think it does think if i'm quick  enough with my counter play here   although knight c6 was probably a lot more solid okay if pawn takes i take here oh wow i just forgot the knight could move wow  helsack thank you for the 18 gifted subs that's   a very specific number wow and right on cue my  opponent played a move i did not even expect   okay this is not good i gotta start playing  better takes f4 is rook takes rook no   however i have open lines now to my opponent's  position and uh this doesn't look very pleasant   to deal with this doubling on the file  feels like my next move is going to be here   check him checking my opponent's  actually impossible in this position   you're very welcome you're  very welcome for the content ah night takes   see pawn takes i feel like there is this if i  take i lose my horse then i can take his horse rook takes d5 was not possible i'm gonna  go here i'm gonna go here so i'm a pawn up   in this position pawn up this pin is very annoying  for white it feels like this is the next move like my opponent cannot move the rook cannot  move this rook cannot move the knight my   opponent's only real move is here defending  the knight but then i just go here anyway how did he find the only move that i didn't see he literally found the only move because now his   knight can move and guard the  oh my god i mean my goodness okay okay okay okay okay okay i guess i'm gonna go here  and fork the okay okay hey yeah i'm not uh guys again ev everybody always  accuses everybody of cheating when they play a   good game like don't you don't do that that's very  silly i'm more frustrated that i missed that move   i'm not saying it's suspicious i'm just pissed  off that i completely didn't see rook c2   okay now i think i'm going to take and i guess  i'm going to take this pawn or maybe i'm gonna   take this pawn oh come on don't think four  seconds on that that just supports chat's opinion   you gotta play this move immediately  if you don't want them to be suspicious now they're all gonna be like he  spent four seconds on the only move i'm gonna take this pawn i think this is better  because these pawns are doubled and isolated   and i feel like this gives me an outside pass  pawn so uh now let us block with the rook i mean again it it okay well that's that's  not very good now we are in a night end game   up pawns check that so there's um let's  bring the knight back now we're up two   pawns we have a two on one on this side and  we have a pass pawn just don't lose any pawns yeah a few things give it away i mean  generally exceptionally good opening play   are what gets people suspicious as well  as taking time on very obvious moves   um and that is why people in  the chat are like cheaters   but listen uh as a streamer i can tell you all  right now i play at least one cheater every stream   not necessarily one of my viewers like i'll join  a tournament and i will play against the cheater   and i don't i don't know why i don't know why  there are cheaters everywhere again i'm not   speaking about my opponent i'm simply speaking  about the issue in a more general sense so yes when people try to get more creative you  know they they they look at an engine but   they only play the third best move they don't  play the first best move they play the third   they alternate they still get caught though  so outside pass pawn here it's being used as a   decoy uh and then i will create another pass  pawn on the other side of the board and uh c4 defending the spawn so this is the way you  would win an end game like this you have to   notice where your pawn majorities are and the  position is not equipped to defend both sides   of pawn pushes now we trade and this is very easy um i will say this   uh there was a a very big swing of moves in this  game so moves that were insanely strong and then   moves that literally did not make any sense wait  h2f6 yeah so whatever i don't know what that means and this is winning because i have an extra  pawn so i will allow my opponent to promote i   will trade the queen off and i will push again  that could just mean like some of the stuff in   the opening was crazy i did not expect that uh so  it's life like i said it could just be you know   some good moves mixed with some bad moves that's  all but i hate that anytime someone plays a good   game of chess on stream it's immediately that  they're cheating i hate that like don't do that   don't do that that's you know and we don't need  to we don't need to start a witch hunt very silly very silly check cut the king off do not get closer with the  king here do not get closer that's a stalemate   cut the king off king c6 and that's it  all right gg that was a very strange game   like my opponent played this  kind of setup in the opening   and then like this move literally did not make any  sense i mean i i don't understand queen a4 at all   i i i the best move is bishop b5 and it's  it's it's not close like you have to keep   developing here you have to keep developing um  chat why are y'all saying check the accuracy   like relax deep breath okay relax no need for witch hunts two more games  check anyway okay very strange um let's go for   let's go for an english i almost never play c4 in  these things but i feel like this person is 15 20. wow c4 f5 okay a dutch against a dutch defense um this is what this is and now i'm gonna go  g3 bishop g2 and then i'm going to play d3 and rather than going d4 i'm going to go for  e4 so play this like this this is the botvinnick   english this kind of setup for white we need whoa  what the heck is queen e8 um can't i attack the   knight like i want a castle but sometimes in the  early stage of the game you have a move like this and i just don't understand where my opponent's  night is going just a little bit perplexed   for example if i just defend the the pawn my  opponent it seems like his r is desperately   running out of space here now i can include the  move h3 which attacks the knight forcing it to go   to a very passive position and then  i think i can follow all of this up i can just castle because don't take don't blunder don't because  this trade opened up my bishop to see the knight   on h6 don't don't uh uh uh okay now that the  knight is here i will defend with my pawn so   in this early stage of the game we have a very  passive knight in bishop hitting the e5 square   i'm feeling like a very easy developing move  here i don't think i need to do anything   complicated just get my bishop out bishop f4 also  looked okay and i think now we have to not push   that's another thing here we have to  not push because this is hitting this i mean i could i don't recommend trading this  because you have so many pawns on light squares   and a light squared bishop like now you have all  these weaknesses so what if i just go here and   attack your horsey you have to go back right  i mean i guess you can also defend with the   king where do i put my rook i think here's my  plan i'm going to move my rook to this square   in the future i want this pawn protected and so  i think i want to push d5 which is already very   well supported so i think i want my rook  to defend this i could be completely wrong but i think that's what i want although now  that i'm realizing this is possible maybe i   should have moved my rook here ips here are my  ideas oh man i'm i'm starting to think rook d1   was actually the better move okay well let's go  up a square and then we'll go here so that the   rook is behind the pawn when it pushes through  okay it's okay sometimes in positions that are   more closed like this one you can afford  to go back my first instinct was incorrect ah so you hate your job but you love watching the stream  while you do your job glad i can make your job   easier okay my opponent very very aggressive  i'm gonna move back because now this move is   not a fork so it's hardly a threat and then  i will play a3b for d5 and continue to push   again the opponent played the dutch defense but  is not getting enough pieces into the game so   so uh plus the move knight to b4 destabilized  e5 so there is no extra pressure here now it   will crash through the center of the board  and i think white is now completely winning   completely winning and i predict we're going to  get this this okay never mind so much for that   prediction uh pawn takes but now i have two very  thick pawns here in the center by the way i didn't   go here because this is protected twice but now we  have extra defense on e6 so we will crash through   also there is this you probably won't read  this but i'd like to compliment you on your   awesome content it's very rare to be the  second most watched streamer in any game   while not being the best i meant that in a  positive way you definitely deserve the growth   yeah actually uh that was  that could be read as a uh   like a troll but it's not he has a point  there's a lot of grandmasters who stream   and uh i don't necessarily agree that being  a grandmaster means that you can teach chess   effectively hikaru is actually very good at it  the car is actually like for us for a top gm he's i mean he's like very good at breaking down  concepts uh i mean i have the experience of   teaching chess for like seven years before i  was a streamer so it helps me i can get into   the amateur's mind better and it lets me kind  of make things much more applicable all right   so i have no more forward progress i want to take  this pawn actually but then i don't know should   i take this pun you know what i'm going to do it  because actually how does this rook get protected   i don't steal tutor no i am the  internet's chess teacher now   this is the only move yeah that is not necessary  i don't think you have to sacrifice the bishop   here knight back to a6 defended the rook  but i will definitely take the free material   uh knight c6 i just take ah knight c6 would  have just gotten captured or with the pawn so   for 1200 rapid elo i would recommend my e4  course i think you would enjoy it the most   i think a lot of people have used that course  and they love it uh queen c5 attacks the horse i have another situation here where these two  pieces are lined up we had that in an earlier game   but the problem is that the  knight is covering right now ah   so we've removed the knight and now bishop  d5 and we win look at that same pattern   bishop pins the queen to the king and the game is  over why i didn't play a3 where in this position   ah because knight c6 would have attacked  my queen that's why i didn't do that it's   kind of funny i didn't play a3 because  my opponent would have went here and so   pinning wouldn't have worked but i went here  because the threat is a little bit more hidden he can attack my queen using danger levels queen  is equal to queen but i take with check and now   it's over i can take the queen and it's a check  and now we hunt the king down with the queen so i   take th with the check and now  my queen cannot be taken so uh   maybe g4 i mean generally you're not supposed to  push pawns in front of your king but generally   you're also not up 11 points of material so some  rules are made to be broken now we are looking to   deliver a pretty checkmate here somehow with the  pawn also queen takes c7 in the previous position   where here okay but we also can win a queen i i  don't think we did anything that wrong you know   i feel like we won the queen it can't be  that bad where is the mate where is the mate   check check check where's the mate check  ah here's the mate rook up that's the mate   so if rook takes queen takes his checkmate yeah  the this is funny but this also leads to a mate   wait a second wait any rook move is made no oh no  but because king f3 that's really funny so like   rook here king f3 okay so we will give this  rook check it's a ladder made in the middle   of um miss maiden one where where did i miss  maiden one oh backwards night move 92 was mate 92 is made in one backwards knight move oops  okay well i'll play it now rook f7 was not   was it made in one no cause king h4 no no no no no and queen  h2 is not made in one because king g5   okay but that's life that's life yeah chat helped  exactly no but in this game you know we basically   just got our setup and the most important lesson  from this game is at some point in the opening   there are moves in the center  to take space and hold on to it   not trade anything but take space attack a  knight and hold on to it and this is the move e5   e5 and then f4 and then glue it all together like  this and now you have a monster space advantage   which is what we used to win this game so that  was basically how we kind of won this opening   what my opponent should have done uh is play e5  basically in the dutch you have to play d6 and e5   that is how you have to fight back for the  center you cannot allow the opponent to   clamp down on the center because having such a  drastic disadvantage in the center of the board   is essentially losing it like literally it's  essentially losing and you see the whole game   i just used the space advantage and then  pushed through and i won and that's how   you play positions with a space advantage you  stabilize your pawns and you push through and uh   now we will play fairies and this will be the  final game all right this is an 1800 i've played   fires many times and by many times i mean twice  what do i play against fi is do i play my i've   already played one karaoke let's play d6 let's  play the pierce defense i've this was my third   repertoire option this is my third repertoire  option when i was playing tournaments i would play   kara khan french and the pierce or king's indian  setup but it's not really a king's indian because   it's it's only king's indian against d4 c4  so against e4 this is known as the pierce so   basically we have no idea how our opponent is  going to set up uh will he play aggressively   will they play knight f3 okay that is that  is a move h3 is a decent move oh wait a   minute are they going to play this line  are they going to play my prep against me i'm going to be very upset i hate playing  against this with black which is why i   put it in my course for white i don't think  he's i don't think so we'll see but there is   a line here i recommend in my e4 course which  just murders oh my person said that my person might sure cenas sure thank you for the 500 bits my  opponent says i have the e4 course oh dude then   play a move don't go in oh please don't go into  the e4 course is my opponent going into the e4   course here there's no reason to spend 50 seconds  okay i was about to get really upset like they're   gonna pull up the e4 course in the middle of the  game and then don't do that by the way if any of   you do that look through the course as you play  don't do that okay i was about to get very upset   okay let's castle oh that would have  been that would have not been good   you do that all the time okay well thank you  for admitting to literally cheating now stop   cheating it's not an open book exam okay yes  that's why that's why you play daily chess   exactly to review your lines daily  chess you can use the engine i mean   people do it all the time i'm not saying you  should but correspondence chess is like that   okay so i cannot play bishop to g4 uh i'm going to  play knight c6 and you might say levi what about   d5 and that's fine because d5 locks the setter  and i can go knight b4 hitting the bishop right um so so so d5 is not a not an  excellent move now i want to   play the move e5 which is generally the way  these positions are played um and i uh will seems easy enough this is kind of the point of  the king's indian if you can successfully play   the move e5 then you are happy wow interesting  my opponent doesn't do anything letting me take   how about knight d7 this is an unorthodox move but it's adding  the bishop to pressure the center essentially   i want this to happen i want my opponent  to lock the position so that i can create   a king's indian attack i can play knight  back to e7 h6 f5 wow way to copy me dude   all right well this is going  to be a little bit boring then   um there's not much i can do here i mean i can  stall for one more move hoping they play d5 i'm gonna i'm just gonna wait one more  move but if my opponent has the stream on   yeah okay they're they are very  clearly not going to play the move d5   please please please please  d5 um it's not going to happen   now we need a backup plan maybe b6 bishop  b7 just develop i think b6 and bishop b7   are you supposed to play f5  you're only supposed to play f5   if the center is closed if i play f5 right now  the center can explode and that's not good for   me so queen and bishop line up against h6 i  just defend with my king not a problem right um my opponent is now giving me video  suggestions what if you got super   gms like hikaru and geary to coach you i  think that would make for excellent content   uh whether or not they want to do  that is an entirely separate story you know super gm teaching and i  am would be content that i don't   think is out on the internet yet  so that would be very popular but i just you know i'm not sure that uh i think it  would be just a very high level chess lesson is   all it would be uh i mean i i i honestly i would  live stream some lessons that i used to do with   my coach uh you know my coach i worked with a  polish grandmaster wojciech miranda who's great   by the way and i've recommended many people  to him and now his schedule is booked up he   recently published the book signed it and sent  it to me uh and and some other former students   excellent trainer a lot of original examples and  we did a lot of just very practical training you   know defensive dynamics uh wojciech said  that of all the people he ever taught   i had the best understanding of dynamic positions  i felt very humbled knight to h2 wow that is a   very professional move okay i think it's time  to take i'm kind of tired of this in the center uh i'm not gonna take i'm gonna  go here trying to get the bishop   i don't think it's good for me to trade  here and restructure my opponent's center   so knight e5 attacking the bishop i think is  good the bishop goes back to e2 i take on e4   which is nice and i think my opponent basically  moved the knight out of the way to make forward   progress no this is chad if you guys are  suspicious of an 1800 playing the move knight   to h2 i think you just don't understand 1800  chess uh when you can't make forward progress   in a position sometimes you need to take one  step back to take two steps forward that's all   that's why my opponent played that yeah  voice miranda m-o-r-a-n-d-a very good   trainer a trainer who i told to raise  his prices because of how good he is okay now i have this move so no matter what  happens the bishop has surrendered control of c4   so now no matter what happens i will pick up a  bishop and i will have two bishops versus one   so knight takes e3 okay not saying that i'm like  winning or anything uh but i think i've improved   my position a bit let's go queen e7 lining up  something here rook will come and support the   queen as well this is going to be a position that  i'm gonna have to develop very slowly over time   what's the difference between the modder  and the king's indian in the king's indian   you have a knight on f6 in pierce and king's  indian you play knight f6 on the second move   and in the modern defense you delay it with  g6 which allows you to play things like   d6 knight d7 e5 and then put the knight here  rather than playing knight f6 you can also   play c6 and b5 and play on the queen side you  can also play the pterodactyl or the b feeder   which are both real names now ladies and gentlemen  i can play the move f5 because the queen is pinned   and my opponent cannot take i would love to play  this move i think this is a very strong move now   because if i can get my pawn clamping down on f4  you'll notice that all of my opponent's pawns are   on light squares which means which color complex  is weak the dark square complex who has the dark   squared bishop gotham chess who can clamp down  on the dark squares and utilize the dark squared   bishop gotham chess who loves his viewers very  much gotham chess you know it's all the good stuff who just ran a three-minute advertisement  after telling him he loves his viewers   after telling them he loves his viewers gotham  chess sorry i have to turn off pre-rolls see   on twitch we have this thing called pre-rolls so  when a person comes to your channel and they they   they're not a subscriber they will get  advertisements but if you run three straight   minutes of ads and people can you know mute and  do whatever they don't have uh vpn or adblock   then uh they will get the advertisements  but when it's over for a whole hour you   turn off pre-rolls so every program i mean  every every website changes the way they   deal with advertisements and the way they  handle them but that's how twitch does it   youtube has you know you can plop them in the  middle and um i get a lot of questions on my   youtube videos like man i can't believe you post  all this content for free look i mean if i can   put four or five ads on a on a video and you can  deal with it you know watching five to ten seconds   and then just clicking you know skip that's great  like people ask me like by the way this night move   queen defense that's the point so i'm happy to  make all this oh now white is winning uh not   white black is winning how's black winning my  friends what is my most forcing move here not   bishop a6 oh you mean in the other position chad  if bishop a6 just a4 or even knight takes c7 no   because if i if i take they take no i don't know  but i'm gonna i'm gonna keep my position defended   not a pawn push what is what is black's most  forcing move not c5 that is not black's most   forcing move the most forcing move for black  technically is knight takes f3 taking and checking   but then i would lose my knight in four different  ways it's knight to c4 because i'm attacking the   queen and on the hierarchy of forcing moves its  checks captures attacks attacking the queen is   the most forcing attacking move this is the  best move because when the queen moves i jump   in here defended and i fork the rooks so i use  the attack on the queen and then i jump into e3   if i didn't have knight to e3 this wouldn't  work but knight c4 hits the queen and then   this and if my opponent goes here which i expect  then i take this pawn and i fork in another way so i don't coach individuals anymore unless  they are youtubers or twitch streamers   like for pogchamps three for example  uh but no and i think i might i like to fortune tell uh i uh i think in the  future if i ever get a message from like a   some sort of prominent figure or whatever uh  i will uh and they want private lessons rather   than giving a private lesson and charging  for it i'll just be like just join on stream   we'll do a lesson on stream and  it'll be free so um any leaks   uh for what pog champs three you want me to tell  you who's playing i'm not gonna tell you who's   playing but as hikaru said you know there are  reasons why people are playing chess right now   that is a really good move oh my  goodness not taking back but going here wow wow okay i gotta think here so i can  defend like this just very passively i think that might be my best move yeah i think i  just have to go here because if i go here i walk   into another attack actually then i can take  wait a second this could be a trap that i set now it's kind of hope chess but actually maybe  queen f7 is just straight up the best move   that's kind of funny i think this is the best  move no no no no queen she five walks into more   attacks queen g5 looks all high and mighty and  aggressive but it's not a good move because it   can just get hit this is uh a blunder because  i would go here and then here and then here   so i would take with check and then i would  take the pawn and i would keep this guarded   um knight e3 chat chat members dearest  chat members you are so selfish   if you think knight e3 is the best move the  move pawn to e5 opens the door for the queen   and the bishop to get there and you're all like i  could fork why are y'all trying to lose the game   you literally hang mate if you play that move  i mean think about it monitor the movement of   the opponent's pieces the queen in the  bishop's door has been opened to g6 okay the whole point of this series is to teach you  to visualize what your opponent wants right   that's the whole point that's what we're doing right now now if my  opponent takes back my horse i will take the   pawn attacking the horse and i'm very happy  and i'm probably just easily winning now but okay let's trade rooks the more pieces that i  can get off the board the better plus i think   i can play h5 at some point i'm playing h5  not to show my opponent i know how pawns move   but to control the movement of the knight forward  i do not want the knight to ever make forward   progress uh why didn't you just take the pawn  where here because once again this guys hello youtube i i'm sorry i'm repeating myself multiple  times but i feel like i've said this many many   times already i do not want to get checkmated i  don't know if this is a surprise for some of you   bishop e4 okay i'm gonna stop responding  to messages and i'm gonna just focus um   okay let's double up where do we  double up do we double up here i don't know where do we double up let's  go here and here double up the rooks   although i just realized there is  this move which is kind of funny   very strong move queen a4 what  you want this really really really okay you convinced me oops i just blundered now two things attack my rook and this is a threat huh uh oh that's not very good queen a4 my god what a move my goodness am i still  playing the same person or did the older brother   just sit down to play what what just happened  wait i'm just straight up losing wait a second   hold on hold on hold on hold on hold on a second  queen f5 doesn't work because i just lose my rook i'm gonna go here i'm gonna lose my queen and then i'm gonna go here so what is  the count it's two rooks for a queen two rooks for a queen luckily my opponent only has 40 seconds   none of it worked i don't think any of  it worked yet if b5 knight g5 check here and then i lose my queen and then i lose  my rook i don't think any of it worked okay so here i'm this is the easiest thing to  do sacrifice the rook for the knight would check   and then go like this and now it's rook and two  bishops for a queen and it should be winning so yeah wow that was a little bit more stressful  than it had to be where do i hide my king   this safe this looks safe we will take a look we will take  a look at the position for sure uh puzzle rush should be in an hour  and 18 minutes or something like that okay let's put the bishop on c5 ah that's that's  that's the end once i get the bishop to c5 which   this is this is game over uh this is uh my  bishops and my rook now are just too strong   although even with this i mean there is this to  worry about man it's it's really ah push got it   and rook to e7 creating a weakness now i target  it immediately with my rook and my bishop and my   opponent has no checks so this should be it's  still annoying it's still an annoying position but that's the end of the game wow there's a  lot of a lot of small nuggets of information   in that game i definitely will analyze it that  was that was an intense game of chess we were   just very clearly better from the opening  was f5 the best move here yes instructional   content with gotham chess f5 the best move to  create this clamp and then play here yes yes   yes and then did my opponent play e5 was the   not it was one of the best moves queen f7 was  the best move to defend take take here here and then finding queen a4 was ridiculous  that was an excellent move a6 was bad okay that was a lot of incorrect coordinates the  person said why did you go a6 instead of a7 when   he went queen a5 okay you're saying why did i  go uh let me just clarify that why did i why why   did i go a6 when he played queen a4 instead of a5  because in the future maybe i can go b5 in reality   the move a5 is probably also fine but a6 uh and b5  was my idea but you're right i mean a5 could have   been okay actually after 94 creating all of these  threats rook takes d1 is the top computer move   and then going for this is the top computer  line so you'll notice i got very frustrated   when i blundered this and i still played the  best thing because i realized that there was   a lot of things that could go wrong here a lot  of you were saying just stop knight g5 yeah but   hold on then you just lose a rook for free right  so that's not good then a lot of you were saying   bishop takes e4 which looks good except they're  not going to take they're going to take this   you have to think what are they  going to take that's worth the most   they're going to take the rook which attacks  the queen now some of you were also saying why   didn't you go b5 and i didn't go b5 because after  check here taking i take the queen they take this   rook f7 and i thought that here my position  was not great the computer is very confidently   calling me a [ __ ] and saying my position was  fine so it looks like b5 was also a move that i   could have played i calculated b5 check here here  here here here and i was like i don't like this but it turns out i was just straight up incorrect people are saying king h6 where here in this position is that  what the computer is saying   no the computer's saying i just hang a rook what no computer is just calling computers just calling  me dumb but that's okay so one mistake and then   this happened then rook and and yeah i just  want to show one more thing in this position   the best move for me is rook here if i  go to save my rook then uh knight g5 and   queen is there with the two rooks so uh a6 was  a mistake though i should not have played a6   i should have continued with my plan of doubling  my my rooks oh here the engine says king h6 oh   well okay i mean no human being in history  will play king h6 here not one you give this   position to any super gm not one of them will  play this move so i can also read the engine   line but that doesn't mean that we have to play  this um so rook fd8 is the best move for sure   the difference here is that after this i can  take and my rook has an extra guard so um can i show why queen e7 is losing  people think it worked when when when was queen e7 losing what one was huh one was queen what huh what when instead of a6 what i don't know  chat i don't know but on that note   which literally made absolutely zero  sense we will say goodbye to youtube   say bye hope you all enjoyed the video make sure  to check out some other videos which will appear   on that side some of my other playlists on  openings puzzles tactics short instructive   chess vids is a good playlist it was very fun  today and i will catch you in the next episode
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 986,044
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Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess rating ladder, chess speedrun, e4 rating climb, chess openings for beginners, chess lessons for beginners, london opening chess, how to win at chess, how to get better at chess, win at chess, winning at chess, win at chess quickly, daniel naroditsky, daniel naroditsky speedrun, win at chess 4 moves
Id: 5cQVpSxyGlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 33sec (6393 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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