Stop Playing The Sicilian (Guess The Elo 21)

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ladies and gentlemen it is my pleasure to welcome you back to your favorite series on the internet guess the elo because of various chess tournaments in the world including the one that i was playing we did not get an episode in over a month but we are back and we are better than ever and before we jump into the games today i'd like to tell you about the sponsor of this video babble babble is an incredible comprehensive language learning tool and chess is probably the most global game on earth so i figured we were a perfect match i learned english and russian from my family and i learned spanish in school but my entire life i have loved learning languages and babble makes it so easy the lessons on the app are made by over 150 language experts and the app has absolutely everything they use real-life dialogue and not some ai generated nonsense they're short interactive classes that last 10 to 15 minutes designed to keep your attention better they have games that you can learn from and practice the language they have podcasts for you to listen to in the language that you're studying and you can even take your practice further with live classes and if you're a student they say that just 15 hours of babble practice is equivalent to an entire semester of school which either means that babel is incredible or school just sucks now babel has a lot of free content but the offer that they're extending to you today is that if you sign up for six months they will give you another six months absolutely free all you gotta do is check the link in the description it's that easy and you'll get learning today shout out to babel for sponsoring the video thank you spicibo muchas gracias now let's get back to the video ah the triumphant return of guess the elo the first episode is a lot of milestones i already played my chess tournament um i have a gold button i've lost like three four pounds since the last time that i recorded all right we begin with random nerd playing d4 it's a great move i love that move knight f6 c4 e6 what opening is this chat nimso indian alright bishop to g5 this is known as the leningrad variation this is when you pin the knight and white responds by counter-pinning the knight black plays c5 dc5 so far very high understanding uh bishop c3 is a great move because now you triple your opponent's spawns which which just looks stupid just just looks stupid and now a very common way to go here is to play with queen out so that you get unpinned nice take it with the pawn and i think e5 here because otherwise you get taken if you play knight c6 then they do this okay um and now you don't take on c5 but rather play knight a6 knight c5 okay so officially we have graduated from the opening um this might be the difference between like a thirteen hundred and eighteen hundred and eighteen hundred here unquestionably either does this or takes this this is just not a good move because the knight does not do anything however it's really hard to play with triple pawn so let's see what white does okay okay d6 right that's not a bad move i think actually the best move is to go king e7 let's see if black does it danger levels wow okay oh ah oh that's a spicy move f5 there's a lot of good moves here i mean bishop b6 is good rook g8 is good i like i like bishop g4 bishop g4 to take the knight and then castle long i like this a lot this is not terrible i would take that and play f5 see i would play f5 again i would play this might not be the best move but if takes takes i like this for black uh computer doesn't because rook d one king ah king e7 and then you get in uh oh that's very dangerous okay never mind i don't like this computer proved me wrong bishop v6 is a fantastic move now i would probably take in castle takes takes bring the knight back rook c8 of course you have to go for the weakness or that that's not a bad move uh i would not let them take that pawn that looks a little bit too dane okay okay so white just doesn't see that h7 is hanging uh oh wait but do you have this guarding and threatening mate oh my god black finds that oh my god check or does e4 also win because okay they play the worst move what what what does that even do are you trying to go here and hang your rook in one move who are you me ah oh and your queen oh no you're queen but actually you're queen okay still this is really complicated okay well not if yeah that's a terrible move now now what but see now now black is going to bring the knight i'm like this is terrifying oh are you mated did you oh no dude you should have gone here you thought this was mate no because you just can't get locked away like this now you're just paralyzed okay that's not a good move that's also not a good move i think white is gonna get mated that's my my prediction is a hundred percent white gets checkmated oh the knight oh no oh no oh well now white's never getting mated i mean obviously white can't get mated okay white is there's no chance it was so close what's up chipotle sensei oh god how did white get mated why just white just got mated that was the only way white could get mated the queen can't check the king guys when you have an extra queen versus two rooks or just queen period it needs to be doing stuff it can't be just stuck behind every piece oh man this was such a complex game no this is obviously quadruple digits i think like 1400 actually i think like 13 1400 it's a pretty high level game [Music] couple of pretty bad inaccuracies like like this is a terrible move i mean you should be able to see rugey one makes me think like 13 1400 that's my guess um if this is let's put it this way if this is above 14 if this is above like 14 1500 i will be very upset um if this is below that i'll be probably that's very good like these guys played very well um you think no shot this is below 1600 but they blundered a queen but then they played well i guess let's see how high level do you have to be to spot you know like nothing this wasn't so complex how high level do you have to be to spot check uh do you really have to be that high level to find king h5 you really have to be that high level to find this move because this is the only threat and there's no check i'm gonna say 1400 that's my guess 14 to 1500 here we go they were two thousand no they were two thousand they'd like they didn't but they didn't know the opening and then okay like this was good but then not why why would if any 2000 just goes here man i mean you need the active rook this is such a powerful rook you just didn't do that and then okay queen g4 is good but here like not playing e4 is terrible because your only calculation here is this just e4 just wins on the spot you don't even need to i guess no h3 you just take e4 is just completely winning what is this move no i mean you lose so much oh my god yeah rook g1 is oh boy wow all right uh i'm a little bit rusty from i guess the elo huh wow that was that was not a great game of 2k if rook b7 rooked c3 so what guys you can't beat okay i like how black played at 91 i'm sorry precision i you lost your queen there buddy that was uh how did you get 91 but you hung a queen damn nobody gets necked for that stop saying neck the only word you guys know now that was that was no good and that game should give anybody hope man all right e4 e5 who has my e4 course the symmetrical variation queen yes queen f6 yes knight d5 yes oh no my pawn g6 and now folks what's the best move what's the best move here i think i think uh i think you you can go here and take the rook but i mean that h3 is also very strong are they both good oh all right if you do this now then they can play d5 right right right right so yeah you actually you do have to play this one which traps the queen good you know i actually forgot what you play here because no one lets me do this i'm very sad at my level no one lets me do this made me forget the line knight h3 and d3 and the queen is trapped and then some people here are like the queen's not trapped because of this and it goes away i'm like yeah but this is completely lost for black d6 wait dude dude you're queen dude you gotta move your queen and then the line goes here here and you can play rook f1 and the queen can't go here anymore [Music] oh no this is why you have to study your courses oh this materials took both brooks and now they're losing it's actually funny taking the other rook is bad you have to go here and then if here you have to give this check and then if like here for example you have to defend this pawn by taking this knight whereas the way you do it now i think you're mated like knight g5 knight f7 or bishop f7 and then oh it's bishop f7 threatening 96 king c8 and mate uh-oh back to zero oh jesus christ oh jesus christ oh jesus oh jesus oh sorry sorry people on youtube like because i have a bigger audience there some of them are religious and then i get this angry comment like you shouldn't use god's name in vain i'm like have you met god did god say that relax it's just just an expression you know it's in you know it's just an expression that's all it is relax you meet god and god tells you that i shouldn't do it pass that on to me takes takes yes oh oh maybe god likes the attention whatever what if god enjoys when you say oh jesus that's like hey although god and jesus aren't like really the same thing i had a bar mitzvah i had to learn the torah passage i'm not too religious you know i fully believe in the fact that anybody can be a part of any religion they like as long as they don't get intrusive into other people's ways of life that's the way i live my life all right um that was one of the most insane games ever so that was a vienna line gone right gone wrong gone right again gone wrong again gone right again gone wrong again i mean it seems like this was probably a game about a thousand tops okay so first of all you have my course you memorize up until here you get this far then you forget about this so white going here and forgetting about this what do we think like a thousand to eleven hundred i'm thinking i feel like if you're like you know twelve hundred you're like oh my queen saying gotta move my queen but then you might have thought danger levels but then you're like oh damn danger levels didn't work out knight e7 queen f6 is a really bad move like this is this is the thing not being sur all but then you went danger levels again oh this is like a 12 1300 who could have went danger levels again and then got danger levels themself oh this whole game is just one gigantic danger level um yeah and then not i mean bishop f7 is a very hard move to play spotting check and queen c7 and then like going here but here's the thing why would you go knight e6 well i guess you you went here because you thought this was made it's just not made at all i'm gonna say like 1200 like 1200 12 12 30. is that my guess 12 30 is that my guess they did set up a nice thing here with bishop e7 yeah 1200 1200 is my guess let's see oh oh that's like my best guess ever 12 29 versus 12 22. oh undefeated undisputed champion of guess the elo oh my god i'm in the right one point one point away damn dude all right i win i win anybody who does the elo is right i'm the champion it doesn't matter anymore oh my goodness wow how come a 1200 is so bad at danger levels it's not that they're bad at danger levels that people are really bad at spotting danger levels on themselves we're really good at finding stuff for ourselves but onto ourselves is different like for our opponent it's a lot harder so no that was that was fair that was that was a good fight between two drunken 1200s all right game number three here we go um i'm the oj simpson of elo guessing yeah listen you could have went a lot of places with references yeah for that one someone needs to you know take the belt off you know what i mean i think i think yeah you got to get beaten up a little bit for that one sorry bud all right c5 knight f3 uh okay bishop g4 good move nice this is the perfect so now black should just play e6 and take everything and destabilize the center that's the way this works beautiful e6 [Music] dude just be patient you gotta gotta hit him with with a nice little e6 look black is already better because the bishops are so poorly positioned here and now you'll play queen c7 night day g7 night here night night night knight to f5 and just win the stuff in the center but because you rush now white can play this really strong move c4 in a lot of positions and c4 complements where the bishop is standing of course they just give you this check for absolutely no reason and rookie one which does nothing and now black is much better see white never played the central pawn break okay so this makes me think like a thousand to eleven hundred now black is completely winning yeah okay nice move to go after the pawn nice move this was a fantastic okay now by the time you play c4 it's a free pawn and gives your opponent a pass pawn push it i would just i would just take i would just sack but oh nice it's a really bad move but good thing you did it yeah ah too slow man too slow too slow too slow queen c7 also team up with your bishop but i like this no back rank mate no back rank mate i love this black played black wanted to do this but realized that there was back rank made so black set that up by playing h6 and then did this oh dead oh oh oh damn oh damn the prophylaxis oh my goodness oh my goodness and now yes yeah oh oh i've been rolling on the where are you i just started giving you credit and your bum ass went here instead of king f5 any normal human being plays king to f5 and wins the pawn what is that where are you going oh of course your opponent just lets you walk into g4 this is the worst spot to be in by the way when you're up pawns in a rook end game because all you do is just back up or to c8 rook can't move because you're just gonna push so yeah and now okay how little this move may uh how little sense this move makes i cannot like stress enough like you brought your king to win the pawn you have two options push your pass pawn or win the pawn you do neither okay okay okay yes yes cut the king off cut the king off okay you just really want two queens see this is where it gets tricky because now you're you never see if you would cut the king off like here laterally it's a lot easier because now you just laddermate but sometimes if you let the king hide behind your pawns like you don't win but here okay you don't see mate in one you have a couple of maiden ones here this one actually both because the pawn right so okay nice oh you made okay i thought you were gonna make three queens okay this was a fantastic car con game uh you did a couple of things that i had to be dramatic and stupid about but this was a perfect caro game this is the sure sign of a person that has the karo khan course was never in any danger of losing this game and was already better by move 1015 and this is why you get openings courses to get games like this i don't think 1500 i think white played atrocious chess so if black is 1500 and white is 1500 i'm sorry to black but i think white played so poorly who who do i go off do i go how how well black played or do i go off of um do i go off of how poorly white played no i mean i hope they're around the same level no i think this is like 1200 max i i mean i'm but black played black did play very well now i want to say like a thousand to 1100 is probably my guess um but let's see okay so white played pretty normally nothing insane i mean this capture i don't hate it but yeah this this is such a random check say like a i mean i think like 1100 like very low 1100 or high 1 000. but white you know the thing is white didn't do anything really ah that was actually this is a really bad blunder yeah 11 1150 is the ceiling and i think like 10.70 to 1130 is far more likely here we go i can't be stopped i can't be stopped i just can't be stopped white is a little bit on the low side 10 30 but black is 10.98 i mean i'm i mean i mean come on come on i mean come on folks i mean this is why you watch this is why you watch right right here why do people watch because they want to see the go in action that's why they watch why are people so mad it's phoenix versus milwaukee in the playoffs because they're trying to watch the goats that's why they watch okay well that listen that first match it was two two thousands who played some of the dumbest chess ever that's not my fault sometimes sometimes the goat is not in a position to win sometimes kevin you know kevin durant has got no help game seven bucks he did go for six in overtime that's another story i'm saying but another story game number four e4 climbs he says you mean hikaru he isn't live now oh because i said that's why you watched the goat timezy you were banned from my chat once sir and now you you begged for forgiveness to return now you're saying someone else is the goat this is very very poor pr skills my friend very poor but you are safe because i literally don't care c5 d4 smith mora oh that's not a good move white is just much better after d5 knight f3 okay now we have a transposition to an open sicilian okay so this is an example of two people who have no idea how to play the sicilian unless they're trying to play the open franco sicilian variation this is why nobody should play the sicilian defense below a certain level or if they don't have any prep um because you guys just don't know how to play it and now white plays d5 and it's already probably plus 1.5 it's plus two d5 what are you doing just bishop now you have a hanging knight and queen and now you you know this is what i don't understand like i don't know who this random noob is but they probably are like well magnus plays the sicilian so i would like to play it as well i don't believe in all these gambits that rosen and gotham provide for their audience it's just you know it's it's it's not a good way to learn the game so i'm going to play this sicilian defense and be dead lost on move 4 because uh you know i went through like six different accents there by the way there is one tricky thing you can't take this yet you have to like not hang your rook uh oh is white gonna give away oh now you can take that with check the bishop can be taken with check oh oh look at how desperately white wanted to block the rook that's so funny that's actually incredibly creative don't take the night if this night ever moves there's gonna be a check and you're gonna win the queen i really hope that happens okay on poisson of course of course you should have taken with okay okay actually it's not so oh my god look how savage bishop takes d5 if you take my queen i take with check and then i win your queen oh it's almost there oh oh okay nice good move take the rook nice yes okay after this game black needs to like oh my god i like how the whole game was decided by this bishop maneuver i'm not gonna lie i don't think these two are very high rated but this was one of the most genius bishop maneuvers to block a pin i've ever seen like sometimes you have games you ever have those games where you feel like you sprouted your wings and you're like wow like i like really i like really evolved this game like i gained like a hundred points of like you know you have those games bishop c4 bishop a2 was really nice and this whole game was just i think white played this game maybe like there's going to be some inaccuracies but i think white played like 90 so it happens when you're high i see wow this was a really nice game i mean black played so bad wow black blade's so bad if white is not many hundreds of points higher rated than black i will be shocked i actually think that this is like a game between hmm see last game i had to base it on how poorly white played this game i want to play think about how well white played but yeah black played so bad i think it's like high 800 to like mid 900 like 880 to 950 because white actually did play quite well i think white is the higher rated player by like 60 70 points that's what i'm gonna say if this game is if if black is a thousand black needs help like not chess help like needs therapy of some sort so here we go let's let's go see wow black is 1200 and white is the lower rated player that is insane black see white did play well enough to get credit for being 1100 so please don't feel insulted wow black is 11.92 black is 11.92 what is the time control a 30 minute game 30 minute game and you play queen i5 i can't help everybody listen i'm soon gonna have the biggest chess channel on youtube folks a lot of people like my content i got a lot of really good content for beginners and intermediate players and early advanced players as well they just got to work a little bit harder to find it folks i can't i can't help everybody you know what i mean you can't save everybody it's also one of my struggles when i donate to charities i want to help as many people as possible who need it the most can't help everybody you got to make you gotta pick and choose but um wow i was saying something about being the goat i i was in games where people show up and play their you know their best chess i can give you a good estimate that was terrible that was that was one that was an abomination that was like ben simmons i mean that that guy played ben simmons equivalent chess in the opening i don't even want to look at the accuracy i i don't even want to look at the accuracy let's just finish the show e4 e6 d4 okay yeah but now blacket now black is playing white now black is playing white now black has a piece out before white has a piece out that's not supposed to that's not how it works okay okay well i mean black you know white gets a bishop out now but black obviously should move another piece out but okay good what is that who taught these people how to play chess move the knight to the damn middle okay all right i don't hate it what what is that what is that move what is that why night d5 just go trap the bishop yo does black have like some genius idea here like knight d5 and black is like well if i get taken then i take it back you know is that the idea i don't know what the idea is um okay okay no oh that was the idea oh that's pretty genius nice okay perfect exactly yes all right let's let's get all those pieces oh come on why not out in the open where you have space and breathing room okay that's a terrible move by white took for no reason everything white is doing is like a one move move you know like i take horse i attack bishop i trade pawn oh man this is really bad actually it's a position where you almost wish you didn't have this pawn because then you would have this now white needs to put a knight on d4 beautiful okay now that of course white takes the bishop on first glance hey dude really didn't want to lose this pawn okay it's tough oh that's not a good move uh-oh nice oh nice all right bring the rook back yes gobble gobble gobble oh beautiful oh queen trade oh push pawn oh win all the pawns oh oh oh god that was damn oh that was good that was good learn some openings you donut no no it's cooked beautifully positioning for black was played beautifully oh my goodness nice game by black um small things very small things like little little things but obviously black actually played quite well and the whole like every final move i would have played so now folks we need we need a number um two games in a row two games in a row that we just have some stupid stuff going on where our uh our sub played quite well and the opponent played really terribly so what do we do for this game 1800 if white is 1800 i'll never stream chess again in fact if white is above 1500 i will never stream chess again so i mean obviously white didn't like know how to play openings at all um i i i can see white being like 1100 like ceiling very very very basic play here by white like a lot of one move plans knight h4 kind of has some credit because you're trying to go here basically black plays f6 and stops you from moving your knight forward so you play knight h4 knight h5 you're like well if i can't go that way get away and then you lose your you lose your knight literally that's the logic like oh you're stopping me from going this way with a hand i'm gonna go this way and then hey you lose a knife so uh um hmm saying like hmm i'm getting some strong 1100 vibes getting some strong 1100 vibes in this game and some strong 1100 vibes that's what i'm going to say somewhere in the 1100s maybe a little bit lower a little bit higher let's see 900 see black played great black played really well this game like black played really well again see this so it's the reverse of the last game i gave black credit but it was actually white being like 11 yeah so not not a bad episode honestly subs y'all showed up to play man y'all showed up to play like yeah yeah for 93 god damn you know i went to a school where 90 uh getting a 90 to 92.9 was an a minus and sometimes at the end of the semester if you had a minus versus a they wouldn't round this up to an a i used to hate teachers for that i'd be like bro i got a 92.89 in your class you can't give me a rookie 4 is a mistake what how was that a mistake oh my god thank you casey oh that's i didn't even see that look what you can play here yeah this is why the computer is such a such a such an uh asa asas ass hole because you know look at that knight e7 check ah come on come on get out of here idiot you don't know anything about me anyway that was that was a fun episode very good stuff today and um i hate the computer what can you say guess the elo is back baby
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 1,145,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, chess game analysis, chess analysis, beginner chess lessons, guess the elo, guess the elo chess, chess lessons for beginners, chess lessons for intermediate, middlegame chess, chess middlegame, chess middlegames, chess lessons, chess lesson, chess tips, chess strategy, how to play chess, how to win at chess
Id: 9xgtuRqBS5A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 41sec (2021 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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