This Chess Game Almost KILLED Me

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ladies and gentlemen some of the most exciting content here on the gotham chess youtube channel has been your viewer game submissions and uh you send me some crazy thing that you created we can learn from it we can laugh about it we can cry about it and today is no different uh when i saw this game in my email i almost died i mean my heart almost stopped my brain almost exploded it would have been a really really nasty crime scene um but um i'm gonna share the game with you because it's only fair that you suffer uh alongside with me now today our protagonists are mick who sent in the game uh both names have been shortened uh both players are grandmasters 1095 versus one one one one white is actually american uh black is actually from kosovo but for some reason we're having this togo flag glitch again and kosovo has the flag of togo this has happened with multiple countries and i've reported it to anyway nothing else to say i hope you enjoy this is going to be fantastic e4 we're off to a good start black plays karo kahn all right we've got some strong players on our hands clearly about to play some real openings okay we've got some strong players on our hands who are one of them is going to play a real opening bishop c4 now in general uh you should take the center with two pawns uh if you have the opportunity if your opponent gives you the opportunity to take the center with both pawns you should do it the ship c4 is completely fine don't hate this move at all black now plays d6 and it's very clear as early as move four what black strategy is the fact that uh there is a lack of a strategy at all and black is just simply going to put all their pawns on the sixth rank now you know normally you would think oh it's just a fake game no trust me i've had fake games sent in some of you have sent me games like yo dude look at this game it's crazy i don't know why that's what you sound like but it's very clear that you just completely fabricated a chess game you should be ashamed of yourself um this is not i mean it seems like black is just kind of you know an edgy teenager type of chess player and okay but f5 now this is a move we definitely need to address white decided that they are not going to beat this garbage strategy of blacks by just developing naturally they are going to beat the strategy of blacks by you know getting aggressive now that move has no threat in fact the engine thinks that from here to here you've given up your advantage because you just allow your opponent to develop a piece and uh attack your knight and put you under some fire there but okay uh that's neither here nor there so f5 f5 is a horrible move because the defender of e6 simply vanishes and then after that falls the knight or the bishop will infiltrate afterward and then you know you can take on f5 open the e file uh but white now showcases their strategy and that strategy was to go queen to h5 dropping the eval from about plus seven to plus three still pretty solid but the problem is that if you can be repelled by your enemy pawns it's something that you need to think about um if a very simple pawn move stops the attack you shouldn't go on the attack in the first place so queen back to f3 now if f takes e4 there is queen f7 mate but then the video would be and the game would be too short to run a eight minute video so i wouldn't be able to put any mineral ads so there you go uh then i wouldn't have made this video again or if white missed may then of course yeah but that didn't happen h5 okay so the first eight moves are complete black has successfully played the alphabet opening uh moved every single pawn although mildly dyslexic they didn't actually do it in any sort of order and now white plays ef5 ef5 and the fun begins knight jumps into f7 that's the sign of a of a blossoming intermediate chess player uh you notice that you have the f7 tactic with the bishop very common in fried liver both things under attack castles can be avoided because there's an opportunity to win material now black can save both those pieces but how how does black save both those pieces bribery sure but this is not fifa so queen to e7 check that's a great move danger levels you get the queen out of the way great move by white developing another piece and now rook h7 fantastic absolutely fantastic now white's like i don't want to lose the two pieces for the rook so knight back to g5 great move attacking the rook and by the way that and black solves both i'm telling you this is a meme game but it's also actually a pretty good game because some of you would have blundered all those pieces by now now white plays d5 i don't like d5 i think white at this point needs to choose to castle and put a rook on that square i don't care which way you castle but short castle or long castle um is is the best move in this position now if i were to ask you which castles is actually better what would you say actually long castles i think is better here because you by default land with a rook on d1 and then it only takes one more move to get rooks on e and d whereas if you castle short you then have to play two more moves big brain d5 i don't like because it allows black the opportunity to close the position if your opponent has eight pieces of material ready to attack you with or six or five and you have zero to defend or one what should you do to the position of course you should keep it closed uh black takes so now black just says yes come on in and take all the stuff in my house absolutely yes yes yes now white should take with knight queen or bishop correct yes absolutely you have to take with the knight you attack the juiciest thing first and then bishop knight takes something here the queen opens up i mean it's game over right certainly it's game over it's plus nine on move 14. no cause then i wouldn't have been able to make it into a youtube video queen to e5 now white has a lot of ways to do some serious damage here knight takes b6 wins the house you're going to win the rook you're going to win the bishop you also can still castle and put a rook on e1 and then you know like laser beam the queen and the king so it's all bad you can play uh castles and bishop d4 and i mean it's but white does this because you see check you have to play a check now amazingly it's still winning for white but that's a full blunder of a piece because just rook takes so you know black went like this punch me please and white somehow slipped and punched themselves in the face but black of course doesn't take and plays king d7 uh going now from plus six to plus one to plus twelve and now we take the rook fantastic but here's the problem queen takes b2 never ever ever say it is too late for counterplay that rhymed wow it was like a dr seuss book so how do you protect this rook by either moving it or castling or creating a danger levels opportunity by playing knight takes b6 check because it's protected what does white do okay all right danger levels you know i don't hate it i absolutely don't hate it i don't hate it at all king back to d8 now you can play bishop takes b6 check or movie rook or castle bishop takes b6 wonderful stuff i would have played both those moves king e8 now um there are no real checks left i mean bishop f7 can be taken queen c6 would hang a queen knight c7 isn't terrible but after this there is still the problem of your hanging rooks in this case um and now we have uh bishop takes c8 so bishop takes c8 on its own the computer will not think is a blunder because this king is simply getting destroyed um but it's a really bad move because you've blundered a rook and a second rook you have actually blundered both rooks queen a1 queen b1 a queen h1 queen i1 queen h1 both things get taken then you would need to find a checkmate would like like look if if we play queen here and then king up and then queen takes this it's still game over for black it's still game over because the king is so weak but you still need to find it but of course this doesn't happen and after bishop takes c8 black plays one of the greatest moves i've ever seen in my life queen to b1 queen to b1 which i can only assume is a mouse slip but white plays king to e2 anyway i when i saw this on my couch i was like i literally screamed i was like wait a minute is white trying like what i could understand is does white forget that their piece could be taken or did they just they were like you know what looks like a mouse lip i don't know that i don't know maybe so now we have rookie seven check black rotates in now at this point you gotta be blocking these checks you got too many pieces to be running out with your king what are you doing now the queen comes back to b5 and the king keeps running and the queen gives a check and the king keeps running and now bishop to g7 and now all right so there's total pandemonium you gotta leave it to two uh one thousands to replace the back row of pieces with the enemy pieces like look bishop d8 and white has three pieces on their opponent's back rank like what i even if grandmasters were paid to set up a position like this they wouldn't be able to do it so what's happening your rook is hanging um nothing else really uh and uh you really should get to this king somehow but it's really hard to do that because queen c6 hangs a queen and bishop d7 hangs a bishop so if you can't do that i mean maybe you play rook c1 or something maybe c3 first nope you hang a queen in one move okay fantastic so queen to c6 check hanging the queen in one move and black just hanging mate in four now maiden four is a little bit a little bit hard to see here the checkmate is actually very pretty if you'd like to solve this position white the plane mate in four it's knight to h7 check king f7 and queen d5 and uh you're gonna have a mate there very soon um in fact yeah you're gonna make that very soon um wait why is it not mate in three knight h7 here queen d5 ah because there's king e8 oh okay i see queen d5 here yeah so you see i mean it's a little bit tricky anyway white plays knight e6 and doesn't see mate and the eval bar goes all the way back down um at this point i don't even know what the engine wants uh i think at this point the engine wants rook takes uh here because after bishop takes the there is a still up hanging queen okay there's still a hanging queen but we have king to f7 so now white is winning again and uh white misses mate you're not going to see maiden 11 but you need to play knight g5 or knight d8 queen to d5 okay fantastic black takes a full rook black's like oh that rook was left hanging for me wonderful yeah i mean so it's really good it's by the way do you have any idea who's gonna win this game because i don't even have an idea and i've seen this game about five times knight g5 check king g7 trick question now the players repeated moves just kidding king h6 uh okay so at this point the engine gives something completely ludicrous uh it does it wants you to go back and trade queens no human being below the rating of i mean really any rating actually i think at this point we'll play them with queen b3 um and for example if you play queen takes g8 which looks really natural uh there's like queen b1 and between you you're king getting surrounded and the queen just jumping back and forth it's probably just the draw so white plays bishop to e3 and now that's zero zero zero it's considered a huge blunder um but but after queen to b1 now white is winning again uh if white plays king d2 of course white doesn't play king d2 and plays king e2 instead and here um the second rook hangs and the problem is of the king's positioning if the king was here when the rook takes the bishop sorry when the rook takes the bishop it's not a check which is actually very important which is actually very important this position is zero zero zero it's a also a mini challenge of putting all your pieces on your opponent's back rank queen takes d6 taking a pawn and now black detonates an absolutely beautiful tactic rook takes e3 check which was given a brilliant sticker by which is impressive it was not included in the thumbnail but it was impressive and now after takes you can take on g5 but you can also take on g2 check first and actually every knight is hanging even that night back in the corner but naturally white plays this move and gives white some hope again now black plays king g5 queen f4 king f6 and we take the knight i told you it's just a challenge of putting all your pieces on your opponent's back rank and right now black is losing that challenge black needs to go make some progress you have to take this with check and you do it fantastic king d3 25 king you two and here black who is now very comfortably in a position of attack and strength and power and we stay hungry and we devour and you need to go like queen g2 or just you know you're this is nothing i mean it's absolutely nothing black trades queens yeah you're the aggressing side and the other player i don't even know if that's a word the other player only has a king but now queen b5 and now after queen b5 uh we have restored complete equality complete equality black is slightly better black is slightly better because white has four pawn islands uh black should be mobilizing the knight and trying to come down here winning this pawn is be nice and then promoting the h-pawn so bishop to a6 pawn to b4 the two most logical moves in the game it only took us 39 moves bishop c4 97 knight c7 this is considered a mistake um because now you have a fork that's actually y and black actually spots it which is a miracle now we have check the better move would have probably been to check on e8 and move your pawn up but if you did that this king would have ran up and taken it so again because you have this clump here you need to be worried about this area of the board 95 take take take okay now if i ask you how does black win this position if you say anything if you say by checkmating and you get this crap slapped at you unfortunately i couldn't do that when i was teaching in schools but you do you do get slapped the way you win this is you bring the bishop back and you just push the g h pawns and that's it you just push the g h buttons there is no maybe you need to bring your king but this one pawn dominates two which is why ompassant was even invented so one of these pawns couldn't just sneak by on poissant right so e4 um now you can trade you don't have to trade but uh bishop d6 and now you just gotta walk with your king and your pawns king d3 king e5 and you walk the wrong way and you hang your pawn like you had a choice and you chose wrong but you are still in a chance to win this game because if you bring your king and make the bishop sacrifice itself this pawn and this bishop could potentially win you the game so bishop b4 h3 c3 oh my god white could have traded pawns right here but instead trades pawns when the king is something called overloaded it is defending two things it cannot defend two things it's such a bad move they're calling the cops outside do you hear the siren as i talk is my noise gate picking it up no well no i think you are it's very loud so takes bishop h1 bishop b4 now ladies and gentlemen how do you win this position with black how do you win this position can't get through what do you do you bring the king you bring the pawn that's it game over don't lose your final pawn okay but this is how to lose a chess playlist so black brings the king in the complete opposite direction now the pawn on h2 is still wonderful completely winning and um if the pawns were closer it would be much likely that like if the pawns were like this it's a draw because the light squared blockade king and bishop opposite colored bishop end game usually will be a draw if pawns are close king c5 bishop f3 king b6 king b3 king a5 i don't know where you're going i really don't you can't make any progress and now black realizes that they can't make any progress on the side of the board with the king so obviously you've got to go bring your king in the opposite direction oh my god and this is move 58 but it took these guys 27 moves to to finish this game now at this point you just make the queen and you're like all right game over nope black goes back to chase the bishop chase the bishop and actually this is a really smart strategy if your opponent is just pre-moving here what you need to do is play king a7 king b8 but you don't you go all the way back and the players by some sort of miracle on move 85 got a three-fold repetition claim and this game which was once made in four for white and which was once minus the game for black as always fittingly ends in a draw and me almost dying
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 735,406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: YhjjKR0vbZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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