Getting Cancelled

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- [Ghostly Voice] Hey, hey hey how y'all doing? - Hey there, welcome back to my channel. If you're new here, what's up? How's it going? And if you're coming back, what's up? How's it going? It's very good to see you again. I hope you're doing well. You see what happens when you subscribe to my channel, you get an extra greeting at the beginning of every single one of my videos. So press the subscribe button for an extra greeting. Folks, (clap) alright. For those who don't know me or never see my videos before that intro that I do that I just did. I do that in all my videos. Okay. It's a, it's a little tongue and cheek, running gag that I have on my channel. And last week I forgot to do it. When I forgot to do it, I was like, okay, I messed up, but it's fine. You know, it's, it's just one video without it. It's just a little funny little intro, you know? No one's going to be that pissed at me, right? Wrong (buzz) like 90% of the comments on my last video were about the lack of the intro. And they were getting very mad at me. You guys ripped me a new one. I have two assholes now. And you think more the merrier. You think that that's a good thing, right? No. The more the scarier. My second butt hole is where my belly button used to be. And I don't know which hole the poop is going to come out of when I sit down. So it's like Russian roulette, but poo Russian Poulette. But in response to all this backlash about me forgetting the extra greeting, I thought it'd be funny for me to go on Twitter and write a super long apology on the notes app and you know, just tweet it out. Cause that's what you do. That's what you do when you're in trouble. You write a bunch of crap on the notes app and that's that? Hold on, yo, what if you had to apologize for something, but you had an Android. What do you do then? You're screwed. I wanna do a real apology, but I can't. Okay. Maybe I'll just do a video apology on my Samsung galaxy S two. Hey guys. Just want to say I'm very sorry. I hope you guys can forgive me. So yeah, I posted my apology on Twitter and this is what it said; "Some of you may be aware of the situation already, but I wanted to get ahead of it so you can hear it from me first. This is a very serious issue. When I feel terrible about hurting a large group of people, I know an apology isn't going to fix everything and you will still have your opinions about me after all this, but I hope you can see where I'm coming from. I want to sincerely apologize for not giving an extra greeting in my newest YouTube video. It was wrong, irresponsible and just downright stupid. I'll be taking some time to self-reflect and really learn from my mistake. Love you guys. Thank you for understanding." That's like one of my most liked tweets of all time now, and you know, I expected, you know, people to like play along with a bit and like fake cancel me and shit. I expected that, but not to the extent that it got to, if that sentence makes sense. Like an hour after I posted my apology, #KurtisConnerisoveraparty was trending in America, in Canada for like several hours. So I thought for this video, we would go through that hashtag, this is the real #Kurtisconnerisoveraparty okay. And you will get a loop bag at the end, I promise. Let me just say really quick, cancel culture is kind of, it's pretty annoying to me. Whenever I make a video about someone or like a trend that's going on, it's never my intention to like cancel them. That's never what I want to happen. I'm not just every week. I'm not just like, who am I going to cancel this week? Whose career am I going to kick in the butt? Like some weird Twitter, super villain. Cancel Elgort or whatever, I don't know. I want people to like, you know. Learn from their mistakes and like grow as a person, even Sebastian balls, dude. - Good day I'm going to be bringing you my girlfriend by cheating on her. - Sure do I want him to change everything about what he does and who he is? Yeah, absolutely I do. I never want his life to be ruined though. But anyways, when my over party thing was trending, a lot of people thought I actually got canceled and understandably so, because if you see something trending on Twitter, you're like, oh, this is, this must be serious, right? We got this tweet here that I really like, I haven't seen the new video yet, but I bet it's not as bad as the news is making it out to be some people just don't understand context. This person just saw the apology and he was like, you know what? No, I don't care. I don't know what you did, but I'm sure it wasn't that bad. But yeah, once people finally realized that I wasn't actually canceled and it was just like a big joke. People got pretty upset. Like this tweet right here, "Kurtis Conner fans are the lamest people." Sorry you had to find out this way, but apparently you guys are the lamest. Isn't that Broadway musical lamest? (murmurs) - I'm actually not that mad at this person though, because their art is sorry to that man. So that's nice that they apologize upfront, or maybe they're art is @sorrytothatman. That would be way better. My most sincere apologies to the man with the tater tot hat. I hope you can forgive me my leash. But yeah being canceled, It's not very fun, even though it wasn't real. It's not a very fun thing to go through though. But believe it or not, I wasn't the only person getting canceled that day. Well, I guess I should say thing. Not person. I was trending the same time that #primevideoisoverpaty was trending, which is pretty cool. I didn't know you could cancel a subscription service. Well, I know you could cancel the subscription service, but like not, not like that, you know, apparently they were canceled for putting the wrong cast member on the movie or some shit I don't know. But I'm just picturing the person who started that hashtag was like overheard their mom say something like, "hey, we don't really use prime video that much, maybe we should just cancel it." "Oh, don't worry mom, #primevideoisoverparty. Now we wait. Why? What did you do? I tweeted. Perfect. (screams) I understand why people were so like interested in why I was over I guess. Like whenever there's a YouTuber like scandal, people fucking lose their minds, Dude. Even me personally, I am for, I'm sad to say it but, whenever there's like YouTuber drama, I wanna know what's going on. You know? Like I want to be informed. I don't care enough to watch like a full fucking 45 minute apology or whatever. Cause obviously way too long of a video, shorten it for sure. So I understand why people didn't want to research why I was getting cancelled, you know, too much to read, but some of the responses were so frustrating. I need some backstory! Some backstory. Okay. I guess it all started my first day at kindergarten. I was 13 going on 14. I had just peed in the sandbox and said, look at me, I'm a little kitty cat. (meow) The teacher threw up and immediately retired. And I thought to myself, maybe I shouldn't have done that. There is no backstory, dude. That's, you read it, read the fucking tweet. And then another similar tweet, this one fucking made me laugh a lot. "What happened to lmao?" They commented what happened, with a video of some guy cutting an orange. Just read the thing. What happened? Fuck man, that's so funny. This is my impression of this person watching the Titanic, the full three-hour Titanic movie. Wow. (upbeat music) Why'd the boat go under water. I need some backstory. A lot of the other tweets I saw were just from people who were tweeting the hashtag and using the hashtag to promote the people that they like, like this one, #KurtisConnerisoverparty. I don't know what he did, but stream sing in. Like they just wait for another over party to trend. And they're like, oh my God, I don't know what happened. But stand the fucking cast of outer banks. It's a show I like, like when you want to know what happened before you tweet out a hashtag that says they're canceled. That's I'm just, I'm getting old, man. I'm getting very old. I guess people just like seeing other people fail, I guess. And they just get really excited whenever they see someone get canceled, that they're fucking foaming at the mouth and both of their butt holes, (fart sound) are like, yes dude. Your cast, dude are you usual freaks and geeks? Because, (murmurs) here's a great example of one of those tweets that made me laugh like really hard. #Kurtisconnerisoverparty maybe if he did this. (upbeat music) I mean, yeah. Hey dude, if I could do that, I would do that all the time. I know they're like kind half joking when they tweet stuff like that. But that whole thought process is just really funny to me like, the only thing you need to protect yourself from being canceled is the ability to play the guitar. And you're fucking, you're free to go. No guitar, strings attached. (whistle) (sigh) I've tried to film this video so many times. I just wanted to sit down, there's been a lot of stuff, rumors, accusations going on about me. And I just, I just wanted to set things straight, okay. First off I want to say I'm sorry. And second off (upbeat music) Dude the thing that fascinates me the most about cancel culture is like how selective it is. You know? Like they'll cancel someone for saying some offensive slur like 15 years ago. But when someone like 6ix9ine pleads guilty to sexual assault and then they go to jail for racketeering after snitching on a bunch of people, then they're released and they come out with a shady song where he screamed the N-word 15 times, then that's just fine I guess. Yo did you hear about Tyler? He said a word that sounded like a slur when he was three months old. So yeah, we had him expelled and then killed. But anyways, play that new Google bro. (upbeat music) Dude that's another thing, bro. I feel like they should have added more years to 6ix9ine sentence, for the way he fucking titles his songs, dude. Fefe, Gooba, Wondo, Rondo, Mooky. Dude these are all sounds. My belly would make if you poke them a bunch, Fefe, Mooky, Wondo, Gooba. I just think if you're going to cancel someone for, for something, then you should cancel everyone for doing that thing. Right? Oh. Hey, here you go. I want you to keep that. - I said this earlier, but I've never really been a fan of canceling people you know? Obviously if there's someone like fucking Harvey Weinstein or Austin Jones or Romeo Lacoste, for sure cancel them dude. But if someone said something offensive like 10 years ago, I don't think it's necessarily fair for that to ruin their current situation where they've grown and learned to become a better person you know? And I guess that's where this whole thing is really tricky because like, where's the line? How do we know if they're better? It's tough, you know. Like was Joji out of line when he was doing all that Filthy Frank stuff? Personally, I don't think so. But a lot of people were trying to cancel Joji this week when they found out that he was Filthy Frank, like they found out this crazy fucking thing that nobody knew about it. Dude that's like trying to fucking cancel William Dafoe for being the green goblin. He was playing a character, man. Yo, how many, how many hashtag blank is over parties? Do you think exist in like the MCU every day? There's gotta be a new one, dude, wow, can't believe he got the university's population in half. Maybe if he stayed in Luna, then that wouldn't have happened. #thanoisoverparty I know nothing I say in my YouTube video is going to change how people react to scandals and stuff. But I just think it's kind of funny because I can almost guarantee you that the people trying to cancel people have for sure done canceled worthy stuff in their past, but their past and their mistakes aren't in the public eye and for people to see and dig up. So it doesn't really affect them at all. Like for example, last year, someone found an old tweet of mine from 2009 where I said a homophobic slur. And obviously I apologize for it. I was upfront about it. I was like, hey this was 11 years ago. I obviously know that word is not okay to say now. And I never say it now, but you don't just stumble upon a tweet from 2009, you know, like you have to actively search for that. But like the person who found that tweet of mine was a Katy Perry fan, and they found it right after I made a joke about Katy Perry. So, it's just a lot to me how quick people are to jump and cancel people for, for whatever reason. Like these tweets here. "I thought Kurtis Conner was actually canceled and got excited." "I thought kurtis conner got canceled for real for a second and I was so happy. Sorry, stay mad. If you so mad Sorry Jen. Stick these up your two assholes. ♪I know they want to see me fall, too bad it's spring. ♪ I don't know, I guess thank you to everyone who had my back and was explaining to people what was going on and that it was like a bit. I would hate for someone to stop watching my videos cause they thought I was cancelled. I want them to stop watching my videos because they hate them. In conclusion I guess I think cancel culture as a whole. I think it started with like really good intentions, right? Like rallying together, making your voice heard and like exposing someone for like abusing their power, being a predatory. That is good, Okay. That should still happen. But when you like actively search for reasons to end someone's career by like looking through their past and like stuff they said when they were a kid and shit, it's like, I don't know that's weird. And this is a very tricky subject. Cause I, I don't get to say you shouldn't be offended by this. Like it's not my place to say it at all, but I just think that people should be allowed to make mistakes when they're young and, and not have it affect their life as an adult, you know, unless you're Romeo the cast, because he's a weirdo. Okay enough of all this cancel talk, let's talk about something you should never cancel. And that is Express VPN, that's right. Express VPN is a sponsor of this video. So let's talk about them, alright. I've been using express VPN to protect my online data for over a year now. And I use it pretty much every single day on all of my devices. Did you know that without a VPN, a virtual private network hackers can access your credit card information while you're online, shopping on an un-encrypted network? while it's true and dude If a hacker gets your info, it is bad news. Okay. They can spend your money, access your accounts all because you didn't have express VPN protection. And that's problematic okay. #hackersareoverparty. Now there's a ton of VPN services out there, but I'm going to tell you why express VPN is the best one. They have the fastest speeds. They have apps for every device. It's easy to use. You can connect with just one little click and express VPN was rated the number one VPN service by tech radar. Another amazing thing about express VPN is they have server locations in 94 countries. So if you want to access content that isn't available in your country, just a few little tiny clicks, and that problem is solved the guy. And that feature has been especially amazing these past few weeks because I never leave my house. So it's nice that I can watch whatever my two little balls want to, eyeballs. Now, this sounds amazing, right? Of course it does, but it gets even better, okay. Express VPN is less than $7 a month with a 30 day money back guarantee. So take back your internet privacy today and find out how you can get three months free by clicking the link in my description, or just go to Alright, thank you so much for sponsoring this video Express VPN love you, bye bye. Alright. Thank you so much for watching this video. Hope you enjoyed it. If you did, please press a like button and actually believe it or not, one like on this video equals one orange that I will cut from the team. You're off. Sorry orange. You can't throw the ball fast enough. Yeah, leave a comment. Let me know what you think about this whole situation. Let me know what You think about cancel culture in general. I think it's an interesting topic and I know I probably forgot to talk about some examples and stuff. So I'd love to hear opinions and stuff down there in the comments I mean. And yeah, don't forget to press the subscribe button because I make a video every single week and there's so much fun. And as soon as you press the subscribe button, you become a valued citizen of Kurtis Town. If you don't know what Kurtis sound is, it's a best place to live in the world. And I'm the mayor. So you have to be nice to me. It's the law. If you want to see the other stuff, I do check the description, in my Instagram down there. My Twitter, my weekly podcast called very good. Just did an episode with my boy drew and it got new march. It's nice. And it's soft and you'll never die if you wear it. Okay. I shouldn't put that in. That's it. Thank you for watching. I'm sorry again for not doing the intro in my last video now that I know to never forget it ever again, I will be doing this till the day I die because I've learned my lesson now. So thank you. See yah. (upbeat music)
Channel: Kurtis Conner
Views: 2,589,792
Rating: 4.9769788 out of 5
Keywords: kurtis conner, kurtis connor, cancelled, kurtis conner cancelled, i got cancelled, apology video, kurtisconnerisoverparty, drama, youtube drama, cancel culture
Id: 4HGB1SwzpUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 50sec (950 seconds)
Published: Thu May 21 2020
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