Hearts of Iron 4 Challenge: Tannu Tuva annexes Soviet Union

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hello everyone I am torger and welcome to another one of my heart seven four challenges today we are going to be playing s tan new Tuva and our goal is to index the Soviet Union but before we begin I want to show you a little bit about how the challenges are chosen I did that back in the Austria video however it's been a while maybe you'd like to see my spreadsheet where I count the votes this is the spreadsheet I use to determine how many votes each challenge and got these are done already and here I tell you up the votes on the comments in each of the challenges I have done so far so you can see how the vote goes down it's all tallied up and I use this formula to calculate the adjusted vote so this is the adjusted felt value I go by for example the challenge you're watching now turn it over got seven hundred sixty two and a half volt with the adjusted the scale for example Afghanistan and got more however Afghanistan attacking us I could get me demonetized don't really want to do that and we come to the comment here is why I wouldn't want to do a certain challenge there you have it your votes matter and looks like at this moment the runner-up is Portugal unless I take the risk and place Afghanistan okay then let's get going I'm in mode historical focuses regular difficulty 1002 ver let's go we start allied to the Soviet Union and Mongolia which is actually a great benefit to us we're going to use that to take over essentially most of China if we can succeed with that however this is going to require some political meddling we start with just one unit and almost no manpower that's alright though that is alright as for focuses we're not going to select a focus yet we need our and political power as soon as possible research slots we only have two let's do this and a doctrine ultimately if all goes well we're going to have tons and tons of manpower but not much equipment I'm going with mass assault it's a relatively weak however it has very good bonuses to recovery and reinforce rate so I think we'll be fine going with mass assault what's next the factories we don't even have any slots what I can spend on one factory to get some infrastructure going but from that in production one factory building guns that's fine now let's take our one unit and assign it to an army okay then time to impose our first order of business is to attack MA as soon as we get 250 political power here we go well it's justified the war go now I'm still not going to start to focus only enough to justify Tom sinking as well afterwards we'll do political effort and now that's justified on to Sinkiang specifically junk aria why am I in such a hurry to take these guys out well I want to do this before the Chinese United Front happens and I want as a Soviet Union to help me with that the thing with the Soviet Union conquering something for you is that they will usually puppet or take it themselves but that doesn't really apply to China the Soviet Union in the awakening the tiger status of the game seems to be uninterested in this territory so we should be able to take over ma and Sinkiang for ourselves without the Soviets trying to take a bit don't even need to send my troops probably will go down this path will stay with communism mostly so that we can get technology sharing quick you are cautious that is crapping let's hire not one you're completely irregular and you're also completely irregular well that will have to do for now I'm going to promote one of you to a field marshal all right and thank you charismatic we'll need that later that's a sign no no not to the army we've designed that general to the army the army - an army group and the field marshal - the army group all the effort is Adam I'm going to spend all this political power immediately to get a silent workhorse we have enough political power to modify our country let's go to free trade for the research bonus yeah we'll try to take over mass and gang in Tibet and then go after China we'll go against Ma is ready and let's immediately declare war and call in our friends have the Soviet Union and Mongolia come on Mongolia you need to join us in this they have a dangerous border well hopefully that will not be the case for much longer let's end our unit here maybe fill the gap there now they have cotton they have come into the battle yes and they're going to win this for us essentially we don't really need to do anything and um I should have done that immediately I need to justify on Tibet well I have declared with this as a war goes on the land is going to me if the Soviet Union had any interest in it they would take it for themselves anyway however and they don't have any interest in it so it's going to me come on the glorious Soviet forces win this well let's end our one army maybe take other capital maybe we can speed it up this way is that enough oh no not much longer there you go see they don't have any interest they are getting given us in the war Scott I'm going to puppet them and turn and then give our new puppet all the states and now we finally will have manpower well it's it their manpower but we'll have it still and that's which - or economy and get ready to beat up saying hearing we will be relying almost easily on our puppets forces and none of these experts are really that good but I don't get a maneuver expert and I suppose I'll take an industrial concern company our justification against inkyung is already and we're going to give ma some time to give him sand to get us through troops yeah we'll be using Sinkiang tibetan ma troops to beat up China soon for now is declare wars it can I'm not going to just finding new workers just yet for for a while I suppose I could go off to Bhutan but it's almost time to go after China so we'll take sink yang in Tibet and then we'll go after China let's make sure to call everyone in as the Soviet Union not called and immediately they will join eventually now let's move here Mongolia would you like to join you would ok monka is then air the Soviets want to join as well and that should almost be it there you go see no interest sink yen puppet we puppeting them because we need their manpower I could just take their territory and get their factories and a bit of manpower but that's not good enough we need all the manpower we can get well the girl comes ours is done let's do I to logical fanaticism and then there's only a little bit we'll have to do technology sharing all right almost forgot I wanted to get the theorists let's get the military a theorist so he can give us some army experience no Sima already built a unit hey give me that unit all right and we should probably improve worker conditions so you can get a stability for later and think yang is making units nice again give me see that's good about having puppets we suddenly have troops in manpower and the war in China is starting in Japan is attacking we were going to use that a very soon and the orchestration on the bet is ready let's go look at war and call everyone this button doesn't seem to work well for example we have not called the MA somehow let's do that let's call Mongolia Hin and that's called the Soviet Union coming through around your forces might work might not I know why attacking Tibet is so difficult they have access volunteers right we're about to beat them that's not justifying on China and Tibet is ours welcome to the ten to vote puppetry party Tibet take all states of Tibet for Tibet that's it our troops are assigned and we're almost ready to attack hopefully we can be the ones to take communists to China that would help our cause and greatly but they suppose it doesn't really matter we should be able to take at least this much local is ready let's go declare war conquest and of course call everyone in I'll do it manually China doesn't stand a chance of course but the question is how much we can get you know for ourselves rather than project pan don't worry now I'm going to give you all of China but as my subject even if you lose the manpower there was a puppet units we don't really care that much Arachne focus are almost forgot technology sharing I suppose I'll get these experts I'm not sure if they actually apply to my puppets requested units but I'll take them just in case they do how is China well they're not doing so great which is a good thing for me rotten Britain announced alliance that's not a problem reason is in the Army really well we do have lots of vodka power to spend so let's hold a patriotic speech extra research thought complete let's do secret weapons all right these guys have capitulated hmm yeah the demise of China is growing closer drawing closer well I'm about to take this bit wonderful more of Communist China for us it especially important because I want you know I'd like to take it for me rather than to Japanese it's not such an amazing province but I wanted her to puppet Communist China if I can't do that at all just to take all the Chinese land and read and then release come is China as a puppet afterwards but it would be nice to be able to popper them immediately yeah relentless assault on this problem please wonderful well on the one hand is just a matter of time on the other hand it hasn't been just the matter of time for a very long time now if only I could take their current capital mmm Japan is reaching them from the other side not much longer now hopefully improved computing machine is done let's do advanced computing machine and get all the nice businesses to research how are the focuses yeah I'm with effort then I suppose on to army effort and go down to the equipment effort path and then just suppress my subjects for the rest of the game come on just a moment longer let's keep attacking oh can I actually do this yes China has capitulated we got 50% of their equipment that's 14 girls they had 28 guns oh and they were actually not able to get Communist China yet now it is actually very good news because I might be able to take more than I first thought I would be able to take let's try and pop it Communist China okay that's good now we need to shadow puppet Shang she and China so that Japan can't do that shadow puppet thing is done like this take all states puppet and then on take all states effectively puppeting them with zero territory that results with not operating them but also the AI not being able to do that we must do the same to Xiang ji they go States puppet council taking those states all right this way we get come in China also on this router Tibet has a core here let's give it to them alright let's enter town okay we go to Communist China puppet and Japan was not able to take more land so now we're going to be transferring our score to Communist China kind of we're going to be giving them their core territory so we're going to give them these bits of shang-chi and we're also going to try and give them as much as we can off China proper but Japan is not interested in this area they would like to create a reorganized nationalist China and but they can't do that anymore because I'm a shadow puppet as them let's end the turn see Japan can't do anything anymore I mean they can they just don't want to so Communist China is gonna get more land unfortunately we're going to have to pass now to get some points we're going to have to pass quite a lot of times to get those points be careful to not click done by accident anyway if I wasn't able to mmm Papa to come in as China this way I would have I would have Shadow Puppets everyone I could and just taken the rest manually however with the province is costing 400 points for example and getting 2 points per one passing we would have to do that quite a lot of times so it is much more convenient to have the puppet now of course we could just puppet regular China but as I said they have some internal troubles that would translate to them not being such a good puppet ok that does it I this is more than I hoped to achieve we have coming as China we have Tibet we have a ma and we have sink young all as our puppets and you know what the best thing about come is churn as a puppet is look at the manpower 20 million manpower well our manpower troubles are pretty much over aren't they as long as as soon as we lower their autonomy I'll be able to just build units with their manpower purely I think and that's not justifying against Afghanistan and hope it goes well I should also create a colonial template using communist China's templates let's use this 20 unit infantry template and train how many can I train okay each of them takes 1000 units from us and 9,000 from Communist China train as many as we can deploy although we can't the bio USSR occupiers eastern Poland fall of Paris and France has capitulated that was pretty quick no these are guys are actually being trained even when we don't have manpower all right then give me tons of those seems I need just one guy from my own people and then Cummings trying to provide the rest of the men are that is great news our troops are on their way and when young gives up in Bessarabia well yeah that's probably the only choice they had our justification is ready well let's hope we can get it and not the Soviets should i attack immediately I think so yes let's attack look at war and call everyone in okay everyone has joined now skills you do makeshift bridges because there's this river here and many force attack let's see if I can get more participation than the Soviet Union like I can send them an attache yeah we're advancing keep moving improve the infantry equipment and now we can focus on the best guns because we get to focus at that well you know let us do that you know should be more aggressive don't stop moving and they surrendered oh right yes I have more points than the civilian which means I can puppet Afghanistan should I take out of land as well yeah let's pop it it and take out the land as well and turn now I took it what I'm going to give it back to Afghanistan as Yogi by Territories return territory now let's go against Iran we will not have to call the Soviet Union in hopefully they will not get guaranteed just in case I should probably improve relations with the allies now Iran will have to take directly because of British focuses Germany is getting ready to attack the Soviet Union well that's not a problem for me I'm not going to be calling them into my Wars anymore Trotsky survives assassination attempt well it weakens the Soviet Union so it's good for me kingdom of Romania target Bulgaria mmm we're getting attrition but we're ready to attack now go nuclear war and stop justifying on Turkey I suppose Soviet Union is sending me tons of stuff yes please yeah I forgot to call people into the war well I only need to call in Afghanistan there you go let's move Greece joined allies so we can't get a Greece it doesn't really matter hmm you go around here this seems to be undefended how long until Iran capitulate not long at all almost done well I'm going to annex here thank you this is now teller Tuva and we have 22 factories which is decent yeah I'm deploying these guys ahead of time all the time it's enough for them to get a tiny bit of our manpower and the Chinese support I supply all the rest now go to the Turkish border hopefully before they can get there okay Germany attacked the Soviet Union we don't care what we care about is declaring war on Turkey hopefully and before they can get ready to defend themselves against us go immediately don't need to call any allies in and that starts justifying oh go on Romania and hope they don't get guaranteed Republican Spain joint Comintern move immediately and the Turkish forces aware on the Soviet borders so hopefully we can move in here without too much trouble how are we doing against Romania did they get guaranteed no but I think they're about to join the axis which is a bit of a problem because I don't want to find the axis so if that actually happens I think there might be a small chance of the axis refusing or something but if they do join the axis I'm going to cancel that and go against Iraq instead as a Republican Spain fighting the axis yes they are and they're actually doing quite well well maybe I should join the attack on the axis get bits of Germany and then attack the switching live from there let's cancel the justification and go after Iraq instead the attack on Turkey is going well and he goes Turkey now Turkey is also going to be my puppet puppets all the way Turkish Socialist Republic Japan declared war on the Philippines really the US has joined the Allies I don't think I have time for more than Saudi Arabia I was Spain doing or rather how is Spain doing so well I just vacation on Iraq is already well let's go yeah sure let's do Yemen I think I'm just going to next indirectly Iraq is mine I'm just going to take everything yeah I don't really feel like I need more puppets at this point and you know so terribly Haman an omen tend to it they don't usually produce a lot of units that I could use if we see a major domination of the Soviet Union here then we should probably join the war maybe get bits of the axis and only go after the Soviets afterwards yeah right justification is complete there we go working on Yemen should I do Oman as well yes yes we should first time they should have a decent number of factories which I can just steal yeah it's pretty clear right now that this Virginia is going to be victorious soon we should join this war I decided to leave and Bhutan and Nepal alone for now Yemen is ours now the question is do join the one now or do we take our common first let's wait a bit or go on Amin is almost ready and afterwards we joined war against the axis and then all of you converge on their capital what take long won't be difficult and there goes Oman just give me everything right I think we're ready to join the Soviet war against the axis as soon as these guys reach of their positions yes of its you want me to join your war there we go now let's make sure to call in all our little puppets we're only doing that so that we can get something at the peace conference membership in the USSR yes let's get a next of course not we have 71 factories and most of all God we're supposed to do the extra research thought although there's hardly anything to research anymore that is some quick development you guys have pretty much done your thing here let's assign you to Italy right now I need to actually some more than anything else I already have and this manpower from China and if we if we reduce their autonomy yeah you Romanians capitulated to me got lots of guns if we reduce China's autonomy we will actually be able to build endless troops with only their manpower there right reaching Hungary now what is our participation 4% well that isn't great but it's something Ireland joined the Allies right now with them it's a bit late but I suppose and they will appreciate every bit of help hey turkeys getting Italy good job guys good job Hungary capitulated and we got their stuff wonderful seems like I might need some more steel Oh I'm holding lands that used to belong to the UK interesting oh yeah here Slovakian bits of hungary still holding well we're moving into Germany and Italy Slovakia has capitulated mmm even got a few tanks Turkey's getting all of Italy which is good United States stand against fascism now freely on the front lines a bit attack from the Soviet lands as well the outer conference oh no I'm not going to let that happen it's not the way they think it's going to happen so Germany how long will that take not long at all we might be taking Munich soon although that'll be enough to capitulate them and it was enough to capitulate them unfortunately the Soviets got all the stuff but maybe we'll be fine let's wait to the Peace Conference and see how much we can get Italy has capitulated and all right what happened what have you done the way to East Germany that's important liberate not not puppet puppet Romania unfortunate change the government of Italy liberated he elaborates on Libya puppet Hungary is a larger house Slovakia take memo mmm the Joe Slovak I think is very unfortunate I was hoping to get it for myself I suppose I'll just conquer it eventually and right mmm I am going to shadow puppet everyone so that nobody else can you know we puppeted out of that and then I'll proceed to take as much territory directly as I can okay this is the puppet in I also get Albania as a puppet and now we're going to directly take as much land as we can now this is going to be taking about the Soviets for jeho Slovakia and this is going to be taken from mmm for Hungary I could try and mess with that or I can try and get as much as I can from Italy and I think Italy is the better choice because I will get away more factories this is as much as I can take in this ground which is decent and general knives will be safe because on the other is would like to do West Germany but I have shadow puppet of them so they won't be able to and turn right they took payment or I can't take long buddy unfortunately but they can take Tuscany you know that's a nice pass ones house he'll be able to take a bit more all right we can take Tuscany Abruzzo companion Cantabria can't take Sicily all Lombardy at least not in yet let's take these they have taken the rest a little bit of polar go but it's not horrible and I'm going to proceed to take all of Germany but as nobody's going to interfere with this I can just pass several times theoretically I can satellite the three above the twin yeah we'll all be taken by on the Soviet something goes for France France will just get annexed by France all right let's take all the German lands directly I don't need more manpower although I suppose I could use other generals now let's just take the land directly I need the factories I have manpower from China I need factories also I made a mistake I didn't research artillery and I will want to add artillery to our unit so yeah this is that that's a bit of a mistake let's end the turn and that's down to two before you that's done or two before you now it's time to prepare to attack but first we attack East Germany why one because they were liberated not puppeted and also under communist so nobody is going to defend them that's just a foregone and get their juicy factories and steel production I'm assured going to cancel the suppressed subject focus we're going to need that political power in order to get a lot of generals am I forgetting to research artillery is a serious error because I will want to add it now but let's remedy that quickly we can reduce autonomy China's autonomy wonderful now these forces and these units will take only Chinese manpower in China has 22 million men power last time I checked justification against the civilians justifying against us and we'll probably be Afghanistan yeah southern thrusters against against an they can't do anything about it as long as we're in this impaction justification hmm Israeli let's go they are communists so they can't join the Allies and I am in the Comintern so they can't join the Comintern also they have no troops let's just take everything I own the factories and the steel production as well let's make infinite infantry well not infinite I'm going to modify the templates as well we'll get some artillery in there this looks perfect doesn't it forty with lots of attack lots of defense hmm I suppose I'll add so much to the ring I'm kind of winging it not sure if this is the best ratio or not and our artillery is still very weak I'm still researching it probably should have gone for superior firepower throw yeah this will impact a 401 divisions will need to produce a lot of artillery to make this happen whatever just disband everyone they won't suffer attrition in the field we don't need the army right now we'll just build it let's add logistics signal and recon companies to our unit a bit of an interesting development civil war in Romania I have deployed all these units some of the amount of time because I noticed the others were taking attrition and yet and I remembered that we need to move our capital essentially I send half of them to Europe and half of them stay in Asia I'm going to be repositioned in them this is just a placeholder and I'm but first I need to switch my capital and how do we do that well we go to manage occupied territories and we give back tannu Tuva to Soviet Union goodbye our ancestral homeland we need that to be gone for now we have lost some factories we have lost some manpower we have lost some everything and but our capital should now move to Berlin and now we have a gained supply no more attrition at least in this area let's train everything everyone up so yeah we have 480 units that are like this with all our forces in position or almost in position I think it is high time we left of the faction and got ready to fight the Soviet Union let's leave a comment on and started justifying war go I'm going to justify our goal on Mongolia how we doing on production because we're wasting some of this equipment by training them now it's fine exercise and doesn't cost that much of an impact on our stuff I've made some Coast Guard units for tea to be exact and I'm deploying them using the fallback line one to each of our ports are and are alight pots securing those as well actually to be a bit more elegant let's make it 48 I have requested all the forces from my subjects except for Turkey and Afghanistan because I believe this or between that has more goals on them and if I took their forces they might be seen as a weak and the good targets anyway I'm going to redistribute those troops around they will they will go away once I meddle with the factions again however it will be good to have them in that position I'm being invited to the Soviet Union's faction against the Comintern not yet now I will join it once the war goal is ready and then we'll do the older 66 we haven't done that in a while heavily our go against Mongolia is complete now we have a war goal and is going to be valid for two months so let's rejoin the Comintern boom we are back in the faction now well now it is time to prepare for order 66 I have sent all my units that were prepared for the order 66 to their designated positions well apart from the Spanish ones but they still need to do the naval transport I want to see I'm going to show you so you're going to cover romania ja slovakia and hungary hopefully you will get them in the first strike we're going to cover the northern coast of well no not not and about the coast of the soviet union and most of their victory points also and that is the spanish division ah damn it I forgot to cancel there the frontline order and you're coming back home how all that work for nothing alright I'll have to redo the Russian front let's check on our units and these guys take care of Charles de Vaca and Hungary these take care of Romania you are in Spain and you have various parts of the Soviet Union we'll see how that works out I think it's time to attack now this is a delicate process if you are to do this correctly first some of the game down as much as you can remember to leave faction your forces if at least an hour passes don't try to return home you have to stop them from doing that and now now our expeditionary forces have been returned we need to be request them make sure to select only the units that are not currently in Army's and assign them to appropriate armies now we declare war a declared war on Mongolia I'm going to activate all the orders all the ins that have orders will have their orders activated and now we wait for who used to be our eyes to join the war now we need to select these units and hold them because they will try to return to our territory soon Mongolia's call to arms should be sent out to the Soviet Union and friends in the meantime I'm going to call on my subjects in they seems reluctant to join you guys should probably stop we don't want to defeat and go there before it causing this of it that's justify war on the Soviet Union maybe that will worsen our relations ok I'll let the game run while holding them all the time let's wait a bit longer and then well even if that means they will not join I can still use this to my advantage by keeping troops in Spain to prevent them from joining although having to continuously click a halt on them throughout the entire war could be a bit of a problem on the other hand the 13 is just fine a walk up on Turkey so if they were to attack us like this yeah it is still it would still make everything account I can just select all of them why did I not think of this earlier let's speed things up and well well well below just as I speed things up Mongolia Jones okay let's slow down then how are we doing Mongolia did I say [ __ ] Jones Spain joins Mongolia well is my gambit successful did we get all of them let's have a look yes we did yes we did okay so all the sixty-six on Spain was successful now it's enough for me to just impose and wait until midnight and they will surrender and great news however the game is barely running when i zoom in there so it's not a zoom in that was good to speed3 and keep holding all those units Republican Spain has capitulated thank you that deals with Spain interesting our troops are being attacked by Spanish troops in Soviet territory oh crap apparently I won well that's unfortunate weather disobeyed Stu Jonah now we know they are not going to and will have to wait until and we'll have to wait until they attack us but they are just fine we'll go on Turkey so let's take Mongolia and Spain I wonder was able to give me military access they would give me military access but I'm not sure what repercussions that would have I suppose I can ask for military access from their puppets let's see what happens I mean our troops will not be attrition anymore but will that have any effect on our war declaration are pending war declaration whether the fact that they are going to attack my puppet and since we have another army that's free right now I'm going to cancel all their orders and send them to all the rest of the Soviet victory points now our units are no longer exiled I don't know it'll happen when the Soviet Union taxes so I can't attack them if I have divisions in their territory but they should be able to attack me or rather Turkey now we wait and we're not getting attrition any motion wondering what this is on the map apparently I'm not sure what happened maybe it was like a hotfix between my game sessions or something but I unloaded the game and apparently and this belonged to nobody at some point oh my save file got corrupted in which case I'm happy the rest of the game seems to be working all right I think there was an update in the meantime I have never seen this before 2d 3d ok good to know and myself I wasn't completely completely screwed over which has good oh yeah that's a new thing when did that happen ok they have attacked Turkey so how are we doing Moscow is well defended seems like these guys will not succeed however I could theoretically use them to cut the rest of their army off from supplies we have taken Leningrad how many points have we taken we haven't taken that many of cold everyone in we are attacking okay so I'm about how about you guys you're not as well so when you're cold in my units we'll still do their job so you stay where you are let's wait a day and that older you know call to our calls to arms and resolve a writer Romania and Romania should be capitulating now yes Romania has capitulated how about Hungary and Jos lavaca okay that is Jo Slovakia macho Slovakia is more fortified and here goes hungry there you go good the best is ours don't even really need to paint any orders just need to set them too aggressive and activate they should start attacking immediately theoretically probably should have spent more units on isolating Moscow did we take what Vostok no we almost did yes and then we can form a new offensive from here Balkan socialist Union has capitulated that means hungry slowly moving forward oh I have separated them from Moscow are you guys all getting attrition probably no but maybe you can take your capital we do have Leningrad so we do have supplies from our naval bases and activates aggressively know that we have taken Moscow their capital is here in the rest of right advancing nicely interesting nicely how about what it was look we did get what it was look good yeah this is taking some time Charles working in the hands can fetch alighted now we would have been able to defeat them even without the trick but it's fun yeah what need does destroys after all it's what's didn't know let's research rockets or something so our scientists don't grow complacent didn't really have anything serious to do for a long time now I find I heard about this new device called a tank research that for me it's not just victory points we do need to take a lot of just regular provinces for this to work and that takes time we're about to connect our borders are here destroy the commies and same goes for you get that communists technically we're communists too but yeah logic is not a very communist thing we don't need to worry about it Australia assumed as a responsibility for colonial holdings doesn't really interest me but okay so there you have it let's just wait a bit ah fourteen million men power and ten more in reserve what is your manpower law anyway it is serviced by requirement so you could double that amount and in more this whole manpower situation reminds me of a very old and a very very dry joke mmm about that the Chinese army attacking in the very small groups two million each our font is evolving but it's still not as big as the Soviet font and it is common knowledge that's it the bigger your font the better you are so let's get better finally Soviet Union has capitulated well well that's annex everyone shall we I'm going to pass a few times and take all states also take all states take all states and take all take all states there you go thank you and that is it I hope you enjoyed this challenge make sure to let me know in the comments what you liked and disliked about this video and most importantly make sure to vote on what you want to see next in the description of this video you will find a link to a playlist containing all my challenges as well as to my patreon page if you want to tip me and that is all for today I hope you had a good time and I'll see you soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 570,647
Rating: 4.9051499 out of 5
Keywords: hearts of iron 4 fail, world conquest, hoi4 tannu tuva world conquest, annex soviet union, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hoi4, hoi4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 ironman gameplay, hoi4 tannu tuva challenge, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hoi4 tannu tuva, hoi4 annex ussr, hoi4 ironman tannu tuva, hoi4 tannu tuva empire, hoi4 meme, hearts of iron 4 ironman tannu tuva, hearts of iron 4 tannu tuva challenge, taureor
Id: RFq5gfKg2vE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 28sec (2488 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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