Hearts of Iron 4 Challenge: Austria refuses Anschluss and beats Germany

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hello everyone I am Toro and welcome to my newest handsome and fall challenge we're going to be playing it's Austria refusing the angels and defeating Germany but before we dive into the challenge or explain how the challenges are chosen it suggests them in the comments you vote on them and this is how I come to the votes more or less that's the state for the day when I'm starting to record this video I take the highest vote on each challenge then I take half of the votes it received across all videos you can see that in the formula sometimes the same suggestion appears on multiple videos then I sold them by that adjusted value and then I verify if that would be a good choice right now for example the current winner would be Latvia concrete at the USSR but it would be very similar in strategy to the Lithuanian challenge I did so I'm going to delay it a bit for more variety man chuckle forming chain will be more fun if we wait for the upcoming China DLC it doesn't mean they are rejected that they are delayed for now and the entry with the highest score without any reservations of this sort is austra refusing the answers so this is what we're going to do today but don't worry even though Latvian menchaca were put on hold temporarily I fully intend to get back to them okay let's get into that challenge Austria refuses the answers and the defeats of Germany we're going to be playing on a regular difficulty Ironman mode and historical focuses let's get into it I do have a plan and it mostly involves Germany being defeated not necessarily Germany being defeated by us but you're gonna see that in a moment we start with 12 factories a reasonable amount of manpower and the generic focus tree so let's start with that we're going to start with the political effort and then do nationalism focus suit and switch to fascists because we already have half partial support we'll just need a little bit more to get a referendum so hiring a fascist Omega would be kind of a waste we start with nine units not very well equipped and a pretty good general as for factories let's build more military ones and as for production let's just to get basic infantry weapons let's also buy steel from France as well research we're going to focus on infantry and do the generic choices here doctrines for infantry are superior firepower and mass assault I will go with superior firepower I think I'm going to switch all my units to regular infantry train them up and also prioritize reinforcements our first target is going to be Hungary so it's get on to their borders and that's pretty much it for the beginning moves let's impose and get going you don't have to worry about support equipment I will modify the template do not have it but we do have to worry about infantry equipment our first focus is done we're going to continue along the collectivist and nationalism path we're going to save our political power for now I want to hire the guys that will strengthen our troops okay here comes the referendum we didn't even finish the nationalism focus and why is that well we had one percent Democratic support and after doing collectivist ëthis that decreased Democratic support that's increasing the others and we currently have fifty and a bit fascist which is enough for a referendum and that is perfect for our purposes yes we will hold the referendum and immediately starts justifying a war go on Hungary it's going to take a while with militarism done we have a lot of manpower and we can modify our unit templates I'm going to change our infantry I'm going to remove the Engineer Company because we don't have the production for support equipment and I'll add one infantry unit so we have the combat width of 20 we are almost ready to attack Hungary let's spend some of that political power we've been accumulating I'm going to hire an infantry expert and an army offense expert and I'll leave that for now because we need to start just fine another war go as soon as we declare war and the justification is complete oh that's um should I declare war immediately or should I wait for some more guns to be delivered to our guys now let's attack you go Hungary did that war and immediately starts justifying war go against Yugoslavia alright let's see how we can do now it's going to be difficult at first but I think we can overcome them relatively quickly all right we're making gains although we they might break through here if they do all try to cut them off now we have enough vodka powder higher and not advisor I could do war economy or I could do army regrouping expert I would like both of those things but at this moment I think an army recruiting expert will help us a little bit more right with some manual management will breaking through here and from the valve go towards Budapest and that should fix all our problems Kevin are you ready to capitulate yet doesn't seem like it we need to take some more stuff well now it won't be difficult and here it is now we're going to make Hungary a puppet it's going to help us more than the next in their territory and conquering them is not part of the challenge now our next target is Yugoslavia and the war goal will take some time to complete and there unfortunately guaranteed by Czechoslovakia however Charles Baca is doing the trust in the West focus which will cancel those guarantees so we're good to go with enough political power let's go to war economy and that's going to be tremendously helpful and we can now select another focus our work on Yugoslavia will be ready in five days unfortunately our troops are not so I'm just going to deploy some of them ahead of time they're going to be green but that's fine also I will need to request the ones that Hungary made it's good having puppets what goal on Yugoslavia is already time to attack that's the clear war yeah no no I almost made a mistake first I want to join of the axis now this is not going to save me from Germany because as part of the unsurfaced event if we refuse we will automatically leave the faction and but I have a plan for that and once they accept we attack all right we have joined at the axis now this attack Yugoslavia and not called Germany again let's call in Hungary ones hungary accepts now we go towards Belgrade and Yugoslavia starts with very low national unity so if we just to rush the victory points we should be ok and with a little bit of manual control we should have their capital in no time and here is this now due to their very very low national unity this is going to make them capitulate three Papas out of Yugoslavia now we could also get Yugoslavia as a puppet afterwards but that is a bit risky because I believe the British have some events that would make them declare war on Yugoslavia so having you know Slavens a puppet is risky I would need to read those events to know exactly if it's a good idea or not but instead I'm just going to take these lands myself okay now we're going to require very precise timing to survive against Germany and as you can see I'm planning to attack Italy Germany will demand unloose and that will throw us out of the axis and that means they can immediately attack us well that is true unless we are in a war together and my plan is to attack China and call them in now this will depend on Japan why China because Japan now declares war on China is a December in December and Germany will be getting the Andros as soon as you can see there started it already but what happens now well China will form the United Front Chinese United Front and they will become a major power thus declaring war on them or rather justifying war on them will not take a long time it will be significantly hastened let's wait for them to annex Yunnan although it doesn't really make a difference yet because see this will only apply the great powers are refreshed every month so we have to wait until the first of January we have to time everything perfectly or Germany will kill us anyway the plan is to get to Germany into the war against China have them in the same war as us and they will be unable to attack us here this January first now China will be a major power already and see it only if it takes 55 days I'm going to start justifying in war go against them theoretically we could have called in Germany to a different war all that really matters is that we are in the war together when the antlerless finishes the answer was focus finishes however mmm I did want to conquer Yugoslavia for myself entirely and I suppose we could start it another warm but this just seems like the best choice in addition to that it will force Germany to send some troops here thus weakening them all right here comes the Angelus fortunately we have 30 days before this expires and a lot can happen in 30 days for example we can finish justify our war goal against China attack China call Germany and to help us let's try and do that it's still not certain that Germany will actually come and help and war goal against China is ready now I am going to attack them and call Germany into that war hopefully they will accept theoretically I could have started justifying on them earlier when I was fighting it was started for example but that could force the Allies to guarantee them and that would be trouble so now we need to call Germany in Germany has joined and that means Germany has joined that means they are in the same faction as we are so even though now when I click this we will leave the axis they cannot attack us because we are in a war together moreover they will accept me back into the faction because we are in the war together well perhaps not immediately yeah see they are inviting us back into the faction because we are in the same war so at this point we have effectively prevented at the Angelus now all that remains is to defeat Germany I see two basic ways to do this we can stay in the axis and expand get stronger Conqueror Romania Bulgaria Greece and Turkey for example when Germany starts fighting the Allies we can grow in strength and then defeat Germany that is option one option two is less spectacular but I think more clever and that's why I like it option 2 is to weaken Germany so the Allies will defeat them and I think I'm going with that one how do we do that well we attack Italy we attack Italy and make Germany fight the Italians thus not only making Germany weaker but also depriving them of their ally so let's do that I have also started training some colonial units we'll need more later on our justification against Italy is ready this is going to be difficult and we might even lose some territory temporarily and but I think it will be alright and the Germans will win this for us also Italy didn't have a chance to join the axis yet here we go we attack Italy and we call in everyone although Japan will probably not join hmm interesting Germany did not join this war I'm pretty sure they will eventually although they do like Italy and here this Germany wants to join here we go now Germany is unlikely to devote a lot of forces unless they directly border the enemy so what we will need to do is get at least a little bit of territory from Italy and then transfer it to Germany we haven't managed to take out the Italians down here and now more troops can join the main frontline we're struggling to maintain control of our territory and also we're suffering great losses in terms of manpower but it will all be worth it we're not doing too well I have decided to promote my guy to a field marshal so he can handle more troops although it's a bit of a waste when he's only level 7 and I'm going to provide him with more troops all the guys we have in training are going to get deployed immediately and they're all going to get assigned to the attack instead later now I have deliberately abandoned this area hopefully the Italians can get into the German lands a little bit which should provoke the Germans to defend the area better we were running out of manpower but it's not really a problem France and Britain announced Alliance and Germany has claimed Memo now Germany cannot attack Poland Germany cannot even demand so that inland do you know why because we have forced them to fight Italy they're filled manpower is not sufficient for those this is how we are weakening them okay with a strong manual attack we were able to isolate a small pocket of Italian forces it is not a significant amount of troops but it is going to be helpful nonetheless oh also our guy and called the combi twist modifier now that means we'll be changing our troops but not yet I realize we're out of manpower but I don't want to adjust my manpower laws yet I'd rather keep the manpower for later for now we're doing relatively well and I will do military youth soon which will give us an extra 2% now this is a very important moment because it can let me encircle a lot of Italian troops if I do it right okay Venice is ours and we have almost cut their troops off now we just need to keep this area separated you should probably give at least part of this territory to Germany but this is going so well I don't want to change anything the Italian troops are about to be overrun hmm let's buy some more steel from France why from France well because I want them to be stronger so they can beat Germany and the Italian troops are dead let's hope these guys make sure they rejoin the main frontline and advance south Jacques submits to le I was waiting for that I requested two units and sent them to take care of that area they should be able to do so seems like the Germans are interested in having land in Italy I could prom to give them some more and they would be interested but it is going well right now I don't really think we need to worry about that also started producing destroyers and convoys which we will need for some naval invasions that will probably be necessary against Palermo seems like I exploited them too much and they weren't even able to do Sudetenland and now they're going to attack the USSR and they're gonna get killed which is something we want actually so I guess that's okay alright perhaps we can do it probably not but perhaps no Messina is well defended it has usual seems like it's time to start planning a naval invasion which you look at that will I get lucky enough to get through probably not about - one can hope always yes ok Italy's hours right so we have way more participation than Germany does so what we need to do is puppet Italy this is going to benefit us of the most and that's going to give them as much land as we can that is fine I also want the core stay this is the end state of the war I probably should have taken east ear for myself as well but I decided I'm gonna take long belly and Venice just so we can deploy some ships here and maybe get some more factories otherwise I gave everything to Italy they're going to be a very strong puppet and that ends this war now it's time to beat up the Germans also I'm going to release Albania and Ethiopia as subjects now we can't attack Germany yet because we're still in the same war against China all right I've modified everything a little bit I have switched on my guys to corneal templates or part from the requested ones of course and I have modified all the colonial templates and main two new ones for the new puppets each of them is a 44 with pure infantry now if we can get enough production to started doing artillery then I will start adding artillery but right now we're struggling to provide them with basic guns but it will have to be enough for now also they will be making their own troops which I will be requesting later on so so good now we just wait for Japan to finish conquering China and then we can take care of Germany I'm going to hire a democratical former now because joining the Allies might be beneficial to us as for focuses we have pretty much done all the good ones I could do a repeating one or I could invest in some doctrines let's do the doctrines and better infantry equipment seems like Japan is having a really hard time defeating China although they should be able to even if it takes them more time to do so no I might be wrong and if that happens that might have ruined my plans actually no Germany's finally doing demands Sudetenland well that might move things along a little bit interesting Bulgaria has just joined the axis that means that if and when we attack Germany well when we attack Germany we'll have to attack Bulgaria as well I will have to dedicate some troops to doing that so that land has been taken what are we doing now in Germany yes fate of Java Kia Soviet Union attacked Finland as usual but Finland joined axis oh crap okay that's not that's not a big deal because Finland has been called into our war against China which means we're now allies with Finland and we are in a war together however that doesn't mean we'll have to fight the Soviet Union because the Soviet Union cannot abide China because because each of them is in their own alliance Germany indeed has joined war against the Soviet Union and they're also going to attack Alden this means they are going to beat with everyone are going to be toward Poland France Netherlands and Belgium of the Soviet Union and China and then us Poland has refused Germany which means Germany is about to be at one with everyone and we have damaged them sufficiently oh interesting Poland joined Cummington and not the Allies that's weird that's fine though because Germany is doing around much not which means they're going to attack Belgium and the Netherlands and and the Netherlands are allied with the eyes which means Germany will be fighting everyone that much seems to be happening in China I might want to send my troops in there and actually help Germany seems to be at an impasse they are kind of balanced on both fronts but they will quickly get exhausted and defeated some of our troops have arrived I have said them to balanced and well they seem to be having an impact but it is not a big impact I'm getting worried I might be unable to take any German than for myself on the other hand I'm pretty sure Germany will get defeated so essentially the challenge will be fulfilled although I'd rather get some myself if I can take this victory point the People's Republic of China should capitulate and well oh ok who got this Germany really and they have capitulated this is going to make things a little bit easier in the meantime Germany is getting conquered by the Allies which is very unfortunate they might capitulate soon and I will be unable to get anything from them challenge would be fulfilled but I want to fight them at least a little bit err crap Germany has capitulated oh well theoretically the challenges are success because I was supposed to refuse the Angelus and defeat Germany and I suppose in a way we have defeated Germany by weakening them significantly unfortunately we were not participating in the war directly so I'm not sure if I can actually say that I was successful in defeating Germany which is a little bit unfortunate okay let's finish that war against China and that is the end of the war German Republic has been formed ok I'm going to justify war against Germany seems that's my only reasonable option and hope they don't join the eyes and they joined the Allies what the hell okay not all is lost Germany was defeated by the Allies attack by the Soviet Union I think and then they joined the axis again even though they were a republic now well then that gives me options it's not a failure after all we can still beat up Germany right then let's finish off China and get ready to do that I couldn't make this up this is just so weird I could call them in and against China but why would I we're about to defeat them and I might even get some land not that I needed but manpower would be helpful in China has tons of it yemeni has rejoined to the war against china this this is hilarious I could tell I could attack the eyes now and just have Germany on my side again but I'm going to talk Germany instead all right this means Chinese capitulation I think your this China has capitulated and there it is I have taken quite a lot of land that is going to give me manpower non-core manpower but still manpower that ends it how much manpower did I get that is several million I decided to leave a small contingent in China to defend this a victory point it might be problematic if it's taken anyway it time to leave the access who is the leader of the axis it's probably Japan by now Romania is the leader of the faction well that's weird ok let's let's leave the faction and now we're going to get ready to attack Germany let's get the war goal on them forty days that is good enough would you look at that we got 78 units from our subjects and the war goal is ready time to beat up Germany let's go and I'm going to call all my eyes in or all my subjects if you prefer this should be a rather quick and easy right so we're at war with whom Bulgaria Romania Finland Germany and Japan Japan is going to be the problem here seriously I thought they would join the Allies and I wasn't ready to beat up the Allies well it would be a bit more difficult but we would also be able to do it and now well let's just say them joining the axis was the worst thing they could do anyway we're about to take Germany and then Bulgaria and Romania so in retrospect we have defeated Germany very sneakily only by weakening them and making them susceptible to attacks from all possible sides Bulgaria has capitulated wonderful you take Berlin it's undefended gimme oh the Allies are inviting me to their faction well not now perhaps after I'm done with Germany there's certainly not much left and Romania has capitulated does that mean is the end of the war because they were heard the faction leader no I still have Germany and then Japan possibly to defeat but the Germany is the only one we actually care about so here you have it Oh strategy in Germany although I really really didn't think it would go of that way ok I'm going to end it here it was kind of a crazy ride wasn't it mostly because it was just so weird what happened anyway if Japan had to defeat it to China as I expected them to or rather if they had done it earlier and without my help then we would have attacked Germany when they were fellow still fascist and they were fighting on all the fronts then there would be a peace deal and I would take but probably this much this is actually more beneficial to us although we still have to deal with Japan now now I'm not going to fight the Japan because that's not part of the challenge but I'm going to quickly tell you how I would do that well first of all I would click this and accept joining the Allies and that would let me use their territory to attack Japan so we will be attacking Japan from here because here we don't have supply which is the problem now we will have supply from the British Raj once we call everyone into the war also I would send the army that was fighting in Europe because you know the axis is not present in Europe anymore I would take this army well apart from Finland perhaps I'd kill Finland and I would send it over to this frontline this large frontline here I would also have to re-request my subjects troops again because with me joining the faction and that's when they were sent home and with that we will just invade Japan with the Allies which would really not be difficult because Japan is also fighting the Soviet Union and once we take the area here also China Korea Manchuria and so on then we would of course launch a naval invasions possibly supplemented by nukes and take in home islands and that would be the end of the war but we don't need to do that because our challenge was just to defeat Germany and we've done that we and our numerous puppets thank you for watching I hope you did enjoy this challenge and make sure to leave a comment telling me what you liked or this fact about my strategy how you would have done it and most importantly what you would like me to do next what a challenge you would like me to do next thanks again and I'll see you soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 934,142
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 meme, hearts of iron 4, hearts, hoi4, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 austria, of, hoi4 austrian challenge, iron, anschluss, taureor, world conquest, hoi4 ironman austria, hoi4 austrian empire, four, hoi4 no anschluss challenge, hoi4 austrian, ironman, hoi4 austria world conquest, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 austria challenge, hoi4 austria no anschluss challenge, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hoi4 austria challenge, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 fail
Id: XA2yjeW9sNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2018
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