Hearts of Iron 4 Challenge: Wilhelm II and Unaligned World

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hello everyone I am Toria and welcome to my newest hands 1/4 challenge just before we begin the video though I want to discuss one little thing for a moment see my videos usually get some like 50,000 80,000 or even more views usually as long as it's hearts of iron see I made a video a few days ago it was a game called conquerors blade completely different kind of game but I thought I did a good job on the video especially the dad jokes but right now it has like eight or nine thousand views only so I'm wondering is it perhaps not as good as I thought it was or is YouTube just not sending notifications to you guys if it's not possible please let me know in the comments and if you would like to see that previous video I'm mentioning I will leave a link in the description below I'm actually hoping to vary my content in the near future in an alternating manner so it's just one hearts of iron video one non-passive and video then one hunter vine video again and so on so if you do want to see those videos that are different games pop up in your feed you might want to do that bell-ringing thing also let me know in the comments what do you think about it and also check out that other video I mentioned because you will be missing one of my best jokes otherwise okay back to this game today we are going to be kaiser wilhelm ii of the german empire karzai wilhelm ii who is in exile in the netherlands you know he has grown fed up with all those isms in the world with fascism and communism and democracy years him and he has a plan he's gonna take over and make everything go back to good old-fashioned monarchy he's gonna write a letter to his good friend for my concern and heaven take care of the clown with the silly mustache and then proceeded to make some changes in the world so we're gonna play as Germany and make the world unaligned yes we're going to get rid of fascism communism and the democracy among German that I can 8 it's not gonna be German right for a long time we're gonna take care of that quickly so everyone's gonna be underlined well not everyone in the world because that would take forever to implement but especially since you can't boost the ideology of unaligned as far as I know so all the major powers will have to be switched to unaligned or be annexed or puppeted and that includes our own country so France Germany Italy Japan Soviet Union United Kingdom and United States need to be taken care of completely or switched to unaligned this time we don't have any restrictions like not attacking anyone because underline doesn't have all the options that fascism or communism have with boosting ideologies and all of that so what you're going to do is the old-fashioned way with treachery let's start the focus 4-year plan first we're going to be removing it are just not immediately we need him for a moment longer let's keep making bits of these but get rid of all the tanks and all the planes and just invest in infantry equipment I'm sure you know what I don't need a motorized either yeah just infantry equipment mostly and we have the methyl bills I don't like them but let's make use of them as long as we do have them just build a couple of factories in the area as for research it's going to be fairly generic just off in our country how that we can and also a doctrine but we're not going with mobile warfare we don't have enough waiting time to properly invest in that das Dumas assault instead yes German and I with mass assault we start with 30 units and we're not going to deploy any more in just yet and I think that is about it that speed game up and unpause I do have some evil plans which will come into play very soon first let's justify the war go on same gang why don't sinking you might ask it makes no sense well that actually does make a little bit of sense and you will see in a moment how exactly see we want to fight the Communists see I want to be at war with the Soviet Union very soon I could attack them directly but I think it's a better idea to attack sinking instead today you will enjoy the same faction for your plan is complete and that's do all turkey Spanish Civil War good yeah let's intervene in the Spanish Civil War fascist Germany is going to start Lindley's a two Republican Spain thirty thousand guns for Republican Spain once that should be enough to make them win easily it's gonna take us a while to amass enough guns to send them but yeah that should be more than enough for Republicans waiting to be victorious and I you need Republican Spain to be a victorious in this it's a part of a sneaky plan mechanical computing next now and most of my games Republican Spain is victorious anyway but let's just make sure we don't want our plans to be ruined by a random occurrence pal turkey is done let's move towards the extra research thought how long until the world opens and caring is ready it's still a long time I could theoretically go into army innovations which is quite useful but I think will benefit more from the extra research thought methyl bills are about to expire good I don't like them they've sped up my factory construction but we won't need them after that let's just invest in some infrastructure and then factories civilian factories we do have enough political power to modify our country let's go to extensive conscription as you can see Republican Spain is about to win good do you like your army experience from sending them lend-lease oh yes cool I'm going to use that immediately to modify my cavalry division I'm going to switch at bit just leave it to the one horse unit cover the deeper together is going to be quite useful to me but let's not train them just yet we're going to do that after the Civil War starts because yes we're going to be doing a civil war soon also I should probably promote some commanders I'm gonna want from the marsh Tyne and Guderian and guess editing to be field marshals and if we promote them early they will have some time to get rid of the negative modify from being for being recently promoted Hermann Goering vodka is done let's do cut at vagon as you can see Republicans will surely win let's send all our planes here and assign them to the Berlin area because the next focus we're gonna be doing is oppose Hitler I think it's also time to go to free trade a boost the construction the research and factory output is quite useful our goal is about to complete we can now start oppose Hitler let's do that and this part is crucial because there's a lot of things we have to kind of do some more taneous a justification for conquering your is ready when I declare war immediately now what they should do is a joint Comintern and pull the Soviet Union into the war which is exactly what we want now before we finish a poster this is important we started justifying a war go on Republican Spain now let's take Malaysia as the target yeah right now we wait for the focus to complete right Sinkiang joins Comintern and we will soon be at war with the Soviet Union which is exactly what we want in the meantime since we are at war which is enough to bypass Rhineland but we're also doing a post Hitler which will prevent it from being locked out we're gonna click Rhineland and do bypass now that is pretty cool because it lets us do both the Kaiser life and on Turtles and all these things here which we probably won't need but they are useful to get war goals and when you're non-aligned which we are about to be can be slightly problematic sometimes okay Soviet Union has joined our war which is perfect and called tentative oh we can get it done in volunteers we don't want to all right now we wait for the focus to complete strikes oh this is bad I mean I could use the good option but I'm going to need that political power to switch the war economy as soon as the war starts so I think we're going to ignore this for now and national Spain was annexed yes good exactly what we wanted to happen we're going to get the fifth a research of salt assume you can actually get six if you go Democratic as Germany but that's the subject of another video all right this is about to complete 69 let's take all these troops and send them out to see what's not going to work in every case because the Soviets are trying to land here which is fine just you guys perfect now there you want to be split between the sides in the Civil War well let's purge the Nazi scum from our lands and we are now led by fond mackenson look at this the Soviet Union is at war with the German Reich we are not determined right we are also at war with them we are the German military junta so we can actually join the common tent now and we're still justifying the logo on the Republican Spain so yes I would like to join the Comintern thank you Oh so my next focus shall be the extra research thought and let's go to work economy I have done pause for a moment okay first let's distribute our forces we have 50 units because these guys were caught up in the fighting here that's fine that's two full armies and a little bit Field Marshal Kesselring I am charismatic aggressive assault or offensive doctrine and our new field marshals that not him are going to lead armies as generals to gain some experience Field Marshal orders aren't usually very effective but this is an easy war so we can do that without any trouble now there's one important bit here we want the Soviet Union to send us expeditionary forces I might have to hold do offer a bit to wait for that to happen now I could go to total mobilization that would mess with my manpower so it's not really worth it doesn't go to war economy instead no Soviet Union would you like to send me some expeditionary forces let's address the strike crisis I almost forgot and take the expensive option all right it doesn't look like I'm going to get those expeditionary forces which is a pity but I can manage with that that essentially it would help us quite a lot when we when we decide to betray the Soviet Union which of course we will do oh well I can manage without that extra research fort is complete so this is the next bit of research and what our next Turkish I suppose I'll do army innovations it is helpful usually heroes of the production front good this strikes out over oh crap I forgot I was supposed to be training terms of cavalry units this is vitally important well that's train as many as we can and remember they are very small it's just one unit in each but the highest priority and deployment let's recall Stein right we're about to take Berlin and that will be the end of Adolphe Hitler found dead Germany has capitulated well we are Germany now and yeah that's the end of the Civil War we are the German military hunter for now but that's not going to last too long yeah that's about it now we focus on training some units German civil war ends Nazi leadership captured we can hang them or keep them for later let's hang them I'm gonna need all that cavalry to be ready and I'm going to need to make some infantry as well and we can deploy all the cavalry let's do that and train even more we want as many as possible in the field now I'm going to want four full armies of infantry and one huge army of cavalry Allen's give them orders so let's take our Navy which is not huge but you know it's something and assign it to patrol these three areas these three armies are going to be garrisoning the Leningrad area this army is going to be garrisoning all over the Soviet Union and of course I'm going to add more units to it that's quite a lot of clicking I have to do now what cavalry because they're fast and of course I'm going to reinforce them as soon as some more units are trained up we're going to put them all over the Soviet Union now I could do it manually but there's no need this should be enough to win all right I forgot let's add sinking Mongolia and turn the tula to the equation as well they are part of the Comintern why not take them as well let's move to secure the new state no Hindenburg incident we can theoretically get Victoria I'll have to think on whether I want to or not hmm that's how an infantry expert and our justification on Spain is complete mm-hmm let's maybe not do that just yet declare war in a moment first let's send all the newly deployed cavalry through the Soviet Union and see what they're doing are you done with the project no you're not well that's let's wait a moment because see we're going to defeat them and the best moment to attack them is when the purge has just ended which is about mmm now leadership purges in the Soviet Union what are we gonna do now we are going to leave the faction and declare war on Spain since there are communists they should join the Comintern right now I'm going to have to select all these guys well apart from these ten and spam dhg on them so they don't try to return home so that's spam H Japan attacked people not my problem and in a moment Spain should be joining the Comintern because they're communists and at war with Germany you've landed in Republican Spain I think any minute now they will join the Comintern and we will be victorious but in the meantime let's revive the kites at life something is not right here the Soviet Union should be joining this war you know what I know she'll need to defeat Spain let's get these guys back home have revived the Kaiser life let's do one force in the meantime house that will proceed now that I've done Kaiser Reich they have joined perhaps that is what was needed for us to be the German Empire at the military front anyway and the Soviets are about to join this war finally there we go with all the troops I have in their territory I should be able to defeat them easily should our first order of business is to take landing ground because I need a port our cavalry in their territory has the garrison old everywhere so they're going to try and take a lot of territory and they are mostly valuable as a distraction here while our main force advances true through Soviet territory but it would have been much more effective if they actually has given me the expeditionary forces langral is ours we can now advance from there this Virginian is right after the purge even though wish and we seem to be at a disadvantage because we just have three armies and a port on one side of their country when we start fighting we should quickly be making it is because they're right after the purge let's also make you all very aggressive that should be sufficient no a little bit of patience is it required as you can see even our Camarena's even though they're very weak are making up for it with numbers and at least distracting the soffits while we make gains here but also actually taking some serious territory just let it happen it will be fine eventually we are quickly losing all that cavalry but they're mostly Manta to serve as a distraction for the Soviet Union while we are making gains from here actually I should probably invest in some ports to increase our supply in the area how are we doing around here well quite well actually they were not attacked so they are not getting the the bonus for defensive war and that they normally would after the purge so their officers are very very weak and their divisions are very weak so it's quite easy to making some the Soviet Union this state now I can't screw it up I should have gone with the revive the Kaiser Reich earlier and also I think if I had hired this guy during the Civil War I might have gotten that Expeditionary Force from the Soviet Union which would have helped a lot because we would have just sent them over here and they would be able to do nothing that's ignore Yugoslavia and we really care about rebuilding the nation no we care about return of the car but it's too early for that as it demands to that land this is a semi casual game we don't need to get super involved because we chose the moment to strike perfectly they are right after the purge they are very weak so they can't really resist our attack the fall of Moscow has happened that maybe focus on their capitals this time Stalingrad is our capital let's focus on Stalingrad we have cavalry cavalry his weak but it is fast and that this is quite important to us at the moment Spain is also involved so we'll get some more territory out of this and we do have some troops that used to be Austrian I will use them if someone lands in our territory which is unlikely Stalingrad is ours alright is that enough almost just sit back and enjoy the Soviet Union being defeated the man Slovenia are you going to give me something here no that's good too I can use that war go a bit later now it's time for the return of the Kaiser I got war gone Yugoslavia which is absolutely fine they could guaranteed by Britain and France which is exactly what I want honestly I could have done a better job with this war and I could have had it to succeed faster but we're about to win anyway and that will not damage our plans too much all right oh they should be surrendering right about now yeah hundred percent was capitulation there we go Soviet Union has capitulated give me the peace conference and here it is now do we want them as a puppet or do we want them in next both our valid choices I suppose you let's do half in half this way we will still get a lot of their factories but then once we decide to an exam which we eventually will we can steal their manpower yeah that seems like a good choice for now I'm sure I'm going to next Mongolia and Sinkiang and town the two VAR how about Spain do I need to annex pain or yeah sure that's annexed Spain as well that's the first turn for the Soviet Union right and the turn yeah that seems about right sure puppet the rest cool German Empire has taken this and there's Russia Russia is ruled by even that's fine they only have a few factories which is not a problem and quite a bit of manpower which is also not a problem I'm going to be using the dairy factory that I've annexed to build up our own economy but also to reduce their autonomy so that I can index them and suit their manpower well later on also since we did get some dough counts let's focus on making tons of submarines which we will need to conquer Japan we have increased the world action quite a lot and we're going to need some more of those cavalry units or we can train France John dollars he does because we increased world tension that is absolutely fine we're going to conquer them too we were able to enact Spain easily because they were involved in the war but they were not a major power and we all had to get all our guys back to Germany how are we doing on equipment production we actually took a lot of factories from the Soviet Union so let's all command our production is gonna be something like this and like this and some water eyes because I want to modify my infantry units to be more effective something like this and the rest is just inventory equipment in the meantime let's modify our infantry template ad recon signal and logistics companies as well as one more infantry unit there is also a lot of repairing to do but we don't need to worry about that because it happens automatically I might actually need to do rebuild the nation focus because that helps a tiny bit I am NOT spending my particle power on advances because when the cursor returns it's going to be much cheaper to hire them and there it is France and Britain mobilize that's unfortunate but the Netherlands let the cars have returned so this is a weird connection of events I'm not sure this is coded properly see this gives us welcome the second but this replaces him with the Wilhelm the third or makes us fight however if we accept those in reverse order first we back down and pause for a moment will come the third compromise somehow he did not apply nevermind anyway now we can still accept wilhelm ii returning not sure how not sure why the British or the French will not notice it but they will not notice it so there we go wilhelm ii has returned and he's going to make the whole world on aligned now he has a skill that makes hiring advisors a cheaper so let's hire a captain of industry-type MIT logistics expert on your grouping expert see they only cost one hundred twelve and a half polled kappa instead of one hundred and fifty next focus expatriate the Communists let's get rid of the Communists take all our communists and send them to France and deploy all that cavalry that's a lot of cavalry now it's time to reorganize our armies a bit who's our best field marshal did any of them gain levels all of them gained levels well that is amazingly good now how much manpower did the Russians have let's have a look I did steal most of their territory so that's not a lot just around 1 million that's fine I'm going to use that anyway what we're going to do is make a colonial template of Russian troops that is we're going to mimic the infantry template I am using this Theravada Visia is going to work just fine make it a 20 with infantry unit with all the support comp these wilhelm ii returns to the german empire and he otherwise did nothing good let's make sure to fill these armies with appropriate numbers of troops okay and we're prepared kind of all these guys have just four normal armies and this last army group just has a lot of weak cavalry and you are going to be cavalry expert we have all the stability and all the war support the war go on you the sniper will be surprisingly useful fall off Nanjing sure not my problem let's hire a war industrialist I should probably be working on better guns and why are you guys all ill that's unfortunate sabotage perhaps alright let's deploy all that cavalry and then stop training it that's enough cavalry for now in the meantime we have expatriated the Communists now are we going to accept British naval dominance temporarily we have accepted British naval dominance next step an alliance with the shade we're going to make the British invite us into the alright it was not a claim is Bulgaria not my problem an alliance with the shade United Kingdom welcomes us in the eyes well great hello allies next focus not much can be done here we could rebuild the nation this can help a little bit but it's not completely necessary at the moment but see what we can do improve national spirit this isn't meant to be used once you have conquered Britain but it can actually be used if you just become friends with them so improve national spirit this is going to give us huge amounts of political power anyway it is time to start distributing our troops now that we can enter allied territory just you know garrison everything that is not London and you guys will garrison everything that is France now the Third Army Group it's just going to get ready for some a good old-fashioned attacks this is very likely that Netherlands Belgium and Luxembourg will join the because of the high world tension and you will take care of Yugoslavia because attacking Yugoslavia is going to be what triggers along with the allies now we still have lots of those cavalry units don't we will probably do something with those as well you shall garrison Canada it is good to be treacherous now you will garrison Viraj you guys will take New Zealand and Australia and I suppose the Dutch East Indies and British Malaya as well and you will do South Africa I think I have covered everything and we also left some troops at home good German and vile joins the is temporarily I think it probably starts working on annexing of Russia so that I can get all their manpower and their fleet Britain is full of our troops apart from London which we wanted or leave alone for now now I'm not going to attack anyone before we improve national spirits it would be waste to not get it those auto troops isn't it and Belgium joins the eyes and so do the Netherlands which means I could actually garrison this area so it's added to your order see the world tension is so hard that people are just joining the hours I hope that would also be the case for the United States but that's not what's going to happen without some other things to push it so I'm just going to defeat the Allies without the United States and then the tactic from Canada I think China has capitulated and Japan took stuff fun oh justification on Russia really is that so or is that just a border war or something no they're actually justifying on Russia well that's not very small to view Japan I suppose I could annex Russia before they are able to attack them or I could just defeat Japan in a defensive war but that is that goes against my plans I don't want to fight them just yet I think I will try and annex Russia before Japan does anything yeah I wanted to annex them before Japan attacks them socks Minister Ilya okay no it would be a good time to defeat the Allies okay yes we heard that the Allies they just kicked us from infection and did we manage to get any troops down in Australia and New Zealand are crap we didn't get any troops in New Zealand alright what I need to do is select all my troops and then suspend the H key on them so they don't try to return home now that we are no longer in the Allies we need them to hold so let's impose and spam H the games gonna run pretty slowly right now because they're gonna try and pass their way home an exiled unit can enter enemy land space can they enter an enemy port no would you like to do military access no let's just declare war and go Yugoslavia is guaranteed by Britain they should get involved immediately we are not in London so they should not surrender and I should actually cancel the olders on all the troops that are garrison in Britain mmm because they can try some naval transports if I don't do that and naval transports will be stupid and dangerous in that particular situation okay let's unpause and see what happens France and Britain have been called in okay well that was quick France will probably capitulate in a moment and Britain well I did leave them enough promises so they shouldn't now I'm going to wait for Britain to call in order puppet France has capitulated well that was quick wasn't it mother France they have very low national unity I'm more concerned about Canada make sure to not try and return home how far is the United Kingdom from canoe they're actually very close to capitulation yeah if I got a little bit more of their land we would be in trouble we will not establish Borbon France not yet Canada has been called in that is all that we need but let's wait for the British Raj as well and South Africa it can be helpful if we get extra territory say Canada will fall shortly let's just wait and once all the property record in Canada has capitulated cool once all their puppets have been called in we can take London and win Yugoslavia has joined the Allies okay Australia has been called in good oh and we can lower the autonomy over fellas do that I wish to annex Russia before the Japanese have a chance to tag them so we can't have to hurry up I might even not take the next focus just to make sure we have enough political power in time although we will have enough vodka power in time British Malaya I'm good just waiting for a couple more Yukino hiss whoa why has the United Kingdom elated what happened I did not tell you to attack weird maybe their national unity one you know what whatever it happened it happened I got the things I needed I needed Britain France and Canada all the rest is just icing on the cake and we can still get the rush through here probably end we will sunlight British Raj do I want to serve my british malaya i think so that will be a good target for the japanese to strike at we want them to attack us just not yet which is why I'm an ex in Russia Canada take all states please United Kingdom I will puppet we want to steal their fleet Yugoslavia take all states and France do I want the puppet France yes they have a big fleet as well alright yeah I was hoping to get a bit more out of this but oh crap I'm still at war with Australia well I do have a lot of troops in Australia so this should not be a problem question of you it's not about what you could starve come on Australia surrender to me New Zealand has joined then again we have not engaged New Zealand in any fighting so perhaps it is not a problem maybe the war will just end once we take those rather Netherlands have joined and so how the Dutch East Indies right is any of them a major country I don't think so Netherlands capitulated let's try and do some manual work alright time to the necks of Russia I'm going to want and use their manpower so first we give them back their territory Russia return territory it's temporary I will annex them in a moment now your manpower should grow to a point 26 million that's enough now I'm going to tell you this I mean because it has the most units and switch them temporarily into the Russian template and watch the Russian manpower be consumed it's taken now that all the Russian manpower is in our units we can proceed to annex them manage subjects annex and that manpower will be in our manpower for once we switched ijen is back to cavalry there we go Russia is ours and you guys go back to being the have a little regatta just watch that manpower rise and here it is so the Japanese can no longer attack Russia so we should have some time before we have to fight them and I'm actually going to try and befriend Japan perhaps I can get into their faction which would be helpful you know I must have made a mistake someone or in the United Kingdom they were not supposed to capitulate yet perhaps I gave the wrong order and forgot to counter one of them or something like that which made them surrender too quickly in the meantime I should probably start to justifying a war go all the United States of America let's do that oooh 25 days that's a bit fast ok I can actually start transferring troops from the United Kingdom over to the United States this way we should be able to get there in time right it will take them a while now let's make sure that Dutch East Indies got but surely shall we Italy seeks extensive military pact don't write with Bulgaria no right not East Indies kappa choice ok finally so only New Zealand is still not capitulating and we did not engage them in any fighting so hopefully we can get the Peace Conference and there it is finally okay take all states and Dutch East Indies I suppose our puppet and Netherlands take all states why do I puppet them because I want to Japan to attacking just not yet and we have our Walker on the United States that will expire when 4th of November also I should probably start building stuff in France and Britain because I do want to enact them as well to get their Navy and use that Navy to conquer Japan one army group stays in Europe just in case something happens should probably also secure the Japanese border but will deal with the United States quickly and then take care of that we still only have Italy Japan and the United States to take it is the beginning of November now time to attack the United States of America declare war do I need to call my allies and because I don't want them to lose their fleet needlessly go see it's only 1939 the United States will not be ready to do anything wait a minute who joined what someone joined the Italian faction who was that that's fine we don't mind alright let's just watch the United States and get conquered shouldn't take too long now that we have the doctrine that makes infantry units smaller let's do that that's just an X Joseph IKEA as you can see the invasion on the United States is progressing quickly and smoothly let's see if we can make Japan our friend somehow asks to join faction no ask for military access no well then I'll just have to fight them the old-fashioned way hmm the Americans are defending and the Washington area I suppose I could push a bit more but we'll get there eventually no need to rush it too much we're almost done let's have a quick look almost there I'm building infrastructure all over France and Britain so that we can annexed them once we're done with the infrastructure oh we've done the United States nice oh I'd like to Philippines for me yes I can let's do that and then take all states then again you know what let's not we have enough territory let's pop at them I'm curious what what a non-aligned United States it looks like oh so we will have a use for their fleet so let's do that Confederate States okay that's on unlined for you and how about Philippines they are the independent Philippines who are not very independent I'm going to need to do some invading get some pots going to naval technology of landing craft please and we can lower the autonomy of farms much do that I wonder if Italy will want it to be my friend do you want to be more friendly with Hungary we don't really care do whatever and alliance with Italy if we can get Italy as RI that is going to make everything a bit easier and I don't have an alliance it's just us not a faction will be back Bulgarian demands it's going to damage our relationship with Italy so no now the best way to do this will be to just the staged a coup in Japan like I did in my previous video however you can't do that as and aligned country no crap I've also got a bloody civil war idiots alright let's take care of that for them am i automatically involved in this war no let's we'll deal with them immediately now Italy would you like to be my friend now No almost done with that is that enough no all right push for kool aid has all the victory points I think still not a right to dare it goes a landing craft research complete that should make a nice invasion of Japan I'm also going to need to send some ships into the area there might be some noise in the background I am moving to a house soon but right now I have a neighbor who kind of likes drilling the walls for some reason and we can uh next someone we can the next France well let's see if they have any manpower I could exploit first we're born France let's have a look thirty-five ships only and half a million men power well half a million men power is something so oh my let's create a template of French troops and all of you switch to that manpower is a drained indexing France I mostly needed the fleet from them still the British one is bigger but we are working on that as well yeah we got them all not that we're really that interested but I suppose it would be nice to have our territories connected through Poland and then again Poland is on the line so it's not really in the scope of this challenge to an extant you don't want me in your faction do you I suppose I'll just kill you the old-fashioned two and we can Lloyd you told me all Britain sure allowed to do that welcome the second dies no Wilhelm well at least we still get a will home a different one that's a pity but he can carry on his father's a legacy of the German Empire and you can reduce the independence of the Confederate states alright I think it's time to justify war on Japan I'm tired of waiting it's already 1940 and we still haven't conquered everyone justify war goal hundred and twenty five days I was expecting them to attack Philippines or Malaya or East Indies um a bit faster we call out the Japanese oppress sure yes we do air innovations - elite - rocketry and Wunderwaffe which means our wonder weapon you can actually earn ex-confederate states now should we we probably should that's a look five million man part you know what they're actually quite useful in fighting people like Japan I'm gonna leave you alone Oh Japan did declare war in the Philippines so we are at war with Japan cool I'll call everyone in and activate all my orders your new order patrol the Sea of Japan everyone I mean I'll win this eventually the question is when the Japanese do have a sizable fleet justification on Japan is ready but it is also no longer necessary ha we've landed just one unit so far but we have landed this is probably going to be insufficient but if we can build at least a single port in here we win then again it's under attack right now so we can't nope some naval manual management hopefully does the trick alright you are launching hopefully this time you can survive is it finally going to work yes it is we have landed and we have a port let's transport all these guys here for Pearl Harbor do we care not really in the United States can take care of their own and hungary has joined the faction against me really that is weird but also whatever I'm going to kill you Hungary has joined well we knew that was going to happen and our troops are on the way let's see to Japan troops are landing and winning now at this point the Japanese don't stand a chance is just a matter of time lots of German troops are landing on the home islands that's a lot of bombers isn't it you had four Nagasaki and you guys on your way to Tokyo Tokyo is ours and we have researched the best guns oh that's a little too those a couple more victory points but there is some up north Manchu capitulates perhaps saying to go to Sapporo Japan has capitulated and be scholars please where's my peace conference Hungary comes as a major power now all right I haven't paid any attention to them for a while but my troops are taking care of them how is Hungary so good the defense here weird I mean we're about to destroy them but I am impressed there should be surrendering so let's stop the justification on Italy Hungary has capitulated good yeah all right I'm just gonna annex everyone now it's time to take care of Italy logo will be ready in the for three days but then we have two months before it expires so we'll have enough time for guys to get in position although many of them are in position or already also I have way too many factories also our fleet is on the way here perhaps some of those naval invasions can actually happen our war girl is about to expire we don't have any more time to waste well that's attack goodbye Italy now is going to be slightly difficult to get across the mountains here but if we can get naval domination the naval invasions should do the trick that is if we can get that able domination it can be a bit tricky because Italy does have a big fleet and my fleet is not very competent because I don't care about the fleet and I didn't even give them Admirals because I can't be bothered we have endless manpower and endless equipment so we don't need to worry about anything not working out perfectly Bulgaria has been called in not a problem our guys are ready and waiting oh and we did get across the mountains we are in Venice now then Italy is as good as defeated Bulgaria capitulates there's so many orders here I can hardly see anything but the important bit is that we are making progress northern Italy is ours going for Rome no one can resist the German war machine polish Romanian alliance what's Romania now getting across the strait here is usually a very problematic and my name invasions failed but here the girls Italy has capitulated go right should I pop it on takeoff state you know it is the end of the challenge I am going to satellite as many countries as I can and puppet as many countries as I can and see what their names are when they're on the line let's have a quick look because that is it all the major powers are either my puppets or non-existent hit France France has been annexed we had Britain bitten the next Spain wasn't a major power Italy is my subject the United States are now Confederate states and also my subject Roger hasn't existed for years and neither has a Japan did I miss anyone don't think so you know I'm going to release all the countries and that we are next and see what their names are in the unaligned situation I decided to release absolutely everyone I could release and they are all in my faction I don't have a faction so you can really see that I suppose I could start one let's start one faction create action with my puppet of Russia that's cold but the great German monarchy the dawn of the great German monarchy and there we go here is our faction now I could of course take over all the other countries as well if we wanted to but there's no need we did what we wanted to do so let's have a look with boob on France and the Spanish Empire we have Great Britain Kingdom of Netherlands kingdom of Croatia good monarchy everywhere kingdom of Romania kingdom of Hungary cool a nice Protectorate Ukraine ok so it's using these names not so not as interesting a Russia of course great Mongolian state tannu uriankhai oh I had no idea oh cool emo Empire is that an easter egg japanese Shogunate and kingdom of bohemia is back well it was worth it just for that yeah ok we're going to end the video here i hope you enjoyed this and i'm pretty sure we'll home did and i will see you again soon make sure to let me know what you felt about this one in the comments below goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 305,504
Rating: 4.9191003 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4, hoi4 ironman gameplay, iron, four, hoi4 meme, hoi4 challenge, hearts, funny clips, hoi4 germany, hoi4 annex everyone, hoi4 unaligned, taureor, grand strategy, hoi4 german world conquest, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 ironman german empire, of, hearts of iron 4 unaligned world challenge, hoi4 german empire, hearts of iron 4 fail, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, world conquest, hoi4 annex usa, hoi4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4
Id: I-abJLMAiP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 59sec (2639 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 19 2019
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