Germany makes the world democratic in Hearts of Iron 4

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hello everyone I am sorry and welcome to my newest hands of iron for video today we are going to play as Democratic Germany so we have to start this Germany and our goal is to remove the evil ideologies of both fascism and communism from the entire world or at least handle and the big countries so I guess we can disregard Central or South America unless I feel like it so what do we need to do well first we need to switch Germany to democracy we also need to handle Italy Spain after the civil war whichever it becomes Franz if it flips to something which it probably will Soviet Union and Japan possibly communist China but probably they will be handled up by Japan there are a few ways to do this and I still haven't decided which one I'm going to use real difficulty I'm and most historical focuses Germany let's go the straightforward path to democracy is to oppose Hitler secure the new state re-established free elections and then create the Central European alliance this of course locks us out and from the path of a Rhineland and the answers and that can be a bit unfortunate but there are ways to keep Rhineland and opposite ER at the same time now I'm not certain if we should go straight for poeta or to both of those Hitler and a Rhineland because if we do both we might end up having not enough time to create the Central European alliance but ok let's risk it let's try it so we need to attack someone before we turn to democracy preferably someone who would not otherwise become our are so not the Low Countries not of stretching Slovakia or Hungary not Yugoslavia or Romania not one of the Scandinavian countries not Poland not Finland and not the Baltic countries although the target needs to be very small because we cannot generate too much world attention well that leaves us with Switzerland so we're going to attack Switzerland before we turn to democracy um I'll explain it like this when the German military officers see that Hitler invades poor little Switzerland and takes all their cheese they will decide to overthrow him that's how we're going to play it this is time-sensitive we need to act as quickly as possible which is why I'm not selecting a focus right away we need to gather up enough political power to start justifying our war go on Switzerland win 250 political power and only then will I do my first focus as for equipment and everything I'm feeling lazy so I'm just going to use pure infantry and nothing else maybe we'll add some support or artillery to it I'll decide later for now just inventory equipment as for factories let's do some infrastructure and some civilian factories and then some infrastructure and some of civilian factories you can see what this is going research electronic engineering doctrine I could go with mobile war it is highly effective especially with mobile infantry but I can't be bothered to care about oil so we'll just do mass assault because why the hell not and that is it let's unpause and wait until we have 50 political power 50 political power is here let's justify a war go on Switzerland let's start with the home innovations I'd like to get those doctrines done quickly I made a mistake I forgot that having negative political power stops your justification so I should have waited until we had 60 well we are delayed by a few days let's see to our generals I'm going to promote Guderian to a field marshal we are questioning Swiss sovereignty let's go to extensive conscription treaty with the USSR complete they accept we don't care about the treaty itself but we want army innovations to however that can wait a moment for your plan let's promote from Manstein as well and start preparing our army certified to turned actually should be training more troops I should have started training more troops at the very beginning of the game I forgot some cavalry because they're the cheapest to train now this is fairly difficult terrain and they have few troops concentrated on a small area easier for them to defend so what is why I'm going to let them into our lands a little bit this way we should be able to destroy them easier and faster a radio please rifle bills we don't care Dutch trade we don't care let's promote Kesselring the other three guys I'm going to use to leave my armies I will use field marshals as generals as well because that rains done quite quickly Oh actually Guderian was the first one to be promoted so he should be in the position of the Field Marshal United Kingdom dominates dodge trade negotiations we don't care right master salt has continued to pocket defense yeah get some convoys we don't care about the Navy all right has the power without cavalry and form all of this into three armies and switch you into infantry and we have three four armies also you are going to lead the third one let's give Guderian offensive doctrine next our army innovations - we denounce Swiss ideals not sure what they are metal bills good I don't like the metal bills let's go to free trade I am NOT hiring silent workhorses because they are fascist and once we switch the democracy they'll be executed so it would be a waste of political power your station is complete unless declare war immediately I'm expecting them to get a bit into our territory because we're undefended and they will be vulnerable now this has a remilitarization Italy because I'm not sure if that will not increase the wall tension too much we don't want the world tension to be increased because there is a bit of a limit on one of the focuses see the great Red Menace requires us to have caused less than 15% world tension we will cause more but then it will go down you're right no getting into our territory now spread yes make the frontline long perfect that we could do a pose Hitler right No all right don't think we'll be moving into the Swiss territories fast enough for this to work though maybe let's do one move focus before we oppose Hitler yeah I guess we'll do all Turkey as for research concentrated industry - I would do construction - as well but I wanted to use the bonus for this now you guys take out Switzerland for me and they don't have enough troops to and cover this Boulder sufficiently but they do have enough troops to cover this for a while which is why we're attacking and we're attacking very aggressively go they should be in retreat and by the time we reach actual Switzerland they will not be strong enough to resist us actually you guys might want to do a manual attack order yeah she's done oppose Hitler we're about to be done with returned let's cancel Turkey we want to be done with apostatize quickly there we go when the focus is over a civil war will break out so of course we do have to hurry up but we're almost done there goes Switzerland that's next everything now we could have profited them that would have decreased the world tension we caused well it's fine now on to step two of our plan we need to defeat Hitler in a civil war fortunately we have gained us some army experience in this civil war so we can use that to help ourselves a little bit well when the civil war starts we will get some free units and we can actually change what they will be what we need to do is edit our template when you can do that on any unit you can get tanks if you prefer duplicate it limit the Lund to a document understorm document this is important it has to be named exactly that and now well now I can add some stuff to it because I'm gonna get a fully equipped unit of this for free how about we use some artillery for this as much as we have points for if we have more arm experience we could add more and we will get an army of these units free so let's say if the launch storm argument also we don't want our enemy our future enemy to have a lot of strong units so we should weaken ourselves I am going to train a lot of cavalry brigades I am NOT going to deploy them just keep them in training 106 that will go down what else well I'm also going to disband all the troops I have why well because they will be split between us in a civil war and if I don't have a name they won't have any either now there was a thing where you could send them out to sea and they would not be counted to the total limit of troops 1 so what starting I'm not sure I think they fixed that but let's not try it at this time but just disband everyone let's save up some political power for when the war happens and there's one more thing we need to do see before we finish the focus to oppose Hitler we have to bypass Rhineland why because we can it opens up unloose and other stuff here if we choose to use it we don't have to use it but we can unfortunately we are about to increase the world tension quite a bit but that will decay ok the mocked officers challenge hit perfect purged and Nazis come from our lands so we got some regiments and they got some regiments but their regiments are three infantry our regiments would also be three infantry if we didn't create that template we created but instead they are nine infantry eleven artillery and to support companies which is slightly superior we also have all these calories that are not yet deployed they're not fully trained the enemy can deploy them as well because they got half of them but Trillin dooms just deploy hours get all the troops we have 77 total divisions let's go down to 70 to disband the rest we don't think that many such on earth cavalry to just regular infantry and keep all that artillery because they're fully equipped so why not and create three nicely balanced armies that should be able to handle our enemies we are now ready to crush the fascist scum quickly please and yeah let's impose germany embroiled in civil war and we're already attacking Oh also we can use this to increase our economy I probably should have gone to service by requirement rather than extensive conscription but we are on mass assault so we will get extra manpower from that so let's go to total mobilization and we can do women in the workforce later if we need it total mobilization reduces our manpower to just 2% unfortunately because we get 5 from like that conscription but minus 3 from total mobilization perhaps I should have gone with work on me instead but I think this is ok because we will get an extra five from the doctrine we could sharpen air safety regulations to say to Edinburgh but we're not going the Kaiser Reich route so it's not necessary and if we run out of manpower we can always lower our economy let's also do some more propaganda while we can it may come in handy later we do have a lot more support and that will not last forever let's see Hitler defeated concentrated industry to complete let's do concentrated industry 3 I want to get it done quickly and use the bonus on it see they have deployed our cavalry hours training ahead of time and bar they are not switching it to anything else they're just using it as cavalry I could have done it differently I could have just created a very tiny template with just one unit in it and trained you those instead that probably would have been even better we have slowed it down a bit but soon all of this territory will be ours and we can focus our efforts on the northern part attacking Berlin and it's ours it I found it dead how long it'll take a bit chilly they're almost capitulating just a couple of the tree points and I think I will go to service by requirement because 2% manpower is just not enough the penalty on construction speed in factory output will sting but we are an industrial powerhouse so it will not sting that much there's one more thing we perhaps should have done and that is justify a wall go on Italy while still fascist and that probably would have been a good idea because then we could immediately go after Italy and eliminate it but what is done is done I'll handle them later all right the civil war is over we won German civil war ends and we're going to hang all the Nazis delete a lantern document template and remove all units created from this template you can avoid that what you do is edit the template and rename it to something else like a lunch zone recommend - sorry it's fine and that does it we have kept all that artillery now that I need it I will probably modify the template but we won't keep the equipment Hitler is done for Germany is a non-aligned unfortunately we have caused 18% world tension but don't worry that will decay on its own now it's time to secure the new state and perhaps settle on a template we're going to be using alright that's the template we're going to be using let's switch all our units to it with all the artillery because from the civil war we will not have to worry about artillery production for quite a long time well that's all so exercise these guys that will sacrifice some of the equipment but again with Germany and that's not going to be a problem just 5% consumer goods factories total mobilization is brilliant we're just focusing on civilian factories for now secure the new state complete as re-establish free elections we are turning democratic unfortunately we won't be able to attack anyone but we'll get other war goals in other ways improved machine tools and mass mobilization we have 7% manpower from just our laws and five from the doctrines which is a total of 12 percent manpower quite a lot Japan attacks China fortunately it's not my problem for now and when we become democratic I'm going to try boosting that ideology in Japan perhaps we can avoid fighting them altogether because we don't really care about the defeating Japan we just care if they're democratic or not I suppose I could do the same to Italy we'll see we have re-established a free elections now it's time to you know do the monarchy compromise and so on but we can't yet not enough support for now we will rebuild other nation and hire some advisors more specifically connected citizen that gives us particle power and stability and a liberal journalist political power and the democracy support and once we get to 40 percent democracy will be able to do the next focus now I'd also like to do some anti-communist raids because that will boost my stability and speed up and the democratization of our country there we go it'll damages stability in the short term but boosts it in the long term I'm not prioritizing repairs they will be handled automatically I don't have enough steel for all the ships but fortunately I don't care all my troops are trained off stop the exercise improved infantry equipment one so that we can get the better guns soon new and better Germany I was our world tension yeah it's gone down below 15% already see it decays on its own when we're at peace and we need a lower than 15 to do the Great Red Menace fortunately we do have lower than 15 improves computing machine I know it's ahead of time but these things are worth it some excavation there's bonus to it and we have created the new and better Germany what's next the monarchy compromise we will become democratic and with that we will be able to start boosting ideologies in other countries France is doing support of the right which means they will become fascist and probably ally with Italy intriguing ok you just laugh I wants my plane it's sure you can have my bombers next doctrine here we go no our stability is 97% we could hire this guy for stability plus 10 which is usually worth it but that would only give us three and here Marsh shocked um I suppose he's worth it we will lose him when we demand Sudetenland past it will take a while for us to demand Sudetenland so there you go he'll much shocked speeds up our construction yeah seems like I didn't set this up correctly did I this setup should work out nicely alright we'll get five extra stability from this as well so we will be over 100 and there we go Konrad Adenauer is now our leader right ascendant in France which means they will slowly slowly become a fascist that's fine by me we will not be stopped by the Maginot Line we can just attack from here let's do the Great Red Menace inventory equipment designer Republican Spain will wins we'll have sort of access in France and Italy and comment on in Spain and the Soviet Union good divide and conquer will first handle one of them and then on the other probably the fascists first because Italy will declare war on Greece and then we can guarantee Greece and get them into our alliance that we're building right now we do have lots of equipment let's train 2 more armies we have a lot of equipment let's train 2 more armies promote our field marshals yes during seems to be more cattle of leading them now let's flip them around a bit ultimately every one of them will get their own army group let's do some more anti-communist raids not extra stability will be useful later when we're at war Germany speaks against the Soviet Union yeah we danced some bad things in the past let's refocus everyone's attention on the so it now in order to do under Central European allies we first need to complete bulwark against Bolshevism so that's our next course of action reverse the brain drain and the extra research spot here are very very tempting but we cannot get distracted we need to act fast fun Persian militarism let's work on the better can see it is ahead of time but it will also make us much more powerful let's deploy these guys and train them in the field Republican Spain won and Sweden want non-aggression sure we're the good guy now Oh apart from you know Switzerland but we'll try to convince everyone that it was always part of Germany no Holy Roman Empire and all that we can do the same for Austria chelovek a bulwark against Bolshevism the service will hate us which is fine Construction 3 now we don't have a lot of military actually but once we're done with all of these we should have access to the next level of concentrated industry and that'll go so room for all the military factories in retrospect I probably should not have delayed any focuses and just started with this path so that we could get the extra research forth quickly but what's done is done well work against Bolshevism complete time for the Central European Alliance and Industry concern I really like the engineer trait it is very useful so you get to lead an army I agree renounces Treaty of Trianon we if we were able to justify googles which unfortunately we're not and that would be a perfect opportunity to attack them now this will not invite Hungary to our faction unfortunately but what we can do is just align them through here later on and we're now able to influence ideologies so it's boost particularities in Hungary and in Italy let's leave the Soviet Union alone for now and also in Japan if we can start a civil war in Italy it will be much easier to handle them and France if we can start a civil war in Japan and support it perhaps we will not have to invade Japan at all or maybe we can just do this slowly and they will flip on their own of course that reduces our political power but we pretty much purchased all the important stuff already we will spend the rest on some army advisors but they will not be needed for a while Central European alliance and revolt in Spain John's comment on interesting that start inviting people I suppose I will start with a low country's membership so it's ramped up military build-up not a problem I can hand all the Soviets I think we no longer get the effects of rebuild at the nation let's hire an infantry expert mp38 complete advanced machine tools and human way of offensive it's probably a strongest single doctrine in the whole tree netherlands join Luxembourg Jones and belgium rejects and come on Belgium we should have increased our relations and well when France attacks you you'll change your mind was next residues Khun Danai membership perhaps I should then increase my relations with them let's have a look they don't like me Sweden likes me above the others don't let's do a non-aggression pacts that'll increase our relations a bit ask for military access sure same for Sweden you know increasing our relations a little bit probably should have done the same with Belgium when we were inviting them we could guarantee independence but that costs political power elgyn is getting fascist support then mahjong is now joined Sweden Jo is perfect together we shall defend democracy not sure what we should do about Finland we're not ready to defend against the Soviet Union and just yet I would need Poland for the earth let's do polish membership first and see if they like me not really but they will do some pacts with me let's do docking rights military axis that should be sufficient for them to like me I saw stranger Slovakia perhaps I can just connect them through answers and stood that demand so except minced Italy and not a problem now there will be some stuff going down between Italy you could start it in the grease I'm not sure I want to get involved just yet maybe we should handle the Communists first oh I forgot to start producing the better guns my mistake come on Poland join me oh okay Poland joins but the Soviets attacked Lithuania I can invite Lithuania which will put me at what would the Soviets is that what we want I think it is what we want they are weak right now and they are in an offensive war so the purges will not be taken care of I think so this might be the perfect opportunity to get rid of this Virginian let's move into Poland and then we'll invite a little idea into our faction and we don't need to do the Baltic membership focus they'll just join us on their own by the way how is Hungary yeah we can switch them to democracy I think I could do the Danubian membership maybe it's better to do an shows yeah let's just do the Angelus we'll get calls from that so it Union attacked Finland Finnish membership has been bypassed yeah I think I'll invite them to my faction let's just let our units get to the Civic border and be balanced we don't need to be spare aggressive and again there are no enemy troops on this border so let's be super aggressive activate get ready once they have the planning bonuses we um attack the suet and they attacked Estonia as well let's invite some people invite defection Lithuania invite a faction Estonia and invite the faction Finland there you go you've all accepted we're all in this together I could send some troops to Finland as well but um I don't think that's necessary we'll just attack from Poland so um where's my call to arms human wave offensive is complete I could modify my template a bit make use of the decreased infantry width let's add one more infantry unit you're not inviting me to your Wars I'm going to join it so with French war so it's French war what Soviet war on France ah France guaranteed them I wonder if I couldn't get them into my Alliance while they're still Democratic interesting alright let's start with just joining both of the wars those should be merged and I can now invite France to my alliance sure let's do that I can just throw them out later France is now our ally now this will become a slightly problematic because Republican Spain is actually in the Comintern but France should be able to handle Spain now let's call all the allies to all my wars the wars have not been merged yet try and do that with Wayne yeah yes we accept everything no madam nor has started everyone against the Soviet Union are so beautiful I really didn't think we were going to get Front's into it but apparently to guarantee some people which is great so go get me some army experience and some Soviet territory please of my participation seventy percent I might need to help France in Spain which means I might need to train more armies let's give them some time perhaps they can handle it right on cue France has switched to fascist they might leave my alliance because of that we'll see boy I thought we had some more time anyway let's erm train say two more armies we'll send them to Spain well the Soviet Union should be extremely weak because of the purge they also do not have Ally Great Patriotic War modifier because they are the aggressor we're having poor supply in Poland yeah I need to repair all that infrastructure here which are they give me control you will not give me everything but you will give me Oh stepheson let's put them on cautious all right that fear was a guaranteed by the united kingdom all the answers will succeed as deposit unit so we can intimidate have the Austrians a little bit or rather show them and that they will be safer with us so the United Kingdom is also on this what everyone is fighting the Soviet Union together now my Army's relatively weak I thought I was going to have more time yay unloose now what's next I'm actually going to demand Sudetenland and we could try and get jostle back into our faction but of course we will benefit more from just and Xing them if they agree what we're gonna do is try to convince them diplomatically and that they will be better off with us and of course I'm not going to attack them if they refuse because we're democratic and we're the good guys now so we just use peaceful coercion and peaceful threats once so that Atlanta's taken care of we can move these armies to Spain are Frances doing naval invasion nice well that's ignore you got sniper for now Britain non-aggression sure why not and they want military access sure let's ask them for docking rights and for military access as well I could invite the defection if they didn't have their own or I could join the Allies if I didn't have my own then it would probably be able to take it from them like take over the faction awesome can I do women in the workforce yes I can should we no we don't need to I thought it should do is improve work conditions fall of Kiev oh really good I really should send some armies up north shouldn't I yeah I don't think actually need troops on the Czech border in order for them to be afraid of me let's send our guys over to Finland how is my meddling in Japan fine hungry better than fine and Italy okay yeah we're the good guys we're helping our allies let's make another army and I am out of artillery I do have a big stockpot but it's running out so I will modify the template a reduce the amount of artillery by one just as some infantry I don't think the Soviets can resist us in the long run if I was using the default doctrines for Germany I would have an easier time difficulties of it Union but I really don't like you know being bothered with fuel and stuff like that whatever God we need to hire an army offense expert to answer that are not complete and we get territory let's go for fight of Joseph okay now yeah we removed humor unfortunately but you know that's the price of stealing territory from his country now actually all the British at war with Spain that is important no not with Spain pity that would help quite a lot we have regained some ground in Finland we can just keep doing our own thing down here well the war is going on we should have the upper hand eventually because there is more of us I am missing equipment though I'm missing infantry weapons now so I think what we have to do is just go into our template and get rid of artillery altogether just run lots and lots of inventory I will keep artillery support yeah now we have a large stockpile of artillery and we can focus on production on just the infantry weapons our troops have reached Spain then you can already see the results now as soon as this war is over France will turn on us but it's not over yet is it we should get a Romania and Hungary interaction see just one army sent down here and that's all that was needed firstly and I was complete to fight off the hostile or offensive from Poland is not going too well but we're having some success in Finland fourth Nanjing it would actually be beneficial to me if Japan went to the war with the Soviet Union and Spain has been taken care of full of Leningrad I mean we're not progressing into this Virginian as quickly as I would like what is good enough question of Yugoslavia we don't care and Josefa care we take everything for ourselves I feel like boosting popularity in Hungary is a waste let's counsel we could demand Slovenia I suppose one superstar doing Italy is declaring war on them soon yeah one of us demands for vineya at this point the war is kind of an afterthought it's just going on here while we just focus on our own stuff mmm and he's doing befriend Romania which could be a problem for me because I would like to snag Romania into my own faction with Republican Spain has capitulated good perfect even let's get you guys into Yugoslavia I'm hoping to get them peacefully but if I don't get them peacefully I can always use force and they are not a democratic so we're just bringing democracy to them hey Italy would you like to fight as communists together you would not if I declare war on Yugoslavia and they declare war on Yugoslavia we could sneakily get them into our faction London surrender cool now what should we do I wonder what will happen to Croatia if I do fate of Yugoslavia the curious your justification got booted because of what we did it seems let's try to align Romania and Hungary then London conference extra territory we are taking way too many casualties unfortunately I'm going to retreat some of our troops for a bit the longer this goes on the stronger we are we don't need to hurry though there are serious supply troubles here so not having too many troops is also an advantage I should have reversed the brain drain a while ago yeah that's a mistake I should be doing it instead of grow stronger so I'm actually we're doing better now that we have less troops here to learn that earlier army regrouping expert a bit late for that unfortunately yeah this is not a perfect game I have not you know rehearsed this is all kind of an improvisation I wonder if I can make it a leader my critique peacefully it would be quite useful they are actually contrary to popular belief a useful I other equipment situation not great but it is getting better I've missed one thing I should be building up infrastructure here leave a line Hungary would you like to join my faction no not yet but you're getting extra Democratic support so that's something let's do the same to Romania I agree the man's Transylvania what happens here from when he rejects hunger and demands hungry now attacks Romania we will have wasted quite a lot of effort I'm actually now allowed to justify war goals because there's so much world tension and they've caused some I suppose I could just attack them then seems like we have broken the Soviet resistance we are moving in the Netherlands joined the eyes and the United Kingdom disavows appeasement which is weird aligned Romania would you like to join my faction you would not because we have a war how about some we get a non-aggression pact I mean perhaps they will accept in the future maybe if I do the focus fold their membership sure let's do that before we proceed to try and get them into our fashion through here let's reverse the brain drain finally army logistics expert should have done that a long time ago see again this is not a perfect game I have made many mistakes but it is working out would you guys like to give me some territory yes but not all of it all right let's ask for it how about Finland you can keep Leningrad Poland would you like to give me some more territory about France that's good enough ok there are some extra territory for us democratic Germany I should probably work on getting some nice infrastructure in this area and we are next to Moscow let's be gentle we don't want resistance unsafe host both Moscow finally ok how far are you from capitulation halfway there now it will just become easier and easier we're doing so well because now we have sufficient guns yeah I should have gone with just pure infantry that artillery was a mistake not needed at all brain drain reversed i'm gonna give hungary and romania some time to accept democracy and go for the extra research thought in the meantime another thing that we probably should have done earlier in retrospect these three folks is where a mistake we should have gone here instead portugal joins us perfect I mean they join the Allies but it's the same thing the best guns have been researched I need more steel well I suppose I am on the free-trade let's strengthen our British friends and the United States as well Durant attacks and the Philippines now this is not exactly a problem for me I mean I will have to take care of Japan but I don't necessarily need to fight Japan well I can always do a coup I accidentally stopped the recording but fortunately not much was lost we're progressing into the civil union and they are close to capitulation and I'm trying to get Romania to join my faction Romania has joined cool but you the Father rejects in that case we should take care of either slow but first let's do under at research and development programs Romania is a good Ally they have a very aggressive AI and usually they're quite helpful I'm still hoping that Hungary will accept our friendship with voluntarily they are 66 percent democratic election wartime exception no we don't want elections we have an advisor that gives us extra Democratic support so the change in ideologies will not be a problem who are almost there 97 percent was capitulation I'm going to need to kick the French out of our faction when this text 100 or try to poll and kick the French out before the peace conference mannheim project I appreciate the humor production cost reduction this is actually quite nice 100 percent was capitulations let's kick the French out of the faction France kick from faction I think they'll have less capabilities of taking territory in this war when they're not in faction with me but we'll see the Peace Conference should happen at midnight there we go so what are we gonna do first let's pop it Spain and second let's pop it the Soviet Union as you can see take all stays is quite expensive five and a half thousand points but if we give it directly to the Soviet Union rather than take it for ourselves it is much cheaper so let's do and just on that and that's it before anything else happens you guys are trying to return home hold don't do that yeah the kingdom is Catalan non-aggression pacts it lost bulwark against Bolshevism not a problem Russian Federation is our puppet no our next problem is France France might attack some people I don't know what will happen exactly I could attack them but then my troops here would be expelled modern eSports now unfortunately Spain and Russian Federation are only supervised States so we can't technically in the next and apparently some stuff changed in the game and now I haven't been doing that for a while still it doesn't really matter because they are in our faction our puppets and also democratic so we can use them we don't need to and next them to use them we still have France Italy and Japan to handle no but Japan is actually being invited by the United States how did you pull that off cool so there might be no problem with Japan the United States might handle it for us which leaves France and Italy I could kill France just justify a work of on-demand attack wouldn't be able to do all the sixty-six but on the other hand I don't need to we can attack them from Spain and from here so I suppose we'll just attack France then just fire a war goal there we go 125 days just in case they attack first I'm going to hold these units for a while will you please stop I know what I did the others are wrong yeah okay under stay in their territory now I don't plan to do all the 66 on them that is done differently I would need to attack their ally for example mmm but if they attack one of my eyes say Luxembourg and then I'm ready and we will have troops in their territory in the meantime you let us travel to Spain please you guys travel oh yeah there is the Maginot Line but we'll go in from Spain and also from what used to be Switzerland yeah I should have taken Russian territory directly but it doesn't matter for this particular challenge so it's fun we are their supervisor after all and that's what matters lots of French people in France at least six extensive military pact but not with me I'm still hoping and that Italy will flip to democracy but they are doing war with the Greece and I could guarantee Greece which would give me an opportunity to fight early for Tokyo ok the united states are taking care of japan should not take much longer let's guarantee the independence of Greece oh they were granted by Romania anyway if Italy decides to attack they will have to face us as well I'm still keeping troops in the front even though I'm justifying morals and guarantee in Greece because there is a chance that we'll be defending Greece and France will join Italy in an alliance because they're both fascist in that situation our troops should instantly take control of many French ports our alliance is the mightiest we'll be fine students across lavaca perhaps poland will want a trade our country will look nicer apparently the peaceful flip will not work although I can still do a coup but check on Japan and Japan is falling I am surprised do you don't see that often well United States didn't have to fight us so they focused on Japan and solely and I am buying a lot of stuff from the United States oh whoa Republican Italy Italy is democratic I don't need to fight them anymore revoke guarantee I mean I might still need to fight them because Romania guaranteed Greece I will see maybe they will not attack now that they are democratic no they still attacked that's a pity but I don't want to fight them did Romania join this war Romania did join this war and Romania is a member of our alliance I could kick them Romania managed to get other countries into this war all our other allies are currently at war with Italy and everyone is calling me to war against Italy Italy is already democratic bond they also attacked some people in the meantime about to have our war go on France so let's get these troops ready for battle you guys attack from Spain because it's easier Greeks can handle themselves it's really unfortunate timing with Italy flip into democracy but we're generally almost a done Japan is about to fall the rapture in them ah you know that Kingdom attacks Iraq okay anyway where was I yeah they're still hungry that's fascist to him working on it war on France is complete I think it's time to get rid of them their war on France and let's call in Spain they are our puppet after all they cannot refuse yeah the Maginot Line will be a problem but I want to attack everywhere and keep up the pressure we will mostly be making progress from down south I think dance across Slovakia I guess I'll do would you pee on our warden maybe fate of Yugoslavia later on and we are getting into France don't succeed is for Slovakia actually this was better territory a lot more territory but now our country looks better more hole okay this is what I kind of expected France has joined the Italian faction which will put me at what Italy and it just has no matter we will prevail oh why should they go through the Maginot Line I did not expect that it's a coat of arms sure I'll just accept everything they want to send me all the expeditionary forces just look at that right let's reinforce some of our Army's army's reinforced and I still have quite a few left so let's make anyone's new Army's that is let's cancel posting polarity and le that is known the necessary and the United States took out in Japan good job United States Japan is now democratic perfect which leaves Republic of China cool which leaves just France France is the last one well not counting Hungary perhaps we should be counting hungry you'd be flipping shouldn't you I guess I'll just justify we'll go on them I spent so much time trying to convince you to be good fun thing about this is we don't actually need to defeat Italy the moment France is capitulated and depending on the context whether we want to beat up hungry or not we'll be victorious because even though Italy is our enemy they are democratic alright let's invite Greece to our faction polish Romanian alliance I mean they're both in the same Alliance runs mostly taken care of Italy is well defended those are mountains so it makes sense fortunately we don't have to beat them come on France alright hungry you have three months to change to democracy or we'll kill you fall off Paris ok France has capitulated perfect unfortunately there are I would at least hold this war will not end but we've beaten them miss Bulgaria fascist as well no turn on the mind which is fine unless some troops are still pursuing to defeat of Italy so if it happens that's fine if it doesn't I'm also okay with it let's defeat a few the Slavic I wonder if they will try to protest angry you have two more months to switch your government a Republican Italy being invaded things actually started going very well in Italy perhaps I can beat them up as well we don't need to but it's always nice to defeat all your enemies I am running out of manpower though I suppose it makes sense we are being very aggressive in the mountains so let's do women in the workforce and do some work began too Vidia Wafaa perfect should have research data long time ago but I forgot our march through Italy is quite successful I wonder who we will defeat first Italy all hungry so probably hungry you are my puppet correct so I should be able to force you to give me all your territory well not all of it but enough and that's better fate of Yugoslavia let's annex everyone I mean Croatia is still not ours but it's fine I have a walk oh sure let's declare war I'm hungry you had your chance joined the Italian Alliance already defeating them I could use someone with a navy to destroy Italy for me greater Hungary was capitulated I guess our puppet of Romania now integrate war economies our relentless assault is quite relentless still they do have good terrain here we are technically victorious because all our targets have been capitulated Italy is not one of our targets but let's finish this transferring to Palermo is quite problematic so I'd like to avoid that but it doesn't seem to be possible although there is 99% no I don't think there are any more victory points on this side of the street Romania accepts integration now what kind of puppet are you just pop it we need you to get to Messina quickly and before they can get a defense they're going okay everyone kept a chelate perfect I'm gonna pass a little bit and Italy equal States hungry take all states and France cannot afford to take all states I can thank you very much Senegal joined the United Kingdom here we go we are done we have succeeded Germany has gone democratic and eliminated both fascism and communism from the world well except for Central and South America well that's simply too much work isn't it but have a look we have 800 factories we could have more I could have annexed a lot of territory from Spain and Russia but this works as well they are my subjects right now let's see this is our alliance all of this the Allies do hold quite a lot we could crush them but it would not be a quick fight check on the ideologies Spain is our puppet and democratic Russia is our puppet and democratic France and Italy have been annexed Japan has been puppeted by the United States and is also democratic and communist China does not exist anymore so that's it for today I'm thank you for watching I hope you enjoyed it and I will see you again soon goodbye
Channel: Taureor
Views: 446,819
Rating: 4.8987703 out of 5
Keywords: hoi4 germany, hoi4 annex france, hoi4, hoi4 ironman gameplay, iron, hoi4 meme, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 gameplay, hearts of iron 4 fail, taureor, hoi4 germany world conquest, hearts of iron 4 challenge, hearts of iron 4 ironman germany, world conquest, hoi4 gameplay, hoi4 continent, hoi4 democratic germany, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 democratic world, hoi4 annex ussr, hoi4 good germany
Id: uHcAJ3Schh4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 38sec (2678 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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